`EXHIBIT 101 1


`Edwin Earl Catmuli
`A dissertation submitted to the facuity of the
`University at Utah in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements
`for the degree of
`Doorm- of Philomphy
`Department of Camputor Science
`University of Utah
`December 1974
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 1


`of a dissertation submitted by
`Edwin Earl Catmull
`I have read this dissertation and have 10
`WW/ifl W " m4
`d i:
`satisfa cry quality for _a___
`obert B. Step nson
`Chzlimun, Supervisory Commillre
`I have read this dissertation and have found it to bc of satisfactory quality for a
`doaoml degree.
`.26 < P1“- 1924 “flan Adan Gog.
`Steven A. Coons
`Member, Supervisory Con-3:533:
`I haw mud this diswnminn and haw: I’ound it to be of mlisfactory quality for a
`doctor-.1] degree.
`JL- gym/«(K _
`David C. Evans
`thber, Super-vixen] Committee
`I have read this dissvrmtion and
`(1: rec.
`quality for a
`c found it to
`.. -flwtfl;
`Ivan E. Sutherland
`Member, Supervisory Committce
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 2


`12; the Graduate Council of the University of Utah:
`I haw mad the disk‘rtation ofWW in it:
`final form and hzwc found that (l) in format, citations, and bibliographic style are
`cansistent and ucccpmble; (2) its illustrative matcn‘als including figxm-s, tabla, and
`charts an: in place; and (3) the final manuscript is mtislactory to (he Supavisory
`Conunittoe and is ready {or submission to the Graduate School.
`Approved for the Major Dcpartmcm
`f. fli-LKV/
`Anthony C.
`Ch airman [Dun
`Approved for the Graduate Council
`Sterling . Mdiurrin
`l the Gndumc School
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 3


`l express my appreciation to Steve Coons who gave me considerable help in
`writing this thesis.
`i am indebted to fellow students and co—workers who aided With ideas and criticism.
`Ephraim Cohen stimutated a better mathematical
`Lance Williams suggested
`numerous ideas including "mapping" and helped correct my English. Martin Nowell was
`always willing to discuss new ideas; Robert McDermott provided critical
`Frank Crow stimulated ideas about frame boilers and shadows.
`My thanks to lvan Sutherland who stimulated me by telling me that i needed to find
`a faster way of subdividing.
`am grateful
`to Rich Riesenfeld who help stimulate a good atmosphere of
`interaction at the University of Utah. My thanks also to the members of my committee,
`Robert Stephenson, Dave Evans,
`lvan Sutherland, and Steve Coons who insisted that
`this thesis be somewhat readable- ‘
`Thanks to Mike Milochik tor photographic aid and in making prints of the pictures.
`I give special thanks to my patient wife who will be glad to see me when this is all
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 4


`Chapter 1
`Chapter 2
`A General Aigorithm for Dispaying Curve-d Patches
`Chapter 3
`Subdividing a Cubic Curva
`Chapter 4
`Extension of Cubic Subdivision to Surfaces
`Chapter 5
`The Hidden Surface Problem
`Chapter 5
`Chapter 7
`Sampling, Rastering, and Aliasing
`Chapter 8
`Appendix A The Bicubic Equation
`Appendix B Relationship of Canadian Factors to Beam Canttoi Points
`Appendix C Approximating tha Bicubic Normai Equation
`Appendix D Pictures
`intel Exhibit 1011 Page 5


`This thesis presents a method for producing computer shaded pictures of curved
`surfaces. Three-dimensional curved patches are used, as contrastad with conventional
`methods using polygons. The method subdivides a patch into successivety‘ smaller
`Rubpatches until a subpatch is as small as a raster-element, at which time it can he
`in general this method could be very time consuming because of the great
`number of subdivisions that must take place; however, there is at least one very usetui
`ciao: of patches -- the bicubic patch -- that can be subdivided very quickty. Pictures
`produced with the ntethod accurately portray the shading and siihouette of curved
`in addition, photoaraphs can be “mapped” onto patches thus providing a
`means for putting texture on computer-generated pictures.
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 6


`A method for creating shaded pictures of curved surfaces is; presented in this
`A motivation for
`the method is
`that we wish to produce nigh quality
`computer-generated images of surfaces and curved solid objects on a raster-scan
`output device. We would not oniy like the images to accurately represent the surfaces
`we choose but in addition we wciuld like control ever shading and texture. There has
`already been significant
`research directed toward these ends, especially on the
`hidden-surface [1,2] and shading [3,4] aspects of the problem. Ail such methods must
`must address the questions of how to mode! objects and then how to render them.
`Poiygons, and sometimes quadric patches, are used to model objects in current
`shaded—picture methods . There are some diificullies with using these simple pieces to
`model or approximate free-form curved surfaces. Approximation with polygons gives
`a faceted effect and : siihoueite made up of straight~line segments. Quadric patches
`[5,6], white smooth in appearance, are not suitable for modelling, arbitrary forms, since
`they don't provide enough degrees of freedom to satisfy slope continuity between
`There are two significant methods used for reducing or eliminating 9M undesirable
`visual effects that occur when polygons are used to approximate curved surfaces. The
`first method tor getting rid of the faceted effect is that of Henri Gouraud [3}. With
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 7


`this method a scalar light intensity value is associated with each vertex of a polygon.
`Gouraud r’wes linear interpolation at
`the intensity value between vertices and then
`subsequently across scan-lines.
`If adjoining polygons have the same intensities at the
`common vertices then this method yields continuous shading across the surface;
`however. the first derivative of the shading is discontinuous. Gouraud‘s method has
`been implemented by different groups matting shaded-pictures.
`is a simple and
`successful method but has a few shortcomings: the discorwtinuity oi the derivative is
`noticable (the “Mach band effect”), it is difficult to do highlights, the shading is aflected
`by the orientation of the polygon in the picture, and the silhouette is still made up of
`straight-line segments.
`second method develooed to improve the appearance of
`the polygon
`approximation is that of Phong [4]. Since current mr.thds of generating intensities for
`polygon surfaces include calculating a surface normal
`the verticelei’hong decided to
`interpolate the entire surface normal vector between vertices and edges instead of the
`scalar intensity values that Gouraud used. This yields a normal at every display point
`which can be used to calculate the intensity. Although this normal may not be the
`mathematically correct One,
`is close enough to .se for
`intensity and highlight
`calculations. As Phong has noted, although there is sin: a discontinuity in the first
`derivative of the shading, the discontinuity is. s..1atler than for Gouraud’s method and
`hence less noticeable. Phong‘s method has been used to make same visually attractive
`photographs, but the problem of straight—line segments at the silhouette still remains.
`Curved surface segments or “patches” can be mod in:tead of polygons to model
`tree-form curved surfaces.
`such patches can [.3 joined together with slope
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 8


`continuity across the boundaries then a picture of a surface can be made to appear
`"smooth“ both in shading and at the silhouette. For patches to be useful in modelling a
`curved surface, techniques must be found for describing and manipulating the patches
`and for connecting them together with siope continuity across boundaries. One such
`patch is the bicubic patch, which is widely used (see Appendix A). Most of the ideas in
`this thesis will be applied to the bicubic patch, but this is not
`intended to imply a
`limitation on generality.
`Generating pictures of curved patches requires techniques for
`l) establishing a correspondence between points on the surface and the elements of
`the display raster,
`2) removing hidden or. more generally, the "not seen“ parts at patches, and
`3) calculating light intensities to be displayed on the raster.
`Chapter two will deal with the first item: it will present a technique for establishing the
`correspondence between points on the surface and the raster elements, Chapters
`three and tour will describe a specific method for quickly making the correspondence
`when bicubic patches are used. Chapter five ‘
`ill deal with item two: it will discuss the
`”hidden-surface” problem for patches.
`item three -~ calculating light intensities -- will
`be discussed in chapters six and sewn.
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 9


`An algOrithm for establishing a correspondence between points on a patch and
`raster elements is described in this chapter.
`It applies to patches and surtace sections
`in general, hence the algorithm presented will not be specific at the outset. Later on,
`when a specific kind of patch is used, more detail will be given. Before presenting
`that algorithm, however, some terms must be defined.
`A “rastahscan device" or ”raster—display" is the device that we will consider for
`final output of an image. The rectangular array of "dots” that
`is produced .on a
`dot will
`usually be
`"raster-element.“ The raster element covers a very small area of the raster; however.
`it should not be thought of as a point. A row of raster-elements is a ”scan-line."
`Scan-lines are usually produced in sequential order, termed ”scan~|ine*order.“ Each
`raster—element has a brightness that
`is determined by the intensity value for that
`raster-element. The prece‘ss of taking the intensity values and putting the dots on the
`raster with thecorresponding intensities is called "displaying."
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 10


`A ”frame-butler“ is a memory large enough to store all of
`the intensity values
`prior to displaying. An intensity value in the frame-butter can be addressed in a way
`that corresponds to the position where the value will be displayed on the raster.
`Locations In the trams-butler will also be called ”raster-elements“ since there is a
`strong one-to—one
`correspondence between those lecations
`and the geometric
`locatiOns of the raster—elements and because the distinction between the two is not
`important here.
`For our purposes,
`the frame-butter is made with random-access
`memory so that values can be written into it
`in any order, as opposed to scam-line
`order Only. The size of the frams‘butter is determined by the resolution at
`raster-display and the number of I'bits" used to store intensity values. For exempts, if
`the raster has 512 scan-lines and 512 raster-elements per line and each element has 8
`bits for
`the intensity value,
`then the frame-butter requires a storage capacity of
`512x512x8 bits.
`For the most part we will
`ignore the raster~dicplay and address
`ourselves to the issue of putting the right intensity values in the raster-elements of
`the frame-buffer.
`The terms relating the original description of an object to its image will now be
`“Object-space“ is the three-dimensional space in which objects will ordinarily
`be described.
`in order to generate realistic pictures of objects we make a perspective
`transformation [1,7,8] of the object from object—space to ”image-space."
`Is also three-dimensional but the objects have undergone a perspective distortion so
`that an orthogonal projection oi
`the object onto the x-y plane would result
`in the
`expected perspective image. We want
`the lmage~space to be threevdimensional
`to preserve depth information which Will
`inter be used to solve the
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 11


`object l
`E 9
`7 \ Projected image
`Orthoacnal projecflon
`image-space abject
`€-~ Raster~element
`3335 or
`M «
`K Raster-
`Figure 2-].
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 12


`hidden-surface problem.
`The orthogona' projection of
`the image—space object onto
`the x—y plane is called the "projected image.” That part of the x~y plane which will be
`associated with the raster is called the ”screen."
`We must define the relationship between the imageospace and the raster in order
`to transfer information from the projected image to the raster. Recall that the screen
`is the portion of the x-y plane of the image-space that corresponds to the raster. The
`area of the screen is divided into email squares called "raster~eiement squares." There
`is. of course, a onewto—one correspondence between raster-element square: and raster
`elements. The center of each raster-element square will be called a “sample-point.“
`A diagram depicting the relationships of the above terms is shown in figure 2-1.
`The algorithm for establishing the correspondence between a patch and the
`raster-elements will
`now be presented.
`algorithm, hereaiier
`called .the
`"subdivision algorithm.” works for either patches or segments of patches, called
`"subpatches." Figure 2-2 illustrates a portion of the screen where the dots represent
`the sample-points.
`(The outlines of the raster~alement squares are not shown.) The
`curved lines represent
`the edges of
`a projected patch.
`Even though only the
`projection is shown, we assume that enough information about the patch is maintained
`so that the light intensity for any location on the patch can be calculated.
`A statement at the algorithm is:
`it the patch («ubpatchi is small enough so that its projection covers only
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 13


`one sample-point,
`then compute the intensity oi the patch and write it
`into the corresponding element of the frame-butter; otherwise, subdivide
`the patch into smaller subpatches; and repeat
`the process tor each
`Figure 2-3 shows
`a patch subdivided into four subpatcnes where most of
`subpatches still cover more than one sample-point.
`in figure 2~4 the subpatches that
`are too large are again subdivided. Subdivision continues until no subpatch cavers
`more than one sample-point.
`familiar with other computer—gamete:
`seeded-picture efforts will
`recoanize a similarity between the method presented here and Warnock’s hidden
`surface algorithm [9]. Warnock solve"-I
`the hidden surface problem for polygons by
`recursively subdividing the screen space into successively smaller sections until all
`questions about
`the ordering of polygons left
`in a section were easy to answer.
`Warnock’s algorithm differs from the One presented here in that the former subdivides
`the screen, while the latter subdivides the surface being rendered.
`The patch subdivisiOn algorithm as stated is very simple but some questions
`remain: How is
`the subdivision process terminated? What
`a patch covers no
`sample-points? What
`if part of
`the patch intersects the edge of
`the screen or is
`behind the eye? How many times must a patch be subdivided? Finally, what kinds of
`problems does the discrete sampling introduce? Each of these issues will be discussed
`in turn.
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 14


`. o
`<— \ 3'5ng t31prc‘xjechm'1
`image of patch
`Sample vpoinf
`Patch divided into
`four sub-patches
`are samptwpoint
`Patch subdivided
`so ihat‘no sub-patch
`cavers more than
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 15


`The decision as to whether or not a subpatch should be subdivided is based on
`termination conditions.
`Two termination canditions will be discussed -- size and
`the purpose of
`this discussiori we note that
`the terms ”patch” and
`"subpatch" can be used interchangeably, hence we will usuatly use the word "patch.”
`As specified in the algoflthm, subdivision termtnates when a patch covers only one
`sample-point. Since the edges of a patch are curved. the test as to whether or not a
`\ Patch
`Figure 2-5
`patch covers only one sample-point may be time consuming. However, for the purpose
`of this test. a patch can be approximated by a polygon termed by connecting the font
`corners oi the patch wlth straight line sogmants. The size of that polygon can then be
`checked to determine whether or not
`it covers at most one sampte-point.
`approximation shook! usually be adequate for patches that are approaching the size of
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 16


`the raster-eiements.
`It may not be adequate if the patch is very curved (see figure
`this case can be detected because of special characteristics of the patch
`geometry, men the patch can be subdivided again.
`it cannot be detected then a
`local error may occur.
`A second termination condition might be a check to see if
`the patch is on the
`It part :5 the projection of a patch in imaoe-soace onto the x-v plane tied off
`the screen or the patch is behind the eye then that part of the projection should not
`be displayed. The process of eliminating the portion of the projection that should not
`be on the screen is called clipping[7.81 A clipping termination condition requires that
`there be some method for determining ii a patch is totally on or totally off the screen.
`it the patch is totally on the screen then subdivision may praceed for that patch with
`no further need of clipping checks tor the subpatches generated from that patch.
`the patch is toteiiy of! the screen then that patch may be discarded.
`if it cannot be
`determined that the patch is totally on or totaity off the screen then that patch should
`be subdivided and the clipping check shouid be made {or each new patch resulting from
`the subdivision.
`The number of times a patch nust be subdivided to get down to the size of a
`raster-element is proportional to the area of the patch on the screen. Consider the
`best case: a square two-by~two raster~elements needs Only one subdivision, or 4°; 3
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 17


`square 2’ by 2‘ needs 4'44” subdivisions; a square 2" by 2" needs 2.1;!“ subdivisions.
`This is a geometric series equivalent
`to (4"-1)/3 which is approximateiy 4'73. The
`area of the square is 2’" or 4". Therefore, the ratio of number of subdivisions to area
`is about 3/3. This analysis is most accurate for nearly square patches. For curved
`patches and skewed orientations the ratio may be somewhat larger.
`There are some problems encountered when using sample points. The most
`obvious is the “staircase-effect“ or "jaggies" seen on the silhouettes of objects.
`addition, a patch might be so small that it doesn’t cover any sample-point, causing it to
`disappear. The tatter problem can be solved by assigning a patch to the nearest
`sample-point h it deesn't sou.- any sample~point. The problems of sampling are
`inherent with the use of a raster display. Chapter seven will discuss the problems
`' further as well as a means to alleviate them.
`The subdivision algorithm presented above was first. applied to bicubic patches.
`Bicubic patches are convenient on several counts: they are widely used, they can be
`compactly specified in several different ways (see Appendix A), they can be easily
`joined with first derivative continuity at the boundaries and they can be subdivided '
`very easily. The next two chapters will pesent a method for test subdivision of such
`it should be emphasized at this point however that the subdivision algorithm
`is by no means limited to bicubic patches but can be applied to other kinds of surfaces.
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 18


`A method tor quickly subdividing a cubic curve is presented in this chapter; the
`extension to patches is developed in the next chapter. The method uses a new kind of
`ditterence equation for obtaining the midpoint of a curve segment.
`The resulting
`ability to quickly subdivide a curve makes the application at the subdivision algorithm
`Subdivision is easy because, as we shall see. the midpoint of a cubic curve is the
`avorago of its two endpoints minus a correction term. One result of this is that the
`cubic can be subdivided with oniy three acids. A similar method can be used to find
`the derivative at the midpoint.
`Consider the cubic:
`Kt) '" at” 4- 5? 4» ct + d.
`The problem is to find Kt) when Hub) and mom are aiready known. Note first that:
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 19


`mm) - alixh)’ + bttzh)’ + cttth) + d
`- att’ : Sht’ 4» Sh’t : h’) 4- b(t’ 1 2th + h') + c“ t h) +cl.
`If the points f(t+h) and ftt-h) are added them
`mm) + ftt-h) - 2alt’ 4» Sh’t) + tht’ + h’) 4- at + 2d
`- 2m) + 2h’t3at + b);
`therefore :(iwum) + ftt-h)]/2 — h’tSat + b).
`The midpoint
`then is the average of
`the two endpoints minus the correction term,
`h’(3at+b). The correction'term is a linear tunction of t and h.
`It h-l/2", then since h
`is a power at two it can be calculated on a computer with a simple binary shift.
`The correctiOn farm at
`t can similarly be found from the correction terms at Ni
`and t—h.
`lt gtt) ~ h’lSat <- b) then attth) - h’tSattth) + b). Again by adding:
`gum) + gttvh) . 2h’(3at) + th’ .. tht)
`and so
`gm - (gum) + gtt-h)]/2.
`Let hn - 1/2" where n can be considered a level of subdivision. Then hm. - mm and
`u- h’ala and since g0) - hil3at + b) than
`Enos“) " 811(1)]4.
`and (34'; can be rewritten as
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 20


`8n“) "' {Snfi‘bn} 1’ Bn(t’hn)]/2
`“H - “((+11) fut-11).”? ’ [8n(t+h) + Bun—hull
`Equation (3—4) is the subdividing difference equation for a cubic and equations (3-2)
`and (843) are used to get the right correction term as h" is made smaller by powers of
`EquatiOns 3-2, 3-3, and 3-4 can be express-ed diagrammatically as as shown in
`figure 3-5. At each and point there are two values -- the values at the function and
`the correction term, Those values can be put into two registers. The contents of the
`registers for the midpoint can be found by the indicated combination of the registers at
`the endpoints.
`in order to subdivide one of the new halves it is necessary to update
`'the correction term at the end points since in“ will be half as big and the correctiou
`terms are functions of h".
`in terms of the diagram in figure 34, the subdivisiori
`process cascades downward. The correction terms are functions of
`the level of
`subdivision. The initial values in the registers can be found by solving f(t) and gem.
`Since n-O then h’-1 and f(0)-d. him-b, ftl)-a+b+c+d, and goal-wave
`it may be useful sometimes to compute the derivative. The derivative can be
`found as a simpie function of the endpoints and a correction term that is dependent
`only upon the depth of subdivision.
`instead of adding t(t+h) and i(t~h), subtract them:
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 21


`o .
`f(O)_ we)
`em 8am
`1(0) 8:140)
`“(1)? .
`((1/2) 8n.:(1/2)
`m W ”— '— f seval n+1
`Figure 34
`KHh) - {(t-h) - 28(3111' + h”) + meh) + 26h
`- Zhaat’ + 2ah’ + 3h2bt + th
`Note that the derivative iszlf’fl) - Gai’ * 2b! + 6
`therefore {(t+h) - {(t-h) - 2111““) + 2ah’ so
`(3—5) V“) - [f(t+h) — f(t«h)]/2h - ah’
`Note that ah’ is a function only of the level of subdivision.
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 22


`The subdivision method can be put in matrix form and hence related to the matrix
`methods for generating bicubic patches presented in Appendix A. The matrix form of
`a simple cubic is:
`fttl-[t’ t’ t
`The correctian terms and function values for the simple cubic can also be put in matrix
`form. Let that matrix be called the correctian matrix C and it contents be:
`Cu gnfi’h)
`Recall that the correciian factor is gntti-h’fiiahb}. At the zerath level of subdivision
`So t(0)-d,
`and g¢(l)-3a+b.
`If we- put
`values that fit in C than
`We can get the values in C by using the matrix:
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 23


`0 0 l O
`l 3
`no relation is
`G - SA
`The object at subdivision is to find the C matrix for each half of a segment. to!
`those two matrices be CL and CR for C left and C right. There are matrices L and R
`such that CL - LC and CR - RC. The Operation on the values of C have already been
`defined. They require that:
`‘ O
`i... 0 1/4
`1/2—1/8 1/2-1/
`'1/8 0 my
`1/2 -1/8 1/2-1/8
`R . c
`1/8 0
`1 ~ 0.
`As an example. the second quarter 0‘ of a segment can be lound by C‘ - RLC. Note
`that ail entries in the L and R matrices are powers of two. The bicubic subdivision
`method is merely a fast way at doing a matrix multiply taking advantage of the values
`in L and R.
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 24


`The cubdlvisian notion can be exlended to polynomials in general. A polynomial of
`degree n can be written as:
`Kl) - 27..a.t'
`{(txh) - Zimaxtth)‘
`The binomial expansion lor (till? is
`(lth) - 2.3,(l)!"'(eh)‘
`Again, as In the cubic case, add mm) and m-h). Consider just one term (lth)'
`(M1)I + (t—h)‘ n 22.5“)!“91‘
`(I: ever.)
`Since a. are 0le coefficients,
`flhh) + m-h) - Zfioafiyldlll'fi‘
`(k even)
`but Z’Iwafi' - f0)
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 25


`so we can take the first element out of the series:
`f(l+h) + ill-h) - 2M) + 2‘Z;.a.2,.‘,.‘)l”h‘
`(is even)
`and finally
`Kt) - [f(t+h) 4»
`f(t~.‘u)]/2 - flamzh’JSWh‘
`(k even)
`The correction term is a polyrsamiit of degree n~2. One can apply the same
`method to the correction term to reduce it
`to a function of the endpoints and their
`separation. h.
`A further extension of the subdivisian concept applies to Taylor series. This last
`discussion should paint the was; to finding, appropriate solutions for functicns other
`than simple polynOmials. Recall that the Taylor series is:
`flx) - f(a) + (x-a)f’(e) + (x~a)'t”(a)/2! + .
`+ (x-a)”t""/n! + Rn
`and if Rn-oo as n-ooc than
`fix) - Zl‘"’(aXx-ai"/nl
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 26


`Let a .. (Kin)
`ftx) - Etth)"f""(x:h)/n!
`Again h. can he of
`the term 1/2‘.
`If for same is the truncated series is a good
`approximation to {(x)
`in the intervai of h” then the function car. be found in any
`subintervai of h, This differs (mm the poiynomiai case in ’hat
`information for 'a
`segment can be thought of as being at one and rather that at both ends.
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 27


`The method of subdividing cubic curves can be extended to bicubic surfaces. With
`a cubic curve there is a value and a correction term at each end; with a bicubic patch
`there it a value 2'“! three correction terms at each corner. Subdivision of the patch
`into four pieces means finding the midpoint of each of the sides and the midpoint of the
`There may be several components to the vector that describes a three dimensional
`patch. The surface has three purely geometric components Xtuw), Y(u.v), and Z(u,v).
`There may be additional component: for other information such as shading and color.
`Each cemponent 9:. treated the same so we need only consider one component of the
`patch here.
`Since we are considering only one camponent of the surface let that component be:
`itu.v)-[U’U’” 11a.
`it we multiply the u matrix by the coetticient matrix this equation becomes
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 28


`F(u,v) qr, F. F,
`in] V’V
`F, - afiu’ + b.u’ + c.u *- d.
`F, n aéu’ + bzu’ + call + d.
`F, - a,u' + b.u’ + c,u + d.
`F. - a‘u’ 4- b.u’ 4- c.u + it.
`Since each F“ is a cubic we observe that there is a correction term for each Ftr Cail
`this correction term G...
`The final value of the compenent is
`f(u,v) - v’-F, + VLF, + wF, + F...
`Consider v‘.l-'.:
`v’-F. - ta,v')u’ + (b,v’lu’ + (c,v°)u + (d.v').
`80 v‘ can be considered as a coefficient
`in the u equation.
`!n that case v’-G, is a
`correction term for v'-F,. Similarly, V’-G= is the correction term for V747,. etc.
`if we
`sum the Fa and 8.,
`t u VJ-F, + v'-F, +' wF, + 7.-
`g - v’-G, + va, + v-G, + G,
`Now 3 is th- correctlon term for t along constant v. This reduction to two numbers
`when v is constant is exactly as expected since the curve along constant v is simple
`Therr"-‘-.-e. for any v, the function and its correction terms alang u can be
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 29


`Next suppose v changes white u is constant.
`In this case FH and G" are constants
`and can be thought of as just coatiicients in the above equations. Let the correction
`term for f be c; and the correction term for g be (:3. Since g is a correction term for t,
`than c; is a correction term tor cg.
`These four numbers can be arranged in a square as shown in figure 4-1. This
`rei'econtctiun wm‘ be called a “register-square.“
`Figure 4-1
`in the register-square,
`is the vatue “of
`the function at u,v, and g. Cr, and C; are
`correction terms.
`it we move in the v direction then cg corrects f and c; corrects g.
`We move in the u direction, a corrects t and c; corrects cg.
`Inserting u, v, and the
`coefficients yields:
`v’(u'a, + u'b| + uc. 4- oi.)
`+v’tu35, + u’b, 4» uc, + d,)
`+ v(u‘a, + u’b, 4- uc, + d.)
`* (U13. 4. u’b. 4' UC. 4" d!)
`h’[v°(3a.u + b.)
`+v’(33,u + b,)
`+v(3a,u + b.)
`4' “33‘“ + bl)]
`+ (am + b,)]
`k’[3v(u‘a, + u’b, + uc. + d.)
`+(u’a, + u’b. + m. + dd]
`h'k'wvmfiiu t bi)
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 30


`where h’ Md K’ apply to the u and v directions respectively and have the same
`meaning as h in chapter three. A: in the cubic polynomial case they can be calculated
`an a computer with a shilt.
`A register-square makes it easy to think about an algorithm for subdividing a
`patch. A register~square can be associated with each corner of a patch (See figure
`M u —>
`Figure 4-3
`The subdivision algorithm can be applied to the register squares either vertically
`or horizontally depending on whether u or v is constant. Figure 11-3 shows a notation
`for horizontal subdivision. The top two values oi the left and right register-squares
`are used to create the top two values of the middle square using the same nuhdlvision
`eigorlthm presented in chapter three. The same applies to the bottom two values of
`each square. Vertical subdivision works in a similar manner. The notation of figure
`4-3 can be used for the entire patch as shown in figure 4-4. The center square can
`be derived from two of the newly Created edge squares. There are now four squares
`for each quarter of the patch so subdivision can again take place for each quarter.
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 31


`Combme \ New register—square
`Figure 4-3
`Corner square
`New CeMef square
`L New side,- square
`1W. .@ CL?
`Figure 4-4
`Intel Exhibit 1011 Page 32


`is important to note that the concept of level of subdivision stilt
`'pplies. This
`means that the carrcction terms must be adjusted each subdivision. One could think of
`each square as extending in two directions. When two squares are combined to create
`a new one then its correctiOn terms in that direction are divided by four as required
`by the subdivision algorithm. The extension in the other direction is the same for the
`new square as for the two end ones and is unaffected by subdivision. This depth
`correction will be called "reduction.’
`A full patch subdivisiOn can be clarified with figure 4-5. The letters in the four
`small boxes represent the initial vaiue; in the register-squares. The next nine boxes
`depict the subsequent values in each register-square aft

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