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`Civil Action No.: 6:12-CV-611
`Exhibit B
`Greene’s Energy Group, LLC v. Oil States Energy Services, LLC, IPR2014-00216, Ex. 2016


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` S
`unaéridged _


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`Case 6:12-cv-00611-LED Document 56-2 Filed 03/24/14 Page 4 of 6 PageID #: 703
`Case 6:12-cv-00611—LED
`local color
`Document 56-2 Filed 03/24/14 Page 4 of 6 PageID #: 703
`lock nut
`a number of microcomputers, terminals, work stations,
`etc. with each other or with a mainframe computer in
`-order to share data, printers,
`information, programs,
`disks, etc.; usually confined to one office or building. Cf.
`network (def. 6). Also, LAN.
`lo/cal collor,
`1. distinctive, sometimes picturesque
`characteristics Or peculiarities of a place or period as
`represented in literature or drama, or as observed in re-
`ality. 2. Fine Arts. the natural color of a particular ob-
`ject as it appears in normal light.
`(lo/kel ken/tent), adj. of or pertain—
`ing to the number or percentage of the components of a
`product, as an automobile, that are manufactured in a
`specific country: Local-content laws say 90 percent of the
`components of the car must be made in the U.S. or im—
`port restrictions will apply.
`IOvcale (lo kal’, -kiil/), n. 1. a place or locality, esp.
`with reference to events or circumstances connected with
`it: to move to a warmer locale. 2. the scene or setting, as
`of a novel, play, or motion picture: The locale is a small
`Kansas town just before World War I.
`[1765—75; altar. of
`earlier local < F: n. use of the adj. See LOCAL]
`—Syn. 1. location, site, spot.
`lo/cal government,
`the administration of the
`civic affairs of a city, town, or district by its inhabitants
`rather than by the state or country at large. 2. the gov-
`erning body of a town or district.
`Lo/cal Groupl. Astron.
`oup of galaxies, at least
`25 of which are known, that includes the Milky Way.
`1. a word, phrase, pro-
`Io-cal-ism (lo/ks liz/am), n.
`nunciation, or manner of speaking that is eculiar to one
`locality. 2. a local custom. 3. excessive evotion to and
`promotion of the interests of a particular locality; sec-
`tionalism. 4. attachment to a particular locality.
`25; LOCAL + —lsm] —-lo’cal-lst. n. —lo/caI-thlc. adj.
`lo-cal-ite (lo/ks lit’), n. one who lives in a particular
`[1950—55; LOCAL + ~1TE‘]
`Io-cal-i-ty (15 kal’i té), n., pl. -tles. 1. a place, spot, or
`district, with or without reference to things or persons in
`it or to occurrences there: They moved to another local—
`ity. 2. the state or fact of being local or having a loca-
`the locality that every material object must have.
`(1620—30; < LL localitfis. See LOCAL, -rn(]
`Io-caloizo (lo/kc liz/), u., 429d. -Iz-Ing. —v.t. 1.
`make local; fix in, or assign or restrict to, a particular
`place, locality, etc. —v.i. 2. to gather, collect, or concen-
`trate in one locality. Also, esp. Brit, lo/cal-lsol.
`95; LOCAL + -lZE] —lo’caI-lz/a-blo. adj. —Io/cal-l-
`za/tlon, n. —Io’cal-lz/er. n..
`lo-cal-ly (loika lé), adv. 1. in a particular place, area,
`location, etc. 2. with regard to place. 3. in a local area;
`nearby: Not much interest is taken in the chess tourna-
`meVJtt locally.
`[1400—50; late ME localliche. See LOCAL,
`Io/cally com/pact spacel, Math.
`a topological
`space in which each point has a neighborhood that is
`a topological
`lo’cally Euclid/can spacel, Math.
`space in which each point has a neighborhood that is
`homeomorphic to an open set in a Euclidean space of
`specified dimension.
`Io/cally fi/nito set’, Math. a collection of sets in a
`topological space in which each point of the space has a
`neighborhood that intersects a finite number of sets of
`the collection.
`lo/cal max/imum, Math. maximum (def. 4a).
`lo/cal mln/lmum, Math. minimum (def. 5a).
`lo/cal op/tion, a right of choice exercised by a minor
`political division, as a county, esp. as to allowing the sale
`lo/ cal preach/er, 1. (in early Methodism) a layper—
`son appointed to supervise the congregation and conduct
`services between visits of a circuit rider.
`(in the
`southern U.S.) a lay preacher.
`lo/cal stampl. stamp (def. 22).
`lo,cal stand/ard of rest/. a frame of reference for
`a portion of the universe in which the mean motion of
`nearby stars is zero.
`lo/ cal time/,
`the time based on the meridian through
`a specific place, as a cit
`, in contrast to that of the time
`zone within which the p ace is located; the time in a spe-
`cific place as compared to that of another place to the
`east or west.
`IO’cal wind/
`(wind), one of a'number of winds that
`are influenced predominantly by the topographic fea-
`tures of a relatively small region.
`Lo-car-no (It. 16 kanlné), n. a town in S Switzerland,
`on Lake Maggiore: Locarno Pact 1925. 15,300.
`Io-cate (lo/kit, lo kat’), v., -cat-ed, -cat-|ng. ——u.t. 1.
`to identify or discover the place or location of: to locate
`the bullet wound. 2. to set, fix, or establish in a posi-
`tion, situation, or locality; place; settle: to locate our Eu.-
`ropean office in Paris. 3. to assign or ascribe a particu-
`lar location to (something), as by knowledge or opinion:
`Some scholars locate the Garden of Eden in Babylonia.
`4. to survey and enter a claim to a tract of land; take
`possession of land. —v.i. 5. to establish one’s business
`or residence in a place; settle.
`[1645—55, Amen; < L
`locatus, ptp. of locare to put in a given position, place;
`see Locus, -ATE‘] ——-Io-cat/a-ble. adj. —lo’cat-er, n.
`lo-ca-tion (16 ka/shan), n. 1. a place of settlement, ac—
`tivity, or residence: This town is a good location for a
`young doctor. 2. a place or situation occupied: a house
`in a fine location. 3. a tract of land of designated situa-
`tion or limits: a mining location. 4. Motion Pictures. a
`place outside of the studio that is used for filming a
`movie, scene, etc. 5. Computers. any position on a regis-
`ter or memory device capable of storing one machine
`word. 6. the act of locating; state of being located. 7.
`Civil Law. a letting or renting. 8. on location, Motion
`Pictures. engaged in filmin at a place away from the
`studio, esp. one that is or is like the setting of the screen-
`play: on location in Rome.
`(1585-95; < L location— (5. of
`ocatio) a placing. See LOCATE, JON] —lo-ca/tlon-al,
`adj. —lo-ca/tlon-aI-Iy, adv.
`Ioc-a-tlvo (lok/a tiv), Gram. —adj. 1. (in certain in—
`flected languages) noting a case whose distinctive func—
`tion is to indicate place in or at which, as Latin domi “at
`home." —n. 2. the locative case. 3. a word in that
`[1795—1805; LOCATE + -IVE, on the model of once--
`Io-ca-tor (16’k5 ter, 16 k'a’tsr), n. a person who deter—
`mines or establishes the boundaries of’land or a mining
`[1600—10; < L locator a contractor, lessor, equiv.
`to loc&(re) (see LOCATE) + -tor -TOR]
`I00. cit. (lok, siV),
`in the place cited. [< L loco citfité]
`loch (lok, loKH), n. Scot. 1. a lake. 2. a partially land-
`locked or protected ba ; a narrow arm of the sea.
`1400; ME (Scots) louc , locht < ScotGael loch, OIr loch
`lake, c. L locus, 0E lagu; see LAKE‘, LOUGH]
`Loch-a/bor ax/ (lo Kali/ban; Eng. lo ka’ber), a Scot—
`tish battle-ax of the 16th century, havin a tall, cleaver-
`like blade with a hook at its upper end. 5610—20; named
`after Lochaber, Scotland]
`loche (lfich), n.
`the North American burbot.
`< CanF, F: loach]
`Loch-earn (lok’arn),
`a city in N Maryland, near
`Baltimore. 26,908.
`the liq-
`lo-chl-a (IO/k5 a, lok’é a), n., pl. -chl-a. Med.
`uid dischar e from the uterus after childbirth.
`< NL < G , 11. use of neut. pl. of léchios of childbirth,
`to léch(os) childbirth (akin to léchesthai
`to lie
`down; see LIE‘) + —ios adj. suffix] —Io’chI-al, adj.
`Lochoin-var (lok/in vfir’, loKn/—), n. 1. the hero of a
`ballad included in the narrative poem Marmion (1808)
`by Sir Walter Scott. 2. a romantic suitor.
`Loch Ness (lok/ nes’, loxnl), a lake in NW Scotland,
`near Inverness. 23 mi. (37 km) long.
`a lar e aquatic animal
`Loch/ Ness/ monlster.
`resembling a serpent or a plesiosaurli e reptile, reported
`to have been seen in the waters of Loch Ness, Scotland,
`but not proved to exist.
`Loch/ Ra/ven (lok), a town in central Maryland, near
`Baltimore. 25,000.
`(in ancient
`(lok/es), n., pl.
`(1825—35; < Gk léchos
`Greece) a subdivision of an army.
`lit., ambush, place for lying in wait, hence, men forming
`an ambush; cf. LOCI-11A]
`(lo/si, -ké, —ki), n. pl. of locus.
`lock‘ (lok), n. 1. a device for securing a door, gate, lid,
`osition when closed, consisting of
`drawer, or the like in
`a bolt or system of be ts propelled and withdrawn by a
`mechanism operated by a ey, dial, etc. 2. a contrivance
`for fastening or securing something. 3. (in a firearm) a.
`the mechanism that explodes the charge; gunlock. b.
`safety (def. 4). 4. any device or part for stopping tem-
`porarily the motion of a mechanism.
`5. an enclosed
`chamber in a canal, dam, etc., with gates at each end, for
`raising or lowering vessels from one level to another by
`admitting or releasing water. 6. an air lock or decom-
`pression chamber. 7. com lete and unchallenged con-
`trol; an unbreakable hold:
`e con resswoman has a lock
`on the senatorial nomination.
`. Slang. someone or
`something certain of success; sure thing: He’s a lock to
`win the championship.
`9. Wrestling. any of various
`holds, esp. a hold secured on the arm, leg, or head: leg
`lock. 10. Harol. (in an escapement) the overlap between
`his car. 17. to make fast or immovable, as by engagin
`parts: to lock the wheels of a wagon. 18. to 'oin or unitg
`firmly by interlinking or intertwining: to lotharms 19
`to hold fast in an embrace: She was locked, in'his arms.
`20. to move (a ship) by means of a lock or locks, as in A
`canal (often fol. by through, in, out, down, or up). 21. to
`furnish with locks, as a canal. —v.i. 22.
`to become
`locked: This door locks with a key. 23. to become fag.
`tened, fixed, or interlocked: gears that lock into place
`24. to go or pass by means of a lock or locks, as a Vassel'
`25. to construct locks in waterways. 26. lock horns, to
`come into conflict; clash: to lock horns with a POliticul
`opponent. 27. lock In, a. to commit unalterably: to lock
`in the nomination of the party’s candidates. b. (of an
`investor) to be unable or unwilling to sell or shill: securi.
`ties. 28. lock off. to enclose (a waterway) with a 100k
`29. lock on, to track or follow a target or object a“:
`tomatically by radar or other electronic means.
`lock out, a. to keep out by or as if by a lock. b. to sub:
`ject (employees) to a lookout. 31.
`lock up, a.
`to im.
`prison for a crime. b. Print. to make (type) immovable in
`a chase b
`securing the uoins. c. to fasten or secure
`with a loc or locks. d. to ock the doors of a house, au-
`tomobile, etc. a. to fasten or fix firmly, as by engaging
`[bef. 900; ME; OE lac fastening, bar; c. MLG lo]:
`OHG loh, ON lok a cover, lid, Goth -luk in usluk open:
`ing; akin to OE lucan to shut] —locklless, adj.
`lock“ (lok), n.
`1. a tress, curl, or ringlet of hair.
`locks, a. the hair of the head. 1). short wool of inferior
`. a small tuft or portion of wool, cotton, flax, etc.
`guality, as that obtained in small clumps from the legs.
`900; ME locke, OE locc lock of hair, c. ON lokkr, D lok
`curl, G Locke]
`lock-a-ble (lok’a bel), adj.
`capable of being locked;
`fitted with a lock: The car has a lockable glove compart.
`[1890—95; Locx' + mam-2] —Iock/a-bil’l-ty, n,
`lock.age (lok’ij), n. 1. the construction, use, or opera-
`tion of locks, as in a canal or stream.
`2. passage
`through a lock or locks. 3. a toll paid for such passage.
`[1670—80; Locx‘ + -AGE]
`lock/ bay/, a broadened section of a canal before the
`gates of a lock.
`lock-box (lok’boks/), n. 1. a strongbox. 2. a rented
`post-office box equipped with a lock.
`3. Also called
`lockout box. Televiswn. a closed box, usually fitted with
`a lock, containing electronic equi ment to unscramble
`cable television pictures for subscri ers only: used esp. to
`prevent children from watching programs with explicit
`sexual content.
`[1870—75, Amen; Lch‘ + sox‘]
`locktdown (lok’doun/), n.
`the confining of prisoners
`to their cells, as following a. riot or other disturbance.
`[1970—75; LoCK‘ + ~—down, prob. extracted from nouns
`formed from phrasal verbs, such as CRACKDOWN, SHUT-
`DOWN, etc.)
`Locke (lok), n. 1. Al-aln LeoRoy (al/in la roil, lé/roi),
`1886-1954, U.S. educator and author. 2. Davld Ron
`("Retroleum V. Nasby”), 1833—88, U.S. humorist and
`)oumalist. 3. John. 1632—1704, English philosopher.
`Lock-e-an (lok’e an), n. 1. an adherent of the philoso-
`phy of Locke. — 2. of, pertaining to, or resembling
`the philosophy of Locke.
`[J. Locxs + —AN] —Lock/9t
`an-lsm, LockIl-an-lsm, n.
`locked/ bow/els, Chiefly South Midland and South-
`ern U.S. 1. constipation. 2. Older Use. appendicitis.
`lock-er (lok/ar), n.
`1. a chest, drawer, compartment.
`closet, or the like, that may be locked, esp. one at a
`nasiuln, school, etc. for storage and safekeeping of c oth-
`ing and valuables. ‘2. Naut. a chest or compartment m
`which to stow things. 3. a refrigerated compartment. 35
`in a looker plant, that may be rented for storing frozen
`foods. 4. a person or thing that locks.
`[1375—1425; 13"e
`ME laher. See LOCK‘, 453‘]
`(lok/ar lam/sen), n. Frederick
`(Frederick Locker), 1821—95, English poet.
`lock/er planti,
`an establishment for storing fOPd
`under refrigeration, containing lockers for renting '30 1""
`dividual users.
`lock/er I’OOH‘IC a room containing lockers, as m a
`gymnasium, factory, or school, for changing clothes.and
`for the storage and safekeeping of personal belongings-
`lock-er-room (lok/sr rmma -r6'6m/), adj. of, charm:
`teristic» of, or: suitable to conversation in a locker 1'00?
`earthy or sexually explicit: locker-room humor.
`lock-st (lok/it), n. 1. a small case for a miniature P0”
`trait, a lock of hair, or other keepsake, usually womfi
`a necklace.
`the uppermost mount of a scabb l—I
`[1325-75; ME lokat cross-bar in a framework < AF 0
`quet, dim. of loc latch < ME. See Locx‘, vm]
`(lok/hart, lok/art), n.
`John Gibson.
`1854, Scottish biographer and novelist.
`lock-in (lok/inl), n. 1. an act or instance of becomilg
`unalterable, unmovable, or rigid. 2. commitment: 122”]
`ing, or restriction. '[1965—70; n. use of v. phrase 10¢
`lock/ins pieceZ, Horol.
`(in a striking train) a 1100159.;
`part, rising and falling on a locking plate and
`the rotation of the plate after the proper number
`to a
`lock/ins platel, Horol. a narrow wheel geared hed
`striking train or other mechanism and having 8.30“; w
`rim engaging with another mechanism permittmg 1
`rotate through a specific arc.


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`Case 6:12-cv-00611-LED Document 56-2 Filed 03/24/14 Page 5 of 6 PageID #: 704
`se-tar-i-a (si tar/é a), n.
`any grass of the genus Se-
`to bring about;
`to propound; plan; advance. 1'.
`ternal circumstances, as body temperature in a Varying
`climate. Cf. homeostasis. 4. a hypothetical regulator in
`taria, having a dense panicle, grown for forage.
`[< NL;
`cause. k. to become firm or hard, as a glue or cement: a
`see SETA, 4mm]
`the body that maintains a relatively stable body weight.
`paint that sets up within five minutes.
`I. to lead or lure
`5. the weight range thus theoretically maintained. A150
`1. something, as land or
`set-a-side (seVa sid’), n.
`into a dangerous, detrimental, or embarrassing situation,
`set point.
`as by deceitful prearrangement or connivance. I11. to en-
`profits, set aside for a particular purpose. 2.: a tract of
`federal lands set aside as a wildlife refuge, oil explora-
`trap or frame, as an innocent person in a cn'me or a
`set-screw (set/skrfi’), n. a screw passing through a
`tion site, etc. 3. a tract of farmland on which commer-
`criminal suspect in a culpable circumstance in order to
`threaded hole in a part to tighten the contact of that, part
`achieve an arrest. n. to arrange the murder or execution
`with another, as of a collar with the shaft on which it
`cial crops or a specific crop will not be grown, as part of
`[1850-55; scr + SCREW]
`of: His partner set him up with the mob. 0. Bridge. to
`a federal plan to decrease production in order to main-
`establish (a suit): to set up spades.-
`tain or increase prices. 4. a specified amount or per—
`Set’ ShOt’, Basketball. 8 shot with two hands from a
`—n. 83. the act or state of setting or the state of being
`centage of an industry’s production set aside, esp. for
`paint relatively distant from the basket,
`in which a
`set. 84. a collection of articles designed for use to—
`government use: Ten percent of gasoline production is a
`player stands still and shoots the ball usually from chest
`set-aside for emergency use by the state. 5. a govern-
`gether: a set of china; a chess set. 85. a collection, each
`ment contract awarded, as to a minority-owned business,
`member of which is adapted for a special use in a partic-
`without competitive bidding. —adj. 6. pertaining to or
`sat! (set),
`it. 1. Also called pitcher. a small, regtangm
`ular operation: a set ofgolf clubs; a set of carving knives.
`lar paving stone. 2. Also called stake. a hand-held too]
`constituting a set-aside: set—aside provisionscf the new
`86. a number, group, or combination of things of similar
`that is struck by a hammer to shape or deform 3 meta]
`[1940—45; n., adj. use of v. phrase set aside]
`nature, design, or function: a set of ideas. 87. a series of
`object. 3. Also, set. the distinctively colored pattern of
`volumes by one author, about one subject, etc. 88. a
`set-back (set/bak’), n.
`1. Survey.
`the interval by
`crisscrossed lines and stripes against a background in
`number, company, or group of persons associated by
`which a chain or tape exceeds the length being meas-
`which a Scottish tartan is woven.
`[1870-75; var. of SET]
`common interests, occupations, conventions, or status: a
`ured. 2. setback (clef. 4).
`[special use of SETBACK]
`(se tat’), n.
`a city in W central Morocco,
`set of murderous thieves; the smart set. 89. the fit, as of
`set-back (set’bak’), n.
`1. a check to progress; a re-
`an article of clothing: the set of his coat. 90. fixed direc-
`verse or defeat: The new law was a setback. 2. Archit. a
`tion, bent, or inclination: The set of his mind was obvi-
`of, per.
`set-teccen-tesque (set/a chen tesk’). adj.
`recession of the upper part of a building from the build-
`ous. 91. bearing or carriage: the set of one’s shoulders.
`taining to, or characteristic of the art and literature of
`ing line, as to lighten the structure or to ermit a desired
`92. the assumption ofa fixed, rigid, or hard state, as by
`18th—century Italy.
`[< It settecentesco, equiv.
`to set-
`amount of light and air to reach ground evel at the foot
`mortar or glue. 93. the arrangement of the hair in a
`of the building. 3. an act or instance of setting back: A
`particular style: How much does
`the beauty parlor
`nightly setback of your home thermostats can save a.
`tecent(¢]>) seven hundred,
`the period 1700—99 + —esco
`charge for a shampoo and set? 94. a plate for holding a
`great deal of fuel. 4. Also, set-back. a downward tem-
`tool or die. 95. an apparatus for receiving radio or tele-
`set-tee (set try), n.
`a seat for two or more persons,
`perature adjustment of a thermostat, esp. performed au-
`havmg a back and usually arms, and often upholstered.
`vision programs; receiver.
`96. Philately. a group of
`tomatically, as by a timer.
`[1665—75; n. use of v. phrase
`[1710—20; perh. var. of 51:11ch]
`stamps that form a complete series. 97. Tennis. a unit
`set back]
`of a match. consisting of a group of not fewer than six
`set-tor (set/er), n. 1. a person or thing that sets. 2.
`set/ Chis/OI, a chisel having a broad edge at the end of
`one of any of several breeds of hunting dogs that orig-1.
`games with a margin of at least two games between the
`a tapered shaft; used to cut the heads off bolts, rivets,
`winner and loser: He won the match in straight sets of
`nally had the habit of crouching when game was scented
`6—3, 6—4. 6—4. 98. a construction representinga place or
`but that are now trained to stand stiffly and point the
`(se ten/ant, set/n an», so to new), n. Phi—
`scene in which the action takes place in a stage, motion—
`muzzle toward the scented game. Cf. English setter,
`lately. a group of stamps that differ in color, value, or
`Gordon setter, Irish setter.
`3. Volleyball. 3 player
`picture, or television production.
`99. Mach. 3.
`who lofts the ball high for a teammate near the net to
`bending out of the points of' alternate teeth of a saw in
`design but are printed together on the same sheet and
`are collected Without separating the stamps. Also, so
`[1375—1425; late ME; see SET, -ER‘]
`opposite directions. b. a permanent defamation or dis-
`[1910—15; < F: lit., standing, remaining, hold-
`placement of an object or part. c. a tool for giving a cer-
`setl the/cry,
`thebranch of mathematics that deals
`ing together, equiv. to se 3d sing. reflexive pronoun +
`tain form to something, as a saw tooth. 100. a chisel
`with relations between sets.
`tenant prp. of tenir to hold (see TENANT)]
`having a wide blade for dividing bricks. 101. Hort. a
`set-tlng (set’ing), n.
`1. the act of a person or thing
`young plant, or a slip, tuber, or the like, suitable for
`setl func/tion. Math. a function having a collection
`that sets. 2. the surroundings or environment of any-
`of sets as domain.
`planting. 102. Dancing. 3. the number of couples re-
`thing: The garden was a perfect setting for the house. 3.
`quired to execute a quadrille or the like. b. a series of
`Seth (seth), n. 1. the third son of Adam. Gen. 4:25 2. a
`the mounting in which a jewel is set. 4. a group of all
`movements or figures that make up a quadrille or the
`male given name: from a Hebrew word meaning "substi-
`the articles, as of china, silver, or glass, required for set-
`like. 103. Music. a. a group of pieces played by a band,
`ting a table or a single place at a table. 5. the locale or
`as in a night club, and followed by an intermission. b.
`period in which the action of a novel, play, film, etc.,
`Seth (sat), n. Egyptian Relig. Set.
`the period during which these pieces’are played. 104.
`takes place: The setting of this story is Verona in the
`Bridge. a failure to take the number of tricks specified
`SETI. search for extraterrestrial intelligence.
`15th century. 6. Also called stage setting, stage set.
`by one’s contract: Our being vulnerable made the set
`the scenery and other properties used in a dramatic per-
`seti-, a combining form meaning "bristle"; used in the
`even more costly. 105. Naut. a. the direction of a wind,
`formation of compound words: setiform.
`[< L séti-, sae-
`formance. 7. Music. a. a piece of music composed for
`current, etc. b. the form or arrangement of the sails,
`ti-; see SETA, -I-]
`certain words. b. a piece of music composed for a partic-
`spars, etc., of a vessel. c. suit (def. 12).
`.106. Psychol. a
`ular medium, or arranged for other than the original
`se-ti-form (se/ta f6rm’), adj.
`temporary state of an organism characterized by a read-
`[1325—75; ME; see SET, -iNG‘]
`[1810—20; sarl- + -FORM]
`iness to respond to certain stimuli
`in a specific way.
`——-Syn. 2. See envlronmont.
`107. Mining. a timber frame bracing or supporting the
`seotig-er-ous (si tij’er as), adj. having setae or bris-
`walls or roof of a shaft or stope. 108. Carpentry. See
`set/ting-up’ ex/ercises (set/ing up’), any of vari-
`tles. Also, se-tif'er-ous (si tif/er as).
`[1650.60; < L
`nail set. 109. Math. a collection of objects or elements
`ous exercises, as deep knee bends and push-ups, for im—
`setiger bristle-bearing + —ous; see SETI-, -GEROUS]
`proving one’s- posture, muscle tone, or limberness, or for
`classed together. 110. Print.
`the width of a body of
`set-in (set/in/), adj. made separately and placed within
`reducing one's weight. Also called set-ups.
`type. 111. sett (def. 3).
`another unit.
`[1525—35; adj. use of v. phrase set in]
`—adj. 112. fixed or prescribed beforehand: a set time;
`set-tle‘, (set/1), n., -tled. -tling. ——v.t. 1. to appoint. fix,
`113. specified; fixed: The hall holds a set
`setl-in sleevel, a sleeve joined to the body of a gar-
`or resolve definitely and conclusively; agree upon (as
`ment at the shoulder and having a seam at that juncture.
`number of people. 114. deliberately composed; custom-
`time, price, or conditions). 2. to place in a desired state
`Cf. raglan sleeve.
`ary: set phrases. 115. fixed; rigid: a set smile. 116. re-
`or in order: to settle one’s affairs. 3. to pay, as a hill. 4.
`solved or determined; habitually or stubbornly fixed:
`to close (an account) by payment. 5. to migrate to and
`the setose, oarlike leg of
`se-ti-reme (se/ta reml), n.
`in one’s opinions.
`117. completely prepared;
`organize (an area. territory, etc); colonize: The pilgrims
`an aquatic insect.
`[1835; sc'n- + -reme < L remus oar]
`ready: [s everyone set? 118. all set. Informal. in readi-
`settled Plymouth. 6. to cause to take up residence: They
`set-off (set/69, -of/), n. 1. something that counterbal-
`ness; prepared: They were at the starting line and all set
`settled immigrants in urban areas.
`to furnish (a
`ances or makes up for something else, as compensation
`place) with inhabitants or settlers: The French settled
`for a loss. 2. Accounting. a counterbalancing debt or
`—interj. 119. (in calling the start of a race): Ready! Set!
`this colony with army veterans. B.
`to quiet, calm, or
`claim, esp. one that cancels an amount a debtor owes. 3.
`Go! Also, get set!
`[bef. 900; (v.) ME setten, OE settan: c.
`Also called offset. Archit. a. a reduction in the thick-
`bring to rest (the nerves, stomach, etc). 9. to stop from
`ON setja, G setzen, Goth satjan, all < Gmc ‘satjan, caus-
`annoying or opposing: A sharp word will settle that
`ness of a wall. b. a flat or sloping projection on a wall,
`ative of ‘setjan to Sir'; (n.) (in senses denoting the action
`youngster. 10. to conclude or resolve: to settle a dispute.
`buttress, or the like, below a thinner 'part. 4. something
`of setting or the state of being set) ME set, set(t)e, 'deriv.
`11. to make stable; place in a permanent position or on
`used to enhance the effect of another thing by contrast-
`of the v. and its ptp.; (in senses denoting a group) ME
`a permanent basis. 12. to cause (a liquid) to become
`ing it, as an ornament. 5. Print. offset (def. 7).
`sette < 0F < L secta SEC? (in later use influenced by the
`clear by depositing dregs. 13. to cause (dregs, sediment.
`25; n. use of v. phrase set off]
`v. and MLG‘gesette set, suite)]
`etc.) to sink or be deposited. 14. to cause to sink down
`se-ton (séVn), n. Surg. a thread or the like inserted
`——_Syn. 1. position, locate, situate, plant. See put. 11.
`gradually; make firm or compact.
`to dispose Of
`beneath the skin to provide drainage or to guide subse-
`estimate, appraise, evaluate, price, rate. 13. establish.
`finally; close up: to settle an estate. 16. Law. a. to se-
`quent passage of a tube.
`[1350-1400; ME < ML se‘ton-
`55. solidify, congeal, harden. 88. clique. See circle.
`cure (property, title, etc.) on or to a person by formal or
`(s. of 5626), equiv. to se‘t(a) SETA + -6n- n. suffix]
`- 90. attitude. 91. posture. 112. predetermined. 116.
`legal process. b. to terminate (legal proceedings) by mu-
`stubborn, obstinate.
`tual consent of the parties. —v.i. 17. to decide, arrange.
`Se-ton (set/n), n.
`1. Saint Elizabeth Ann (Bayley)
`——Usaga. The verbs Star and 511“ are similar in form
`("Mother Seton"), 1774—1821, US. educator, social-wel—
`or agree (often fol. by on or upon): to settle on a plan 0f
`fare reformer, and religious leader: first native-born
`and meaning but different in grammatical use. SET is
`action. 18. to arrange matters in dispute; come to .3“
`American to be canonized (1975). 2. Ernest Thompson,
`chiefly transitive and takes an object: Set the dish on the
`to settle with a person. 19.
`to pay a bill:
`1860—1946, English writer and illustrator in,the U.S.
`make a financial arrangement (often fol. by up). 20. to
`shelf. Its past tense and past participle are also star: Yes-
`terday he set three posts for the fence. The judge has set
`take up residence in a new country or place: quy
`se-tose (se/1:65, si
`tfis’), adj.
`covered with setae or
`the date for the trial. Sm: also has some standard intran-
`Frenchmen settled along the Mississippi River following
`.bristles; bristly.
`[1655—65; < L setosus. See SHEA, -osa‘]
`sitive uses, as "to pass below the horizon" (The sun sets
`La Salle's explorations. 21.
`to come to rest, as from
`(set/ouv), n. Informal.
`1. preparations, esp.
`late in the northern latitudes during the summer) and
`flight: A bird settled on a bough. 22. to gather, collect.
`for beginning a journey. 2. start or outset. 3. things set
`“to become firm, solid, etc." (This glue sets quickly). The
`or become fixed in a particular place, direction, etc;
`or laid out for use or display, as food on a table. 4.
`cold settled in my head. 23. to become calm or com-
`use of srr for Sir, "to be seated,” is nonstandard: Pull up
`getup or outfit. 5. an entertaining event.
`[1800—10; 11.
`a chair and set by me.
`posed (often fol. by down): I’ll wait until the class settles
`use of v. phrase set out]
`Srr is chiefly intransitive and does not take an object:
`before starting the lesson. 24. to come to rest (often f0 -
`Let’s sit here in the shade. Its past tense and past parti-
`setl piece/, 1. an arrangement of slow—burning fire-
`by down): We settled down for the night at an old coun-
`works forming a design or composi

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