`(12; United States Patent
`[10) Patent No.:
`(45} Date of Patent:
`US 8,548,686 32
`*Oet. l, 2013
`James T. Pisz. Huntington Beach. CA
`(73) Assignee: Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc..
`Torrance. CA (US)
`( "‘ } Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer. the term of this
`patent is extended or adiusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 1231 days.
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis-
`[21} Appl. No: 111870.977
`Oct. 11, 2007
`1021319 BI
`International Search Report for PCT Application Serial No. PC'IW'
`11508179233. mailed on Dec. 8. 2008.
`Akclla. MR. et 31. Evaluating the reliability ofautomatcd collision
`notification systems. In Accid. Anal. Prev. May 2003. vol. 35. No. 3.
`pp. 349-360.
`Primarr Examiner — Thomas Tarcza
`Assistant Examiner - Edward l’ipala
`(74) Artur-net: Agent. or Firm — MCDcrmott Will & Etttery
`Prior Publication Data
`US 200910099732 Al
`Int. Cl.
`B60K 28/14
`G06F 17/00
`B60Q 11/00
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`Apr. 16. 2009
`7lll145:701129.1: 701131.52 701132.2-
`3401436; 3401438: 3401460; 1801282
`(58) Field of ('Tlassifieation Search
`70111. 29. 32. 35. 36. 45. 29.1. 29.6.
`7011314, 31.5. 32.2. 32.3. 32.4. 33.4: 2801734.
`2801735: 3401901. 425.5. 436. 438. 459—462;
`1801271. 274. 282
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`3.9I4.692 A
`[011975 Seaborn..lr_
`4.172.969 A
`1011979 Levine ct al.
`9 "2004
`An automatic crash notification system may include a crash
`detection system configured to detect a crash of a vehicle. a
`wireless communication system configured to wirelessly
`transmit a message to and wirelessly receive a message from
`a remote location in conformance with the IEEE 802.16 stan-
`dard. and a processing system configured to transmit notice of
`a crash over the wireless communication system to the remote
`location in conformance with the 1111311 80216 standard in
`response to detection of the crash by the crash detection
`system. The wireless communication may be configured to
`wireleSsly transmit a message to mid wireless receive a mes-
`sage from the remote location using Wi MAX. The automatic
`crash notification system may includeu memory system con-
`taining a first prerecorded message that includes one or more
`words that mean that the remote location has received notice
`01:: crash and a user communication system configured to
`deliver words to an occupant of the vehicle. The processing
`system may be configured to cause the first prerecorded mes-
`sage to be eonununicated over the user conmimtication sys-
`tent in response to receipt by the wireless communication
`system ofan acknowledgement from the remote location that
`the remote location has received notice 0 [the crash. but which
`does not include the first prerecorded message.
`22 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets
`Manage Lingo-g-
`crash Deheotmi
`[step 206}
`'1! crash has been astound. ll'you do rtolwarlt or need hob. prose
`the red emergency cancellation button loos led on the dashboard:
`Notice 01' Crash
`{step 209}
`Notice 01 Crash
`Rooohtod {step 213)
`(step 305}
`‘Notlce ofthls each has been Iransmlnod to a catl cantor. "you
`do not tut-enter need halo. mess the mo emergency oanoelabon'
`button brakes! on the dashboard:
`oall cannarhssac rtotnteagao receiving notioe- the crash
`and to requesting a local omrgoncy service provider to protrldo
`help. lfyou do not wattle! need help. press the rod emergency
`cancellallon button located on the dashboard."
`‘You are atlamollng because! a requestfot hole from an
`emergency service orovldsr. Press the red mnoelhtlm button
`agate within to coo-ones to canoe: the request for min:
`Cram Not Detected
`(step 307}
`“No tor-ash has been detected. You request to cancel automated
`vollida arch notification has been ignorodf
`has been canoelsd.‘
`(soap 319}
`”The request for Itatp 1mm your local amatgartoy service pt'ovidar
`OWNER EX. 2021, page 1


`US 8,548,686 B2
`Page 2
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`* cited by examiner
`OWNER Ex. 2021, page 2


`US. Patent
`om. 1, 2013
`Sheet 1 of 5
`US 8,548,686 B2
`Crash Detection
`Status Indicators
`Location Detection
`Cancel Control
`Sound System
`Fig. 1
`OWNER EX. 2021, page 3


`US. Patent
`Oct. 1, 2013
`Sheet 2 of 5
`US 8,548,686 32
`Crash Detected
`Transmit Notice of
`Play Notice of
`Crash Transmitted
`Play Crash
`21 1
`Notice of
`Fig . 2
`Crash Received
`Play Notice 01‘
`OWNER EX. 2021, page 4


`US. Patent
`Oct. 1, 2013
`Sheet 3 of 5
`US 8,548,686 32
`Request Received
`Play Crash Not
`Play Confirmation
`G0 to Fig. 303)
`Fig. 3(a)
`OWNER EX. 2021, page 5


`US. Patent
`Oct. 1, 2013
`Sheet 4 of 5
`US 8,548,686 32
`From Fig. 3(8)
` Notice of
`Fig. 3(b)
`OWNER EX. 2021, page 6


`US. Patent
`Oct. 1, 2013
`Sheet 5 of 5
`US 8,548,686 B2
`Ignition Key
`Cancel Process
`Un- Mute
`Fig. 4
`Crash Detected
`(step 205)
`“A crash has been detected. ff you do not want or need help, press
`the red emergency cancellation button located on the dashboard.“
`Notice of Crash
`(step 209)
`”Notice of this crash has been transmitted to a call center. If you
`do not want or need help. press the red emergency cancellation
`button located on the dashboard."
`Notice of Crash
`Received (step 213)
`“The call center has acknowledged receiving notice of the crash
`and is requesting a local emergency service provider to provide
`help. if you do not want or need help. press the red emergency
`cancellation button iocated on the dashboard."
`has been canceled.“
`(step 305)
`“You are attempting to cancel a request for help from an
`emergency service provider. Press the red cancellation button
`again within 10 seconds to cancel the request for help.”
`Crash Not Detected
`(step 307)
`“No crash has been detected. Your request to cancel automated
`vehicle crash notification has been ignored."
`(step 319)
`“The request for help from your locat emergency service provider
`Fig. 5
`OWNER EX. 2021, page 7


`US 8,548,686 B2
`l. liield
`Automatic crash notification.
`2. Description of Related Art
`Automatic crash notification systems and methods may
`detect a vehicle crash and issue a request for help to a call
`center. An operator at the call center may communicate with
`an occupant of the vehicle to confirm that the call for help has
`been received.
`Standard cell phone technology has been used to wireles sly
`communicate the needed information. However. cell phones
`have limited range and may not operate in areas in which a
`cellular tower is far away. Moreover. the cell phone services
`that are offered by dilTereltt carriers are not always compat-
`ible. This can require the hardware of the system to be dedi-
`cated to a service offered by only one carrier. This may further
`restrict the flexibility of the system. reduce opportunities for
`competitive price bidding. and further reduce the areas in
`which the system can be used.
`Instead of including its own mobile cell phone hardware.
`some systems may interface with a cell phone provided by the
`vehicle occupant. Although this may increase the number of
`compatible carriers. it can also introduce safety and reliability
`problems. For example, the occupant may forget to bring a
`cell phone. charge the cell phone before driving. or turn the
`cell phone on. The cell phone itsell'may not be reliable or may
`not have all of the necessary functionality.
`The use of cell phones also may require payments to car-
`riers based on the amount ofair time that is used or the amount
`of data that is communicated. This can make it difficult to
`enter into a fixed—price contract for the use of a particular
`carrier. It can also make it difficult to accurately determine the
`cost of using such a system at the time a purchase decision
`must be made.
`An automatic crash notification system may include a
`crash detection system configured to detect a crash of a
`vehicle. a wireless communication system configured to
`wirelessly transmit a message to and wirelessly receive a
`message from a remote location in confomtance with the
`Il-iI-iF. 802.16 standard, and a processing system configured to
`transmit notice ol'a crash over the wireless communication
`system to the remote location in conformance with the IEEE
`802.16 standard in response to detection of the crash by the
`crash detection system.
`The wireless connntmication may be configured to wire-
`lessly transmit a message to and wireless receive a message
`from the remote location using WiMAX.
`The automatic crash notification system may include a
`memory system containing a first prerecorded message that
`includes one ormore words that mean that the remote location
`has received notice of a crash and a user coimnunication
`system configured to deliver words to an occupant of the
`vehicle. The processing system may be configured to cause
`the first prerecorded message to be communicated over the
`user conununication system in response to receipt by the
`wireless communication system of an acknowledgement
`from the remote location that the remote location has received
`notice of the crash. but which does not include Lhe first pre-
`recorded message.
`The memory system may contain the first prerecorded
`message in multiple languages. The pmcessing system may
`be configured to select the lzmguage to be communicated
`based on user input.
`The wireless communication system may be configured
`not to transmit or receive words over the wireless communi-
`cation system.
`The first prerecorded message may include one or more
`words that also mean that the remote location has summoned
`The vehicle may include an entertainment system and the
`processing system may be configured to mute the sound from
`the entertainment system in response to detection of a crash
`by the crash detection system.
`The automatic crash notification may include a GPS
`receiver configured to generate location infonnation indica-
`tive of the location ol'tlte vehicle. and the processing system
`may be configured to cause the location information to be
`included in the notice of the crash that is transmitted to the
`remote location.
`The automatic crash notification system may include a
`user-actuated cancel control and the processing system may
`be configured to transmit a cancellation notice over the wire-
`less communication system to the remote location in response
`to actuation of the user-actuated cancel control.
`The memory system may contain a second prerecorded
`message that includes one or more words that mean that a
`remote location has received a cancellation notice. The pro—
`cessing system may be configured to cause the second prere-
`corded message to be conununicated over the user commu-
`nication system in response to receipt by the wireless
`communication system of an acknowledgement from the
`remote location that the remote location has received a can-
`cellation notice, but which does not include the second pre—
`recorded message.
`The user communication system may include a sound sys-
`tem and the processing system may be configured to cause the
`one or more words to be played over the sound system.
`The user communication system may include a display and
`the processing system may be configured to cause the one or
`more words to be displayed on the display.
`An automatic crash notification process may include auto—
`matically detecting a crash of a vehicle and transmitting
`notice of the crash from the vehicle to a remote location
`automatically in response to the automatically detecting the
`crash over a wireless communication system in conformance
`with the lEl'ili 802.16 standard.
`The transmitting may use WiMAX.
`The automatic crash notification process may include stor—
`ing a first prerecorded message that includes one or more
`words that mean that a remote location has received notice of
`a crash in a memory in the vehicle, receiving 2m acknowl-
`edgement at the vehicle from the remote location that the
`remote location has received notice ol‘the crash. but which
`does not include any words. and communicating the first
`prerecorded message over a user communication system in
`response to receipt of the acknowledgement from the remote
`location that the remote location has received notice of the
`The automatic crash notification process may include
`selecting the language of the message that is conununicated.
`Words may not be not transmitted or received over the
`wireless corrnnunication system.
`The first prerecorded message may include one or more
`words that also mean that the remote location has summoned
`OWNER EX. 2021, page 8


`US 8,548,686 B2
`Tlte process tnay include muting sound from an entertainn
`ntent system in the vehicle irt response to detectiort of the
`The process ntay include generating location infomtation
`indicative of the location of llte vehicle and transmitting the
`location information as part ofthe notice ofthe craslt.
`The process may include actuating a user-actuated cancel
`control in the vehicle and transmitting a cancellation notice
`from the vehicle to the remote location in response to actua-
`tion ofthe user-acutated cancel control.
`The process ntay include storing a second prerecorded
`message that includes one or more words tltat rttean that the
`remote location ltas received a cancellation notice; receiving
`a second acknowledgement at the vehicle from the remote
`location that the remote location has received the cancellation
`notice. bttt which does rtot inchtde the second prerecorded
`message: and communicating the second prerecorded mes-
`sage that was stored in the vehicle over tlte user communica-
`tion system in response to receipt ofthe second acknowledge-
`rttent front the remote location.
`The one or more words may be played on a sound system
`or displayed on a display.
`‘l‘hese. as well as other components, steps,
`objects. benefits. and advantages, will now becortte clear from
`a review of tlte following detailed description of illustrative
`embodiments. the accompanying drawings. and the claims.
`The drawings disclose illustrative embodiments. They do
`not set forth all entbodiments. Other embodiments may be
`used itt addition or instead. Details that may be apparent or
`unnecessary may be omitted to save space or for more etTec-
`live illustration. Conversely. some embodiments may be prac-
`ticed without all of the details that are disclosed. When the
`same numeral appears itt difierent drawings. it is intended to
`refer to the same or like components or steps.
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram ofan automatic crash notification
`system using prerecorded messages.
`FIG. 2 is a flow diagram of an automatic crash notification
`process using the automatic crash notification system shown
`irt FIG. 1.
`FIGS. 3(a) and 3(b) collectively show a flow diagram of a
`cancellation process for the automatic crash notification pro-
`cess shown irt FIG. 2.
`FIG. 4 is a flow diagram ofanotlter cancellation process for
`the automatic crash notification process shown in FIG. 2.
`FIG. 5 is a table of prerecorded messages that may be
`played as part of the automatic crash notification processes
`shown in FIGS. 2, 3(a). attd 3(b).
`Illustrative embodiments
`are now discussed. Other
`embodiments may be used irt addition or instead. Details that
`may be apparent orututecessary may be ontitted to save space
`or for a more effective presentation. Conversely. some
`embodiments may be practiced without all of the details that
`are disclosed.
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram ol‘an autontatic crash notification
`system using prerecorded messages. As shown in FIG. 1_. a
`processing system 101 may be configured to communicate
`with a crash detectiott system 103. a two—way wireless com—
`munication system 105. a memory system 107 containing one
`or ntore messages 109, a location detection system 111, a
`user—a ctuated cancel control 113, status indicators 115, enter-
`tairuttent system 117, arid a sound system 1 1').
`The crash detection system 103 may be arty type of systcnt
`that is configured to detect a crash of a velticle. The system
`may include one or more crash sensors mounted on the
`vehicle at one or more strategic locations, suclt as on one or
`more btuttpers andr'or one or more sides of the vehicle. The
`craslt detection systent 103 may irtstead or in addition include
`one or tttore sensors that are configured to detect the deploy-
`ment of an air bag. One or more of the sensors may be an
`existing part of the velticle and may be utilized for other
`purposes. The craslt detection system 103 may include a
`user~actuate control (e. g. a push—button on the dashboard)
`that an occupant of the vehicle may actuate following a crash
`as an alternate or additional means of detecting a crash.
`The crash detection system 1 03 may be configured to com-
`municate that a crash has occurred when an air bag sensor
`signals that an airbag has been deployed or when a rear-end
`sensor signals that there has been a rear-end crash {which
`usually does rtot trigger an airbag). The crash detection sys—
`tent 103 may be configured to ignore signals from a rear—end
`sensor that are below a predetermined threshold on the
`asstuttption that such a crash does rtot warrant a call for ltelp.
`The wireless corttmuttication system 105 may be config-
`ured to wirelessly trattsntit data. voice. andfor other informa-
`tion to a location that is remote from tlte vehicle. such as to a
`call center. and to wirelessly receive data, voice. andtor other
`information from that remote location. The wireless continu—
`rtication system 105 may be any type of wireless communi-
`cation system. It may be a stand-alone system dedicated to the
`functions of tlte automatic vehicle crash notification system
`or it may provide other types ofcommunication services. For
`example. the wireless connnunication system 105 may also
`serve to send conununications to andfor to receive conunu—
`nications from a vehicle service center that relate to needs to
`ltave the vehicle serviced.
`The wireless corttmunication system 105 may include or
`consist of any type oftransceiver that confortns to the IEEE
`802.16 standard. When not used for automatic crash notifica-
`tion. the transceiver may be used for other purposes. such as
`for cortversation or data connnunication.
`More specifically. the wireless communication system 105
`may be configured to deliver its conuttuttications over
`WiMAX. meaning the Worldwide Interoperability for Micro-
`wave Access network. also known as WirelessMAN. This
`may be done in conformance with WiMAX protocols, includ-
`ing the incarnation of WiMax known as Mobile WiMax. The
`communication systent 105 may instead be configured to
`deliver its communications over another type of wireless
`teleconuttttrticatiort network that conforms to the IEEE
`802.16 standard. The wireless comtttunication system 105
`may be arty combination of a communicatiort system that
`conforms to the IEEE 802.} 6 standard and any other type of
`communication system, such as a cellular andfor commercial
`mobile radio service.
`The wireless conununication system 105 may be config—
`ured not to transmit or receive words. In art alternate embodi—
`ment, the wireless communication system 105 may be con-
`figured to corrununicate words.
`The memory systent 107 may be arty type of memory
`system. such as one or more ROMs. PROMs. ePROMs,
`memory cards. floppy disks. magnetic tapes, magnetic cards.
`CDs, DVDs, hard drives, andt’or any other type of memory
`device. The memory system 101‘r may include one of more of
`these memory devices at a single location or at distributed
`OWNER EX. 2021, page 9


`US 8,548,686 B2
`Each message 109 that is stored within the memory system
`107 may be prerecorded and include one or more words that
`have a certain meaning, as will be explained in more detail
`below. The one or more words in each message 109 may be an
`analog or digital recording ofa real person’s voice. text data
`that may be converted to audible words by a text-to-speech
`processor. data that represents phonemes that may be con-
`verted to audible words by a phoneme»to-speech converter,
`data that represents a set of words in a dictionary of stored
`words. and/or in any other format that may be recalled and
`commttnicated to an occttpant of the vehicle in an audible
`Each message 109 that is stored in the memory system 107
`may be stored in various formats. For example. each message
`may be stored in various languages. such as English, Spanish.
`French, and Italian. Similarly. each message may be stored in
`different voices. such a female voice and a male voice. Each
`message may also be stored in different versions, such as in a
`long version and a short version. The processing system 101
`may correspondingly be configured to select the particular
`format to use. such as the particular language. the sex of the
`voice. and whether to use the long or short version. This
`selection may be based on input from a user.
`The location detection system 111 may be any type of
`apparatus configured to detect and communicate the location
`ofthe vehicle.The location detection system 1 l 1 may include
`a GPS receiver. That receiver may be separate from or part of
`the wireless communication system 105.
`The user-actuated cancel control 1 13 may be any type of
`control that may be actuated by a user. It may include. for
`example. a mechanical switch. such as a red push button. A
`touch pad or touch screen may instead or in addition he used.
`The user-actuated cancel control 113 may be positioned any-
`where, such as on the dashbon ofthe vehicle or in a wireless
`remote control.
`The status indicators 115 may be one or more indicators of
`any type that are configured to communicate infonnation
`about the status of the automatic crash notification system to
`an occupant of the vehicle. The status indicators 115 tnay
`include I_.l-7.1)s. a display. or any other type of indicating
`device. The status indicators 115 may be configured in con—
`junction with the processing system 101 to indicate a broad
`variety of information about the status of the automatic crash
`notification system. Examples include that the system is on
`and firnctioning. that there has been a diagnostic error. that a
`subscription for an emergency notification service has
`that notice of a crash has been transmitted.
`transmission of a notice of a crash has been acknowledged.
`that cancellation of a notice of crash has been transmitted.
`that a transmitted cancellation notice has been
`The entertainment system 111‘r may be one or more of any
`type of entertainment systems in the vehicle. These may
`include one or more radios. CD players. DVD players, MPG
`players. and video players. and TVs. The systems may be
`configured foroperation from a front seat ofthe vehicle. a rear
`seat, remotely. andt’or a trunk.
`The sound system 1 19 may be any type of apparatus con-
`figured to audibly deliverwords to an occupant ofthe vehicle.
`It may include. for example. an amplifier and loud speaker.
`Although illustrated in FIG. 1 as separate front the entertain-
`ment system 117. the sound system 119 may be a part of the
`entertainment system 117. The sotmd system 119 may
`include a wired or wireless microphone over which a user
`may communicate. When wireless. the Bluetooth protocol
`may be used.
`The processing system 101 may be any type ofprocessing
`system. The processing system 101 may be configured to
`perform the functions and operations described herein. as
`well as other functions and operations. The processing system
`.10] may include a dedicated computer. dedicated to perform-
`ing the needed functions and operations. It may in addition or
`instead include a general purpose computer. programmed to
`perform these functions and operations. The processing sys-
`tem 101 may have only a single processor or may have mul-
`tiple processors working together.
`The automatic vehicle crash notification system shown in
`FIG. I may be attached to or installed in any portion of the
`vehicle. Its various components may be at a single location or
`may be at different locations. One or more components ofthe
`system may be installed by the manufacturer. distributor.

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