`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`F.O. Bo: H59
`Alexandria. Virginia 22313-I450
`03.’! 510004
`Scull C. Harris
`P 0 BOX 927649
`SAN DIEGO, CA 92192
`Please find below andfor attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
`The time period for reply, if any, is set in the attached communication.
`PTOL-90A (Rev. D4:'0'J'}
`STARWOOD Ex 1002, page 1
`Office Action Summary
`Application No.
`Carl Colin
`— The MAILING DA TE of this communication appears on the cover sheet with the correspondence address -
`Period for Reply
`- Extensions of time may be available under the provisions of 31' CPR 1.136(3).
`in no event. however. may a reply be timely filed
`after SIX 16) MONTHS from the mailing date of this communication.
`ll NO period for reply is specified above. the maximum statutory period will apply and will expire SIX (6) MONTHS from the mailing date oi this communication.
`- Faiture to reply within the set or extended period for reply will. by statute. cause the application to become ABANDONED (35 U.S.C. § 133).
`Any reply received by the Office later than three months after the mailing date of this communication, even if timely filed, may reduce any
`earned patent terrn adjustment. See 3? CFR 1.704(b}.
`1) Responsive to comrnunicationisl filed on 15 March 2004.
`2a)EI This action is FINAL.
`2b)lZ This action is non—final.
`3)I:] Since this application is in condition for allowance except for formal matters, prosecution as to the merits is
`closed in accordance with the practice under Ex parte Quayie 1935 C.D. 1'1, 453 0.G. 213.
`Disposition of Claims
`4) Claim(s) E isiare pending in the application.
`4a) Of the above claims) __ islare withdrawn from consideration.
`5}I:i Claim(s) j isfare allowed.
`6} Claim(s) 1:3; isfare rejected.
`Tlfl Claim(s) __ isiare objected to.
`till] Claim(s) j are subject to restriction andior election requirement.
`Application Papers
`9)I:| The specification is objected to by the Examiner.
`10)E} The drawing{s) filed on 15 March 2004 isiare: a)E accepted or b)l:I objected to by the Examiner.
`Applicant may not request that any objection to the drawing(s) be held in abeyance. See 37 CFR 1.85(a).
`Replacement drawing sheet(s) including the correction is required if the drawing(s) is objected to. See 37 CFR 1.121(d).
`11)|:l The oath or declaration is objected to by the Examiner. Note the attached Office Action or form PTO—‘l52.
`Priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119
`‘l2}E:] Acknowledgment is made of a claim for foreign priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(a)—(d) or (f).
`a)I:l All
`b)I:I Some * c)I:] None of:
`1.|:] Certified copies of the priority documents have been received.
`2.|:] Certified copies of the priority documents have been received in Application No. __
`3.|:] Copies of the certified copies of the priority documents have been received in this National Stage
`application from the International Bureau (PCT Rule 17.2(a)).
`' See the attached detailed Office action for a list of the certified copies not received.
`4) D Interview Summary (PTO-413)
`Paper N0(S)I'M3i3 0316- j -
`53 D "W93 °””'°""3'Pa1e””‘PP“°afi°“
`6) I] Other. __
`t} E Notice of References Cited (PTO-392}
`2) El Notice of Draftsperscrfs Patent Drawing Review {PTO-948)
`3) El lnfonnation Disclosure Statement(s) {F-’TOi'SBl0B)
`Paper No(s)iMai| Date
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Oitica
`PTOL-326 (Rev. 08-06)
`Office Action Summary
`Part of Paper No.iMaI| Date 20070914
`STARWOOD Ex 1002, page 2
`Application/Control Number: 10/800,472
`Art Unit: 2136
`Pursuant to USC 131, claims 1-23 are presented for examination.
`Applicant’s claim for the benefit of a prior—filed application under 35 U.S.C. l19(e) or
`under 35 U.S.C. 120, 121, or 365(c) is acknowledged.
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 112
`The following is a quotation of the second paragraph of 35 U.S.C. 112:
`The specification shall conclude with one or more claims particularly pointing out and
`distinctly claiming the subject matter, which the applicant regards as his invention.
`Claims 14-16 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 112, second paragraph, as being indefinite for
`failing to particularly point out and distinctly claim the subject matter which applicant regards as
`the invention.
`Claims 14-16 recite the limitation "said first subset of specified network features". There
`is insufficient antecedent basis for this limitation in the claim. For the purpose of examination,
`the limitation will be interpreted as said subset of specified network features.
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 102
`The following is a quotation of the appropriate paragraphs of 35 U.S.C. 102 that form the
`basis for the rejections under this section made in this Office action:
`STARWOOD Ex 1002, page 3
`Application/Control Number: 10/800,472
`Art Unit: 21 36
`A person shall be entitled to a patent unless —
`(e) the invention was described in (1) an application for patent, published under section
`l22(b), by another filed in the United States before the invention by the applicant for
`patent or (2) a patent granted on an application for patent by another filed in the United
`States before the invention by the applicant for patent, except that an international
`application filed under the treaty defined in section 35l(a) shall have the effects for
`purposes of this subsection of an application filed in the United States only if the
`international application designated the United States and was published under Article
`21(2) of such treaty in the English language.
`Claims 1-3, 5-1], and 13-23 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. l02(e) as being anticipated by
`US Patent 6,970,927 to Stewart et al.
`As per claim 1, Stewart et al discloses a wireless network (see column 9, lines 39-42),
`defining a plurality ofdiyferent classes ofservice, where the drf/"erent classes ofservice include
`(see column 16, lines 13-20) a first level access providing access to local resources as well as
`access to the lntemet that meets the recitation of defining apluraliry ofdifiarent classes of
`service, where the difierenr classes ofservice include at least‘ afirs! class ofservice that includes
`a first set ofpermissions for access to resources (see column 16, lines 13-15), and a second
`access level allowing access to the lntemet only that meets the recitation of and a second class of
`service which includes a second set ofpermissions of access to resources (see column 16, lines
`As per claim 2, Stewart et al discloses a first level access providing access to local
`resources as well as access to the lntemet that meets the recitation of wherein saidfirsr class of
`service includes one ofa greater amount ofnetwork access or a greater speed ofnetwork access
`than said second class ofservice (see column 16, lines 13-20).
`STARWOOD Ex 1002, page 4
`ApplicationlControl Number: 10/800,472
`Art Unit: 2136
`As per claim 3, Stewart et al discloses a first level access providing access to local
`resources and a second access level allowing access to the Internet only but not entitled to view
`or utilize network local resources (see column 16, lines 13-20) that meets the recitation of
`wherein saidfirst class ofservice allows users to obtain access tofiles, and said second class of
`service allows access to Internet but not access to files.
`As per claim 5, Stewart et al discloses an access granting mechanism that detects user’s
`access level within an identification infonnation and automatically grants the appropriate service
`if the user has a greater access level or grants the other level if the user does not have the
`appropriate level access that meets the recitation of wherein said wireless network includes an
`access granting mechanism, that detects a user’s network credential, and automatically grants
`one ofsaid levels ofservices based on a user's credentials, or grants the other level ofservice if
`the user's credentials do not meet a specified criteria (see column 17, lines 44-67).
`As per claim 6, Stewart et al discloses a wireless network system, comprising: allocating
`different channels based on user’s credentials (access level), the respective communication
`channel (first wireless networlc portion) allows access to specified level of access to services (i.e.
`private ponions of the network) whereas the second level of access associated with another
`channel (a second wireless network portion) that does not have access to private resources (see
`column 14, lines 14-38 and column 16, lines 37-47) that meets the recitation of afirst wireless
`networlcpartion, which is accessed by users having a first credential, and which allows a first
`STARWOOD Ex 1002, page 5
`ApplicationfC0ntrol Number: 10/800,472
`Art Unit: 2136
`Page 5
`specified level ofaccess to services; and a second wireless network portion, which is accessed by
`users not having saidfirst credential, which allows a second specified level ofaccess to services
`which includes less services than saidfirst specified level ofaccess to services and Stewart et al
`also discloses a plurality of PCD and access points and each PCD has Ethernet card and
`identification information for communicating with a wireless access point (see column 5, line 59
`through column 6, line 18 and column 16, lines 13-47) that meets the recitation offirst wireless
`network portion and second wireless network portion.
`As per claim 7, Stewart et al discloses wherein said level ofaccess to services specifies
`an amount ofbandwidth (see column 19, lines 5-8).
`As per claim 8, Stewart et at discloses allowing access to specified level of access to
`services (i.e. private resources of the network) that meets the recitation of wherein said level of
`access to services specifies an amount ofaccess to networkfiles (see column 14, lines 14-38 and
`column '16, lines 29-37).
`As per claim 9, Stewart et al discloses one or more access points located in the same
`location as well as access point with different communication channels and plurality of separate
`networks located in the same location that meets the recitation of wherein saidfirst and second
`wireless network portions are separate wireiess networks‘ operating in the same location (see
`column 9, lines 10-40 and column 16, lines 29-37).
`STARWOOD Ex 1002, page 6
`Application/Control Number: l0f80{},472
`Art Unit: 2136
`Page 6
`As per claim 10, Stewart et al discloses wherein saidfirst credential comprises a key
`(see column 6, lines 18-25 and column 14, lines 55-59).
`As per claim 1 1, Stewart et al discloses wherein said key comprises an indication that a
`user has paidfor a certain specified service ((see column 14, lines 39-5 9).
`As per claim 13, Stewart at al discloses a wireless network system, comprising.‘ a first
`PCD which transmits a first wireless network (see column 6, lines 33-41) having identification
`information to get access and provides access to specified network features (see column 13, lines
`18-27) that meets the recitation of : a first portion which transmits afirst wireless network that
`requires a specified key to get access, and provides access to specified nerworkfeotures; and
`another PCD that does not require the identification information to get access, and provides the
`lowest possible level of access to only external access such as the Internet (a subset of said
`specified network features) (see column 13, lines 34-44 and column 12, lines 28-33 and lines 42-
`46) that meets the recitation of : a second portion which transmits a second wireless network that
`does not require said specified key to get access, and provides access to am‘y a subset ofsaid
`specified networkfieatures.
`As per claim 14, Stewart et al discloses wherein saidfirst subset ofspecified network
`features includes a bandwidth limited Internet access (sec column 12, lines 39-47).
`STARWOOD Ex 1002, page 7
`ApplicationtControl Number: 10/300,472
`Art Unit: 2136
`Page 7
`As per claim 15, Stewart et al discloses wherein saidfirst subset ofspecified network
`features includes only a limited total amount of information which can be obtained (see column
`12, lines 42-47).
`As per claim 16, Stewart et al discloses wherein saidfirst subset ofspecified network
`features includes only certain web pages that can be accessed via the Internet (see column 12,
`lines 16-27).
`As per claim 17, Stewart et al discloses a method comprising.’ at a first location allowing
`a user to use identification information to get access to a computer system containing wireless
`network resources which has a specified level of network features (see column 13, lines 18-27)
`that meets the recitation of at afirst location, first allowing a user to obtain access to wireless
`network resources which has a specified level ofnenvorkfeatures by logging in using aflrst
`network credential; and at the same location allowing a user that does not require the
`identification information to get access, and provides the lowest possible level of access to only
`external access such as the Internet (a subset of said specified network features) (see column [3,
`lines 34-44 and column I2, lines 28-33 and lines 42-46) that meets the recitation of and at said
`first location, second allowing a user to obtain access to a first subset ofsaid specified level of
`networkfeatures, less than said specified level ofnetworkfieatures, without using saidfirst
`network credential to log in.
`STARWOOD Ex 1002, page 8
`ApplicationfControl Number: 10l800,-472
`Art Unit: 2136
`As per claim 18, Stewart et al discloses wherein said second allowing comprises
`allowing access to either a lesser amount of network access or a lesser speed ofnetwork access
`than saidfirst allowing (see column 12, lines 42-46).
`As per claim 19, Stewart et al discloses a first level access providing access to local
`resources and a second access level allowing access to the Internet only but not entitled to View
`or utilize network local resources (see column 16, lines 13-20) that meets the recitation of
`wherein saidfirst allowing allows access tofiles, and said second allowing does not allow
`access to files, but does allow access to Internet.
`As per claim 20, Stewart et al discloses detecting a user's network credential, and
`automatically granting one ofsaidfirst allowing or said second allowing based on said
`credential (see column 17, lines 44-67).
`As per claim 2] , Stewart et al discloses an access granting mechanism that detects user’s
`access level within an identification information and automatically grants the appropriate service
`if the user has a greater access level or grants the other level if the user does not have the
`appropriate level access that meets the recitation of wherein said credential comprises an
`specified key, and said automatically granting comprises automatically granting saidfirst
`allowing ifan authorized key is detected, or automatically granting said second allowing ifsaid
`authorized key is not detected (see column 17, lines 44-67).
`STARWOOD Ex 1002, page 9
`ApplicationfControl Number: 10/800,472
`Art Unit: 2136
`Page 9
`As per claim 22, Stewart et al discloses wherein said key comprises an indication that a
`user has paidfor a certain specified service (see column 14, lines 39-59).
`As per claim 23, Stewart et al discloses second allowing allows internet access but only
`to certain web pages (see column 12, lines 16-27).
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 103
`The following is a quotation of 35 U.S.C. lO3(a) which forms the basis for all
`obviousness rejections set forth in this Office action:
`(a) A patent may not be obtained though the invention is not identically disclosed or
`described as set forth in section 102 of this title, if the differences between the subject
`matter sought to be patented and the prior art are such that the subject matter as a whole
`would have been obvious at the time the invention was made to a person having ordinary
`skill in the art to which said subject matter pertains. Patentability shall not be negatived
`by the manner in which the invention was made.
`Claims 4 and 12 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 103(a) as being unpatentable over US
`Patent 6,9?0,927 to Stewart et al.
`As per claim 4, Stewart et al substantially discloses the claimed method of claim 1 and
`further discloses selecting bandwidth or communication channel based on identification
`information and access level and whether they have access to more resources (see column 19,
`lines 5-8, 14-19 and lines 38-48). Stewart et al does not explicitly state that the second class of
`service obtains a more limited upload and/or download speeds fiar Internet than saidfirst class
`ofservice, however, based on the suggestions above, it would have been obvious to one of
`ordinary skill in the art at the time the invention was made to modify the method of Stewart et al
`STARWOOD Ex 1002, page 10
`ApplicationfControl Number: 10f800,472
`Art Unit: 2136
`Page 10
`to obtain a more limited upload andfor download speeds for Internet than said first class of
`service because the first class of service has a higher level of access and more resources such as
`private resources than the second class of service as suggested by Stewart et :1]. One of ordinary
`skill in the art would have recognized the advantages to be able to control bandwidths with
`respect to access level as to provide higher bandwidth/speed to users with higher level of access
`because they are accessing more resources than the lower level as suggested by Stewart et al
`(see column 19, lines 5-8 and 45-48).
`As per claim 12, Stewart et al substantially discloses the claimed method of claim I and
`further discloses the identification information may be in form of digital certificate (see column
`12, lines 4-15). Examiner takes official noticethat it is very well known in the art that a digital
`certificate may include encryption key (such as public key) to access information. Therefore, it
`would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art at the time the invention was made to
`modify the method of Stewart et al to use an encryption key as identification information so as
`to provide security for private information as well—known in the art (see column 12, lines 4-15
`and column 16, lines 21-47).
`The prior art made of record and not relied upon is considered pertinent to applicant's
`disclosure as the prior art discloses several of the claimed features. (See PTO-form 892).
`STARWOOD Ex 1002, page 11
`ApplicationfContr0l Number: 10/800,472
`Art Unit: 2136
`Any inquiry concerning this communication or earlier communications from the
`examiner should be directed to Carl Colin whose telephone number is 571-272-3862. The
`examiner can normally be reached on Monday through Thursday, 8:00-6:30 PM.
`If attempts to reach the examiner by telephone are unsuccessful, the exarniner’s
`supervisor, Nasser G. Moazzami can be reached on 571-272-4195. The fax phone number for
`the organization where this application or proceeding is assigned is 571-273-8300.
`Information regarding the status of an application may be obtained from the Patent
`Application Information Retrieval (PAIR) system. Status information for published applications
`may be obtained from either Private PAIR or Public PAIR. Status information for unpublished
`applications is available through Private PAIR only. For more information about the PAIR
`system, see http://pair-direct.uspto. gov. Should you have questions on access to the Private PAIR
`system, contact the Electronic Business Center (EBC) at 866-217-9197 (toll-free). If you would
`like assistance from a USPTO Customer Service Representative or access to the automated
`information system, call 800-736-9199 (IN USA OR CANADA) or 571-272-1000.
`fCar1 Colinf
`Patent Examiner, A.U. 2136
`September 14, 2007
`STARWOOD Ex 1002, page 12
`Serial No.:
`Scott C. Harris
`Group Art Unit 2136
`Appl. No.
`September 15, 2004
`Carl Colin
`Commissioner For Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA
`Dear Sir:
`In response to the Official Action dated September 20, 2007,
`kindly amend the above referenced application as follows:
`Amendments to the claims begin on page 2 of this paper.
`Applicant Remarks begin on page 12 of this paper.
`STARWOOD Ex 1002, page 13
`September 15, 2004
`Amendments To The Claims
`This listing of claims will replace all prior versions, and
`listing, of claims in the application:
`Listing of Claims:
`(Currently amended) A wireless network,
`a first communication part defining a first class of service
`includes a first set of permissions for access to resources
`including access to files on a system being controlled b" said
`first communication part, and a second communication part,
`t r a 1'! wit E:-_i n-.=.:..i.i..a.“. -3 es «'==.'_r.:a t
`e2_0mn1'u.r1 i eat 1911,
`.t sear:-._§.}:.9$§_§_a i t;!_fi_'1._3;._££
`communication part, over substantially a same transmitting area
`as said first communication art, and said second communication
`part defininq a second class of service which includes a second
`set of permissions of access to resources, where said second set
`of vermissions does not
`include said access to said files on said
`said first communication part having its access controlled
`by reguirinq users of the first communication part
`to use a first
`secret ks’, and automatically wrovides access to users that have
`STARWOOD Ex 1002, page 14
`App]. No.
`September 15, 2004
`said first secret key, said second conmmnication art allowin
`access without said first secret key.
`(Currently amended) A device as in claim 1, wherein
`said first class of service includes eHe—e§—a—gseate£—ameefie—e%
`a greater speed of network access than said
`second class of service.
`(Currently amended) A device as in claim 1, further
`risinq a third communication part,
`transmittinq a separate
`communication stream from said first communication part, and
`separate {reg said secqpduggmggnigaticn Ears, over fifiE§tantiaLLE
`a same transmitting area as said first and second communication
`parts, an( said third communication aart definin_ a third class
`includes a third set of permissions cf aggess to
`resources, where said third set of permissions does not
`said access to said files on said system, and allows access to
`cnl= -wecified internet sites,
`thir:1........ss?.a1ymaz3.i<:s.§_.i<=2_n P€1.,£.t-..,.€%.}....10”..i“CI_a¢C€§§
`without needing anv secret key wae£eis—said—£isse—e%aee—e£
`STARWOOD Ex 1002, page 15
`September 15, 2004
`(Original)A device as in claim 1, wherein said second
`class of service obtains a more limited upload and/or download
`speeds for Internet than said first class of service.
`(Currently amended) A device as in claim %_§, wherein
`said wireless network includes an access granting mechanism,
`detects a user's eeeweek—eeedeseealsecret key, and automatically
`grants one of said first and second levels of services based on a
`user's credentials, or grants saigwthird ehe—eehee—level of
`service if the user does not have said first or second secret
`(Currently amended) A wireless network system,
`a first wireless network portion,
`including a_first network
`transmitter, which is accessed by users having a first secret he
`, and which allows a first specified level of access to
`services, and which automatiealiv rants access to users havinc
`a second wireless network portion,
`including a second
`network transmitter transmitting over substantiall* the same area
`as said first network transmitter, which is accessed by users not
`having said first
`2 "
`secret key, which allows a second
`specified jevel of access to services which includes less
`services than said first specified level of access to services.
`STARWOOD Ex 1002, page 16
`September 15, 2004
`(0riginal)A system
`in claim 6, wherein said level of
`access to services specifies
`amount of bandwidth.
`[Original)A system
`in claim 6, wherein said level of
`access to services specifies
`amount of access to network
`{Currently amended) A system as in claim 6, wherein
`said first and second wireless network portions are separate
`wireless eeeweeke— network interface cards operating in the same
`(Currently amended) A system as in claim 6,
`further comprising a third wireless network portion,
`parate communication stream tram said first and second
`wireless network qortions, and separate from said first and
`second wireless network uortions, over substantiall'
`*3 5. ‘$51-‘3m._.i‘5 t 3.“ ‘-3
`. 5 =3 i d. f
`F31__c§..‘fi§?_£’_€}..?iw.w. W i
`1 E 5
`1CftiOflS; and said third wireless network portions definin‘
`third class of service which includes a third set of permissions
`of access to resources, where said third set of permissions does
`include said access to files on said system, and allows
`access to only sgecified internet sites,
`STARWOOD Ex 1002, page 17
`Appl. No.
`September 15, 2004
`wherein said third communication art allowin_ access without
`(Currently amended) A system as in claim $9 6,
`wherein said key comprises an
`e—eertain—speeifiee sceeice encrjption kev.
`A system as in claim 10, wherein said key
`comprises an encryption key.
`(Currently amended) A wireless network system,
`a first portion which transmits a first wireless network
`that requires a specified key to get access, and provides access
`to specified network features; and
`a second portion which transmits a second wireless network
`that does not require said specified key to get access, and
`provides access to only a subset of said specified network
`features, wherein said subset of s_ecified network features
`includes a bandwidth limited Internet access.
`(Currently Amended) A wireless network syseefiras
`in claim ;_;3, wherein said first secret key is an encryption
`STARWOOD Ex 1002, page 18
`September 15, 2004
`(Currently amended) A wireless network system as
`in claim 13, wherein said fesse—subset of specified network
`features includes only a limited total amount of information
`which can be obtained.
`(Currently amended) A wireless network system as
`in claim 13, wherein said §ees%—subset of specified network
`features includes only certain web pages that can be accessed via
`the Internet.
`(Currently amended) A method, comprising:
`at a first location, first allowing a user to obtain access
`to wireless network resources which has a specified level of
`network features by
`usinc a first secret Kev to access a first wireless network that
`has said_fi£§t specified level of networ§_features; eed
`at said first location, second allowing a user to obtain
`access to only a first subset of said specified level of network
`less than said specified level of network features, and
`hevinq a more limited download s eed than said first wireless
`network, bv accessinc a second wireless network usin a second
`secret key; and
`STARWOOD Ex 1002, page 19
`Appl. No.
`September 15, 2004
`at said first location,
`third allowin a user to obtain
`access to only svecified internet sites, comprisin
`less access
`___________;g first subset of said spggified level of networg
`features, bv accessind a third wireless network cortion, said
`third wireless network ‘ortions defining a third class of
`wherein said. third eormmlnicatirs-n "art allows access without
`needing any secret kei
`third communication ‘arts transmit a se arate communication over
`'and wherein each of said first, second and
`subsrantially a
`same transmitting area as said first and second
`wireless network aortions.
`(Currently amended) A method as in claim 17,
`wherein said first_aQd second secret keys ar§_encryption
`(Currently amended) A method as in claim 17,
`wherein said first allowing allows access to files, and said
`second allowing does not allow access to any files, but does
`allow access to Internet.
`STARWOOD Ex 1002, page 20
`App}. No.
`September 15, 2004
`(Original)A.method as in claim 17,
`comprising detecting a user's network credential, and
`automatically granting one of said first allowing or said second
`allowing based on said credential.
`(Currently amended) A method
`as in claim eegg,
`gprther comprising wheeeée—saidweeedeetialneempfiises—afi—sfieeé£ied
`‘ automatically granting
`.* said first allowing if a firsghgggriggion an—efit%eee%ee
`key is detected, e£—automatically granting said second allowing
`if a second encryption Key is detected, and automatically
`granting said third allowing if neithgr_said first nor seoond
`gngggption er" " ‘;r‘
`M key is eeerdetected.
`(Original)A.method as in Claim 21, wherein said
`key comprises an indication that a user has paid for a certain
`specified service.
`(Original) A method as in claim 17, wherein said
`second allowing allows internet access but only to certain web
`STARWOOD Ex 1002, page 21
`September 15, 2004
`Reconsideration and allowance of the above—referenced
`application are respectfully requested.
`Claims 14-16 stand rejected under 35 USC 112,
`paragraph, as being indefinite.
`The claims are amended to
`obviate this rejection.
`Claim 1-3, 5-11 and 13-23 stand rejected under 35 USC 102 as
`allegedly being anticipated by Stewart.
`In response, claims 1,
`6, and 17 are amended here with to obviate the rejection. Claim
`13 is amended to include the limitations of claim 14 therein, and
`as such the rejection is traversed.
`Stewart teaches a system where a number of different users
`can receive access to the Internet, and can receive different
`levels of access. According to one embodiment described by
`Stewart, user identification is used to determine which of the
`different levels of access are provided.
`A number of different
`embodiments are also disclosed by Stewart.
`The embodiment
`bridging columns 9-10 discloses use of multiple different quality
`of service metrics. There are a number of different access
`points on the system.
`The embodiment at the bottom of column 10
`allows selecting which of a plurality of different access points
`to use.
`The system ID is used to carry out the selecting.
`column 11 lines 17-33 suggest that the different system IDs may
`STARWOOD Ex 1002, page 22
`Appl. No.
`prove correspond to different network providers.
`Column 13
`describes that the privilege level indicates which network
`resources the user may access, and that one of these privilege
`levels only allow certain access to resources
`The present application, however, discloses, and now claims,
`a very different kind of system.
`An important feature, now
`defined by claim 1, recites that there are different and separate
`communication parts and that the access to these parts is
`controlled by different secret keys. This substantially
`simplifies the system, and makes it easier to obtain access.
`More specifically, claim l defines a first communication part
`defining a first class of service that includes access to files
`and a second communication part that transmits a separate
`communication stream over substantially the same area and defines
`a second class of service.
`The first communication part is
`accessed by using a secret key and automatically provides access
`to users that have the secret key.
`The second communication part
`allows access without the secret key.
`In this way, communications and the amount of access is
`easily controlled: simply by determining whether the user has, or
`does not have,
`the secret key.
`Stewart is much