Consolidated Hearing for
`Inter Partes Review
`Apple Inc., Google Inc., and Motorola Mobility LLC
`(Patent Owner)
`Case No. IPR2014-00206
`Case No. IPR2014-00207
`(Patent 7,496,854)
`February 4, 2015
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 1

`U.S. Patent No. 7,496,854
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 2

`Ground of Institution – IPR2014-00206
`Institution Decision
`(IPR2014-00206, Paper 9, p. 22)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 3

`Grounds of Institution – IPR2014-00207
`Institution Decision
`(IPR2014-00207, Paper 9, p. 23)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 4

`The ’854 Patent
`(’854 Patent, FIG. 3)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 5

`The ’854 Patent
`(’854 Patent, FIG. 4)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 6

`Example 1: Retrieving an Existing Address
`(’854 Patent, FIG. 1)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 7

`Example 1: Retrieving an Existing Address
`(’854 Patent, FIGS. 3 & 4)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 8

`Example 2: Adding a New Contact to The Database
`(’854 Patent, FIG. 1)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 9

`Example 2: Adding a New Contact to The Database
`(’854 Patent, FIGS. 5 & 6)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 10

`Example 4: Adding a New Address for an Existing Contact
`(’854 Patent, FIG. 1)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 11

`Example 4: Adding a New Address for an Existing Contact
`(’854 Patent, FIGS. 4 & 9)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 12

`Example 5: Selecting Between Several Possible Matching Addresses
`(’854 Patent, FIG. 1)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 13

`Example 5: Selecting Between Several Possible Matching Addresses
`(’854 Patent, FIGS. 3 & 10)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 14

`Examples of Operations Performed
`• Display information (e.g., Examples 4 and 5)
`• Insert information from a database into a
`document (e.g., Examples 1 and 5)
`• Insert information from a document into a
`database (e.g., Examples 2 and 4)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 15

`Claim Construction
`• "application program"
`• "performing an operation related to second
`information" / "second information associated
`with the first information from a second
`application program"
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 16

`Claim Construction – "application program"
`Institution Decision
`(IPR2014-00206, Paper 9, p. 7)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 17

`Claim Construction – "application program"
`• The term "application program"
`• Does not appear in specification
`• Ordinary and customary meaning
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 18

`Claim Construction – "application program"
`• Board’s Construction
`• "independent executable program"
`Institution Decision
`(IPR2014-00206, Paper 9, p. 12)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 19

`Claim Construction – "application program"
`• Patent Owner seeks a claim construction for
`"application program" that excludes "application
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 20

`Claim Construction – "application program"
`(IPR2014-00206, Exhibit 1006 ("Domini"), FIG. 1)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 21

`Claim Construction – application program
`(Domini, 7:41-50)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 22

`Claim Construction – application program
`(Domini, 7:41-50)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 23

`Claim Construction – application program
`(Domini, 7:41-50)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 24

`Claim Construction – "application program"
`• Patent Owner seeks a claim construction for
`"application program" that excludes "application
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 25

`Claim Construction – "application program"
`• Independent executable program
`• Independently executable program
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 26

`Claim Construction – "performing an operation related to
`second information"
`Institution Decision
`(IPR2014-00206, Paper 9, p. 9)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 27

`Claim Construction – "performing an operation related to
`second information"
`Institution Decision
`(IPR2014-00206, Paper 9, p. 9)
`• Patent Owner does not dispute this construction
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 28

`Claim Construction – "performing an operation related to
`second information"
`(’854 Patent, FIG. 1)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 29

`Claim Construction – "performing an operation related to
`second information"
`(’854 Patent, FIGS. 6 & 9)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 30

`Claim Construction – "associated"
`Institution Decision
`(IPR2014-00206, Paper 9, p. 10)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 31

`Claim Construction – "second information associated with
`the first information from a second application program"
`Institution Decision
`(IPR2014-00206, Paper 9, p. 11)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 32

`Claim Construction – "second information associated with
`the first information from a second application program"
`(’854 Patent, Claim 19)
`(’854 Patent, Claim 22)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 33

`Claim Construction – "second information associated with
`the first information from a second application program"
`(’854 Patent, FIG. 1)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 34

`Domini Anticipates the Claims
`Institution Decision
`(IPR2014-00206, Paper 9, p. 22)
`Institution Decision
`(IPR2014-00207, Paper 9, p. 24)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 35

`Domini Anticipates the Claims
`(Domini, FIG. 1)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 36

`Domini Anticipates the Claims
`(Domini, FIG. 3)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 37

`Domini Anticipates the Claims
`[19a] 19. A method for
`information handling within
`a document created by a first
`application program
`comprising the steps of:
`Domini discloses a method for identifying and correcting spelling errors within a document
`created by a word processor program (first application program). See, e.g., Abstract ("In an
`electronic word processing system environment, a system and method for verifying the
`accuracy of the grammatical composition of a sentence and the spelling of words within the
`sentence in an electronic document.").
`[19b] entering a first
`information in the first
`application program;
`[19c] marking without user
`intervention the first
`information to alert the user
`that the first information can
`be utilized in a second
`application program; and
`A user enters words and sentences (first information) into the word processing program (first
`application program). See, e.g., 5:1-7 ("The preferred embodiment of the present invention
`is represented by ‘WORD’, version 8.0, which is a word processing application program …
`Briefly described, the preferred program allows users to create and edit electronic
`documents by entering characters, symbols, graphical objects, and commands.").
`Without user intervention (see, e.g., 3:31-41), the spell check program identifies a
`potentially misspelled word and marks it by presenting the word in red, bold typeface to
`alert the user the word can be utilized in the database, i.e., dictionary of the spell check
`Marking to alert – 4:12-16 ("It is determined whether any of the words in the sentence are
`misspelled and an indication, such as presenting the misspelled word in red, bold typeface, is
`provided for any misspelled words."); Fig. 3; 11:55-60 (blinking cursor).
`Second application program – Fig. 1 identifies word processing program 37A and spell
`checker program 37B, which includes one or dictionaries, as different application programs.
`See e.g., Fig. 1; 7:41-51 ("The application programs 37 may include a number of different
`programs such as a word processing program 37a, a spell checker program 37b, and a
`grammar checker program 37c."); 16:66-17:57 (standard and custom dictionaries); 7:41-51;
`(IPR2014-00206, Paper 2, pp. 31-32)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 38

`Domini Anticipates the Claims
`[19d] responding to a user
`selection by performing an
`operation related to a second
`The user can select a suggested correction, which is then inserted into the document (an
`operation related to second information).
`Second information – Second information is a list of suggested corrections for an identified
`misspelled word. 1:42-44 ("In addition, many spell checker program modules provide other
`features, such as lists of suggestions to replace the misspelled word …").
`Operation related to second information – Figs. 3, 5, and 7; 12:1-5 ("Still referring to FIG. 3,
`the combined spelling and grammar dialog box 300 includes a suggestion list box 317. The
`suggestion list box 317 includes a plurality of suggestions 320 to replace the possible
`spelling error in the sentence 307."); 12:61-64 ("If the user selects the Change button 340,
`the misspelled word 315 will be replaced with the word that has been selected by the user
`from the suggestions 320 in the suggestion list box 317.").
`[19e] the second information
`associated with the first
`information from the second
`application program.
`Each suggested correction (second information) for a misspelled word is associated with the
`misspelled word (first information).
`(IPR2014-00206, Paper 2, pp. 32-33)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 39

`Domini Anticipates the Claims
`Claims 22-24, 28-30, 60-62, and 76-78
`22. The method of
`claim 19, wherein the
`operation performed is
`entering additional data
`into a database.
`The spell check program allows the user to add a misspelled word identified in
`the document (and for which a suggested correction is provided) to the
`dictionary (database). 12:50-58 ("If the user selects the Add button 335 for a
`spelling error, then the misspelled word is added to the custom dictionary.");
`Fig. 3.
`(IPR2014-00206, Paper 2, p. 33)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 40

`Domini Anticipates the Claims
`Institution Decision
`(IPR2014-00206, Paper 9, p. 9)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 41

`Domini Anticipates the Claims
`Claims 64-69, 85, and 96
`See claim 63.
`The spell check program having one or more dictionaries is called and
`initiated. See, e.g., 16:56-57 ("Referring to FIG. 7, the spell checker program
`module is called at step 705 and a spell checking session is initiated.").
`The spell check program having one or more dictionaries (second application
`program) provides suggested corrections for a misspelled word (first
`information). The spell check program searches the dictionary database for the
`suggested corrections. See, e.g., 16:66-17:57 (standard and custom
`dictionaries); 18:4-9 ("[T]he preferred application program consults another
`part of the SRB [Spell Return Buffer] to locate a string buffer containing
`suggestions from the spell checker program module at step 735. The
`suggestions are the information that is displayed in the suggestion list box 317
`as shown in Fig. 3.").
`The suggested corrections are retrieved from the spell check program and
`displayed for the user. See claim 64c.
`(IPR2014-00206, Paper 2, p. 35)
`[64a] 64. The method of
`claim 63, wherein the
`step of performing the
`operation further
`comprises the steps of:
`[64b] initializing the
`second application
`[64c] searching, using
`the second application
`program, for the second
`information associated
`with the first
`information; and
`[64d] retrieving the
`second information.
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 42

`Domini Anticipates the Claims
`• Domini searches for second information
`associated with first information
`(Domini, FIG. 3)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 43

`Domini Anticipates the Claims
`Patent Owner’s Response
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`(IPR2014-00206, Paper 16, p. 40)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 44

`Domini Anticipates the Claims
`(’854 Patent, FIG. 1)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 45

`The Claims are Anticipated by or Obvious in View of
`Institution Decision
`(IPR2014-00207, Paper 9, p. 24)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 46

`The Claims are Anticipated by or Obvious in View of
`(IPR2014-00207, Exhibit 1008 ("Hachamovitch"), FIGS. 2B & 3)
`Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC Exhibit 1015 Page 47

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