`International Bureau
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`20 February 1992 (20.02.92)
`(71)(72) Applicant and Inventor: STILLE, Reinhardt [GB/MC];
`11, avenue Princesse Grace, MC-98000 Monte-Carlo
`(51) International Patent Classification 5 :
` (11) International Publication Number:
`WO 93/16899
` (43) International Publication Date:
`B60Q 1/44
`2 September 1993 (02.09.93)
`(81) Designated States: AU, BR, CA, DE, ES, GB, JP, KR, SE,
`US, European patent (DE, ES, FR, GB, IT, SE).
`With international search report.
`Wzth amended claims and statement.
` (57) Abstract
`The aim of the present invention is to have the brake-lights of automotive vehicles in general activated as soon as the driver
`takes his foot off the accelerator. This set-up gives the driver of the vehicle following, a lead-time to react, not currently available.
`To implement this new configuration, the invention also introduces the use of ”intelligent” or ”live” command-pedals, that react
`instantly to the presence or absence of pressure exerted theron by the drivers foot. Furthermore, the new configuration introduces
`two additional road-safety features: parallel electric circuits to activate the vehicle’s brake-lights, and automatically activated
`brake-lights for vehicles that are temporarily stopped in traffic.
`TOYOTA Ex. 1116, p. 1
`Toyota v. Hagenbuch
`TOYOTA Ex. 1116, p. 1
`Toyota v. Hagenbuch
`New Zealand
`Russian Federation
`Slovak Republic
`Soviet Union
`United States of America
`Viel Nam
`TOYOTA Ex. 1116, p. 2
`Toyota v. Hagenbuch
`Codes used to identify States party to the PCI' on the front pages of pamphlets publishing international
`applications under the PCT.
`Burkina Faso
`Central African Republic
`(’éte d‘lvoire
`Czech Republic
`United Kingdom
`Democratic Peoplu‘: Republic
`of Korea
`Republic of Korea
`Sri lanka
`TOYOTA Ex. 1116, p. 2
`Toyota v. Hagenbuch
`W0 93/ l 6899
`lectrical system for advanced activation of
`automotive brake-lights and its con+iguration.
`The invention concerns the configuration of the electric
`circuit existing in all automotive vehicles, for the pur-
`pose of activating the brake-lights thereof.
`The brake—lights of automotive vehicles play an important
`role in overall road-safety, as their task is to alert the
`driver o+ the vehicle following, that the preceding ve-
`hicle is slowing down or coming to a halt. Ideally,
`configuration of this circuit and its activating elements,
`should be such, that the driver of
`the vehicle following
`has sufficient time to react,
`smooth traffic flow.
`thereby contributing to a
`at the present time,
`the universally adopted method of ac-
`tivating the brake—lights of automotive vehicles in gener-
`al, is to use a "dumb“ brake-pedal and to incorporate some-
`where along the hydraulic circuit that activates the bra~
`kes, a pressure-sensitive switch. This contact-switch will
`cause the brake-lights to glow, as soon as, but not before,
`pressure has been created in the hydraulic circuit, due to
`the driver's activation of the brake—pedal. The result of
`employing this classical configuration is, that the vehi—
`cle's brake—lights will go on simultaneously with the
`actual functioning of the vehicle's brakes.
`the driver of the vehicle immediately fol-
`TOYOTA Ex. 1116, p. 3
`Toyota v. Hagenbuch
`TOYOTA Ex. 1116, p. 3
`Toyota v. Hagenbuch
`WO 93/16899
`PCI'/E P92/00362
`lowing, is only made aware of the deceleration of the pre—
`ceding vehicle, once braking is already in progress. This
`éorces him to apply a greater pressure to his brakes than
`the driver of the preceding vehicle and,
`in many instances,
`the second vehicle is actually unable to "catch-up" with
`the deceleration of the preceding vehicle- This, of course,
`results in the all too common rear-end collision, not only
`of the single variety, but also of the chain or multiple
`in such situations where road and climatic con—
`ditions are adverse and/or a higher speed is permitted on
`the road or highway.
`The last 35 years have witnessed drastic improvements in
`automotive braking technology, such as the power-assisted
`the disk-brake and the anti-lock Braking System,
`all of which have resulted in considerably reduced braking
`distances- Meanwhile,
`the electrical system activating the
`brake-lights, has remained essentially static, paralleled
`only by an unchanged human reaction-time.
`Therefore, it is the aim of this invention to overcome the
`human handicap,
`through introduction of a new electrical
`configuration, that will give drivers following another
`vehicle, up to two seconds of additional reaction-time.
`Firstly, the invention as claimed,
`introduces the concept
`of activating the vehicle's brake-lights, as soon as the
`driver takes his foot of; the accelerator—pedal. Not only
`TOYOTA Ex. 1116, p. 4
`Toyota v. Hagenbuch
`TOYOTA Ex. 1116, p. 4
`Toyota v. Hagenbuch
`W0 93/ l 6899
`PCT/ EP92/00362
`is the release o+ the accelerator-pedal
`the first motion
`towards stepping on the brake-pedal, but
`in actual iact,
`a release of
`the accelerator—pedal causes by itself a de-
`celeration of the vehicle, of which the driver of the ve-
`hicle that follows, should be made aware of instantly.
`the invention as claimed,
`introduces the concept
`of activating the vehicle’s brake-lights through "live” or
`"intelligent" command-pedals, which either have pressure—
`sensitive contact—switches built into said pedals, or have
`such pressure—sensitive switches or electronic sensors
`attached to said command-pedals. These pedals do provide
`an instant response to the absence or presence of the
`pressure exerted thereon by the driver‘s foot.
`To accomplish the aims of the present invention, we must
`distinguish between automotive vehicles equipped with
`automatic transmissions and those with manual gear-boxes.
`Because the driver of a vehicle equipped with an automatic
`transmission has his right foot either on the accelerator—
`pedal or on the brake—pedal, such a vehicle would, ”a
`priori", require only its accelerator—pedal to be of the
`"intelligent" variety, as it is the fundamental aim of the
`to have the brake—lights activated, as
`soon as the driver's foot comes ofi the accelerator—pedal.
`Notwithstanding, a higher degree of reliability and hence,
`overall safety is achieved, by using concurrently also an
`TOYOTA Ex. 1116, p. 5
`Toyota v. Hagenbuch
`TOYOTA Ex. 1116, p. 5
`Toyota v. Hagenbuch
`W0 93/16899
`”intelligent" brake—pedal, which activates the vehicle's
`brake-lights in parallel with the accelerator-pedal.
`In contrast to this,
`the driver of a vehicle equipped with
`a manual gear-box, may take his right foot off the accel-
`erator—pedal, not only in order to initiate the braking
`process, but also in order to change gears. Consequently,
`to prevent the emission of a false or spurious braking
`signal, the manual gear-box vehicle will also be equipped
`17 with “intelligent" clutch—pedal and "intelligent" brake—
`In this configuration,
`the driver takes his foot
`of? the accelerator, and this would normally cause the bra—
`te—lights to turn on, as intended. However, if his aim is
`to change gears, he has already placed his left foot on
`the clutch-pedal, which in this configuration incorporates
`a "defeat-switch", that overrides and cancels the signal
`from the accelerator. Hence, during gear—changes the brake—
`lights are not activated at all, as usual. On the other
`hand, if the driver has to decelerateg his right foot
`leaves the accelerator—pedal, which instantly activates
`the brake-lights. His right Foot now depresses the "intel—
`ligent" brake-pedal, which then also activates the brake-
`lights in parallel with the accelerator-pedal.
`fit this
`the driver may realise that he has to come to a
`halt, and therefore he also depresses the clutch-pedal.
`This overrides and defeats the signal emanating from the
`accelerator-pedal and, were it not for the parallel feed
`TOYOTA Ex. 1116, p. 6
`Toyota v. Hagenbuch
`TOYOTA Ex. 1116, p. 6
`Toyota v. Hagenbuch
`W0 93/ 16899
`from the brake—pedal,
`the brake-lights would go out.
`However, as these lights are also activated by the brake—
`pedal, which is being depressed,
`the vehicle's brake—
`lights will
`remain on, as required by universal traffic
`.-. o
`in addition,
`the new configuration has the advantage,
`that any automotive vehicle which is temporarily stopped
`in trafiic or on the side of the road, but not parked,
`will automatically have its brake—lights on, because the
`driver has taken his foot off the accelerator. This impro-
`ves other driver‘: awareness and hence road-safety.
`There are basically three ways of
`implementing the
`present invention, which vary in their degree of sophis-
`tication and consequent reliability.
`The most elementary set-up would consist in simply using
`conventional electric switches attached to the command-
`pedals of the vehicle. However, due to wear and tear,
`dust and humidity,
`this technical solution would be of
`questionable reliability and require frequent checks and
`In addition, due to the mechanical nature
`of conventional switches, a degree of "travel" is invol—
`ved which reduces the instant response aimed for by this
`a second and more reliable design does involve the use of
`"live“ or "intelligent" command—pedals, which incorporate
`a pressure-sensitive electric switch built into the pedal
`TOYOTA Ex. 1116, p. 7
`Toyota v. Hagenbuch
`TOYOTA Ex. 1116, p. 7
`Toyota v. Hagenbuch
`W0 93/16899
`itself. These pedals will provide the instant response
`required, as soon as the driver steps on or off the com—
`in question.
`In addition, such pedals being
`p... o
`entirely sealed, are impervious to dust and humidity,
`thereby requiring no maintenance, apart from the flexible
`wiring leading to the vehicle’s brake—lights.
`Finally, the "luxury" configuration employs electronic
`sensors, which relay the absence or the presence of pres-
`sure exerted by the driver's foot on the command-pedals,
`to the on—board-computer, which then transmits the re—
`quired signal to the brake-lights. vaiously, this solu—
`tion pre—supposes the existence of such on-board-computer
`and therefore, is reserved for vehicles so equipped.
`TOYOTA Ex. 1116, p. 8
`Toyota v. Hagenbuch
`TOYOTA Ex. 1116, p. 8
`Toyota v. Hagenbuch
`W0 93/ 16899
`("I [—1 DJ M- S U1
`l. The concept ef activating the brake—lights of auto-
`motive vehicles in general, as soon as the driver
`releases the accelerator—pedal.
`2. The use of "live" or "intelligent” command-pedals
`that contain or have attached thereto, electric con-
`tacts or electronic sensors, which react to the pres—
`sure exerted thereon by the driver’s éoot.
`a. For automotive vehicles equipped with automatic trans-
`the use 0% at least one "intelligent“ accel-
`erator-pedal as per claim 2, which activates the brake-
`lights, but preferably, also an "intelligent" brake-
`pedal that activates the brake-lights of the vehicle,
`in parallel with the accelerator-pedal,
`thereby provid—
`ing for additional reliability and safety.
`. For automotive vehicles equipped with manual gear—boxes,
`the use of three "intelligent" command-pedals,
`ator, brake and clutch), oF which the clutch-pedal acts
`to override and defeat the signal emanating from the
`accelerator-pedal, during the process of changing gears.
`S. A configuration whereby a vehicle's brake—lights are
`automatically activated, when said vehicle is tempo-
`rarily stopped in traffic, but not parked.
`TOYOTA Ex. 1116, p. 9
`Toyota v. Hagenbuch
`TOYOTA Ex. 1116, p. 9
`Toyota v. Hagenbuch
`W0 93/1 6899
`[received by the International Bureau on 1 December 1992 (01.12.92);
`new claims 6 and.7 added; original claims unchanged.(2 pages)]
`3. The concept of activating the brake—lights of auto-
`motive vehicles in general, as soon as the driver
`releases the accelerator—pedal.
`2. The use of "live“ or "intelligent" command-pedals
`that contain or have attached thereto, electric con-
`tacts or electronic sensors, which react to the pres-
`sure exerted thereon by the driver's foot.
`3. For automotive vehicles equipped with automatic trans-
`the use oi at least one "intelligent" accel-
`erator-pedal as per claim 2, which activates the brake-
`lights, but preierably, also an "intelligent" brake-
`pedal that activates the brake—lights of the vehicle,
`in parallel with the accelerator-pedal,
`thereby provid-
`ing for additional reliability and safety.
`4. For automotive vehicles equipped with manual gear-boxes,
`the use of three "intelligent" command-pedals,
`ator, brake and clutch), of which the clutch-pedal acts
`to override and defeat the signal emanating +rom the
`accelerator-pedal, during the process of changing gears.
`A configuration whereby a vehicle‘s brake—lights are
`automatically activated, when said vehicle is tempo—
`rarily stopped in traffic, but not parked.
`TOYOTA Ex. 1116, p. 10
`Toyota v. Hagenbuch
`TOYOTA Ex. 1116, p. 10
`Toyota v. Hagenbuch
`W0 93/ l 6899
`PCT/ EP92/00362
`a. The introduction and use of a small electronic device
`called "ABLA"
`(advanced Brake-Light Activator) which
`can be iitted to all new automotive vehicles during
`their production run. as well as to most vehicles al-
`ready on the road. This device consists of a switch,
`controlled by a micro—processor, which receives its
`impulses from two electronic sensors or micro—switches.
`fine of these is connected to the accelerator, or to its
`linkage to the fuel control unit, or directly to said
`unit..and the other sensor or micro-switch is connected
`to the clutch pedal or to its linkage. ABLA causes the
`to the "idle" position. except during gear changes, when
`its activation is cancelled by the signal emanating From
`the clutch-sensor. Once triggered by ABLA the brake-
`lights remain switched-on until
`the driver steps on the
`accelerator pedal again. This device can be installed
`in manual-transmission vehicles through 4 (four) wires
`and in automatic-transmission vehicles through 3 (three)
`wires only,
`in both cases without altering or interfer-
`ing with the conventional brake-light circuit and its
`standard switch. activated by hydraulic pressure.
`. The use of ABLA in conjunction with the ”intelligent" or
`"live" command pedals as per claims no. 2. 3 and 4 above.
`TOYOTA Ex. 1116, p. 11
`Toyota v. Hagenbuch
`TOYOTA Ex. 1116, p. 11
`Toyota v. Hagenbuch
`W0 93/16899
`n]l"m (UamD [18 I'll:1r1 01
`DJ1 I'll
`DJCL [1. H H‘ H1 0:1m 5.:
`rt 0 fl‘ 3‘ m U'1 .4 ID 5.: :1 WH
`D. mInFl"I
`most economical and practical way.
`In addition, such de-
`vice offers the advantage of swift installation in newly
`built vehicles as well as in vehicles already on the road,
`without altering existing electrical circuits."
`TOYOTA Ex. 1116, p. 12
`Toyota v. Hagenbuch
`TOYOTA Ex. 1116, p. 12
`Toyota v. Hagenbuch
`International Application No
`I. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECT MATTER (if several classification symbols apply, indicate till)6
`According to International Patent Classifitation (IPC) or to both National Classifiution and WC
`Int.Ci.*5 36001/44
`Classrfication Systan
`Int.Ci. 5
`Minimum Documentation Sancheti'l
`Classification Symbols
`Documentation Searched other than Minimum Documentation
`to the Extent that such Documents are Included in the Fields Searched‘
`Citation of Document, “- with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant pas
`es 12
`Rdevant to Claim No.L1
`see figure 1
`10 January
`see figure 5
`FR,A,2 004 128 (DAIMLER-BENZ AG)
`21 November 1969
`see page 3, Tine 8 - page 4, Tine 15
`US,A,3 921 750 (SHAMES)
`25 November 1975
`FR,A,Z 656 576 (GUENIER)
`5 Juiy 1991
`see page 1,
`line 39 - page 2,
`line 11
` ° Speta‘al categories of cited documents :1°
`"1" later document puhlished after the international filing date
`or priority date and not in conflict with the ap liation hut
`'A' document defining the gurenl state of the art which is not
`rated to understand the principle or theory on erlying the
`considered to he of partiurlar relevance
`‘15" earlier document but published on or after the iota-national
`'X' document of particular Mme: the claimed invention
`filing 43"
`annot he considu'ed novel or cannot be considered to
`'I.’ document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) or
`involve an inventive step
`particular relevance; the claimed rnvennon
`which is cited to establish the publication date of another
`ry- docummt of
`“mm" or "I” 5W“ "‘5“ (’5 59‘5““)
`cannot he consida'ed to involve an inventive step when the
`'0' document referring to an oral disdosure, use. athihition or
`document is combined with one or more other such docu.
`other means
`ments, such combination being obvious to a person skilled
`'P' document published prior to the intentional filing date but
`m the art.
`later than the priority date claimed
`'3! document member of the same patent family
`Date of the Actual Completion of the international Search
`Date of Mailing of this lntemational Search Report
`05 OCTOBER 1992
`1 5.
`iii. 92
`Signature of Authorized Officer
`International Sarching Authority
` Pom PCT/ISAIZIO [would that) [January I915]
`TOYOTA Ex. 1116, p. 13
`Toyota v. Hagenbuch
`TOYOTA Ex. 1116, p. 13
`Toyota v. Hagenbuch
`Intentional Appliulion No
`Category °
`Citation uf Dowment, with inflation, where appmpriate, of the relevant pasgga
`new: to Claim Nn.
`1 March 1991
`see abstract
`Pam PCTIISAIZID (an: up (Jun 1915)
`TOYOTA Ex. 1116, p. 14
`Toyota v. Hagenbuch
`TOYOTA Ex. 1116, p. 14
`Toyota v. Hagenbuch
`This annex lists the patent family members relating to the patent dowmens cited in the above-mentioned international search report.
`The members are as contained in the European Patent office EDP file on.
`The European Patent Office is in no way liable for these particulars which are merely given for the purpose of information. 05/ 10/92
`For more details about this annex : we Ofl‘wial Journal of the European Patent Office, No. 12/82
`TOYOTA Ex. 1116, p. 15
`Toyota v. Hagenbuch
`TOYOTA Ex. 1116, p. 15
`Toyota v. Hagenbuch