Nat’l Highway Traffic Safety Admin., DOT
`§ 563.1
`be treated as a properly filed petition,
`received as of the time it is discovered
`and identified.
`(b) A document that fails to conform
`to one or more of the requirements of
`§ 557.4(a) (1) through (5) will not be
`treated as a petition under this part.
`Such a document will be treated ac-
`cording to the existing correspondence
`and other procedures of the NHTSA,
`and any information contained in it
`will be considered at the discretion of
`the Administrator.
`§ 557.6 Determination whether to hold
`a public hearing.
`(a) The Administrator considers the
`whether to hold a hearing:
`(1) The nature of the complaint;
`(2) The seriousness of the alleged
`breach of obligation to remedy;
`(3) The existence of similar com-
`(4) The ability of the NHTSA to re-
`solve the problem without holding a
`hearing; and
`(5) Other pertinent matters.
`(b) If, after considering the above fac-
`tors, the Administrator determines
`that a hearing should be held, the peti-
`tion is granted. If it is determined that
`a hearing should not be held, the peti-
`tion is denied. In either case, the peti-
`tioner is notified of the grant or denial
`not more than 60 days after receipt of
`the petition by the NHTSA.
`(c) If a petition submitted under this
`part is denied, a FEDERAL REGISTER no-
`tice of the denial is issued within 45
`days of the denial, setting forth the
`reasons for it.
`(d) The Administrator may conduct a
`hearing under this part on his own mo-
`§ 557.7 Public hearing.
`If the Administrator decides that a
`public hearing under this part is nec-
`essary, he issues a notice of public
`hearing in the FEDERAL REGISTER, to
`advise interested persons of the time,
`place, and subject matter of the public
`hearing and invite their participation.
`Interested persons may submit their
`views through oral or written presen-
`tation, or both. There is no cross-exam-
`ination of witnesses. A transcript of
`the hearing is kept and exhibits may be
`accepted as part of the transcript. Sec-
`tions 556 and 557 of title 5, U.S.C., do
`not apply to hearings held under this
`part. When appropriate, the Chief
`Counsel designates a member of his
`staff to serve as legal officer at the
`§ 557.8 Determination of manufactur-
`er’s obligation.
`If the Administrator determines, on
`the basis of the information presented
`at a hearing or any other information
`that is available to him, that the man-
`ufacturer has not reasonably met his
`obligation to notify owners, dealers,
`and purchasers of a safety-related de-
`fect or failure to comply with a Federal
`motor vehicle safety standard or to
`remedy such defect or failure to com-
`ply, he orders the manufacturer to
`take specified action to comply with
`his obligation, consistent with the au-
`thority granted the Administrator by
`the Act.
`563.1 Scope.
`563.2 Purpose.
`563.3 Application.
`563.4 [Reserved]
`563.5 Definitions.
`563.6 Requirements for vehicles.
`563.7 Data elements.
`563.8 Data format.
`563.9 Data capture.
`563.10 Crash test performance and surviv-
`563.11 Information in owner’s manual.
`563.12 Data retrieval tools.
`AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 322, 30101, 30111, 30115,
`30117, 30166, 30168; delegation of authority at
`49 CFR 1.50.
`SOURCE: 71 FR 51043, Aug. 28, 2006, unless
`otherwise noted.
`§ 563.1 Scope.
`This part specifies uniform, national
`for vehicles equipped
`with event data recorders (EDRs) con-
`cerning the collection, storage, and
`retrievability of onboard motor vehicle
`crash event data. It also specifies re-
`quirements for vehicle manufacturers
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`§ 563.2
`to make tools and/or methods commer-
`cially available so that crash inves-
`tigators and researchers are able to re-
`trieve data from EDRs.
`§ 563.2 Purpose.
`The purpose of this part is to help en-
`sure that EDRs record, in a readily us-
`able manner, data valuable for effec-
`tive crash investigations and for anal-
`ysis of safety equipment performance
`(e.g., advanced restraint systems).
`These data will help provide a better
`understanding of the circumstances in
`which crashes and injuries occur and
`will lead to safer vehicle designs.
`§ 563.3 Application.
`This part applies to the following ve-
`hicles manufactured on or after Sep-
`tember 1, 2012, if they are equipped
`with an event data recorder: passenger
`cars, multipurpose passenger vehicles,
`trucks, and buses with a GVWR of 3,855
`kg (8,500 pounds) or less and an un-
`loaded vehicle weight of 2,495 kg (5,500
`pounds) or less, except for walk-in van-
`type trucks or vehicles designed to be
`sold exclusively to the U.S. Postal
`Service. This part also applies to man-
`ufacturers of those vehicles. However,
`vehicles manufactured before Sep-
`tember 1, 2013 that are manufactured in
`two or more stages or that are altered
`(within the meaning of 49 CFR 567.7)
`after having been previously certified
`to the Federal motor vehicle safety
`standards in accordance with part 567
`of this chapter need not meet the re-
`quirements of this part.
`[73 FR 2179, Jan. 14, 2008]
`§ 563.4 [Reserved]
`§ 563.5 Definitions.
`(a) Motor vehicle safety standard defi-
`nitions. Unless otherwise indicated, all
`terms that are used in this part and are
`defined in the Motor Vehicle Safety
`Standards, part 571 of this subchapter,
`are used as defined therein.
`(b) Other definitions.
`ABS activity means the anti-lock
`brake system (ABS) is actively con-
`trolling the vehicle’s brakes.
`Air bag warning lamp status means
`whether the warning lamp required by
`FMVSS No. 208 is on or off.
`49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–11 Edition)
`the process of
`Capture means
`buffering EDR data in a temporary,
`volatile storage medium where it is
`continuously updated at regular time
`Delta–V, lateral means the cumulative
`change in velocity, as recorded by the
`EDR of the vehicle, along the lateral
`axis, starting from crash time zero and
`ending at 0.25 seconds, recorded every
`0.01 seconds.
`Delta–V, longitudinal means the cu-
`mulative change in velocity, as re-
`corded by the EDR of the vehicle, along
`the longitudinal axis, starting from
`crash time zero and ending at 0.25 sec-
`onds, recorded every 0.01 seconds.
`Deployment time, frontal air bag means
`(for both driver and right front pas-
`senger) the elapsed time from crash
`time zero to the deployment command,
`or for multi-staged air bag systems,
`the deployment command for the first
`Disposal means the deployment com-
`mand of the second (or higher, if
`present) stage of a frontal air bag for
`the purpose of disposing the propellant
`from the air bag device.
`End of event time means the moment
`at which the cumulative delta–V with-
`in a 20 ms time period becomes 0.8 km/
`h (0.5 mph) or less, or the moment at
`which the crash detection algorithm of
`the air bag control unit resets.
`Engine RPM means
`(1) For vehicles powered by internal
`combustion engines, the number of rev-
`olutions per minute of the main crank-
`shaft of the vehicle’s engine; and
`(2) For vehicles not entirely powered
`by internal combustion engines, the
`number of revolutions per minute of
`the motor shaft at the point at which
`it enters the vehicle transmission gear-
`Engine throttle, percent full means the
`driver-requested acceleration as meas-
`ured by the throttle position sensor on
`the accelerator pedal compared to the
`fully-depressed position.
`Event means a crash or other phys-
`ical occurrence that causes the trigger
`threshold to be met or exceeded, or an
`air bag to be deployed, whichever oc-
`curs first.
`Event data recorder (EDR) means a de-
`vice or function in a vehicle that
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`Nat’l Highway Traffic Safety Admin., DOT
`§ 563.5
`records the vehicle’s dynamic time-se-
`ries data during the time period just
`prior to a crash event (e.g., vehicle
`speed vs. time) or during a crash event
`(e.g., delta–V vs. time), intended for re-
`trieval after the crash event. For the
`purposes of this definition, the event
`data do not include audio and video
`Frontal air bag means an inflatable
`restraint system that requires no ac-
`tion by vehicle occupants and is used
`to meet the applicable frontal crash
`protection requirements of FMVSS No.
`Ignition cycle, crash means the num-
`ber (count) of power cycles applied to
`the recording device at the time when
`the crash event occurred since the first
`use of the EDR.
`Ignition cycle download means the
`number (count) of power cycles applied
`to the recording device at the time
`when the data was downloaded since
`the first use of the EDR.
`Lateral acceleration means the compo-
`nent of the vector acceleration of a
`point in the vehicle in the y-direction.
`The lateral acceleration is positive
`from left to right, from the perspective
`of the driver when seated in the vehicle
`facing the direction of forward vehicle
`Longitudinal acceleration means the
`component of the vector acceleration
`of a point in the vehicle in the x-direc-
`tion. The longitudinal acceleration is
`positive in the direction of forward ve-
`hicle travel.
`Maximum delta–V, lateral means the
`maximum value of the cumulative
`change in velocity, as recorded by the
`EDR, of the vehicle along the lateral
`axis, starting from crash time zero and
`ending at 0.3 seconds.
`Maximum delta–V, longitudinal means
`the maximum value of the cumulative
`change in velocity, as recorded by the
`EDR, of the vehicle along the longitu-
`dinal axis, starting from crash time
`zero and ending at 0.3 seconds.
`Maximum delta–V, resultant means the
`time-correlated maximum value of the
`cumulative change in velocity, as re-
`corded by the EDR or processed during
`data download, along the vector-added
`longitudinal and lateral axes.
`Multi-event crash means the occur-
`rence of 2 events, the first and last of
`which begin not more than 5 seconds
`Non-volatile memory means the mem-
`ory reserved for maintaining recorded
`EDR data in a semi-permanent fashion.
`Data recorded in non-volatile memory
`is retained after loss of power and can
`be retrieved with EDR data extraction
`tools and methods.
`Normal acceleration means the compo-
`nent of the vector acceleration of a
`point in the vehicle in the z-direction.
`The normal acceleration is positive in
`a downward direction and is zero when
`the accelerometer is at rest.
`Occupant position classification means
`the classification indicating that the
`seating posture of a front outboard oc-
`cupant (both driver and right front pas-
`senger) is determined as being out-of-
`Occupant size classification means, for
`the right front passenger, the classi-
`fication of the occupant as an adult
`and not as a child, and for the driver,
`the classification of the driver as not
`being of small stature.
`Pretensioner means a device that is
`activated by a vehicle’s crash sensing
`system and removes slack from a vehi-
`cle safety belt system.
`Record means the process of saving
`captured EDR data into a non-volatile
`device for subsequent retrieval.
`Safety belt status means the feedback
`from the safety system that is used to
`determine that an occupant’s safety
`belt (for both driver and right front
`passenger) is fastened or unfastened.
`Seat track position switch, foremost,
`status means the status of the switch
`that is installed to detect whether the
`seat is moved to a forward position.
`Service brake, on and off means the
`status of the device that is installed in
`or connected to the brake pedal system
`to detect whether the pedal was
`pressed. The device can include the
`brake pedal switch or other driver-op-
`erated service brake control.
`Side air bag means any inflatable oc-
`cupant restraint device that is mount-
`ed to the seat or side structure of the
`vehicle interior, and that is designed to
`deploy in a side impact crash to help
`mitigate occupant injury and/or ejec-
`Side curtain/tube air bag means any in-
`flatable occupant restraint device that
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`§ 563.5
`is mounted to the side structure of the
`vehicle interior, and that is designed to
`deploy in a side impact crash or roll-
`over and to help mitigate occupant in-
`jury and/or ejection.
`Speed, vehicle indicated means the ve-
`hicle speed indicated by a manufac-
`turer-designated subsystem designed to
`indicate the vehicle’s ground travel
`speed during vehicle operation.
`Stability control means any device
`that complies with FMVSS No. 126,
`‘‘Electronic stability control systems.’’
`Steering input means the angular dis-
`placement of the steering wheel meas-
`ured from the straight-ahead position
`(position corresponding to zero average
`steer angle of a pair of steered wheels).
`Suppression switch status means the
`status of the switch indicating whether
`an air bag suppression system is on or
`Time from event 1 to 2 means the
`elapsed time from time zero of the first
`event to time zero of the second event.
`Time, maximum delta–V, lateral means
`the time from crash time zero to the
`point where the maximum value of the
`cumulative change in velocity is found,
`as recorded by the EDR, along the lat-
`eral axis.
`Time, maximum delta–V, longitudinal
`means the time from crash time zero to
`the point where the maximum value of
`the cumulative change in velocity is
`found, as recorded by the EDR, along
`the longitudinal axis.
`Time, maximum delta–V,
`means the time from crash time zero to
`the point where the maximum delta–V
`resultant occurs, as recorded by the
`Time to deploy, pretensioner means the
`elapsed time from crash time zero to
`the deployment command for the safe-
`ty belt pretensioner (for both driver
`and right front passenger).
`Time to deploy, side air bag/curtain
`means the elapsed time from crash
`time zero to the deployment command
`for a side air bag or a side curtain/tube
`air bag (for both driver and right front
`Time to first stage means the elapsed
`time between time zero and the time
`when the first stage of a frontal air bag
`is commanded to fire.
`49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–11 Edition)
`Time to nth stage means the elapsed
`time from crash time zero to the de-
`ployment command for the nth stage of
`a frontal air bag (for both driver and
`right front passenger).
`Time zero means whichever of the fol-
`lowing occurs first:
`(1) For systems with ‘‘wake-up’’ air
`bag control systems, the time at which
`the occupant restraint control algo-
`rithm is activated; or
`(2) For continuously running algo-
`(i) The first point in the interval
`where a longitudinal cumulative delta–
`V of over 0.8 km/h (0.5 mph) is reached
`within a 20 ms time period; or
`(ii) For vehicles that record ‘‘delta–
`V, lateral,’’ the first point in the inter-
`val where a lateral cumulative delta–V
`of over 0.8 km/h (0.5 mph) is reached
`within a 5 ms time period; or
`(3) An air bag deployment.
`Trigger threshold means a change in
`vehicle velocity, in the longitudinal di-
`rection, that equals or exceeds 8 km/h
`within a 150 ms interval. For vehicles
`that record ‘‘delta–V, lateral,’’ trigger
`threshold means a change in vehicle
`velocity in either the longitudinal or
`lateral direction that equals or exceeds
`8 km/h within a 150 ms interval.
`Vehicle roll angle means the angle be-
`tween the vehicle’s y-axis and the
`ground plane.
`Volatile memory means the memory
`reserved for buffering of captured EDR
`data. The memory is not capable of re-
`taining data in a semi-permanent fash-
`ion. Data captured in volatile memory
`is continuously overwritten and is not
`retained in the event of a power loss or
`retrievable with EDR data extraction
`X-direction means in the direction of
`the vehicle’s X-axis, which is parallel
`to the vehicle’s longitudinal center-
`line. The X-direction is positive in the
`direction of forward vehicle travel.
`Y-direction means in the direction of
`the vehicle’s Y-axis, which is perpen-
`dicular to its X-axis and in the same
`horizontal plane as that axis. The Y-di-
`rection is positive from left to right,
`from the perspective of the driver when
`seated in the vehicle facing the direc-
`tion of forward vehicle travel.
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`Nat’l Highway Traffic Safety Admin., DOT
`§ 563.7
`Z-direction means in the direction of
`the vehicle’s Z-axis, which is perpen-
`dicular to the X- and Y-axes. The Z-di-
`rection is positive in a downward direc-
`[73 FR 2180, Jan. 14, 2008]
`EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 76 FR 47486, Aug.
`5, 2011, § 563.5 was amended in paragraph (b),
`by revising the definitions of ‘‘end of event
`time,’’ ‘‘event,’’ ‘‘occupant size classifica-
`tion,’’ and ‘‘time zero,’’, removing the defini-
`tion of ‘‘service brake, on and off’’, and add-
`ing a definition for ‘‘service brake, on or
`off’’, effective October 4, 2011. For the con-
`venience of the user, the added and revised
`text is set forth as follows:
`§ 563.5 Definitions.
`pant restraint control algorithm is acti-
`vated; or
`(2) For continuously running algorithms,
`(i) The first point in the interval where a
`longitudinal cumulative delta-V of over 0.8
`km/h (0.5 mph) is reached within a 20 ms
`time period; or
`(ii) For vehicles that record ‘‘delta-V, lat-
`eral,’’ the first point in the interval where a
`lateral cumulative delta-V of over 0.8 km/h
`(0.5 mph) is reached within a 5 ms time pe-
`riod; or
`(3) Deployment of a non-reversible
`deployable restraint.
`§ 563.6 Requirements for vehicles.
`Each vehicle equipped with an EDR
`must meet the requirements specified
`in § 563.7 for data elements, § 563.8 for
`data format, § 563.9 for data capture,
`§ 563.10 for crash test performance and
`survivability, and § 563.11 for informa-
`tion in owner’s manual.
`§ 563.7 Data elements.
`(a) Data elements required for all vehi-
`cles. Each vehicle equipped with an
`EDR must record all of the data ele-
`ments listed in Table I, during the in-
`terval/time and at the sample rate
`specified in that table.
`Data element
`Recording in-
`terval/time 1
`(relative to
`time zero)
`Data sam-
`ple rate
`per second)
`Delta–V, longitudinal
`Maximum delta–V, longitu-
`............. 0 to 250 ms,
`or 0 to End
`of Event
`Time plus
`30 ms,
`whichever is
`0 to 300 ms,
`or 0 to End
`of Event
`Time plus
`30 ms,
`whichever is
`Time, maximum delta–V ........ 0 to 300 ms,
`or 0 to End
`of Event
`Time plus
`30 ms,
`whichever is
`Speed, vehicle indicated ....... ¥5.0 to 0 sec
`Engine throttle, % full (or ac-
`¥5.0 to 0 sec
`celerator pedal, % full).
`Service brake, on/off
`............. ¥5.0 to 0 sec
`Ignition cycle, crash ............... ¥1.0 sec .......
`(b) * * *
`End of event time means the moment at
`which the resultant cumulative delta–V
`within a 20 ms time period becomes 0.8 km/
`h (0.5 mph) or less, or the moment at which
`the crash detection algorithm of the air bag
`control unit resets.
`Event means a crash or other physical oc-
`currence that causes the trigger threshold to
`be met or exceeded, or any non-reversible
`deployable restraint to be deployed, which-
`ever occurs first.
`Occupant size classification means, for the
`right front passenger, the classification of
`the occupant as a child (as defined in 49 CFR
`part 572, subpart N or smaller) or not as an
`adult (as defined in 49 CFR part 572, subpart
`O), and for the driver, the classification of
`the driver as being a 5th percentile female
`(as defined in 49 CFR Part 572, subpart O) or
`Service brake, on or off means the status of
`the device that is installed in or connected
`to the brake pedal system to detect whether
`the pedal was pressed. The device can include
`the brake pedal switch or other driver-oper-
`ated service brake control.
`Time zero means whichever of the following
`occurs first:
`(1) For systems with ‘‘wake-up’’ air bag
`control systems, the time at which the occu-
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`§ 563.7
`49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–11 Edition)
`Data element
`Recording in-
`terval/time 1
`(relative to
`time zero)
`Data sam-
`ple rate
`per second)
`Data element
`Recording in-
`terval/time 1
`(relative to
`time zero)
`Data sam-
`ple rate
`per second)
`Ignition cycle, download ........ At time of
`download 3.
`Safety belt status, driver ....... ¥1.0 sec .......
`¥1.0 sec .......
`Frontal air bag warning lamp,
`on/off 2.
`Frontal air bag deployment,
`time to deploy, in the case
`of a single stage air bag, or
`time to first stage deploy-
`ment, in the case of a
`multi-stage air bag, driver.
`Frontal air bag deployment,
`time to deploy, in the case
`of a single stage air bag, or
`time to first stage deploy-
`ment, in the case of a
`multi-stage air bag, right
`front passenger.
`Multi-event, number of events
`(1, 2).
`Time from event 1 to 2 .......... As needed .....
`Complete file recorded (yes,
`other data.
`1Pre-crash data and crash data are asynchronous. The
`sample time accuracy requirement for pre-crash time is ¥0.1
`to 1.0 sec (e.g., T = ¥1 would need to occur between ¥1.1
`and 0 seconds).
`2The frontal air bag warning lamp is the readiness indicator
`specified in S4.5.2 of FMVSS No. 208.
`3The ignition cycle at the time of download is not required
`to be recorded at the time of the crash, but shall be reported
`during the download process.
`(b) Data elements required for vehicles
`under specified conditions. Each vehicle
`equipped with an EDR must record
`each of the data elements listed in col-
`umn 1 of Table II for which the vehicle
`meets the condition specified in col-
`umn 2 of that table, during the inter-
`val/time and at the sample rate speci-
`fied in that table.
`Data element name
`Condition for requirement
`Recording interval/time 1
`(relative to time zero)
`Data sample
`rate (per
`Lateral acceleration .........................
`Longitudinal acceleration .................
`Normal acceleration ........................
`Delta–V, lateral ................................
`Maximum delta–V, lateral ................
`Time, maximum delta–V, lateral
`Time, maximum delta–V, resultant
`Engine RPM ....................................
`Vehicle roll angle .............................
`ABS activity
`(engaged, non-en-
`Stability control (on, off, engaged) ..
`Steering input ..................................
`Safety belt status, right front pas-
`senger (buckled, not buckled).
`Frontal air bag suppression switch
`status, right front passenger (on,
`off, or auto).
`Frontal air bag deployment, time to
`nth stage, driver 4.
`Frontal air bag deployment, time to
`nth stage, right front passenger 4.
`Frontal air bag deployment, nth
`driver, Y/N
`(whether the nth stage deploy-
`ment was for occupant restraint
`or propellant disposal purposes).
`If recorded 2 .................................... 0 to 250 ms ....................................
`If recorded ...................................... 0 to 250 ms ....................................
`If recorded ...................................... 0 to 250 ms ....................................
`If recorded ...................................... 0 to 250 ms, or 0 to End of Event
`Time plus 30 ms, whichever is
`If recorded ...................................... 0 to 300 ms, or 0 to End of Event
`Time plus 30 ms, whichever is
`If recorded ...................................... 0 to 300 ms, or 0 to End of Event
`Time plus 30 ms, whichever is
`If recorded ...................................... 0 to 300 ms, or 0 to End of Event
`Time plus 30 ms, whichever is
`If recorded ...................................... –5.0 to 0 sec ..................................
`If recorded ...................................... –1.0 up to 5.0 sec 3 ........................
`If recorded ...................................... –5.0 to 0 sec ..................................
`If recorded ...................................... –5.0 to 0 sec ..................................
`If recorded ...................................... –5.0 to 0 sec ..................................
`If recorded ...................................... –1.0 sec ..........................................
`If recorded ...................................... –1.0 sec ..........................................
`If equipped with a driver’s frontal
`air bag with a multi-stage inflator.
`If equipped with a right front pas-
`senger’s frontal air bag with a
`multi-stage inflator.
`If recorded ...................................... Event
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`Nat’l Highway Traffic Safety Admin., DOT
`§ 563.7, Nt.
`Data element name
`Condition for requirement
`Recording interval/time 1
`(relative to time zero)
`Data sample
`rate (per
`Frontal air bag deployment, nth
`stage disposal, right front pas-
`senger, Y/N (whether
`the nth
`stage deployment was for occu-
`pant restraint or propellant dis-
`posal purposes).
`Side air bag deployment, time to
`deploy, driver.
`Side air bag deployment, time to
`deploy, right front passenger.
`Side curtain/tube air bag deploy-
`ment, time to deploy, driver side.
`Side curtain/tube air bag deploy-
`ment, time to deploy, right side.
`Pretensioner deployment, time to
`fire, driver.
`Pretensioner deployment, time to
`fire, right front passenger.
`track position switch,
`most, status, driver.
`track position switch,
`most, right front passenger.
`Occupant size classification, driver
`Occupant size classification, right
`front passenger.
`Occupant position classification,
`Occupant position classification,
`right front passenger.
`If recorded ...................................... Event
`If recorded ...................................... Event
`If recorded ...................................... Event
`If recorded ...................................... Event
`If recorded ...................................... Event
`If recorded ...................................... Event
`If recorded ...................................... Event
`If recorded ...................................... –1.0 sec ..........................................
`If recorded ...................................... –1.0 sec ..........................................
`If recorded ...................................... –1.0 sec ..........................................
`If recorded ...................................... –1.0 sec ..........................................
`If recorded ...................................... –1.0 sec ..........................................
`If recorded ...................................... –1.0 sec ..........................................
`1 Pre-crash data and crash data are asynchronous The sample time accuracy requirement for pre-crash time is –0.1 to 1.0 sec
`(e.g., T = –1 would need to occur between –1.1 and 0 seconds)
`2 ‘‘If recorded’’ means if the data is recorded in non-volatile memory for the purpose of subsequent downloading
`3 ‘‘Vehicle roll angle’’ may be recorded in any time duration –1.0 to 5.0 seconds is suggested
`4 List this element n—1 times, once for each stage of a multi-stage air bag system
`[73 FR 2181, Jan. 14, 2008; 73 FR 8408, Feb. 13, 2008]
`EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 76 FR 47486, Aug. 5, 2011, § 563.7 was amended by revising Table
`I in paragraph (a) and Table II in paragraph (b), effective October 4, 2011. For the convenience
`of the user, the revised text is set forth as follows:
`§ 563.7 Data elements.
`(a) * * *
`Data element
`Recording interval/time 1
`(relative to time zero)
`Maximum delta-V, longitudinal
`Delta-V, longitudinal ....................................................... 0 to 250 ms or 0 to End of Event Time plus 30 ms,
`whichever is shorter.
`...................................... 0–300 ms or 0 to End of Event Time plus 30 ms,
`whichever is shorter.
`Time, maximum delta-V ................................................. 0–300 ms or 0 to End of Event Time plus 30 ms,
`whichever is shorter.
`Speed, vehicle indicated ................................................ ¥5.0 to 0 sec ...............................................................
`Engine throttle, % full (or accelerator pedal, % full) ..... ¥5.0 to 0 sec ...............................................................
`Service brake, on/off ...................................................... ¥5.0 to 0 sec ...............................................................
`Ignition cycle, crash ....................................................... ¥1.0 sec .......................................................................
`Ignition cycle, download ................................................ At time of download 3 ....................................................
`Safety belt status, driver ................................................ ¥1.0 sec .......................................................................
`Frontal air bag warning lamp, on/off 2 ........................... ¥1.0 sec .......................................................................
`Frontal air bag deployment, time to deploy, in the case
`Event .............................................................................
`of a single stage air bag, or time to first stage de-
`ployment, in the case of a multi-stage air bag, driver.
`Data sample
`(samples per
`VerDate Mar<15>2010 18:42 Dec 22, 2011 Jkt 223219 PO 00000 Frm 00239 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8018 Q:\49\X49\223219.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150
`OWNER Ex. 2029, page 7

`§ 563.7, Nt.
`49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–11 Edition)
`Data element
`Recording interval/time 1
`(relative to time zero)
`Frontal air bag deployment, time to deploy, in the case
`of a single stage air bag, or time to first stage de-
`ployment, in the case of a multi-stage air bag, right
`front passenger.
`Multi-event, number of event ......................................... Event .............................................................................
`Time from event 1 to 2 .................................................. As needed .....................................................................
`Complete file recorded (yes, no) ................................... Following other data .....................................................
`Event .............................................................................
`Data sample
`(samples p

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