` B E F O R E T H E P A T E N T T R I A L A N D A P P E A L B O A R D
`[Page 1]
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x
`Z O L L L I F E C O R C O R P O R A T I O N , C a s e s N o s .
` P e t i t i o n e r , I P R 2 0 1 3 - 0 0 6 0 9
` I P R 2 0 1 3 - 0 0 6 1 2
` v . I P R 2 0 1 3 - 0 0 6 1 3
` I P R 2 0 1 3 - 0 0 6 1 5
`P H I L I P S E L E C T R O N I C S N O R T H A M E R I C A I P R 2 0 1 3 - 0 0 6 1 6
`C O R P O R A T I O N , I P R 2 0 1 3 - 0 0 6 1 8
` P a t e n t O w n e r .
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x
` T R A N S C R I P T o f T e l e p h o n i c C o n f e r e n c e ,
`a s r e p o r t e d b y N a n c y C . B e n d i s h , C e r t i f i e d C o u r t
`R e p o r t e r , R M R , C R R , R S A a n d N o t a r y P u b l i c o f t h e
`S t a t e s o f N e w Y o r k a n d N e w J e r s e y , o n T u e s d a y ,
`N o v e m b e r 5 , 2 0 1 3 , c o m m e n c i n g a t 1 p . m .
`B E F O R E :
` J U D G E S A L L Y M E D L E Y
` J U D G E Q U I N N


`A P P E A R A N C E S: (Via Telephone)
` 12390 El Camino Real
` San Diego, CA 92130
` For the Petitioner
` 901 New York Avenue, NW
` Washington, DC 20001
` For the Patent Owner
` Philips IP&S
`[Page 2]
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Good afternoon, this
`is Judge Medley. I have with me on-line Judge
`Quinn. I'd like to take a roll call first.
` This is in reference to
`IPR2013-00609, 612, 613, 615, 616 and 618. I'd like
`requested the call and just before we get started,
`do we have a court reporter?
` THE REPORTER: Yes, we do. My name
`is Nancy Bendish.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Thank you,
` And I'd also like to clarify, we got
`the notification that this was in respect to just
`six of the cases? Because there are eight.
` MR. JAKES: That's right. This is in
`respect to just six of them for this particular
`motion that we want to file.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Then we'll hear
`from Patent Owner, please.
` MR. JAKES: This is Mike Jakes for
`the Patent Owner, Philips.
` We're asking permission to file a
`motion to dismiss these six IPRs under 35 U.S.C.
`315(b). There is another litigation that was not
`identified in the petition that involves these six
`patents. We identified it in our mandatory
`disclosures. That's a case that's pending in the
`District of Massachusetts and it involved these same
`six patents. The complaint in that case was filed
`and served in October of 2010.
`[Page 4]
` The defendant in that case is Zoll
`Medical Corporation and that's the parent
`corporation of the Petitioner in this case, Zoll
`Lifecor. That complaint that was filed in October
`of 2010 alleged infringement of these six patents
`to begin with Petitioner.
` MR. JAKES: Good afternoon, this is
`Mike Jakes for Philips. I think I jumped the gun
`there. I think you wanted the Petitioner first, but
`we had asked for the call.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay, Mr. Jakes,
`that's fine. Do you have anybody with you?
` MR. JAKES: Yes, Denise DeFranco from
`my firm is with me and Randall Berman from Philips,
`the Patent Owner, is also on the line.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. And they're --
`but they are not listed as counsel?
` MR. JAKES: No.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Petitioner?
` MR. PHILLIPS: Petitioner, John
`Phillips, lead counsel for Fish & Richardson is
`here, along with John Dragseth, who I believe has
`made an appearance as well, from Fish & Richardson.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. All right.
` So we understand that Patent Owner
`and we actually have a trial scheduled to begin next
` As we understand the decisions of
`this Board, it doesn't matter that there was a later
`complaint filed against Zoll Lifecor, who is the
`Petitioner in this case. There was a case of like
`universal remote, which was decided in August of
`this year.
` So the only issue that really appears
`to be is whether Zoll Medical, the parent of Zoll
`Lifecor, is a privy of the Petitioner since it was
`served with a complaint under 315(b). And so, in
`other words, if Zoll Medical, which is the defendant
`in the Massachusetts case, was a privy of Zoll
`Lifecor, the Petitioner, then there is no standing
`to bring these IPRs.
` I understand that the privity issue
`can be a fact-dependant question, but the public
`record here is, I think, conclusive that Zoll
`Medical is a privy of Zoll Lifecor. It's the parent
`[Page 3]
`[Page 5]
`[2] (Pages 2 to 5)


`corporation. Zoll Lifecor is a wholly-owned
`subsidiary. There is public information, such as a
`press release, that says that Zoll will operate the
`Lifecor business through its Zoll Lifecor
`subsidiary. There are SEC filings that say Zoll
`manufacturers and markets a wearable defibrillator
`system through its subsidiary, Zoll Lifecor. And
`there are the same, many of the same people
`involved, same law firms, same general counsel. The
`president and COO of Zoll Lifecor is an officer --
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay, let me just
`interrupt you, please. This is Judge Medley. I
`just want to interrupt you.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. I'd like to
`hear from Petitioner now, please.
` MR. PHILLIPS: Yes, this is John
`Phillips from Fish & Richardson. If we get into the
`factual history, I'd like to get help from John
`Dragseth, who knows the history better than I do.
` But to respond to some of the points,
`I don't believe the petitions are facially
`deficient. They identify the relevant parties.
`Zoll Lifecor and Zoll Medical are separate corporate
`entities. Philips has treated them as separate
`corporate entities in the past by suing them as
`separate corporate entities on the same patents.
` Today we're just here to decide
`procedurally how to go forward. We don't really
`need to hear the merits of the case or what you plan
`to argue, so I just wanted to direct us back to, how
`do we proceed procedurally. What's the appropriate
`thing to do here.
` And so I have a question for you
`before we turn it over to hear from Petitioner. Why
`can't we just run the one case just like we did the
`other case, in that you have an opportunity to file
`a preliminary response and in that response you can
`include why no inter parte review should be
`[Page 6]
` If there are multiple -- we don't
`oppose the filing of the motions. If the filing of
`the motions is granted, as opposed to putting forth
`the privity arguments in the preliminary response,
`we think it would be equitable for us patent
`owner -- I'm sorry, Petitioner, to get a response to
`the privy argument, because there are two sides to
`the position and we feel we're in the better
`position to respond.
` If the preliminary response is filed,
`we would not get the -- absent a motion to respond
`to oppose that -- those arguments, we wouldn't get
`[Page 8]
`an opportunity to present the other side of the
` So you have every opportunity there
`to file your response and address the 315(b) issue
`in that context and, therefore, we're kind of at --
`I guess puzzled a little bit that you'd want
`separate briefings and in the form of a motion to
`dismiss, as we see it as not necessary.
` MR. JAKES: Your Honor, and for the
`benefit of the court reporter, this is Mike Jakes
`again on behalf of Philips.
` The petitions are really facially
`deficient for failing to identify all the
`litigation. This really is a standing issue which
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Well, I think
`the Board on occasion has authorized a response to
`the preliminary filing, so I don't think it's
`necessarily, you know, that you would never get to
`respond to a preliminary response, which it is the
`status quo not to.
` All right, do you have anything else,
`Mr. Phillips?
` MR. PHILLIPS: I don't. John
`Dragseth, did you want to add any facts, relevant
`facts to this?
`we think can, for efficiency, be taken up before we
` MR. DRAGSETH: I think you hit it
`have to file a preliminary response.
` In our preliminary response we would
`also have to address the merits of their petition
`and in view of the public record it seems very clear
`that there was a privity issue. They were in
`privity. The complaint was filed that for
`efficiency it would be better to just file these
`motions and dispose of the six IPRs on that ground
`before the Patent Owner is put to the burden and
`expense of having to respond on the merits in the
`preliminary response.
`well. I don't know that any more facts are relevant
`at this stage.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. I will
`conference with my co-worker and then we'll get back
`with you in just a minute.
` (Pause.)
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay, this is Judge
`Medley. I'm back.
` The panel has conferred and we are
`not persuaded that we need to deviate from the norm
`in this case. So we would prefer that these
`[Page 7]
`[Page 9]
`[3] (Pages 6 to 9)


`arguments come in the form of a preliminary
`response. In that respect, you know, that you would
`be confined to the page limit but circumventing the
`page limit.
` And I do appreciate and understand
`that Philips doesn't want to maybe address the
`merits of the case if this were to go away under the
`315(b) issue. However, I will point out, a
`preliminary response is totally optional for the
`Patent Owner and so you can use that tool as you see
`fit (indiscernible), even address the merits of the
`case if you don't want to. So we're not persuaded
`by that argument either.
` The Board will send out a short order
`memorializing the conference call approximately
`tomorrow. Any questions or comments?
` MR. PHILLIPS: Your Honor, John
`Phillips for the Petitioner.
` At what point -- if the preliminary
`response does include the 315(b) arguments, at what
`point would it be appropriate for us to seek a
`response to those arguments?
` JUDGE MEDLEY: I think you should see
`where we were earlier, and this has been raised in a
`couple of cases that the Board has had and this is a
`way to proceed it through the normal channels of
` Any other questions or comments?
` MR. JAKES: Not from the Patent
` MR. PHILLIPS: Not from Petitioner.
`Thank you, Your Honor.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. And who
`received the court reporting?
` MS. DeFRANCO: Petitioner did --
`excuse me, Patent Owner did.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay, Patent Owner,
`when would you be able to file that?
` MS. DeFRANCO: We haven't consulted
`with the court reporter.
` Ms. Court Reporter, can you help us
`answer that question.
` THE REPORTER: It's not very lengthy.
`When do you need it? I can do it pretty quickly.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: I don't think that the
`Board will hold up the order. Tomorrow would be
`what they say first.
` MR. PHILLIPS: Fair enough.
`great, file it tomorrow.
` And it should be filed as a paper, a
`[Page 10]
`[Page 12]
`quick paragraph or sentence that says transcript of
`the conference call.
` Okay. Any other questions or
`comments? All right. Thank you very much.
` (End of Phone Conference 1:14 p.m.)
` -o0o-
`7 8 9
` JUDGE MEDLEY: All right. Any other
`questions or comments?
` MS. DeFRANCO: Your Honor, this is
`Denise DeFranco. I'm going to ask for permission to
`make two further points to Your Honor.
` MS. DeFRANCO: On behalf of Philips.
` I just would like to direct your
`attention to Section 312(a)(2) of the patent statute
`which says that the petition cannot even be
`considered unless the Petitioner identifies all real
`parties in interest. I think that that is what
`makes the petition facially deficient.
` I'd also like to note for the record
`that the Petitioner did not oppose our request for
`an opportunity to file a motion.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Right, okay. I
`understand that and I understand 312(a)(2), but the
`way I understand it, Petitioner is under the
`impression that they did list all the real parties
`in interest. So this issue is controversial between
`the parties, correct?
` MR. PHILLIPS: That's correct from
`Petitioner's view, yes.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: So then we're back to
`[Page 11]
`[Page 13]
`[4] (Pages 10 to 13)


` C E R T I F I C A T E
` I, NANCY C. BENDISH, a Certified Court
`Reporter and Notary Public of the States of New York
`and New Jersey, do hereby certify that the foregoing
`is a true and accurate transcript of the telephonic
`proceedings as taken stenographically by and before
`me at the time, place, and on the date hereinbefore
`set forth.
` I DO FURTHER CERTIFY that I am neither
`a relative nor employee nor attorney nor counsel of
`any party in this action and that I am neither a
`relative nor employee of such attorney or counsel,
`and that I am not financially interested in the
`event nor outcome of this action.
`2 3
` ________________________________________
` Notary Public of the State of New Jersey
` Certificate No. XI00836
`Dated: November 5, 2013
`[Page 14]
`[5] (Page 14)


`able 12:15
`absent 8:24
`accurate 14:6
`action 14:12,15
`add 9:12
`address 7:3,17 10:6,11
`afternoon 3:1,7
`alleged 5:5
`answer 12:19
`anybody 3:12
`appearance 3:23
`appears 5:14
`appreciate 10:5
`appropriate 6:18 10:21
`approximately 10:15
`argue 6:17
`argument 8:20 9:2 10:13
`arguments 8:17,25 10:1,20
`asked 3:10
`asking 4:17
`attention 11:9
`attorney 14:11,13
`August 5:12
`authorized 9:4
`Avenue 2:7
`B 1:20
`back 6:17 9:18,22 11:25
`behalf 7:10 11:7
`believe 3:22 8:8
`Bendish 1:14 4:4 14:3
`benefit 7:9
`Berman 2:12 3:14
`better 7:21 8:6,21
`bit 7:5
`Board 1:1 5:9 9:4 10:14 12:2
`briefing 12:4
`briefings 7:6
`bring 5:21
`burden 7:23
`business 6:4
`C 1:14 2:1,4 14:1,1,3
`CA 2:3
`call 3:3,10 4:1 10:15 13:2
`Camino 2:3
`case 4:22,24 5:1,3,11,11,19
`6:16,22,23 9:25 10:7,12
`cases 1:5 4:9 12:2
`Certificate 14:18
`Certified 1:14 14:3
`certify 14:5,10
`channels 12:3
`circumventing 10:3
`clarify 4:7
`clear 7:18
`co-worker 9:18
`come 10:1
`commencing 1:17
`comments 10:16 11:2 12:5
`complaint 4:24 5:4,10,17
`conclusive 5:24
`conference 1:13 9:18 10:15
`conferred 9:23
`confined 10:3
`considered 11:11
`consulted 12:16
`context 7:4
`controversial 11:21
`COO 6:10
`corporate 8:10,12,13
`corporation 1:5,9 5:2,3 6:1
`correct 11:22,23
`counsel 3:17,21 6:9 14:11,13
`couple 12:2
`court 1:14 4:2 7:9 12:11,17
`12:18 14:3
`CRR 1:15
`date 14:8
`Dated 14:24
`DC 2:8
`decide 6:14
`decided 5:12
`decisions 5:8
`defendant 5:1,18
`defibrillator 6:6
`[Page 1]
`deficient 7:12 8:9 11:13
`DeFRANCO 2:9 3:13 11:3,4
`11:7 12:12,16
`Denise 2:9 3:13 11:4
`deviate 9:24
`Diego 2:3
`direct 6:17 11:8
`disclosures 4:22
`dismiss 4:18 7:7
`dispose 7:22
`District 4:23
`Dragseth 2:4 3:22 8:6 9:12
`E 1:20,20 2:1,1 14:1,1
`earlier 12:1
`efficiency 7:14,21
`eight 4:9
`either 10:13
`El 2:3
`employee 14:11,13
`entities 8:11,12,13
`equitable 8:18
`ESQ 2:4,4,8,9
`event 14:15
`excuse 12:13
`expense 7:24
`F 1:20 14:1
`facially 7:11 8:8 11:13
`fact-dependant 5:23
`facts 9:12,13,15
`factual 8:5
`failing 7:12
`Fair 10:25
`feel 8:21
`file 4:12,17 6:23 7:3,15,21
`11:16 12:15,24
`filed 4:24 5:4,10 7:20 8:23
`filing 8:15,15 9:5
`filings 6:5
`financially 14:14
`fine 3:12


`firm 3:14
`firms 6:9
`first 3:3,9 10:24
`Fish 2:2 3:21,23 8:4
`fit 10:11
`foregoing 14:5
`form 7:6 10:1
`forth 8:16 14:9
`forward 6:15
`further 11:5 14:10
`general 6:9
`go 6:15 10:7
`going 11:4
`Good 3:1,7
`granted 8:16
`great 12:24
`ground 7:22
`guess 7:5
`gun 3:8
`hear 4:13 6:16,21 8:2
`help 8:5 12:18
`hereinbefore 14:8
`history 8:5,6
`hit 9:14
`hold 12:23
`Honor 7:8 10:17 11:3,5 12:9
`identified 4:20,21
`identifies 11:11
`identify 7:12 8:9
`impression 11:20
`include 6:25 10:20
`indiscernible 10:11
`information 6:2
`infringement 5:5
`instituted 7:1
`inter 6:25
`interest 11:12,21
`interested 14:14
`interrupt 6:12,13
`involved 4:23 6:9
`involves 4:20
`IP&S 2:12
`IPR2013-00609 1:6 3:5
`IPR2013-00612 1:7
`IPR2013-00613 1:7
`IPR2013-00615 1:8
`IPR2013-00616 1:8
`IPR2013-00618 1:9
`IPRs 4:18 5:21 7:22
`issue 5:14,22 7:3,13,19 10:8
`J 2:8
`Jakes 2:8 3:7,8,11,13,18 4:10
`4:15,15 7:8,9 12:6
`Jersey 1:16 14:5,18
`John 2:4,4 3:20,22 8:3,5 9:11
`Judge 1:21,21 3:1,2,2,11,16
`3:19,24 4:5,13 6:11,12 8:1
`9:3,17,21,21 10:23 11:1,6
`11:17,25 12:10,14,22
`jumped 3:8
`kind 7:4
`know 9:6,15 10:2
`knows 8:6
`law 6:9
`lead 3:21
`lengthy 12:20
`Lifecor 1:5 5:4,10,16,20,25
`6:1,4,4,7,10 8:10
`limit 10:3,4
`line 3:15
`list 11:20
`listed 3:17
`litigation 4:19 7:13
`little 7:5
`LLP 2:7
`mandatory 4:21
`manufacturers 6:6
`markets 6:6
`Massachusetts 4:23 5:19
`matter 5:9
`Medical 5:2,15,18,25 8:10
`[Page 2]
`Medley 1:21 3:1,2,11,16,19
`3:24 4:5,13 6:11,12 8:1 9:3
`9:17,21,22 10:23 11:1,6,17
`11:25 12:10,14,22
`memorializing 10:15
`merits 6:16 7:17,24 10:7,11
`Mike 3:8 4:15 7:9
`minute 9:19
`month 5:7
`motion 4:12,18 7:6 8:24
`motions 7:22 8:15,16
`multiple 8:14
`N 2:1
`name 4:3
`Nancy 1:14 4:4,6 14:3
`necessarily 9:6
`necessary 7:7
`need 6:16 9:24 12:21
`neither 14:10,12
`never 9:6
`New 1:16,16 2:7 14:4,5,18
`norm 9:24
`normal 12:3
`NORTH 1:8
`Nos 1:5
`Notary 1:15 14:4,18
`note 11:14
`notification 4:8
`November 1:17 14:24
`NW 2:7
`O 1:20
`o0o 13:6
`occasion 9:4
`October 4:25 5:4
`officer 6:10
`okay 3:11,16,19,24 4:5,13
`6:11 8:1 9:3,17,21 11:6,17
`12:10,14 13:3
`on-line 3:2
`operate 6:3
`opportunity 6:23 7:2 9:1


`[Page 3]
`oppose 8:15,25 11:15
`opposed 8:16
`optional 10:9
`order 10:14 12:23
`outcome 14:15
`owner 1:10 2:9 3:15,25 4:14
`4:16 7:23 8:19 10:10 12:7
`P 2:1,1
`p.m 1:17 13:5
`page 10:3,4
`panel 9:23
`paper 12:25
`paragraph 13:1
`parent 5:2,15,25
`parte 6:25
`particular 4:11
`parties 8:9 11:12,20,22
`party 14:12
`patent 1:1,1,10 2:9 3:15,25
`4:14,16 7:23 8:18 10:10
`11:9 12:6,13,14
`patents 4:21,24 5:5 8:13
`Pause 9:20
`pending 4:22
`people 6:8
`permission 4:17 11:4
`persuaded 9:24 10:12
`petition 4:20 7:17 11:10,13
`Petitioner 1:6 2:5 3:6,9,19,20
`5:3,11,16,20 6:21 8:2,19
`10:18 11:11,15,19 12:8,12
`Petitioner's 11:24
`petitions 7:11 8:8
`Philips 1:8 2:12 3:8,14 4:16
`7:10 8:11 10:6 11:7
`Phillips 2:4 3:20,21 8:3,4
`9:10,11 10:17,18,25 11:23
`Phone 13:5
`place 14:8
`plan 6:16
`please 4:14 6:12 8:2
`point 10:8,19,21
`points 8:7 11:5
`position 8:21,22
`prefer 9:25
`preliminary 6:24 7:15,16,25
`8:17,23 9:5,7 10:1,9,19
`present 2:11 9:1
`president 6:10
`press 6:3
`pretty 12:21
`privity 5:22 7:19,20 8:17
`privy 5:16,19,25 8:20
`procedurally 6:15,18
`proceed 6:18 12:3
`proceedings 14:7
`public 1:15 5:23 6:2 7:18
`put 7:23
`putting 8:16
`puzzled 7:5
`question 5:23 6:20 12:19
`questions 10:16 11:2 12:5
`quick 13:1
`quickly 12:21
`Quinn 1:21 3:3
`quo 9:8
`R 1:20 2:1 14:1
`raised 12:1
`Randall 2:12 3:14
`real 2:3 11:11,20
`really 5:14 6:15 7:11,13
`received 12:11
`record 5:24 7:18 11:14
`reference 3:4
`relative 14:11,13
`release 6:3
`relevant 8:9 9:12,15
`remote 5:12
`reported 1:14
`reporter 1:15 4:2,3 7:9 12:17
`12:18,20 14:4
`reporting 12:11
`request 11:15
`requested 4:1
`respect 4:8,11 10:2
`respond 7:24 8:7,22,24 9:7
`response 6:24,24 7:3,15,16
`7:25 8:17,19,23 9:4,7 10:2,9
`review 6:25
`Richardson 2:2 3:21,23 8:4
`right 3:24 4:10 9:9 11:1,17
`RMR 1:15
`roll 3:3
`RSA 1:15
`run 6:22
`S 2:1
`SALLY 1:21
`San 2:3
`says 6:3 11:10 13:1
`scheduled 5:6
`SEC 6:5
`Section 11:9
`see 7:7 10:10,23
`seek 10:21
`send 10:14
`sentence 13:1
`separate 7:6 8:10,11,13
`served 4:25 5:17
`set 14:9
`short 10:14
`side 9:1
`sides 8:20
`six 4:9,11,18,20,24 5:5 7:22
`sorry 8:19
`stage 9:16
`standing 5:20 7:13
`started 4:1
`State 14:18
`States 1:1,16 14:4
`status 9:8
`statute 11:9
`stenographically 14:7
`subsidiary 6:2,5,7
`suing 8:12
`system 6:7
`T 14:1,1
`take 3:3
`taken 7:14 14:7
`Telephone 2:1
`telephonic 1:13 14:6
`Thank 4:5 12:9 13:4


`[Page 4]
`York 1:16 2:7 14:4
`Zoll 1:5 5:1,3,10,15,15,18,19
`5:24,25 6:1,3,4,5,7,10 8:10
`0 1
`1 1:17
`1:14 13:5
`12390 2:3
`20001 2:8
`2010 4:25 5:5
`2013 1:17 14:24
`312(a)(2) 11:9,18
`315(b) 4:19 5:17 7:3 10:8,20
`35 4:18
`4 5
`7 8 9
`5 1:17 14:24
`612 3:5
`613 3:5
`615 3:5
`616 3:5
`618 3:5
`901 2:7
`92130 2:3
`thing 6:19
`think 3:8,9 5:24 7:14 8:18 9:3
`9:5,14 10:23 11:12 12:22
`time 14:8
`Today 6:14
`tomorrow 10:16 12:23,24
`tool 10:10
`totally 10:9
`transcript 1:13 13:1 14:6
`treated 8:11
`trial 1:1 5:6
`true 14:6
`Tuesday 1:16
`turn 6:21
`two 8:20 11:5
`U.S.C 4:18
`understand 3:25 5:8,22 10:5
`universal 5:12
`use 10:10
`v 1:7
`view 7:18 11:24
`W 2:9
`want 4:12 6:13 7:5 9:12 10:6
`wanted 3:9 6:17
`Washington 2:8
`way 11:19 12:3
`we'll 4:13 9:18
`we're 4:17 6:14 7:4 8:21
`10:12 11:25
`wearable 6:6
`wholly-owned 6:1
`words 5:18
`wouldn't 8:25
`x 1:4,11
`XI00836 14:18
`year 5:13

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