`Page 1
` Petitioner,
`vs. CASE: IPR2014-00044
` PATENT: 6,771,290 B1
` Technology Owner.
` TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 2014
` JOB NO. 80818
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`3 4 5
`B.E. Technology, L.L.C. - Exhibit 2003, Page 1


` TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 2014
` 10:03 a.m.
`Page 2
`Deposition of JOHN STRAWN, Ph.D., taken at
`Greenberg Traurig, LLP, 4 Embarcadero Center,
`Suite 3000, San Francisco, California
`pursuant to Notice, before me,
`License No. 9830.
`4 5 6 7
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`A P P E A R A N C E S:
`Page 3
` HEATH BRIGGS, Esq. (Denver Office)
` 200 Park Avenue
` New York, New York 10166
` 350 Marine Parkway
` Redwood Shores, California 94065
` ALSO PRESENT: Daniel L. Girdwood, Samsung
` ---oOo---
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` TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 2014
` 10:03 a.m.
`Page 4
` having been sworn as a witness,
` by the Certified Shorthand Reporter,
` testified as follows:
` MR. WEINBERG: Q. Good morning, Dr. Strawn.
` A Good morning.
` Q My name is Dan Weinberg, and I represent
`B.E. Technology, which is the patent owner.
` You understand you're being deposed today as
`an expert witness; is that right?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q And you've been retained by Samsung to
`provide an opinion regarding the patentability of
`United States Patent No. 6,771,290; correct?
` A No, sir.
` Q Can you tell me what you've been engaged
`to -- well, let me ask you a question: What about my
`statement is incorrect?
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`Page 5
` A I've been retained by the law firm, not by
`the client Samsung.
` Q Okay.
` A Otherwise, the statement is correct.
` Q All right.
` And which law firm retained you?
` A GreenbergTraurig.
` Q And you understand that GreenbergTraurig
`retained you to provide an opinion on behalf of
`Samsung; correct?
` A No, sir.
` Q What is your understanding?
` A I provide my own opinion. I don't provide an
`opinion on behalf of anybody.
` Q Do you understand that your opinion is being
`relied upon by Samsung in connection with an
`inner-party's review petition?
` A That's fair, yes.
` Q Have you provided your opinions in this
`matter with knowledge that Samsung would rely upon
`your opinions?
` A Not only Samsung, but yes.
` Q What other entities rely upon your opinions?
` A I understand the patent board did when they
`did their judgment.
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`Page 6
` Q Besides the patent board and Samsung, are you
`aware of any other entity that is relying upon your
`opinion in connection with the '290 patent?
` A I'm sure it's not meant as a trick question,
`but I assume that the patent owner is also looking at
`my opinion.
` Q Anybody else that you're aware of relying
`upon your opinion?
` A Not at the present time.
` Q For ease of reference, I'm going to refer to
`Patent No. 6,771,290 as the '290 patent, as I've
`already been doing; is that okay with you?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q You've had your deposition taken before;
` A Yes, sir.
` Q And you've testified at trial before as well;
` A Yes, sir.
` Q I'm going to remind you of some familiar
`ground rules related to providing deposition
` You understand that I'll ask you a series of
`questions, and you will provide answers to those
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`Page 7
` A Yes, sir.
` Q You also understand that Samsung's counsel,
`present today, may pose objections to some of my
`questions? Do you understand that?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q That, in most instances, you will be required
`to answer the question even though an objection has
`been made?
` A I can't address "most instances." It will
`depend on the objections.
` Q You understand that the objections are made
`for the purpose of creating a record as opposed to
`forming your testimony or causing you to answer one
`way or the other; correct?
` A Nothing the attorneys here say will cause me
`to answer a question one way or the other. That would
`include some of their -- that would include their
` Q You understand the objections are for the
`purpose of having a complete record; correct?
` A Yes, sir, I do understand.
` Q And that the court reporter will transcribe
`what all of us say here today for the purpose of
`recording your testimony; do you understand that?
` A Yes, sir.
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`Page 8
` Q And to make the court reporter's job a little
`easier, I'm going to ask you to wait for me to finish
`my question, and I will wait for you to finish your
`answer before either of us begins speaking, so that
`we're not speaking over each other; is that fair?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q I'll ask you to answer audibly and to answer
`questions "yes" or "no" as opposed to "uh-huh" or
`"huh-uh"; is that fair?
` A I won't use "uh-huh" or "huh-uh."
` Q And you will answer audibly; correct?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q No shakes of the head up or down or side to
`side; right?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q You understand that you are under oath today
`as if you were testifying in a court of law?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q And is there any reason why you are unable to
`provide your best and honest testimony today?
` A No, sir.
` Q I'm going to hand you what has been
`previously marked as Exhibit 1006.
` MR. SCHINDLER: Thank you.
` MR. GIRDWOOD: Thanks.
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`Page 9
` MR. WEINBERG: Q. Dr. Strawn, do you
`recognize what has been previously marked as
`Exhibit 1006?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q Could you tell me what it is?
` A It's the version of my resumé dated the 17th
`of April 2013.
` Q Is this a current version of your resumé?
` A Not quite.
` Q What is missing from this version of your
` A There is the case called SmartPhone versus
`ZTE, which I just finished working on.
` Q And is that matter concluded?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q When did you begin working on SmartPhone
`versus ZTE?
` A Sir, I don't have the date memorized, but it
`was mid last year.
` Q So it began in 2013, your work on the -- on
`the matter?
` A I believe that's correct.
` Q And on behalf of which party were you working
`in that matter?
` A ZTE.
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`Page 10
` Q Were you retained by ZTE or a law firm?
` A By the law firm of Novak Druce.
` Q What was your assignment in SmartPhone v ZTE?
` A Non-infringement and invalidity.
` Q How many patents were -- well, strike that.
` Is this a patent case?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q How many patents were at issue in the
`SmartPhone v ZTE case?
` A Initially five, if I recall correctly.
` Q Did you offer an opinion as to all five
` A If I recall correctly, one was dropped before
`the invalidity report. And if I recall correctly, yet
`another was dropped before the non-infringement
`report, so I believe I gave invalidity opinions on
`four patents and non-infringement opinions on three
` Q Well, what was the technology of the patents?
` A Broadly speaking, cell phones.
` Q Did the patents relate in any way to
`downloading files?
` A To a certain extent, yes.
` Q How so?
` A You're asking me now to recover data from an
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`Page 11
`old case, so you have to give me a moment.
` Q Fair enough.
` A One of the patents, called the '459 patent,
`dealt with selected downloading of files. The idea
`was that if you have an app, you can download the app
`in general. And then, in order to save bandwidth when
`the user makes a request, you only send a certain
`amount of data over the network, and you receive back
`an answer that only contains enough information that's
`needed to populate a form that's pre-stored on the
`cell phone.
` Q It was your opinion that this patent was
` MR. SCHINDLER: Just on the question, we are
`not representing you, but you have another case that
`could have been privileged, so make sure that if you
`have -- did render an opinion or did not, that you
`think about this. Again, I'm trying to just caution
` As I said, Counsel, as you understand, I
`don't represent him in this other, and I don't
`represent him here, but I want to make sure we don't
`do anything that would put him in a box.
` MR. WEINBERG: That's fine.
` THE WITNESS: Again, I can only rely on
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`Page 12
`memory at this point. I did not review that case for
`this deposition. But yes, I rendered the opinion that
`the '459 patent was invalid.
` MR. WEINBERG: Q. Do you recall the basis
`for your invalidity opinion?
` What I mean by that is, do you recall whether
`the patent was invalid for anticipation, or whether it
`was obvious, or there was another problem that caused
`you to offer an opinion that it was not valid?
` A There was at least obviousness.
` Q Do you recall specifically whether there was
`anything else that formed the basis for your opinion?
` A Not sitting here, no.
` Q And was that the only patent at issue in the
`SmartPhone v ZTE case that related to the downloading
`of files?
` A The '275 did not, in the sense that you're
`talking about, and I can't remember the '316 patent's
`content sitting here.
` Q Did you testify at deposition in connection
`with the SmartPhone v ZTE case?
` A Yes, sir, at deposition.
` Q How many times were you deposed?
` A Once.
` Q Did you testify at trial in connection with
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`Page 13
`that matter?
` A No, sir. The case settled on eve of trial.
` Q Could you please turn to page 4 of your
` A Yes, sir. I'm at page 4.
` Q So instead of going through each engagement
`listed here on pages 4, 5, 6 and 7, and at the top of
`page 8 as well, because your resumé provides a great
`deal of information, I don't need to ask you about it,
`but I do want to make sure I have a clear
`understanding as to your role in connection with some
`or all of these matters; is that fair?
` A Please proceed.
` Q I want to make sure that when you identify a
`law firm as you do, let's take, for example, the first
`matter here on page 4, this is Adobe v Wowza; is that
`correct? That's the case name?
` A Yes, sir, that's the case name.
` Q Wowza is underlined. Why is Wowza
` A Because I was retained by the law firm
`representing Wowza.
` Q Okay. Above the case name is Fliesler Meyer,
`San Francisco; and Kirkland & Ellis in Chicago.
` Are those the law firms that retained you?
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`Page 14
` A Technically speaking, Fliesler Meyer retained
`me. Kirkland & Ellis is also involved.
` Q And those are the lawyers representing Wowza
`in this case?
` A I'm sure it's not meant to be a trick
`question, so yes.
` Q And next to "Project" it states:
` "Deposition related to Markman. Expert
`report and deposition on non-infringement."
` Is it fair to say that that is a complete
`summary in connection with the Adobe v Wowza matter?
` A Well, sir, again, I'm sure you don't mean
`that as a trick question.
` When I'm involved in a case, I feel
`responsible to draw attention to the attorneys and the
`client anything I discover. This summarizes my formal
`activities in the case.
` Q So is it correct then that you did not offer
`an opinion regarding the validity of the asserted
` A I did not offer a formal opinion; yes, sir,
`that's correct. And I don't recall even offering
`informal opinions.
` Q The next matter down is SmartPhone v LG, and
`do you recall which party you were offering an opinion
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`Page 15
`on behalf of?
` A Right; LG.
` Q And in this matter, were you retained by the
`law firm Morgan Lewis & Bockius?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q And it states next to "Project: Export
`report and deposition related to invalidity."
` This is not a trick question. Were you
`engaged in order to provide an opinion regarding the
`invalidity or rather the validity of the patents at
` A I was retained to give an opinion about the
`validity of the patents at issue.
` Q And you did not do any non-infringement work
`in connection with that matter?
` A Correct.
` Q And if you had, would you have listed it here
`as part of your project?
` A Yes, sir, I would have listed it if I had
`done such work.
` Q Okay. Just so I'm clear, the next matter
`down is the SmartSound v Abbott matter.
` Do you see that?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q Did you represent SmartSound -- strike that.
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`Page 16
` Did you offer an opinion on behalf of
`SmartSound in that matter?
` A This is slightly out of date. It states
`"settlement discussions in progress." The case
`settled before I submitted a report.
` Q I take it you did not have the occasion to be
`deposed in the SmartSound matter; correct?
` A That seems to be the case. I would have
`mentioned it here if I had been.
` Q And is it correct that your work involved
`non-infringement as opposed to validity in the
`SmartSound case?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q And the next matter down, LSI v Vizio.
` Is it correct that you offered an opinion on
`behalf of Vizio in that matter?
` A No, sir. I offered no opinion, but I was
`retained by the attorneys who represented Vizio.
` Q And is it the case that the -- the matter was
`resolved before you had an opportunity to offer an
`opinion in that case?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q But you were engaged in order to provide an
`opinion regarding the validity of the patents, as well
`as non-infringement; is that correct?
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`Page 17
` A That's what the document says, yes, sir.
` Q It states the patents involved digital
`memory. Is that in any way related to downloading of
` A Sir, it's been so long and my involvement was
`so small that I don't remember anymore. I'm sorry.
` Q Okay. Now, below that there's the matter
`Motorola v Apple, and that's an ITC proceeding.
` Is it correct that you were engaged to offer
`an opinion on behalf of Motorola in that matter?
` A I was retained by the attorneys who
`represented Motorola.
` Q And that would be Quinn Emanuel?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q And you testified at deposition and at the
`trial in that proceeding; correct?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q And your testimony related to something
`identified here as non-invalidity. Does that mean
`that it was your opinion that the patents were valid?
` A My role changed during the case. I can't
`remember anymore if I got as far as rendering that
` Q When you note here non-invalidity, does that
`mean validity, to address the double negative?
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`Page 18
` A I see.
` If that's the thrust of your question, yes,
`sir, that's correct.
` Q It was the thrust of my question.
` Now, the next matter down is Move Inc. v Real
`Estate Alliance Limited.
` Is it correct that you were engaged to offer
`an opinion on behalf of the plaintiff Move Inc.?
` A I was retained by the attorneys who represent
`Move Inc.
` Q And those attorneys were with the law firm
`Alston & Bird?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q Do you recall, sitting here today, what the
`scope of your assignment was in the Move Inc. v
`Real Estate Alliance Matter?
` A This had to do with infringement by websites,
`real estate websites.
` Q Did your involvement in that matter involve
`the -- strike that.
` Did your assignment in that matter involve
`offering an opinion regarding validity of the asserted
` A No, sir.
` Q And this was a patent case; correct?
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`Page 19
` A Yes, sir.
` Q And the next matter down is HTC v Apple.
` Again, this is an ITC matter, and is it
`correct that you were engaged by the law firm Finnegan
`Henderson to offer an opinion on behalf of HTC, the
` A Well, I rendered an opinion. It's not on --
`I hesitate at the words "on behalf of"; I'm sure
`you're not meaning it as a trick question.
` Finnegan retained me. They represented HTC.
` Q Okay. Is it correct that your expert work
`related to the domestic industry prong for proceeding
`in the ITC?
` A Again, I had two different assignments. The
`first was relating to power management, and then the
`second was the domestic industry part which was more
`user interface related.
` Q And it states that you did expert reports
`related to the technical prong of domestic industry,
`and then later on it states that you did consulting
`expert -- or that you were a consulting expert related
`to the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch concerning
`invalidity and power management.
` Were your assignments in that case different?
` A In general, yes.
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`Page 20
` Q Did you provide an expert report regarding
` A No, sir.
` Q Did you testify in this matter?
` A No, sir. The domestic prong aspect settled
`on eve of deposition.
` Q And you did not testify at deposition
`regarding your consulting work regarding invalidity;
` A Correct.
` Q Next matter down is Fair ISSAC v Actimize and
` Is it correct that the law firm Robins Kaplan
`engaged you to offer an opinion and Robins Kaplan
`represented Fair Issac?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q Is it correct that your work only involved
`infringement as opposed to validity?
` A Again, I always keep my eyes open in a case,
`but my assignment dealt with infringement and source
`code analysis.
` Q Did you testify in connection with the Fair
`Issac matter?
` A No, sir; it settled.
` Q Next matter down is Affinity Labs v Alpine
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`Page 21
`Electronics and JVC Kenwood, and is it correct that
`the Orrick firm retained you to offer an opinion and
`that the Orrick firm represented JVC Kenwood?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q Do you recall the names of the lawyers with
`whom you worked at Orrick?
` A Van Pierce, and sitting here I can't recover
`the other gentleman. I had most of my work with
`Van Pierce.
` Q And you testified at deposition in connection
`with this matter; correct?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q Did you testify at trial?
` A No, sir. Settled on eve of trial.
` Q Okay. And was your work limited to offering
`an opinion regarding non-infringement?
` A That's what the document says, yes, sir.
` Q Did you do any -- did you provide a formal
`opinion related to validity of the patents?
` A No formal opinion.
` Q The next matter is In Re: Apple and ATTM
`Antitrust Litigation. And is it correct that you
`offered an opinion in connection with this matter on
`behalf of a class of plaintiffs? Is that correct?
` A Again, Wolff Haldenstein represented the
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`Page 22
`class plaintiffs and Wolff Haldenstein engaged me.
` Q You testified at deposition; correct?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q Did you testify at trial?
` A No, sir.
` Q What was your assignment in this matter?
` A As it says here, I looked at iPhone source
`code, and I wrote an expert report and various
` Q This was not a patent case; correct?
` A Correct.
` Q The next matter down is Konami, K-O-N-A-M-I,
`Digital Entertainment v Harmonix Music Systems.
` Is it correct that you were retained by the
`law firm Paul Hastings to offer an opinion, and
`Paul Hastings represented Konami Digital Entertainment
` A Yes, sir.
` Q And you testified at deposition in that
`matter; correct?
` A Two days, yes, sir.
` Q Did you testify at trial?
` A No, sir. Case settled.
` Q Do you recall your assignment in that matter?
` A Yes, sir. Non-infringement.
` Q You did not offer an opinion regarding
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`Page 23
`validity though; did you?
` A Correct.
` Q Sorry.
` Now, the next matter down is SanDisk v LSI.
` Is it correct that you were retained by the
`law firm Jones Day, and Jones Day represented SanDisk?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q Do you recall your assignment in connection
`with this matter?
` A Again, this was a very short involvement. I
`don't recall anymore exactly my assignment.
` Q It states that your project was to attend the
`tutorial and Markman hearing regarding MP3 patent
`litigation; does that refresh your recollection?
` A Well, it wasn't my assignment. I happened to
`have done those things. Exactly what my assignment
`was, I can't recover sitting here.
` Q And you don't recall testifying in connection
`with that matter; do you?
` A At the Markman hearing, I was in the
`audience, and the judge asked me to stand up and
`introduce myself. It wasn't under oath.
` Q Do you recall the name of the judge?
` A Alsup.
` Q Now, the next matter down is Samsung v Kodak,
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`Page 24
`another ITC proceeding, and is it correct that you
`were retained by the law firm Weil Gotshal, and that
`Weil Gotshal represented the claimant Samsung?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q Do you recall your assignment in connection
`with this proceeding?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q What was it?
` A I was a consulting expert. I had access to
`schematics and source code for Samsung cell phones,
`and I was to provide information on the functionality
`of those phones. In particular, regarding the cell
`phone camera, the cell phone processor, and memory.
` Q Did you offer an opinion in connection with
`the proceeding?
` A No report. I offered my information to the
`law firm.
` Q Did you testify in this proceeding?
` A No, sir.
` Q The next matter down is Voice Domain
`Technologies LLC, v Philips Electronics North America,
`Inc., et al.
` And is it correct that you were retained by
`the law firm Finnegan Henderson, and Finnegan
`Henderson represented Philips Electronics?
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`Page 25
` A Yes, sir.
` Q What was your assignment in that matter?
` A Again, this was a very short assignment. It
`says here that I did a declaration for a Markman
`hearing, and the case settled after that.
` Q Do you have a recollection of being deposed
`in connection with that matter?
` A I'm sure I was not.
` Q Now, skipping the next matter and going down
`to a matter of Nice Systems, Inc., and Nice Systems
`LTD versus Witness Systems, Inc., is it correct that
`the law firm Fish & Richardson retained you and Fish &
`Richardson represented Witness Systems, Inc.?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q And you were deposed in connection with this
`proceeding; correct?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q And you testified at trial?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q Do you recall what was the nature of your
`opinions in this matter?
` A I certainly recall non-infringement. I don't
`remember anymore if I was involved in invalidity.
` Q The next matter down is Lucent Technologies,
`Inc., v Gateway, Inc., et al., and Microsoft
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`Page 26
`Corporation as intervenor.
` Is it correct that you were retained by
`Fish & Richardson to offer an opinion, and Fish &
`Richardson represented Microsoft Corporation?
` A They represented at least Microsoft. They
`may have represented other of the defendants as well.
` Q And you were deposed in connection with this
`matter; correct?
` A Oh, yes.
` Q Was it memorable?
` A Yes, sir. They did a good job.
` Q And what about -- you also testified at trial
`in connection with this proceeding?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q And it's correct that your work in this
`matter involved both non-infringement and invalidity;
` A Yes, sir.
` Q Do you recall the nature of the technology at
`issue in this proceeding?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q What was it?
` A It had to do with ripping, as it's
`well-known, audio files through Window Media --
`Windows Media Player, I think is the correct term, to
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`Page 27
`create MP3 files.
` Q Now, on page 7, at the top of page 7, it
`looks like there's a proceeding here entitled Seer
`Systems v Yamaha; is that correct?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q Is it correct that you were retained by
`Morrison & Foerster and Morrison & Foerster
`represented Yamaha?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q What do you mean by your project was "Prior
`art research for music synthesis"?
` A That case was seven years ago. Seer Systems
`had some technology that involved exactly what it
`says, music synthesis. That is to say, how can a
`program create a string of numbers with which, when
`fed through appropriate hardware and a loudspeaker,
`sounds like a musical sound, and Seer Systems filed an
`action against Yamaha.
` Q And your work involved doing prior art
`research; correct?
` A That's what the document says, yes, sir.
` Q Did that result in you offering an opinion
`regarding the validity of the patent?
` A No, sir, it didn't reach that stage.
` Q Now, the next matter down is Digital
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`Page 28
`Technology Licensing (DTL) v Cingular Wireless.
` Is it correct that you were retained by the
`law firm Mayer Brown and Mayer Brown represented
`Cingular Wireless?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q Do you have a recollection of whether you
`offered an opinion regarding validity in connection
`with this matter?
` A Not formally, no, sir.
` Q Now, skipping down to the matter Digeo, Inc.,
`v Audible, Inc., am I pronouncing that correctly?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q Is it correct that you were retained by the
`Black & Lowe firm on behalf of Digeo?
` A Black & Lowe represented Digeo, yes, sir.
` Q And you provided an expert record regarding
`Internet file downloading.
` Can you tell me what that Internet file
`downloading involved?
` A In general, Audible is a company who provides
`such things as books so that one can read them on a
`computer or on a handheld device. So if I recall --
`now this was seven -- gee, this was nine years ago.
`As I recall, I was looking at how the files that had
`been downloaded were stored on the iPhone, if I recall
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580
`B.E. Technology, L.L.C. - Exhibit 2003, Page 28


`Page 29
`correctly, but it's been a very long time.
` Q Do you recall --
` A And let me -- let me clarify. The expert
`report, as I recall, was only at the Markman level. I
`don't know anymore if I provided another expert
` Q You don't have a recollection of whether you
`offered an opinion regarding validity of the patents?
` A I don't recall anymore.
` Q I'll jump through the next two quickly. I
`just want to ask you a question about the MediaTek,
`ASUSTek & ASUS v Sanyo matter.
` A Yes, sir.
` Q Is it correct that you did not offer an
`opinion regarding validity in that matter?
` A As I recall, the claim charts dealt with
`invalidity, but I did not write a report. I merely
`helped the attorneys to prepare plane charts.
` Q Okay. And you did not testify in connection
`with that matter?
` A No, sir.
` Q The next matter down is Information
`Technology Innovation, LLC v Motorola. I'd like to
`know whether your assignment in connection with that
`matter in any way involved validity of the patents?
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580
`B.E. Tec

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