
`Patent Owner
`Case IPR2014—00216
`Patent 6,179,053
`Kingwood, Texas
`Friday, December 19, 2014
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`Reported by:
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`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580
`Greene’s Energy Group, LLC V. Oil States Energy Services, LLC, IPR2014-00216
`Oil States Energy Services, LLC, Ex. 2036


`December 19, 2014
`8:56 a.m.
`PERKIN, held at the offices of EPI Corporate
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`the State of Texas.
`Offices, 1310 Kingwood Drive, Kingwood, Texas,
`pursuant to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
`before Linda Rayburn, CSR, RPR, CLR in and for

`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580


`A P P E A R A N C E S:
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`3000 K Street Northwest
`Washington, DC 20007
`Counsel for Petitioner
`1000 Louisiana Street
`Houston, TX 77002
`Counsel for Patent Owner

`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580


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`Page Line
`US Patent 6,179,053
`2,195,118 Application
`US Patent 4,632,183
`Declaration of Gregg S. Perkin
`Page Line

`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580


`THE VIDEOGRAPHER: This is the start
`of tape labeled number one in the videotape
`deposition of Gregg Perkin in the matter Green's
`Energy Group, LLC versus Oil States Energy
`Services, LLC,
`in the United States Patent &
`Trademark Office, Number
`IPR 2014—00216,
`Patent 6,170,053.
`This deposition is being held at EPI,
`1310 Kingwood Drive, Kingwood, Texas, on
`December 19th, 2014, at approximately 9:23 a.m.
`I'm the legal video specialist from
`TSG Reporting, Inc., headquartered at 747 Third
`Avenue, New York, New York.
`The court reporter
`is Linda Rayburn in association with TSG
`Will counsel please introduce
`MR. HAWES: Erik Hawes, Morgan, Lewis
` 0 "
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 3 *
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`' !0 $*)  9 :a $ac2 b $5
`+ d *  b 
`   ,2  
5 c0
` !0 # )9 ( c2a b $5 d

`& Bockius for the patent owner Oil States Energy
`John Feldhaus of Foley
`& Lardner for petitioner Greene's Energy Group.
`MR. ROUSH: Brad Roush of Foley &
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580


`Lardner for petitioner Greene's Energy Group.
`THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Will the court
`reporter please swear in the witness.
`MR. HAWES: This is probably
`unnecessary, but I'm just going to say the patent
`number that the deposition relates to and that
`the proceeding relates to is 6,179,053,
`just ——
`just so that's on the record.
`I'm sure there was
`a typo somewhere on there.
`having been first duly sworn, testified as follows:
` 0 "
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` a 6c
`+   2 2
` a 
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 25 a  
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8 b
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` 2 b29
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` 3
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` g0 % 5c 2   5c bc 7 b a
` 63 20
` 0 
/ f
` 0
` g0 3 !0 f
` 3  c 2   b7
` 6 
` 2 a ,/ a a 5c,/ a
` 5c 2
` f /
`c25 758 27a
` a 
a8a b 
`2 a 
a k
`+ 0 a ,2 66 0
` g0  5c,  5  b7
` a

`Q. Mr. Perkin, good morning.
`A. Hello.
`Can you state your full name for the
`record, please.
`A. Gregg Steven Perkin.
`Q. And, Mr. Perkin,
`I understand from
`recent discussions that we've had that you've had
`your deposition taken previously maybe somewhere
`in the neighborhood of 250 times;
`is that right?
`A. That's correct.
`So you're pretty well familiar with
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580


`this process?
`I am, but each one is a little
`Q. Did you meet with anyone to —— well,
`let me just more generally. What did you do to
`prepare for your deposition today?
`I pulled the declarations out over
` 0 "
` a
`2 622k
`' 0  73 8c 6a  
`bb 0
` g0 
` 5c 7 
` a  5   3
`.  7 ic2 7
 50 a 
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`  b 5c 2
` 5k
` 0  c a 6
` 2 c /
` a f 3 2  


`2 2
` 50 !0 $ac2
`   !0 c2a /
` 7 
` a 27 
` 6c7 2 a  hc2 0   7
`' 52 53 f 8c a 6
` 20  
`+ f 

` a
`2 7
` g0  a 7c6a
`7  5c a
` f 5c
`. 2 

` k
` 0 #a3 758
` a 
a8a b
` / / ac20
` g0 
` 5c f  6c7 2 c 2
` b
` a
` 72 a  
` 5c 
` 6
` 2k
` 0  a  60
`' g0  5c 778 26
`65 a
`+ 6c7 2 5c 
` f  k
` 0  f
` 72 b



`the weekend, started getting refreshed relative
`to giving this deposition today. Mr. Feldhaus
`and Mr. Roush provided me with some additional
`documents that I requested. And we met
`talked about the declarations. And we
`talked again this morning.
`So how much time do you think you
`spent preparing all in all?
`A. Oh, maybe in the neighborhood of
`twelve —— twelve hours.
`Q. Did you look at documents outside of
`the items that are discussed in your two
`A. Not that I recall.
`Do you remember specifically which
`documents you did look at?
`looked —— in terms of getting
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580


`prepared for the deposition?
`Q. Correct.
`I just revisited some of the patents,
`the '118 patent,
`the McLeod patents,
`the '243
`I just re—familiarized myself with them
`and I colorized a few of the diagrams so I can
`see them better.
`I brought those with me.
`took the Bullen patent and enlarged those figures
`so I could see it better.
`So I did —— I did —— there were some
`mechanics involved in documents that I had that I
`tried to prepare and make more understandable.
`Q. Anything else?
`A. Not that I recall.
`I mean, it was
`just taking what
`I already had and trying to
`better understand it.
`(Exhibit 1014, having been previously
`marked was referenced.)
` 0 "
`  b a 2
` k
`' g0 %6 0
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`  27 b a   23
` a ,   3 a !6*   23 a ,+'
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`l 752b 
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` 2
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a  5 a   5

` 8  c 2  
` 0
` m4a
` +3 a/
8 /
` 7f 2 b 60n
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` 3 6 5c
` f  a ,2 8 7f 5 2
` 4a
` +
` a
`2 620 2 a   b a
`' 6
` 2 a 5c 6 5 2c87
` k
`+ 0  2  83 520  5c 
`  7f
` k

`(BY MR. HAWES) Mr. Perkin, can you
`look at what's been marked already as
`Exhibit 1014 in this case.
`Is that one of the
`declarations that you recently submitted?
`It appears to be, yes.
`Do you want
`to mark it?
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580


`It's marked already.
`A. Oh,
`is it? Okay.
`Can you look at Addendum D —— or,
`sorry, addendum B as in boy?
`A. That's my resume.
`Is this current?
`It appears to be.
`I'm looking at the
`second page and the date and I think that's the
`date of my latest curriculum vitae.
`Now, as I understand it, the —— the
`only experience on this CV specifically relating
`to wellhead isolation tools was work that you did
`as a draftsman at Regan Forge & Engineering?
`A. Yes.
`You asked me that question and
`I think I gave you what I recall about using
`isolations tools or protecting tools that would
`isolate a portion of the wellhead or subsea.
`Q. And I apologize if there are some
`questions here that sound familiar.
`deposition that we had recently was in connection
`with the litigation separate proceeding here for
` 0 "
` g0  ,2 7f 50
`' 0 #a3
` k #f50
`+ g0 % 5c f   c7  3
` 253  c7 ( 2
` 85k
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`2 6c k
` 0  2  80 ,7 f
` 26  
   a      a
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`   b 75  2 6c
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` 0
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` 3 a a
`  5 4
` 6  a
`2 %1 26

`'  a
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`+ 2  b 27  

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`.  a
` f 
/ 5c a  6 8c c2

` 2 2   6
2 a c
` b a a  2c820
` g0   

`b a  27
` hc2
` 2 a a 2c  b7
`0 a
` 2
` a  a 6 5 2
` 6 6
` a a 

` 2  6
a b
`' a 0 ,7

 5  2 7
`  a
`2 2
`+ 7c6a 2 22
`8     2f 7 hc2
` 2
` a 62253 a,2 ic2 27 82
`6 b6 2

`the IPR.
`I'm going to try to streamline this as
`much as possible and not re—ask more questions
`than necessary,
`there's just some basic facts
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580


`that need to be on the record in both
`I see.
`I wasn't thinking it was a
` 0 "
` a   8  a 6
` 8 a
`' 6
`+ 0  20  2 , a
` f

` 2 
` 2  6
2 7c6a 2 5c 0
`. g0 )  f a7 2 
a 27
`  a  a 5c f 
` a . .
`7b7 2  b 27 3 a 2 
`  a 2 b bb2a c2j
`2 a 66 k
` 0 -a0 
 2  2
` 7 cb6 c3 

`  hc
`7 7 cb6 c b
` 2c82 8c / 23 a hc
`7 3
`' 62
`223  7 a a
7c b
`+ bb2a hc
`7 0
` g0  a  2
`     6
`. a a b7 8
 85 a
`2 a 
a k
` 0 !2 a  6
`2 a 
` a a 2   b  6
` 2cb62 
` a
` 6 
` a 67  2 2c6a
` 2 62
2 a 5c a  6 c5

 22 b7  a /
`620  a

` 2 

   5 a

`+ a 2

a a ac
a a 8
` b a hc
`7 3 ac
a a
` 2
`7  b

`separate proceeding so much as you were.
`Q. Hard to keep them straight sometimes.
`And the tool that you worked on in
`the 1968—69 timeframe as a draftsman,
`that was a
`tool that was for offshore use;
`is that correct?
`A. Yeah. Regan was a designer,
`manufacturer, original equipment manufacturer of
`subsea blowout preventers, wellhead equipment,
`casing hangers, risers,
`I mean the whole gamut of
`offshore equipment.
`Q. And that tool was intended to protect
`the wellhead from being damaged by the
`drillstring; is that right?
`A. Most —— what
`I recall is that we
`had —— there was a need for protecting critical
`surfaces within certain wellhead components such
`as casing hangers where you had to actually
`engage seals from other devices.
`So while
`drilling operations were going on or anything
`that was going on through the —— through the bore
`of that equipment,
`through the inside diameter of
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580


`that equipment,
`that those critical surfaces had
`to be protected. And more often than not, we had
`designed special equipment that would be landed
`ahead of that operation. And so then we'd secure
`them in place and then we'd run those operations
`such as drilling, cementing, whatever, whatever
`the case may be.
`It wasn't a tool that had anything to
`do with hydraulic fracturing, was it?
`A. No, not that I recall. Again, it
`was —— hydraulic fracturing would take place on a
`completed well or in a completion of a well.
`This was more or less to protect the equipment
`that's sitting on the ocean floor.
`Can you look at Addendum D to your
`A. Okay.
`Q. This is a list of cases in which
`you've testified in the last ten years;
`is that
`A. Correct.
`It's —— it's not complete
`as of today, but it is complete as of about
` 0 "
` a hc
`7 3 a a2 6
`6 2cb62 a
`'  8  6 0  7 b  a  3  a
`+ 2
` hc
`7 a c 8  
` a b a 
` 0  2 a , 26c
`. a7
` 6   a , c a2 
` 2
` 2c6a 2 
3 67
3 a /3 a /
` a 62 75 80
` g0  2 ,   a a  5 a

` a a5c
`6 b6 c
3 2
` k
` 0 3  a  60

` 3
` 2 a5c
`6 b6 c
c f 6  
`' 67   
`  67
` b  0
`+ a
`2 2 7  22   6 a hc
` a ,2 2
 a 6 b0
`. g0 % 5c f   c7   5c
` 6
` 0
` 0 #f50
` g0 a
`2 b 622
` a
` 5c,/ 2
` a 2  52j
`2 a
a k
` 0 %6 0  ,2
` ,2  67 
`' 2 b 53 8c
`2 67  2 b 8c
`+ /78 b a
`2 50
` g0   c 2   a a  bc

`November of this year.
`Q. And I understand that there are four
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580


`cases on this list that were patent cases in the
`sense that they involved allegations of
`infringement and/or patent invalidity;
`is that
`I don't recall if the number was
`four, but there are matters here in this document
`that are intellectual property related.
`Q. Okay.
`I believe when we spoke a
` 0 "
` 622  a
`2 a    622
` a
`' 2 2 a a5
` // 

` 2 b
` b
7  o  
` /
` 5j
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a k
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`b a c78 2
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` a
`2 6c7
` a 
` 6 c  5  0
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`/ a  2f 
` 6c b f2 
3 5c
` 16 /2c2
` 2 52 723 $  6
` 52 72 /2c2
` l 6 !
3 !6* $
%7 5 /2c2  
`' %03   %a2 !6a
`  f2 /2c2 17
`+ ! cb6 c
%7 50 2 a 2c  b7
` 0 a2   b7
`3 520
`. g0  a  5  a 622  a
`2 a    622k
` 0  6

a a
`2 a
` 2
`70  a
` f  a b
`  c7 3 a 2   62 2 5 a
` )2a $7
`5 *
`   2a
` /2c2 16
` 3  6 0  ,2 8c a
`' b
`b a 
`   2
`4 a 
`   0 a a   2
` //
` a 

` 3 8c
` 2 , 

` 3  20

`couple of weeks ago, you identified Varco versus
`Pason Systems, Fall Protection Systems versus
`Azteca Milling, MacLean—Fogg Company versus Eaton
`Corp., and Charles Machine Works versus Vermeer
`Manufacturing Company. Does that sound familiar?
`Those are all familiar, yes.
`Q. Are there any other cases on this
`list that were patent cases?
`I recall going through this list the
`last time.
`I think on the first page of
`Addendum D,
`there was a —— a case styled the
`Hasha Family Limited Partnership versus Varco
`It's about the
`fifth line or sixth line down. That had patents
`involved in that litigation, but it wasn't a
`patent litigation, per se.
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580


`Q. Okay. Of those four cases,
`am I
`correct that Varco versus Pason Systems was the
`one of the four that involves technology directly
`related to oil and gas industry?
`A. Of the four you just mentioned, yes,
`I think so.
`Q. Okay. And what was the technology in
`that case?
`A. Electronic drilling recorders,
`methods utilized to do —— to record the —— or to
`record or assimilate data from the operations of
`the drilling rig, rotating hoisting circulating
`Varco had a patent on their
`electronic drilling system and they alleged that
`Pason infringed it. And it was tried in federal
`court in Colorado and ultimately Varco got a
`They —— they prevailed.
`The technology didn't have anything
`to do with hydraulic fracturing or wellhead
`isolation tools?
` 0 "
` g0 #f50 #b a2 bc 6223 7 
`' 66 a 16 /2c2 2 52 72 2 a
`+   b a bc a
` //2 6a 
`6 5
` c2 5k
`. 0 #b a bc 5c ic2 7
` 3 523
`  a
` f 20
` g0 #f50  a 2 a 6a 
` a 62k
` 0 6 
623 a
` 7 a2 c
`l    6 a  
` 6  22
`    b7 a 
` 2 b
`' a 


`+ 252 70
` 16 a     a
`. 6 
252 7   a5 
` 2
` b

` 0 
` 2 
` b
` 6c
` %   c
`7 5 16
` c
0 a5 a5 /
` g0 a 6a 
` , a/  5 a

` a a5c
`6 b6 c
` 2k
`' 0 3  
`6 53 0
`+ g0   8
`/ 5c 2
`  a
` 62 5c a /
`c25 f 2  4

`A. No, not directly, no.
`Q. And I believe you said prior to this
`case you had previously worked as an expert in
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580


`one other matter involving wellhead isolation
`is that right?
`I think what I recall was you asked
` 0 "
`    a 7 
` //
`' 2j
`2 a 
a k
`+ 0  a
` f a  6 2 5c 2f
` 7 8c 27 b a  a f a   a
`. a
` 2 
` //0 2 
` 63
` 2  66
` a 
` /2
` c
` c
` %  420
` g0 a 2 86f
` a 7
` ,2
` 0 2  63 5a0
` g0 
` //  b
`c  52
`2 b
`' a k
`+ 0  6 c5 
` 27  
` b
`  b 7
`2 a  63 2
` 6 5c
`. 8c
` c a 2
`73 a  6
` 226
`  b 7
` 3 
` 723 2
` //
` a 
`6c 66
` 0 )    a/ 
` 27 2 / a 520
` ) a  b6
` 5
` a
` )c2  a  6 c5 
` 27 2
` 6 
` 67  23 a
` 67  2
`'    a 67  2 a  226
` a
`+ a 
` a a 6220 (c 3 5a3
` 2
` 2 27 a
  6 c53 5c f 3

`me about some of the other work that I do where
`wellhead isolation tools were involved. As
`recall, it was an accident that we investigated
`up in —— up in Central Texas.
`Q. That was back in the mid—90's
`A. As
`I recall, yeah.
`Q. And involved a failure analysis of
`the tool?
`A. We actually did some —— we —— a
`friend of mine is —— what
`I recall, since you
`brought it up the last time, what I recall is an
`associate of mine, Neil Adams, was involved in
`that particular accident.
`He and I have written
`some papers over the years.
`He had a facility in —— here in
`Houston that we actually did some testing of
`certain components, wellhead isolation components
`and other components that are associated with
`the —— with the process. But, yeah, it was —— it
`was something we —— we actually, you know,
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580


`investigated and we did test equipment.
`Do you remember what kind of tool was
` 0 "
` /2
` 2 hc
`7 0
`' g0  5c 778 a f
`  b  2
` //
` a 62k
` 0 3   , 0
`. g0 a  5c b
`2 6 6   f
`  a
`2 7 k
` 0 2  63
` 2
` a 
`  !50  6
 c c i8 2a 3
`b a
` c 8 abc3

`/ 5c a 46  0
` g0 a ,2 62  c
` a 2 a 2f b a
`6a 5c 
` k
`+ 0 3 8b  2  
` 3  a
` 27 
` 2 
`/  a   3 a ,'
` 2b3   75 86f
c    a c
` 68
`2 a   

`   2 27 b c  a 67
` a  2  
` 3
` 2 
` c 
`f 27 b a  a   622 ,/
` 8 ,/ 8 2f  2c  f
` 9 *f  a 6
`72j f  a 
`  j
`' 5c f 3 5  2
`b a,2 5c f 3 a
`+ a 2 
a2 b a   2 3 a a
` f 222 b a   2 j f  a

`involved in that case?
`A. No,
`I don't.
`Q. When were you first contacted to work
`on this matter?
`A. As
`I recall, it was in either April
`I can go pull our job sheet, if that
`or May.
`would be helpful, give you the exact date.
`Q. That's close enough.
`What was the task for which you were
`initially retained?
`A. Well, before I was retained, we had
`some discussions relative to the patent,
`the '053
`patent itself, and my background and what our
`capabilities here were at Engineering Partners
`and also some of our other companies.
`When I was retained, it was not
`unlike some of the other patent cases we've
`been —— we've been asked to support or look
`Look at the claims;
`look at the prior art;
`you know,
`try to see if there's —— you know, what
`the strengths of the patents are, what the
`weaknesses of the patents are;
`look at the
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580


`allegations and so on.
`Q. What was your understanding of the
`specific opinions you were being retained to
`A. Well, at the time we were retained,
`my only charge was to look at the '053 patent and
`the prior art and to get a —— get a handle on, if
`you will, what —— what that invention was all
`about and what preceded it.
`Q. What about the '993 patent?
`The '993 patent was something that I
`looked at.
`I don't recall if I
`looked at it
`early on, but
`I have looked at it.
`Q. When were you first asked to work on
`that aspect of these proceedings?
`Probably more with regard to these
` 0 "

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`declarations as opposed to the invalidity report
`that I just did,
`the invalidity deposition that
`you just took.
`So when —— when did that happen?
`When were you asked to prepare a declaration
`relating to the '993 patent?
`It had to be —— what's the date on
`the declaration? August.
`It was probably in the
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580


`timeframe. Oh, wait,
`I'm sorry. Let
`me look at —— I looked at the wrong date.
`I can tell you the declarations were
`filed on December 1st, if that helps.
`A. Well,
`I know that we worked on them
`in November and October.
`Q. Okay.
`A. When we started working on them,
`don't recall.
`My apologies.
`looked at the issue
`date for the —— the patent,
`the '053 patent.
`How many hours would you say you
`spent preparing the declaration that's marked as
`Exhibit 1014?
`It would be myself and my associate
`Michele Hale.
`I would say 30 to 50 hours, maybe,
`How much of that was your time versus
`Ms. Hale's time?
`Probably about 50/50.
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`So you spent 15 to 25 hours, maybe?
`In the preparation of the
`declaration, yeah; as well as she.
`Q. What was her role in preparing this
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580


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`MR. FELDHAUS: Counsel,
`just to

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