`Exhibit 2022
`Exhibit 2022
`LABS, )
` Petitioner, )
` vs. ) No. IPR2014-00199
` Patent Owner. )
` 1 o'clock p.m.
` December 8, 2014
` 700 Fifth Avenue
` Seattle, Washington
`Yvonne A. Southworth, CCR No. 2129.
`JOB No. 1977186
`PAGES 1 - 137
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`866 299-5127
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`3 4
`A P P E A R A N C E S :
`F o r t h e P a t e n t O w n e r :
` B Y : A N D Y H . C H A N
` P e p p e r H a m i l t o n
` 3 3 3 T w i n D o l p h i n D r i v e
` S u i t e 4 0 0
` R e d w o o d C i t y , C A 9 4 0 6 5
` 6 5 0 - 8 0 2 - 3 6 0 0
` c h a n a @ p e p p e r l a w . c o m
`F o r t h e P e t i t i o n e r :
` B Y : S C O T T W . C U M M I N G S
` D e n t o n s U S
` 1 3 0 1 K S t r e e t N W
` S u i t e 6 0 0 , E a s t T o w e r
` W a s h i n g t o n , C D 2 0 0 0 5
` 2 0 2 - 4 0 8 - 9 2 1 7
` s c o t t . c u m m i n g s @ d e n t o n s . c o m
`2 3
`4 5
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
`2 3
`2 4
`2 5
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`By Mr. Chan 5 - 125
`By Mr. Cummings 125 - 133
`By Mr. Chan 133 - 135
`Exhibit 1001 -- United States Patent 6,771,970
`Exhibit 1003 -- United States Patent 6,245,039
`Exhibit 1020 -- Declaration of Craig Rosenberg
`2 3 4
`7 8 9
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` ***** 12:26:39
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Good afternoon. We are 12:41:14
`going on the record at 12:42 p.m. on December 8th, 12:41:15
`2014. This is the video recorded deposition of Craig 12:41:19
`Rosenberg. My name is Lindsay Hitchcock, here with 12:41:23
`our court reporter, Yvonne Southworth. We are here 12:41:27
`from Veritext National Deposition and Litigation 12:41:29
`Services at the request of the patent owner. 12:41:32
` This deposition is being held at Kelley, 12:41:36
`Goldfarb, Huck and Roth in Seattle, Washington. The 12:41:38
`caption of this case is Wavemarket versus LocationNet 12:41:42
`Systems, cause number IPR2014-00199. 12:41:46
` Please note that audio and video recording 12:41:54
`will take place unless all parties agree to go off the 12:41:56
`record. Microphones are sensitive and may pick up 12:42:00
`whispers, private conversations, and cellular 12:42:01
`interference. I'm not authorized to administer an 12:42:04
`oath. I'm not related to any party in this action, 12:42:07
`nor am I financially interested in the outcome in any 12:42:09
`way. 12:42:12
` May I please have an agreement from all 12:42:13
`parties that we can proceed? 12:42:15
` MR. CUMMINGS: Agreed. 12:42:17
` MR. CHAN: Yes. 12:42:18
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: At this time, will 12:42:19
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`counsel please identify themselves for the record, 12:42:20
`after which, the court reporter can swear in the 12:42:20
`witness. 12:42:23
` MR. CHAN: I'm Andy Chan, representing 12:42:24
`patent owner, LocationNet Systems. 12:42:26
` MR. CUMMINGS: And I'm Scott Cummings for 12:42:30
`the petitioner, Wavemarket. 12:42:32
` 12:42:35
`CRAIG ROSENBERG, having been duly sworn, 12:42:35
` testified as follows: 12:42:35
` 12:42:35
` EXAMINATION 12:42:34
`BY MR. CHAN: 12:42:35
`Q Good afternoon, Dr. Rosenberg. 12:42:45
`A Good afternoon. 12:42:46
`Q Can you please state your name and address 12:42:48
`for the record? 12:42:49
`A Craig Rosenberg, 1574 Northeast 190th 12:42:50
`Street, Shoreline, Washington, 98177. 12:42:54
`Q Dr. Rosenberg, do you understand that you're 12:43:00
`testifying today as if you were in a court of law? 12:43:03
`A I do. 12:43:06
`Q Have you ever been deposed before? 12:43:06
`A I have. 12:43:08
`Q If so, how many times? 12:43:09
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`A Three times previously. 12:43:10
`Q Can you briefly describe each circumstance. 12:43:11
`A Yes. One was Silver State versus four 12:43:15
`square, IPR proceeding. Another one was Silver State 12:43:20
`versus Garmin, patent litigation. And the third was 12:43:26
`Select Retrieval versus Overstock.com, also a patent 12:43:34
`dispute. 12:43:40
`Q For the Silver State versus Foursquare 12:43:44
`matter, which party did you represent? 12:43:46
`A Silver State. 12:43:48
`Q And was Silver State the patent owner? 12:43:50
`A Yes. 12:43:53
`Q And what was the subject matter of that 12:43:54
`dispute? 12:43:57
`A Location based services. 12:44:00
`Q Can you be a little more specific about what 12:44:06
`technology was involved? 12:44:09
`A Just GPS tracking. Ability to track goods, 12:44:10
`assets, and people. 12:44:18
`Q And what specifically about location based 12:44:32
`services was that case involving? 12:44:36
`A I would have to review it more thoroughly to 12:44:43
`recall the various aspects in general, but it had to 12:44:47
`do with location tracking of goods, assets, and -- 12:44:54
`assets and people. 12:44:59
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`Q How long ago was that? 12:45:01
`A Oh, about a year ago. 12:45:03
`Q You don't recall specifically what subject 12:45:06
`matter it involved? 12:45:07
` MR. CUMMINGS: Objection, form. 12:45:09
`A No, I don't. 12:45:20
`Q And in the Silver State versus Garmin 12:45:23
`manner, can you briefly describe what subject matter 12:45:28
`that involved? 12:45:33
`A The same, basely location based services and 12:45:33
`tracking of assets and people. 12:45:37
`Q And, again, do you recall what specific 12:45:44
`technology that involved? 12:45:46
`A Just at that level of detail that I just 12:45:50
`described. 12:45:53
`Q Do you have any further recollection about 12:45:56
`the specifics of the technology that was involved in 12:45:57
`each of those matters? 12:46:00
`A I don't, no. 12:46:02
`Q And the Silver State versus Garmin matter, 12:46:05
`how long ago was that? 12:46:10
`A That was about a year ago. I need to amend 12:46:11
`my answer. The -- I was confusing the two. The one 12:46:13
`that was in the Foursquare matter was more recent than 12:46:17
`that, than a year. The Garmin one was roughly a year 12:46:21
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`ago, perhaps a little more. 12:46:26
`Q And the Select Retrieval matter that you 12:46:34
`mentioned, what specific technology did that involve? 12:46:36
`A It involved web servers in e-commerce. 12:46:39
`Basically, it involved user interface design for 12:46:44
`e-commerce websites and being able to selectively -- 12:46:48
`to iteratively filter content that's displayed from a 12:46:54
`database based on user action. 12:47:02
`Q At the end of those three matters that you 12:47:17
`described, do they relate specifically to location 12:47:20
`determination technologies? 12:47:24
`A The third matter, is that what you're 12:47:25
`asking? The Select Retrieval matter? 12:47:27
`Q Yes. 12:47:30
`A No, it did not relate to location based 12:47:30
`services. 12:47:33
`Q And the first two, would you regard each of 12:47:33
`those matters as relating to location determination 12:47:36
`system technology? 12:47:39
`A Yes. 12:47:40
`Q And do you -- does it refresh your 12:47:42
`recollection as to what the specific subject matter is 12:47:45
`with regard to the Foursquare and Garmin matters? 12:47:50
` MR. CUMMINGS: Objection. Asked and 12:47:53
`answered. 12:47:53
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`A No. I didn't review those cases in 12:47:54
`preparation for this matter, so I don't have more 12:48:01
`specifics at this time. 12:48:05
`Q Do you recall whether or not each of those 12:48:07
`matters related to user interface subject matter? 12:48:09
`A I do believe there were user interface 12:48:13
`elements of them, of both of those cases, yes. 12:48:15
`Q Do you recall anything else regarding the 12:48:22
`specific technology relating to both the Foursquare 12:48:24
`and Garmin matters? 12:48:27
`A No. 12:48:29
`Q You just recall that they related to user 12:48:31
`interface type of technologies, correct? 12:48:34
` MR. CUMMINGS: Objection, form. 12:48:36
`A I know that they both involved location 12:48:39
`based services. I believe they both involved 12:48:43
`tracking. And I believe some of the detailed elements 12:48:46
`of the case involved how the user interface was 12:48:51
`implemented to accomplish those goals. 12:48:54
`Q I'm sure your counsel has gone over the 12:49:00
`rules for a deposition. I would like to remind you of 12:49:02
`a few deposition things. 12:49:05
`A Please. 12:49:07
`Q So it's a question and answer process. I 12:49:08
`would like to ask you some questions, and you get to 12:49:09
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`answer those questions. You're testifying under oath 12:49:12
`as if you were -- as if you were at trial. If you 12:49:14
`want to take a break, please let me know. And it's 12:49:18
`important that we take turns speaking. As you know, 12:49:22
`we have a court reporter here and a videographer, so 12:49:26
`it's important to be clear. 12:49:29
`A Yes. 12:49:30
`Q Is there any reason why you cannot give 12:49:31
`truthful and accurate testimony today? 12:49:33
`A No. 12:49:35
`Q Did you do anything to prepare for your 12:49:35
`deposition today? 12:49:37
`A Yes. 12:49:40
`Q Can you tell me what you did? 12:49:41
` MR. CUMMINGS: Caution the witness not to 12:49:45
`reveal the substance of any attorney client 12:49:46
`conversations. 12:49:48
`A I reviewed my declaration. I reviewed the 12:49:51
`'970 Patent. I reviewed the Elliott patent. I 12:49:56
`reviewed the petition. And I spoke with Scott 12:50:02
`Cummings. 12:50:13
`Q Is that all? 12:50:21
`A Yes. 12:50:27
`Q Did you meet with your counsel in 12:50:29
`preparation for your deposition today? 12:50:33
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`A Yes. 12:50:35
`Q When did that meeting take place? 12:50:36
`A Yesterday. 12:50:38
`Q And how long did that meeting last? 12:50:39
`A Approximately three hours. 12:50:42
`Q Who else was present at that meeting? 12:50:47
`A Nobody else. 12:50:50
`Q Just Scott Cummings was -- 12:50:52
`A Yes, yes. Oh, yes. Of course. 12:50:53
`Q I would like to introduce Exhibits 12:51:16
`previously marked for the proceeding as Exhibit 1001. 12:51:19
`It's the patent, the '970 Patent. 12:51:24
` And while I'm at it, I'll also mark Exhibit 12:51:34
`1003, it's the Elliott patent, Patent Number 12:51:38
`6,243,039. And also I would like to introduce Exhibit 12:51:43
`1020, declaration of Craig Rosenberg, Ph.D. in support 12:52:04
`of petitioner's reply. 12:52:24
` Mr. Rosenberg, please take a look at Exhibit 12:52:27
`1001, US Patent Number 6,771,970. Do you recognize 12:52:31
`Exhibit 1001? 12:52:42
`A I do. 12:52:45
`Q And what is it? 12:52:45
`A It is a patent from Dan. 12:52:48
`Q It's the '970 Patent? 12:52:52
`A The '970 Patent, yes. 12:52:54
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`Q Did you consider the entirety of the '970 12:52:55
`Patent in forming your opinions in this matter? 12:52:58
`A I did. 12:53:00
`Q This is the patent that's being challenged 12:53:05
`in this matter, is that right? 12:53:07
`A That is correct. 12:53:10
`Q And briefly turn to Exhibit 1003. Do you 12:53:10
`recognize Exhibit 1003? 12:53:17
`A I do. 12:53:20
`Q What is it? 12:53:21
`A This is the '039 Patent. 12:53:22
`Q Did you consider the entirety of the '039 12:53:25
`Patent in forming your opinions in this matter? 12:53:27
`A Yes. 12:53:29
`Q This is the alleged prior art being asserted 12:53:30
`in this matter, correct? 12:53:33
`A Correct. 12:53:34
`Q And if you briefly turn to Exhibit 1020. 12:53:35
`A Yes. 12:53:41
`Q Do you recognize Exhibit 1020? 12:53:41
`A I do, yes. 12:53:44
`Q That's the declaration you submitted in this 12:53:45
`matter, correct? 12:53:47
`A That is correct. 12:53:48
`Q Exhibit 1020 contains your opinion in this 12:53:50
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`matter regarding the '970 Patent and the '039 Patent, 12:53:52
`correct? 12:53:58
`A That is correct. 12:53:58
`Q Did you personally draft your declaration? 12:53:59
`A I was in -- intimately involved with the 12:54:03
`drafting of this declaration, and all the opinions in 12:54:08
`this declaration are my opinions. 12:54:13
`Q Can you briefly describe to me the 12:54:14
`circumstances by which it was created? 12:54:17
` MR. CUMMINGS: Again, caution the witness 12:54:24
`not to reveal the substance of any attorney client 12:54:25
`communications. 12:54:28
`A Yes. I had various telephone meetings with 12:54:30
`Scott Cummings about the case in general. I was sent 12:54:34
`the '970 Patent and '039 Patent in the petition and a 12:54:40
`few other documents that are listed in paragraph two 12:54:51
`of my declaration. And I created this declaration to 12:54:53
`reflect my opinions that were in the case, my opinions 12:55:15
`surrounding this case. 12:55:21
`Q Can you tell me when you were engaged in 12:55:23
`this matter? 12:55:26
`A It was relatively recently. I would say 12:55:30
`within the last two or three months. 12:55:33
`Q And can you describe briefly how that 12:55:41
`occurred? 12:55:44
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`A I am working through an expert witness 12:55:49
`agency, if you will, that finds expert witnesses for 12:55:53
`attorneys. And they contacted me about a potential 12:56:00
`case, which was this case. They asked if I had any 12:56:04
`conflicts. They asked if the subject matter was in my 12:56:07
`area of expertise. I informed them that I did not 12:56:13
`have any conflicts, and that the subject matter was 12:56:17
`well within my area of expertise. Relayed that back 12:56:20
`to the patent firm -- I'm sorry -- the agency that 12:56:25
`finds experts for attorneys. They set up an interview 12:56:29
`with Scott Cummings and myself. And that's how the 12:56:34
`engagement started. 12:56:40
`Q Do you know of others who have helped you in 12:56:49
`drafting your deposition -- or declaration? Sorry. 12:56:53
`A Can you rephrase the question? I'm not sure 12:56:56
`I understand. 12:56:58
`Q Are there anybody -- is there anybody who 12:56:59
`helped you in drafting your declaration? 12:57:01
`A The -- well, Scott Cummings was involved 12:57:09
`with many discussions surrounding the declaration. 12:57:19
`But, again, all of the opinions in this declaration 12:57:26
`are mine. And I stand by every -- every word and 12:57:33
`every sentence. They truly reflect my thoughts on 12:57:37
`this case. 12:57:40
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Mr. Rosenberg, would you 12:58:07
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`mind straightening the microphone? It's brushing 12:58:09
`against something. Thank you. 12:58:13
` THE WITNESS: You bet. 12:58:15
`Q Is there anybody else you communicated with 12:58:19
`regarding your declaration? 12:58:22
`A Not that I recall. Not that I recall, no. 12:58:27
`Q You only communicated with Scott Cummings 12:58:37
`regarding your declaration, correct? 12:58:39
`A Yes. I hesitate just for a moment, because 12:58:40
`I am working on another case that is involving several 12:58:43
`lawyers who are working on the case, but I don't 12:58:48
`believe that was the case -- I believe Scott Cummings 12:58:49
`is the only attorney that I've communicated with 12:58:53
`regarding this case. 12:58:56
`Q Okay. Take a look at Exhibit 1020, your 12:59:02
`declaration. 12:59:04
`A Yes. 12:59:05
`Q Let's turn to page 7 of your declaration. 12:59:07
`A I'm looking at 1020. 12:59:18
`Q Page 7. 12:59:20
`A All right. 12:59:21
`Q On paragraph 13, direct your attention to 12:59:30
`paragraph 13 there. And you state there, for example, 12:59:32
`as noted on page 30 of the petition, Elliott disclosed 12:59:36
`as, quote, a web server with its associated files 12:59:40
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`provides graphical maps capable of showing the current 12:59:44
`and historical locations of the device, end quote. Do 12:59:47
`you see that? 12:59:50
`A I do see that. 12:59:50
`Q Now, you put bold and italics on the partial 12:59:52
`phrase, with its associated files provides graphical 12:59:57
`maps. Why did you do that? 13:00:01
`A I was pointing out that, to me, that shows 13:00:03
`that there is a database that the associated files 13:00:08
`includes map engine and a map database that's helping 13:00:13
`to provide its functionality, and I wanted to add 13:00:19
`emphasis to that section. 13:00:24
`Q Now, the statement does not mention the term 13:00:25
`database, correct? 13:00:29
`A No. 13:00:30
`Q Right? 13:00:34
`A Correct. Correct. It does not mention 13:00:35
`database. 13:00:37
`Q I mean, it simply refers to a web server 13:00:38
`with its associated files, correct? 13:00:42
`A Yes, but that has meaning to me. 13:00:45
`Q I understand, but it simply refers to a web 13:00:47
`server with its associated files, correct? 13:00:50
`A It does. 13:00:52
`Q And you go on to state in paragraph 13, you 13:00:54
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`see that where it says, it is abundantly clear to one 13:00:58
`of ordinary skill in the art that at least the above 13:01:01
`mentioned associated files, quote, unquote, cited in 13:01:04
`the petition that, according to the express language 13:01:08
`quoted above include, quote, unquote, graphical maps, 13:01:12
`satisfies the map database element recited in claim 18 13:01:19
`of the '970 Patent. Do you see that? 13:01:23
`A I do see that, yes. 13:01:26
`Q And what do you mean when you state, at 13:01:27
`least the above mentioned associated files? 13:01:29
`A That there is more evidence within Elliott 13:01:35
`that discloses the map database and a map engine. 13:01:43
`Q And what are you referring to? 13:01:48
`A Well, there's -- there's many other passages 13:01:52
`that I point out in my declaration that speak to 13:01:56
`disclosure of a map database and map engine, so I'm 13:02:03
`referring to those other disclosures. 13:02:07
`Q With respect to this phrase, the term -- the 13:02:14
`phrase that we're talking about, a web server with its 13:02:17
`associated files provides graphical maps, do you see 13:02:19
`that? 13:02:23
` MR. CUMMINGS: Objection, form. 13:02:23
`Q Do you see that? 13:02:27
`A I do see that, yes. 13:02:27
`Q And then you have -- you opine that -- in 13:02:28
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`this statement, you opine that at least the above 13:02:33
`mentioned associated files satisfies the map database 13:02:36
`element. Correct? 13:02:38
`A Yes, I see that. 13:02:49
`Q So my question was with respect to the map 13:02:50
`database element. You said -- or you stated that, at 13:02:55
`least the above mentioned associated files? 13:02:56
`A Yes. 13:03:00
`Q My question to you is, what other disclosure 13:03:01
`is there that you're referring to that meets the map 13:03:03
`database element? 13:03:06
` MR. CUMMINGS: Objection. Asked and 13:03:07
`answered. 13:03:08
`A This statement that -- this sentence from 13:03:12
`Elliott and the portion that I emphasized talks about 13:03:16
`providing graphical maps. It talks about with its 13:03:22
`associated files. To provide graphical maps implies 13:03:29
`to me, very strongly -- more than implies it. It says 13:03:36
`to me that there's a map database and a map engine. 13:03:40
`And there's other evidence as well, which I'm sure 13:03:50
`we'll speak about. 13:03:54
`Q Okay. Is your opinion that associated files 13:03:56
`alone meets the map database limitation? 13:04:01
`A Are you -- if you clarify the question, 13:04:07
`please. 13:04:09
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`Q Well, you quoted, associated files in 13:04:10
`quotations. Do you see that? 13:04:14
`A I do, yes. 13:04:16
`Q Is it your opinion that associated files, 13:04:17
`quote, unquote, meets the map database limitation? 13:04:18
`A I think it's one of several pieces of 13:04:23
`elements of Elliott disclosing a map database. 13:04:31
`Q And what are the associated files? 13:04:35
`A Source code, programs, executables. All of 13:04:42
`the additional files that would be needed to 13:04:50
`accomplish the functionality that's described in 13:04:59
`Elliott. 13:05:02
`Q And where in Elliott does it describe source 13:05:12
`code, programs, executables? 13:05:16
`A I was just giving examples of what 13:05:40
`possibilities of files are. I'm not saying that there 13:05:43
`needs to be an explicit disclosure -- I mean, the 13:05:49
`disputed portion of Claim 18 doesn't require that 13:05:52
`Elliott disclose that there's source code. It seems 13:05:57
`completely immaterial that they disclose there being 13:06:00
`executable or source code. It just needs to disclose 13:06:05
`that there is a map database and a map engine. And 13:06:09
`that's what I'm talking about here.