

`' Handbook


`First Edition
`November 1992
`©1992 Pensoft Corporation. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted,
`transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form by any means without the
`written permission of Pensoft Corporation.
`Software License Notice
`Your license agreement with Pensoft Corporation, which is included with the product, specifies the permitted
`and prohibited uses of the product. Any unauthorized duplication or use of Perspective, in whole or in part, in
`print, or in any other storage and retrieval system is prohibited.
`Government Restricted Rights Legend
`Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph
`(c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227—7013 and
`paragraph (d) of the Commercial Computer Software — Restricted Rights at FAR 52.227 — 19. Subcontractor/
`Manufacturer is Pensoft Corporation, 275 Shoreline Drive, Suite 535, Redwood City, California 94065.
`Licenses and Trademarks
`Pensoft is a trademark of Pensoft Corporation. PenPoint and MiniText are trademarks of GO Corporation.
`Epicurean Rendezvous’ Fine Dining Guides are trademarks of Epicurean Rendezvous, Inc. Letter Express and
`Numero are trademarks of PenMagic Software, Inc. PenCrush is a trademark of Notable Technologies, Inc.
`PenCentral is a trademark of Sitka Corporation, a Sun Microsystems, Inc.- Owned Business.
`Pensoft Corporation
`275 Shoreline Drive
`Suite 535
`Redwood City, CA 94065
`Tel 415 802 6925
`Printed in USA


`. 27
`Basic Gestures .
`Entering Information .
`Table of Contents
`Additional Documents .
`Data Provided with Perspective .
`. 24
`3 Perspective Basics
`. 26
`To Do List
`Topic Index .
`. 19
`. 2O
`Note index .
`ProfileBook .
`. 21
`. 22
`1 Welcome to Perspective ,
`Organization of this Handbook .
`For More Information About Perspective .
`. 2
`. 4
`. 5
`Conventions in this Handbook .
`Perspective Concepts .
`How information is organized
`Documents and notebooks
`Working with documents, profiles and the ProfileBook
`Linking and the Associate
`Topics '
`Embedding documents
`. 6
`2 Your Perspective Notebook
`About the Perspective Notebook .
`. 14
`. 15
`Day Planner .
`. 16
`Month Planner .
`Address Book .
`. 17
`. 18


`Entering information in a document
`Entering information in a profile
`Entering information in a note
`Entering phone numbers, dates and choices
`Creating a new item anywhere
`Writing in Ink and Text
`Using the InkWeII
`Writing as ink or text
`Hints about writing in ink
`Translating ink later
`. 33
`. 36
`Linking Information .
`About the Associate .
`Associate in Notes
`Let the Associate ask for Help
`Setting the Associate
`Using the Associate to Create Links Automatically .
`Automatic linking of names in appointments, etc.
`Automatic linking of unknown names in appointments, etc.
`Automatic linking in link details
`Automatic linking in a note
`. 37
`. 39
`Backing Up Your Information .
`Archiving Information
`4 Using Perspective
`More about Linking Information .
`Creating a new link manually
`More about Profiles
`Changing profile appearance
`.‘ .
`. 49
`. 54
`. 56
`Perspective Handbook
`Using Profiles to See All Details for an Item .
`Opening a profile
`Changing Information .
`Moving and copying
`. 43
`. 44


`More about Changing Information .
`Selecting information
`Changing the category of an item
`Undoing a change
`Finding Information .
`Finding exact information
`Finding information easily
`Using the results of a find
`. 64
`. 57
`. 60
`Printing .
`Using Perspective for Communication .
`Using Perspective as the System Address Book
`Using Groups
`5 Scheduling Your Day
`About the Day Planner
`Turning to different days
`. 66
`. 70
`” ”'
`Scheduling an appointment
`Changing how long an appointment lasts
`Rescheduling an appointment
`Entering regularly scheduled appointments
`Setting and removing alarms
`Dividing a time slot into shorter or longer intervals
`Scheduling multiple appointments at the same time
`. 72
`To Do’s .
`. 79
`Entering to do’s
`Updating a to do’s status
`Changing a to do’s priority
`Changing how to do’s are sorted
`‘ 79
`. 84
`Events .
`Entering an event
`Daily Notes .
`Writing a note for the day
`Table of Contents
`. 86


`Changing the Day Planner .
`Changing tiles and their arrangement
`Changing the look of tiles
`Changing row height
`Changing column appearance
`Adding and removing columns
`Adding and removing a day tab
`Changing the display for small screens
`6 Planning Your Month
`. 87
`About the Month Planner
`Turning to different months
`Seeing more information
`. 96
`Appointments & Events .
`Entering an event
`Scheduling an appointment
`Changing how long an event or appointment lasts
`Rescheduling an appointment or event
`Entering regularly scheduled appointments and events
`Setting and removing alarms
`Obiectives .
`Entering an obiective
`Sorting obiectives
`Changing What is Displayed .
`Changing which items are displayed
`Changing the Month Planner .
`Changing tiles and their arrangement
`Changing the look of the Calendar Tile
`Changing the width of days in the calendar
`Changing the look of the Obiective Tile
`Changing row height for objectives
`Changing column appearance for obiectives
`Adding and removing Obiective Tile columns
`Adding and removing a month tab
`Changing the display for small screens
`Perspective Handbook
`. 99
`. 106
`. 109
`1 13
`1 14
`1 15
`1 16
`1 17 ,
`1 18
`1 19


`7 Listing Information
`About Lists
`Lists to choose from
`Turning to a specific page in a list document
`Entering and Tracking Information in a List
`Entering an item
`Adding and removing Columns
`. 124
`. 127
`Organizing Lists
`Using pages
`Changing What is Displayed in a List .
`Changing which items are displayed
`. 130
`. 135
`Changing the Look of Lists
`Changing row height
`Changing column appearance
`Creating New Lists .
`v About handpicked lists
`Making a handpicked list
`Excluding items from a handpicked list
`8 Notes & Embedded Documents
`. 146
`. 139
`. 141
`. 147
`. 155
`About Notes .
`Taking and Linking Notes .
`Creating and linking a note
`Using the Associate in notes
`Linking a note
`Writing notes in ink or text
`Naming a note
`Retrieving and Deleting Notes .
`Retrieving a linked note
`Retrieving notes From the Note index
`Viewing Profiles for notes
`Deleting a note
`Table of Contents


`Changing the Look of Notes
`Changing the look of text in a note
`Changing the look of notepaper
`Using the Day PIanner’s Note Tile
`. 158
`. 160
`. 161
`Embedded Documents
`Creating and embedding a new document
`Embedding an existing document
`Opening an embedded document
`Moving, copying or deleting embedded documents
`Embedding a Perspective document in another document
`9 Using the Profil'eBook
`. 168
`About the ProfiIeBook .
`Getting around
`Working with Categories‘and Details .
`Categories, subcategories and inheritance
`When to create new categories
`Types of details
`Instance details
`When to use general links and when to define new links
`Working with multiple ProfiIeBooks
`Using the ProfiIeBook .
`Adding a detail to a category
`Adding an instance detail to an item
`Deleting a detail
`Changing the definition of a detail
`Adding a new category
`Deleting a category
`Rearranging a profiIe’s layout
`Adding and editing items in the ProfiIeBook
`10 Importing & Exporting
`. 170
`. 175
`. 188
`Perspective Handbook
`About Importing and Exporting Information .
`Importing Information .
`. 189


`Import file Format
`Keeping information consistent
`Importing (part I)
`Importing (part 2)
`Importing (part 3)
`Exporting Information .
`Exporting (part I)
`Exporting (part 2)
`Sharing Documents
`Exporting a Perspective document
`Importing a Perspective document
`I 1 Creating Custom Solutions
`About Perspective and Creating Custom Solutions .
`Step I: Defining Your Data ModeI
`Determining required Perspective categories and details
`Determining links
`. 202
`. 203
`Step 2: Customizing Perspective's Categories & DetaiIs
`Working with the ProfiIeBook
`Modifying categories and details
`. 205
`Step 3: Creating Perspective Documents .
`Creating documents
`Adding additional data
`Sharing information with Corporate Systems .
`Updating information in Perspective
`Routinely exporting information
`Maintaining Your Sqution .
`.9 .
`Gestures - Appendix A
`. 206
`. 207
`. 208
`Gestures .
`. 2I0
`Table of Contents


`Address Book .
`. .. 237
`. 238
`To Do List .
`. ..~.
`Month Planner .
`. 236
`Import and Export
`ProIiIeBook .
`. 242
`Perspective Handbook
`List Paper
`Backup and Printing .
`. 240
`. 24I
`Categories — Appendix B
`Details for Each Category .
`Calendar Items
`Name Items
`Note Items
`Misc. Items
`. 2I4
`. 215
`Details and Their Types .
`. 2l 8
`. 221
`Links .
`Troubleshooting - Appendix C
`. 224
`General .
`Entering Information .
`. .,.
`. 228
`. 230
`Associate .
`Day Planner .
`. 232
`. 234


`Perspective can help you manage your schedule, tasks, contacts, notes, and other
`important information. This chapter explains how to use the Handbook, the basic
`reference source for using Perspective. It also introduces the basic concepts needed to
`understand Perspective. This chapter covers:
`Organization of this Handbook .
`For More information About Perspective .
`. 2
`. 4
`. 5
`Conventions in this Handbook .
`Perspective Concepts .
`How information is organized
`Documents and notebooks
`Working with documents, profiles and the ProfileBook
`Linking and the Associate
`Embedding documents
`. 6
`1 1
`Note: This Handbook assumes you are familiar with PenPoint and your computer
`H running the PenPoint operating system. Most concepts, gestures, and actions
`in Perspective are the same as in any PenPoint application. If you have
`questions or need more information, refer to [15ng PmPoz'nt, the book you
`received with your pen—based computer.


`‘— Organization of this Handbook
`This Handbook is a reference book that explains how Perspective works using step—by—step instructions. Use this
`Handbook when you need to know how to enter, track and organize your information. If you need to install
`Pers ective on our PenPoint corn uter, see the “Installation” section of Gettin Started
`Pensoft strongly recommends you read and work through at least the first tutorial in Getting Started before you
`use the Handbook for reference. In addition, chapters 1—4 provide important information that you need to
`understand when you read or refer to the remaining chapters of the Handbook. You need nOt read the whole
`book, but only those sections or chapters you need for information on specific tasks. Use this Handbook’s Table
`of Contents and Index to locate the information you need. The chapters included in this book are:
`Welcome to Perspective
`Your Perspective Notebook
`Perspective Basics
`Using Perspective
`Scheduling Your Day
`Planning Your Month
`Listing Information
`Notes 85 Embedded Documents
`Using the ProfileBook
`Importing SC Exporting
`Creating Custom Solutions
`Perspective Handbook
`an overview of this book and how to find more
`information, as well as an overview of Perspective
`and basic concepts.
`an overview of the documents in your Perspective
`the basic tasks, gestures and commands that work
`anywhere in Perspective.
`additional tasks, gestures and commands that work
`anywhere in Perspective.
`how to use and customize the Day Planner and
`other documents created from Perspective Day
`Planner stationery.
`how to use and customize the Month Planner and
`other documents created from Perspective Month
`Planner stationery.
`how to use and customize the Address Book,
`To Do List, Topic Index and Note Index, and
`other documents created from Perspective List
`Paper stationery.
`how and when to use notes and embedded
`how to use the ProfileBook to customize
`Perspective categories and details.
`how to use import and export to share and enter
`tips for VARs, system integrators and corporate
`developers on how to use Perspective to create
`custom solutions.


`Appendix A
`Appendix B
`extensive list of gestures used in Perspective.
`list of standard Perspective categories and their details.
`Appendix C
`advice on problem solving.
`definitions of terms and concepts.
`Chapter 1. Welcome to Perspective


`‘— For More Information About Perspective
`Four additional sources of information about Perspective are:
`Quick Start
`Getting Started
`Quick Reference Guide
`Quick Help
`an on—line tutorial available as a document in the Perspective
`installation instructions and three tutorials which show you how to
`use and customize Perspective.
`a summary of how to use Perspective, in a compact format that you
`can keep with you.
`on—line information about something on the screen. There are two
`ways to get Quick Help:
`0 Draw a question mark ? on the item for which you need help.
`0 Tap
`the Help icon on the bookshelf, then tap the area for
`which you need help.
`Perspective Handbook


`Conventions in this Handbook
`The conventions in this Handbook are designed to make information easy to find.
`New terms are shown in italics when they are first introduced. Other words and phrases that need emphasis
`are also in italics. For example,
`You can choose to leave anything you write as ink (your own handwriting) or to have
`your writing translated to text (printed characters). The InkW/ell tells Perspective how to
`interpret your writing. Ifyou write in ink, you can have Perspective translate it to text at
`some later time.
`What you are supposed to write on your computer is displayed in a script font. For example,
`Meet with Donna
`Donna Cook
`Steps that you should follow in sequence to complete a task are numbered. For example,
`1 Do this first.
`2 Then do this.
`Finally, do this.
`Alternative actions or related points that need not be followed in sequence are shown as bullet items.
`For example,
`0 This is one way of doing a task.
`0 This is another.
`Tasks are accomplished by gestures when possible. Menu equivalents are listed in parenthesis. Using menu
`commands often requires selection before using. For example,
`Cross out X on the column’s title. (Edit Menu: Delete Column)
`Other actions that can be taken are written as hints. For example,
`Hint: If you select an event or appointment by mistake, tap it to deselect it.
`Additional information is written as notes. For example,
`Chapter 1. Welcome to Perspective
`Note: When you move or copy an item, all links (including notes) and embedded
`documents are moved or copied too.


`i— Perspective Concepts
`You can use Perspective to track all of your daily information including meetings, to do’s, people and
`companies and notes. You can also track information such as products or promotions, and reference materials
`such as area codes. With Perspective, your information is coordinated so that you have access to relevant
`information in any Perspective document.
`How information is organized
`Within Perspective information is organized into categories. Each category corresponds to a different type of
`information which you encounter everyday. Some examples of categories include:
`To Do’s
`Phone Calls
`Each category consists of several detailr. A detail is a piece of information which is part of the category. For
`example, details for the Person category include name, business phone, and address. Details for the
`Appointment category include description, date 86 time, and duration.
`date 8C time
`business phone
`Perspective Handbook


`Each occurrence of a category is an item. Dan, Donna, and John are each items in the Person category. Meet
`Dan, Staff Meeting, and Doctor’s Appointment are each items in the Appointment category.
`Meet Don
`Staff Meeting
`Doctor’s Appt.
`Within Perspective there are four groups of categories under which all other categories are organized. These
`top—level categories are:
`Calendar Items
`items which are displayed on your calendar. These include
`appointments, events, to do’s, phone calls, and objectives. Each of
`these items has a description and date 86 time detail.
`Name Items
`items which have a name, such as person, company, and topic. Each of
`these items has a name detail.
`Note Items
`contain all notes. Each note has a title and content detail.
`Misc. Item
`includes static or logged information that does not belong on your
`calendar and does not have a name. Examples include area codes,
`country codes, phone call logs, and call reports.
`Chapter 1. WelcometoPerspective


`Documents and notebooks
`Within Perspective information is displayed in documents. A document is like a predesigned piece of paper with
`areas to hold a particular kind of information. Each document gives you a different view of your information.
`Documents are collected in a notebook. Perspective comes in its own notebook, the Perspective Notebook, with
`documents which have been set up for you. For more information on notebooks, see Using PenPoz'nt.
`The Perspective Notebook contains six standard documents:
`° Day Planner,
`' Month Planner,
`' Address Book,
`e To Do List,
`0 Topic Index, and
`° Note Index
`You can also choose documents from the Additional Documents section of the Perspective Notebook. You can
`use any of the documents as they are, change them, create additional documents, or remove unneeded
`documents.For more information on the documents provided in the Perspective Notebook, see Chapter 2,
`“Your Perspective Notebook” on page 13.
`Perspective Handbook


`Working with documents, profiles and the ProfileBook
`Each document specifies a set of items it displays. For example, the Address Book displays all items in the
`People and Company categories. The To Do List displays all items in the To Do category which have not been
`completed. Based upon where you enter items, Perspective automatically assigns the item to the appropriate
`Within each document, information is entered into rows. Each row displays a different item. Each column
`displays a different detail for the item. For example, a row in the Address Book might include information
`about Michael Carter. The columns for that row display Michael’s business phone number, fax number and
`so on.
`< 4-)
`Document Edit Options Actions Create
`To“? “Aii PéfsBFfi Company uéffi?
`Detail Detail
`Each item has a profile. Profiles are forms which display all the details for an item. You can open the profile for
`any item displayed in any Perspective document.
`Person: Dan Costa
`415 663 7003
`Chapter 1. Welcome to Perspective
`[619] 2364699
`(415) 663-7003
`' [303) 7767654 I
`Deb Cortez
`D [619] 236-6673
`[415) 668-7024
`12 l Glenn Costello
`' [3:53) 7767722


`Every item entered into a Perspective document is stored in a ProfileBoo/e. Each document is connected to a
`specific ProfileBook which serves as a central storage place for your information. This allows several documents
`to display the same items. For example, the Day Planner and the Month Planner can both show your
`appointments. The Address Book and the Company List both show companies.
`Because documents share a single ProfileBook, details changed in one document are changed in all documents,
`so your information is always consistent. For example, rescheduling an appointment in the Day Planner
`reschedules it in the Month Planner. Updating a company’s address updates it in all Perspective documents.
`Most people use a single ProfileBook, which contains all of their personal information. You may create
`additional ProfileBooks, each of which is a separate storage place for information. Pensoft recommends that
`you keep all of your information in one ProfileBook.
`There are three kinds of documents that display information within Perspective:
`Perspective Day Planner
`a daily calendar showing appointments, events, to do’s and notes for
`each day.
`Perspective Mont/J Planner a monthly calendar displaying appointments, events and objectives for
`each month.
`Perspective List Paper
`used to create various lists such as an Address Book and a To Do LiSt.
`You can create your own lists such as a Voice Mail Log or a Product
`Perspective Handbook


`Linking and the Associate
`A link represents a relationship between two items. For example. people are employed by a company, so there is
`a relationship between person and company. Links tie related information together. For example, while looking
`a: an appointment it is useful to know the phone number ofthe person with whom you are meeting. so you
`can call to confirm the meeting. Links can also track the history ofall your interactions. While looking at the
`information for a person, you can also see a lisr of all the meetings with that person.
`WWI: mm:- omanzsmm 4:0
`PM? Edit
`D Appointment
`- Ddl3,925£IUPM.
`um Emmott
`r 5| D
`Document Edit Options Actions Create
`: c - M Person, All Gunman! Items
`asunder flan:
`U DanCosla
`MDIIOCI 13,9250}!!!
`Can RIMS,”
`Phone Call
`Phalocal on non cease
`Pm sun
`h Phone Cal
`If Completed
`P H@
`- 0d5.92
`- 0‘215‘92
`Slum-d - 0d5,92
`Fmisflld - 0:35.92
`Carvcom M -
`J ——
`ZIP 94114
`Links can be established severalwars-—
`—ou can also manually link me items. To get
`information from those links. you can open the profile for any linked item. Links are displayed as bold text in
`documents and profiles, so you can find them easily.
`I WelcOme lo Perspective
`1 I


`Embedding documents
`Perspective helps you organize your documents. as well as your information. Any Pcnl’oint document can be
`embedded in an item in Perspective. You have access to this embedded document from every Perspective
`document that displays this item. For example, you might want to embed a faxed map in a person’s item, or
`embed a proposal in a company’s item. While looking at an appointment with a person you can then get quick
`access to the proposal.
`I 2
`Perspective Handbook
`You can create notes in Perspective and retrieve them from several places.—
`Within Perspeccive, each note is an item. Notes can be easin retrieved at any time.
`In addition to establishing links between related items, you can also cross-reference or group items using the
`Topic category. Once you have entered topics such as marketing, proposal ideas, or financiols, you can quickly
`link all related items to the topic.
` _ ' : ou can also float e Topic Index and manually link the items. The
`Topic Index gives you quick access to all items related to the topic.


`2 .
`<O 5
`Perspective comes in its own notebook to track your schedule, tasks, contacts, notes
`and other important information. You can customize these documents to meet your
`specific needs.
`This chapter introduces the documents in your Perspective Notebook and explains
`when to use them. The chapters that follow explain how to use or customize any of
`these documents, and how to create your own documents. This chapter covers:
`About the Perspective Notebook .
`Day Planner
`Month Planner .
`Address Book .

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