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`FEB MAR Close
`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`10.Jan 98-10 Feb98
`4 10
`The following publications of our Department are available on our
`Ein FEM-basierter Mimikgenerator fiir animierte anthropomorphe Avatare
`Rolf M. Koch, Markus H. Gross, Albert A. Bosshard. Institutfor Sientzfic Computing. January 1998.
`Pages: 8. Language: Deutsch.
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix— or Ecornpressed Portable Document Format] [plain, unix- or ggcompressed Postscript]
`A Framework for Physically-Based Information Visualization
`T. C. Sprenger, M. H. Gross, A. Eggenberger, M. Kaufmann. Institutefor Information Systems, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,
`Ziirich. July 1997.
`Keywords: information visualization, physically based model, clustering
`Pages: 14. Language: english.
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix— or flcornpressed Portable Document Format] [plain, unix- or ggcompressed Postscript]

`M. H. Gross, T. C. Sprenger, J. Finger. Institutefor Information Systems, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Ziirich. August 1997.
`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`Keywords: information visualization, physically based model, clustering, blobs
`Pages: 6. Language: english.
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or ggcompressed Portable Document Format] [plain, unix- or ggcompressed Postscript] [p1ain, unix- or
`flcompressed Postscript]
`Multiresolution Compression and Reconstruction
`Oliver G. Staadt, Markus H. Gross, Roger Weber. Institutfuer Informationssysteme. July 1997.
`Keywords: wavelets, compression, mesh simplification
`Pages: 11. Language: English.
`Available files: [abstract] [pin unix- or flcompressed Portable Document Format]
`A Framework for Physically-Based Information Visualization
`T. C. Sprenger, M. H. Gross, A. Eggenberger, M. Kaufmann. Institutefor Information Systems, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,
`Ziirich. April 1997.
`Keywords: information visualization, physically based model, clustering
`Pages: 10. Language: english.
`Available files: ] fitfli, Q or flcompressed Portable Document Format] [imp Q or ggcompressed Postscript] [a‘b#act] [pfli
`unix- or flcompressed Portable Document Format] [plain, unix- or flcompressed Postscript]

`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or flcompressed Postscript]
`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`Efficient Triangular Surface Approximations using Wavelets and Quadtree Data
`Markus H. Gross, Oliver G. Staadt and Roger Gatti. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. June 1996.
`IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. Vol 2. Nr. 2.
`Keywords: Surface Meshing, Triangle Approximations, Level-of-Detail, Quadtrees, Wavelet Transforms, Wavelet Space Filtering, Biorthogonal
`Wavelets, Mean—Square Error, Digital Terrain Modeling
`Pages: 19. Language: English.
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or flcompressed Postscript] |plain, unix— or grkcompressed Postscript]
`Simulating Facial Surgery Using Finite Element Models
`R. M. Koch, M. H. Gross, F. R. Carls, D. F. Von Bueren, G. Fankhauser, Y. I. H. Parish. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich.
`August 1996.
`Proceedings ofthe SIGGRAPH '96 conference.
`Keywords: Computational Geometry and Object Modeling, Finite Element Method, Facial Surgery Simulation, Facial Modeling, Data Reconstruction
`Pages: 8. Language: English
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or ggcompressed Portable Document Format] [plain, unix- or ficompressed Postscript]
`Fast Multiresolution Surface Meshing

`Keywords: Surface Meshing, Polygonal Approximations, I/evel-of-Detail, Quadtrees, Wavelet Transforms, Wavelet Space Filtering, Biorthogonal
`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`Wavelets, Mean-Square Error, Digital Terrain Modeling
`Pages: 8. Language: English.
`Available files: [abstract] [pin unix- or ggcompressed Postscript] [plain, unix- or ggcompressed Postscript] [plain, unix- or ggcompressed
`Visualization of Multidimensional Shape and Texture Features in Laser Range Data
`using Complex-Valued Gabor Wavelets
`M. H. Gross, R. Koch. Institutfiir Informationssysteme, ETH Ziirich. March 1995.
`IEEE - Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. Vol 1. Nr. 1.
`Keywords: Feature—based visualization, feature extraction, wavelet transform, Gabor wavelets, multidimensional visualization, subspace mapping,
`principal components, shape and texture analysis
`Pages: 43. Language: english
`Available files: [ieee-tvcg25] [abstract]
`SPIDER retrieval system at TREC5
`Jean-Paul Ballerini, Marco Buechel, Ruxandra Domenig, Daniel Knaus, Bojidar Mateev, Elke Mittendorf, Peter Schaeuble, Paraic
`Sheridan, Martin Wechsler. Institute for Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. 1997.
`Proceedings ofthe 5th Text REt1ieval Conference, TREC-5.
`Keywords: infonnation retrieval system, inforrmtion routing, information retrieval, OCR data
`Pages: 12. Language: English.
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix— or flcompressed Postscript]

`Speech Retrieval Based on Automatic Indexing
`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`M. Wechsler and P. Schauble. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. October 1995.
`Final Workshop on Multimedia Inforrmtion Retrieval (MIRO'95).
`Keywords: Multimedia Information Retrieval, Speech Indexing
`Pages: 8. Language: English
`Available files: [plain, unix— or ficornpressed Postscript]
`First Experiences with a System for Content Based Retrieval of Information from
`Speech Recordings
`P. Schauble and M. Wechsler. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH). August 1995.
`IJCAI Workshop: Intelligent Multimedia Information Retrieval
`Keywords: Multimedia Information Retrieval Speech Indexing
`Pages: 12. Language: English.
`Available files: [plain, unix— or ggcompressed Postscript]
`The System Architecture and the Transaction Concept of the SPIDER Information
`Retrieval System
`D. Knaus and P. Schauble. Institute for Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. March 1996.
`IEEE Bulletin ofthe Technical Committee on Data Engineering, Special Issue on the Integration of Information Retrieval and Database Technology.
`Keywords: information retrieval system, database system, transaction processing
`Pages: 9. Language: English.

`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`Experiments in Multilingual Information Retrieval using the SPIDER System
`P. Sheridan and J.P. Ballerini. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. May 1996.
`Keywords: multilingual information retrieval
`Pages: 8. Language: English
`Available files: [abstract] [iflr unix- or flcompressed Postscript]
`Automatic Indexing for Storage ad Retrieval of Line Drawing
`0. Lorenz and G. Monagan. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. February 1995.
`Storage and Retrieval for Imange and Video Databases III.
`Ke ywords: none
`Pages: 216-227 (10). Language: English
`Available files: [abstract] [iflr unix- or grgcompressed Postscript]
`A Retrieval System for Graphical Documents
`0. Lorenz and G. Monagan. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Zzirich. April 1995.
`Fourth Annual Symposium on Document Analysis and Inforrmtion Retrieval.
`Keywords: none
`Pages: 291-300 (10). Language: English
`Available files: [abstract] fifli, unix- or flcornpressed Postscript]

`Hishlighting Relevant Passages for Users of th Interactive SPIDER Retrieval System
`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`D. Knaus, E. Mittendorf, P. Schauble and P. Sheridan. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. 1995.
`TREC 4 Convference.
`Keywords: none
`Pages: 10. Language: English.
`Available files: [abstract] fifli, unix- or ggcompressed Postscript]
`Measuring the Effects of Data Corruption on Information Retrieval
`E. Mittendorf and P. Schiiuble. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Zurich. 1995.
`SDAIR '96.
`Keywords: none
`Pages: 10. Language: English.
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or flcompressed Postscript]
`Recognition of Cartographic Symbols
`Sushil Bhattacharjee and Gladys Monagan. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. 1994.
`in Proc. 4th LAPR International Workshop on Machine Vision Applications, Kawasaki, Japan, 1994, pp. 226-229.
`Keywords: cartography, maps, symbol recognition, shape classification
`Pages: 4. Language: English
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or flcompressed Postscript]

`Gladys Monagan. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. 1994.
`4th LAPR International Workshop on Machine Vision Applications, Kawasaki, Japan, 1994, pp. 427-430.
`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`Keywords: segmentation, OCR, map
`Pages: 4. Language: English.
`Available files: [abstract] [p]ain, unix- or flcompressed Postscript]
`Extracting Words and Multi-part Symbols in Graphics Rich Document
`Mark Burge and Gladys Monagan. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. 1995.
`Proceedings ofthe 8th International Conference on Irmge Analysis and Processing ICIAP, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag,
`Keywords: document analysis, image understanding, text and symbol grouping, area Voronoi tessellation
`Pages: 4. Language: English
`Avaflable files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or ggcornpressed Postscript]
`Audiodokumente in Hypermedia Informationssystemen
`U. Glavitsch, D. Knaus, J. Rentsch. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. March 1993.
`In: Proc. Hypermedia Conf. , Inforrmtik aktuell, Springer Verlag, March 1993.
`Keywords: none
`Pages: -. Language: English.
`Available files: [abstract]

`Gladys Monagan and Markus Riiiisli. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. 1993.
`Proceedings ofthe Second International Conf. on Document Analysis and Recognition, Tsukuba, Japan, pp. 623-626.
`Keywords: map and drawing understanding, line extraction, run graph representation, skeleton, component recognition in drawings
`Pages: 4. Language: English.
`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or flcompressed Postscript]
`Metadata for Integrating Speech Documents in a Text Retrieval System
`U. Glavitsch, P. Schauble and M. Wechsler. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. November 1994.
`Keywords: none
`Pages: 6. Language: English.
`Available files: [abstract] [pity unix- or flcompressed Postscript]
`A High Quality Vectorization Combining Local Quality Measures and Global
`Markus Riiiisli and Gladys Monagan. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. August 1994.
`Proceedings ofthe Third International Conf. on Document Analysis and Recognition, Montreal, Canada, August 14-16, 1995.
`Keywords: raster-to-vector technique, graphical primitives, map vectorization
`Pages: 6. Language: English.
`Available files: [abstract] [p1ain, unix- or flcompressed Postscript]

`P. Schéiuble. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. 1993.
`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`In: SIGIR, 1993, pp. 318-327.
`Keywords: none
`Pages: -. Language: English.
`Available files: [abstract]
`Verbesserung der Kantenbeschreibung in Hyperkollektionen durch
`D. Stieger. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. March 1993.
`In: Proc. Hypermedia Conf. , Infomaatik aktuell, Springer Verlag, March 1993.
`Keywords: none
`Pages: -. Language: English.
`Available files: [abstract]
`A Semantic Link Model for Hypertext Retrieval
`H. P. Frei and D. Stieger. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. 1993.
`In: Berichte des Departements Infomaatik ETH, No. 194, 1993.
`Keywords: none
`Pages: -. Language: English.
`Available files: [abstract]

`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`P. Schiiuble. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Zfirich. November 1994.
`In: EUSIPCO, 1994, pp. 127- 130.
`Keywords: none
`Pages: 4. Language: English
`Available files: [abstract] fifli, unix- or flcornpressed Postscript]
`H.P. Frei, P. Schéiuble (ed.). Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Zzirich.
`Keywords: none
`Pages: -. Language: English.
`Available files: [abstract]
`Assessing the Retrieval Effectiveness of a Speech Retrieval System by Simulating
`Recognition Errors
`P. Schiiuble and U. Glavitsch. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. November 1994.
`In: ARPA Workshop on Hurmn Language Technology (HLT'94), 1994.
`Keywords: none
`Pages: -. Language: English.
`Available files: [abstract]

`Speech Retrieval in a Multimedia System
`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`U. Glavitsch and P. Schauble. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. 1992.
`In: EUSIPCO, 1992, pp. 295-298.
`Keywords: none
`Pages: —. Language: English.
`Available files: [abstract]
`Making Use of Hypertext Links when Retrieving Information
`H. P. Frei and D. Stieger. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. 1992.
`In: ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, ECHT‘92, 1992, pp. 102-111.
`Keywords: none
`Pages: -. Language: English.
`Available files: [abstract]
`On the Expressive Power of Query Languages
`P. Schiiuble and B. Wiithrich. Institute for Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. 1992.
`In: ACM-TOIS, 12(1).
`Keywords: none
`Pages: -. Language: English.
`Available files: [abstract]

`Speech Recordings
`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`Peter Schauble, Martin Wechsler. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. March 1995.
`Keywords: Speech Information Retrieval
`Language: English.
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or flcompressed Postscript]
`Eine neue Indexierungsmethode fuer Information Retrieval auf Audiodokumenten
`Martin We chs le r. Institutfuer Informationssystem e, ETH Ziirich. February 1995.
`submitted (HIM 95).
`Keywords: Speech Information Retrieval
`Pages: 12. Language: Deutsch.
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or flcompressed Postscript]
`Applying a Similarity Thesaurus to a Large Collection for Information Retrieval
`Hans-Peter Frei and Yonggang Qiu. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. January 1995.
`Keywords: none
`Pages: 15. Language: English.
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or Ecompressed Postscript]

`Elke Mittendorf, Peter Schauble, Paraic Sheridan. Institute for Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. January 1995.
`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`submitted (SIGIR 95).
`Keywords: none
`Pages: 8. Language: English.
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or flcompressed Postscript]
`Improving a Basic Retrieval Method by Links and Passage Level Evidence
`D. Knaus, E. Mittendorf and P. Schauble. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. November 1994.
`TREC-3 Conference, 1994.
`Keywords: none
`Pages: 6. Language: English.
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or flcompressed Postscript]
`Effective and Eflicient Retrieval from Large and Dynamic Document Collections
`D. Knaus and P. Schauble. Institute for Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. 1993.
`In: TREC-2 Proceedings, 1993, pp. 163-170.
`Keywords: none
`Pages: 9. Language: English.
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix— or flcompressed Postscript]

`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`In: SIGIR, 1994, pp. 318-327.
`Keywords: none
`Pages: 10. Language: English.
`Available files: [abstract] [pity unix- or ggcornpressed Postscript]
`Processes + Transactions = Distributed Applications
`Gustavo Alonso. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. September 1997.
`Proceedings of High Perforrmnce Transaction.
`Available files: [abstract] [p1ain, unix— or ggcompressed Postscript]
`Distributed Client Caching for Multimedia Data
`D. Ma and G. Alonso. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. September 1997.
`Proc. ofthe 3rd Int. Workshop on MIS.
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or flcompressed Postscript]
`Distributed Processing over Stand-alone Systems and Applications
`Gustavo Alonso, Claus Hagen, Hans-Joerg Schek, Markus Tresch. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. August 1997.
`Proceedings ofVLDB'97.

`Client-Caching Algorithms in a Video-on-Demand System
`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`D. Ma and G. Alonso. Institute ofInformation Systems, ETH Zurich. April 1997.
`Technical report.
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or Ecompressed Postscript]
`Flexible Kopplung Von CIM-Systemen mit Hilfe Von Datenbank-Agenten
`H. Schuldt and M. Tresch. Institute ofInformation Systems, ETH Ziirich. May 1997.
`9. Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken".
`Available files: [it] [‘@1, Q or flcompressed Postscript]
`Exploiting Atomic Broadcast in Replicated Databases
`D. Agrawal, G. Alonso, A. El Abbadi, I. Stanoi. Institute for Information Systems, ETH Zurich. August 1997.
`Proceedings of Euro-Par'97.
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or flcompressed Postscript]
`Physical Database Design for Raster Images in Concert
`Lukas Relly and Hans-J. Schek and 0101' Henricsson and Stephan Nebiker. Institute ofInformation Systems, ETH Zurich. July 1997.
`5th International Symposium on Spatial Databases (S SD'97).

`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`Geo—Opera: Workflow Concepts for Spatial Processes
`Alonso, G. and Hagen, C. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. July 1997.
`5th International Symposium on Spatial Databases (S SD'97).
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or ggcompressed Postscript]
`Kombination Von aktiven Mechanismen und Transaktionen im TRAMS-Proj ekt
`C. Hagen. Institute ofInformation Systems, ETH Zéirich. May 1996.
`8. Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken".
`Available files: [abstract] [‘@1, unix- or ggcompressed Postscript]
`Physischer Datenbankentwurf fiir mehrdimensionale Daten in Concert
`Lukas Relly. Institutfiir Informationssysteme, ETH Ziiric/2. March 1997.
`GI-Workshop Multidimensionale Datenbanken.
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or flcompressed Postscript]
`Correctness and Parallelism in Composite Systems
`Alonso, G., Blott, S., Fessler, A., Schek, H.-J. Institute ofInformation Systems, ETH Zi/‘rich. May 1997.

`Workflow Management: the Next Generation of Distributed
`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`Alonso, G., Mohan, C. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1997.
`Advanced Transaction Models and Architures,.
`Available files:
`Distributed Data Management in Workflow Environments
`Alonso, G., Reinwald, B., Mohan, C. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. April 1997.
`7th Int. Workshop on Research Issues in Data Engineering (RIDE'97).
`Available files:
`Partial Database Replication and Group Communication Primitives
`G. Alonso. Institute for Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. March 1997.
`2nd European Research Seminar on Advances in Distributed Systems (ERSADS'97).
`Available files:
`Functionality and Limitations of Current Workflow Management Systems
`Gustavo Alonso, Divyakant Agrawal, Amr El Abbadi and C. Mohan. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. 1996.

`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`Extending TP--Monitors for Intra-Transaction Parallelism
`K. Kaufmann and H.-J. Schek. Institute for Information Systems, ETH Z|rich. December 1996.
`Proc. ofthe 4th Int. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Information Systems.
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or flcompressed Postscript]
`Intra-Transaction Parallelism in the Mapping of an Object Model to a Relational Multi-
`Processor System
`Michael Rys, Moira C. Norrie, Hans-Jiirg Schek. Institute for Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. September 1996.
`Proc. of the 22nd Internat. Conference VLDB.
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or ggcompressed Postscript]
`Providing High Availability in Very Large Workflow Management Systems
`M. Kamath, G. Alonso, R. Guenthoer, C. Mohan. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. March 1996.
`Proceedings ofthe Fifth International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT'96).
`Available files: [abstract] [p1ain, unix— or flcompressed Postscript]
`Research Issues in Large Workflow Management Systems

`Proceedings ofthe NSF Workshop on Workflow and Process Autormtion in Information Systems.
`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or flcompressed Postscript]
`Advanced Transaction Models in Workflow Contexts
`G. Alonso, D. Agrawal, A. El Abbadi, M. Kamath, R. Guenthoer, C. Mohan. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. February
`Proceedings ofthe 12th International Conference on Data Engineering.
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or ggcompressed Postscript]
`Accessing Geographical Metafiles through a Database Storage System
`Stephen Blott and Andrej Vckovski. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. August 1995.
`Proceedings ofthe Fourth International Symposium on Large Spatial Databases.
`Available files: [plain, unix- or ggcompressed Postscript]
`An Open Abstract-Object Storage System
`Stephen Blott and Lukas Relly and Hans-Joerg Schek. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. June 1996.
`Proceedings ofthe 1996 ACM SIGMOD Conference on Management ofData.
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or flcompressed Postscript]

`Database Technology in Workflow Environments
`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`Gustavo Alonso and Hans-Joerg Schek. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Zurich. 1996.
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or Ecompressed Postscript]
`The Role of Database Technology in Workflow Management
`Gustavo Alonso. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. June 1996.
`Proceedings ofthe First International Conference on Interoperable and Cooperative Systems.
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix— or flcompressed Postscript]
`Terminological Reasoning by Query Evaluation: A Formal Mapping of a
`Terminological Logic to an Object Data Model
`U. Reimer and P. Lippuner and M. Norrie and M. Rys. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich and Swiss Life Information Systems
`Research Group, Ziirich. August 1995.
`Proc. Int. KRUSE Symp. (Knowledge Retrieval, Use and Storage for Efliciency).
`Available files: [abstract] Lrfli, unix- or ggcompressed Postscript]
`Transactional Workflows Support using Middleware

`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or flcompressed Postscript]
`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`Text Search Using Database Systems Revisited —-- Some Experiments
`H. Kaufmann and H.-J. Schek. Institute for Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. July 1995.
`Proc. of the 13th British National Conference on Databases.
`Available files: [abstract] [pllr unix- or ggcompressed Postscript]
`Multidatabase Agents for CIM Systems
`M. Wunderli and M. C. Norrie and W. Schaad. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. July 1995.
`Proc. ofthe 3rd Int. Com‘. on Computer Integrated Manufacturing (ICCIM'95).
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix— or flcompressed Postscript]
`Relaxation of Correctness in Database Systems
`H. Kaufmann and M.C. Norrie. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. June 1995.
`Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS) Proc. ofthe 2nd International Workshop ofthe Moscow ACM SIGMOD Chapter (in
`cooperation with the Russian Foundation for Basic Research).
`Available files: [abstract] [p1ain, unix— or ggcompressed Postscript]

`M. C. Norrie and D. Kerr. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. May 1995.
`Proc. ofthe 3rd Int. Conf on Cooperative Information Systems.
`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`Available files: [abstract] [iflr unix- or flcompressed Postscript]
`Flexible Enterprise Integration through Coordination Repositories
`M. C. Norrie and M. Wunderli. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. August 1995.
`Proc. ofthe 11th Int. Conf on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Factories ofthe Future (CARS & FOF).
`Available files: [abstract]
`A Storage Manager for the Development of Spatial Data Structures
`L. Relly, A. Wolf. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. March 1994.
`Int. Workshop on Advanced Research in Geographic Information Systems.
`Keywords: storage rmnager, GIS
`Pages: 10. Language: English.
`Avaflable files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or ggcompressed Postscript]
`Implementation and Performance of Multi-level Transaction Management in
`Multidatabase Environment
`W. Schaad, H.-J. Schek, G. Weikum. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. March 1995.

`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`Coordination Approaches for CIM
`M. C. Norrie, M. Wunderli, R. Montau, U. Leonhardt, W. Schaad, H.-J. Schek. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. December
`Proc. ofthe European Workshop on Integrated Manufacturing Systems Engineering.
`Available files: [abstract] [plly unix- or flcompressed Postscript]
`Ein Speichersystem fuer abstrakte Objekte
`L. Relly, S. Blott. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Zarich. March 1995.
`Proc. ofthe 6th German Conf. on Database Systems for Office, Engineering and Scientific Applications, BTW'95.
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or g&compressed Postscript]
`Buffering Long Externally-Defined Objects
`B. Blott, H. Kaufmann, L. Relly, H.-J. Schek. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ztirich. September 1994.
`Proc. ofthe 6th Int. Workshop on Persistent Object Systems (POS6).
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or flcompressed Postscript]
`Concepts and Applications of Multilevel Transactions and Open Nested Transactions

`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or flcompressed Postscript]
`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`Towards a Unified Theory of Concurrency Control and Recovery
`H.-J. Schek, G. Weikum, H. Ye. Institute for Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. May 1993.
`12th ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles ofDatabase Systems (PODS).
`Available files: [abstract] [fig unix- or Ecornpressed Postscript]
`Adaptive Load Balancing in Disk Arrays
`P. Scheuermann, G. Weikum, P. Zabback. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. October 1993.
`Proc. ofthe 4th Int. Conf on Foundations ofData Organization and Algorithms (FODO’93).
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix— or flcompressed Postscript]
`Open Nested Transactions in Federated Database Systems
`G. Weikum, A. Deacon, W. Schaad, H.-J. Schek. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. June 1993.
`IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, Vol. 16, No. 2.
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or ggcompressed Postscript]

`H.-J. Schek, G. Weikum, W. Schaad. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. April 1991.
`Proc. ofthe First Int. Workshop on Inter- operability in Multidatabase Systems, (IMS'91).
`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`Available files: [abstract] [gflr unix- or flcompressed Postscript]
`Cooperation between Autonomous Operation Services and Object Database Systems in
`a Heterogeneous Environment
`H.-J. Schek, A. Wolf. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. November 1992.
`Proc. ofthe IFIP TC2/WG2.6 Conf on Semantics of Interoperable Database Systems, DS-5. D. K. Hsiao, E. J. Neuhold, R. Sacks—Davis, Elsevier
`O\lorth- Holland).
`Pages: 255-281.
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, uniX- or flcompressed Postscript]
`Federated Transaction Management Using Open Nested Transactions
`W. Schaad, H.-J. Schek. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. October 1993.
`Proc. ofthe DBTA Workshop on Interoperability ofDatabase Systems and Database Applications.
`Available files: [abstract] fifli, unix- or ggcompressed Postscript]
`Heuristic Optimization of Speedup and Benefit/Cost for Parallel Database Scans on
`Shared-Memory Multiprocessors

`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or flcompressed Postscript]
`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`Coordination System Modelling
`M. C. Norrie, M. Wunderli. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. December 1994.
`Proc. ofthe 13th Int. Conf on the Enitity Relationship Approach.
`Available files: [abstract] [pllr unix- or ggcompressed Postscript]
`CIM through Database Coordination
`M. C. Norrie, W. Schaad, H.-J. Schek, M. Wunderli. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. May 1994.
`Proc. ofthe Int. Conf on Data and Knowledge Systems for Manufacturing and Engineering.
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix— or flcompressed Postscript]
`A Protocol for Cooperative Spatial Information Managers
`M. De Lorenzi, A. Wolf. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. October 1993.
`Proc. ofthe DBTA Workshop on Interoperability ofDatabase Systems and Database Applications.
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or flcompressed Postscript]

`G. Droege, H.-J. Schek. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. June 1993.
`Proc. ofthe 6th Int. Workshop on Persistent Object Systems (POS6).
`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`Available files: [abstract] [ifly unix- or flcompressed Postscript]
`Semantics-based Multilevel Transaction Management in Federated Systems
`A. Deacon, H.-J. Schek, G. Weikum. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. February 1994.
`Proc. ofthe 10th Int. Conf on Data Engineering (ICDE'94).
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or ggcompressed Postscript]
`Merging Application-centric and Data-centric Approaches to Support Transaction-
`oriented Multi-system Workflows
`Y. Breitbart, A. Deacon, H.-J. Schek, A. Sheth, G. Weikum. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. September 1993.
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or Ecompressed Postscript]
`ACADEMIA: An Agent-Maintained Database based on Information Extraction from
`Web Documents
`M. Magnanelli, A. Erni and M. C. Norrie. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. April 1998.

`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`OMS Object-Oriented Data Management System: Introductory Tutorial
`M. C. Norrie and A. Wuergler. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. October 1997.
`Technical Report.
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or ggcompressed Postscript]
`A Product Information System based on an Object-Oriented Internet Database System
`A. Kobler and M. C. Norrie. Institute for Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. June 1997.
`IEEE 6th Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE‘97), Cambridge, USA (IEEE copyright notice
`included. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright.).
`Available files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or flcompressed Postscript]
`OM Framework for Object-Oriented Data Management
`M. C. Norrie and A. Wuergler. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. August 1997.
`INFORMATIK, Journal ofthe Swiss Inforrnaticians Society, No. 4.
`Available files: [abstract] Lrml, unix- or ggcompressed Postscript]
`Tool Agents in Coordinated Information Systems

`Available files: [abstract]
`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`Agent Based Internet Database Services
`A. Erni and M. C. Norrie. Institute for Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. June 1997.
`4th Doctoral Consortium in Conjunction with 9th Conf on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'97), Barcelona, Spain.
`Available files: [abstract] [jflr unix- or flcompressed Postscript]
`IDEOMS: An Integrated Document Environment based on OMS Object-Oriented
`Database System
`G. Rivera, M. C. Norrie and A. Steiner. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. June 1997.
`4th Doctoral Consortium in Conjunction with 9th Conf on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'97), Barcelona, Spain.
`Available files: [abstract] fiflr, unix- or ggcompressed Postscript]
`Temporal Object Role Modelling
`A. Steiner and M. C. Norrie. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. June 1997.
`Proc. 9th Conf. on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'97), Barcelona, Spain
`Available files: [abstract]

`A. Steiner and M. C. Norrie. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. April 1997.
`Proc. 5th Int. Conf on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA'97), Melbourne, Australia.
`ETH Zurich / Computer Science/ Publications
`Available files: [abstract] fifll, unix- or flcompressed Postscript]
`An Object-Oriented Database Programming Environment for Oberon
`J. Supcik and M. C. Norrie. Institutefor Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. March 1997.
`Proc. Joint Modular Languages Conference (HVILC'97), Linz, Austria.
`Avaflable files: [abstract] [plain, unix- or ggcompressed Postscript]
`SnowNet: An Agent—Based Internet Tourist Information Service
`A. Erni and M. C. Norrie. Institute for Information Systems, ETH Ziirich. January 1997.
`Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Infornntion and Communications Technology in Tourism, Edinburgh, Scotland.
`Avaflable files: [abstract] [pity unix- or ggcompressed Postscript]
`A Model for Classification Structu

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