
`Arendi S.A.R.L.,
`Patent Owner.
`Case No. IPR2014-00206 and IPR2014-00207
`Patent No. 7,496,854
`Arendi S.A.R.L. - Ex. 2003
`Page 1 of 101


`John V. Levy Declaration
`I, John V. Levy, make this declaration in connection with the proceedings
`identified above.
`I have been retained by counsel for Arendi S.A.R.L. (“Arendi”) as a
`technical expert in connection with the proceedings identified above. I submit this
`declaration on behalf of Arendi in the Inter Partes Reviews of United States Patent
`No. 7,496,854 (“the ‘854 patent”) in Case No. IPR2014-00207 and Case No.
`I base my opinions below on my professional training and experience
`and my review of documents and materials produced in these Inter Partes reviews.
`My compensation for this assignment is $625 per hour. My compensation is not
`dependent on the substance of my opinions or my testimony or the outcome of the
`above-identified proceedings.
`I am the sole proprietor of John Levy Consulting, a consulting firm
`that specializes in consulting on managing development of high tech products,
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`including computers and software. I have a Bachelor of Engineering Physics
`degree from Cornell University, a Master of Science degree in Electrical
`Engineering from California Institute of Technology, and a Ph.D. in Computer
`Science from Stanford University.
`From 1965 to 1966 at Caltech, my field of study was information
`processing systems. My coursework included systems programming, including the
`construction of compilers and assemblers. From 1966 to 1972, during my graduate
`study at Stanford, my field of study was computer architecture and operating
`systems. My coursework included computer systems design, programming and
`operating systems. During my employment at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
`while I was a graduate student at Stanford University, I was a programmer and I
`participated in the design and implementation of a real-time operating system for
`use in data acquisition, storage and display. My Ph.D. thesis research related to
`computer systems organization and programming of multi-processor computers. I
`developed and measured the performance of several parallel programs on a
`simulated 16-processor system. I also studied file systems, disk and tape storage
`subsystems, and input/output.
`I have been an employee and a consultant for over thirty years in the
`computer systems, software and storage industry. After earning my doctorate from
`Stanford University in Computer Science, I worked as an engineer at a number of
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`leading companies in the computer industry, including Digital Equipment
`Corporation, Tandem Computer, Inc., Apple Computer, Inc., and Quantum
`From 1972 to 1974 at Digital Equipment Corporation I supervised the
`development of an input/output channel for high-speed mass storage (disk, drum
`and tape), and its implementation for 7 different peripheral units and 3 different
`computer systems. From 1974 to 1975 I was project engineer leading the
`development of a new computer system. From 1975 to 1976, I supervised an
`operating system development group. During this time, I reviewed design changes
`and bug reports and fixes for two operating systems. While working for Digital
`Equipment Corporation, I wrote a long-term strategic plan for input/output buses
`and controllers and operating systems, including the conversion of most I/O buses
`to serial implementations. I am the author of a chapter on computer bus design in
`the book Computer Engineering, published in 1978 by Digital Press.
`From 1977 to 1979 I was employed at Tandem Computer, Inc., where
`I worked on design of future multiprocessor systems. I also worked on problems
`related to distributed (networked) systems including rollback and recovery of
`distributed databases.
`From 1979 to 1982 I was employed at Apple Computer, Inc., where I
`worked on the design of a new computer system, the Lisa, which was a precursor
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`to the Macintosh. I also supervised hardware and software engineers in the
`development of a new local area network.
`In 1980-81 I taught an upper-division course at San Francisco State
`University titled “Input/Output Architecture” which dealt with design of I/O
`channels, controllers, storage devices and their associated software.
`10. From 1982 to 1992 I consulted for a variety of client companies,
`including Apple Computer, Quantum Corporation and Ricoh Co., Ltd., on project
`management and product development. Consulting work for Quantum included
`working as a temporary supervisor of a firmware development team for a new hard
`disk drive. During this time I co-authored a paper, cited in my attached CV, on the
`design of a file system for write-once optical disk drives, related to work I did for
`client Ricoh.
`11. From 1993 to 1998 I was employed at Quantum Corporation, a
`manufacturer of hard disk drives, where I formed and managed a new group called
`Systems Engineering. While in this role I managed, among others, software and
`systems engineers who developed hard disk input/output drivers for personal
`computers and disk drive performance analysis and simulation software. While at
`Quantum, I also led the definition and implementation of high-speed improvements
`of the ATA disk interface standard, called Ultra-ATA/33 and /66, which also led to
`improvements in the SCSI interface standard. I was also involved in the design of
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`file systems for hard disks, data compression schemes for disk data, and Ethernet-
`connected disk drives. I was Quantum’s representative to the Audio/Video
`Working Group of the 1394 (FireWire) Trade Association, a Consumer Electronics
`industry standards group, and participated in Quantum’s work in designing disks
`that could record and play back video and audio streams without needing an
`intervening computer system.
`12. My qualifications for forming the opinions set forth in this report are
`listed in this section and in Exhibit A attached, which is my curriculum vitae.
`Exhibit A also includes a list of my publications.
`I am a named inventor on seven United States patents, including
`several related to input/output buses and storage subsystems. I have been disclosed
`as an expert in over 50 cases and have testified at trial and in depositions. A list of
`my testimony is attached hereto as Exhibit B. I also have served as a technical
`advisor to two United States District Court Judges.
`I regularly teach courses such as “Computers – the Inside Story” and
`“The Digital Revolution in the Home” at the Fromm Institute for Lifelong
`Learning at the University of San Francisco.
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`I have reviewed the Inter Partes Pleadings for the above referenced
`proceedings including ‘854 Patent, U.S. Patent No. 6,085,206 (“Domini ‘206”)
`and U.S. Patent No. 6,377,965 (“Hachamovitch ‘965”). I have relied on my own
`knowledge and experience as well as published documents in forming my
`opinions. A list of materials I relied upon in arriving at my opinions is attached as
`Exhibit C.
`In my opinion, a person of ordinary skill in the art pertaining to the
`'854 patent at the relevant date discussed below would have at least a Bachelor’s
`degree in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering or related discipline and
`approximately two years of experience designing user applications or software
`17. To understand operation of the Domini program module and of the
`Hachamovitch program module in relation to a word processing application
`program with which each module communicates, it is valuable to distinguish
`between two types of communication. In computer systems generally, there are
`two major classifications of ways to communicate between programs or program
`modules: synchronously and asynchronously. Asynchronous communications are
`more complex, because they allow one program to continue running after it has
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`sent a message or signal to another program. The sending program does not wait
`for an acknowledgement or reply from the receiving program before continuing
`with its processing. Examples of asynchronous communication between programs
`include input/output requests sent to a file system or a file server. As long as the
`program making the request does not need to wait for input, the program can
`specify its input or output operation and data, and then continue with its
`processing. Synchronous communications (sometimes also called “blocking”
`communications) are used whenever the sending program must wait for a response
`from the receiving program (including possibly an acknowledgement that the
`message has been
` Examples of blocking or synchronous
`communications include requesting (and waiting for) user input from a keyboard or
`In the following, I use the term “subsidiary module” to refer to a
`program module that is activated only when it is called by another program. A
`subsidiary module is not independently executable. When an application program
`makes a call to a subsidiary module, communication is also typically done
`synchronously, because the call is made to obtain data or a specific result from the
`subsidiary module. Because the application program cannot proceed before
`receiving the requested data, the application program must be “blocked” or wait for
`the subsidiary module to respond.
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`19. The spell-checking and grammar-checking program modules of
`Domini and the word-completion program module of Hachamovitch are modules
`that receive requests from an application program (the word processing program)
`and respond with specific information that the application program needs before it
`can proceed. Whether the modules are implemented as subroutines within the
`same program unit as the application program or are implemented as callable
`utilities on the same or a different computer system, the interaction between the
`application program and the module will be synchronous, because the application
`program must wait for the information contained in the response from the module.
`Whether they are subroutines or callable utility programs, the modules would not
`be viewed by a person of ordinary skill in the art as independently executable
`programs or application programs, because they are activated only by calls from
`the word processor application program.
`20. With this distinction as background, I now turn to discussion of the
`operation of Domini’s system. Figures 5, 6 and 7 of Domini show the operation of
`the grammar checker and the spell checker program modules in the Domini
`system. Figure 6 portrays the details of box 510 (Extract Sentence from
`Document) of Fig. 5. The four steps of Fig. 6 show that an application program
`(the word processing program) calls the grammar checker to extract a sentence
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`from a text buffer. Because Fig. 6 shows “call grammar checker” 605 as the first
`step and “receive sentence indices from grammar checker” 620 as the fourth and
`last step of “extract sentence from document” 510, we know that the calling
`program (the word processor) waits for the completion of step 620 before
`continuing with step 515 “spell check sentence”. Similarly, “spell check sentence”
`515 is elaborated in Fig. 7 with steps 705 through 750. The sequence begins with
`“call spell checker” 705 followed by “send word to spell checker” 710. Step 715,
`“verify accuracy of word” is then performed by the spell checker, followed by step
`720, “send spelling data to application.” This makes it clear that the calling
`program (the word processor) waits for the results of the spell checking operation.
`The steps for spell checking are performed iteratively for each word in the sentence
`until the test “another word?” 750 results in a “no” and the application program
`continues to step 517. In addition, if any word is found in step 725 “word
`satisfactory?” to be not satisfactory, the application program receives from the
`spell checker error type information at step 730 and suggestions at step 735. The
`application program waited for this information from the spell checker because it
`cannot proceed without it. The application program receives error type and
`suggestion information from the spell checker, and then interacts with the user in
`steps 740 “display combined dialogue” and 745 “receive command input from
`user.” Like the application program to grammar checker interactions described
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`above, these interactions are synchronous, because the application program cannot
`proceed until a response is received from the user input/output subsystem. These
`steps 740 and 745 are performed by the application program (the word processor),
`not by the spell checker. The spell checker provides text for the application
`program to use in displaying options to the user and later for inserting into the open
`document. However, the application program itself performs the insertion, based
`on the text supplied by the spell checker.
`21. The Specification of Domini explains how the word processor
`application receives information from the spell checker program module:
`At step 730, the preferred application program module consults a structure
`called a Spell Check Return Status field(cid:1)in a Spell Return Buffer (SRB) to
`determine the type of spelling error. When the CSAPI function SpellCheck
`is called, the spell checker program module returns the SRB. The SRB
`includes a field called a Spell Check Return Status (SCRS). The SCRS is an
`integer code that the application program module consults to determine the
`error type information. The error type information indicates the type of
`spelling error detected by the spell checker program module.
`(Domini Col. 17 ll. 58-67)
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`Based on this description together with Fig. 7 and the sequence of operations
`explained above in ¶20, a person of ordinary skill in the art would understand that,
`in the Domini system, all interactions between the word processor and the spell
`checker program module are synchronous communications. Similarly, as detailed
`in Figs. 6 and 8 of Domini, sentence-breaking and grammar checking are also
`performed using synchronous communications between the word processor and the
`grammar checker program module.
`22. A functionality that is key to the operation of the Domini spell
`checker utility and to the Hachamovitch word completion utility is the ability to
`cause insertion of text into a document that is concurrently being operated on by a
`word processor application program. This functionality enables the Domini spell
`checker program module, operating in conjunction with the word processor
`application, to insert a correctly spelled word into the document. This functionality
`similarly enables the Hachamovitch word completion program module (in
`cooperation with the application program, as described above) to insert into a word
`processor document, text that is associated with a user-definable pattern of
`keystrokes. Because in each case this insertion functionality sheds light on the
`nature of operation of the utility, I discuss the insertion functionality in relation to
`the manner of operation of the Domini and Hachamovitch program modules.
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`I have discussed above the preferred grammar checker program
`module and the preferred spell checker program module of Domini. In contrast to
`these modules, the background section of Domini (at Col. 1 ll. 56-66) refers to
`prior art standalone spell checker program modules:
`Spell checker program modules and grammar checker program modules were
`‘stand-alone’ products when they were initially introduced to personal computer
`users. In other words, spell checker program modules or grammar checker
`program modules were separate program modules from each other and from the
`word processor program module. These "stand-alone" program modules would
`scan documents of various formats, present errors, and suggest corrections,
`usually through a user interface, or dialog box. Later, the spell checker and
`grammar checker became integrated with word processor program modules.
`(Domini ‘206 Col. 1 ll. 56-66)
`24. A person of ordinary skill in the art would understand that a
`“standalone spell checker” was an independently executable computer program
`that does not interact with a word processor program in order to perform its spell
`checking function. Such a spell checker, being independently executable, would
`generate and output its own user display and receive inputs directly from the user.
`The separate user interfaces of such programs is cited by Domini as a disadvantage
`of performing spell checking using a “stand-alone” spell checker. (See Domini
`Arendi S.A.R.L. - Ex. 2003
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`‘206, Col. 1 l. 56 – Col. 2 l. 26). The standalone spell checker would also receive
`input from and perform output to a text file without reference to a word processor
`25. Thus, such a standalone spell checker program module would not be
`capable of inserting a correctly spelled word into a document concurrently being
`viewed and operated on in a word processor application program, because it would
`not have access to the word processor application’s document. In consequence of
`this fact, Domini does not teach or suggest how a standalone spell checker would
`achieve insertion of a word into a document within a word processor.
`26. Domini states in the background that as spell checkers developed,
`they were integrated into the word processor. A person of ordinary skill in the art
`would understand “integrated” to mean that the spell checker operated within the
`process of the word processor and synchronously with the word processor in order
`to achieve insertion. Even in the postulated case of a spell checker executing in
`another processor connected by a network to the processor executing the word
`processor, such a spell checker would nonetheless be invoked using synchronous
`communications and therefore would still be a subsidiary program activated by
`calls from the word processor.
`Arendi S.A.R.L. - Ex. 2003
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`27. Hachamovitch ‘965 [Ex. 1008] is concerned with an “auto-complete”
`utility that operates in conjunction with an application program such as a word
`processor. The interactions between the application program (such as a word
`processor) and the auto-complete utility are detailed in Fig. 5 and at Col. 14 l. 18
`through Col. 16 l. 7 of the Hachamovitch specification. I will first review steps of
`this Fig. 5 flowchart to provide an overview of the action of the word-completion
`In steps 501 and 502, the utility first removes a displayed completion
`entry (box) if one is currently displayed. The utility then waits for a character (a
`keystroke) to be received into the current file. It then at 504 asks whether the
`required minimum number of characters have been entered since the last delimiter
`(usually a space). If so, it goes on at 506 to compare the current text string with
`name entries of “completion pairs” in a suggestion list. If, at step 508, the text
`matches a name entry, it continues to 510, where it asks whether the number of
`completion characters meet another criterion. If so, it checks at 512 that the
`entered text matches the “context” (usually a selected completion pair list) and
`capitalization required to make the completion text likely to be correct. If so, then
`the completion text is displayed in the “word completion field” (the text box shown
`in Figs. 2A, 2B and 2C). The utility then waits for a keystroke input from the user
`Arendi S.A.R.L. - Ex. 2003
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`and determines at 516 whether that keystroke represents the “completion
`command” (i.e., acceptance of the word completion by the user typing the “tab” or
`“enter” key). If so, then at 518 the utility “replaces the current data with the
`completion entry from the corresponding name-completion pair.” (Hachamovitch
`‘965 at Col. 15 ll. 65-66) This is where the utility achieves the insertion of the
`completion text into the “current file.” The utility finishes by applying an “ending
`space management” procedure 520 and then goes back to step 502, where the
`completion text is removed from the screen. If any of the above tests (at 504, 508,
`510, 512, or 516) fails (“NO”), then the utility continues at step 501.
`29. A person of ordinary skill in the art would understand that the
`operation described above requires the application program and the word-
`completion utility to be tightly connected and cooperative. By “tightly connected,”
`I mean that the utility program module (Hachamovitch) has access to data
`structures (buffers) in the application program that contain the user input
`keystrokes and the text of the document being viewed in the application program,
`as well as access to the display buffer from which user output is being generated.
`In addition, the utility is called by the application program every time there is a
`keystroke input to the user input buffer. Without such a call, the utility would be
`unable to count and examine each keystroke as it is input, such as at steps 504 and
`516. The utility is also cooperative, in the sense that the application program is
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`depending on the word completion utility to update the completion text box at the
`appropriate location on the user’s screen. Thus, even though it may be linked via a
`standard interface or API, the word-completion utility is operating synchronously
`as an integral part of the application program.
`30. Hachamovitch mentions that the word completion utility may be an
`“application independent” utility.
`… [T]he word completion system may be deployed within an operating system
`or as a stand-alone utility that may operate on an application-independent basis.
`Application independence is the ability of the same word completion system to
`work with several different application programs, such as a word processing
`program, an e-mail program, a spreadsheet program, a personal calendar
`program, and so forth.
`(Hachamovitch ‘965 Col. 7 l. 65 – Col. 8 l. 5)
`A person of ordinary skill in the art would understand that “application
`independent” in this paragraph of Hachamovitch refers to the utility having a
`standard interface (as in Domini’s CSAPI and CGAPI) that can be used by any one
`of multiple application programs and being capable of running within and
`synchronously with any one of a plurality of application programs.
`31. Hachamovitch states that an interface exists within each application
`program that operates with the Hachamovitch utility:
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`To deploy the word completion system as an application-independent
`utility, an interface is defined within each application program through
`which the word completion utility may communicate with each application
`program. This allows the word completion utility to monitor the entry of
`characters into the application program user interface, to determine the
`location within the user interface to display the word completion frame, and
`to determine when the user had invoked the word completion user interface.
`The only potential drawback of an application-independent deployment
`may be a slight reduction in the speed at which the word completion system
`performs its operations. (Hachamovitch ‘965 Col. 8, ll. 6-17)
`A person of ordinary skill in the art would understand from reading this description
`and from reviewing Hachamovitch Fig. 5 that the word completion utility inspects
`each keystroke input by the user to the active file of the word processing or other
`application program. (See “Receive a character into the current file” 503.) A
`person of ordinary skill in the art would also understand that the word completion
`utility outputs suggestions into a defined text box on the user’s screen. (See, e.g.,
`Fig. 2A, box 208; Fig. 2B, box 208’; Fig. 2C, box 208’’. See also Fig. 5, “Display
`completion in the word completion field” 514.)
`the paragraph referring
`the utility as an “application
`independent” utility, (Col. 7 l. 66 – Col. 8 l. 5) Hachamovitch does not explain
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`how insertion would be achieved if the utility and the application program were not
`tightly integrated and cooperative, and therefore a person of ordinary skill in the art
`would conclude that the utility operates synchronously and cooperatively as part of
`the application program to manage text in the application program’s text buffer as
`taught by the main embodiment.
`33. Hachamovitch mentions that an alternative embodiment of the word
`completion utility could be “deployed within an operating system.” (Col. 7 ll. 65-
`67) Hachamovitch does not describe this embodiment and does not describe how
`it would achieve insertion of a selected word completion within a word processing
`document of a first application program. Insertion of text in Hachamovitch is only
`described with respect to the preferred embodiment, and in that embodiment
`insertion is achieved by invoking the utility synchronously and cooperatively as
`described above.
`If the word completion utility were to be an independently executable
`application program, a person of ordinary skill in the art would need a detailed
`description as to how the word completion utility would interact with the main
`application program to achieve insertion. Hachamovitch does not provide such a
`35. For a separate application program, such as a stand-alone spell
`checker or word-completion utility, to accomplish analysis of typed text and
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`insertion of new text into a word processing document within a word processor, a
`person of ordinary skill in the art would understand that all of the following data
`structures and program interactions would be required:
`a. a compatible user interface so that the inserting program would
`know what to display to the user
`b. a buffer for receiving text input by the user, and the ability to
`output text of a different length from the input text
`c. once the text has been analyzed, the ability to output text or menus
`to the user’s display, and to input or receive a selection made by
`the user
`d. if text in the currently-displayed word processor document is to be
`changed or added-to, a means for determining the position in the
`document where the text is to be inserted
`e. formatting of the text to be inserted and awareness of changes to
`the formatting of other surrounding words that may be required.
`f. The ability to interrupt the word processing process to prevent
`errors during the insertion.
`Since these data structures and program interactions are not taught by
`Hachamovitch or Domini, a person of ordinary skill in the art would not be able to
`implement operation of the Hachamovitch utility’s functionality based on the
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`disclosure in Hachamovitch or implement operation of the Domini spell checker
`module functionality based on the disclosure of Domini, unless the functionality
`were implemented as a subsidiary program that is not independently executable.
`In fact, neither Domini nor Hachamovitch teach or suggest enabling a
`first application program to insert content into a document concurrently accessible
`from within a second application program.
`It is readily apparent in reading the claims of the ‘854 patent that a
`key aspect of the invention lies in the interactions between a first application
`program and a second application program (see, e.g., ‘854 Patent Claims 1, 3, 4,
`57, 64, 65). In particular, first information in the first application program is
`associated with second information by means of a mechanism (such as a database
`lookup) implemented in the second application program. Subsequently, the second
`information obtained by means of the second application program is typically
`inserted into a document within the first application program.
`38. The ‘854 patent describes inserting such second information into a
`If the program finds name(s) and address(es) corresponding to the part of
`the addressee’s name typed, this additional information is automatically
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`entered into the user’s word processor, optionally with a confirmation from
`the user that this is the correct data.”
`(‘854 Patent Col. 3 ll. 63-67)
`This action of inserting is also shown at steps 18, 20 and 22 in Fig. 1 and steps 18,
`20, 21 and 22 in Fig. 2. (See also Col. 4 ll. 46-54 and Col. 5 ll. 11-22)
`In the Summary of the Invention section of the ‘854 Patent, the
`inventor describes in general terms how the objects of the invention are achieved:
`… providing a function item, such as a key, button, icon, or menu, tied to a
`user operation in a computer, whereby a single click on the function item in
`a window or program on a computer screen, or one single selection in a
`menu in a program, initiates retrieval of name and addresses and/or other
`person or company related information, while the user works
`simultaneously in another program, e.g., a word processor. The click on the
`function item initiates a program connected to the button to search a
`database or file available on or through the computer ….
`(‘854 Patent, Col. 2 ll. 16-25, emphasis added)
`A person of ordinary skill in the art reading this portion of the ‘854 Specification
`would understand that a common way for “[t]he click on the function item [to]
`initiate[] a program connected to the button ….” is by means of a script or a macro
`that runs within the word processor application program or by similar functionality
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`programmed directly into the word processor source code. Selecting the button
`invokes the functionality, and the script or macro or source code then activates the
`second application program to “initiate[] retrieval” of information from a database.
`40. The retrieval of second information using the second application
`program occurs “while the user works simultaneously” in the word processor.
`Thus, a person of ordinary skill in the art understands that the two application
`programs are executing independently.
`In order to insert words into a document open inside of a word
`processor application program, a program module that accesses information to be
`inserted into the document must be running inside the word processor. Thus, a
`person of skill in the art would understand that there is also a script or macro
`running in the word processor that performs the insertion into the open document.
`42. An application program is generally understood to be a program with
`a user interface running in a process under the control of an operating system. An
`application program calls upon services of the operating system to achieve
`functions such as input/output, scheduling of its own operation (such as suspending
`itself while waiting for an event to happen), allocation of main memory space, and
`invocation of another program in a separat

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