`Ulllted States Patent [19]
`Camhi et a1.
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Jul. 4, 1995
`[76] Inventors: Ehe Camhi, 131 Country R1dge Rd.,
`Scarsdale, N.Y. 10583; Lawrence S.
`Kamhi, 3O Saddleview CL, Fair?eld,
`Conn‘ 06432
`[21] Appl. No.: 278,991
`[22] Filed.
`Jul 22 1994
`Related U's‘ Apphcatmn Data
`Continuation of Ser. No. 992,246, Dec. 14, 1992, aban-
`[51] 1m. 01.6 ............................................. .. B60Q 1/00
`[52] U5. (:1. .................................. .. 340/438; 340/439;
`340/441; 340/459; 364/424_04; 364/551_01;
`307/101; 180/171
`[58] Field of Search ............. .. 340/438, 439, 441, 436,
`340/459, 425.5, 457.4; 364/434, 424.1, 424.03,
`424.04, 551.01; 307/ 10.1; 180/171
`References Cited
`4,236,142 11/1980 Lindsey ............................. .. 340/441
`4,344,136 8/1982 Panik . . . . .
`. . . .. 340/459
`4,638,289 1/1987 Zottnik ..
`4,939,652 7/1990 Steiner
`5,006,829 4/1991 Miyamoto et a1.
`5,173,856 12/1992 Purnell et a]. .................... .. 340/439
`Primary Examiner—Brent Swarthout
`Assistant Examiner-Nina Tong
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Ike Aruti
`An automotive unsafe condition recorder is provided
`having one or more automotive condition sensors cou
`pled to the input of a timer equipped processor. An
`indicator for alerting the’ Operator is coupled to an Out
`put of the Prose-mm which the Processor energizes in
`response to a signal level from the sensor indicating the
`existence of a predetermined unsafe operating condi
`tion. If the unsafe operating condition is not corrected
`within a predetermined time, the processor transmits
`information pertaining to the unsafe condition to a stor
`age unit, which accumulates the information for later
`re 'ew.
`3,885,324 5/1975 Davenport et a1. .............. .. 340/441
`2 Drawing Sheets
`3¢\ RAI
`non /
`sun smmu.
`msuuc: noun.
`TOYOTA Ex. 1109, page 1


`US. Patent
`July 4, 1995
`Sheet 1 of 2
`#1 1/2
`34% 1“
`U!" T
`J \
`TOYOTA Ex. 1109, page 2


`US. Patent
`2 July 4, 1995
`Sheet 2 of 2
`_ rmsn
`34\ mm non /
`~ m 803;;
`msnucs SIGNAL
`TOYOTA Ex. 1109, page 3


`This application is a Continuation of applicant’s co
`pending application Ser. No. 07/992,246 ?led Dec. 14,
`1992, now abandoned.
`The present invention relates to warning systems and
`mobile data recorders, and more particularly, an appa
`ratus and method for the monitoring, indicating and
`selective recording of automotive data associated with
`unsafe automotive driving conditions.
`taining to the prevalent conditions during unsafe opera
`tion of the vehicle which is of most interest.
`Unfortunately, an automotive unsafe condition re
`corder would likely be found objectionable by vehicle
`owners and drivers, not only because of the increased
`cost of the vehicle for the additional equipment, but
`because of the “Big Brother” like nature of having an
`operator’s every momentary inattention or indiscretion
`preserved for insurance company scrutiny.
`Many otherwise safe drivers will occasionally do
`something which could be considered unsafe, such as
`momentarily forgetting to latch their seat belt, or even
`exceed the speed limits for short periods of time, for
`example to complete a passing maneuver, or because
`they are inattentive to their speedometers while keeping
`pace with cars around them, or when the road gradu
`ally changes to a more downhill attitude. An automo
`tive unsafe condition recorder would more likely be
`acceptable to the majority of vehicle drivers and own
`ers if these momentary lapses in law obedience or safety
`could be screened from the recording process. The
`device would likely be even more acceptable if it would
`give warning to the operator of the existence of an
`unsafe condition, and a reasonable opportunity to cor
`rect the situation before beginning to record the occur
`The bene?ts of such a device would be multiple.
`Monitored drivers would be motivated to drive more
`safely by the reward of lower insurance premiums,
`which could be lowered further if they prove them
`selves responsible. Insurance companies could eliminate
`persistent speeders and unsafe drivers, or increase their
`premiums accordingly. Authorities could more accu
`rately reconstruct accidents. Fleet owners of vehicles,
`such as busses, trucks and taxis could substantially re
`duce their major operating expense of insurance, and
`become more competitive in the marketplace by offer
`ing their services at lower rates. The public would ulti
`mately bene?t from lowered prices for taxi and bus
`services and truck shipped goods, as well as the reduced
`number of unsafe drivers on the road. People would be
`able to evaluate the safe driving habits of others using
`their vehicles, such as parents having young or new
`drivers in the family.
`Accordingly, a need exists for a device which can
`monitor vehicle operating parameters and alert the
`operator to predetermined unsafe conditions, allow a
`short time for correction of those conditions, and if
`uncorrected in that time, record the incident for later
`review by the appropriate parties.
`Mobile data recorders, such as aviation type ?ight
`recorders, are well known. These devices are com
`monly used to make continuous recordings of the condi
`tions which exist during and relating to aircraft opera
`tion. The devices are typically multiple input units
`wherein a plurality of input signals are recorded. The
`inputs are usually coupled to a plurality of input signal
`sending devices, such as sensors for airspeed, landing
`gear positions, control surface positions, attitude, alti
`tude, engine operating parameters, as well as the posi
`tions of the controls for the aircraft such as throttle,
`brakes, and the like. These devices are typically housed
`in a crash resistant structure, and upon a crash, the
`recordings of parameters which existed immediately
`prior to the crash are preserved for later review and
`This information can be used to virtually recreate
`situations which have occurred. The information can
`then be used by repair and maintenance personnel, air
`line of?cials for evaluation of the craft and crew, regu
`latory authorities for incident or crash analysis, and
`insurance companies for liability and premium determi
`In an automotive context, devices which identify and
`alert drivers to the existence of speci?c conditions are
`also well known. These are often in the form of simple
`gauges or indicator lights, buzzers and the like which
`are used to inform the operator of excessive or insuf?
`cient operating parameters, or even potentially unsafe
`conditions. These include excessive vehicle speed, en
`gine speed and temperature, insuf?cient coolant, oil and
`fuel levels, low oil pressure or electrical system voltage,
`unbuckled seat belts, and the like. More technically
`sophisticated devices, such as automotive computers,
`are able to monitor and record diagnostic information
`for future reference and repair of systems controlled by
`the computer, such as engines and anti lock brake sys
`While these systems have been designed to notify
`operators of speci?c conditions or to record conditions
`for future reference, it would be desirable to have a
`variation upon a combination of these systems. Such a
`device would not only inform operators of unsafe con
`ditions, the recorded information would improve au
`thorities’ ability to perform accident reconstruction,
`and would enable vehicle owners and insurance compa
`nies to evaluate the driving habits of vehicle operators.
`In such an application, continuous recording of infor
`mation would be unnecessary and wasteful of storage
`resources, particularly since it is the information per
`It is therefore an object of the instant invention to
`provide a device which alerts a vehicle operator to the
`existence of a prede?ned unsafe driving condition, if
`and when such a condition should occur.
`It is another object of the present invention to pro
`vide a device to alert a driver upon the existence of an
`unsafe driving condition, and to make a recording of the
`event for future reference if the condition is not cor
`rected within a reasonable time.
`Still another object of the present invention to pro
`vide a device which will further record additional vehi
`cle operating parameters when an unsafe operating
`condition has occurred and the operator has not cor
`rected the situation within a reasonable time.
`TOYOTA Ex. 1109, page 4


`It is yet another object of the present invention to
`provide a device by which insurance companies may
`identify vehicles they insure which are operated under
`unsafe conditions or at excessive speed with unaccept
`able frequency.
`It is still another object of the present invention to
`provide a device which will motivate drivers to avoid
`unsafe operating conditions such as unsafe speed.
`Yet another object of the present invention to pro
`vide a device which enables insurance companies to
`attract clients whose vehicles are operated in a safe and
`responsible manner.
`A further object of the present invention to provide a
`device which improves the accuracy with which acci
`dents can be analyzed.
`Another object of the present invention is to provide
`a device which enables the storage and retrieval of
`information relating to the unsafe operation of a vehicle.
`It is still another object of the present invention to
`provide a device which enables vehicle ?eet owners to
`reduce their insurance expenses.
`Other objects and advantages of the present invention
`will become apparent to those of skill in the art upon
`contemplation of the disclosure herein in conjunction
`with the drawings.
`cle or the like. Therein is at least one sensor or signal
`generator 12 which generates a signal indicative of
`vehicle speed. The output signal from speed signal gen
`erator 12 may indicate the actual speed of the vehicle,
`or in simpler con?gurations, may simply indicate
`whether the vehicle speed is above or below a predeter
`mined or maximum safe value. A processor 14 is cou
`pled responsively to speed signal generator 12 by means
`of a line to processor signal input 16. Processor 14 in
`cludes clock 18 which provides means for determining
`elapsed time. In addition, processor 14 has an operator
`alerting output 20 which is coupled to and adapted to
`energize indicator 22. Indicator 22 may be a light or a
`sound emitting device, located for easy perception by
`the operator of the vehicle when energized. Processor
`14 is further provided with an information output 24,
`which is in turn coupled to a storage unit 26. The stor
`age unit 26 is adapted to accumulate and store for later
`review and analysis, information pertaining to one or
`more prede?ned unsafe driving conditions, which pro
`cessor 14 is adapted to transfer or transmit. At least one
`of such unsafe driving conditions is prolonged excessive
`It will be appreciated by those of skill in the art that
`the above elements may be implemented in a variety of
`forms, from simple to complex, with corresponding
`variations in fabrication expense and the amount and
`detail of information monitored and stored, without
`departing from the spirit and scope of the instant inven- '
`Turning now to FIG. 2, a schematic diagram is
`shown for a very simple and inexpensive embodiment of
`the instant invention. Speed signal generator 12 of FIG.
`1 corresponds to contacts 12a of FIG. 2, which in their
`most simple form are contemplated as being adapted to
`be triggered by the position of the vehicle’s speedome
`ter needle. This can be accomplished by a microswitch,
`or appropriate well known circuitry in conjunction
`with optical, magnetic or capacitive sensors. The
`contacts 12a provide a voltage level to the circuitry of
`recorder 10 whenever the needle passes a predeter
`mined location. This location would correspond to a
`particular speed, for example, the most common speed
`limit, or the maximum national speed limit, that is, 55
`M.P.H. or 65 M.P.H., respectively. To reduce the po
`tential for defeating the function of the instant inven
`tion, components thereof not necessarily located else
`where should be within an enclosure which is tamper
`resistant or tamper evident, or both. Power source 28
`for operating the circuitry of the instant invention may
`be independent, or shared from the vehicle battery. In
`such an embodiment, processor 14 inexpensively takes
`the form of a time delay relay 14a, in turn coupled to
`selectively enable counting by elapsed timer 26a, which
`corresponds to storage unit 26 of FIG. 1. Depending
`upon the construction of time delay relay 14a chosen,
`the mechanism or circuitry providing for the delay in
`the relay corresponds to timer 18 of FIG. 1. The circuit
`of FIG. 2 employs a simple lamp 22a in view of the
`driver as indicator 22 of FIG. 1, such that processor
`input 16 is the same node as operator alerting output 20.
`Thus in this simple embodiment, only prolonged ex
`cessive speed is contemplated as the unsafe driving
`condition to be monitored, and cumulative elapsed time
`above the prede?ned maximum safe speed is the operat
`ing parameter or variable to be stored. In operation, as
`the vehicle exceeds the predetermined speed, the speed
`ometer needle position triggers closure of contacts 120,
`According to the instant invention, an unsafe driving
`condition recorder is provided, which comprises a
`timer equipped processor having one or more informa
`tion inputs. The processor has an output coupled to an
`information storage unit, which depending upon its
`con?guration, has means for retrieval of recorded infor
`mation. The processor inputs are coupled to signal
`sources which provide signals indicative of monitored
`vehicle operation variables, at least one of such vari
`ables being vehicle speed. The signal input is routed
`through the processor which is adapted to selectively
`transmit the information to the storage unit. The proces
`sor further has an operator alerting output line coupled 40
`to an unsafe condition indicator which is within the easy
`perception of the vehicle operator. The processor ener
`gizes the operator alerting output when the input signal
`exceeds a predetermined safe value, and upon elapse of
`a predetermined time, if the input signal has not receded 45
`below the predetermined value, initiates accumulation .
`by the storage unit of information pertaining to one or
`more of the monitored vehicle operating variables for
`later review and analysis.
`In the drawings, wherein the same number indicates
`the same element throughout the several views:
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a basic embodiment of
`the automotive unsafe condition recorder of the instant 55
`FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram of a basic embodiment
`of the instant invention.
`FIG. 3 is a block diagram of an embodiment of the
`instant invention, as equipped with a microcontroller 60
`multiple input data acquisition and monitoring unit.
`The block diagram of FIG. 1 illustrates a basic em- 65
`bodiment of the unsafe driving condition recorder 10 of
`the instant invention. The device is intended to be ?tted
`to a vehicle such as an automobile, truck, bus, motorcy
`TOYOTA Ex. 1109, page 5


`simultaneously energizing the coil of relay 14a and
`operator alerting output 200. Alerting output 200 causes
`indicator lamp 22a to light, warning of the unsafe driv
`ing condition and calling the operator’s attention to the
`impending memorialization of the event. If the operator
`corrects the unsafe driving condition before elapse of
`the delay time of relay 14a, in this case by slowing
`down, the operator’s momentary indiscretion-or inat
`tention will be, in effect, forgiven. Conversely, if the
`operator does not reduce the vehicle speed sufficiently
`before expiration of the delay time of relay 14a, the
`contacts of relay 140 will close, energizing output 24a,
`causing elapsed timer 26a to begin accumulating time
`until the vehicle speed is suf?ciently reduced.
`Relay 14a is selected according to the delay desired
`between the time the relay coil is energized and the time
`the contacts of relay 14a close, and is contemplated to
`give the operator a reasonable opportunity to correct
`the vehicle’s speed, or complete a passing maneuver.
`Relays having delay times between ten seconds and two
`minutes are at the time of this writing deemed to be
`most useful and appropriate, although these values may
`be further varied according to the application.
`The delay between the time of onset of this prede
`?ned unsafe condition and initiation of information
`accumulation constitutes a “grace period” within which
`a vehicle operator can correct the condition. The conse
`quences of this grace period is to give the vehicle opera
`tor control of accumulation of information, so as to
`minimize the “Big Brother” effect that many drivers
`would likely ?nd objectionable. In fact, such a system
`may even be deemed desirable by many drivers, insofar
`as they will be alerted to circumstances which would
`subject them to traf?c summonses if observed by police.
`Additional contact sets 120 may be integrated in the
`device to be triggered at progressively higher speeds,
`which would in turn, trigger additional time delay re
`lays having delay times of progressively shorter dura
`tions, thus giving lesser grace periods for increasingly
`unsafe conditions. Accordingly, additional operator
`alerting outputs and indicators may be used to indicate
`the varying seriousness of the unsafe condition.
`Turning now to FIG. 3, a more complex embodiment
`of the instant invention is shown, which utilizes micro
`processor 14b. While an equivalent device to that of
`FIG. 3 may also be fashioned from discrete circuit ele
`ments, the use of a microprocessor is deemed desirable
`at the time of this writing, because these microproces
`sors have recently become increasingly sophisticated
`and reliable, as well as inexpensive and plentiful. Not
`only do these processors comprise microprocessors, but
`within the same integrated circuit, they may also com
`prise analog to digital input converters, serial and paral
`lel input and output channels, read only memory, and
`random access memory. Because of their greatly ex
`panded abilities, these types of microprocessors are
`commonly referred to as microcontrollers, and this is
`the type of device which is contemplated by FIG. 3.
`In the diagram of FIG. 3, the processor has an input
`and output signal interface, which is shown as sub block
`30 of processor 14b. Input and output interface 30 pro
`vides for the input of information to processor 14b from
`input signal generators 12b, via input lines 16b. I/O
`interface 30 also provides for the output of information
`from processor 14b to output indicators 22b and storage
`unit 26b. Interface 30 should also provide for connec
`tion and communication with optional external terminal
`36, whereby stored information may be retrieved from
`storage unit 26b, via terminal I/O line 38. In such a case,
`information line 24b would be bidirectional, although
`alternative provisions may be made for connection of
`terminal 36 directly to storage unit 26b.
`Consequently, multiple input signal generators 12b of
`varying output signal type are shown coupled to pro
`cessor 14b, via input lines 16b, so that multiple vehicle
`operating variables may be monitored. Thus, according
`to the programming stored in the ROM 32, a variety of
`unsafe vehicle operating conditions may be prede?ned
`and simultaneously monitored for their occurrence. As
`above, should a prede?ned unsafe condition occur, an
`appropriate output indicator 22b will then be energized
`via its corresponding output line 20b for a predeter
`mined grace period. Again, if the unsafe condition is not
`corrected before elapse of the grace period, information
`pertaining to the occurrence will be transferred to stor
`age unit 26b.
`A variety of methods for determining vehicle speed
`may be chosen from. For example, a signal may be
`taken from a signal generator or source already existing
`in the vehicle, such as digital or electronic speedome
`ters, or wheel speed sensor systems in anti lock brake
`equipped vehicles. Alternatively, vehicles may be re
`tro?tted with components from such systems which
`generate such signals, or with other well known mag
`netic or optical sensors in conjunction with pulse gener
`ating rings installed on driveline or other components
`which rotate at a rate proportional to vehicle speed.
`Examples of such driveline components include the
`transmission tailshaft, driveshaft, axle, transaxle, road
`wheels, brake rotors or drums, or the like. In the case of
`retro?tted vehicle speed sensors, these can be easily
`calibrated by motoring the wheels at a known circum
`ferential speed.
`Ideally, using multiple speed sensors 12b1, the speed
`of each of the vehicle’s wheels would be monitored in
`the same manner as traction control systems and an
`tilock brake systems, so that detection of gross speed
`variation between wheels is enabled, which in turn,
`would correspond to conditions of extreme braking or
`acceleration. These may constitute additional unsafe
`conditions to be monitored, and recorded if uncorrected
`after warning the operator of their existence.
`As mentioned above, when the instant invention is
`equipped with microcontroller type processor 14b,
`monitoring of multiple channels of input information
`from multiple signal generators 12b is possible, and an
`increased number of unsafe driving conditions may be
`predefined and detected. In this example, input signal
`generators include G force transmitters 12b3, such as
`laterally or longitudinally oriented accelerometers, or
`both, so that the system can detect and alert the opera
`tor to conditions approaching those where the vehicle’s
`tires would be pushed beyond their limits of adhesion,
`and a vehicle slide, skid, or other loss of control would
`result. Again, varying degrees of unsafe driving condi
`tions may be prede?ned in terms of acceleration forces,
`either alone or in conjunction with other operating
`parameters, and correspondingly varying grace periods
`and warning scenarios implemented before initiating
`storage of the monitored vehicle operation variables.
`Furthermore, since most vehicles cannot attain forces
`above 1 g under their own power, under normal driving
`conditions, a signal level above such a magnitude would
`indicate external origin of the forces, i.e. collision.
`Also included in the embodiment shown in FIG. 3 are
`distance signal transmitters 12b2, which may take the
`TOYOTA Ex. 1109, page 6


`form ultrasonic ranging and proximity detecting de
`the vehicle, so that changed continuity of the device
`vices, directed outwardly and located around the vehi
`would indicate changed alignment of the vehicle struc
`cle to monitor the distance to surrounding objects or
`ture, and thus the occurrence of a collision.
`vehicles, and when monitored in conjunction with
`Upon the occurrence and detection of such a cata
`speed, to indicate tailgating. Again, according to the
`strophic event, the operation history stored in RAM 34
`speeds or accelerations and distances sensed, varying
`would be transferred to storage unit 26b so that the
`degrees of tailgating or unsafe proximity may be estab
`operating variables in the time period before occurrence
`lished, and correspondingly varying grace periods im
`of the catastrophic event would be memorialized for
`crash analysis and accident reconstruction and liability
`The embodiment of FIG. 3 also ideally includes input
`determination, in much the same way as an aircraft
`signal generator 12b4, which indicates active usage of
`?ight recorder. This should be distinguished from nor
`mal recording operation of the instant invention, where
`one or more items of the vehicle’s equipment. Such
`monitored equipment may include seat belts, windshield
`only the input conditions during the uncorrected unsafe
`wipers, headlights, steering wheel position, throttle
`driving condition, and perhaps a time and date stamp,
`position, directional indicators, and the like. Informa
`would be recorded. Accordingly, the storage unit 26b,
`tion thereby provided may be merely be used for stor
`which is coupled to processor 14b via line 24b, may take
`the form of a magnetic or optical disk drive, tape, or
`age upon the uncorrected occurrence of an unsafe con
`dition, or these variables may be used in conjunction
`card, or non volatile integrated circuit memory, the
`with additional programming in ROM 32 and input
`latter being deemed preferable at the time of this writ
`signal generators 12b such as ambient light and or mois
`ing for lack of moving parts more subject to failure from
`ture detectors to de?ne additional unsafe conditions,
`the vibrations associated with an automotive environ
`such as operation in darkness without headlights, opera
`ment. Information stored therein may be retrieved by
`tion in precipitation without wipers, and the like. The
`removal of the storage unit or its media, or alternatively
`input sensors used to detect such conditions would
`by a data terminal connected via cable to the input
`include photocells for ambient light detection, moisture
`output interface 30 of processor 14b.
`sensors such as those from automatic sprinkler systems
`The enhanced embodiment shown in FIG. 3 can be
`to detect precipitation, feedback potentiometers for
`equipped for the monitoring of different or additional
`operating variables and input sensors contemplated for
`vehicle component positions, or mere connection to
`existing vehicular circuitry to indicate use status of
`monitoring with the instant invention. These may also
`items such as headlights, wipers, seat belts, and the like.
`include vehicle pitch to indicate vehicle overloading or
`inadequate or failing suspension components.
`Since the embodiment of FIG. 3 is able to monitor a
`variety of operating parameters for detection of more
`Consequently, it will be clear to those of skill in the
`than one prede?ned unsafe driving conditions, it is
`art that while primary function of the instant invention
`equipped with multiple indicators 22b, coupled to alert
`is the monitoring of vehicle operating variables for
`ing outputs 20b, each indicating a different unsafe driv
`detection of one or more unsafe operating conditions,
`ing condition or necessary corrective action, so that the
`alerting the operator to the existence of the unsafe con
`vehicle operator is alerted to both the existence of an
`dition, and storage for later review of information per
`unsafe driving condition, and the nature of the unsafe
`taining to the unsafe condition if not corrected in a
`condition so that it may be identi?ed and corrected
`reasonable time, it is also useful for numerous applica
`more quickly by the vehicle operator. Legends may be
`tions in addition to the primary use, which include crash
`placed over indicators 22b to better implement this
`analysis and reconstruction, driving habit analysis, and
`where they take the form of indicator lamps. Where the
`vehicle structure analysis. Accordingly, while the
`implementation of the instant invention provides for
`above description contains many speci?cities, these
`varying grace periods, the period may also be communi
`should not be construed as limitations of the scope of '
`cated to the driver by pulsing of indicators 22b, varying
`the instant invention, but rather as exempli?cations of
`the frequency of the pulsing, for example, increasingly
`the preferred embodiments thereof. Thus, the scope of
`faster pulsing indicating increasingly less grace period
`the instant invention should not be determined by the
`embodiments shown, but rather by the claims appended
`hereto, and their legal equivalents.
`It should be noted that recorder 10 of FIG. 3 may
`employ more or less than four input signal generators
`What is claimed is:
`and indicators, and that four has been chosen as an
`1. An automotive recorder for use with a motor vehi
`illustrative number only.
`cle comprising:
`An additional advantage of the microcontroller
`one or more sensors adapted to transmit a signal in
`equipped embodiment of FIG. 3 is the inclusion of ran
`dicative of a safety related vehicle operation vari
`dom access memory 34, which can be used as a buffer
`able, one of said one or more sensors being adapted
`for temporary storage of monitored input information,
`to transmit a signal indicative of vehicle speed;
`thus creating a short vehicle operation history. This, in
`a processor having one or more inputs, a timer, an
`conjunction with the multiple input capacity of the
`operator alerting output, and an information out
`device, can be used to monitor one or more additional
`put, the one or more processor inputs being cou
`input signals or combinations thereof which would
`pled responsively to said one or more sensors;
`correspond to the actual occurrence of a catastrophic
`an indicator coupled responsively to the operator
`alerting output of said processor, said indicator
`event such as a crash. A crash or collision can be de
`tected as described above using G force sensors, or by
`being located for easy perception by an operator of
`coupling an input channel to airbag deployment cir
`the vehicle when the operator alerting output of
`cuitry found in many new vehicles. Alternatively, rela
`said processor is energized; and a storage unit cou
`tively severe collisions can be detected by devices such
`pled to the information output of said processor,
`as microswitches or fragile conductive tape strips, dis
`said storage unit being substantially non volatile
`posed across adjacent body or structural components of
`and adapted to receive and accumulate information
`TOYOTA Ex. 1109, page 7


`further comprising random access memory adapted to
`transmitted from the information output of said
`processor for review by a monitoring authority
`accumulate the information from said sensors to form a
`vehicle operation history, and the read only memory is
`after an operation episode;
`said processor being adapted to energize the operator
`adapted to control said processor to transfer the vehicle
`operation history to said storage unit for preservation
`alerting output when the signal from one of said
`sensor exceeds a predetermined value correspond
`upon detection of a collision.
`ing to a prede?ned maximum safe vehicle operat
`6. The automotive recorder as set forth in claim 2,
`wherein said input and output signal interface further
`ing condition, the timer being adapted to trigger
`said processor to automatically and beyond the
`comprises means for connection to an external data
`terminal, and said processor is adapted to communicate
`control of the vehicle operator transmit informa
`information from said storage unit to the external data
`tion from the information output to said storage
`unit for review by the monitoring authority after
`the vehicle operation episode when a predeter
`7. A method for encouraging safe motor vehicle op
`eration comprising the steps of:
`mined time elapses from the time of energization of
`the operator alerting output and the signal from
`equipping a mo

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