`_-:. - - ~--
`th Nation's
`Try America On!•ne:_ I e eludes
`#1 online serv•ce . ~
`15 Free Hours Onl•ne.
`A Reference for
`the Rest of Us!·
`· by John Kaufeld
`Author of IDG Books'
`Access For Windows• 95 For Dummies•
`The Fun and Easy Way"' . . ·
`to Find Out About Anieriea
`Online (AOL) Version 3.0
`for PC and Mac Users
`Your Guided Tour for Cwising · I
`the World Wide Web (WWW)
`and the lntemet
`Solutions to Common
`AOL Problems
`-Explained in
`Plain English
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1006, p.

`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1006, p.


`.~ •. !
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`friends; now they bought copies."
`Irene C., Orwell, Ohio
`"Thanks, I needed this book. Now I
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`"Quick, concise, nontechnical,
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`'~ ·.
`F& eaa&Z.&W"
`S#f#&iwt417 -IDG
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1006, p.

`. AI\1£RICA
`by John Kaufeld
`Foreword by Steve Case
`President and CEO of America Online, Inc.
`IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.
`An International Data Group Company
`Foster City, CA • Chicago, IL • Indianapolis, IN • Southlake, TX
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1006, p.

`America Online® For Dummies~ 3rd Edition
`Published by
`IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.
`An International Data Group Company
`919 E. Hillsdale Blvd.
`Suite 400
`Foster City, CA 94404
`http: I lwww. i dgbooks. com (IDG Books Worldwide Web Site)
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`Library of Congress Catalog Card No.: 96-75760
`ISBN: 1-56884-694-0
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`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1006, p.

`About the Author
`John Kaufeld got hooked on computers a long time ago. Somewhere along the way, he
`discovered that he enjoyed helping people understand how computers worked (a trait
`his Computer Science friends generally considered a character flaw. John graduated with
`a B.S. degree in Management Information Systems from Ball State University and became
`the first PC support technician for what was then Westinghouse, outside Cincinnati,
`Ohio. He learned about online services in the Dark Ages of Telecommunication (the
`1980s) by guessing, failing, and often doing unmentionable things to his modem.
`Today, John is the president of Access Systems, a computer consulting firm. He still
`does troubleshooting, conducts technical and interpersonal skills seminars for up-and(cid:173)
`coming computer gurus, and writes in his free moments.
`John's other IDG Books titles include Global Network Navigator For Dummies, Access For
`Windows 95 For Dummies, FoxPro 2.6 For Windows For Dummies, and Paradox 5 For
`Windows For Dummies. He regularly uses America Online (where he's known as
`J.Kaufeld) and other online services. He loves to get e-mail and valiantly attempts to
`answer every message he gets.
`John lives with his wife, two children, one overbearing canary, and a lovable American
`Eskimo dog in Indianapolis, Indiana.
`To Jenny, for keyword testing above and beyond the limits of sanity. To J.B. and the Pooz,
`for being incredibly patient. Now it's time for Chuck E. Cheese! To my friends and compatri(cid:173)
`ots at IDG Books Worldwide, Inc., for the opportunity of a lifetime. Thank you, one and all.
`Author's AcknowledfJments
`First, I want to thank my Project Editor, Pam Mourouzis, for a really great job. Due to
`stamina beyond understanding (and patience beyond comprehension), Pam successfully
`survived yet another round of updates. Let's all hope that her hair grows back soon.
`Special thanks also to my Technical Reviewer, Matt Converse, who made extra-special(cid:173)
`sure the book was actually correct. Without Matt's help, I never could have kept up with
`the myriad updates from America Online's Department of Name Changing group.
`Further up the Editorial Food Chain, thanks to Diane Steele and Milissa Koloski for being
`the best folks to work with on the planet. Way out at the other end of the known world,
`thanks to Gareth Hancock (who runs my particular corner of the Dummies Press
`Acquisitions Department).
`At America Online, thanks go to Marshall Rens, Pam McGraw, and Kelly Richmond.
`Extra-special you're the greatest thanks to Bob Kenyon and Howard Rosenman, who rank
`just below chocolate in my mind. And a special tip of the hat to Steve Case for the
`original vision that spawned AOL.
`Finally, my sincere thanks to (in alphabetical order) Barb, Brian, Jen, John, Lisa, Melanie,
`Patricia, Susan, and all my other online friends and acquaintances. Jen gets an extra
`virtual cookie for being an accountant (after all, somebody has to do it) and because she
`let me use the profile of a certain reindeer as an example in this book. Let's JKPARTY, y'all!
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1006, p.

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`Contents at a Glance
`e 8 e 0 e 0 e e e e 0 0 e G e e e 0 e e 8 e 0 e e e e e e e e e e 0 e e 0 e e e e e 0 e e e 0 0
`lntl'oduction ..................................................................................................................... 1
`Part 1: Driclers EJ for the Di9ital Trac!eler ....................... ......................... 7
`Chapter 1: What You've Gotten Yourself Into (and What You Need to Get Out) ..................................... 9
`Chapter 2: A Brief Romp through an Average Day ................................................................................... 19
`Chapter 3: Making Yourself at Home ................................................... ~ ..................................................... 33
`Chapter 4: Manners in the Electronic World ............................................................................................ 59
`Part II: Sul'flicliniJ the Software .. ... ........... .. . ...... .. . . . . .. ...... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... 6 3
`Chapter 5: Icons for This, Menus for That, and Keys for These and Those .......................................... 65
`Chapter 6: Your Windows on the World .................................................................................................... 87
`Chapter 7: Communicating with Everyone (One Way or Another) ...................................................... 105
`Chapter 8: Loading Up, Loading Down, and Zipping All Around .......................................................... 133
`Part Ill: FlippiniJ throuiJ.h the Channels .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . ... . . . . 74 7
`Chapter 9: Find .................................................. : ........................................................................................ 149
`Chapter 10: Computers & Software .......................................................................................................... 155
`Chapter 11: Digital City .............................................................................................................................. 159
`Chapter 12: Entertainment ........................................................................................................................ 163
`Chapter 13: Games ..................................................................................................................................... 169
`Chapter 14: Health and Fitness ................................................................................................................. 175
`Chapter 15: The Hub .................................................................................................................................. 179
`Chapter 16: International ........................................................................................................................... 183
`Chapter 17: Internet Connection .............................................................................................................. 187
`Chapter 18: Kids Only ................................................................................................................................ 217
`Chapter 19: Learning & Culture ................................................................................................................ 223
`Chapter 20: Life, Styles & Interests ........................................................................................................... 229
`Chapter 21: The Marketplace .................................................................................................................... 239
`Chapter 22: MusicS pace ............................................................................................................................ 24 7
`Chapter 23: The Newsstand ...................................................................................................................... 251
`Chapter 24: Today's News ......................................................................................................................... 257
`Chapter 25: People Connection ................................................................................................................ 265
`Chapter 26: Personal Finance ................................................................................................................... 275
`Chapter 27: Reference Desk ...................................................................................................................... 281
`Chapter 28: Sports ..................................................................................................................................... 291
`Chapter 29: Style ........................................................................................................................................ 295
`Chapter 30: Travel ...................................................................................................................................... 299
`Part IV: GoinlJ Your Own WalJ ........................................................... 303
`Chapter 31: Where to Turn when Panic Sets In ...................................................................................... 305
`Chapter 32: Big Help for Small Business ................................................................................................. 311
`Chapter 33: You Can Take It with You ..................................................................................................... 317
`Chapter 34: The Well-Connected Teacher ............................................................................................... 327
`Chapter 35: The Student's Guide to Online Life ..................................................................................... 333
`Chapter 36: Parenting Your Offspring (In Diapers, Online, or In Between the Two) .......................... 339
`Part V: The Part of Tens .................................................................... 3113
`Chapter 37: Ten Common Things That Go Wrong (and How to Fix Them) ......................................... 347
`Chapter 38: Ten Exercises to Stretch Your Online Dollars .................................................................... 353
`Chapter 39: Ten Internet Resources Worth Checking Out .................................................................... 359
`Chapter 40: Ten Terms for the Jargon-Challenged ................................................................................. 363
`Chapter 41: Ten Ways to Say(} and* ...................................................................................................... 367
`Appendix A: Installing America Online for Windows ............................................................................. 369
`Appendix B: Installing America Online for the Macintosh .................................................................... 375
`lndeJt....... ... .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . . . . .. ... .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . ... . .. . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. . . . .... .. . .. .. 381
`IDG Books Worldwide End-User License A9reement
`and Installation Instructions ............................................................. 395
`Reader Response Card .......................................................... Back of Book
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1006, p.

`Cartoons at a Glance
`81J Rich Tennant • Fax: 508~5116~77117 • E~mail: the5wave@ti ac. net
`page 147
`page 343
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1006, p.

`Table of Contents
`• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
`111tr(7~ll~ti(711 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7
`Who I Think You Are ................................................................................................... 1
`It's All English - Except for Parts in "Geek" ............................................................. 2
`Frolicking (Briefly) through the Book ....................................................................... 3
`Part 1: Driver's Ed for the Digital Traveler ....................................................... 3
`Part II: Surviving the Software .......................................................................... 3
`Part III: Flipping through the Channels ............................................................ 3
`Part IV: Going Your Own Way ........................................................................... 3
`Part V: The Part of Tens .................................................................................... 4
`Appendixes ........................................................................................................ 4
`Icons, Icons Everywhere ............................................................................................. 4
`It's Time to Get Started! .............................................................................................. 5
`Part 1: Drit!er's Ed for the Dil}ital Trat!eler................ ... . . . . . . . . . 7
`Chapter 1: What You·ve Gotten Yourself Into
`(and What You Need to Get Out) ..................................................................... 9
`What Online Really Means .......................................................................................... 9
`All It Takes Is a Bunch of Stuff .................................................................................. 11
`First, you need the right software .................................................................. 12
`A computer is a must ...................................................................................... 14
`A modem enters the picture .......................................................................... 15
`What about a phone line? ............................................................................... 16
`Put your call waiting on hold ......................................................................... 17
`Chapter 2: A Brief Romp through an Average Day ....................................... 19
`First, You Need to Sign On ........................................................................................ 20
`Checking the E-Mail box ............................................................................................ 22
`Reading the Morning Paper (And a Magazine or Two) .......................................... 24
`Eyeing the Markets .................................................................................................... 26
`Internet On-Ramp, Next Right .................................................................................. 27
`The Joys of (Nearly) Free Stuff ................................................................................ 28
`Let the Fun and Games Begin! .................................................................................. 29
`Shopping without the Crowds .................................................................................. 29
`Having a Little Chat ................................................................................................... 30
`But Wait- There's More! ......................................................................................... 31
`When It's Time to Say Goodbye ............................................................................... 31
`ChapterJ: Making Yourself at Home ............................................................ 33
`What's in a (Screen) Name? ...................................................................................... 33
`Dealing with Screen Names ...................................................................................... 35
`Creating a new screen name .......................................................................... 35
`Deleting an old screen name .......................................................................... 38
`Changing a screen name ................................................................................. 39
`Turn a Bit and Let Me See Your Profile .................................................................... 40
`Making Your Preferences Known ............................................................................. 42
`Finding the Preferences .................................................................................. 42
`Chat .................................................................................................................. 43
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1006, p.

`_____________________ Table of Contents
`• XI
`Graphics ........................................................................................................... 44
`General ............................................................................................................. 45
`Passwords ........................................................................................................ 46
`Download ......................................................................................................... 4 7
`Mail ................................................................................................................... 47
`WWW (World Wide Web) ............................................................................... 48
`Personal Filing Cabinet ................................................................................... 49
`Multimedia Preferences .................................................................................. 50
`Marketing Preferences .................................................................................... 50
`Parental Controls: Taking Away the Online Car Keys ............................................. 51
`Block All But Kids Only ................................................................................... 53
`Chat Controls ................................................................................................... 54
`Download Controls ......................................................................................... 55
`Newsgroup Controls ....................................................................................... 57
`Chapter 4: Manners in the Electronic World ............................................... 59
`In E-Mail, No One Can Hear You Smile ..................................................................... 59
`Keys to Good E-Communication .............................................................................. 60
`Abstain from verbosity- pursue lucid prose ............................................. 61
`Spel wurds rite ................................................................................................. 61
`DON'T SHOUT! ................................................................................................. 61
`Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Flamed ........................................................................ 62
`Apply humor carefully ( ha!) ........................................................................... 62
`Dnt typ lk ths ................................................................................................... 62
`Part II: SurtJitJin9 the Software ........................................ 63
`Chapter 5: Icons for This, Menus for That
`and Keys for These and Those ...................................................................... 65
`Revealing the Toolbar ............................................................................................... 66
`Running through the Menus ..................................................................................... 67
`File .................................................................................................................... 68
`Edit ................................................................................................................... 69
`Go To ................................................................................................................ 70
`Mail ................................................................................................................... 71
`Members .......................................................................................................... 72
`Window ............................................................................................................ 73
`Help .................................................................................................................. 74
`A Menu to Call Your Own .......................................................................................... 75
`Organizing the Places of Your Heart ........................................................................ 78
`Using folders and favorite places .................................................................. 78
`Adding a favorite place ................................................................................... 79
`Adding a folder ................................................................................................ 81
`Moving folders and favorite places ............................................................... 83
`Modifying folders and favorite places ........................................................... 84
`Deleting folders and favorite places .............................................................. 85
`Taking a Shortcut (Key) ........................................................................................... 85
`Chapter 6: Your Windows on the World ....................................................... 87
`The Welcome Window .............................................................................................. 87
`The Channels Window .............................................................................................. 89
`The Service Windows ................................................................................................ 90
`Channel services ............................................................................................. 90
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1006, p.

`America Online For Dummies, Jrd Edition _____________ _
`Individual services .......................................................................................... 92
`Windows on

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