Physical and Chemical Properties of Oligosaccharidesl
`J. A. JOHNSON and R. SRISUTHEPZ, Kansas State University, Manhattan 66506
`Maltooligosaccharides (G1 to G2) from partially hydrolyzed amylose starch were partially
`separated on a Celite-carbon column and further separated and purified by macro-paper
`chromatography. The fractions were shown to be pure, straight-chain molecules of a
`series. Certain
`and chemical
`properties of
`oligosaccharides were determined. Reducing power agreed with theoretical values and with
`values ofsome found in the literature. Specific gravity of solutions increased with chain length
`and concentration. Refractive indices did not
`increase with chain length but did with
`increasing concentrations. Solubility decreased with chain length. Oligosaccharides (G9 and
`Gm) did not completely dissolve at 8 to 10% concentrations. Relative viscosity and
`hygroscopicity increased with molecular weight of the oligosaccharides.
`Many procedures have been developed to separate maltooligosaccharides
`from starch hydrolysates and to measure certain physical and chemical
`properties of the fractions. Unfortunately, probably because of great difficulty in
`obtaining pure fractions, the values reported for physical properties vary widely.
`To establish physical and chemical properties of these substances would have
`obvious value to scientists and industrial users.
`Many investigators have used carbon columns and ethanol solutions to
`separate the maltooligosaccharides (l-1l).They obtained pure fractions of the
`lower—molecular—weight sugars with ease, but experienced increasing difficulty as
`they attempted to separate the higher-polymer fractions. Carbon mixed with
`Celite (diatomaceous earth) with ethanol gradients has been used (3,6,l0,l3,l4).
`Celite aids
`in maintaining a uniform flow—rate. Paper chromatography,
`including cellulose columns, with a wide range in solvents, has been used to
`separate maltooligosaccharides (15-22). These separation methods, while
`precise, usually are applied to small quantities of sugars and for identification.
`Other procedures for isolating oligosaccharides have included forming of the
`borate complex (23), carbon-aluminum oxide columns (24), polyacrylamide gels
`(25), cross—linked starch (6), and gas chromatography (26). Derivatives of the
`sugars have limited value when physical and chemical properties of pure sugar
`polymers are to be measured.
`Numerous investigators have measured the physical and chemical properties
`of the maltooligosaccharides but their data do not agree well. Rt values for
`maltooligosaccharides using paper chromatography with various solvents have
`been reported by Jeanes et al. (l7) and by French and Wild (18). Hoover et al.
`(12) reported values for density, refractive index, viscosity, optical rotation,
`reducing power, and infrared spectra of the maltooligosaccharides from corn
`syrup. Some of their values for the higher—molecular—weight fractions were
`estimated by linear regression. Unusually high reducing values were reported.
`Generally, most measured values increased with chain length, but solubility
`decreased. Commerford and Scallet (27) found the dextrose equivalent to be
`higher than theoretical values for dextrose polymers, G1 to G6. They did not
`‘Contribution No. 840, Department of Grain Science and Industry, Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station,
`Manhattan. Condensed from thesis submitted by Rujira Srisuthep in partial fulfillment ofrequirementsfor Master
`of Science degree. Kansas State University.
`"Ri:spcctively: Professor and Graduate Research Assistant.
`Copyright © 1975 American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc., 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St, Paul,
`Minnesota 55121. All rights reserved.

`report on higher—molecular—weight polymers. Birch et al. (28) suggested that
`copper oxidation was associated with oxidation beyond the terminal reducing
`group of the polymer. Donnelly et al.
`(29) have shown that degree of
`polymerization has little relation to hygroscopicity.
`In view of the broad interest and wide variation in existing data on physical
`and chemical properties relating to the maltooligosaccharides, we attempted to
`obtain highly purified samples that could be used to measure the physical and
`chemical properties of the homologous glucose series.
`A partially hydrolyzed amylose starch (Morrex T. E)‘ was used as a crude
`source of maltooligosaccharides. Morrex is a dry powder consisting of glucose
`polymers from (31 to GM but mainly G6 and G7.
`The polymers of Morrex were crudely separated on a large Celite~carbon
`column (6 in. X 12 ft.) filled with a mixture of Darco G—60 carbon, granulated
`carbon (20 mesh), and Celite 535 (4:4:2). The carbon—Celite was blended and
`water was added to form a thick slurry which was packed in the Pyrex-column.
`After being packed, the column was washed with one gallon of40% hydrochloric
`acid, then with several gallons of distilled water until the eluant reached a pH of
`3.5. The Celite-carbon column was then loaded with 450 g. of Morrex dissolved
`in 1 liter of water. The column was further washed with 20 gal. ofdistilled water
`before beginning elution with 5% aqueous ethanol. An elution pressure was
`created by sealing the top of the column with an appropriate cap and elevating
`the eluant reservoir 6 ft. above the column cap. The flow rate was approximately
`0.3 gal. per hr. at first, but slowed to 0.08 gal. per hr. at the end ofthe elution with
`50% aqueous ethanol.
`Each gallon of eluant was analyzed for total carbohydrate by the method of
`Dubois et al.
`(30,31). Two milliliters of eluant of each gallon of the
`oligosaccharides was concentrated under reduced pressure and was spotted on
`No. 4 Whatman Chromatography paper, which was then irrigated with n-
`propanol—ethyl acetate—water (6: l:3) for 18 hr. After the paper was dried, the
`chromatogram was dipped successively in silver nitrate, sodium hydroxide in
`methanol and sodium thiosulfate solutions to detect and fix the sugar on the
`paper (32).
`After the eluant had been collected and analyzed for sugar content and type of
`oligosaccharides, the fractions of similar types were combined and concentrated
`in a vacuum evaporator (a dry milk evaporator operated at 26 in. of Hg vacuum
`and 110° F.). The concentrated solution represented a mixture of neighboring
`polymers, cations, and anions originating from the Celite-carbon column.
`The concentrated solutions were deionized by passing through Amberlite IR—
`100 (H+ form) and Dowex IX—8
`(CO3—form) columns. The deionized,
`concentrated solution was further concentrated in a rotary evaporator and
`finally dried to a white powder by lyophylization.
`polymers were
`separated on washed 3MM Whatman
`Chromatography paper using the procedure of Commerford et al. (21). The
`paper was irrigated with rz—propanol, ethyl acetate, and water( l4:3:7); it took 3 to
`V “Corn Products International, Argo, Ill.

`01.,I('i()53.f\C(j7¥v~l/\RID ESS
`Vol, 52
`to (ii:
`to 14 days to scpmatcs C}:
`to C}: and 8
`5 days to SCpE1l’I.l\‘;*
`01ig()S£1CCh€1I‘i(3(%:s. After sczparating and iclentifying the p<‘)'lyznci's, the I‘(tiI121iI‘m‘1g
`paper was cut into strips and the i'ndivid'ua1 poiyrm-:x"s eliltcd with S to 10 ml. of
`deioriizitd wzitazr, The water:m1Liti0n 0.!" the inciividual })(.)1ylTlt;‘1’S was 1‘1‘ee7.e~d ried
`and collected in small vials, which were desiccated over f.‘)h0$p1’10l”Lt5 peiitm<:ic1c=:.
`After collecting many sz1n‘1pless<.)feach aligns;-1cchm'id<: and cmnbining, them. they
`were di>::;c>.§wd in water, .fiILei‘c:.d and fm::ze~di‘ieci. The saimples were i'L1rt|x<:*rch‘ied
`under vacuum and stored in 21 dc,-isiczcamr with phosphoms pcritcuxidic imtii
`physical and chemical propcrtitrs could be c1<tw1'niiru=:<i.
`'Rec1L2c.i11g power was determined by the Smimugyi imzthmi (33) with rczzigcms
`prczpared .:=u’:cm‘dirig to Hudgc and Hoffeiter (34).
`(.72:1cu1zi1i0ri>; wcrc niaicie
`ziiccording, to C.‘0inrnc1'ford at 211. (21).
`Fig. 1. Paper chrornatograph of maltooligosaccharides separated from Morrex.

`Specific gravity was measured by dissolving samples in water and diluting to 1,
`2, 4, 8, and 10% concentrations. Specific gravities were measured in a 2—ml.
`pycnometer at 20°C. The specific gravities were corrected for buoyancy
`according to Hann (35).
`The homogeneity of the fractions was established by paper chromatography
`(Fig. I). The curvilinear nature of the Rf suggested a homogeneous glucose series
`of relatively high purity. In addition, linearity of the individual oligosaccharides
`was established by B—amylolysis (29). The even-numbered oligosaccharides,
`after 24 hr. of[3—amylolysis, produced only maltose when tested by TLC, whereas
`the odd—numbered oligosaccharides produced mainly maltose with traces of
`glucose and maltotriose.
`Hygroscopicity of the maltooligosaccharides was determined by placing a
`weighed quantity of each oligosaccharide in an aluminum dish that was placed in
`a desiccator containing sulfuric acid of known concentration to regulate the
`humidity at 60% r.h. (36). In addition, humidities were recorded with an Abbeon
`humidiscope and thermometer. Changes in weight of the dishes and polymers
`were determined periodically for 4.5 hr. Hygroscopicities were expressed as the
`percent increase in weight of the polymers by absorption of water.
`While glucose and maltose were present in Morrex in small quantities, they
`et al.‘
`D. E. Value
`Present ——j———?
`D. E. Values
`of Glucose3
`Terrlcyonide procedure (12).
`?Lane and Eynon procedure (27).
`3Stolchiometry of the copper—sugar reaction (27).
`0 84

`Vol. 52
`True Specific Gravity
`Degree of
`‘Specific gravity in vacuo.
`were not collected when eluted by 10% aqueous ethanol. Both were obtained
`from commercial sources and purified with batch carbon treatment and
`crystallization. Maltotriose and maltotetraose were eluted together with 20%
`ethanol. Later
`eluted with 20% ethanol contained
`maltotetraose, maltopentaose and maltohexaose. As
`the higher ethanol
`concentrations were used, higher members of the homologous glucose series
`were eluted but always as a mixture of the neighboring polymers.
`The proximities of the Rr values of the longer—chain polymers (Fig. 1) suggest
`why complete separation by Celite-carbon columns was impossible. The
`proximities also explain why good separation could be achieved with 3MM
`paper chromatographs irrigated 7 to 10 days to separate the G7 to G12 polymers.
`The dextrose equivalents of the 12 maltooligosaccharides calculated from the
`reducing power are compared with theoretical and literature values (1227) in
`Table 1. In general, the values agree well with those reported by Commerford and
`Scallet (27) for polymers up to G6 and with the theoretical values. High values
`reported by Hoover et al. (12) suggest a low degree of purity in separation or
`perhaps, oxidation by ferricyariide beyond the terminal reducing group. The
`stoichiometry was in agreement with values reported by Commerford and Scallet
`(27). Samples G1
`through G6 gave approximately equal relative response
`(approximately l.O) while G7 through G12 tended to be 10 to 15% less than an
`equivalent amount of glucose. Samples G7 through G12 may have needed longer
`time to react with copper than G1 through G6.
`The relationships between true specific gravity (corrected for buoyance) for I
`to 10% sugar solutions and degree of polymerization are shown in Table II. There
`is a general
`relationship between specific gravity and degree of
`polymerization. With larger polymers (Go through G2) the specific gravity

`Degree of
`Refractive Index
`Oligosaccharide concentration of solution
`.O 200
`2. The relationship of
`the ratio of specific viscosity to concentration of

`Vol. 52
`AT 60 i 5% RELATIVE HUM|D|TY AT 26°C.
`to Gm)
`Degree of
`15 min.
`Moisture, %
`90 min.
`270 min.
`could not be measured because of the limited solubility of the polymers. As
`would be expected,
`the densities (Table II) of the solutions increased with
`concentration of solution.
`Refractive indices of maltooligosaccharides of l to 10% solution of G1 to Gm
`are summarized in Table Ill. These data indicate that refractive index did not
`increase as the size of the polymer increased but as expected increased with the
`concentration of the solution. Refractive indices of 8 and 10% concentrations of
`G9 and G10 could not be measured because of limited solubility.
`Viscosities of solutions of large polymers are defined as the ratio ofsheer stress
`per square centimeter to the velocity gradient produced as the solution flows.
`Viscosities of various sugar solutions are listed in the international Critical
`Tables (37) and Viscosities of maltooligosaccharides have been reported by
`Hoover et al. (12). Specific viscosity (nsp.) frequently is used to express the
`relationship of polymer size to viscosity since specific viscosity depends on the
`volume occupied by the polymers (38). Specific viscosity can be used to express
`intrinsic viscosity of the polymers as the concentration approaches zero.
`The relationship of intrinsic viscosity to concentration of oligosaccharides is
`shown in Fig. 2. Maltooligosaccharides G3 to Go and above had limited
`solubility. Therefore, few values were obtained for these maltooligosaccharides.
`The intrinsic viscosity increased linearly for
`the lower—molecular—weight
`oligosaccharides but for G7 to Go the intrinsic viscosity increased curvilinearly
`with increasing concentrations. The intrinsic viscosity values are generally higher
`than those reported by Hoover et al. (12) but lower than values reported for
`cellodextrins of equivalent chain length (39).
`Hygroscopicity is a characteristic of sugar polymers because of the many
`residual valence forces that attract water through hydrogen bonding. Table IV
`lists percentages of water absorbed by the maltooligosaccharides when exposed

`to relative humidity of 60 i 5% at 26° C. These data indicate that hygroscopicity
`increased as the polymer became larger. Moisture increase was particularly large
`for polymers G3 to Gio.
`Maltooligosaccharides G1 to G2 were separated by Celite~carbon column and
`further separated and purified by macro—paper chromatography. They were
`proved to be free of any branched fractions.
`Reducing power of the maltooligosaccharides agreed closely with theoretical
`values. Specific gravity tended to increase with increasing chain length and
`concentration but refractive indices were identical for all oligosaccharides and
`increased with concentrations. Intrinsic viscosity increased as polymerization
`and concentration increased. Hygroscopicity likewise increased with length of
`the glucose polymer.
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`[Received November 15, 1973. Accepted June 19, 1974]

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