Carl T. Rutledge, Ph. D.
`LInsheid Distinguished Professor and Chairman, Dept. of Physics,
`East Central University, Ada, OK 74820
`Telephone (580)-559-5392
`Home: 2009 East 11th St., Ada, OK 74820-7006
` email:
`B. S., 1966 University of Arkansas (Fayetteville): Physics & Math with honors
`M. S., 1969 University of Arkansas (Fayetteville): Physics
`Ph. D.,1971 University of Arkansas (Fayetteville): Physics
`Teaching Experience:
`1981- East Central Univ. (Ada, OK): Physics, astronomy, computer science,
` mathematics
`1970-81 Southern Arkansas University (Magnolia): Physics and Astronomy
`Administrative Experience:
`1992- Chairman, Department of Physics, East Central University
`1983- Director of Judging, Oklahoma State Science Fair
`1980-81 Head, Department of Physics, Southern Arkansas University
`1977-81 Director, Arkansas State Science Fair and
` President, Arkansas Science Fair Association
`4 books, 12 articles and letters, 1 book review
`Papers presented:
`Over 25, on astronomy education, physics education, microcomputers.
`Grants, special projects and programs:
`1994- Director and Co-PI, NSF LS-OKAMP grant for minorities at ECU
`1994-2008 Director of eight NSF Eisenhower Teacher Education workshops for teachers
`1991-93 Co-Director and teacher, Summer Academy for High School Students in
` Oklahoma Natural Resources and Astronomy
`1971-93 Worked in or taught in at least 10 workshops for teachers and/or students
`Organizations: Past president of the Arkansas-Oklahoma-Kansas section of the
`American Association of Physics Teachers.
` Honors:
`David and Mollie Boren Outstanding Oklahoma Mentor Award, January, 2014
`Adolph Linscheid Distinguished Teaching Professor - 2004-
`ECU Teaching Excellence Award – 1998 and 2010
`1997 Oklahoma Science Teachers' Association Higher Education Teacher of the Year
`Phi Beta Kappa, University of Arkansas
`NORRED EXHIBIT 2192 - Page 1
`Sigma Xi Research Honor Society
`Medtronic, Inc., Medtronic Vascular, Inc.,
`& Medtronic Corevalve, LLC
`v. Troy R. Norred, M.D.
`Case IPR2014-00111


`Academic  Degrees:
`Professional  Experience:
`Vita:      Carl  T.  Rutledge,  Ph.  D.                  
`  Professor  and  Chairman,  Department  of  Physics    
`Adolph  Linscheid  Distinguished  Teaching  Professor  
`Undergraduate  and  Graduate  faculty  
`B.  S.,  1966        University  of  Arkansas  (Fayetteville):  Physics  &  Math  with  honors  
`M.  S.,  1969      University  of  Arkansas  (Fayetteville):  Physics  
`Ph.  D.,1971    University  of  Arkansas  (Fayetteville):  Physics  
`1981-­‐                East  Central  Univ.  (Ada,  OK):  Physics,  astronomy        
`1980                  William  Jewell  College  (Liberty,  MO):  Physics  (summer)  
`1974-­‐75      Stephen  F.  Austin  State  Univ.  (Nacogdoches,  Texas):  
`          Physics  and  Astronomy  Education  (summers)  
`1970-­‐81      Southern  Arkansas  University  (Magnolia):  Physics  and  Astronomy  
`1963-­‐70      University  of  Arkansas  (Fayetteville):  Physics  (Student/graduate  assistant)  
`Nominal  12  hour  load  of  teaching,  plus  Chairman  of  Department  of  Physics,  
`Astronomy,  General  Physical  Science,  General  Physics  I/II,  Engineering  Physics  I  and  II,  Electricity  
`&  Magnetism,  Optics,  Electronics,  Thermodynamics,  Modern  Physics,    Cosmology,  and  many  
`teacher  workshops  in  physics.  
`American  Association  of  Physics  Teachers  (Arkansas-­‐Oklahoma-­‐Kansas  Section):  
`Member  since  1966.    Past  Secretary-­‐Treas.,  Vice-­‐President,  and  President.  
`          Oklahoma  Louis  Stokes  Alliance  for  Minority  Participation  in  Science,  Engineering
`          Mathematics  and  Technology:          Charter  member  and  Reporter  (Secretary.)  
`          Oklahoma  Science  Teachers'  Association  (OSTA)  
`Faculty  and  Administrative  Load
`Courses  Taught:  
`Professional  Assignments  and  Activities
`NORRED EXHIBIT 2192 - Page 2


`2009   Helped  organize  and  host  the  Physics  Centennial  Reunion  during  homecoming,  
`2009.      About  30  former  graduates  attended,  including  some  from  the  1960's.  
`1994-­‐  Co-­‐Principal  Investigator  of  the  Oklahoma  Alliance  for  Minority  Participation  in  Science,  
`Engineering,  Mathematics  and  Technology  for  ECU  and  Campus  Coordinator  for  the  ECU  
`1999-­‐  McNair  Scholar  Mentor  
`1992-­‐              Chairman,  Department  of  Physics,  East  Central  University  
`1983-­‐                Director  of  Judging,  Oklahoma  State  Science  and  Engineering  Fair  
`1980-­‐81        Head,  Department  of  Physics,  Southern  Arkansas  University  
`1977-­‐81        Director,  Arkansas  State  Science  Fair  and  
`            President,      Arkansas  Science  Fair  Association  
`At  least  4  books,  12  articles  and  letters,  1  book  review.      Details  follow.  
`Mann,  Jennifer,  Williams,  Karen,  &  Rutledge,  Carl,  "Learning  Approaches,  Course  Experience,  and  
`Astronomy  Understanding  in  The  Oklahoma  Project",  Journal  of  College  Science  Teaching    ,    Vol.    
`XXVII,  No.  4,  pp.  240-­‐244  (February,  1998)  
`and  6  other  older  papers.  
`Rutledge,  Carl  T.,    and  Weems,  Bruce,  Experiments  and  Observations  in  Astronomy,  5th  Ed.,  East  
`Central  University  Physics  Department  (2012)      (This  108  page  lab  manual  is  used  in  the  ECU  
`astronomy  course.)    
`Plus  6  other  lab  manuals.  
`Recent  presentations  include:  
`Rutledge,  Carl  T.,  “Teaching  Moon  Phases:  A  Multiple  Method  Approach”,  poster  presentation,  
`American  Association  of  Physics  Teachers  National  Summer  Meeting,    University  of  Pennsylvania,  
`Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania,  July  30,  2012  
`Papers  published  include:  
`"Workshop in Science Ethics" by Karen Williams and Carl T. Rutledge in CURQ Vignettes: Additional
`Examples of Ways to Teach Undergraduate Ethical Research Conduct, Council on Undergraduate
`Research Quarterly. 2010, Vol. 30, #3.
`Books  include:  
`Papers  presented:
`NORRED EXHIBIT 2192 - Page 3


`Rutledge, Carl T., "Using the Galileoscope in Introductory Astronomy Classes"; National Science
`Teachers of America regional meeting, Kansas City Missouri, October 29, 2010 (Workshop for
`secondary and college teachers. )
`Rutledge,  Carl  T.,  “Using  the  Coronado  Personal  Solar  Telescope  for  Astronomy  Outreach”,  poster  
`presentation,  Arkansas-­‐Oklahoma-­‐Kansas  Section  of  the  American  Association  of  Physics  Teachers    
`meeting  at  the  End  branch  of  Northwestern  Oklahoma  State  University,  October  3,  2012.      
`Williams,  K.  &  Rutledge,  Carl  T.  (2012).    “Career  Paths  of  ECU  Physics  Graduates”,  oral  
`presentation  at  AR-­‐OK-­‐KS  Section  of  the  American  Association  of  Physics  Teachers  Meeting  at  
`Northwestern  OK  State  University,  Enid,  OK,  11/3/12.  
`Rutledge,  Carl  T.,  "Galileo  and  His  Telescope:  Observations  and  Impact",  Lindscheid  Library  
`presentation  for  ECU  students  and  faculty  in  celebration  of  the  International  Year  of  Astronomy  
`and  the  400th  anniversary  of  Galileo's  first  use  of  the  telescope,  ECU  Library,  October  20,  2009  
`Rutledge,  Carl  T.,  "Using  the  Galileoscope  in  Introductory  Astronomy",  oral  presentation  at  the  
`Arkansas-­‐Oklahoma-­‐Kansas  section  of  the  American  Association  of  Physics  Teachers  (AOK  AAPT)  
`regional  meeting  at  Kansas  State  University  in  Manhattan,  KS,  October  10,  2009  
`Rutledge,  Carl  T.,  "Videos  in  Introductory  Astronomy:  Student  Opinions",  poster  presentation  at  
`the  AOK-­‐AAPT  regional  meeting  at  Kansas  State  University  in  Manhattan,  KS,  October  10,  2009  
`Rutledge,  Carl  T.,  “On  Being  a  Scientist”,  condensed  one  hour  non-­‐interactive  ethics  presentation  in  
`the  Noble  Research  Center  at  OSU  for  about  30  majors  and  faculty  attending  the  OSU  Research  
`Symposium  the  Louis  Stokes  Alliance,    October  3,  2009  (Invited  repeat  updated  presentation.)  
`Rutledge,  Carl  T.,  “Low  Cost  Experiments  and  Demonstrations  for  High  School  Physics”,  workshop  
`presented  at  the  AOK-­‐AAPT  meeting  at  Rose  State  October  31,  2008  
`Rutledge,  Carl  T.,  “Student  Proof,  Accurate  Experiments  with  Lamps  in  Series  and  Parallel  for  
`General  Physical  Science”,  oral  presentation  at  the  AOK-­‐AAPT  regional  meeting  at  Rose  State  Nov.  
`1,  2008  
`Williams,  Karen,  and  Rutledge,  Carl  T.,  “On  Being  a  Scientist”,  a  2    hour  ethics  interactive  workshop  
`presentation  in  ESTEP  auditorium  at  ECU  for  over  50  science  majors  and  faculty,  January  22,  2008  
`Plus  many  other  former  presentations  on  astronomy    education,  physics  education  and  
`Current  research  has  been  in  physics  and  astronomy  education,  including  ways  to  implement  
`results  of  current  research  in  teaching  into  college  and  high  school  physics,  physical  science,  and  
`astronomy  teaching.  
`A    recent  project  was  a  special  Eisenhower  grant  for  the  summer  and  fall  of  2002  entitled  
`Modeling  Effective  Teaching  in  the  Physical  Sciences  and  was  attended  by  16  college  and  junior  
`NORRED EXHIBIT 2192 - Page 4


`college  teachers  from  around  the  state.    They  learned  about  the  learning  cycle,  inquiry  methods,  
`modeling,  beyond  question,  and  other  methods  and  applied  them  to  their  classes  in  the  fall.  
`Another  project  involved  construction  and  use  of  an  observatory  for  our  Celestron  14  inch  
`telescope.    A  student    worked  with  this  telescope  for  honors  and  East  Central  Alliance  for  Minority  
`Participation  (ECAMP)  research  during  the  summer  of  2003.  
`Dr.  Rutledge  has  also  mentored  students  in  the  ECAMP  program  for  minorites  in  in  Math,  Science,  
`Engineering  and  Technology  in  summer  research  in  the  areas  of  acoustics,  electronics  and  
`Grants,  special  projects  and  programs:  
`24,  mostly  Eisenhower  grants  to  improve  teaching  in  the  public  schools,  as  well  as  eighteenn  years  
`of  grants  with  the  Oklahoma  Alliance  for  Minority  Participation  in  Science,  Engineering,  
`Mathematics  and  Technology    (LS-­‐OKAMP  or  ECAMP).  (Co-­‐PI  for  the  Oklahoma  Alliance).    LS-­‐
`OKAMP  grants  alone  have  totaled  over  $500,000  over  the  years  with  over  60%  of  this  money  
`going  directly  to  students  for  stipends  and  research.    Over  181  ECU  students  have  participated.  
`During  the  summer  of  2008  Dr.  Rutledge  was  a  co-­‐teacher  in  the  workshop  "Physical  Science  of  
`Pontotoc  County"  for  40  teachers  of  grades  4-­‐8.    The  workshop  was  funded  by  the  No  Child  Left  
`Behind  program,  Title  II,  Part  B.    Total  funds  from  NCLB  were  $160,225.        Participants  learned  
`about  physics,  astronomy  and  earth  science  and  how  to  apply  the  learning  cycle  and  inquiry  
`methods  when  teaching  these  subjects.  
`David  and  Mollie  Boren  Outstanding  Oklahoma  Mentor  Award,  January,  2014  
`Received  ECU  Teaching  Excellence  Award  in  2010  
`Adolph  Linscheid  Distinguished  Teaching  Professor  -­‐  ECU  -­‐  2004-­‐present  
`ECU  Teaching  Excellence  Award  -­‐  1998  
`Oklahoma  Higher  Education  Teacher  of  the  Year  award  from  the  Oklahoma  Science  
`Teachers'  Association  -­‐  1997  (statewide  award)  
`Sigma  Xi  research  honor  society  (University  of  Arkansas)  
`Phi  Beta  Kappa  (University  of  Arkansas)  
`Sigma  Pi  Sigma  physics  honor  society  
`NORRED EXHIBIT 2192 - Page 5

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