`RACK-1011-Page 1 of 22
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`p‘rLe‘d ma (2mm! gsys—
`: The‘féiluwing figuxware prunedw1Eh perimséiohfrom thé authoLts rLeferehcéd in the approfirh
`_ atei'figure legénds:
`,1, 1312;»1-13; 11.42115;111.6;f112; 1135.113; 31.10; 11.11;
`111 __ ,
`.19; 1.120;“:1'131, 2.1;‘-1_~2.2;‘12.3;.12.4; 325; 12.6;
`1 152; 18;!
`' yam, '
`’ hdvdeslifidmn
`{ISBN 155555,.0334
`-,»-89L-.'139,2_LLL,L {-
`acm '.
`RACK-1011-Page 2 of 22
`RACK-1011-Page 2 of 22


`I Worldwide Networks
`‘ ‘bfitwa're anddocumenta-
`\ P'tin‘g from all over the
`b to return a response in the
`I'veimgs'sage, as electronic mail
`=40;sz _ USENET
`Hy' wane and any
`o [remarkably because it
`ed conterencmg service.
`1y; assomated network LIUCP
`0116 all a New machine
`;yumcate with
`eta-mes access There18 also
`aeh~ host pays for its own
`pahiés(innit generally like bad
`on; bytheir colleagues and customers, this usually
`Inextreme cases,PeOple haveProposed putting pressure on the
`RACK-1011-Page 3 of 22
`RACK-1011-Page 3 of 22


`RACK-1011-Page 4 of 22
`RACK-1011-Page 4 of 22


`. Worldwide, Networks
`m‘é-which the,
`'s'tihg machine
`:stgafiéh bf the net—
`RACK-1011-Page 5 of 22
`RACK-1011-Page 5 of 22


`» g munnans: vfiWComp
`- u " net“ mnetbr———_ut’zoo
`and software systems
`-, {fed jointlygwith
`p’e. _ may, and were
`Innisridfeiof Europe or
`uchl Chile-structure of
`RACK-1011-Page 6 of 22
`RACK-1011-Page 6 of 22


`RACK-1011-Page 7 of 22
`RACK-1011-Page 7 of 22


` ,
`‘Disnibufidn. Gebgrapliy
`LISENET isreflected tincughout the worlii No explicit gatewaying is
`RACK-1011-Page 8 of 22
`RACK-1011-Page 8 of 22


` headerline is used to construct a his-
`received onthat host; If an article with
`it communicates with and of the
`0 sendtoeach of those hosts. If
`of yerigsgroupsand distributions it
`ncittoaccept an article it
`host. Itis also possible to reject
`speeified timeago, on the
`s'smns from hasty.that have
`'0, time is uSualiy the same as
`xprra on _- Vec use expired articles are also
`RACK-1011-Page 9 of 22
`RACK-1011-Page 9 of 22


`y othersare i
`machine that does
`thatdoes the most gatewaving between Internet
`,g115 and USENET newsgroups is knownas ucbvax on
`e Internet.
`It bursts di-
`yefdwith BUNET
`RACK-1011-Page 10 of 22
`RACK-1011-Page 10 of 22


`‘rwtarzqwide Networks
`nae manyof them organ—
`othersare more general than that. At

`_ 5produced a_ seriesof conVentions of its partici-
`tit—shirts There are eVen feuds between newsgroups,
`reapthis hasmcluded the tactic of creating
`g the network Many
`R andmailre’plies were
`easeof the use of
`out thenetWork.
`_ de _ s, at. Duke University
`ET‘in1979ISpafford i988c].
`01;, ”A goal. of USENET
`'nity to join and benefit
`or mans ARPANET, ifyou. will.” The
`'* ~
`[as distributed with the newly released
`, IXhem AT6tT fiell Laboratories Access was limited to
`:‘w,ho could legally have
`ad not, been thought of
`seventh Edition distribution -
`graduate student at the
`The first two hosts
`ddEfi by 1980; it was
`partibipated in the late 1979
`the _ original shell script
`RACK-1011-Page 11 of 22
`RACK-1011-Page 11 of 22


`Was never
`RACK-1011-Page 12 of 22
`RACK-1011-Page 12 of 22


`Worldwide Networks
`affirmw infmcent years.
`sgitpupé, articles, and data
`_ oiifcalgpmblem with this
`existéd on 13 ARPANET for many years. The first moderated newsgroup
`_ Was, modannmmce' which was an alternative to netgeneral, a newsgroup
`element of a
`as released by
`was the only
`main top level
`mated distribu-
`"i .gabout half '
`RACK-1011-Pa‘ge 13 of 22
`RACK-1011-Page 13 of 22


`RACK-1011-Page 14 of 22
`RACK-1011-Page 14 of 22


`1 _ Werldwide Networks
`-' PLATO NOTES system
`ublieat theJanuary 1982
`_e possnbfllty ofnsi‘ngtheexperience gained in
`replaceit These problems have been
`yr,the uSual method of
`N' WSTransfer Protocol
`e alre dyin use on Some links: some backbone hosts
`eds of 40Kbps or more.
`o mgasure, but numbers of
`‘ s, have been estimated
`1;" These-are shown
`iqus sources [Frey
`thin recent years are
`arefbased, on actual readers,
`RACK-1011-Page 15 of 22
`RACK-1011-Page 15 of 22


`, J,
`,, UNI-3T, nengroup
`.ecrga 'zatio’n completed
`,,,1;95§ 12mph”?
`,11§090_ 3.5x Texebn'rmxbzazers
`as 800Mbyfe half—heighf Wmchester drives for a few thousand dollaxs
`=expe'cted by 1989, anIBM PC could easily have enough space for the
`current’affic ‘ “
`RACK-1011-Page 16 of 22
`RACK-1011-Page 16 of 22


` “ f Worm-wide Netwcrks
` I "Sa’zh— A Reader
`‘ 453,000

`_ 320
`351 ~ 78,000. 630,000
`354' 88,000
`350 84,000
`118,000 440,000
`_ (514'
`4 134,000
`,, 2910000
`lines'111thepast 12 months
`linesIn the past 3 months
`esin the past 80 days.
`transfer01: storenews, there is
`up with111818885 of material
`ne‘n’ted mte’rface called‘vnéws was written by
`gennethA1111Qui'st andreleased:11 1983. It‘15 similar to the interface to the
`nOtein’les softwa1’e,andit allows moving among several menus, can list
`RACK-1011-Page 17 of 22
`RACK-1011-Page 17 of 22


`‘ ~1aket a1{
`req est‘useflét‘réqfiéstfikuunet.’uunéfi
`RACK-1011-Page 18 of 22
`RACK-1011-Page 18 of 22


`. 10.5
`Bibliogréphic Nates:
`‘kigé' Fi‘CerardJ‘M Lord, D, and
`Marking: A
`' getand the
`_ ,mm‘nts, "13‘
`‘Iamxicax'fiKemu Nms, “51.. 2, no.1,
`and Truscott-Tom K‘USENE’I‘~A
`General Access UNI Network" Duke Universit, Durham, NC, Summer
`1980. Thu"IS a inghtl’y modifiedcopyofthe original flyer ofJanuary1980
`Rory, f‘ USENET: An
`of”,a Cooperative
`of Rapid Grdwt-h,"
`' Invxtauon t0
`RACK-1011-Page 19 of 22
`RACK-1011-Page 19 of 22


`ey Donnalyn, and AdamsRick, ”USENET: Death by
`’ UNIXREVIEW, V91. 5, no.8,pp 5560, August 1987.
`Fuchs 1983 Fuchs,Ira H., ”BITNET: because it’s time,” Perspectives in Computing,
`’ vol 3no.1 pp 1627.113171Corporahon.March1983
`Worldwide Networks
`and Bellovin, Steven M”
`" ddresses," Proceedmgs of the
`Inna 1986), pp. 126— 141,
`fldifigs. of the Summer 1983
`, 314/Energy, 'Washington, DC,
`, Ne”:Electmmc Mail Protocol,” IFNA, St.
`” Network News
`Kantor, B11511},and Lapsley, Phil,
`87 (Mappingbetween x400 and RFC-
`forComments, September
`1111113 Enwrmtments, Mountain View,
`ons-—-The Interoperability Report,
`RACK-1011-Page 20 of 22
`RACK-1011-Page 20 of 22


`‘ Peter G ”Spring Fever—Ape R1115 are Flowing (or
`pEngi eering Notes, vol. 9 no. {1, pp.'—68,ACM SIGSOFI
`RACK-1011-Page 21 of 22
`RACK-1011-Page 21 of 22


`Worldwide Networks
`3 978 thch1e,DLM‘LLand Thompson, K., " The UNIX Time—
`‘311984: Schroeder, MD, Birrell AL,D. and Needham, R M
`”Experience with Grapevine: The Growth of a Distributed System,” ACM
`[Transa amon’ Computer Systems, vol 2,, no 1, pp. 3— 23, February 1984 Also
`on,Berkeley,LCA 1987.
`emvHOrton, Karen, and Horton, Mark,
`‘fand orton1985.- Su
`”St9tus ofLthé‘ USENlX UUCPProject,” cheedmgs of the Wmier 1985 USENIX
`:ersonalcommunicaL ns,LLL1L6 February L19L88.
`\Pkacéedings of the Summer
`Norma at Berkeley,14September1987.

`and SPAN,” infa-
`Wells, WilliamC,Personalcoxtuhunicafions, 12 September 1988.
`RACK-1011-Page 22 of 22
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