`Increasing Update Rates in the
`Building Walkthrough System with
`Automatic Model-Space Subdivision
`and Potentially Visible Set Calculations
`July, 1990
`John Milligan Airey
`The University of North Carolina at Cha pel Hill
`Department of Computer Science
`CB#3175, Sitterson Hall
`Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3175
`Research supported in part by Office of Naval Research Contract #N00014-86-K-
`0680, and by the National Science Foundation, Grant #CCR-8609588.
`UNC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative A ction Institution.
`Increasing Update Rates in the
`Building Walkthrough System with
`Automatic Model-Space Subdivision and
`Potentially Visible Set Calculations
`John Milligan Airey
`A Dissertation submitted to the faculty of the The University of North Carolina at Chapel
`Hill in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the
`Department of Computer Science.
`Chapel Hill
`Approved by
`an Prins
`John Milligan Airey. Increasing Update Rates in the Building Walkthrough
`System with Automatic Model-Space Subdivision and Potentially Visible
`Set Calculations (Under the direction of Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.)
`Pre-processing some building models can radically reduce the number of polygons
`processed during interactive building walkthroughs. New model-space subdivision and
`potentially visible set (PVS) calculation techniques, used in combination, reduce the
`number of polygons processed in a real building model by an average factor of 30, and a
`worst case factor of at least 3.25.
`A method of recursive model-space subdivision using binary space partitioning is
`presented. Heuristics are developed to guide the choice of splitting planes. The spatial
`subdivisions resulting from binary space partitioning are called cells. Cells correspond
`roughly to rooms.
`An observer placed in a cell may see features exterior to the cell through transparent
`portions of the cell boundary called portals. Computing the polygonal definitions of the
`portals is cast as a problem of computing a set difference operation on co-planar polygons.
`A plane-sweep algorithm to compute the set operations, union, intersection and difference,
`on co-planar sets of polygons is presented with an emphasis on handling real-world data.
`Two different approaches to computing the PVS for a cell are explored. The first uses
`point sampling and has the advantage that it is easy to trade time for results, but has the
`disadvantage of under-estimating the PVS. The second approach is to analytically compute
`a conservative over-estimation of the PVS using techniques similar to analytical shadow
`An implementation of the Radiosity lighting model is described along with the issues
`involved in combining it with the algorithms described in this dissertation.
`Andries Van Dam and the Brown Computer Graphics Group introduced me to
`computer graphics. That was a once in a lifetime experience that I won't forget.
`I feel fortunate to have been a part of the graphics cluster at UNC. Everyone in it, (and
`those who claim not to be in it), contribute to a great research environment. Dr. Fred
`Brooks, in particular, sets an example that has inpired many students, myself included.
`Finally, my family and my friends have given endless support and I thank them all,
`with special thanks to Hali.
`Table of Contents
`List of Figures .
`List of Tables
`. .
`I. OveiView and Results
`. . .
`. . . . . .
`1.1 . UNC Building Walkthrough Summary
`1.1.1 Modelling . . .
`1.1.2 User Interface
`. . . . . . . .
`1.1.3 Display Compiler
`. . . . .
`. .
`1.2 Algorithm OveiView
`. . . . .
`. . .
`1.2.1 Properties of Architectural Databases
`1.2.2 Model Space Subdivision . . . .
`1.2.3 Potentially Visible Set calculations
`1.3 Results
`. . . . . . . . . .
`. .
`1.4 Speedup Methods Used by Other Interactive 3D systems
`1.4.1 Vehicle Simulations
`. . . . .
`. . .
`. .
`1.4.2 Object Display Applications
`. . . .
`. . . .
`1.4.3 Environment Simulations
`. . . . . .
`. . .
`1.4.4 Other Pre-Computation-based Speedup Schemes
`1.5 Guide to the Chapters . . . . .
`. . . . . . .
`. . .
`. .
`II. Model-Space Subdivision - searching for PVS coherence
`. .
`2.1 The Partitioning Machinery
`. . . . . .
`. . . . .
`2.1.1 Partition.c: C code to compute interior node splitting planes
`and compute exterior node cell volumes
`2.2 Computing Portals . . . . .
`. . . . . . . . .
`2.2.1 Why Triangulation?
`. . . . . . . .
`. . .
`2.2.2 A Plane-Sweep Algorithm for Triangulation . .
`2.2.3 Generalizing the Simple Triangulation Algorithm
`2.2.4 Implementation . .
`. . .
`2.2.5 Applications
`. . . .
`. . . . . . .
`. .
`. . .
`. .
`. . . .
`ill. Potentially Visible Set (PVS) Calculation
`3.1 Over-Estimating Visibility vs. Under-Estimating Visibility
`3.2 Sampling Algorithms . . . . .
`. . . . .
`. . .
`3.2.1 Environment-Independent, or Fixed, Sampling
`3.2.2 Environment-Dependent, or Targeted, Sampling
`3.3 Over-Estimation Methods
`. . .
`. . . . . . .
`3.3.1 Concave Shadow Casters . . . .
`. . . .
`3.3.2 Multiple Shadow Casters (possibly concave)
`3.3.3 A Naive Algorithm to Analytically
`Compute 2D Shadow Relationships . . .
`. .
`3.3.4 O'Rourke's worst case n4 example
`. .
`3.3.5 Extending the Analytic Algorithm to Three Dimensions
`3.3.6 Other approaches
`. .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . . .
`. .
`3.3.7 An Over-Estimation Implementation .
`. . .
`. . .
`3.4 Impressions and Comparisons of the Implemented Algorithms
`3.5 PVS computation taking account of viewing direction
`. .
`IV. A Radiosity Implementation .
`. .
`4.1 A Ray-Casting Approach
`4.2 Interactive Light Manipulation
`4.3 Using a Physically Based Lighting Model on Non-Physical Models
`4.4 Adaptive Refmement
`V. Contributions and Future Work
`Appendix A. Primary Source Code
`7 4
`List of Figures
`. .
`. . .
`Figure 1.1 Walkthrough goals
`Figure 1.2 Overview of a virtual building system
`. .
`Figure 1.3 Display File Compilation
`Figure 1.4 Programs to compute model subdivision and PVSs
`Figure 1.5 Simple three room floorplan
`. .
`Figure 1.6 Subdivided floorplan and corresponding tree data structure
`Figure 2.1 graphical view of the operation of partition ( >
`Figure 2.2 Data structure for polygons in axial planes .
`Figure 2.3 Portal Computation .
`. . .
`Figure 2.4 Maintenance of the second plane-sweep invariant
`Figure 2.5 Triangulation example
`. .
`Figure 2.6 Catching edge intersections
`Figure 2. 7 A complex transition vertex
`. .
`Figure 2.8 Modification to keep all edges present in the input
`Figure 2.9 Fixing Cracks .
`. .
`Figure 3.1 The PVS problem
`Figure 3.2 Four types of visibility
`Figure 3.3 Ray-Line Segment Intersection
`Figure 3.4 Hemi-cube sample pattern
`Figure 3.5 Aligned hemi-cube sampling problems in a hallway
`Figure 3.6 The jittered hemi-cube sampling pattern .
`Figure 3.7 Cosine-weighted (radiosity) hemisphere pattern (off-axis view)
`Figure 3.8 Cosine-weighted (radiosity) hemisphere pattern (top view)
`Figure 3.9 Linear radius-subdivision hemisphere pattern
`Figure 3.10 Generating random target points on a polygon
`. .
`Figure 3.11 A shadow cone .
`Figure 3.12 A shadow volume . . .
`Figure 3.13 Shadows cast by a concave polygon
`Figure 3.14 Computing the umbra cast by a concave polygon .
`Figure 3.15 Multiple shadow casters I .
`Figure 3.16 Multiple shadow casters II
`Figure 3.17 Linear Separators . . .
`Figure 3.18 Solution to multiple shadow casters
`Figure 3.19 Example for 2-D algorithm
`Figure 3.20 O'Rourke's worst case example
`Figure 3.21 Linear separators in 3-D
`. .
`Figure 3.22 Counter example for direct visibility segment operations
`Figure 3.23 Reversing direction of projection
`Figure 3.24 Occlusion.operation
`. . .
`Figure 4.1 A hierarchical polygon
`Figure 4.2 Choosing quadrilateral diagonals
`7 5
`7 6
`List of Tables
`Table 1.1 Speedup results
`Table 3.1 Summary of timing comparisons .
`Chapter I
`Overview and Results
`This dissertation research was performed as part of the UNC Building Walkthrough
`project [Brooks86], [Brooks88], [Airey89d], [Airey90b]. The basic goal of the
`Walkthrough project is to create a virtual building environment, a system which simulates
`human visual experience with a building, without physically constructing the building. This
`is intended to aid the part of building design known as design development, when the
`architect explores, sometimes with the client, different design options.
`Part of the goal of the Walkthrough project can be stated simply as, "accurate images,
`real-time feel, and big models", (figure 1.1). Choosing these objectives and attempting to
`work on the area of our system that was most deficient forced us to focus on the pre(cid:173)
`processing partitioning approach, the pre-processing radiosity approach, and display-time
`adaptive refinement. The other part of the Walkthrough goal is a natural man-machine
`accurate images
`Figure 1.1 The Walkthrough goal, "accurate images, real-time feel and big
`models", pushed us to develop pre-processing methods to improve update
`rates, adopt a pre-processing shading model, radiosity, and apply the
`concept of adaptive refinement during display.
`Many components of a building simulator, corresponding to many human senses, are
`important. My work within the Walkthrough project concentrates primarily on techniques
`to enhance visual simulation. Visual simulation can be separated into two components, a
`kinetic component, how the scene moves, and a realism component, how the scene looks. I
`sought to improve the kinetic visual experience by increasing update rates and to improve
`the illusion of reality by using the radiosity shading model [Goral84], [Cohen85],
`[Cohen88], [Wallace89], [Baum89], [Airey89]. For both components, one may use a
`strategy of pre-computing as much work as possible prior to display. This dissertation
`describes techniques developed to pre-compute data structures which are used at display
`time to significantly increase the update rate. Our use of the radiosity shading model is
`described io chapter IV.
`The Walkthrough research team finds natural motion, the kinetic component, to be a
`very important component of visual simulation. We observe user behavior to be
`qualitatively different at six updates per second as compared to behavior at one update per
`• At one update per second (ups) or less, the system is painful to use. It is necessary to use
`an auxiliary two-dimensional floorplan display, or map view, to navigate.
`• As the update rate increases from one ups to around twenty ups, interactivity appears to
`increase rapidly (superlioearly) before levelling off. At around six ups, the virtual building
`illusion begins to work. It is possible to navigate with only the three-dimensional display,
`or scene view.
`In the fall of 1986, we were able to display a relatively spartan model of the Sitterson
`Hall Computer Science building, composed of 7125 polygons, at about four ups with the
`Pixel Planes 4 graphics machine [Fuchs85]. We wanted at least six ups and preferably
`twenty ups.
`We perceived the slow update rate as the greatest system deficiency. I developed a
`process that automatically associates sets of viewpoints, called cells, with potentially
`visible subsets (PVS) of the model. The display subsystem has to process only the PVS
`that is associated with the cell containing the current viewpoiot
`This process allows the Sitterson model to be displayed with at least 14 ups and often
`many more, depending upon the view, on the same Pixel-Planes 4 machine that in 1986
`yielded four ups.
`The update rate increase due to this process is dependent upon the data. Roughly
`speaking, the increase in update rate is proportional to the number of rooms in the building.
`1.1 UNC Building Walkthrough Summary
`A complete building walkthrough system has the following major parts (Figure 1.2).
`• A modelling subsystem for the architect, where the canonical model is maintained. We
`use AutoCAD.
`• An image-generation process for constructing a display file from the canonical model and
`generating the images. This includes the display-compiler subsystem and the display
`• An interface subsystem that allows the use of many different man-machine interface
`devices for controlling viewing parameters and illumination of the model.
`Canonical Model
`Constructed by
`the Architect
`model geometry,
`shading attribute;..s --~----.,.
`structures .---.L---..
`device inputs
`interpreted to give
`viewer position. orientation
`and viewing parameters
`other sensory
`Figure 1.2. Overview of a virtual building system.
`1.1.1 Modelling
`The modelling subsystem must address ease of construction; (i.e. how many man-hours
`are required to create the model), model modification, and management of many different
`versions of the model (a task very similar to source code control [Tichy82]). For our
`modelling capabilities, we have adopted AutoCAD. This helps us establish partnerships
`with architects; these partnerships yield us datasets and system evaluation. We have only
`had limited partnerships so far.
`1.1.2 User Interface
`The interface subsystem must coordinate input devices with the display system. We
`have found that a flexible interface to a variety of devices is important. We already use
`several devices, often concurrently, and need to test new devices often. Frequent users
`such as architects may want complete freedom of motion Goysticks ), while an infrequent
`user, e.g., a client, may desire a restrictive but more natural interface, (a treadmill with a
`head-mounted display or big screen display).
`1.1.3 Display Compiler
`The display compilation task must translate the geometric and surface attribute
`information from the model into a form suitable for rapid display and interaction with the
`interface devices. Figure 1.3 depicts our current process of converting an AutoCAD dataset
`into a form suitable for a virtual world system. The rectangles represent programs. The
`ovals represent data files. The type of the data file is depicted by the Unix convention of file
`name extensions.
`and filters
`model subdivision,
`potentially visible
`set com utation
`compile display file
`Planes 4
`Figure 1.3 Display File Compilation
`The AutoCAD external files (.dxf extension) are parsed and converted to a simple
`format which consists entirely of polygons (.poly extension). Separate files are generated
`which contain surface attribute information (.sc extension), and the sets of lights for which
`we want to compute independent radiosity solutions (.circuit extension). Another file
`(.template extension) allows Phigs+ -like structures to be incorporated into the fmal display
`file [Van Dam88]. Instances and templates allow movable objects such as furniture, or
`temporary diagnostic objects such as cell portals, to be easily added to the display. The
`display compilation splits into the radiosity process and the model subdivision process.
`The radiosity process is briefly described in chapter IV.
`The main right fork in Fig is the model subdivision process. It generates a
`recursive subdivision of the model space [Samat90]. The result of this subdivision process
`is a tree of splitting planes (.partition extension). The .partition file defmes subvolumes, or
`cells,of the model (.cell extension). Each of these cells is processed to determine the
`polygons that are potentially visible to an observer ranging freely inside the cell. These
`polygons are then associated with the cell. During display, the cell containing the current
`viewpoint is found, and only its associated polygons are rendered. Note that a particular
`polygon may be associated with many ~ells- i.e., visible from many subvolumes.
`The box labelled model subdivision, potentially visible set computation, (figure 1.3)
`contains the programs that are the principal subject of this dissertation. Figure 1.4 is an
`expansion of that box in figure 1.3.
`The box labelled compile display file is a program whose main task is to combine all
`the information generated by previous programs into one coherent structure for display.
`Even though it serves primarily as a bookkeeper, it is quite a complicated program.
`Figure 1.4. The programs used to compute the model subdivision or
`partition, and identify potentially visible sets. Vis computes the PVS for a
`cell with a sampling algorithm. Occ computes the PVS for a cell with an
`analytic algorithm. Triv simply assigns the polygons inside a cell to the
`PVS and is usually used only to evalute the result of Partition.
`1.2 Algorithm Overview
`1.2.1 Properties of Architectural Databases
`Architectural databases possess special characteristics. Some of these properties
`follow. Techniques which exploit some of them are described later.
`1. Properties of polygon configuration.
`1.1. Most polygons are axial, i.e., normal to one of the coordinate axes.
`1.2 Most polygons are rectangles.
`1.3. Large planar surfaces are often structured into multiple, co-planar levels for
`modelling purposes, shading purposes, and realism detail purposes. For example, the
`modeller may represent a ceiling with one polygon, but it may be diced into many
`smaller co-planar polygons to obtain a more accurately shaded image.
`1.4. The set of polygons that appears in each view changes slowly as the viewpoint
`moves, except when crossing certain thresholds, e.g., doors and windows. Consider
`a simplified three room floorplan (Figure 1.5). The set of polygons visible in a 360
`degree field of view from v1 does not change much until one nears v2. Then it stays
`roughly the same until one gets to v3 where it changes radically again.
`Figure 1.5 Simple three room floorplan with possible viewer path. The
`set of polygons visible in a 360 degree field of view from vl does not
`change much until one nears vz. Then it stays roughly the same until one
`gets to v3, where it changes radically again.
`2. Properties related to the inside-out viewing nature of environment models.
`2.1. Many viewpoints have a large portion of the model outside the field of view.
`2.2. Surface interreflections in shading calculations are very important for spatial
`comprehension inside a building.
`3. Properties related to depth complexity.
`3.1 Any image computed from an interior viewpoint will have many surfaces covering
`every pixel.
`3.2. Many surfaces are completely hidden; they do not contribute to the image at all.
`Besides the obvious example of back-facing surfaces, forward-facing surfaces in the
`next room or on the floor above or below do not contribute to the image.
`3.3.The fraction of hidden surfaces in a building is basically independent oftesselation
`required for shading. The number of surfaces hidden is a function of the number of
`walls, floors and ceilings. Tesselating them uniformly into small patches does not
`change the fraction of hidden surfaces. Thus the methods outlined in this dissertation
`should get results independent of shading tesselation.
`A simple quantitative analysis comes from [Gharachorloo89], [Sutherland74].
`Given P polygons projected onto the image plane, of average area A, a total of P•A
`pixels must be calculated. Assuming the scene covers a screen of N pixels and tbat tbe
`polygons are overlaid in D layers everywhere, we have: P•A = N•D, where D is
`tbedeptb complexity. If walls are represented witb small individual tiles for shading
`purposes, tben P increases while A decreases and D remains constant.
`Additional detail such as fancy window frames and baseboard moldings, etc.has a
`similar but less easily analyzed effect. The fraction of hidden surfaces increases only
`1.2.2 Model Space Subdivision
`The pre-processing algorithm automatically subdivides model space or equivalently,
`viewpoint space, into cells. Define tbe union of visible polygons for all tbe viewpoints in a
`cell as the potentially visible set (PVS) for that cell. For any viewpoint in tbe cell,
`rendering the potentially visible set for that cell generates an image with no missing
`polygons. Since the size of tbe potentially visible set is usually much smaller tban the size
`of tbe model it came from, it takes less time to render. The rendering process involves at
`least transforming tbe polygon to tbe correct perspective view, and tben scan-converting it
`into the frame buffer if it appears in the viewing frustum and faces tbe viewer.
`For the simple three room floorplan given in figure 1.5, the labelled rooms
`approximate what one wants in a cell. If the doors were closed (and they had no glass) tben
`one could simply render the polygons in room2 when the viewpoint is in room2 and get
`roughly a three-fold increase in system update time. If tbe doors are open, one must add
`the polygons that can be seen through the doors from room2 to the potentially visible set
`for tbat cell.
`Even from tbis simple example it is obvious tbat certain model subdivisions are better
`tban otbers. The subdivision process should try to satisfy tbe following objectives.
`Objective 1. Minimize the size of the potentially visible sets. One wants cells whose
`potentially visible set is not much larger than tbe visible set of any one viewpoint in tbe cell.
`This ensures tbe best possible speedup.
`Objective 2. Minimize the number of cells; split cells only if the resulting child cells have
`significantly smaller PVSs.
`Besides these loosely stated objectives, a subdivision algorithm must satisfy other
`Restriction 1. It must be easy to find the cell that contains the current viewpoint. This
`operation is performed for every update during display.
`Restriction 2. It must be automatic. No hand-tooling allowed. Architects cannot afford
`the time and may not have the expertise to hand-weave databases for esoteric display
`Restriction 1 implies the use some type of data structure suitable for range searching. I
`chose recursive binary partitioning planes. Furthermore, it is sufficient to restrict their
`orientation to be normal to one of the coordinate axes. Other options include a regular 3D
`grid, or adaptive space subdivision techniques such as octtrees or k-d trees [Mehlhom84],
`[Samet90]. Other proposed approaches utilize the fact that adjacent cells are typically
`accessed in a sequential order and usually in tbe horizontal plane. This would allow a more
`adaptive subdivision algorithm [Prins90]. Any of these data structures allow the cell
`containing a viewpoint to be found quickly.
`To satisfy Objective 1 and Restriction 2, I devised a heuristic function to choose the
`splitting planes used in the recursive binary subdivision scheme. Since one wants a
`splitting plane that is largely opaque, one may limit the choice of splitting planes to those
`that contain model polygons. The function evaluates each plane containing a polygon for its
`suitability as a separating plane. Criteria considered are
`• how evenly the plane separates the model, called the balance of the split,
`• how well the plane hides the two sides from each other, called the occlusion factor of the
`split. For example, a floor hides better than a wall with a door in it.
`• how little the plane splits individual polygons, since polygons that are split will have to be
`put in the potentially visible sets of both partitions. This is called the split factor.
`The metrics used quantify these criteria between 0 and I. A linear combination of these
`values, with the occlusion factor weighted most heavily, has proven to be successful, e.g.,
`partition priority = .5*occlusion + .3*balance + .2*split.
`To satisfy Objective 2, the recursive process terminates when no partitioning plane has
`a partition priority exceeding a user-defined threshold or when a maximum tree-depth is
`exceeded. The process generates a tree with interior nodes representing binary separating
`planes and leaf nodes representing cell volumes. Several people have noted that feedback
`from the second phase of the pre-processing algorithm, described in the next section, could
`be used to adjust the model-subdivision [Prins90].
`If one runs this function on the "planes" in our simple example floor plan, the wall that
`separates rooms 2 and 3 from room I, the plane y= 1, has a higher partition priority than the
`wall that separates room 2 from room 3, the plane x=l, based on its higher occlusion
`factor. This yields two cells, room I and the combination of room 2 and room 3.
`Recursively evaluating our heuristic function on these two cells suggests that room 2 and
`room 3 can be further split into two cells along the plane x=1 (figure 1.6).
`r - - - - - - - - - , (2 ,2 )
`/ ~ rooml
`Figure 1.6. Left, the subdivided floor plan. Rooml is separated from
`room2 and room3 by the plane y=l. Room2 is then separated from room3
`by the plane x=l. Right, the corresponding tree data structure. Interior
`nodes represent splitting planes and leaf nodes represent cell volumes.
`1.2.3 Potentially Visible Set calculations
`After model-space subdivision, the subset of the model potentially visible to an
`observer inside each cell is computed and stored with the cell. If the cell is completely
`sealed, that is, its boundary is composed of opaque surfaces, then this is easy to do. The
`potentially visible set for the cell is simply the set of polygons that intersect the cell.
`However, if the cell has holes in its boundary, called portals, then the problem is more
`In our simple example, the only portals are doors. In real-life datasets, hallways,
`stairwells, elevator shafts, windows, and oddly shaped rooms give rise to other portals.
`Portal geometry is defined only implicitly as the absence of polygons in the boundary of the
`cell. Explicit polygonal descriptions of the portals are obtained by computing the boolean
`difference of the cell boundary and polygons lying in the cell boundary planes. Algorithms
`that perform boolean set operations on co-planar sets of polygons can compute the explicit
`polygonal definitions of the portals [0ttman85], [Weiler81], [Airey89c]. Section 3.2
`describes one such algorithm.
`We call the question of what external polygons one should add to the potentially
`visible set for a cell the polygon-to-cell visibility problem. This can be reduced to another
`problem. One really has to worry only about what can be seen from the cell portals, which
`can each be represented with polygons. Taking the union of what is visible from all the cell
`portals of a cell solves the cell-to-polygon visibility problem.
`Unfortunately, this is also a difficult problem. One needs to know what is visible from
`a portal which is an area, an infinite albeit bounded set of viewpoints. Call this problem
`the polygon-to-portal visibility problem.
`Computing the PVS is equivalent to identifying the polygons that receive direct
`illumination from an area light source [Nishita85], [Chin89], (the portal acts as an area light
`source). This is similar to the underlying problem of surface-to-surface reflection that
`appears in models of global lighting effects, such as the radiosity lighting model. Other
`researchers have examined a related problem in two dimensions which deals with visibility
`from an edge [Avis86], [O'Rourke87].
`Since algorithms to compute the exact solution for the portal-to-polygon visibility
`problem are very complex, I have developed two complementary classes of algorithms to
`compute approximations to the exact solution. These are detailed in Chapter III.
`One class of algorithms uses point sampling and may underestimate the set of
`polygons to add to the cell's potentially visible set. This is analogous to the use of point
`sampling in radiosity solutions. In fact, the same ray-polygon intersection library is used in
`the Walkthrough radiosity implementation [Airey90b].
`Another class of algorithms establishes occlusion relationships among polygons. This
`is similar to the computation of shadow volumes [Crow77]. Since exhaustive computation
`of shadow volumes is expensive, the only alternative is to compute a partial solution. This
`may overestimate the set of polygons to add to the cell's potentially visible set. Since the
`exact solution is bracketed by these two algorithms, one hopes they can be combined into a
`more accurate algorithm in the future.
`Currently, these approaches are both expensive. In practice we use mostly the
`sampling-based methods because they are less expensive than the occlusion-relation based
`methods, although they do occasionally miss potentially visible polygons.
`Just as a radiosity solution can be accelerated with graphics workstation hardware
`[Baum90], the ability to generate environment samples quickly can be used to accelerate a
`sampling-based approach. For radiosity, the environment samples are not colored pixels,
`but polygon identifiers. In the case of radiosity, the polygon identifiers and the pixel
`location are used to construct form factors. In this case, after rendering the view from a
`sample point on the portal, any polygon whose identifier appears in the frame buffer is
`added to the PVS under construction. Note that reading the sample values, the polygon
`identifiers, back from the frame buffer must be efficient also; low bandwidth here can
`defeat this idea.
`1.3 Results
`I have run this algorithm on a few databases and compiled statistics to document the
`speedup results. The databases include
`• A 7125-polygon model of Sitterson Hall, Sittersonl. Walls are represented by single
`polygons with separate colors for the front-facing and back-facing sides. AutoCAD was
`not used for this model. (Modelled by Dana Smith from plans by Phil Freelon of O'Brien
`and Atkins)
`• A second model of Sitterson Hall was constructed with AutoCAD, Sitterson2. This
`model consists of over 22,000 polygons. It consists mostly of polygons that are designed
`to be seen from only one side. The walls have thickness and are modelled with a pair of
`polygons. The lobby portion of this model, lobby2, appears in a Siggraph '89 video
`[Airey89b]. Lobby2 has 3949 polygons. (Modelled by Penny Rheingans.)
`• The Orange United Methodist Church Fellowship Building. An early version with 7812
`polygons is called Churchl. (Model by Penny Rheingans from plans by Wesley McClure
`and Craig Leonard of McClure NBBJ.)
`1 0
`• A later version of the Church consists of over 12,000 model polygons. Since the radiosity
`process increases the number of shading patches that must be stored in display memory by
`about an order of magnitude, a 6037 -polygon subset was used because of display memory
`limitations. This subset, called C hurc h2, consists of the main meeting hall and a few
`adjoining rooms, including a fully furnished kitchen.
`• This dataset was later re-enlarged to 6974 polygons by adding part of the basement. This
`version of the church is called Church3. (John Alspaugh helped model and manage later
`church databases). The Church3 database is featured as a demo for the SGI Iris 4D VGX
`series machines.
`Table 1.1. summarizes the results of the model-subdivision algorithm on these
`The best results, as one would expect, comes from the two complete models,
`Sitters on]