`H. Reuter
`GEA Process
`it 1014
`p. E1
`' i
`! I !
`p. E1
`Aseptic Processing of Foods
`p. E2
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`p. E3
`Editor: H. Reuter
`p. E4
`Aseptic Processing of Foods
`Published In the Westam Hemisphere by
`Teohnomic Publishing Company, Inc,
`851 New Holland Avenu~ Box 3535
`Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17604 U.S.A
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`Main entry under title:
`Aseptic Processing of Foods
`ISBN No. 1"56676·058-5
`Copyright © 1993 by B. Behr's Verlag GmbH & Co.
`Averhoffstrasse '10, D-2000 Hamburg 76
`Federal Republic of Germany. Licensed edition by
`arrangement with B. Bellr's Verlag GmbH & Co.
`Title of the first edition:
`Aseptic Processing of Foods
`Copyright © 1993 by B. Behr's Verlag GmbH & Co.
`Averhoffstrasse 10, D-2000 Hamburg 76
`Federaf Republic of Germany
`This Technomic Publishing Company, Inc. edition is produced under license between
`Technomic Publ'1sh'1ng Company, Inc. and B. Behr's Verlag.
`p. E5
`On the food market there is a continuously increasing demand for products with a better
`and/or prolonged shelf life.
`In the field of thermal sterilization of food there was prophetic utterance as far back as
`1898 that application of an increased temperature and correspondingly shorter pro(cid:173)
`cessing times would result in higher quality products. Since lhe pioneer works of W. D.
`BIGLOW and c. 0. BALL In the twenties, this demand was supported by a well-founded
`theory. However, the commercial use of this progress has boon rather slow during the
`first half of this century.
`Only in the second half of this century consistent application of this basic principle led
`to highly improved sterilization techniques carried to the utmost by aseptic processing.
`Aseptic processing, developed over various steps in several countries, means pre(cid:173)
`sterilization of an unpacked product in continuous flow with optimum sterilization
`conditions and subsequent filling of the sterile cold product into a presterilized and
`sterile container under sterile conditions. It is most probably the aseptic processing of
`foods which presen~y ranges wilh the highest dynamics in development In food
`Originally developed as a process for gentle sterilization of milk it expanded far beyond
`this small product range. Aseptic processing has reached quite an upswing recently
`in Europe and is applied more and more to an increasing number of food and beverage
`Aseptic processing with its increasingly extended range of applications can be regar(cid:173)
`ded as a real food high technology and as an example on hew a new processing
`technique leads to a new product group, i.e. to the presterilized and aseptically packed
`food which is of advantage to the consumer as well as to the food industry.
`Liquid, low viscous and homogeneous foods - such as milk, dairy products, desserts,
`fruit and vegetable juices- are relatively easy to sterilize in continuous flow. Appropriate
`continuous flow sterilizers - known as UHT-plants - have reached a high degree of
`perfection and the effect of the sterilization process can be calculated with sufficient
`accuracy. However, much more difficulties are experienced in sterilizing Inhomogene(cid:173)
`ous foods containing particulates - like soups, sauces, ready-to-serve dishes. Besides
`the traditional process of heating particulate products by slow heat conduction,
`advanced methods have been developed ready to be used in practice which result in
`a shorter sterilization time due to energy transformation inside the solid particles.
`A great variety of aseptic packaging systems have been successfully introduced to the
`food industry. Aseptic packaging machines are essentially different regarding the mode
`of operation, type of package, sterilization process applied, filling and sealing techni(cid:173)
`ques, method of retaining sterile conditions, perfection, monitoring systems and
`throughput capacity. Also clean room technology Is integrated in aseptic packaging
`p. E6
`Aseptic packaging is a highly flexible technique with regard to package selection since
`almost all shapes and a wide range of materials -from metal, paperboard laminates,
`piastres to glass - may be used.
`Aseptic processing offers advantages for consumers and manufacturers by
`better product quality attainable,
`cost savings due to reduced energy consumption and a low cost package.
`During a European symposium in two parts on 'Aseptic Processing of Foodstuffs' -part
`I 'Presterilizanon of Products', held in November 1989 in Frankfurt/Main and part II
`"Aseptic Packaging' held in May 1990 in Cologne- organized by BEHR'S Seminara -
`28 invited speakers affiliated with European food machinery and packaging companies
`as well as with research institutes gave a comprehensive survey on the state of the art
`of this technology.
`The presentations given in this symposium supplemented by an additional one are
`published in this book. The topics range from conventional and unconventional heat
`treatment systems for presterilization which are capable of performing extremely quick
`and efficient heaing and cooling processes, product development in conformity with
`the sterilization process, recent developments in aseptic packaging systems, gamma
`sterilization of packaging materials, properties of materials for aseptic packaging,
`hazard analysis as well as tesing methods for aseptic installations.
`The bool< is intended to supplement the book 'Aseptic Packaging of Food", edited by
`H. REUTER and published by the BEHR'S VERLAG in 1987 (German edition) and 1988
`(English edition) and 1989 (English edition by TECHNOMIC Publ. Co.). The first book(cid:173)
`based on papers given during an international symposium organized by BEHR'S
`Seminars in 1985- deals with the more fundamental aspects of heat transfer and flow
`phenomena in continuous flow heat exchangers, heat conduction and temperature rise
`in the center of solid food particles, resistance of microorganisms to physical and
`chemical noxes, evaluation criteria for aseptic filling and packaging systems, methods
`of quality control of aseptically packaged food products as well as a survey on the more
`conventional heat treatment and aseptic packaging systems.
`H. Reuter
`Kiel, January 1993
`p. E7
`Authors and Editor
`Prof. Dr.-lng. Helmut Reuter
`D-2300 l<iel
`Philipp Berdelle-Hilge
`Philipp Hilge GmbH
`D-6501 Bodenheim/Rhein
`Hans-W. BIOmke
`Kojair Reinraumtechnik GmbH- Deutschland
`Robert-Bosch-StraBe 15
`D-7703 Rielasingen-Worblingen 1
`Hon. Prof. Dr.-lng. Norbert Buchner
`Robert Bosch GmbH
`Postfach 1127
`D-7050 Waiblingen
`Dr. rer. nat. Gerhard Cerny
`Fraunhofer-lnstitut tor Lebensmitteltechnologie und Verpackung
`SchragenhofstraBe 35
`D-8000 MOnchen 50
`Dr. Benny De Groot
`Cobelplast N. V.
`Antwerpse, Steenveg 14
`B-9160 Lokeren
`p. E8
`Dipl.-lng. Willem F. Hermans
`Stork Amsterdam B. V.
`Qept. Stork CRO, R&D Centre
`Staringstraat 46
`P. 0. Box 103
`NL -2150 AC Nieuw Vennep
`Dipi.-Phys. Klaus Koch
`Hermann Berstorff MaSchinenbau GmbH
`Postfach 629
`D-3000 Hannover 1
`Dipl.-lng.(FH) Siegfried Linder
`Robert Bosch GmbH
`Stuttgarter StraBe 130
`D-7050 Waiblingen
`Peter Neijssen
`Gammaster B. V,
`Morsestraat 3, Ede
`P. 0. Box 600
`NL -6710 BP Ede
`Roland Nicolas
`Serac France
`Siege Social: Route de Mamers
`B. P. 46
`F-72402 La Ferte-Bernard Cedex
`Dipl.-lng. Norbert Nicolaus
`FOIIpack GmbH
`ErdbrOgge 28
`D-4955 Hille 9
`p. E9
`Dr. rer. nat. Albrecht E. Ostermann
`PKL Verpackungssysteme
`RuhrstraBe 58
`D-5172 Linnich
`John A. Perigo
`CarnaudMetalbox Technology
`Downsview Road
`GB Oxon Ox 12 9 BP
`Dr.,lng. Erwin Plett
`GEA Wiegand GmbH
`· EinsteinstraBe 9-15
`D-7505 Ettlingen
`Dr.-lng. Walter Reitler
`Eurobayernwerl< GmbH
`Nymphenburger StraBe 39
`D-8000 Monchen 2
`David Rose
`Campden Food & Drink Research Association
`Chipping Campden
`Gloucestershire GL55 6LD
`Bernhard Sachs
`Oberland Glas AG
`Postlach 1160
`D-7954 Bad Wurzbach!AIIgi\u
`p. E10
`Dr. P. J. Skudder
`APV Baker Ltd.
`P. 0 Box 4, Gatwick Road
`GB Crawley, West Sussex
`RH10 2QB
`Ekkehart Schoefert
`Tetra Pak Produktions GmbH
`Hennigsdorfer StraBe 159-163
`Postfach 27 04 55
`D-1 000 Berlin 27
`Anton Van Eijk
`Dragoco Gerberding & Co. GmbH
`D-3450 Holzminden
`Dipl.-lng. Kurt Walter
`Hassia Verpackungsmaschinen GmbH
`Postfach 1120
`D-64 79 Ranstadt 1
`Dipi.-Chem. Franz Wilhelmi
`N61tingstraBe 5
`D-2000 Hamburg 50
`Lothar Zimmermann
`Rommelag Kunststoff-Maschinen Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH
`Posttach 1611
`D-7050 Waiblingen
`p. E11
`Table of Contents
`Authors and Editor
`Pre-sterilization of products
`Basic principles
`Fundamentals of UHT and HTST sMIUUltlon
`of foodstuffs
`H. Reuter
`Deduction of optimal sterilizing conditions from reaction kinetics
`Improvement of sterilization conditions by pre-sterilization
`Calculation ol thermal effect in sterilization
`Advantages and disadvantages of aseptic processing
`Ohmic heating of particulate food product~
`W. Reitler
`Indirect heating of particulate food products
`Ohmic heating of particulate food products
`Computer simulation ol the heating behavior of
`heterogeneous foodstuff suspensions
`Dlel110trfc heating of foodstuffs and
`temperature distribution in tha product
`H. Reuter
`Effect of the electromagnetic alternating field
`p. E12
`Table of contents
`Energy conversion
`Temperature distribution in the product
`Penetration depth
`Temperature change in the product
`Influence on shape, edge or corner effect
`Dielectric unhomogeneity of foodstuffs
`Engineering reasons for nonuniform temperature distribution
`More uniform temperature distribution
`Industrial applications
`Process and equipment for UHT and HTST
`Tubular heat exchangers systems for liquid foods
`with solid particles and criteria for structural behavior
`N. Nicolaus
`Comparing views: The product- expectations and requirements
`Application of tubular heat exchangers - system concept
`Tubular heat exchangers- test stand and test run
`Findings from test results and presentation of a nomogram
`for getting the degree of damage
`Thermal stabilization of soups and sauces
`containing particles by double flow processing
`E. Plett
`Characteristics of aseptic processing technology
`Areas of application
`Heat-transfer systems for aseptic technology
`Criteria for construction
`Possible uses of indirect heat-exchangers
`Possible uses of direct heat exchangers
`System family for aseptic processing technology
`Possibilities for combining different heat exchangers
`Alternative processes for continuous flow-sterilization of
`foodstuffs with particles
`p. E13
`2.4. t
`Table of contents
`Single-Flow Fraction Specilie Thermal Processing
`("Single-Flow FSTP") of liquid foods containing particulates
`W.F. Hsrrrmns
`Single-Flow Fraction Spe.cific Thermal Processing
`(Single-Flow FSTP)
`Selective Holding Sections (SHS)
`Time-temperature profiles and processing values
`Stork STERIPART System
`Stork STERIPART Pilotplant
`New system lor the sterilization of
`particulato food products by ohmic heating
`P. J, Skudder
`Principle of ohmic heating
`Design of the ohmic heater
`Measurement of electrical conductivity
`of particulate food products
`Temperature control of the ohmic heater
`Aseptic processing using the ohmic heater
`Product quality
`Pasteurization and sterilization of unpaekaged
`liquid food containing solid parts in a contlnuou$
`process by means of microwaves
`K. Koch
`Heat treatment by means of microwaves
`Constructional requirements lor an even temperatllre
`distribution inside the product
`Sterilization under atmospheric conditions
`Sterilization of unpackaged cubed food by means of microwaves 112
`p. E14
`Table of contents
`Measuring techniques
`Hygienic operating conditions for microwave lines for the
`sterilization of unpackaged food containing solid (cubed) parts
`Safety aspects
`Performance data
`Sterile· conveyance of liquids
`Ph. Berdelle-Hilge
`Soups and sauces UHT processed
`and aseptically packed
`F. Wilhelmi
`Importance of heat sterilized soups and sauces
`Classification of heat sterilized soups and sauces
`Heat processing of soups and sauces
`Conventional sterilization
`UHT heating
`Aseptic packing systems
`Tetra -Pak, Pure-Pak
`New systems under development
`Product quality and quality assurance
`Ingredients suitable for UHT processing
`Recipes, working instructions and product descriptions
`M'1nimum shelf-life-date of "best before'
`Sensory evaluation of products and corresponding
`standard methods
`Varieties for UHT processed and aseptically filled soups
`and sauces
`Annex 1
`4.1 .2.2
`p. E15
`Table of contents
`Annex 2
`Functional properties of starohes
`Suitability test- check list
`Functional properties of hydroco//oids (except starches)
`Suitability test- check list
`Annex 4
`Raw material and ingredients specification
`Quality assessment heat sterilized soups
`Annex 6
`Quality assessment heat sterilized soups
`- conventional sterilization
`Flavorings for UHT-tr&ated and aseptically packed
`soups and sauces
`A. vsn Eljk
`Flavor and flavorings
`Physico-chemical interactions
`Flavoring of Ul-fHreated soups and sauces
`Aseptic packaging
`Processes for packaging materials sterilization
`and system requirements
`H. Reuter
`Sterilization of the packaging material
`Commercially applied sterilization processes
`Required germ reduction of sterilization process
`Non-sterility rate in packaging material sterilization
`Aseptic packaging machines
`p. E16
`Table of contents
`Consideration of faults of pre-sterilized and
`aseptically packed products
`Acceptable rate of total error
`Commercially applied aseptic packaging systems
`Packaging materials
`Pros and cons of aseptic packaging
`Aseptic filling and packaging
`Roll-fed carton packaging
`E. Schoefert
`Why carton packages from the roll?
`Packaging material
`Aseptic filling process
`Sterilization of the filling machine
`Sterilization of the packaging material
`Forming, filling, sealing, and separating the packages
`Filling with head space
`Final folding of the separated packages
`The Tetra Brik Aseptic TBA/8 filling machine
`F1lling machine functions
`Safety and hygiene
`Available package volumes and sizes
`Carton packaging from sleeves
`A. E. Ostermann
`Pre-made sleeve
`Combibloc aseptic FFS machine
`Container base forming
`Machine sterilization
`Container sterilization
`Filling system
`Container top closure
`Combibloc system flexibility
`p. E17
`6,3. 1
`Field of application
`Future options
`Vertical fonn·fill·saal machines for bags
`s. Linde!'
`Bag sizes and secondary packaging
`Machines and operating principle
`Product range and filling systems
`Pacl\aging materials
`Thermoform filling and S<laling machines
`for plastic cups
`s. Linder
`Package related machine design
`Operating principle
`Filling systems
`Packaging materials
`Thermoform filling and sealing machines for
`plastic cups with steam sterilization
`K. Walter
`Possible sterilization methods
`Selection of the method
`Description and operating sequence
`Base material degerming
`Lidding material degerming
`Metering method
`Concluding remarks
`Table of contents
`p. E18
`Table of contents
`Aseptic handling of particulate products
`J. Perigo
`Process solids in viscous carrying medium
`Sterilize extra water separately and mix at filler
`Select a suitable feed pump for the solids fraction
`Select a backpressure system which handles
`particle's without damage
`Select pipeline valves which handle particles without damage
`Design fillers to minimize particle damage
`Develop simplified interface between the UHT process
`and the aseptic packaging system
`Functions of a surge tank
`Manufacturing, filling and sealing of plastic bottles
`in the blow mould
`L. Zimmermann
`General information
`Packagable fill products, volumes and capacities
`Suitable plastic materials
`Sterility of the plastic material
`Process engineering and measures to maintain sterility
`Forming of the containers in the blow mould
`Aseptic filling in the blow mould
`Sealing in the blow mould
`Machine systems
`Aseptic packaging in glass and plastic bottles
`N. Buchner
`For which containers is aseptic filling of interest?
`Advantages of aseptic packaging in glass and
`plastic containers
`Aseptic plants
`Sterilization of containers
`p. E19
`6.11. 7
`Sterilization of closures
`Filling the containers
`Closing the containers
`Characteristics of the procedure and of the plant
`Plants in practice
`Pre-requisites for the containers
`Aseptic packaging line for aerosol cans
`R. Nicolas
`Sterilization of cans
`Aseptic filling of cans
`Capping and gassing of cans
`Bulk aseptic packaging, the bag-In-box system
`E. Plett
`Aseptic packaging
`The filler
`The bag
`Aseptic emptying
`Overall Safety
`Sterile room techniques in the food industry
`H. Blllmke
`Definition of sterile room technique
`Sources of contamination
`Filter systems
`Air flow in sterile room technique
`Sterile room specifications
`Examples for application of sterile room lechnique
`Table of contents
`p. E20
`Table of contents
`Packaging materials for aseptic packaging
`Gamma sterilization of packaging
`P.J.G. Neijssen
`Gamma radiation
`Gamma sterilization process
`Influence of gamma radiation on materials
`Gamma sterilization of packaging materials
`Thermoformable barrier sheets for
`shelf stable container in dairy applications
`B. de Groot
`Production of thermoformable barrier sheets
`and shelf stable packs
`Formable bamer sheet
`Production of shelf stable packs
`Barrier performance
`Applications of shelf stable packs
`Chilled chain
`Modified atmosphere packaging
`Hot fill packaging
`Aseptic packaging
`Retortable packaging
`7 2.3.2
`p. E21
`7.3. j
`7.3.4. 1
`8. 1.1
`8. i.2
`8. i.2. 1
`8. 1.2.2
`8. i.3
`8. j .4
`8.1.4. 1
`B. 14.4
`8. 1.6
`Glass lor aseptic packaging
`B. Sachs
`Advantages of aseptic filling method
`Advantage of using glass for aseptic filling methods
`The aseptic market
`Eastern countries
`Benefits for economy and environment
`Market share of returnable and
`disposable glass packaging for drinks
`Glasep!ik- a basis tor achieving market targets
`Responsibility in procuction of glass containers
`Quality protection
`Hazard· analysis in aseptic good
`manufacturing practice
`D. Rose
`Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
`HACCP concept
`Components of HACCP analysis
`Flow diagram
`Essential product characteristics
`Pmcess analysis
`Devisi~g control options
`Stylized flow diagram
`Table of contents
`p. E22
`Table of contents
`Testing of aseptic machines for their efficiency of
`sterilization of packaging materials by means of
`hydrogen peroxide
`G. Cerny
`Importance of packaging sterilization in aseptic packaging
`Origin of microbial problems in aseptic processing
`and packaging
`Methods for sterilization of packaging materials
`Reasons for establishing testing methods
`Test microorganism and its culture conditions
`Count reduction testing procedure
`Endpoint test procedure
`Concluding remarks
`p. E23
`Pre-steri lizatlon
`of products
`p. E24
`p. E25
`p. E25
`Pre-sterilization of products
`Basic principles
`Fundamentals of UHT and HTST sterilization of foodstuffs
`H. Reuter
`Efforts to preserve foodstuffs belong of old to one of man's utmost concern in the matter
`of food supply. Among the unit processes for food preservation, thermal sterilization
`still takes a leading role worldwide due in particular to the problem-free, long-term
`storage possibilities for foodstuffs treated in this way. In recent years it has risen to
`greater significance in the view of world nutrition and enduring undernourishment due
`to rapid increase of the population in many countries. Technological and product
`orientated improvements of sterilization processes have led to a significant Increase in
`the. quality of thermally sterilized foodstuffs.
`Processes such as pasteurization or sterilization which apply heat treatment at specific
`temperatures and times affect both desirable and undesirable changes in the products.
`Desirable changes are the inactivation of enzymes and microorganisms, i.e. their
`spores. Undesirable effects include changes in taste, color, texture and reduction of
`nutrients. Processing procedures which brings about these counter·eftects should be
`optimized in terms of their temperature-time relationship to afloct the desirable changes
`while minimizing the degree of undesirable changes in the product A well-conducted
`sterilization process must then strive for the optimum of these conflicting demands upon
`Deduction of optimal sterilizing conditions from reaction kinetics
`Of assistance to these endeavours is the fact that both groups - microorganisms on
`the one side and constituents of foodstuffs on the other- are reduced at different rates
`under the influence of time and temperature. Microorganisms are more rigorously
`eliminated with increasing temperature and correspondingly shorter heat holding time.
`Tho undesirable thermal damage during sterilization which leads to changes in odor,
`flavor and color, reduction of nutrients and denaturation of proteins (milk proteins) are
`mainly due to chemical changes or thermally caused decomposition reactions. Such
`thermally caused chemical changes are less likely to be caused by high temperatures
`and short times than by low sterilizing temperatures and correspondingly longer times,
`In general, for simple and not complex heat induced decomposition reactions a 1st
`order reaction can be assumed.
`p. E26
`rinci les
`dN ~- k N dt
`or after rntegration
`2 303
`lg N = lg No -
`In equation (I) k is the reaction velocity factor dependent on the temperature which can
`be put up according to the Arrhenius equation
`k =A e·-EIRT
`quantity (number, concentration ... ) of the reacting character
`inrtial quantity of the reacting character at the timet= 0
`reaction time
`constant of the Arrhenius equation
`actrvation energy
`gas constant
`From equation (3) which shows the temperature dependency of the reaction velocity
`constant k , equation (4) can be achreved by conversion, which has the advantage over
`f (Iff ) produces a straight line in a
`lg k =
`equation (3) that its representation
`semr-logarithmic diagram, (fig I. H)
`lg k = lg A - 2 303 R T
`( 4)
`The destruction of microorganisms or !herr spores occurs at high activation energy
`(E = 30- 84 x 104 J/mol ) respectively low z-values ( z = 6- 12 'C). The temperature
`function lg k = f (Iff) for these reactions, fig I. 1-1, shows a steep straight line. The
`undesirable changes in the product and those due to chemical reactions occur mainly
`with low activation energy ( E = 6- 12 x 10'4J/mol), or with higher z-values ( z ~ 30-60
`'C). In this case equation (4) shows a less steep line. Tab. 1.1-1 shows some recorded
`reaction kinetic data of degradation and formation reactions in whole milk during
`With some chemical changes during a sterilizing process, undesirable substances,
`flavors or colors can be formed. Among these reactions, which through minor reaction
`rates can result rn great deviations in the product's odor or flavor, is the Maillard
`Reaction. These reactions also occur very often with low activation energy or high
`z-values respectively and belong to type 2 reactions.
`The difference in the steepness of the two lines in fig 1.1 -I affects the temperature
`dependency of the reaction velocity constant. Due to the steeper ascent of the line at
`an increase in temperature, reactions which occur with higher activation energy
`(destruction of microorganisms) show a greater increase in the velocity constant than
`reactions which occur with a lower activation energy (chemical reactions).
`p. E27
`Tab. 1.1-1: Reaction kinetic data of some degradation and formation reactions In
`whole milk during UHT-heating
`Basic principles
`Be. stearothermophilus spores (1)
`Be. subtilis spores (2)
`Thiamine (3)
`Lysine (2)
`Formation of HMF (4)
`Formation of HMF (2)
`Formation of HMF (5)
`Formation of lactulose (6)
`Formation of furosine (7)
`30,0 X '104
`30,5 X 104
`9,5 X 104
`14,0 X 104
`·13,9 X 104
`12,0 X 104
`iO,Ox 104
`2, I
`Fig. 1.1 -1: Reaction velocity constant k as a function of temperature itT and activation
`energy E, Et > E2
`p. E28
`Basic rinci les
`As a consequence. by raising the sterilization temperature, the reaction velocity or the
`destruction of microorganisms is rarsed more hrghly than for the unwanted changes in
`the product Based on these different kinetics of the two types of reactions, the general
`principle of sterilization technology is derived: Thermal destruction of microorganisms
`should be carried out using high temperature and shorter time. In a similar way to
`chemical reduction procedures, enzymes are damaged more through a combination
`of low temperatures and longer times than through high temperatures and short times.
`The resulting conclusion is that thermal treatment with high temperature and an
`extremely short time, as in ·the UHT process for example, does not necessarily lead to
`the complete inactivation of enzymes, particularly not when a high content of thermal
`resisent enzymes are present rn the raw product
`Improvement of sterilization conditions by pre-sterilization
`For many foodstuffs an optimum qualrty is achieved during sterilization when they are
`treated with the highest temperature for a short time. In the field of sterilization
`technology, development tendencies follow this principle. The engineerrng problem is
`to improve the procedure of heat transfer into and out of the foodstuffs in such a way
`that the shortest possible times for heating up and cooling down are achieved. In normal
`sterilizers, rn which the product is sterilized packed in a contarner, (can, jar or bag), a
`limit is soon reached due to the known low heat conduction of the food and the lrmited
`possibilities for the improvement of heat transfer inside and outside the container. This
`limit can be overcome for liquid products by means of pre-sterilization of the unpacked
`goods in continuous flow, using improved heat conveyance into and out of the product.
`An effective improvement of heat transfer can be achieved by traditional methods in
`two ways. In the first way the unpacked foodstuffs are brought into direct contact with
`condensing steam, the heat is transferred directly onto the product In the second way
`the heat rs transferred indirectly onto the product using high convective heat transfer
`by suitable heat exchangers. This type of heat transfer can only be succesfully
`achieved with low viscous liqurd foodstuffs. The most effective application of pre-ste(cid:173)
`rilizatron therefore at present is for lo