— IPR2014-00171 to 00177
`rrom: j
`RPX egrocmmt rrodificaficr-5.
`Tuesday, October 22, ?.O!3 2:21:08 AM
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`- Mc_n1bc[s|1jp_and License Acreement for Innovation Fromotion.doc)g
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`Here are some minor edits to the agreement, in clean and redline Ilmn.
`frcc: lmn<u‘rL>w if you wam to get on a call to discuss.
`I hams Li fair bit oflirnc
`xn N? 6‘)-7\'
`I C 1-"Linn, (".‘nlil'u|"v1is:950§4
`RPX v. Virnetx
`Trial lPR2014-001 73

`IPR2014-00171 to 00177
`FIRST Al’)I)ENDU~.\t’1"(f) "I‘lel"E
`This First Addendum to the Membership and License Agreeinent (this "Addenduin”), dated October 22,
`20l 3 (the "Addendum Effegiy_e__[;at,e”), is made by Apple Inc. (fT,Mefler",
`and RPX
`Corporation (“RPX”_. “.\/Ieinber”,
`or '‘g“) as an addendum to the Membership aitd License
`Agreement entered into by Member and RPX with an l:Lft'cctivc Date of I
`“Agi'e_e1ne_nt”). Except as expressly set forth herein, all capitalized temis shall have the meaning given in
`the Agreement.
`WIFFIEREAS, the Parties desire to supplement the Agreement to further support. RPX’s efforts to promote
`innovation and patent quality. as more fully set forth herein.
`in accordance with Section 9.3 of the Agrecineiit and in consizlcration of the
`premises and mutual covenants herein and other good and valuable consideration,
`the receipt and
`sufliciency of Wl1lCl'l are hereby acl<Jiowledgcd, the Parties agree as follows:
`1. Promotion olilnnovalion and Patent Qriality.
`(a) RPX agrees thati beginning on the Addendum Effective Date, RPX will collect contributions
`t.o the innovation Promotion Fund (the “Fund“) frorn Member and other RPX members to
`proinotc innovation and patent quality, which efforts might
`include (at RPX’s sole
`discretion) any of the following 21Cll\r'ilit'3.*_a‘, whether performed directly by RPX or indirectly
`through third parties at the direction or request of RPX:
`GEtll'1CI'l.l1g and analyzing data relating to costs imposed on operating companies
`through patent assertions by non-practicing entities;
`Filing with the United States Patent and Ti'adeiiiai‘k Office (“USPTO”) requests
`for reexamination, or petitions for post grant, covered business method. or inter
`partes review with respect to patents of questionable quality;
`ljdueating the general public and industry groups about
`inefficiencies in the
`current patent system and the impact of proposals For rcfornis;
`Conducting prior art searches to assist with challenges against potentially invalid
`patents, and developing databases or technologies to improve the efficiency of
`such searches; and
`Creating mechanisms to increase transparency in the patent market.
`As betvvcen Member and RPX, RPX will have complete control over any and all activities
`undertaken pursuant to this Section 1(a),
`including complete control over the selection,
`initiation, tennination, and funding of the activities and the manner and method in which the
`activities are undertaken,
`the hiring of outside counsel or consultants, and all strategic
`decisions in connection with any petitions or proceedings before the USPHO or otherwise.
`Other than the report described in Section l(b) below, RPX will have no obligation to
`communicate with Member regarding the activities or to otherwise involve Member in any
`'’a9°2°'5 — RPX00092

`IPR20l4—00l71 to 00177
`RPX ()‘().\ll*‘lDliN'l'l.t\L
`In no event will RPX disclose to Member any nonpublic infonnation regarding any
`planned or filed petitions or proceedings before the US'l"TO pursuant to Section 1.
`(13) The activities undertaken in Section 1 shall continue so long as there are sufficient monies in
`the l-'und. Un or before each anniversary of the Addendum J:’ffeetivc Date, RPX will deliver
`to Licensee a report providing an overview of the monies raised for Fund and Rl’X’s
`activities and use of the monies pursuant to Section 1 above.
`(_3t_)igijibutions. Member will make a one-time lump sum contribution of US-$500,000 (“Initial
`Contribution“) for the Fund, and Member will pay such amount to RPX within thirty (30) days
`following the Addendum Effective Date.
`This payment shall not have any effect on the
`Member’s Animal Membership and License Fee for any year of the ’I‘erin, and I\/lember has no
`obligation to make any additional eontnbutions other than the Initial Contribution.
`In no event
`will Member be entitled to receive a refund of any amounts paid to RPX pursuant
`to this
`Addendum. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Agreement, Member acknowledges
`and agrees that the foregoing amount will not be included in calculating l\'Iembcr’s AAML Fee
`under Section
`of the Agreement.
`No Otlier Amendment. Except as expressly amended herein, all rights, terms, conditions and
`agreements in the .-"\green1ent shall remain in full force and effect.
`IN WITNESS \«VIlliRl:'0l", the Parties have caused this Addendum to be executed and delivered by tlieir
`duly authorized ()lT1CC1'S as of the applicable date set forth below.
`Name: _
`_ ___
`Name: _V ___V
`Page 3 of 5 RPX00093

`IPR2014-00171 to 00177
`}:\i‘vl[;N-l9l\+l§.N—l-'F|RS_T ADDENDUM TO THE
` .
`n to the lvlembership and License Agreement (this
`lil‘i'ective Date"),
`is made
`by l____j—"""“ "ii ‘ti-§eeit5eer\pp|e
`("Mcmb,cr". “youfl or "3gi_r_") and RPX (Toipotation ("‘@j”, "ggegsorl\/leiiibgerf‘. "'9-'e”, or "y_s") as an
`addcnd;i_[n_to—emcttd the Mctnhcrsliip and License Agrcertient entered into by -l:ieenseeMctnbcr and RPX
`I with an EiTcv:ti\'e Date of [_
`] (the “
`“). Except as expressly set forth licrein, all
`capitalized terms shall have the meaning given in the Agrecnicnt.
`| WllbRt;‘AS, the Parties desire to at-riecidsi.ipg@i-;¢t the Agreement to ftirther support Rl’X‘s efforts to
`nrornotc innovation and patent quality, as more fully set forth herein.
`in accordance with Section -‘)3 of the Agrecnicnt and in cottsitlerzitioit of the
`preimses and mutual covenants herein and other good and valuable cotiszcerzttioii,
`the receipt and
`stifficicntty of which are i1Ct‘Ci))‘ acknowiedged, the Parties agree as f('Jii01\Sl
`(:1) RPX a5.},I'ccs that. -fot=—tlio-puiiotl--beginning on the Amendn1entAdden_;hnn liffcetivc |)atc—z-ind
`ending on the next—anniversary--%4 '9ntro‘l4$&A-gaweiit, RPX will use
`reasonable eficot‘-tscollect contributions to the In_n_oy§itnn3_firgnQti9g}__Fungi ttl_1§;|’_uti_<i_'‘)_Fr_r_i_I_1_t_
`.\3l_e_mber and other RPX ll1Cl!_|_l)_\:!'_S to promote innovation and patent quality-', which cfforts
`might include (zit RP.\"s soie discretion) any ofthe Following at-.tivitic.s. whether pr.-rforrncd
`directly by RPX or incl:rec’tly tlirough third parties at the dircczion or request ot‘RPX:
`Gathering and analyzing data relating to costs imposed on opcratm_u__ cmnpnnics
`through patent assertions by non-practicing cntilics:
`Piling with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (".1JSl-_"l'(_.)") requests
`for i'ce.\aii1in:it_i(_;t_i,__qi:_petitions ibl‘ re.exmn1nations,—post gl'2lYll-F-€~\>'itEM‘5r,
`_|_J_u_s_inc:;s ntcthodt or
`inter panes rev-its-w=sr_cv:I<;i't' with respect
`to patents oi"
`questionable quality:
`inefficiencies in the
`l.’.d1tcating the general public and industry groups about
`current patent systetn and the impact of proposals for reforntsi
`Conducting prior art searches to assist with cltallcnizes against potentially invalid
`ipatcnts, and developing diilabasos or technologies to improve the efliciency of
`such sezirciiss; and
`Creating), mechanisms to increase rranspar:'nc_v in the patent nmrkct.
`.=\s bctwccn Heer-i9eel_\j|,_t;r_n_b_c_:r and RPX. RPX will have compli;-.te control over any and all
`activities undertaken pursuant to this Section 1(3).
`including complete control (Not
`selection, initiation, lemtination, and funding of the activities and the manner and method in
`which the activities are unclcrtakcn.
`the hiring of outside counsel or consultants. and all
`strategic decisions in sonncction with any petitions or proceedings before the USP F0 or
`"a9°4°'5 —l RPX00094

`IPR2014-00171 to 00177
`|(b) below. RPX will have no
`in S;-c‘»_ioii
`oilierwise. Other than the report desci-ilauil
`obligrition !l’t izoniiiiuniczite wirl‘-.
`l~.ieerse:*l\'lciiibcij 1'f.‘g2ll‘dll]g, the aiztivities or to other\x'i.<.c
`involve {—.+een:‘-ea'\»lcri1hcr in any
`In no event will RPX disclose to ikieenseefvlciiibgyy
`any nrmpizhlic iiifuniizitioii regardiiig aiiy planned or filed petitions <ir prucccdiiigs bcfiirc the
`USPTO pUfSLI'cU1llU Secticin l.
`‘:i;1i9i1..l_si1;il|_:<;ut§ii_ii.~: so long as there are suifficicrit moni.c.s:..i_ii
`(b) The activities l.|.!1.C.l.1~II_?.?il5§_f_l_.i_l
`ilic l?i_i_i_i<_l_.__Oii urbcfurc tlieiiea<-ts;-:11 ariniver.-tar;-' ofthc Addfindlltfl l-‘.fi"cctivc Date, RPX will
`dclivsi ic Licensee fl report providing an overview of the i:i<>Iiic.$_l1i$i£QLF_’.~mt.-l and RPX-‘S
`activities and use ofthc monies pursiiziiit In Section 1 above.
` e.— l.iacnsee'-s- M-iiati-i-i-H.-ks-i-i+l>':er»..lii[) and Liceiise Fee ébi
`mL.oi 1’llJUlI0l‘iS.
`.\/lcm_b__<_:_r_ will beiiiicieused by zui iiddltionzil make a One
`IR‘ year of the 'l'ei'
`_,§§.0.(L0."3‘Q...(?iIifi.1iA_l_£QntIibiiIimI“) for thc ..Fu.n<l. and
`time l=.ii_i'ip suni c<iiitril>iiti(iii p[_I,'S.$
`such amount
`to Rl’,\ within thirty (30)
`‘l':lt.‘€i.Z ‘E__lV_1§1_l_1_Lf_§_l' will
`-Aiiieiidiuei:IAd,c.endiini l_-‘ffe<;ti\'e Date.
`'[‘lii.=. paymi:n1_§jy1fl_:;g_1i;g1q _1}l1_),f _§_i;f(_?_(,‘j_gJ_l]__l1]_E~_l\4fl£fl7h€T'S
`.=\imuaI .\~1embers'i:ip and liccnsc l‘uc tbi‘.zirJ:m:.9ar.sL€..l.liq .T.¢.IJl‘.I._i.1.l.'J_<i_M.’~'lf_l1.l_?.~'2F. has no obligation I.-1‘
`tI‘l&ll(<I Etll)‘ ailditiniial _5:9l]Ijj12y_L_L(gj1§____§)_l1ll;I‘
`the Initial
`In no event will
`LicenseeL‘.;1§i:;b_<_:_[ be eiiaitle-cl
`to receive a refiind of any filT10ll’.‘Il'S paid in RPX pursuziiit to tlzis
`anytliiiig to
`cozitrary in
`L-ieeiiseefvlcinbcr ackiiowlcdgcs and agrees that the foregoing nmciunt will not ht:
`included in
`cailcuiziiiiigi L5¢.'t:'ll:C£‘:5;\_'1_C_fl_l_L|_c_"_l_?_$A/\I\rV1L I’-fccj \1J1d¢I' Scciiiafi % o_f‘_t_li_<§. -figrg-ciiiuiit.
`NQ__QIh7ti_tf"jfl§_lflll‘.‘tCl_!l.. Lixccpt as cxprcssly ainc-iidecl ‘nerein, all riglits.
`aigrcciiicms En the 1\§1I't‘CIllt.‘l1l sliall ieniriin in full force and effect.
`terms, coiiditiiins :«'.ii<l
`’artie5 lizivc caused this -A-m<:riiliiieiit/§i,<1gl_9iigi;u]
`IN WITNESS \.\’l1ERl-.'-(_)l',
`delivered by tlieirdiily aiithorizcd o1‘ficcr.~i as oftlic zippliczible date set Fuitli iteliiw.
`to be execiitccl and
`RPX (I()Rl‘0R.=\ l'l()|\-‘
`___ _
`Naive: _
`Title‘. ____
`_ _
`':ll‘¢.)rrrViatt;¢_l. Hign ..
`"a9°5°'5 —

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