`523 6.58 epmu d
`Patent Ofilce
`Oflioe europé
`des brevets
`Genzraldireiclion 2
`Directorate Genera} 2
`Direction Generals 2
`Viering, Jentschura & Partner
`Postfach 22 14 £3
`8 05 04 Hiinchen
`P 11770
`Anrneldung NrJApplI'narion No:'Den-uncle n'..~'Patant Nr J'F'a1ent NcJBIIevet n’.
`The European Patent application is deemed to be withdrawn under Article
`96(3) EPC,
`because the invitation to file observations on the communication from
`the Examining Division dated 24.06.99
`was not complied with.
`Request for decision:
`If the applicant considers that this finding is inaccurate, he may,
`within (a non-extendable period of) TWO MONTHS after notification of
`this communication, apply in writing for a decision on the matter by the
`European Patent Office (Rule 69(2) EPC). The application can only lead
`to the finding being reversed, if this does not actually correspond to
`the factual or legal situation.
`Further processing of the application:
`The legal consequence that the application is deemed withdrawn will be
`retracted if within (a non-extendable period of) TWO I‘10N'I'HS after noti-
`fication of this communication further processing of the European patent
`application under Article 121 EPC is requested in writing,
`the fee for
`further processing is paid in accordance with the Rules Relating to
`Fees, and the omitted act is completed.
`For the Examining Division:
`Tel. No.:
`(+49-89) 2399-264?
`EPO FORM 2021A 01.95
`‘ Harmo'niX Ex'hibit‘101‘8
`Harmonix Exhibit 1018
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