`Volume 25 Number 1 1992
`- ‘§.§’§‘(“{}3®\
`a§\‘ .(i::\3‘§\
`mnvsnsrrv or: MARYLAND
`Journal of the
`1 _
`I Society for the
`Arts, Sciences
`and Technology
` > Pergamon Press
`Page 1 of 11
`Harmonix Exhibit 1007
`RUG1-LR F. MALINA: The Cultural Dimension of Space Fxploration
`FR:\N(21SCt)INl-‘ANTI~‘.: Projects for the REC(‘Il"lS[I'llCli0l'l of the Firmament
`CARI. L. DEVITO: 1.zInguages, Science and the Search for Ext.1'nterI‘es1rial Intelligence
`Ml(llIAEl. L. HF.l\-'|.‘I' WITH MICHAI. REED; The Space Between the Real and the Imagined:
`Microwave Sculpture in Deep Space
`ATTIIA USA]! AND NURBRRT KROC): The Application of Lasers to Conipose Pictures:
`The Method of Superposifroning
`LYNN P()C:()CK—W1LI.IAMs; Toward the Automatic Generation of Visual Music
`GEORGE GESSERT: Notes toward a Radioactive Art
`CAJ.1w-\N SHEMI: Soft Painting and Its Technology
`I-lORA'(:IO ZABALA: The Image of Duplication
`BARRY TREU: My Electronic and Computer-LloIItr0I|ed Sculpture:
`Robotic Techniques Applied to Kinetic and Imeract.i\'e Sculpture
`RON.-\l.D R, l5RowN: The Use of the Knighfs Tour to Create Abst.r-.u:t Art
`'1‘AM..\s 1.?Nl,:\'.-\R‘I"_ SIMON V\'.«\'i'F.RS AND PETER R«\_]K.«\_: NUNTIUS: A (_'-Imnpuurr S_\_'3l.enI for the
`Interactix-‘e (1orrIposition and An2I|_\_-'sis of Mus-;'Ic and Dzunre.
`DANN 15.. P,-\55(i)_].-‘I AND AK}-II.l~;sH LAKJITAKIA: ('Jarpets and Rugs: An Exerctise in Numbers
`)5} TNF"
`,L L! 3:.
`v- =35
`Contents Co-ntirmes on Next. Page
`Vofume 25 Number I 1992
`Page 2 of 11
`DANIEL L. C()l..L!NS: Anamorphosis and the Eccentric Obsewer:
`Inverted Perspective and the Construction of the Gaze
`W. RAY CROZIER AND PAUL GRF.l:‘.NHA.l.(}H: Beyond Relativism and Formalism:
`The Empathy Principle
`MATFS R005; Two Observations
`WiLLtAM_|.JOEL: Pseudo-Stereographie lma es
`STEVE MANN: Dopp'lerDanse: Some Novel Applications of Radar
`Front cover: :\leksand1‘a Maficzalt, Imaginaty Inndscafae, installation of glass and human hair,
`30 X 25 X 30 cm. 19’?6. This work is One in a series of photographs in which the artist has arranged
`spatial relationships between geolnetrical elements and objects from nature.
`Bark rottm‘:Ale-ksandra Manczak. Between. Sensibility and Rationality, ink drawing, 1982. This drawing,
`inspired by a photograph depicting a banal situation, is intended to create a surprising impression
`through the unusual proportions of the ball ofrope, the Lench and other elements.
`l’lr'?1.i£e ever}! tffofl is nutde by the publis
`appears in thisjournal, they w-tlsh to makeit dearthat thedata and opinions appeurmgin theanti: ..
`arethesoleresporrsibiiity oftheruntn'butm'oradvertisermnremed. Accordingly, thepublishers, theerfitorint bormi and editors and
`theirrespertiueetnf;to)'m, o £tTe't”.i and agents «crept no mspamibftity orliubitity whatmerterfnrthe cmtsequenres 9} anysuch
`Enar-cu rate or -tnisteading data. ofnlniun or statement.
`Page 3 of 11
`i\RTIST’§ AR'[‘|.CLE
`Toward the Automatic Generation
`of Visual Music
`Ly-rirri, Pocock-Williams
`SItrt.d.-it of color: r, like (lime tifsottnrt‘, (ire ofrt irttitrh. firm‘
`textmit and azimlir in the sou.-7 emotions toofim’ to be ex-
`pressed in words.
`1 .‘)l4
`—-—Wass:'ly Kritirlirislay,
`The power of music combined with the. expressi\*eness of
`ln’l:'tgEI'}-‘ can result in a unique artistic expctience. Dating as
`f:11‘ back as the age of Aristotle, there have been numerous
`attempts through recorded histong to integrate sounds and
`images [1].
`In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries,
`Leonardo daVinci sketched his ideas about the relationship
`of music to color [2], and, more recently, artists such as
`Wassily Kandinsky and Paul Klee expressed their ideas
`through poem; and prose, as well as through paint. Klee
`explored the notation of rhythm and music in an intellec-
`tual and intuitive man net‘. as can be seen in Ancient. Sotmd,
`.-‘l{JSt".l'aCl' on Black and Posture! {Rh}-thiri.t). Kandinsk}-', on the
`other hand, often created paintings that were intended to
`be ‘heard‘ by the viewer and of which words could not
`explain [3]. as seen in his synesthetic painting Green Sound.
`Fig. 1. Homage to Kandinsky: Improvisations. videotape, 1939. This
`image shows a cluster of circles and tt'ianglcs——vnc-at-ulary typical
`of Eandinsky’s Bauhaus paintings.
`ln this article. the author ore
`sents her research. involving the
`integration of sound and ‘image.
`which resulted in the design of a.
`computer-software system and the
`creation of titre computer-animated
`works. She discusses her three
`animations that were created by
`the use of traditional computer-
`graphic techniques. She also
`details her two ‘automatically
`generated’ animations resulting
`from the creation of a computer
`system that uses rule-system tech-
`nology to assist in the automatic
`translation of sound to "image. All
`tiue animations illustrate visual
`expressions of music.
`Musicians have had similar
`concerns. Scriabin scored iniisic
`for an orchestra as well as for a
`‘color organ‘ for his perform-
`ance at Carnegie llall. ln addi-
`tion. there have been collabora-
`tions between nittsicizuis and
`l eopolcl
`Stokowslti teamed up with artist
`Thomas Wilfred to create a
`‘light show for a performattce of
`Rirrisky'—Ko1'sakov’s .S'clie!t.erri2.ride
`Danceixs also concern them-
`selves with the integration of
`sound and image. A dancer
`nioves through a three—dirnen-
`each step with music. Content-
`choreographer Kay
`Knight is iiivestigatitig the ap-
`plieatioti of computers to dance. She is currently using a
`cornputcr-graphic program, (.‘.OMPO,SE. to create graphic
`dancers and tnove them through a stage—like space I5]. In
`the future, programs like COMPOSE may also assist in the
`synchronization of dance to music I6].
`Also important in the liistor}-' ofvisual music are the works
`of early" experititental iiltnttiakei's who sought to create a
`teiriporal vistial experience that appro'.ir.lied tnusic. Film-
`l-'iscliinger and I\iorman
`niakc rs llans Richter,
`MrLarcn developed persoiial visual and temporal laiiguages
`that correspond clirectl_\-' with music.
`'l‘lieir films present
`laiigttages in motion. coupled with t'.orrespot'iding music. as
`can be seen in Rh}-tiiiit 21 [7], Allegretto [8] and .'i‘p!i.vres [9].
`Contetnporan_,' artists sttcli as _]tihn \'\-'l1itiie}-'. Sr., Lltl'l'}'
`Cuba, Robert. SIl}'(l{,'t' and lirlward '/,,a_iet: use computer.-s to
`piesent images that are closely linked to music, music con-
`cepts or sound. Wl'titne_t-' developed a lormal relatiorisliip
`between music structure and visual structure that he ex-
`presses through the use of abstract eleinetits such as points
`and lines I10]. as seen in Pei'mu.tritt'ons [ll]. lri Cu£ru£i:t.i‘.ed
`Miii.rmiimt.t 1'12], Cuba closely correlates the rnovemciit of
`ahstract shapes with alistract sounds. Snyder integrates
`sound and image by using an equal—tempei-ed l<erl.io:1i‘tl to
`control colored light [13]. Finally, in Chromas,
`'/.a_jec or-
`cliestrates "the flow of color passage in time", creating a
`visual counterpart to the correspondiiig music I14]. While
`Lyitti l’ortit:k \‘\-‘ill'i-.ims r_-.irtisI. ed-traitnrt. licpai-tiitt-iit of{'omputei' (‘-inpliics. Pratt
`Institute, Hi-onltltgti. .\'i'
`Received ll .-Miguel
`flzillf-_—. til: 1"irIted in Great Britain
`U024-094K-92 $3.00 t6 (1
`Ll-,t }E\3.-\Rl}(J. mi. 25-. No I. pp. ‘3Fl—:5ti. 19.192
`Page 4 of 11
`Fig. 2. Ot:carrr’s
`Razor, videotape,
`1939. Computer-
`graphic imagery
`is overiaid onto
`recorded live-
`action source
`“It the canvas is blank. then begin :1
`cotriposition by drawing ".1 circle near
`the middle of the screen" can be trans-
`lated into computer
`languages and
`entered into the computer. This ena-
`bles an artist t.o turn the computer into
`a cirstornized tool for the generation
`and analysis of art. An example of such
`a rule system resulted from my research
`with Raymond l.aur.zarra in 1987. We
`entered rules formalizing Kandirtskfs
`compositional style.
`into a computer
`and then used them to generate origi-
`nal compositions in the style of Kandin-
`sky [24]. Another example of this is
`Harold Coherfs
`program called
`.»‘tARO.\£. which has been programmed
`to assist Cohen in the creation of im-
`agery [‘2:'3'l. In addition, Russell Kirsch
`and joan Kirsch use a computer lan-
`guage to describe to a computer the
`linear structure of Diebenkorn’s Orerrrt
`Park paintings. Vt-’l1ert
`these rules are
`invoked, a composition in the ‘Ocean-
`Park style‘ is generated [26].
`This paper presents research that in-
`vestigates the integration of sound and
`image through the use of rule-system
`technology. Tire result of this research
`is twofold, First, three ‘predetermined‘
`w'(‘. ["C
`created by rising traditional compute r-
`graphic techniques. Second,
`at com-
`puter system was created that uses rule-
`system tec.irr1olog}-'
`to assist
`in the
`translation of sound to
`image. The translation is hased upon
`and emotional
`teristics of music, with pitch and dura-
`tion being the main elements oi'analv-
`Two ‘autornatically generated‘
`have resulted from this
`trarrslation process. While limited in
`the nnnrher oi" elements arr'.ily'.terl, all
`live animated works are first steps
`towartl a complete \‘isttal artrrlrsis and
`expression oi" llll.lSl('.
`I created
`Before this research began.
`arrirnatiorrs without a well—dei'tncd sys-
`tem. I would start with an already ex-
`isting piec.e of music. or I would lravc
`the music created specifically for an
`animation that
`I planned to create.
`Since music would conjure up images
`in my mind, 1 would listen to the music
`nrarty times until I had a sense of the
`overall quality,» of the corresponding im-
`ages. 1 would then write computer pro-
`grams to create the animated work.
`these artists have concerned themselves
`aspects of integration,
`with broader‘
`other artists have been concerned only
`with the connection between color and
`pitch [l5,l 6'1.
`Alt.lroug’tr this history iirtlicates that
`there is a strong htrman need to inte-
`grate sound and image . visual mttsic. has
`often been met with skepticism and
`indifference. A primary reason may be
`its strong dependence on tec.ltrtt)ltrg)'.
`Because the presentation of trew visual
`music was generally not possible with
`existing tools, artists have had to be
`elaborate devices and working with com-
`plicated eqtripment-in order to real-
`ize t.heir visions. Mot'eo\'er, limitations
`in technology have occasionall_\' kept
`svnesthetic art from being shown Hill.
`This teclrnological depentlence will
`continue: however. as teclnrologv ad-
`vances. so will si'ncsthetit' art. Witlr
`computer tet'hnolog_\' lreronritrg mort-
`accessible and flexible. the tt-t:lrno|ogi—
`cal lirnitations o|'Ihe past sliould he less
`sigrrifieant in the iittture.
`.-\ttother ro:ttlblock I'or vistral nutsit‘
`rrra_\-' be its association with lilnr anti
`Au tr—!*iar'g ctrt
`vicleo. Acc.or'dirrg
`Wooster. “Because Film and \'it'lco un-
`told in t.inte. arrtl laecause tltev possess
`histories and conrentiorrs quite sepa-
`rate [torn those of other \-'isttal arts, art
`critics freqttetrtlv sh_\' awav from discuss-
`ing such work" [ IR 1 ._lt ishopetl that this
`factor will be less of an issue astilrrr and
`video become nrore acceptable. A final
`concern regarding svnesthetic art has
`been the "glib comparisons” tirade be-
`tween sound and image [19] . .-Xltlrotrgh
`artists such as Klee and Kzmdinskr have
`been well retteirecl. the arts lit.et‘at1tre of
`this centun_' ignores trratrv s~_.'t1t-stlretic
`works. This resportse is not sttt'pr‘i.~;ittg_
`Visual mtrsic involves a very complex
`union of images and sound in order to
`create an experience that is somehow
`more expressive than the sum of its
`parts. The clrallenges involved are
`enormous, and therefore strccess has
`been limited. although the works of
`iidward Zajec and
`jolt n Wit itnev. Sit.
`Vibeke Sorensen [20] have shown that
`successful results are possible.
`My personal interest in vistral music
`first btfgarr when I read Karrdinskvs
`analogies between sound and image
`[21]. His ideas and my love of music
`prompted me to start my own explora-
`tion. Arrotlret‘
`influence was my
`husband, musician Robert Williams,
`through the many conversations we
`had regarding his music. 1 would often
`describe the irnpact ofhis work in visual
`terms for
`I could t1nderst.and and
`appreciate. the music rnore. deeply i[' I
`could sorrrehow ‘see the sound. Finally,
`nrv ['anriliarit_v with the current state of
`rttle s_\'stt-ins in the arts. as described
`ht-low. led me to believe that a \'ial)le
`2l[)pl‘l'.|2t('l1. to \'iS1t:‘tl music might incor-
`porate rtrle—si'steni technology.
`The (lert-loprnt-tit oi" formal rules b_\_'
`which artworks are created and ana-
`l_w.e(l has ot'c.urr'et:l tlrroughout history,
`from the ancient Greeks to the late
`twentietlr—t:enturv postmoder‘nist.s, with
`each art movement strictlv following its
`own aesthetic codes. For example, Was-
`sily Kantlirrskv and Paul Klee presented
`rules that fortnalized connections be-
`tween vistral entities and spiritual re-
`sponses in the l920s and 19305. as seen
`in Kantlinskifs (.‘rirr.o?mr'rt.g thr?Spirtt'.rtrtlt'n
`xlrt [221 and Klee's Ptvtt'(tgogrTcal Sketch-
`book [23].
`is possible to define
`At present, it
`rules, or instrtrctions, that can be un-
`derstood by cornpttters. Rules such as
`l“m'r-dt-ll}it'nrm.~. T-rimrtl tilt‘ .\rrt:-tn.ttrc (it-In-t';tti:.-it tat \'isu'.tI -.\lnsit
`Page 5 of 11
`more t'lt'an'Iatic, and. in respotise, the
`colored shapes begin to pulsate like
`visual heartbeats.
`1 min, 1989 (Fig. 2},
`()rrrtm's Razor.
`sentational imagery. Aseries of parallel
`lines—-the predominant abstract form
`in this aniniation—-appear in the fore-
`ground of the frame. Although these
`parallel lines appear well controlled,
`they also possess a ‘uerx-‘ous‘ quality be-
`cause their movement is at times er-
`ratic. In addition, recorded live-action
`video can be seen behind the fore-
`gron or! lines. The resulting video is fast-
`paced and discordant, and the ending
`is on resolved.
`'v’i!'tucIE Reality, 3 min, 1989 (Color
`Plate 13 No. 3), also combines abstract
`general, the. music in this animation is
`fast, and the visuals move with similar
`speed. The tempo is increased even
`more through the addition of con-
`stantly moving layered background
`scenesofocean wavesand a performing
`musician. The visuals express the ex-
`citement, flow and pace ollthe corre-
`sponding music.
`A similar approach was used to cre-
`ate my three ‘predetermined‘ anima-
`tions. The imageswere created through
`computer prograrns consisting of a ser-
`ies of graphics commands and sub-
`routine calls. The pieces were I'ealiz.e.d
`when these programs were executetl.
`My two ‘automatically generated‘ an-
`imations were generated via a transla-
`tion process, which is a step towards a
`formal approach for integrating sound
`and itnage.This svnesthetic integration
`does not vet refer to all the elements of
`music—sucb as timbre anti volume——
`but only to melody and pitch. The inte-
`gration is not always one-to-one, but
`nevertheless the method is a significant
`first step towards the full integration of
`image and sound.
`1 developed an abstrac.t visual ‘lan-
`guage’, based upon color, linear move-
`ment anti geometric shapes,
`to give
`graphic expression to the music. The
`abstract quality of this language is ap-
`propriate for the integration of images
`and sound clue to the abstract and struc-
`tured nature of the music it is meant I.o
`express. Changes controlled by the
`computer-graphic component include
`a variety of time-syntactive operations
`sttch as scaling. translating. pulsating
`and replicating [27], with special atten-
`tion paid to the ways in which objects
`enter, exit and cross paths [28].
`This visual langtiage. helps bring a
`new world to life. In the animations.
`there is usually one moving object vis-
`ible at any given time, with :1 stage-like
`background for the object
`to move
`around in. The objects, along with the
`ways that they move. give a glimpse iIuo
`a nonexistent world oi" abstI'at'tion and
`structure, while their lluid movement
`rellects the fluidity oi‘ music. \\’ben on
`videotape, each piece is act:omp:mietI
`by its corresponding music. rt-inf: n't'in5_r_
`the connections be-I.we.eI1 the two [25]].
`The Automatically Generated
`ThcF37rst Generrttttm, 3 min, 1989 (Fig. 3) ,
`is mv first ‘generated' animation. The
`repetitive anti unstable quality of the
`notes in the music create an impression
`of machine parts; hence the visuals ex-
`press a similar quality. Diagonal lines
`and piston—like movement. of windows
`into the recorded live—actiou video eru-
`phasize the mootl of the ntttsic.
`The Mvxr Ceitmition, 112‘; min, 1989
`(Fig. 4). is rnv second ‘_t=;enerated' ani-
`mation. The images are entirely ab-
`strtuit, and thev express the wliintsiral
`mood of the music through somewhat '
`llIlt‘X|')(‘t‘.I("(l tI‘.0vt'-m('I‘It. A lnoving, grav
`sttrfatre, a moving point and a static
`snrl'ac.e. constittttc
`the visual vocabtIlan__'.
`Sound-to-image integration consists of
`five major steps: (1) music-data input.
`(‘.21 musicdata analysis according to a
`predefined strategy, (3) decision-making
`according to a predefined set of rules_.
`animation generation and (5)
`transfer to videotape.
`The Predetermined Animations
`Hornrtgc to Kt! rtt1'.th,t'k}I.'
`min, 1989 (Fig. 1). takes its \'{l("ttl)tllill‘)'
`from Kartdinskvls l'Sat1haus paintings,
`with c.ircles, rectangles and triangles as
`the primary shapes seen. These shapes,
`however. are shown predominantly in
`tones of gray, with only a few of them
`containing color. Music [or this video is
`subdued, and the corresponding im-
`ages and motion express ‘it similar
`mood. Throughout the first hallo!" the
`animation, circles. rectangles and trian-
`gles emerge graduallv out of a black.
`vertical field. l-lalfwav through the ani-
`mation, the mood of the music becomes
`Fig. 3. Was First Generation, videotape,
`1989. This sequence of frames shows a
`progression of images from the author's
`‘automatically generated’ animation.
`These live steps enable the automat-
`ic generalion of an animated work that
`directlv correlates to music. I selected
`an Amiga computer for this research
`because of its ease of use with video, its
`atlordabiiitv and the flexibility of avail-
`able software for animation and sound.
`With the exception of Director. an ani-
`ination—programrning language. and
`SoundScape Pro MIDI Studio 150], a
`music—computer-software package,
`P.-marl: ll'it'h:tm.I. '|'on'-.nI't! Ilu- .-\uIoniaIic (Sent-rantm ol'\"ist1al i\|IIs1t'
`Page 6 of 11
`wrote all 01" the st'1i'twai‘e that I will dis-
`music to be entered into a computer.
`Sottndhcape Pro MIDI Studio, the pri-
`software used for
`input, allows a musician to enter music
`into the computer. play the music
`through the coinputcr’s speakers and
`‘save’ the music in a standard format.
`Once the music is entered in, it is
`then ‘extracted from Soundscape via
`secondary software called Extracter
`linked into the
`Soundficape environ ment and extracts
`music data that is needed for anal}-"sis in
`step 2, rnusic-data analysis. This data is
`written to a character File and Finally.
`before it is used for analysis, it is con-
`verted to an integer format via a pro-
`gram called (lonvc1'te1' and written to
`another file called Music. Pitch and du-
`ration are written to the Music file for
`each note of the melody.
`Once the Music file exists, the music
`is analyzed according to a predefined
`strategy, via Analyzer, a C computer-
`language program. In the second step
`Fig. 4. The Next Generation, video, 1989. Two images from the author's second ‘automat-
`ically generated’ animation.
`of integration, Aiialyzer reatls a l0—sec
`music phrase from the Music tile, deter-
`mines u ‘siinplificd pitch—time graph‘
`for the phrase and then searches for
`higher order patterns in the graph. Fi-
`nally, the ‘predominant higher order
`pattern‘ is determined.
`This simplified pitch-time graph is a
`graph of slope types. For example, if the
`pitches in a sequence of notes are all
`then those notes are re-
`placed by an UP slope type. If the
`pitches in the next sequence are all
`decreasing. alternating or are all the
`saine, then those notes are replaced by
`:1 DOWN, ALT or FLAT slope type,
`respectively. The slope types of UP,
`DOWN, ALT and FLAT were chosen as
`part of the analysis process because they
`are the basic components of any pitch-
`tirne graph and because they can he
`tutdcrstood visually.
`Therefore, assuming the order of
`pitches from low to high is as follows:
`a b c d e i‘,
`a l0—sec phrase of notes that looks like
`[ti C
`acac cdf
`would be re placed by a simplified pitch-
`time graph that looks like that seen in
`Table l.
`T |
`Table 1. Simplified |:tltcl1—time
`graph created from the pitch and
`duration values from Tahie 2.
`ALT L"-P 'l'}O\~\-'.\’ ALT U!’ 'DO\-\"l\‘ ALT 'L' l‘ DU\'\«'N
`it is clear that a pattern occurs within
`this phrase. The pattern is ALT UP
`DOWl\’. it occurs three times, anti it is
`the ‘predoniinant higher order pattern‘.
`Hence, Analyzer reduces the phrase to
`A] II‘ UP DOV\-“N. In essence. .-’\1121l}'7.er
`analyzes the t‘J1€'.l0Cl}-' and reduces it to
`its predominant components.
`Dependent upon the predominant
`higher order pattern of the simplified
`pitch—time graph, decisions are made
`by the program regarding the visuals
`that best suit the music with the given
`graph characteristics. In step 3, Anal}
`zer tandotnly selects an animation phrase
`from the several animation phrases that.
`have been preclassified as being visual
`expressions of music containing the
`predominant higher order pattern.
`Once a phrase is selected, step 4 follows
`and a subroutine call to 3.10-sec anima-
`tion phrase that corresponds to the 10-
`sec music phrase is written to a [iie
`Page 7 of 11
`l¥::'rar.':—ll-it’.liuni_~, 'l'o\x'ai-(l Ihe Aulotnatic l_}t'ner'.ilion of Visual! Mimic
`Page 7 of 11
`Fig. 5. Graphic representation of the translation process. (above) Here, music is read
`into the computer, converted to the appropriate format and then analyzed. An anima-
`tion is generated and, (right) alongwith the corresponding music and additional
`camera video, transferred to videotape.
`type. One will be randomly selected for
`synchronization to a music terminal.
`During the final integration step. the
`visuals and music are combined with
`camera imagery and then transferred
`to videotape. To simplify the initial
`stages of the research, only the predom-
`inant line ofrnusic was entered into the
`computer for analysis. Other litres of
`music can be heard on the final video-
`tape, but
`they were not considered
`during the analysis process. Recorded
`live—action source video images were
`added to the animation to represent
`the lines of music that were not ana-
`Figure 5 shows a graphic repre-
`sentation of the translation processjust
`sequence of steps from musicdata
`input to the creation of the animation.
`Rectangles are used to denote software,
`while a curved page symbol is used to
`denote data. A television symbol is rrsed
`to signify the resulting animation that
`has not yet been recorded on video-
`tape. Figure Fib shows that
`the final
`videotape is constructed from the
`union of the auitnation, the music and
`additional r'ccorded li\'e—action video.
`Figure 6 shows the translation process
`in the form ofari algorithm, which pre-
`sents two sets of step-by—step instruc-
`tions. The first set presents general in-
`structions such as ‘run converter’ to
`convert the data to integers. Tire ser-
`ond set ofinstructions presents the fun-
`damental steps of the 2'5LI'I'r1ly'LCT/Gt:llCl'—
`ator portion of the translation process.
`integration process
`clarified by a desc ription of the creation
`of the video for The Fast Gctrreratian.
`Before the process began, a library of
`animation terminals was created with
`each terminal classified by style and
`called GenAni. Steps 2 through 4 are
`repeated until all of the mtrsic has been
`As previously stated, the music is an-
`alyzed in l0~sec phrases. These phrases
`are called music terminals and, as such,
`Table 2.
`Pitch and duration values for the
`first rrtttsic termi11al's musical
`notes for The First Generation.
`Animation Phrase
`they are the smallest music componen ts
`considered for analysis. A similar idea
`is applied to animation phrases. That is.
`animation terminals are the smallest
`animation components, and they are
`approximately 10 sec in length. For the
`initial stages of this research, it is natu-
`ral for both types of terminals to be of
`fixed length. If the music terminals
`were allowed to be variable in length.
`then the generator software would have
`to be intelligent enough to be able to
`alter the animation terminals so that
`they could run for a variable amount of
`time. Hence, for simplicity the termi-
`nals are of Fixed length.
`It should be emphasized that in step 4.
`when an animation is generated, the
`l0—sec animation terminal is not itself
`generated. Rather, a subroutine call to
`a predefined animation terminal
`brary routine) is selected. These anima-
`tion terminals are written in Director.
`In the end,
`the entire generated-
`animated work is a collection of sub-
`routine calls wt itten into a GenAni file,
`and the resulting video is a synch ron i-
`ration of animation and music termi-
`The mapping between music termi-
`rials and animation terminals is based
`upon the rnovenrent within the termi-
`nals and upon irrterpretation. For ex-
`ample. if:1 music terminal reduces to an
`alterrtatlng pattern, ALT. then the corre-
`sponding animation terminal will have
`an alternating visual quality, such as an
`u[rand—down movement. Because there
`is no absolute or scientific connection
`between an ALT music terminal and an
`alternating animation terminal, this in-
`tegration remains an interpretation.
`However, the animation and music ter-
`minals oppear synchronized when seen
`and heard together, due to the alternat-
`ing quality of each. A library of anima-
`tion terminals, classified by predorni-
`qualities, is initially built and then used
`during the generation ofan animation.
`There may be several animation termi-
`nals classiiied for each music-terminal
`Prrr:or:k-li-'r'Hr'artrx, Toward tin: .-\urum:tIic f‘-r-iteration ol'\'isu'.r1 Music
`Page 8 of 11
`higher order pattern, a decision was
`regarding which :mimation—
`terrninal—library routine best expressed
`a music terminal with the given pre-
`dominant pattern. When an animation
`terminal was selected, a call
`to that
`anirnation-library routine was written
`to a Gen;-\ni file.
`The above procedure was repeated
`for each music terminal of the melody.
`When the analysis was complete, the
`Gem'\ni file was executed, and the re-
`sulting generated animation was real-
`As previorrsly stated, Fig. 7 presents a
`library for this animation. Currently.
`there are a total of 21 terminals. The
`terminals in this figure illustrate termi-
`nals that have been classified as being
`visual rcprcscnt.ations of music termi-
`nals with an ALT UP DOVVN predomi-
`narn higher order pattern. It
`is this
`predominant pattern in the music that
`creates the impression of alternating
`nrovcrncnt of pistons or machine parts.
`and, as the figure illustrates, the anima-
`tion terminals classified for ALT UP
`DOWN all contain a pumping type of
`movement to express this sonic quality.
`Figure 8 presents one of these anima-
`tion terminals with its corresponding
`rnusic terminal and pseudo—code.
`General Procedure:
`Boot up SoundScapc.
`Link in Extracter.
`PlayMusicviaSoundscape and intercept thenoteswith lflxtracterastheyare played.
`The notes will be written to a character file by Extracter.
`Run Converter, which will convert the character file to an integer file, Music.
`Run Analyzer. which will analyze the music and select a corresponding animation
`Run Director on the newly generated animation file.
`phrase and write it to a file.
`Video record the animation along with the corresponding music.
`A A A
`naly7.er/ Generator:
`‘While Music Not Over Do:
`Read a 10-52:; phrase of music.
`Reduce the series of pitches for the music phrase to a series of slope types.
`Slope types are as follows: ALT, UP. DOWN. FIAT.
`the series of slope types.
`Search for Patterns that might exist in
`Determine the predominant pattern.
`Randomlyselect from a library an animation phrase that has been preclassified
`as being a visual expression of music containing the predominant pattern.
`selected animation terminal to the
`-‘- Write a subroutine call statement for the
`Ge mini file.
`End ‘While.
`Fig. 6. An algorithmic representation of the translation process. The fust set of steps
`describes the overall translation process. The second set presents the fundamental steps
`of the translation process.
`of the Analyzer/ Generator portion
`simplified pitch-time graph shown in
`'fablc 1 was created, and the predomi-
`nant higher order pattern for the music
`terminal was determined to be ALT UP
`l)()WN. Based upon the predominant
`predominant pattern. Style classifica-
`tion was irnposcd so that the rcsriltirig
`video would have a consistent \'ocahu-
`lary. Figure 7 prcscrns a subset of the
`animation terminal
`visual style of the diagonals that was
`used for ’r“!re first Gmerrnimr. in this fig-
`ure, the animation terminals are pre-
`sented as short storyboards to illustrate
`the overall nature of each t.errr_1ina].
`During step l, the music was cnter'crl
`into the computer rrsirig SounrlScapt-.
`‘cxtractcd‘ with Exl.]‘i‘l(.‘Lt‘1',(T(ll‘l\‘(?I‘lt‘t.l to
`integcris witlr (.IorwerIt~r' and, tinallx-', \\'I'li-
`tcn to
`a music lilc in tin" Iollowing
`pitch 1 (luration l
`pitch 2 duration ‘3.
`pitch 3 duration 3
`pitch Ndurrrtion N
`where N is the number of nolcs in the
`Pitch and duration were I":-prcscrrlt-tl
`as integers ranging lrclwccn 0 and 12?.
`A1‘l}ll}‘?.t?l‘, with a record of the duration
`of each note, read in a music terurinal,
`rlclirred as 10 sec oi" nrrrsir. The
`simplified _pitch—tiIne graph of
`music terminal was then cletcrmirrcd.
`Table 5.’ shows the pitch and duration
`values for the notes in the First. rnrrsir
`tr.-rminal for the music ol‘
`"H.-r Firs!
`(_§r?rm'(I!.irIrt. From these I1tlInl‘I(*rs.
`Fig. 7. Five anima-
`tion terminals,
`classified as
`Short sections of
`animations, such
`as these, are used
`to create a com-
`plete animation
`for a correspond-
`ing piece of
`music. These
`animation ter-
`minals are clas-
`sified by types,
`such as ALT UP
`DOWN, so that
`they may be
`matched up with
`shortisections of
`Alt Up Down
`Subroutine #111 Phrase 1: Pistons Around
`I'rm'-.rr (l the .\:rIrrnI.ILiu' (Gem-r '.r1ic'rII :ni'\'isII'.tl i\l1I:<i:'
`Page 9 of 11
`The creation of predetermined ani-
`mations was an important step in the
`development of the computer system
`just described. ()ne reason is t.hat, as pre-
`determined animations were created,
`segments of these animations were
`added to tile library. hence expanding
`the contents ofthe library. An

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