`International Bureau
`I V t:
`(51) International Patent Classification 5 :
`(11) International Publication Number:
`WO 97/13657
`B60R 16/02
`(43) International Publication Date:
`17 April 1997 (17.04.97)
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`10 October 1996 (10.10.96)
`(30) Priority Data:
`13 October 1995 (13.10.95)
`17 May 1996 (17.05.96)
`(81) Designated States: AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BB, BG, BR, BY,
`CA, CH, CN, CU, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, GB, GE, HU,
`IL, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, LC, LV, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW,
`MX, NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, 86, SI, SK, TJ,
`TM, TR,
`'1'1‘, UA, U6, U2, VN, ARIPO patent (KE, LS,
`MW, SD, 52, UG), Eurasian patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ,
`MD, RU, TJ, TM), European patent (AT, BE. CH, DE, DK,
`patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, ML, MR, NE,
`SN, TD, TG).
`[US/US]; 5200 Auto Club Drive, Dearbom, MI 48126 (US).
`(72) Inventors: PALALAU, Silviu; 1445 Holland, Birmingham, MI
`48009 (US). BOMYA, Timothy, 1.; 6262 North Crown
`Street, Westland, MI 48185 (US).
`(74) Agents: CARLSON, John, E. et al.; Howard &. Howard
`Attorneys, P.C., Suite 101, 1400 North Woodward Avenue,
`Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 (US).
`With international search report.
`Before the expiration of the time limit for amending the
`claims and to be republished in the event of the receipt of
`display indicates the current value of a feature in an activated feature group.
`(57) Abstract
`A driver control interface controls the values of a plurality of features in a vehicle and displays information from the vehicle to the
`driver. A plurality of feature group switches are located on the steering wheel of the vehicle. Each of the vehicle features is associated
`with a feature group. Each of the feature group switches activates an associated feature group. A plurality of selection switches is also
`preferably located on the steering wheel for adjusting the values of the features associated with the activated feature group. An eyes-front
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.1
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.1
`Viet Nam
`United Kingdom
`Democratic People's Republic
`of Korea
`Republic of Korea
`Sri Lanka
`Republic of Moldova
`Burkina Faso
`Central African Republic
`COte d‘lvoire
`Czech Republic
`Codes used to identify States party to the PCI‘ on the front pages of pamphlets publishing international
`applications under the PCT.
`New Zealand
`Russian Federation
`Trinidad and Tobago
`United States of America
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P2
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.2
`WO 97/13657
`This invention relates to a driver control interface for a vehicle.
`Technology available in current vehicles has been rapidly increasing. As a
`the amount of information supplied to the driver and amount of input
`required from the driver has also been increasing.
`Current vehicles typically include radios with cassette or compact disc
`players, advanced climate control systems with air conditioning and purification
`abilities, on—board navigational systems which operate in conjunction with global
`positioning satellites, collision avoidance systems, automobile self-diagnostic
`systems, cellular phones, pagers,
`rearview camera systems,
`radar detectors,
`anti-theft systems and remote controls.
`Each additional system raises several concerns. First, all of the input and
`output interfaces for each of these systems must be located within the vehicle in an
`aesthetically acceptable manner. Second,
`the time and distance that the driver’s
`attention is diverted from the road must be minimized, as should the time and
`distance that a driver’s hands are diverted from the steering wheel while operating
`each of these systems. Further, as the complexity of systems in vehicles increases,
`the interface must be more user friendly so that all drivers can benefit from these
`The present invention provides a "hands—on", "eyes—front" driver control
`interface system which minimizes the time and distance that the driver’s attention
`is diverted from the road and the time and distance that the driver’s hands are
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.3
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.3
`W0 97/13657
`diverted from the steering wheel while operating various systems in the vehicle.
`The vehicle includes a plurality of feature groups, such as audio, climate, etc., each
`having a plurality of associated features
`such as volume, balance,
`temperature, fan spwd, etc. Each of these features has an associated value which
`is adjustable by the driver. Other features have a value which is only communicated
`to the driver for information purposes, such as engine temperature, tachometer, fuel
`level, speed, etc.
`A high—resolution, reconfigurable display is located on the instrument panel
`directly in front of the steering wheel in an "eyes-front" position, i.e., the driver’s
`focus need only be diverted slightly downward from the road.
`The driver control interface system includes a plurality of feature group
`switches located on the vehicle steering wheel such that they are within reach of the
`driver’s fingertips on one hand while the driver’s hand is located comfortably in a
`normal position on the steering wheel ("hands-on"). Each of the feature group
`switches selectively activates one of the feature groups. The display indicates the
`currently-activated feature group and indicates the current value of features in the
`activated feature group.
`A plurality of selection switches are also located just inside the periphery of
`the steering wheel adjacent a normal position of the driver’s opposite hand ("hands—
`on"). The selection switches activate features within the activated feature group and
`the values of the activated feature.
`Preferably, an enlarged graphic
`representing the activated feature appears upon activation of the feature. The driver
`control interface system includes control circuitry for implementing the adjusted
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.4
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.4
`WO 97/13657
`value of the activated feature in the vehicle and for retrieving the information for
`the features in the activated feature group.
`The driver control interface system can be customized and personalized. The
`driver selects a subset of the features in the vehicle to control from the steering
`wheel by assigning feature groups to the feature group switches. Further, the driver
`can change the colors, backgrounds, and information displayed for the feature
`groups. The driver control interface system continuously provides help to the driver
`for operating the various features.
`A large number of features are operated by the driver of the vehicle without
`repositioning the driver’s hands on the steering wheel.
`the driver’s
`attention is not diverted significantly from the road while adjusting the values of the
`futures or receiving information from the display.
`The above, as well as other advantages of the present invention, will become
`apparent to those skilled in the art from the following detailed description of a
`preferred embodiment when considered in light of the accompanying drawings in
`Figure 1 illustrates a preferred embodiment of the present invention;
`Figure 2a illustrates an alternate embodiment of the function group switches
`shown in Figure 1;
`Figure 2b illustrates another alternate embodiment of the function group
`switches of Figure 1;
`Figure 2c illustrates an alternate embodiment of the select switches of Figure
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.5
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.5
`WO 97/13657
`Figure 3 illustrates the display of Figure 1 with an activated audio feature
`Figure 4 illustrates the display of Figure 1 with an activated audio volume
`Figure 5 illustrates the diSplay of Figure 1 with an activated climate feature
`Figure 6 illustrates the display of Figure l with an activated cruise control
`Figure 7a illustrates the display of Figure l with an activated navigational
`Figure 7b
`display of Figure 7a with
`three-dimensional navigational feature;
`Figure 8 illustrates the display of Figure 3 with a superimposed warning
`Figure 9a illustrates the optional center touch screen of Figure 1 in a first
`Figure 9b illustrates the optional center touch screen of Figure 9a with an
`activated audio feature group;
`Figure 9c illustrates the optional center touch screen of Figure 9a in a third
`Figure 9d illustrates the optional center touch screen of Figure 9c with an
`activated cellular phone feature group;
`Figure 10 illustrates the display of Figure 1 with an activated collision
`avoidance feature;
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.6
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.6
`W0 97/13657
`Figure 11 illustrates the display of Figure l with an activated diagnostic
`Figure 12a is a schematic of circuitry which can be used to implement the
`driver control interface system of Figure 1 in a vehicle;
`Figure 12b is an alternate schematic for implementing the driver control
`interface system of the present invention in a vehicle.
`Figure 13a is another alternate schematic for implementing the driver control
`interface system of the present invention in a vehicle;
`Figure 13b is another alternate schematic for implementing the driver control
`interface system of the present invention in a vehicle.
`Referring to Figure 1, a driver control interface system 20 according to a
`preferred embodiment of the present invention,
`includes a display 22 which is
`preferably a high-resolution, reconfigurable display. Preferably a liquid crystal
`display or a electro-luminescent display is used. The display 22 is located on the
`instrument panel 24 directly in front of the steering wheel 26 in an "eyes-front"
`position, i.e., the driver’s focus need only be diverted slightly downward from the
`road to view the display. Further, while the driver is looking at the display 22, the
`driver’s peripheral vision will still somewhat include the road in front of the vehicle.
`the display 22 could be a heads-up display, projected onto the
`windshield in front of the driver such that the driver need only focus his eyes far
`ahead to view the traffic or upon the windshield to see the displayed information.
`Preferably a plurality of feature group switches 28 are located just inside the
`periphery of the steering wheel 26 such that they are within reach of the fingertips
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.7
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.7
`WO 97/13657
`of one of the driver’s hands while located comfortably in a normal position on the
`steering wheel 26 ("hands-on").
`In this example,
`the feature group switches 28
`would include an audio group switch 28a, a climate group switch 28b, a navigation
`group switch 28c, a cruise control switch 28d a cruise control off switch 28c, and
`a configure switch 28f.
`Preferably a plurality of select switches 30 are also located just inside the
`periphery of the steering wheel 26 adjacent a normal position of the driver’s
`opposite hand ("hands-on"). The select switches 30 preferably include an up arrow
`switch 30a, a select switch 30b, and a down arrow switch 30c. As an alternative
`to the switches 28, the driver control interface system 20 may also include a center
`touch screen 32, which will be discussed in more detail later.
`As shown in Figure 2a, the feature group switches 28 could alternatively be
`located adjacent a group switch display 34. The group switch display 34 is a
`reconfigurable display which graphically indicates the current function of each of
`the feature group switches 28. The functions of each of the feature group switches
`28 and the graphic indications in the group switch display 34 change to be
`personalized for each operator and change as appropriate based upon the user’s
`previous selections to provide a series of menus and sub-menus. For example, upon
`activating the hard audio group switch 28a in Figure 2a, hard switch 28a is
`subsequently reconfigured to activate the volume feature. The group switch display
`34 is simultaneously reconfigured accordingly to indicate that switch 28a would
`select the volume feature.
`Alternatively, the feature group switches 28 could be replaced with a feature
`group switch touch screen 36, shown in Figure 2b. The feature group touch screen
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.8
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.8
`WO 97/13657
`36 is a reconfigurable, high-resolution,
`touch—sensitive screen which graphically
`indicates areas of the screen 36a—f which represent the feature group switches 28a-f.
`The feature group switches
`28a—f are activated by touching the graphical
`representations 36a-f of the feature group switches 28a-f. The feature groups
`associated with the feature group switches 28 can be personalized through the use
`of an external input board or through on—screen menus which are accessed by
`activating the configure switch 28f. Further, the functions performed by the feature
`group switches 28 can change based upon the user’s previous selections, e. g. after
`activation of the audio group switch 28a, the touch screen 36 would be reconfigured
`into feature switches for selecting audio features within the audio feature group.
`The select switches 30 could alternatively be a mouse 31, shown in Figure
`2c. The mouse 31 includes an up switch 31a, down switch 31c, left switch 31d,
`right switch 31c, and center select switch 31f. The mouse 31 provides efficient
`control over a large number of features.
`Referring to Figure 3, the display 22 is preferably graphically divided into
`a first portion 38 and a second portion 40.
`In this example, the first portion 38 is
`generally the left half of the display 22 and the second portion 40 is generally the
`right half of the display 22. Figure 3 illustrates one way of maintaining the
`speedometer graphic 42,
`fuel graphic 44, and odometer 45 at all
`Alternatively, the speedometer 42, fuel 44 and odometer 45 could be located in a
`separate display, or could be temporarily reduced or eliminated so that the second
`portion 40 covers the entire display 22. However, it is currently required by federal
`regulations that the speedometer 42, fuel 44, and odometer are displayed to the
`driver at all times.
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.9
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.9
`WO 97/13657
`The first portion 38 preferably includes a help graphic 48 which provides
`continuous instructions to the driver for operating the driver control system interface
`20. Figure 3 illustrates the display 22 after the driver has activated the audio group
`switch 28a, thereby activating the audio group graphic 50. The active audio group
`graphic 50 includes inactive audio feature graphics for each audio feature which
`indicate the current value of those audio features. For example, the active audio
`group graphic 50 includes an inactive volume graphic 52 which indicates the current
`value of the volume feature. The inactive tuning graphic 54 indicates the current
`frequency 56 and the current pre-set station selected 58. The inactive balance
`graphic 60 indicates the current value of the balance feature between the left and
`right speakers. The inactive fade graphic 62 indicates the current value of the fade
`feature between the front and back Speakers. The inactive equalization graphics
`64a—e indicate the current values for each of the frequency bands of the equalizer.
`After pressing the audio group switch 28a to activate the audio group graphic
`50 as shown in Figure 3, the driver then presses the select switch 30b to activate the
`first audio feature within the audio feature group,
`in this case, volume. This
`produces in the active volume graphic 66, as shown in Figure 4, which is preferably
`magnified within the second portion 40 of the display 22. While the volume graphic
`66 is in its active mode, the driver can adjust the value of the volume feature up or
`down by pressing the up arrow switch 30a or down arrow 30c, respectively. The
`value of the volume feature is continuously displayed by the active volume graphic
`The subsequent activation of the select switch 30b activates the next audio
`feature within the audio feature group, in this case the tuning feature. Preferably,
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.10
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.10
`W0 97/13657
`the subsequent activation of the up arrow 30a or down arrow 30c would cycle the
`tuner through the pre-set stations previously selected by the user.
`activations of the select switch 30b would sequentially activate the other audio
`features such as balance, fade, and each of the equalization bands,
`the value of
`which could each be adjusted up or down by activation of the up arrow switch 30a
`and down arrow switch 30c.
`At any time, the driver can activate any of the other feature group switches
`28 to activate a different feature group. For example, Figure 5 shows the display
`22 upon the activation of the climate group switch 28b. The active climate group
`graphic 68 would preferably occupy the second portion 40 of display 22. The active
`climate group graphic 68 would indicate the current values of each of the climate
`features such as driver temperature 70, passenger temperature 72, driver fan spwd
`74, passenger fan speed 76, driver air flow 78, and passenger air flow 80.
`Subsequent activation of the select switch 30b sequentially activates the climate
`features. The activated climate feature graphic may be magnified as demonstrated
`for the audio feature graphics, but preferably the climate feature graphics are
`highlighted or displayed in a different color from the inactive climate features. This
`is indicated in Figure 5 by the dashed lines surrounding the driver temperature
`graphic 70. After activating a selected climate feature, the user can adjust the value
`of that climate feature by pressing the up arrow 30a or down arrow 30c. The driver
`can sequentially activate the climate features by pressing the select switch 30b or the
`driver can select another feature group by pressing a feature group switch 28.
`Figure 6 shows the active cruise control graphic 82 after activation of the
`cruise feature switch 28d. The setting of the cruise control feature can be adjusted
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.11
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.11
`WO 97/13657
`by pressing the up arrow 30a or down arrow 30b. The cruise control feature can
`be turned off at any time by activating the cruise off switch 28e.
`Figure 7a illustrates the display 22 after activating the navigation group
`switch 28c. Figure 7a shows the active navigation graphic 86 in two—dimensional
`mode. The active navigation graphic 86 preferably occupies substantially the entire
`display 22, but a reduced speedometer graphic 88 and a reduced fuel level graphic
`90 are displayed at all times. The active navigation graphic 86 generally displays
`the current location of the vehicle relative to a map of the surrounding area based
`upon information from a global positioning satellite combined with map information
`stored on an on-board CD-ROM player or other large storage device, the odometer,
`a compass and other information. The required navigation systems are currently
`commercially available. An instruction graphic 92 includes navigational instructions
`to the driver derived from the map in the on-board computer, information from the
`global positioning satellite, and the desired destination as indicated by the driver.
`The help graphic 48 is also displayed with the active navigation graphic 86. The
`help graphic 48 indicates to the driver instructions for accessing the different
`features of the navigation feature group. For example, by pressing the up arrow
`30a or down arrow 30c, the driver can 200m in or out of the displayed map. For
`the driver can access a state map or a more local map. Further, by
`activating the select switch 30b, the user can switch to the "three-dimensional"
`display. The display 22 as shown in Figure 7b shows the active navigation graphic
`86 zoomed in from Figure 7a and shown in "three-dimensional" mode. Preferably,
`in three-dimensional mode, the driver control interface system 20 transforms the
`two—dimensional data from the maps on the navigational CD-ROM to a simulated
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.12
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.12
`WO 97/13657
`three-dimensional, perspective view. This feature will assist many drivers in
`visualizing their location on the map.
`As shown in Figure 8, any urgent information regarding the operation of the
`vehicle is preferably displayed in a warning graphic 98 which is superimposed over
`the current activated graphic, which,
`in this example is the active audio group
`graphic 50.
`The superimposed warning graphic 98 could be displayed for a
`predetermined length of time or until the driver acknowledges having seen the
`warning by pressing a feature group switch 28.
`The center touch screen 32 is shown in more detail in Figure 9a. The center
`touch screen 32 is preferably a high-resolution, reconfigurable,
`screen located on the steering wheel 26.
`In Figure 9a, the center touch screen 32
`is ‘shown displaying graphic representations lOOa-f of the feature group switches
`28a-f. The driver can activate the feature group switches lOOa-f by touching the
`center touch screen 32 at the location of the graphical feature group switches lOOa-f.
`These feature group switches lOOa-f can activate the associated feature groups on
`display 22 as described above. Alternatively, activation of a switch lOOa-f on the
`center touch screen 32 can initiate a reconfiguration of the center touch screen 32
`into another set of graphical switches. For example, upon activating the audio
`feature group switch 100a on center touch screen 32, center touch screen 32 is
`reconfigured as shown in Figure 9b.
`In this configuration, the center touch screen
`32 would include graphical audio feature switches for volume 102a, balance 102b
`and tuning 102c. The touch screen 32 in Figure 9b also includes a plurality of
`graphical switches 102d for operating a CD player.
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.13
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.13
`WO 97/13657
`Alternatively, activation of the switches 100a-f initiates a reconfiguration of
`the switches 28a—f. For example, activation of the audio switch 100a on the center
`touch screen causes the switches 28a-f to be reconfigured to activate the audio
`features such as volume, balance, etc.
`It should be apparent that the center touch
`screen 32 could also be located at the upper portion of the steering wheel 26 and
`could alternatively comprise a plurality of hard switches, or a combination of hard
`switches with a reconfigurable display, rather than a touch screen.
`The center touch screen 32 can also be reconfigured as shown in Figure 9c
`to include a different sub-set of the available feature groups in a vehicle, such as
`navigation 104a, collision avoidance 104b, diagnostic 104C, cellular phone 104d,
`and rearview camera 104e. By pressing the cellular phone feature group switch
`104d, the driver activates the cellular phone graphic 106 as shown in Figure 9d on
`center touch screen 32. The activated cellular phone group graphic 106 preferably
`includes several graphical buttons 108 for previously stored telephone numbers, as
`well as a graphical send button 110 and a graphical end button 112.
`Activation of the collision avoidance feature group switch 104b activates the
`collision avoidance graphic 114 as shown in Figure 10, which occupies generally
`the second portion 40 of the display 22.
`The collision avoidance system
`incorporates ultrasound, acoustic, radio frequency ("RF"), infrared ("IR"), LED or
`laser systems to provide the typical driver with additional information pertaining to
`the "blind spots" and to assist trucks in backing up without a mishap. These
`systems are also commercially available.
`Referring to Figure 11, diagnostic information can be displayed by activating
`the diagnostic feature group button 1040 on center touch screen 32 from Figure 9c.
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.14
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.14
`WO 97/13657
`The activated diagnostic graphic 116 displays maintenance needs,
`including oil
`change, tire rotation and brake pads.
`Figure 12a illustrates one possible schematic for implementing the values
`adjusted by the driver and for retrieving information to be displayed to the driver
`on the driver control system interface 20. The feature group switches 28 and select
`switches 30 are input to a CPU 120 which operates the display 22. The CPU 120
`is also connected to the vehicle’s main bus 122. The main bus 122 preferably
`carries information and commands for numerous vehicle components, including
`speed, engine operating information, climate control, audio and other electronic
`systems, etc. Any other systems, for example the navigational system 124, which
`do not operate on the vehicle main bus 122, are connected directly to the CPU 120.
`Figure 12b illustrates an alternative schematic for implementing the driver
`control interface system 20. The switches 28, 30 are connected via a local bus
`interface 125 to the bus 126 which carries the signals to the CPU 120. The CPU
`120 operates the display 22 and receives information from the navigational system
`124. An input device 127, such as a keyboard, mouse, etc., to be accessible by
`both the driver and passenger is also connected via a local bus interface 128 to the
`bus 126 which carries signals to the CPU 120.
`Figure 13a illustrates another schematic for implementing the driver control
`interface system 20.
`In this embodiment, the display 22 and switches 28, 30 are
`connected to a CPU 130. The CPU 130 is connected via a multiplexer 134 and
`demultiplexer 136 to an auxiliary controller 138. The auxiliary controller 138
`controls non-safety, non-critical functions, such as climate control, audio, etc. and
`receives information from the engine control unit 140 and from the navigational
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.15
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.15
`WO 97/13657
`system 142. The controller 138 sends and receives commands and information
`related to most of the vehicle features from the main vehicle bus 144, such as audio,
`climate, speed, fuel, temperature, etc. The driver control interface system 20 is
`preferably a redundant or secondary interface. There is preferably a main interface
`146 that is shared with the passenger of the vehicle. The main interface 146
`includes a display 148 and an input device 150, such as a keyboard, mouse or touch
`screen. The main interface 146 operates all of the vehicle features and preferably
`contains a menu for personalizing the driver control interface system 20.
`Figure 13b illustrates another schematic which could be used to implement
`the driver control interface system 20. The feature group switches 28 and select
`switches 30 are located on the steering wheel 26 and are connected via a local bus
`interface 152 to a bus 154 which carries signals to a controller 156. The local bus
`interface 152 also retrieves graphics and text from a video image library 158 for
`display on the center touch screen 32. The video image library 158 may also
`contain graphical information for display on the feature group display 34 or the
`feature group touch screen 36, if available. The controller 156 receives information
`from the engine control unit 140 and the navigational system 142. The controller
`156 also drives the display 22 and the display 148 for the main interface 146 and
`receives commands from the main interface input device 150.
`Preferably, the driver control interface system 20 can be personalized several
`ways. As discussed above, the feature groups associated with the feature group
`switches 28 is preferably a user-definable subset of the available set of feature
`groups in the vehicle. Further, the active and inactive graphics for each feature
`group and feature can preferably be personalized as well. For example, some
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.16
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.16
`WO 97/13657
`drivers may prefer gauges for the vehicle functions such as oil pressure, engine
`temperature, alternator, tachometer, etc. , while other drivers prefer simple warning
`lights which only appear when there is a problem with the vehicle function.
`Further, the backgrounds, colors, styles, sizes, fonts of the graphics can be selected
`for the particular driver. These features are preferably customized using the main
`interface 146 or an external input board 152 (shown in dashed lines) which connects
`to the CPU 130 for the driver control interface system 20. The input board would
`be available at automobile dealerships.
`The features could alternatively be
`customized as described above by providing a configuration feature group switch 28f
`as shown in Figure 1 which would initiate a series of menus and sub-menus for
`The controls and systems for implementing the changes directed by the
`inventive interface systems are known by one of ordinary skill in the art.
`It should
`be apparent that the steering wheel 26 is shown for illustrative purposes only and
`it is contemplated that vehicles might have alternative directional input devices. For
`example, the auto industry is currently investigating "drive-by—wire" systems which
`could utilize joysticks or other electronic input devices by which the driver could
`steer the vehicle.
`In order to achieve the safety and convenience benefits as
`described above, the driver should not be required to significantly reposition his
`hands from the directional input device while interfacing with the driver control
`interface 20.
`In accordance with the provisions of the patent statutes, the present invention
`has been described in what is considered to represent its preferred embodiment.
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.17
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.17
`W0 97/13657
`However, it should be noted that the invention can be practiced otherwise than as
`specifically illustrated and described without departing from its spirit or scope.
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.18
`PCNA, EX. 1002, P.18
`WO 97/13657
`I '
`1. A driver control interface for controlling the values of a plurality of user-
`adjustable features in a vehicle, said driver control interface comprising:
`a directional input device;
`a plurality of feature group switches located on said directional input device,
`each said feature being associated with a feature group, said feature
`group switches selectively activating said feature groups;
`a plurality of selection switches located on said directional input device, said
`selection switches adjusting the values of said features associated with
`said activated feature group;
`a display displaying an activated feature group, said display indicating the
`current value of a feature in said activated feature group;
`control circuitry for implementing said adjusted value of said activated
`feature in said vehicle.
`2. The driver control interface of Claim 1 wherein said selection switches
`selectively activate a feature from said activated feature group, said selection
`switches selectively adjusting the value of sai