
`C.A. No. __________
`Plaintiff Parallel Networks, LLC (“Parallel”) files this Complaint for patent infringement
`against Defendant Reloaded Games, Inc. (“Reloaded” or “Defendant”) and alleges as follows:
`Plaintiff Parallel Networks, LLC is a Delaware limited liability company having
`its principal place of business at 1105 N. Market St., Suite 300, Wilmington, Delaware 19801.
`On information and belief, Reloaded Games, Inc. is a corporation organized
`under the laws of the State of California, and has a principal place of business at 6440 Oak
`Canyon, Ste. 200, Irvine, California 92618, and/or is conducting business through an affiliate
`located at this address.
`This civil action for patent infringement arises under the Patent Laws of the
`United States, 35 U.S.C. §§ 1 et seq. This Court has jurisdiction over the claims presented herein
`pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1338(a).


`On information and belief, Reloaded makes, imports, sells, and/or offers for sale
`the Accused Products (as defined below) within the United States, including this District, that
`infringe one or more claims of United States Patent No. 7,188,145 entitled “METHOD AND
`Patent was duly and legally issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office on March
`6, 2007. A true and correct copy of the '145 Patent is attached hereto as Exhibit 1.
`On information and belief, Reloaded makes, imports, sells, and/or offers for sale
`the Accused Products (as defined below) within the United States, including this District, that
`infringe one or more claims of United States Patent No. 7,730,262 entitled “METHOD AND
`Patent was duly and legally issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office on June 1,
`2010. A true and correct copy of the '262 Patent is attached hereto as Exhibit 2.
`The '145 Patent and '262 Patent are collectively referred to herein as the
`“Asserted Patents.”
`On information and belief, Defendant Reloaded is engaged in the business of
`developing and publishing video games, including but not limited to APB Reloaded, Fallen
`Earth, Super MNC, Taikodom, and World of Battles. On information and belief, Reloaded’s
`games are free-to-play, however Reloaded derives revenue from the sale of “G1 Credits,” a
`virtual currency that Reloaded customers use to purchase in-game enhancements through the
`GamersFirst Marketplace. G1 Credits are sold through a Reloaded Games website at
` On information and belief, Reloaded
`Games markets games to users in the United States, and within this District. On information
`and belief, Reloaded Games markets and sells G1 Credits in the United States, and within


`this District. Reloaded Games markets and distributes games through a website
` Reloaded customers, including customers within
`this District, download Reloaded games through Reloaded’s interactive website
` Reloaded customers, including customers within this District,
`purchase G1 Credits through Reloaded’s interactive website
`On information and belief, Reloaded contracts with Pando Networks, Inc., a
`Delaware corporation, which, on information and belief, provides peer-to-peer content
`distribution services to Reloaded in connection with the Accused Products
`Reloaded is a foreign corporation transacting business within the state of
`Delaware; is causing tortious injury by committing all or part of the tortious acts described herein
`within the State of Delaware; and/or is causing tortious injury in the State of Delaware by
`committing all or part of the tortious acts or omissions described herein outside the state of
`Delaware; and/or is causing tortious injury by committing all or part of the tortious acts or
`omissions described herein outside the state of Delaware while regularly conducting or
`soliciting business or deriving revenue from goods used or consumed or services rendered within
`the State of Delaware. Therefore, this Court has personal jurisdiction over Reloaded under the
`Delaware long-arm statute, DEL. CODE. ANN. TIT. 3, § 3104. Reloaded has transacted and
`continues to transact business in this District, and has committed acts of patent infringement in
`this District.
`On information and belief, Reloaded directly and/or indirectly imports,
`manufactures, uses, offers for sale, and/or sells the Accused Products (as defined below) within


`the United States, including this District, that infringe one or more claims of the Asserted
`Venue is proper in this District pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1400(b) and 1391(c).
`Parallel is the owner by assignment of all rights, title, and interests in the
`Asserted Patents, and is entitled to sue for past and future infringement thereof.
`On information and belief, Reloaded is engaged in the business of developing
`and distributing videogames, including but not limited to APB Reloaded, Fallen Earth, Super
`MNC, Taikodom, and World of Battles. On Information and belief, Reloaded sells and/or
`distributes installers, such as but not limited to the “APB_GamersFirst_LIVE!_Setup_EN.exe,”
`“FallenEarth_GamersFirst_LIVE!_EN.exe,” SMNC_GamersFirst_LIVE!_EN.exe,”
`Taikodom_GamersFirst_LIVE!_EN.exe,” and WorldOfBattles_GamersFirst_LIVE!_EN.exe”
`installers (the “APB_GamersFirst_LIVE!_Setup_EN.exe” installer and all similar installers,
`downloaders and/or launchers are referred to herein as the “Accused Products”), that are
`downloaded by an end-user from a Reloaded website, such as at
`, through or by which Reloaded distributes its games.
`(Infringement of the '145 Patent)
`Parallel incorporates paragraphs 1 through 13 as though fully set forth herein.
`Upon information and belief, Defendant Reloaded has been and now is directly
`and/or indirectly infringing one or more claims of the '145 Patent by (1) making, importing,
`using, offering for sale, and/or selling the patented inventions, (2) by actively inducing others to
`use the patented inventions, or (3) by contributing to the use of the patented inventions in the
`United States.


`More particularly, without limitation, Reloaded is now directly infringing one or
`more claims of the '145 Patent by making, importing, using (including use for testing purposes),
`offering for sale, and/or selling the Accused Products, all in violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a). The
`Accused Products provide a system for dynamic distributed data caching. More particularly, the
`Accused Products cache data on the computers of Reloaded customers. This cached data is
`served to other Reloaded customers in the peer-to-peer group.
`In addition and/or in the alternative, Reloaded has been and/or now is indirectly
`infringing one or more claims of the Asserted Patents by (1) inducing customers to use the
`Accused Products to directly infringe one or more claims of the Asserted Patents in violation of
`35 U.S.C. § 271(b), and/or by (2) contributing to customers’ direct infringement of one or more
`claims of the Asserted Patents by their use of the Accused Products in violation of 35 U.S.C.
`§ 271(c). The Accused Products perform the distributed data caching described and claimed in
`the Asserted Patents, and Reloaded has engaged in indirect infringement by its post-complaint
`conduct of providing its customers with the infringing Accused Products in order to enable those
`customers to use the Accused Products.
`By way of example, and not as a limitation, Reloaded induces and/or contributes
`to such infringement by at least making its website available to customers and providing links
`and/or other directions on its website and/or the internet for users to download and use the
`Accused Products. Reloaded engages in such activities knowingly and, at least from the time of
`receipt of the present Complaint, has done so with the knowledge that such activities induce
`customers to directly infringe the Asserted Patents. In addition, or, in the alternative, Reloaded
`engages in such activities knowingly, and, at least from the time of receipt of the present
`Complaint, has sold or distributed the Accused Products knowing that such Accused Products are


`especially made or adapted for use by its customers in an infringing use of one or more claims of
`the Accused Products. On information and belief, Reloaded customers download an installer or
`downloader that is associated with one particular Reloaded game and, when the customer runs
`the infringing Accused Product, the game is downloaded to the customer’s computer by way of
`dynamic distributed data caching, as described and claimed in the Asserted Patents. Thus,
`Reloaded customers, by using the Accused Products, directly infringe the claimed methods of the
`Asserted Patents. On information and belief, the Accused Products do not have any substantial
`non-infringing uses.
`Parallel has been damaged by the infringing activities of Reloaded, and will be
`irreparably harmed unless those infringing activities are preliminarily and permanently enjoined
`by this Court. Parallel does not have an adequate remedy at law.
`By the filing of this action, Reloaded has been given actual notice of the
`existence of the '145 Patent. Despite such notice, Reloaded continues in acts of infringement
`without regard to the '145 Patent, and will likely continue to do so unless otherwise enjoined by
`this Court. Parallel is not seeking damages against Reloaded for indirect infringement for the
`period prior to the filing of this Complaint.
`(Infringement of the '262 Patent)
`Parallel incorporates paragraphs 1 through 13 as though fully set forth herein.
`Upon information and belief, Defendant Reloaded has been and now is directly
`and/or indirectly infringing one or more claims of the '262 Patent by (1) making, importing,
`using, offering for sale, and/or selling the patented inventions, (2) by actively inducing others to
`use the patented inventions, or (3) by contributing to the use of the patented inventions in the
`United States.


`More particularly, without limitation, Reloaded is now directly infringing one or
`more claims of the '262 Patent by making, importing, using, offering for sale, and/or selling the
`Accused Products, all in violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a).
`In addition and/or in the alternative, Reloaded has been and/or now is indirectly
`infringing one or more claims of the Asserted Patents by (1) inducing customers to use the
`Accused Products to directly infringe one or more claims of the Asserted Patents in violation of
`35 U.S.C. § 271(b), and/or by (2) contributing to customers’ direct infringement of one or more
`claims of the Asserted Patents by their use of the Accused Products in violation of 35 U.S.C.
`§ 271(c). The Accused Products perform the distributed data caching described and claimed in
`the Asserted Patents, and Reloaded has engaged in indirect infringement by its post-complaint
`conduct of providing its customers with the infringing Accused Products in order to enable those
`customers to use the Accused Products.
`By way of example, and not as a limitation, Reloaded induces and/or contributes
`to such infringement by at least making its website available to customers and providing links
`and/or other directions on its website and/or the internet for users to download and use the
`Accused Products. Reloaded engages in such activities knowingly and, at least from the time of
`receipt of the present Complaint, has done so with the knowledge that such activities induce
`customers to directly infringe the Asserted Patents. In addition, or, in the alternative, Reloaded
`engages in such activities knowingly, and, at least from the time of receipt of the present
`Complaint, has sold or distributed the Accused Products knowing that such Accused Products are
`especially made or adapted for use by its customers in an infringing use of one or more claims of
`the Accused Products. On information and belief, Reloaded customers download an installer or
`downloader that is associated with one particular Reloaded game and, when the customer runs


`the infringing Accused Product, the game is downloaded to the customer’s computer by way of
`dynamic distributed data caching, as described and claimed in the Asserted Patents. Thus,
`Reloaded customers, by using the Accused Products, directly infringe the claimed methods of the
`Asserted Patents. On information and belief, the Accused Products do not have any substantial
`non-infringing uses.
`Parallel has been damaged by the infringing activities of Reloaded, and will be
`irreparably harmed unless those infringing activities are preliminarily and permanently enjoined
`by this Court. Parallel does not have an adequate remedy at law.
`By the filing of this action, Reloaded has been given actual notice of the
`existence of the ‘262 Patent. Despite such notice, Reloaded continues in acts of infringement
`without regard to the ‘262 Patent, and will likely continue to do so unless otherwise enjoined by
`this Court.
`WHEREFORE, Parallel requests the following relief:
`A judgment in favor of Parallel that Reloaded has directly infringed, and/or has
`indirectly infringed by way of inducement and/or contributory infringement, one or more claims
`of the Asserted Patents;
`A judgment that Parallel has been irreparably harmed by the infringing activities
`of Reloaded and is likely to continue to be irreparably harmed by Defendant’s continued
`Preliminary and permanent injunctions prohibiting Reloaded and its officers,
`agents, servants, employees and those persons in active concert or participation with any of


`them, as well as all successors or assignees of the interests or assets related to the Accused
`Products, from further infringement, direct and indirect, of the Asserted Patents;
`A judgment and order requiring Reloaded to pay Parallel damages adequate to
`compensate for infringement under 35 U.S.C. § 284, which damages may include lost profits but
`in no event shall be less than a reasonable royalty for the use made of the inventions of the
`Asserted Patents, including pre- and post-judgment interest and costs, including expenses and
`disbursements; and
`Any and all such further necessary or proper relief as this Court may deem just.
`Pursuant to Rule 38(b) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Parallel hereby demands
`a trial by jury of all issues so triable.


`/s/ Monté T. Squire
`Adam W. Poff (No. 3990)
`Monté T. Squire (No. 4764)
`Rodney Square
`1000 North King Street
`Wilmington, DE 19801
`(302) 571-6600
`Attorneys for Plaintiff Parallel Networks, LLC
`Brian A. Carpenter
`Eric W. Buether
`Christopher M. Joe
`Michael D. Ricketts
`1700 Pacific Avenue
`Suite 4750
`Dallas, Texas 75201
`(214) 446-1273
` Dated: May 9, 2013

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