Timothy Titus Catchings, M.D.
`October 7, 2014
`Kansas City, MO
`Page 1
`VASCULAR, INC., and )
` )
` Petitioner, )
` )
` vs. ) No. IPR2014-00110
` ) No. IPR2014-00111
`TROY R. NORRED, M.D., ) Patent 6,482,228
` )
` Patent Owner. )
`CATCHINGS, M.D., a Witness, taken on behalf of
`the Petitioner, before Alison A. Tracy, Missouri
`CCR No. 554, pursuant to Notice on the 7th day of
`October, 2014, at 10:08 a.m., at the Law Offices
`of Bartle & Marcus, 1100 Main Street, Suite 2730,
`Kansas City, Missouri.
`Alderson Reporting Company
`3 4
`Medtronic, Medtronic Vascular,
`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1009 - Page 1


`Timothy Titus Catchings, M.D.
`October 7, 2014
`Kansas City, MO
` A P P E A R A N C E S
`Page 2
` Mr. Jack S. Barufka
` 1600 Tysons Boulevard, 14th Floor
` McLean, Virginia 22102
` 703.770.7900
` and
` Mr. Evan Finkel
` 725 South Figueroa Street, Suite 2800
` Los Angeles, California 90017
` 213.488.7100
` Mr. Sean Edman
` Principal Patent Counsel
` 8200 Coral Sea Street NE, MVS76
` Mounds View, Minnesota 55112
` 763.505.8418
`Alderson Reporting Company
`2 3
`Medtronic, Medtronic Vascular,
`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1009 - Page 2


`Timothy Titus Catchings, M.D.
`October 7, 2014
`Kansas City, MO
` A P P E A R A N C E S (Continued)
`Page 3
` Mr. David L. Marcus
` 1100 Main Street, Suite 2730
` Kansas City, Missouri 64105
` 816.256.4699
` and
` Mr. James J. Kernell
` 8900 State Line Road, Suite 500
` Leawood, Kansas 66206
` 913.549.4700
`ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Troy Norred
`2 3
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Medtronic, Medtronic Vascular,
`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1009 - Page 3


`Timothy Titus Catchings, M.D.
`October 7, 2014
`Kansas City, MO
` I N D E X
`Page 4
` Timothy Titus Catchings, M.D.
` E X H I B I T S
`1-A: Porcine valve illustrations 57
`1-B: Aortic Valve information from
` 73
`1-C: Opened and unrolled drawing
` of aortic valve, drawn by witness 116
`1-D: Drawing 117
`1-E: Drawing 160
`1001: U.S. Patent 6,482,228 82
`1003: DiMatteo Patent 189
`1006: Wolfe Patent 225
`1009: Schreck Patent 218
`2095: Dr. Catchings Declaration in
` IPR2014-00110 19
`2099: Leonhardt Patent 202
`Alderson Reporting Company
`2 3
`8 9
`Medtronic, Medtronic Vascular,
`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1009 - Page 4


`Timothy Titus Catchings, M.D.
`October 7, 2014
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`Page 5
` E X H I B I T S
`2123: Bailey Patent 209
`2129: Illustration of Schreck valve 249
`2130: Illustration of Schreck valve 250
`2131: Illustration 250
`2132: Illustration of DiMatteo valve 245
`2133: Illustration 247
`2134: Illustration 247
`2136: Illustration of Bailey valve 239
`2137: Illustration of Bailey valve 239
`2138: Illustration of malalignment of
` Leaflets 243
`2139: Illustration of Leonhardt valve 256
`2140: Illustration of Leonhardt valve 257
`2141: Illustration of Leonhardt valve 259
`2195: Dr. Timothy Catchings Declaration
` In IPR2014-00111 20
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Medtronic, Medtronic Vascular,
`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1009 - Page 5


`Timothy Titus Catchings, M.D.
`October 7, 2014
`Kansas City, MO
`Page 6
`a witness, being first duly sworn, testified
`under oath as follows:
` Q. Hi, Dr. Catchings. Is it okay if I call
`you Dr. Catchings?
` A. That's fine, thanks.
` Q. Do you know why you here today?
` A. Yes.
` Q. For the record, this is the deposition
`of Dr. Timothy Catchings in IPR 2014-00110 and
`IPR2014-00111, both titled Medtronic, Inc.,
`Medtronic Vascular, Inc., and Medtronic
`CoreValve, LLC, versus Troy R. Norred, M.D.
` Dr. Catchings, please state your full
`name for the record.
` A. Timothy Titus Catchings.
` Q. And what is your current home address?
` A. 1610-A Screven Avenue, Waycross,
` Q. Your current home phone number, please?
` A. Area code (573)268-7451.
` Q. And what is your cell phone number?
` A. That's one in the same.
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Medtronic, Medtronic Vascular,
`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1009 - Page 6


`Timothy Titus Catchings, M.D.
`October 7, 2014
`Kansas City, MO
`Page 7
` Q. One in the same. Thank you. What is
`your E-mail address?
` A.
` Q. Have you ever been deposed before?
` A. Yes.
` Q. In what context?
` A. For a divorce, I'm divorced; for a
`malpractice suit for a Medicare fraud that was
`brought against a hospital that I worked, and
`civil suit also brought against that same
`hospital where I worked.
` Q. Can you tell me a little bit more about
`the malpractice suit.
` A. That was, that was the only malpractice
`suit I have had. It was filed in the University
`of Missouri, I believe settled in 2004 or 3. I
`was an attending cardiologist, patient that had
`coughing up blood, hemoptysis, respiratory
`failure, had been taken to the operating room to
`have a biopsy done and it was unstable, couldn't
`be done.
` I attempted a bronchoscopy, I'm also a
`pulmonary physician, to take a piece of the tumor
`inside the lung. The patient bled and had a
`cardiac arrest, was resuscitated but ultimately
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Medtronic, Medtronic Vascular,
`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1009 - Page 7


`Timothy Titus Catchings, M.D.
`October 7, 2014
`Kansas City, MO
`Page 8
`died during the hospitalization. The family
`alleged that while they gave permission for the
`bronchoscopy, they did not give permission for
`the biopsy. And the University is self-insured
`and they settled out of court.
` Q. Okay. Was it a confidential settlement
`or is it a public record as to what the
`settlement was?
` A. You know, I don't know for sure. I
`assume it is confidential. I don't know for
` Q. Some payment was made?
` A. Some payment was made.
` Q. Have you ever given testimony in court?
` A. Yes.
` Q. In what context?
` A. I was a witness on two occasions, both
`were murder trials. I was a critical care
`physician taking care of a patient who received a
`gunshot wound to the chest and ultimately died
`and I was asked to give testimony as to the cause
`of death. During my residency with the U.S. Navy
`one of my patients had an overdose of a
`controlled substance; and after he was released,
`healthy, he murdered another shipmate, so I
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Medtronic, Medtronic Vascular,
`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1009 - Page 8


`Timothy Titus Catchings, M.D.
`October 7, 2014
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`Page 9
`testified at a, I guess it was a Court Martial
` Q. Have you ever testified in anything
`relating to medical devices?
` A. No.
` Q. We are going to get into the meat of
`this and I just want to go over some ground rules
`with you. I'm going to ask a series of questions
`relating to the technologies involved in this
`patent and the technology in general that you
`have testified to in your declaration. If you
`don't understand a question, let me know and I
`will try to rephrase it. If you need a question
`repeated, the court reporter can read it back to
`you. But please answer everything audibly, yes
`or no. We can't record head nods or that sort of
` From time to time you might hear your
`attorney object to a question that I ask. You
`are still going to be required to answer that
`question in those instances unless your attorney
`specifically instructs you not to answer for
`purposes of privilege or something of that nature
`and in that instance we may need to call the
`judge to see whether or not you will be required
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Medtronic, Medtronic Vascular,
`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1009 - Page 9


`Timothy Titus Catchings, M.D.
`October 7, 2014
`Kansas City, MO
`Page 10
`to answer. But generally if your attorney
`objects, you will still need to answer the
`question. Is that clear?
` A. Understood.
` Q. If you need a break, please let me know.
`Before the break you will need to answer any
`pending question, so you can't take a break in
`the middle of a question. And you are under
`oath; and intentionally not telling the truth is
`a crime called perjury. You understand that,
` A. I understand.
` Q. Are you currently under any medication
`that may impact your ability to fully and
`truthfully answer my questions?
` A. No.
` Q. Is there anything else that you feel may
`impact your ability to fully and truthfully
`answer my questions here today?
` A. No.
` Q. I also want to make sure that you
`understand that you are not permitted to discuss
`your testimony at all with your attorney or
`anyone else at breaks that we may take throughout
`the course of the day in your deposition, and
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Medtronic, Medtronic Vascular,
`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1009 - Page 10


`Timothy Titus Catchings, M.D.
`October 7, 2014
`Kansas City, MO
`Page 11
`that includes lunch breaks, until my examination
`of you has been entirely completed. Is that
` MR. MARCUS: I will object to that.
`I don't believe that's an accurate instruction.
`You are obviously free to instruct the witness
`how you choose. Whether or not he and I can
`discuss particular aspects of his testimony, he
`and I can discuss within the confines of the
`attorney/client privilege. But go ahead.
` MR. FINKEL: The rules specifically
`provide that you can't do that.
` MR. MARCUS: Again, I object. You
`can continue.
` MR. BARUFKA: Well, okay, but the
`issue is whether you are going to proceed in that
`manner. And, if not, then we should have a call
`with the court.
` MR. MARCUS: If you want to call,
`you are free to call.
` MR. BARUFKA: Why don't we do that.
`Do you want to look at that and I will continue
`and then we will take a break when we get the
` MR. MARCUS: You are free to do
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Medtronic, Medtronic Vascular,
`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1009 - Page 11


`Timothy Titus Catchings, M.D.
`October 7, 2014
`Kansas City, MO
`Page 12
`whatever you want. My suggestion would be, you
`don't have a definitive issue upon which you can
`ask for a ruling. But if you would like to --
` MR. BARUFKA: Yes, I believe it is
`a definitive issue.
` MR. MARCUS: When you say he cannot
`discuss his testimony, certainly you would
`acknowledge that there are aspects of your
`inquiry which touch upon the attorney/client
`privilege which still applies to these
`proceedings. So should he wish to inquire
`whether or not a particular question encroaches
`on the attorney/client privilege, I think he is
`entitled to ask that question of his attorney.
`So I believe that your prior instruction to him
`is overly broad.
` MR. BARUFKA: So phrased exactly
`how you would couch the issue? What kind of
`questions would you say that he can ask you; just
`whether or not something is covered by the
`attorney/client privilege and that's it?
` MR. MARCUS: Again, the problem is
`my objection is your instruction to him as to
`what he could or could not talk to me about is
`overly broad. That's my objection. If you want
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Medtronic, Medtronic Vascular,
`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1009 - Page 12


`Timothy Titus Catchings, M.D.
`October 7, 2014
`Kansas City, MO
`Page 13
`to call the panel based on that objection, you
`are obviously free to. There is not a particular
`question pending of the witness so I'm not sure
`exactly what you would ask the panel. But of
`course you are free to get clarification of that
`generalized objection.
` MR. FINKEL: The question will
`arise if we take a break and you talk to the
`witness. So if you are telling us definitively
`that you reserve the right to talk to the witness
`at breaks, then we have an existing issue. If
`you are telling me you will talk to us before you
`talk to the witness and say we are going to ask
`you X, Y and Z.
` MR. MARCUS: I can tell you
`definitively we will talk. Whether that's going
`to concern something which is his prior
`testimony, I mean again that's going to depend
`upon what the question is. My concern with what
`Mr. Barufka said was, his counsel to the witness
`I felt was overly -- I felt it was an overly
`broad pronouncement of what the rule is, that's
`why I objected. I objected for the record and
`I'm not withdrawing that objection. If it comes
`to a point where there is a specific inquiry you
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Medtronic, Medtronic Vascular,
`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1009 - Page 13


`Timothy Titus Catchings, M.D.
`October 7, 2014
`Kansas City, MO
`Page 14
`want to make about hey, did you talk to the
`witness and what did you talk about, that's a
`different issue, and then I think we get into
`okay, what are the parameters. I felt like the
`instruction itself is just broader than.
` MR. FINKEL: It has become a
`chicken and the egg problem.
` MR. MARCUS: I think the chicken
`was first.
` MR. FINKEL: Bottom line is, you
`take a break, let's play it out then we will call
`the board. You play it out, you take a break,
`you talk to the witness, he comes back, Jack asks
`the question, "Did you talk to your attorney
`about your deposition testimony?" "Yes." "What
`did you talk about?" "Objection, attorney/client
`privilege." Well of course you are going to
`claim privilege for any of your conversations.
`So then what happens?
` MR. MARCUS: Then I think if that
`would occur, I think that would be a proper call
`to the board, because then at that point you can
`inquire whether the substance of our conversation
`encroached upon matters which we are not supposed
`to talk about during the break. My concern is I
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Medtronic, Medtronic Vascular,
`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1009 - Page 14


`Timothy Titus Catchings, M.D.
`October 7, 2014
`Kansas City, MO
`Page 15
`clearly get to talk -- we are talking in circles.
`I clearly get to talk to the Doctor about aspects
`of what happens here today. Privilege is the
`best example I can think of where if you ask a
`question and we think for some reason there is a
`privilege attached to it, I think we get to talk
`about that issue so he knows whether or not he
`can answer a question.
` But beyond that, it is hard to imagine
`all of the hypothetical situations which could
`arise where we get to talk. I don't like the
`fact that that prior instruction -- it seemed
`broad to me. I think it was a little bit too
`broad. It is kind of a chicken and egg problem.
`I guess if you want to -- we are on the record,
`aren't we? Do whatever you want to do. My
`suggestion is why don't you go ahead, and then if
`we get to a point where it becomes an issue, then
`we can call and have the board rule on a specific
`question. That might make it more clean.
` MR. BARUFKA: I prefer to have an
`understanding up front, if you could agree to
`that, that's fine, that you cannot discuss his
`testimony that he has provided to this point at
`any break.
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Medtronic, Medtronic Vascular,
`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1009 - Page 15


`Timothy Titus Catchings, M.D.
`October 7, 2014
`Kansas City, MO
`Page 16
` MR. MARCUS: Now that's not what
`your counsel to him was. That's not what your
`instruction to him was. That's a different --
` MR. BARUFKA: You can talk to him
`about the baseball game, that's okay.
` MR. MARCUS: Well, go ahead. You
`can do whatever. If you want to call the board,
`we can call them. If you want to keep going -- I
`thought you were just saying we can't talk about
`his -- now you said testimony which he has
`provided. That's different than testimony -- if
`you haven't asked him a question yet, if there is
`no question pending, if there is an area that
`hasn't been covered yet, I think we can talk
`about that. And that's not what --
` MR. FINKEL: It is treated like a
`trial. The witness takes the stand, he is not
`allowed to talk to his counsel at breaks
`regarding --
` MR. MARCUS: You are entitled to
`inquire of him about what he said or --
` MR. FINKEL: We are done. Just
`continue. We will take care of it.
` Q. (By Mr. Barufka) I'm looking at my
`question. I don't think it was as broad as you
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Medtronic, Medtronic Vascular,
`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1009 - Page 16


`Timothy Titus Catchings, M.D.
`October 7, 2014
`Kansas City, MO
`say. Okay.
` Are you being paid for your testimony
`Page 17
`here today?
` A. No.
` Q. Then for what purpose are you here?
` A. I'm here to give a position on behalf of
`Dr. Norred in support of his patent.
` Q. Have you received any compensation at
`all regarding this proceeding regarding Dr.
`Norred's patent?
` A. Hotel bill was paid for.
` Q. Have you received any compensation from
`Dr. Norred for anything else besides this
` A. No.
` Q. How much time have you spent preparing
`for your testimony?
` A. I would estimate between 30 and 40
` Q. Does that include the time that it took
`to prepare the declaration that you submitted?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So between 30 and 40 hours between the
`declaration and your preparation here today?
` A. Yes. I'm not counting travel or
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Medtronic, Medtronic Vascular,
`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1009 - Page 17


`Timothy Titus Catchings, M.D.
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`Page 18
`sleeping over in the hotel, and that's just my
`rough estimate.
` Q. Okay. So you have no financial interest
`in this matter whatsoever?
` A. None.
` Q. Tell me what you did to prepare for your
`deposition today.
` A. Reviewed patents that were provided for
`me, previous patents. I reviewed the patent of
`Dr. Norred, I reviewed his declaration. I spoke
`with the attorneys here and met with them on a
`previous occasion, and had certain phone
`conversations with them.
` Q. How many interactions would you say you
` A. With the attorneys, or Dr. Norred, or
` Q. Both. Well, first I guess the attorneys
` A. Again, forgive me, I didn't keep a
`running record of that.
` Q. Just approximately.
` A. I would say five, six phone calls and
`personal meeting. Not counting yesterday.
`Yesterday maybe -- five to six, rough estimate.
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Medtronic, Medtronic Vascular,
`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1009 - Page 18


`Timothy Titus Catchings, M.D.
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`Page 19
` Q. And with Dr. Norred?
` A. It is difficult to answer. We have had
`conversations throughout the years about his
`patent, but lately I would say 20, 30
`conversations. Some of this would come up in
`general conversation we would have about other
`things, like our practice and families and things
`of that nature.
` Q. I hand you here, this is Exhibit 2095
`which is a copy of your declaration in
`IPR2014-00110. Do you recognize the document?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Is that your signature on Page 20, I
` A. It is.
` Q. Did you sign the declaration on July 14,
`2014 as indicated on Page 20?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And did you believe that all of the
`statements in the declaration were true and
`correct at the time you signed the declaration?
` A. I did.
` Q. As we sit here today, do you continue to
`believe that all of the statements in the
`declaration are true and correct?
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`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1009 - Page 19


`Timothy Titus Catchings, M.D.
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`Page 20
` A. I do.
` Q. Also now handing you Petitioner Exhibit
`2195 which is a copy of your declaration in
`IPR2014-00111. Do you recognize the document?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is that your signature again on Page 20?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And did you sign the declaration on July
`14, 2014 as indicated on Page 20?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Would you agree that the two
`declarations that I just handed you, one for the
`110 IPR and the one for the 111 IPR are identical
`other than they refer to the different IPR
`numbers and have different exhibit numbers?
` A. I would have to look through
`line-by-line to see.
` Q. Please, take a minute. Do you recall,
`when you were preparing these, whether you
`essentially used the same document for both, or
`do you recall whether you had differences when
`you were preparing these?
` A. To be honest with you, I don't know if
`there is a difference between these two. I
`assume they were the same; but since they have
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Medtronic, Medtronic Vascular,
`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1009 - Page 20


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`Page 21
`different exhibit numbers, I can't guarantee.
` Q. Didn't you prepare them?
` A. I did. But you gave me two different
` Q. They were both ones that you had
`prepared, correct?
` A. My signature is on both. I assume I
`did. But again, I was given two different
`documents. I want to make sure there is not an
`error between the two.
` Q. So you don't recollect whether you just
`used the same document for both proceedings?
` MR. MARCUS: Excuse me. Do you
`still want him to answer whether these are the
`same, whether you have handed him documents which
`differ between the two of them? I guess is that
`question still pending?
` MR. MARCUS: So in that case, if
`you need to review these to compare.
` MR. FINKEL: No speaking
`objections, please.
` MR. MARCUS: Who is taking the
` MR. BARUFKA: I'm taking it.
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Medtronic, Medtronic Vascular,
`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1009 - Page 21


`Timothy Titus Catchings, M.D.
`October 7, 2014
`Kansas City, MO
` MR. MARCUS: Then you don't need to
`Page 22
` MR. FINKEL: I can talk.
` MR. MARCUS: Then I can speak.
` MR. FINKEL: The rule says no
`speaking objection. We appreciate if you comply
`with the rules.
` MR. MARCUS: Okay. There is
`multiple questions pending and this witness asked
`for an opportunity to review these documents to
`see what he has been asked.
` MR. FINKEL: And he is entitled to
`but he is not entitled to hear your speaking
` MR. MARCUS: He was being peppered
`with additional questions.
` MR. FINKEL: Then make an
`objection, that's it.
` MR. MARCUS: I just did.
` MR. FINKEL: Not a speaking
` MR. MARCUS: If I don't speak, how
`can I get it in the record?
` MR. BARUFKA: Objection is fine.
` A. Would you repeat the question?
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`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1009 - Page 22


`Timothy Titus Catchings, M.D.
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`Kansas City, MO
`Page 23
` Q. (By Mr. Barufka) The question is
`whether the contents of each of those two
`declarations that I have handed you are identical
`except for the references on the front which
`indicate the different proceeding numbers, the
`Exhibit numbers and --
` A. I understand now. I understand. I'm
`sorry. Forgive me. I'm a little nervous about
`doing this. I don't want to make any errors. I
`have been through a divorce deposition. You
`never know when someone is trying to trip you up.
`I'm sorry, I just want to be correct.
` MR. BARUFKA: Can you tell how much
`time has gone by?
` THE COURT REPORTER: Eight minutes.
` Q. (By Mr. Barufka) Eight minutes and we
`are on Page 14. Can we assume for the record
`then that -- I will just assume for the record
`then that the declarations are the same?
` A. I haven't found any differences in the
` Q. Okay. What page are you up to so far?
` A. 15.
` Q. Okay. So why don't we just assume that
`they are the same and I will just refer to
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`and Medtronic CoreValve
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`Timothy Titus Catchings, M.D.
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`Kansas City, MO
`declaration from 110, the 110 IPR for ease of
`Page 24
`reference. Is that okay?
` A. Sure.
` Q. So given that you were reviewing that
`line for line, I guess you prepared this
`declaration less than seven months ago, is that
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you recall printing it off?
` A. Printing it off in?
` Q. Do you recall printing the declaration
` A. I didn't print it myself, no.
` Q. Did you prepare the declaration
` A. I did.
` Q. Did you have any assistance?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So you prepared the first draft?
` A. Yes.
` Q. How was it prepared? What was the
` A. I prepared the draft, worked with, by
`E-mail communication with Mr. Marcus. We made
`changes, went back and forth, he would E-mail me
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`Medtronic, Medtronic Vascular,
`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1009 - Page 24


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`Page 25
`changes and I would print them off. And we
`finally, we made a final, I guess, draft copy,
`final copy that I received before the 14th of
`July. That was the one that I reviewed and I had
`signed in front of a notary and sent back to him
`by Fed Ex.
` Q. So you worked together while you signed
`the document?
` A. Not in his presence, no.
` Q. So when did you get the document from
` A. He had sent the final draft to me by
`E-mail. I printed it off on my printer at work
`and then took it to a notary.
` Q. So you did print them?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you read them?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And did you not realize at the time that
`they were identical or virtually identical?
` A. I'm not sure what you mean. I sent
`him -- I did not retain a copy of the
`declaration. The copy that I printed off I sent
`back to him after it was notarized.
` Q. You indicated that you read them both,
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Medtronic, Medtronic Vascular,
`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1009 - Page 25


`Timothy Titus Catchings, M.D.
`October 7, 2014
`Kansas City, MO
`Page 26
` A. Both meaning?
` Q. Both declarations, the one in the 110
`IPR and the one in the 111 IPR. Or was it just a
`single declaration?
` A. The last declaration I sent back to him
`was the only one that I know of. And to be
`honest with you, I'm not sure which one of these
`it is. If they are the same, I assume they are
`the same. My signatures is on both.
` Q. Do you believe that this was just a
`single declaration?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So it is just one document that you
`signed once?
` A. There was one document that I signed and
`notarized, that's correct.
` Q. Then I'm just curious why you were
`comparing the two documents if you knew that
`there was just one that you had signed?
` A. Well, you gave me two different
`documents and I wanted to make sure that nothing
`else was put in or changed. I'm not sure. I
`thought it was rather odd that I would be given
`two documents to read if they were the same.
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Medtronic, Medtronic Vascular,
`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1009 - Page 26


`Timothy Titus Catchings, M.D.
`October 7, 2014
`Kansas City, MO
`Page 27
` Q. Okay. So tell me a little bit more
`about why you prepared the

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