Exhibit 2006
`Excerpts from Dictionaries

`Related Searches
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`Nearby Words
`bar abbas
`bar absolute
`bar and grill
` Use Bar in a sentence
` [bahr]
` Show IPA
`a relatively long, evenly shaped piece of some solid substance,
`as metal or wood, used as a guard or obstruction or for some
`mechanical purpose: the bars of a cage.
`an oblong piece of any solid material: a bar of soap; a candy bar.
`the amount of material in a bar.
`an ingot, lump, or wedge of gold or silver.
`a long ridge of sand, gravel, or other material near or slightly
`above the surface of the water at or near the mouth of a river
`or harbor entrance, often constituting an obstruction to
`anything that obstructs, hinders, or impedes; obstacle; barrier:
`a bar to important legislation.
`a counter or place where beverages, especially liquors, or light
`meals are served to customers: a snack bar; a milk bar.
`a barroom or tavern.
`(in a home) a counter, small wagon, or similar piece of furniture
`for serving food or beverages: a breakfast bar.
`the legal profession.
`the practicing members of the legal profession in a given
`any tribunal: the bar of public opinion.
`a band or strip: a bar of light.
`a railing in a courtroom separating the general public from the
`part of the room occupied by the judges, jury, attorneys, etc.
`a crowbar.
`a. Also called bar line. the line marking the division between
`two measures of music.
`double bar.
`the unit of music contained between two bar lines;
`Ballet. barre.
`an objection that nullifies an action or claim.
`a stoppage or defeat of an alleged right of action.
`Typography. a horizontal stroke of a type character, as of an A,
`H, t, and sometimes e.
`Architecture . (in tracery) a relatively long and slender upright of
`stone treated as a colonette or molded.
`Building Trades.
`an iron or steel shape: I-bar.
`a muntin.
`Military . one of a pair of metal or cloth insignia worn by certain
`commissioned officers.
`bars, the transverse ridges on the roof of the mouth of a horse.
`a space between the molar and canine teeth of a horse into
`which the bit is fitted.
`(in a bridle) the mouthpiece connecting the cheeks.
`bride ( def 1 ) .
`Heraldry. a horizontal band, narrower than a fess, that crosses
`-A dm in istr a tion in th e Sta te of Miss
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`Example sentences
`As anyone who has walked into a smoky bar
` can tell you, alcohol and smoking
`Frying the little suckers might take away some of
`the nutritional value, but
`Bar soap is a convenient option for the bathroom,
`but when a bar gets to be too
`When you figure a candy bar would have cost
`them a weeks wages, you can
`Use faster without ads >>
`behind bars
`no holds barred
`Idioms & Phrases
`behind bars
`no holds barred
`Matching Quote
`"I am no book larnt man, but there is
`few who can beat me swapping horses
`or guessing at the weight of a bar. I
`have come here because my people
`voted for me, knowing I was a honest
`man and could make as good whiskey
`and apple brandy at my still as any

`search dictionary
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`Blank tournament b…
`Nearby Words
`brackenridge, hugh …
`bracket abstraction
`bracket clock
`bracket creep
`a support, as of metal or wood, projecting from a wall or the like
`to hold or bear the weight of a shelf, part of a cornice, etc.
`a shelf or shelves so supported.
`Also called square bracket. one of two marks [ or ] used in
`writing or printing to enclose parenthetical matter,
`interpolations, etc.
`Mathematics .
`a. brackets, parentheses of various forms indicating that the
`enclosed quantity is to be treated as a unit.
`(loosely) vinculum ( def 2 ) .
`Informal. an expression or formula between a pair of
`a grouping of people based on the amount of their income: the
`low-income bracket.
`a class; grouping; classification: She travels in a different social
`Architecture .
`any horizontally projecting support for an overhanging
`weight, as a corbel, cantilever, or console.
`any of a series of fancifully shaped false consoles beneath
`an ornamental cornice.
`(on a staircase) an ornamental piece filling the angle between a
`riser and its tread.
`a flat plate, usually triangular with a flange on one edge,
`used to unite and reinforce the junction between two flat
`members or surfaces meeting at an angle.
`any member for reinforcing the angle between two members
`or surfaces.
`a projecting fixture for gas or electricity.
`Gunnery. range or elevation producing both shorts and overs on
`a target.
` Use Bracket in a sentence
` [brak-it]
` Show IPA
`Relevant Questions
`verb (used with object)
`to furnish with or support by a bracket or brackets.
`to place within brackets; couple with a brace.
`to associate, mention, or class together: Gossip columnists often
`bracket them together, so a wedding may be imminent.
`Gunnery. to place (shots) both beyond and short of a target.
`Photography . to take (additional shots) at exposure levels
`above and below the estimated correct exposure.
`1570–80; earlier also brag ( g)et (in architecture); of obscure origin
`Related forms
`un·brack·et·ed, adjective
` Unabridged
`-A n th on y Br ode
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`Rolamech, Inc.​
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`Example sentences
`First, in a series of first-round games, each team
`plays the three rivals in
`If you're shooting film, bracket a lot to make sure
`of getting the exposure you
`Or better yet, bracket your exposure by shooting
`some lighter and some darker
`Let's bracket the truth of those contentions and
`instead examine the rhetorical
`Remove ads like these. Upgrade now!
`Related Words
`balloon clock
`bracket clock
`bracket creep
`square bracket
`angle bracket
`angle cleat
`beefsteak mushroom
`bracket foot
`bracket fungus
`bracket saw
`Images for bracket
`Matching Quote
`"Parenthesis-proud, bracket-bold,
`happiest with hyphens,
`The writers stagger intoxicated by

`Related Searches
`Christian cross
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`Nearby Words
`cross (so) (up)
`cross a boundary
`cross a bridge when…
` Use Cross in a sentence
` [kraws, kros]
` Show IPA
`a structure consisting essentially of an upright and a transverse
`piece, used to execute persons in ancient times.
`any object, figure, or mark resembling a cross, as two
`intersecting lines.
`a mark resembling a cross, usually an X, made instead of a
`signature by a person unable to write.
`the Cross, the cross upon which Jesus died.
`a figure of the Cross as a Christian emblem, badge, etc.
`Relevant Questions
`verb (used with object)
`to move, pass, or extend from one side to the other side of (a
`street, river, etc.). Synonyms: traverse, span, bridge.
`to put or draw (a line, lines, etc.) across.
`to cancel by marking with a cross or with a line or lines (often
`followed by off or out ).
`to mark with a cross.
`to lie or pass across; intersect.
`verb (used without object)
`to lie or be athwart; intersect.
`to move, pass, or extend from one side or place to another:
`Cross at the intersection.
`to meet and pass.
`to interbreed.
`Theater . to move from one side of the stage to the other,
`especially by passing downstage of another actor.
`adjective, cross·er, cross·est.
`angry and annoyed; ill-humored; snappish: Don't be cross with
`me. Synonyms: petulant, fractious, irascible, waspish, crabbed,
`churlish, sulky, cantankerous, cranky, ill-tempered, impatient,
`irritable, fretful, touchy, testy. Antonyms: good-natured, good-
`humored; agreeable.
`lying or passing crosswise or across each other; athwart;
`transverse: cross timbers.
`involving a reciprocal action, interchange, or the like: a cross-
`endorsement of political candidates; cross-marketing of related
`contrary; opposite: They were at cross purposes with each other.
`adverse; unfavorable.
`Verb phrases
`cross over,
`a. Biology . (of a chromosome segment) to undergo crossing
`to switch allegiance, as from one political party to another.
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`Example sentences for cross
`Roan is produced consistently only in the
`firstgeneration cross between these.
`Dazed, and having lost a pint of blood,
`chamberlain was taken to charing cross
`This cross breeding has the added effect of
`confusing the breeding cycle.
`They are also called square nails because of
`their roughly rectangular cross
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`Related Words
`Red Cross
`Celtic cross
`tau cross
`cross up so
`double cross
`cross hair
`cross of Calvary
`cross of Lorraine
`cross section
`double cross
`nail so to a cross
`Idioms & Phrases
`at cross purposes
`at the crossroads
`caught in the middle (cross-fire)
`dot one's i's and cross one's t's
`Matching Quote
`"The Red Cross in its nature, it aims
`and purposes, and consequently, its
`methods, is unlike any other
`organization in the country. It is an

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`Nearby Words
`holdup man
`holdup men
`hole and corner
`hole card
`hole digger
` Use Hole in a sentence
` [hohl]
` Show IPA
`an opening through something; gap; aperture: a hole in the roof;
`a hole in my sock.
`a hollow place in a solid body or mass; a cavity: a hole in the
`the excavated habitation of an animal; burrow.
`a small, dingy, or shabby place: I couldn't live in a hole like that.
`a place of solitary confinement; dungeon.
`an embarrassing position or predicament: to find oneself in a hole.
`a cove or small harbor.
`a fault or flaw: They found serious holes in his reasoning.
`a deep, still place in a stream: a swimming hole.
`a small cavity, into which a marble, ball, or the like is to be
`a score made by so playing.
`the circular opening in a green into which the ball is to be
`a part of a golf course from a tee to the hole corresponding
`to it, including fairway, rough, and hazards.
`the number of strokes taken to hit the ball from a tee into
`the hole corresponding to it.
`Informal. opening; slot: The radio program was scheduled for the
`p.m. hole. We need an experienced person to fill a hole in our
`accounting department.
`Metalworking. (in wire drawing) one reduction of a section.
`Electronics. a mobile vacancy in the electronic structure of a
`semiconductor that acts as a positive charge carrier and has
`equivalent mass.
`Aeronautics . an air pocket that causes a plane or other aircraft
`to drop suddenly.
`Relevant Questions
`verb (used with object), holed, hol·ing.
`to make a hole or holes in.
`to put or drive into a hole.
`Golf. to hit the ball into (a hole).
`to bore (a tunnel, passage, etc.).
`verb (used without object), holed, hol·ing.
`to make a hole or holes.
`Verb phrases
`hole out, Golf. to strike the ball into a hole: He holed out in five,
`one over par.
`hole up,
`to go into a hole; retire for the winter, as a hibernating
`to hide, as from pursuers, the police, etc.: The police think
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`Example sentences
`We've tumbled far, far down the organic rabbit
`hole .
`The news hole of traditional media sources is
`not only shrinking, it's
`Professors can hole up in their own lab or plant
`themselves in a willing
`Pictured is a hole where one of the devices was
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`Related Words
`Idioms & Phrases
`ace in the hole
`black hole
`in a bind (hole)
`in the hole
`Image for hole
`Matching Quote
`"During Prohibition days, when South
`Carolina was actively advertising the

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`Nearby Words
`pin (so's)
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` Use Pin in a sentence
` [pin]
` Show IPA
`a small, slender, often pointed piece of wood, metal, etc., used
`to fasten, support, or attach things.
`a short, slender piece of wire with a point at one end and a
`head at the other, for fastening things together.
`any of various forms of fasteners or ornaments consisting
`essentially or partly of a pointed or penetrating wire or shaft
`(often used in combination): a jeweled pin.
`a badge having a pointed bar or pin attached, by which it is
`fastened to the clothing: a fraternity pin.
`Machinery .
`a short metal rod, as a linchpin, driven through holes in
`adjacent parts, as a hub and an axle, to keep the parts
`a short cylindrical rod or tube, as a wrist pin or crankpin,
`joining two parts so as to permit them to move in one plane
`relative to each other.
`a short axle, as one on which a pulley rotates in a block.
`the part of a cylindrical key stem entering a lock.
`a clothespin.
`a hairpin.
`rolling pin.
`a peg, nail, or stud marking the center of a target.
`Bowling. any one of the rounded wooden clubs set up as the
`target in tenpins, ninepins, duckpins, etc.
`Golf. the flag staff which identifies a hole.
`any of the projecting knobs or rails on a pinball machine that
`serve as targets for the ball.
`Informal. a human leg.
`Music. peg ( def 5 ) .
`Wrestling. a fall.
`Nautical .
`an axle for a sheave of a block.
`belaying pin.
`Carpentry. a tenon in a dovetail joint; dovetail.
`a very small amount; a trifle: Such insincere advice isn't worth a
`Chess. the immobilization of an enemy piece by attacking with
`one's queen, rook, or bishop.
`Electronics. a pin-shaped connection, as the terminals on the
`base of an electron tube or the connections on an integrated
`Relevant Questions
`verb (used with object), pinned, pin·ning.
`to fasten or attach with or as with a pin or pins: to pin two
`pieces of cloth together.
`to hold fast in a spot or position (sometimes followed by down
` ): The debris pinned him down.
`-Hla Sta v h a n a
`Word Dynamo
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`Example sentences for pin
`Pin stands for personal identification number,
`obviating the second word in pin
`Tollers need to be brushed with a pin brush and
`slicker once to twice a week.
`The binary value expressed on these selector pin
`s determines the selected input
`His routine was to come in, run around to his
`theme song and burst his head
`Remove ads like these. Upgrade now!
`Idioms & Phrases
`hear a pin drop
`on pins and needles
`Matching Quote
`"Because wretches
`will dash a club
`against a pin-prick,
`even though we live
`in the same village,
`I can't even look at my lover
`with both eyes at once."

`Related Searches
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`Nearby Words
`platanus racemosa
`platanus wrightii
`plate armor
`plate armour
`plate block
` Use Plate in a sentence
` [pleyt]
` Show IPA
`a shallow, usually circular dish, often of earthenware or
`porcelain, from which food is eaten.
`the contents of such a dish; plateful.
`an entire course of a meal served on such a dish: I had the
`vegetable plate for lunch.
`the food and service for one person, as at a banquet, fund-
`raising dinner, or the like: The wedding breakfast cost $20 a plate.
`household dishes, utensils, etc., of metal plated with gold or
`household dishes, utensils, etc., made of gold or silver.
`a dish, as of metal or wood, used for collecting offerings, as in a
`a thin, flat sheet or piece of metal or other material, especially
`of uniform thickness.
`metal in such sheets.
`a flat, polished piece of metal on which something may be or is
`license plate.
`a flat or curved sheet of metal, plastic, glass, or similar hard
`material, on which a picture or text has been engraved, etched,
`molded, photographically developed, or drawn, that is inked, as
`in a press, for printing impressions on other surfaces.
`a printed impression from such a piece or from some similar
`piece, as a woodcut.
`a full-page illustration in a book, especially an insert on paper
`different from the text pages.
`a piece of armor made from a thin, flat piece or several such
`pieces of tough material, especially wrought iron or steel.
`armor composed of thin, flat pieces; plate armor.
`the part of a denture that conforms to the mouth and
`contains the teeth.
`the entire denture.
`the plate, home plate.
`rubber ( def 14 ) .
`plate glass.
`Photography . a sheet of glass, metal, etc., coated with a
`sensitized emulsion, used for taking a photograph.
`Anatomy, Zoology . a platelike part, structure, or organ.
`a thin piece or cut of beef from the lower end of the ribs. See
`diag. under beef.
`Geology , crustal plate.
`Electronics. one of the interior elements of a vacuum tube,
`toward which electrons are attracted by virtue of its positive
`charge; anode. Abbreviation: P
`Carpentry. any of various horizontal timbers or boards laid flat
`across the heads of studding, upon floors, etc., to support
`joists, rafters, or studs at or near their ends.
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`Example sentences
`Drop glops onto a baking sheet or plate lined
`with wax paper and allow to cool.
`Illustrated with fifty-two pages of photographs,
`thirty drawings and one color
`Officers dispatched to a report of an unwanted
`guest sleeping face down in a
`With a testing year ahead, world leaders must
`step up to the plate .
`Want plate ad-free? Click here!
`Related Words
`Nazca Plate
`wall plate
`center plate
`Indo-Australian Plate
`albumen plate
`blue plate
`step up to the plate
`Idioms & Phrases
`hand to on a silver platter (serve up on a plate)
`have a lot on one's plate
`Images for plate

`Plate | Define Plate at
`Related Questions
`What is a growth plate?
`a gold or silver cup or the like awarded as the prize in a horse
`race or some other contest.
`a horse race or some other contest for such a prize.
`Heraldry. a rounded argent.
`Relevant Questions
`Matching Quote
`"Comedy just pokes at problems, rarely
`confronts them squarely. Drama is like
`a plate of meat and potatoes, comedy is
`rather the dessert, a bit like meringue."
`-Woody A llen
`verb (used with object), plat·ed, plat·ing.
`to coat (metal) with a thin film of gold, silver, nickel, etc., by
`mechanical or chemical means.
`to cover or overlay with metal plates for protection.
`to forge (a bloom or the like) into a broad piece.
`to hammer (cutlery) gently to produce an even surface.
`Printing. to make a stereotype or electrotype plate from (type).
`Papermaking. to give a high gloss to (paper), as on
`supercalendered paper.
`have on one's plate, Informal. to have as an immediate task,
`obligation, or prospect: I had too much on my plate already to take
`on another task.
`1250–1300; Middle English < Old French: literally, something flat,
`noun use of feminine of plat flat
` < Vulgar Latin *plattus, akin to Greek
`platýs broad, flat
`Related forms
`plate·less, adjective
`plate·like, adjective
` [pleyt]
`noun Obsolete .
`a coin, especially of silver.
` Show IPA
` Unabridged
`1200–50; Middle English < Old French; special use of plate plate
` Unabridged
`Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2013.
` Link To plate
`Cite This Source
`World English Dictionary
`plate (pleɪt)
` —
` n
`1.a. a shallow usually circular dish made of porcelain, earthenware,
`glass, etc, on which food is served or from which food is eaten
` b. ( as modifier ): a plate rack
`2.a. Also called: plateful the contents of a plate or the amount a
`plate will hold
` b. ( Austral ), ( NZ ) a plate of cakes, sandwiches, etc, brought
`by a guest to a party: everyone was asked to bring a plate
` entire course of a meal: a cold plate
`4.any shallow or flat receptacle, esp for receiving a collection in
`5.flat metal of uniform thickness obtained by rolling, usually having
`a thickness greater than about three millimetres
`6.a thin coating of metal usually on another metal, as produced by
`electrodeposition, chemical action, etc
`7.metal or metalware that has been coated in this way, esp with
`gold or silver: Sheffield plate
`8.dishes, cutlery, etc, made of gold or silver
`9.a sheet of metal, plastic, rubber, etc, having a printing surface
`produced by a process such as stereotyping, moulding, or
`photographic deposition
`10.a print taken from such a sheet or from a woodcut, esp when
`appearing in a book
`11.a thin flat sheet of a substance, such as metal or glass
`12.armour made of overlapping or articulated pieces of thin metal
` a. a sheet of glass, or sometimes metal, coated with photographic
`emulsion on which an image can be formed by exposure to light
` b. ( as modifier ): a plate camera

`Plate | Define Plate at
` b. ( as modifier ): a plate camera
` orthodontic device, esp one used for straightening children's
` informal word for denture
`16.anatomy any flat platelike structure or part
`17.a. a cup or trophy awarded to the winner of a sporting contest,
`esp a horse race
` b. a race or contest for such a prize
`18.See also plate tectonics any of the rigid layers of the earth's
`lithosphere of which there are believed to be at least 15
` a. chiefly ( US ) the anode in an electronic valve
` b. an electrode in an accumulator or capacitor
`20.a horizontal timber joist that supports rafters or studs
`21.a light horseshoe for flat racing
`22.a thin cut of beef from the brisket
`23.See plate rail
`24.RC Church Also called: Communion plate a flat plate held
`under the chin of a communicant in order to catch any fragments
`of the consecrated Host
`25.archaic a coin, esp one made of silver
`26.on a plate in such a way as to be acquired without further
`trouble: he was handed the job on a plate
`27.on one's plate waiting to be done or dealt with: he has a lot on
`his plate at the moment
` —
` vb
` coat (a surface, usually metal) with a thin layer of other metal
`by electrolysis, chemical reaction, etc
` cover with metal plates, as for protection
`30.printing to make a stereotype or electrotype from (type or
`another plate)
` form (metal) into plate, esp by rolling
` give a glossy finish to (paper) by calendering
` grow (microorganisms) in a culture medium
`[C13: from Old French: thin metal sheet, something flat, from Vulgar
`Latin plattus (unattested); related to Greek platus flat]
`Plate (pleɪt)
` —
` n
`River Plate the English name for the (Río de la) Plata
`Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition
`2009 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
`Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009
`Cite This Source
`Word Origin & History
`mid-13c., "flat sheet of gold or silver," also "flat, round coin," from
`O.Fr. plate "thin piece of metal" (late 12c.), from M.L. plata "plate,
`piece of metal," perhaps via V.L. *plattus from Gk. platys "flat,
`broad" (see place (n.)). The cognate in Sp. (plata) and Port. (prata)
`Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper
`Cite This Source
`Medical Dictionary
`plate (plāt)
`American Heritage

`Plate | Define Plate at
`plate (plāt)
` A smooth, flat, relatively thin, rigid body of uniform thickness.
` A thin flat layer, part, or structure.
` A thin metallic or plastic support fitted to the gums to anchor
`artificial teeth.
` A metal bar applied to a fractured bone in order to maintain the
`ends in apposition.
` The agar layer within a Petri dish or similar vessel.
` A sheet of glass or metal that is light-sensitive and on which a
`photographic image can be recorded.
`v. plat·ed , plat·ing , plates
` To form a very thin layer of a bacterial culture by streaking it on the
`surface of agar to isolate individual organisms from which a colonial
`clone will develop.
`The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary
`Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin
`Cite This Source
`Science Dictionary
`plate (plāt) Pronunciation Key
`A thin, flat sheet of metal or other material, especially one used
`as an electrode in a storage battery or capacitor, or as the
`anode of an electron tube.
`American Heritage
`In plate tectonics, one of the sections of the Earth's lithosphere
`(crust and upper mantle) that is in constant motion along with
`other sections. It is the interaction of the plates that causes
`mountains, volcanos, and other land features to form and that
`causes earthquakes to occur. Six major plates and numerous
`smaller ones are recognized. See more at tectonic boundary.
`Verb To coat or cover with a thin layer of metal.
`The American Heritage® Science Dictionary
`Copyright © 2002. Published by Houghton Mifflin. All rights reserved.
`Cite This Source
`Slang Dictionary
`platter definition
`and plate. home base or home plate in baseball. (Usually with the.)
`: The batter stepped up to the platter.
`a phonograph record. (Old but still heard.) : They call it a “platter”
`because it looks like a serving platter.
`Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions by Richard A. Spears.Fourth Edition.
`Copyright 2007. Published by McGraw -Hill Education.
`Cite This Source
`Idioms & Phrases
`American Heritage
`see hand to on a silver platter (serve up on a plate); have a lot on
`one's plate.
`The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
`Copyright © 1997. Published by Houghton Mifflin.
`Cite This Source

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` Use Recess in a sentence
` [ri-ses, ree-ses]
` Show IPA
`temporary withdrawal or cessation from the usual work or
`a period of such withdrawal.
`a receding part or space, as a bay or alcove in a room.
`an indentation in a line or extent of coast, hills, forest, etc.
`recesses, a secluded or inner area or part: in the recesses of the
`Relevant Questions
`verb (used with object)
`to place or set in a recess.
`to set or form as or like a recess; make a recess or recesses in:
`to recess a wall.
`to suspend or defer for a recess: to recess the Senate.
`verb (used without object)
`to take a recess.
`1510–20; < Latin recessus a withdrawal, receding part, equivalent to
`recēd ( ere ) to recede + -tus suffix of v. action, with dt > ss
`Related forms
`non·re·cess, noun
`1. respite, rest, break, vacation.
` Unabridged
`Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2013.
` Link To recess
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`-Joh n A sh ber y
`World English Dictionary
` —
` n
`1.a space, such as a niche or alcove, set back or indented
`2.( often plural ) a secluded or secret place: recesses of the mind
`3.a cessation of business, such as the closure of Parliament during a
`4.anatomy a small cavity or depression in a bodily organ, part, or
`5.( US ), ( Canadian ) a break between classes at a school
` —
` vb
`6.( tr ) to place or set (something) in a recess
`7.( tr ) to build a recess or recesses in (a wall, building, etc)
`[C16: from Latin recessus a retreat, from recēdere to recede ]
`Word Dynamo
`Recess | Define Recess at
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`Example sentences
`Recess has, in many districts, vanished from the
`schedule entirely.
`Remote sensors or a manual push button shoots
`the net up from a two-inch-wide
`We'd watch the mushroom clouds from the
`playground at recess .
`Systemic risk is due to be considered separately
`after the summer recess .
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`Related Words
`altar board
`anchor pocket
`Matching Quote
`"In a far recess of summer
`Monks are playing soccer."
`Collins English Dictio

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