`United States Patent
`(10) Number:
`US 6,482,199 C1
`(45) Certificate Issued:
`Oct. 26, 2010
`References Cited
`4,907,586 A
`3/1990 Bille et a1.
`Joseph Neev, Lake Forest, CA (US)
`(73) Assignee: Y—Beam Technologies, Inc., Lake
`Forest, CA (US)
`Reexamination Request:
`No. 90/009,625, Oct. 28, 2009
`Reexamination Certificate for:
`Patent No.:
`Nov. 19, 2002
`Appl. No.:
`Aug. 2, 2000
`Related US. Application Data
`(63) Continuation of application No. 09/054,843, filed on Apr. 3,
`1998, HOW Pat. No. 6,156,030.
`Provisional application No. 60/050,416, filed on Jun. 4,
`Int. Cl.
`A613 18/18
`................................. 606/10; 606/13; 606/2
`(52) US. Cl.
`(58) Field of Classification Search ........................ None
`See application file for complete search history.
`Steven L. Jacques, “Laser Tissue InteractionsiPhotochemi-
`cal, Photothermal, Photomechanical,” Lasers in General
`Surgery, Jun. 1992, p. 531, vol. 72, No. 3, General Biology
`Research Laboratory, Houston, TX.
`Mark H. Niemz et al., “PlasmaiMediated Ablation of Cor-
`neal Tissue at 1053 nm Using an NszLF Oscillator/Regen-
`erative Amplifier Laser,” Lasers in Surgery and Medicine,
`1991, p. 426, vol. 11, WileyiLiss, Inc., USA.
`Tibor Juhasz et al., “Time Resolved Observations of Shock
`Waves and Cavitation Bubbles Generated by Femtosecond
`Laser Pulses in Cornea Tissue and Water,” Lasers in Surgery
`and Medicine, 1996, p. 23, vol. 19, WileyiLiss, Inc., USA.
`Primary ExamineriBeverly M Flanagan
`A method and apparatus is disclosed for fast precise material
`processing and modification which minimizes collateral
`damage. Utilizing optimized, pulsed electromagnetic energy
`parameters leads to an interaction regime which minimizes
`residual energy deposition. Advantageously, removal of
`cumulative pulse train residual energy is further maximized
`through the rapid progression of the ablation front which
`move faster than the thermal energy diffusion front, thus
`ensuring substantial removal of residual energy to further
`minimize collateral thermal damage.
`IIIumm-mununmmnmm nmmmumnmmmmmmummmumI-mlmm Illllll'lllIIIIIIIIIHIIIMIIIIIII.thl
`umumnmmmmuImum- um-IuumIm-mun-mumm-mum-mum"
`Depth (um) —-—-—>
`Alcon Research, Ltd.
`Exhibit 1010 - Page 1
`Alcon Research, Ltd.
`Exhibit 1010 - Page 1
`US 6,482,199 C1
`Matter enclosed in heavy brackets [ ] appeared in the
`patent, but has been deleted and is no longer a part of the
`patent; matter printed in italics indicates additions made
`to the patent.
`Claims 1-4 are determined to be patentable as amended.
`New claims 17-86 are added and determined to be patent-
`Claims 5-16 were not reexamined.
`1. A method for a controlled, variable rate material modi-
`fication by a pulsed electromagnetic radiation beam irradi-
`ated on a target region ofa target material, [the interaction]
`interactions between the pulsed electromagnetic radiation
`beam and the material providing a modification threshold
`volumetric power density, the method comprising:
`a) providing a source capable of generating an output
`beam comprised of a sequence of electromagnetic
`pulses, each [electronic] electromagnetic pulse having
`a pulse duration in [the] a range of approximately 1
`femtosecond to approximately 100 millisecond;
`b) preparing the target region of the target material by
`spatially or temporally varying at least one of an
`absorption characteristic of the material or a scatter—
`ing characteristic ofthe material at the target region;
`[b] c) operating the [pulse] source and manipulating [the]
`beam parameters so that [the] a deposited volumetric
`power density of the beam within [the targeted] a vol-
`ume of the target region is greater than the threshold
`volumetric power density [for material modification],
`[so that] wherein control of the deposited volumetric
`power density is achieved by varying [either one or
`more] at least one of the following beam parameters:
`[the] a beam spot size at the [targeted location] target
`region, [the] a duration of the electromagnetic
`[pulsed emissions] pulses, [the] an energy of the
`electromagnetic [pulsed emissions] pulses, [the] or a
`wavelength of the electromagnetic [pulsed
`emissions, or by spatially and temporally varying the
`absorption and/or scattering characteristics of the
`material at the targeted region] pulses;
`[c] d) allowing interaction energy transients caused by the
`electromagnetic [radiation pulse] pulses to substan-
`tially decay so that material modification is effected
`permitting the controlled, variable rate material
`modification, the material modification [include one or
`more] including at least one of the following [alter-
`ations] material modifications:
`chemical changes of the material, physical changes of
`the material, changes to viscoelastic properties ofthe
`material, changes to optical properties of the
`material, thermal properties of the material, chemi-
`cal and physical breakdown of the material, disinte-
`gration of the material, ablation of the material,
`melting ofthe material, and vaporization ofthe mate—
`[d] e) operating the [pulse] source at a pulse repetition rate
`greater than 0.1 pulses per second until a [desired] tar—
`get volume of the material in the target region has been
`2. The method of claim 1, wherein the target material is
`substantially transparent to linear beam propagation and
`threshold volumetric power density is achieved at a desired
`target location below [the] a surface ofthe material [surface]
`and within a volume ofthe material [volume].
`3. The method of claim 2, wherein preparing the target
`region of the target material comprises adding scattering
`and/or absorption centers, defects, or highly absorbing
`components[, are added to the target material] with spatial
`and/or temporal selectivity to specific, predetermined loca-
`tions within the target material.
`4. The method of claim 3, wherein the [pulsed] beam
`exhibits a material modification rate in the range of from
`approximately 0.013 cubic micrometers per pulse to
`approximately 100,0003 cubic micrometers per pulse, the
`modification rate being substantially constant depending
`substantially on the volumetric power density threshold
`[characteristics] of the material and on the [target-beam]
`beam characteristics.
`1 7. The method ofclaim I,further comprising:
`determining at least one material characteristic of the
`material to be modified; and
`manipulating the beam parameters such that a ratio ofa
`quantity of the material temporarily modified to a
`quantity of the material permanently modified is
`18. The method ofclaim I 7, wherein the at least one mate—
`rial characteristic comprises at least one of a thermal con—
`ductivity ofthe material, an eflective electromagnetic energy
`penetration depth of the material, a material energy gap
`between a valence band and a conduction band, a density of
`the material, or a strength ofthe material.
`19. The method ofclaim I,further comprising:
`determining at least one material characteristic of the
`material to be modified; and
`manipulating a pulse repetition rate ofthe beam such that
`a ratio ofa quantity ofthe material temporarily modi—
`fied to a quantity ofthe material permanently modified
`is increased.
`20. The method ofclaim I, wherein material modification
`comprises ablation ofthe material, the methodfurther com—
`determining at least one material characteristic of the
`material; and
`manipulating parameters of the electromagnetic beam
`such that a depth ofthe material removed during abla—
`tion is approximately equal to an electromagnetic
`energy deposition depth ofthe beam into the material.
`2]. The method ofclaim I,further comprising:
`manipulating parameters of the electromagnetic beam
`such that applying the electromagnetic beam to the
`material creates a plasma.
`22. The method ofclaim 2], wherein the material modifi—
`cation comprises ablation of the material, and wherein the
`plasma is generated by either multiphoton ionization of the
`material or thermal ionization of the material, and the
`plasma aflects an electromagnetic deposition depth of the
`beam into the material such that an electromagnetic energy
`deposition depth is approximately equal to a depth of the
`material being removed by the ablation ofthe material.
`Alcon Research, Ltd.
`Exhibit 1010 - Page 2
`Alcon Research, Ltd.
`Exhibit 1010 - Page 2
`US 6,482,199 C1
`23. The method ofclaim I, wherein the beam parameters
`are manipulated such that a substantial portion of electro—
`magnetic energy deposited in the material by the beam is
`removed from the material as portions of the material are
`ejected by the beam.
`24. The method ofclaim I, wherein the pulse repetition
`rate is between about 0.] pulses per second and about 500,
`000 pulses per second such that a substantial portion of
`electromagnetic energy deposited in the material by the
`beam is removedfrom the material as portions of the mate—
`rial are removed by the beam.
`25. The method of claim I, wherein the target region is
`below a surface ofthe material, the methodfurther compris—
`focusing the beam at the target region;
`manipulating the beam parameters such that aplasma is
`formed only at the target region; and
`modifying the material at the target region to form cavi—
`ties in the material.
`26. The method of claim I, wherein spatially or tempo—
`rally varying at least one ofan absorption characteristic or
`a scattering characteristic ofthe target material at the target
`region comprises:
`doping the material at the target region with a spatially or
`temporally controlled doping agent, the doping agent
`allowingfor material modiflcation at the doped target
`region and substantially no modiflcation at locations
`adjacent to the doped target region.
`27. The method ofclaim I,further comprising:
`deflecting sequential portions ofthe beam; and
`redirecting the deflected portions of the beam to separate
`locations on the material.
`28. The method ofclaim 27, wherein the beam is deflected
`using a switching device, and the switching device comprises
`at least one ofa rapidly rotating mirror, a Kerr cell, a Pock—
`els cell, an acousto-optic modulator, or an electro-optic
`29. The method ofclaim I, wherein the material modi ca—
`tion comprises ablation ofthe material and the material is
`removed at a rate of less than about 1 micron ofmaterial
`removed per pulse, and wherein the pulse repetition rate is
`above about I 000 pulses per second.
`30. The method ofclaim I, wherein the material modi ca—
`tion comprises material removal at a rate ofgreater than
`about 1 micron of material removed per pulse, and wherein
`the pulse repetition rate is above about 10,000 pulses per
`3]. The method ofclaim I wherein pulse repeition rate is
`about I 000-] 0, 000 pulses per second, and wherein manipu—
`lating the beam parameters comprises manipulating the
`beam parameters such that a penetration depth of the elec—
`tromagnetic energy corresponds approximately to a depth of
`material removed by each pulse.
`32. The method ofclaim I, further comprising adding a
`doping agent to the target region.
`33. The method ofclaim I wherein the pulse repetition
`rate is from about 10,000 pulses per second to about 100,
`000 pulses per second, and a residual thermal energy from
`each pulse is below the modification threshold volumetric
`power density.
`34. The method ofclaim I wherein:
`modification of the material comprises ablation of the
`the pulse repetition rate is from about 10, 000 pulses per
`second to about 100, 000 pulses per second; and
`an electromagnetic deposition depth of the beam into the
`material is approximately equal to a depth ofthe mate—
`rial being removed by the ablation ofthe material.
`35. The method of claim I, wherein the control of the
`deposited volumetric power density is achieved by varying a
`targeted volume spot size at the target region, and the tar—
`geted volume spot size at the target region is varied by add—
`ing an energy-absorption enhancing substance to the target
`material at the target region.
`36. The method ofclaim 35, wherein the targeted volume
`spot size at the target region is reduced such that the depos—
`ited volumetric power density ofthe beam within the volume
`ofthe targeted region is sufiicient to permit the modification
`ofabout 100 nm ofthe target material at the target region.
`37. The method of claim 35, wherein the energy-
`absorption enhancing substance creates multiphoton ioniza—
`tion or thermal ionization in the target material at the target
`38. The method of claim I, wherein spatially or tempo—
`rally varying at least one of an absorption characteristic of
`the material or a scattering characteristic ofthe material at
`the target region comprises adding an energy-absorption
`enhancing substance to the target material at the target
`39. The method of claim 38, wherein the energy-
`absorption enhancing substance is added to the target mate—
`rial at the target region synchronously with the irradiation of
`the target region by the pulsed beam.
`40. The method ofclaim I,further comprising:
`temporally compressing the electromagnetic pulses as the
`electromagnetic pulses propagate towards the target
`4]. The method of claim 40, wherein temporally com—
`pressing the electromagnetic pulses comprises manipulating
`spectral or frequency components of the electromagnetic
`42. The method ofclaim 40, wherein the beam exhibits a
`material modiflcation rate in the range offrom approxi—
`mately 0.013 cubic micrometers per pulse to approximately
`1 00,0003 cubic micrometers per pulse.
`43. The method of claim 40, wherein compressing the
`electromagnetic pulses allows an above-threshold volumet—
`ric power density to be created in the target region.
`44. The method ofclaim I,further comprising moving the
`target region three-dimensionally within the target material.
`45. The method ofclaim 44, wherein moving the target
`region includes at least one ofmoving thepulsed beam, mov—
`ing the target material or moving the pulsed beam and the
`target material.
`46. The method ofclaim 44, further comprising:
`monitoring at least one ofthe material modification and
`the movement of the target volume of the target region
`using a feedback device.
`47. The method ofclaim 46, wherein thefeedback device
`comprises at least one of an optical coherence tomography
`(OCT) device, an imaging device, a fluorescence emission
`device, a luminescence emission device, or a spectroscopy
`48. The method ofclaim 46, further comprising automati—
`cally controlling the material modification on the basis of
`the monitoring.
`49. The method ofclaim 46, further comprising:
`dflerentiating between di'ferent tissue types at the target
`region using thefeedback device; and
`selectively modifying the target material at the target
`region based on the di'ferentiating, the selective modi—
`fixing creating a texturization ofthe target material at
`the target region.
`Alcon Research, Ltd.
`Exhibit 1010 - Page 3
`Alcon Research, Ltd.
`Exhibit 1010 - Page 3
`US 6,482,199 C1
`50. The method ofclaim I,further comprising:
`monitoring material modification; and
`automatically controlling the material modification based
`on the monitoring.
`5]. The method ofclaim I, wherein:
`operating the source comprises varying the pulse repeti—
`tion rate to control the volume ofmaterial in the target
`region that is modified; and
`the pulse repetition rate is between about 30,000 pulses
`per second and I 00, 000 pulses per second.
`52. The method ofclaim 5], wherein the volume ofmate—
`rial modified is about I ,um to about 100 nm.
`53. The method ofclaim I,further comprising:
`creating an external opening in the target material at the
`target region for accessing debris from the material
`modification, and for venting gas generated by the
`material modification.
`54. The method ofclaim 53, wherein the external opening
`is created using the pulsed electromagnetic radiation beam.
`55. The method ofclaim I, wherein operating the source
`further comprises operating the source such that a first por—
`tion of the deposited volumetric power density of the beam
`within the volume ofthe targeted region is greater than the
`threshold volumetric power density, and a second portion of
`the deposited volumetric power density of the beam within
`the volume ofthe targeted region is below the threshold volu—
`metric power density.
`56. The method ofclaim 55, wherein a cross-section ofthe
`volume of the modified material is between about 100 nm
`and I ,um.
`57. The method ofclaim I, wherein preparing the target
`region ofthe target material by spatially or temporally vary—
`ing at least one ofan absorption characteristic ofthe mate—
`rial or a scattering characteristic ofthe material at the tar—
`get region comprises creating compression zones with the
`target region.
`58. The method ofclaim I, wherein preparing the target
`region ofthe target material by spatially or temporally vary—
`ing at least one ofan absorption characteristic ofthe mate—
`rial or a scattering characteristic ofthe material at the tar—
`get region comprises changing a density of the target
`material at the target region.
`59. The method ofclaim I, wherein preparing the target
`region ofthe target material by spatially or temporally vary—
`ing at least one ofan absorption characteristic ofthe mate—
`rial or a scattering characteristic ofthe material at the tar—
`get region comprises temporally and spatially preparing the
`target volume in the target region.
`60. The method ofclaim I, wherein preparing the target
`region ofthe target material by spatially or temporally vary—
`ing at least one ofan absorption characteristic ofthe mate—
`rial or a scattering characteristic ofthe material at the tar—
`get region comprises enhancing the scattering or absorption
`characteristics ofthe material at the target region.
`6]. The method of claim I, wherein the pulsed electro—
`magnetic beam comprises aplurality ofbeamletsfocused on
`the target region.
`62. The method ofclaim 6] wherein:
`the target region is on or below a surface of the target
`material; and
`spatially or temporally varying the absorption or scatter—
`ing characteristics ofthe target material reduces dam—
`age to the target material surrounding the target region.
`63. The method ofclaim 6] wherein:
`the target region is on or below a surface of the target
`spatially or temporally varying the absorption or scatter—
`ing characteristics of the target material removes heat
`from the target region.
`64. The method ofclaim 6], wherein the beamlets have a
`diameter ofabout 100 ,um or less and a separation between
`adjacent beamlets is about 100 ,um.
`65. The method of claim 64, wherein the beamlets are
`scanned across the target region in a pattern that enhances
`heat removal.
`66. The method ofclaim 65, wherein the beamlets have a
`peakpower per unit area greater than or equal to about 104
`67. The method ofclaim 6] wherein the beamletsform a
`spiraling pattern across the target region.
`68. The method ofclaim 6], wherein the material modifi—
`cation eflected does not include ablation or material
`69. The method ofclaim 6], wherein the beamletsform a
`sequence of rows in the target region such that the target
`material is modified only on the rows.
`70. The method of claim 69, wherein rows are separated
`by about 100 ,um or less.
`7]. The method ofclaim 6], wherein the beamlets create
`spots at the target region, wherein a thermal energy depos—
`ited at the spots dissipates faster than a thermal energy
`deposited by the electromagnetic beam at an equivalent con—
`tinuous area ofthe target region.
`72. The method of claim I, wherein manipulating the
`beam parameters comprises manipulating the beam to form
`spots at the target region, the spots having a predetermined
`separation therebetween, and wherein the target material is
`only modified where the spots areformed.
`73. The method of claim 72, wherein the spots have a
`diameter ofabout 100 ,um or less.
`74. The method of claim I, wherein manipulating the
`beam parameters comprises manipulating the beam to form
`a pattern of lines at the target region, the lines having a
`predetermined separation therebetween, and wherein the
`target material is only modified where the lines areformed.
`75. The method of claim 74, wherein the lines have a
`width ofabout 100 mm or less.
`76. The method of claim I, wherein manipulating the
`beam parameters comprises modifi/ing the wavelength ofthe
`77. The method ofclaim I,further comprising:
`delivering the electromagnetic beam to the target region
`through one or more optical elements, through an opti—
`cal fiber,
`through a hollow waveguide,
`through an
`articulated arm, or through a combination thereof
`78. The method ofclaim 77, wherein delivering the elec—
`tromagnetic beam further comprises delivering the electro—
`magnetic beam through deliveryfibers at a distal end ofthe
`one or more optical elements, the optical fiber, the hollow
`the articulated arm, or the combination of
`79. A method for a controlled, variable rate material
`modification by a pulsed electromagnetic radiation beam
`irradiated on a target region of a target material,
`tions between the pulse electromagnetic radiation beam and
`the material providing a modification threshold volumetric
`power density, the method comprising:
`providing a source capable ofgenerating an output beam
`comprised of a sequence of electromagnetic pulses,
`each electromagnetic pulse having a pulse duration in
`a range of approximately I femtosecond to approxi—
`mately 100 millisecond;
`operating the source and manipulating beam parameters
`so that a deposited volumetric power density of the
`Alcon Research, Ltd.
`Exhibit 1010 - Page 4
`Alcon Research, Ltd.
`Exhibit 1010 - Page 4
`US 6,482,199 C1
`beam within a volume of the target region is greater
`than the threshold volumetric power density, wherein
`control of the deposited volumetric power density is
`achieved by varying at least one ofthefollowing beam
`a beam spot size at the target region, a duration of the
`electromagnetic pulses, an energy ofthe electromag—
`netic pulses, or a wavelength of the electromagnetic
`pulses, or by spatially or temporally varying at least
`one of an absorption characteristic of the target
`material at the target region or a scattering charac—
`teristic ofthe target material at the target region;
`compressing the electromagnetic pulses temporally as
`they propagate towards the target;
`allowing interaction energy transients caused by the elec—
`tromagnetic pulses to substantially decay so that mate—
`rial modification is ejected permitting the controlled,
`variable rate material modification, the material modi—
`fication including at least one ofthefollowing material
`chemical changes ofthe material, physical changes of
`the material, changes to viscoelastic properties of
`the material, changes to optical properties of the
`material, thermal properties of the material, chemi—
`cal andphysical breakdown ofthe material, disinte—
`gration of the material, ablation of the material,
`melting of the material, and vaporization of the
`operating the source at a pulse repetition rate greater
`than 0.] pulses per second until a target volume ofthe
`target material in the target region has been modified.
`80. A method for a controlled, variable rate material
`modification by a pulsed electromagnetic radiation beam
`irradiated on a target region of a target material,
`tions between the pulsed electromagnetic radiation beam
`and the material providing a modification threshold volu—
`metric power density, the method comprising:
`providing a source capable ofgenerating an output beam
`comprised of a sequence of electromagnetic pulses,
`each electromagnetic pulse having a pulse duration in
`a range of approximately I femtosecond to approxi—
`mately 100 millisecond;
`determining at least one characteristic ofthe target mate—
`operating the source and manipulating beam parameters
`based on the determined characteristic of the target
`material such that a plasma is created at the target
`region, the created plasma providing shielding to the
`target region so that the material is not modified out—
`side a volume of the target region, and such that a
`deposited volumetric power density of the beam within
`a volume ofthe target region is greater than the thresh—
`old volumetric power density, wherein control of the
`deposited volumetric power density is achieved by
`varying at least one ofthefollowing beam parameters:
`a beam spot size at the target region, a duration of the
`electromagnetic pulses, an energy ofthe electromag—
`netic pulses, or a wavelength of the electromagnetic
`pulses, or by spatially or temporally varying at least
`one of an absorprtion characteristic of the target
`material at the target region or a scattering charac—
`teristic ofthe target material at the target region;
`allowing interaction energy transients caused by the elec—
`tromagnetic pulses to substantially decay so that mate—
`rial modification is ejected permitting the controlled,
`variable rate material modification, the material modi—
`fication including at least one ofthefollowing material
`chemical changes ofthe material, physical changes of
`the material, changes to viscoelastic properties of
`the material, changes to optical properties of the
`material, thermal properties ofthe material, chemi—
`cal andphysical breakdown ofthe material, disinte—
`gration of the material, ablation of the material,
`melting of the material, and vaporization of the
`operating the source at a pulse repetition rate greater
`than 0.] pulses per second until a target volume of the
`target material in the target region has been modified.
`8]. A method for a controlled, variable rate material
`modification by a pulsed electromagnetic radiation beam
`irradiated on a target region of a target material,
`tions between the pulsed electromagnetic radiation beam
`and the material providing a modification threshold volu—
`metric power density, the method comprising:
`providing a source capable ofgenerating an output beam
`comprised of a sequence of electromagnetic pulses,
`each electromagnetic pulse having a pulse duration in
`a range of approximately I femtosecond to approxi—
`mately 100 millisecond;
`operating the source and manipulating beam parameters
`so that a deposited volumetric power density of the
`beam within a volume of the target region is greater
`than the threshold volumetric power density, wherein
`control of the deposited volumetric power density is
`achieved by varying at least one ofthefollowing beam
`a beam spot size at the target region, a duration of the
`electromagnetic pulses, an energy ofthe electromag—
`netic pulses, or a wavelength of the electromagnetic
`pulses, or by spatially or temporally varying at least
`one of an absorption characteristic of the target
`material at the target region or a scattering charac—
`teristic ofthe target material at the target region;
`allowing interaction energy transients caused by the elec—
`tromagnetic pulses to substantially decay so that mate—
`rial modification is mfected permitting the controlled,
`variable rate material modification, the material modi—
`fication including at least one ofthefollowing material
`chemical changes ofthe material, physical changes of
`the material, changes to viscoelastic properties of
`the material, changes to optical properties of the
`material, thermal properties ofthe material, chemi—
`cal andphysical breakdown ofthe material, disinte—
`gration of the material, ablation of the material,
`melting of the material, and vaporization of the
`operating the source at a pulse repetition rate between
`about 30 kHz and 100 kHz until a target volume of the
`target material in the target region has been modified.
`82. A method for a controlled, variable rate material
`modification by a pulsed electromagnetic radiation beam
`irradiated on a target region of a target material,
`tions between the pulsed electromagnetic radiation beam
`and the material providing a modification threshold volu—
`metric power density, the method comprising:
`providing a source capable ofgenerating an output beam
`comprised of a sequence of electromagnetic pulses,
`each electromagnetic pulse having a pulse duration in
`a range of approximately I femtosecond to approxi—
`mately 100 millisecond;
`Alcon Research, Ltd.
`Exhibit 1010 - Page 5
`Alcon Research, Ltd.
`Exhibit 1010 - Page 5
`US 6,482,199 C1
`operating the source and manipulating beam parameters
`so that a deposited volumetric power density of the
`beam within a volume of the target region is greater
`than the threshold volumetric power density, wherein
`control of the deposited volumetric power density is
`achieved by varying at least one ofthefollowing beam
`a beam spot size at the target region, a duration of the
`electromagnetic pulses, an energy ofthe electromag—
`netic pulses, or a wavelength of the electromagnetic
`pulses, or by spatially or temporally varying at least
`one of an absorption characteristic of the target
`material at the target region or a scattering charac—
`teristic ofthe target material at the target region;
`creating a plurality of beamlets from each of the electro—
`magnetic pulses at the target region, the plurality of 15
`beamlets forming a pattern at the target region,
`pattern ofbeamlets having a predetermined space ther—
`ebetween; and
`allowing interaction energy transients caused by the
`beamlets to substantially decay so that material modifi—
`cation is efl’ected permitting the controlled, variable
`rate material modification,
`the material modification
`including at least one ofthefollowing material modifi—
`chemical changes ofthe material, physical changes of
`the material, changes to viscoelastic properties of
`the material, changes to optical properties of the
`material, thermal properties of the material, chemi—
`cal andphysical breakdown ofthe material, disinte—
`gration of the material, ablation of the material,
`melting of the material, and vaporization of the
`operating the source at a pulse repetition rate greater
`than 0.] pulses per second until a target volume ofthe
`target material in the target region has been modified.
`83. A method for a controlled, variable rate material
`modification by a pulsed electromagnetic radiation beam
`irradiated on a target region of a target material,
`tions between the pulsed electromagnetic radiation beam
`and the material providing a modification threshold volu—
`metric power density, the method comprising:
`providing a source capable ofgenerating an output beam
`comprised of a sequence of electromagnetic pulses,
`each electromagnetic pulse having a pulse duration in
`a range of approximately I femtosecond to approxi—
`mately 100 millisecond;
`operating the source and manipulating beam parameters
`so that a deposited volumetric power density of the
`beam within a volume of the target region is greater
`than the threshold volumetric power density, wherein
`control of the deposited volumetric power density is
`achieved by varying at least one ofthefollowing beam
`a beam spot size at the target region, a duration of the
`electromagnetic pulses, an energy ofthe electromag—
`netic pulses, or a wavelength of the electromagnetic
`pulses, or by spatially or temporally varying at least
`one of an absorption characteristic of the target
`material at the target region or a scattering charac—
`teristic ofthe target material at the target region;
`allowing interaction energy transients caused by the elec—
`tromagnetic pulses to substantially decay so that mate—
`rial modification is ejected permitting the controlled,
`variable rate material modification, the material modi—
`fication including at least one ofthefollowing material
`chemical changes ofthe material, physical changes of
`the material, changes to viscoelastic properties of
`the material, changes to optical properties of the
`material, thermal properties ofthe material, chemi—
`cal andphysical breakdown ofth