`MA1IR 161999g
`The tenu ofhs patenIte9Wrnot sxWJd
`beyor%fth exporation date
`of Pat.N.L,i,
`Foreign priority cla"ne
`35 USC'119 donditIlonFrmet
`-Verified and Acknowledged.
`0/,I o
`fno6 Initials
`FILED SEPARATELY__________________IAi
`U.S. DEPT. OF COMM./ PAT. & TM-PTO-436L,. (RevA&-.94)
`Toal ais"
`Print Claim
`IY c,
`A n e,i
`sistant Examiner
`FO.R-M PTO-1267 U.S. Departent of Commerce
`(Flev. 11-92)
`Patent and Trademark Office
`Sheets Drwg. Figs. Drwg.,-,. Print Fig.
`110 1j7
`N"_"N ER
`A terminal dtisclaimer has g~een entered and
`lecorded under 35 U.S.C. 253 in this file.
`The information disclosed here: fm-ay be restricted. Unauthorizedd~disclos94t may be prohibited
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`Patent & Trademark Offiod'is restricted to authorized employees and.cO tractors only.
`Form PTO-436A
`(Rev. 8/92)


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`A....................... Appeal
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`United States Patent
`GMier et al.
`Inventors: Bradford E. Gliner, Bellevue; Thomas
`D. Lyster, Bothell; Clinton S. Cole,
`Seattle; Daniel J1. Powers, Issaquah;
`Carlton B. Morgan, Bainbridge Island,
`all of Wash.
`[73] Assignee: Heartstream, Inc., Seattle, Wash.
`The term of this patent shall not extend
`beyond the expiration date of Pat. No.
`[2 1]
`AppL No.: 690,529
`Jul. 31, 1996
`1111 1111 II 111 S00~O5749904A111111111
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`*M~ay 12, 1998
`9/1988 European Pat. Off..
`5/1989 European Pat. Off.
`(List continued on next page.)
`Alferness, et al 'The influence of shock waveforns on
`defibrillation efficacy" IEEE Engineering in Medicine and
`Biology, pp. 25-27 (Jun. 1990).
`(List continued on next page.)
`Primary Exnamner-William E. Kamm
`Assistant Examiner-Kennedy J. Schnetzle
`Attorney, Agent, or Fimn-James R. Shay; Cecily Anne
`Related US. Application Data
`[63] Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 103,837, Aug. 6, 1993,
`abandoned, and Ser No. 227,553, Sep. 14, 1994, Pat. No.
`The invention provides a method for delivering electro-
`therapy to a patient through electrodes connected to a
`plurality of capacitors, including the steps of discharging at
`least one of the capacitors across the electrodes to deliver
`electrical energy to the patient, monitoring a patient-
`dependent electrical parameter (such as voltage, current or
`.... ................................ A61N 1139
`charge) during the discharging step, and adjusting energy
`U.S. Cl .... .....~............................
`delivered to the patient based on a value of the electrical
`60~717; 607114
`parameter. The adjusting step may include selecting a serial
`Fleld of Search.
`607/5-7, 74
`or paraUel arrangement for the capacitors based on a value
`of the electrical parameter.
`References Cited
`10/1965 Becker et al..
`3/1966 Caywood et al. .
`I129172 Mflani et,al. .
`1/19174 BeRl.
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`1/1975 BellIet al..
`6/1975 Ukkstad et al. .
`5/1977 Pantuidge et al. .
`5/1982 Charbomnier et al. .
`12/1983 Heath .
`9/1984 Angd .
`1/1985 Heath .
`(List continued on next page.)
`In another embodiment, the invention provides a method for
`delivering electrotherapy
`to a patient through electrodes
`connectable to a plurality of capacitors including the steps of
`discharging at least one of the capacitors across the elec-
`trodes to deliver electrical energy to the patient in a wave-
`form having at least a first phase and a second phase,
`monitoring a patient-dependent electrical parameter (such as
`voltage, current or charge) during the discharging step, and
`modifying second phase initial voltage based on a value of
`the electrical parameter. The adjusting step may include
`selecting a serial or a parallel arrangement for the capacitors
`based on a value of the electrical parameter.
`17 Claims, 10 Drawing Sheets


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`U.S., Patent
`May 12, 1998
`Sheet I of 10
`FIG, 1
`FIG. 2
`FIG, 4


`12\ @
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`7 .
`U.S. Patent
`US. Patent
`10 ~\
`Sheet 2 of 10
`May 12, 1998
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`20 \
` 24
`FIG. 3
`FIG. 3


`U.S. Patent
`May 12, 1998
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`T I
`FIG, 5
`FIG. 7
`FIG, 8


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`FIG. 6


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`FIG, 9


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`FIGs 10


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`US. Patent
`May 12, 1998
`May 12, 1998
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`.Sheet 7 of 10


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`- 96
`FIG. 12
`FIG. 13


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`to charger
`FIG. 14
`FIG. 15


`U.S. Patent
`May 12, 1998
`Sheet 10 of 10
`to charger
`FIG. 16
`to charger
`FIG. 17


`This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent
`application Ser. No. 08/103,837, "Electrotherapy Method
`and Apparatus," filed Aug. 6. 1993'. now abandoned, and a
`continuation-in-part of U.S. patent appilication Ser. No.
`08/227,553. "Electrotherapy Method and Apparatus," filed
`Apr. 14, 1994, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,607,454. the disclosures
`of which are incorporated herein by reference.
`This invention relates generally to an electrotherapy
`method and apparatus for delivering a shock to a patient's
`heart. In particular, this invention relates to a method and
`apparatus for shaping the electrical waveform delivered by
`an external defibrillator based on an electrical parameter
`measured during delivery of the waveform.
`Sudden cardiac death is the leading cause of death in the
`United States. Most sudden cardiac death is caused by
`ventricular fibrillation, in which the heart's muscle fibers
`contract without coordination, thereby interrupting normal
`blood flow to the body. The only effective treatment for
`ventricular fibrillation is electrical defibrillation, which
`applies an electrical shock to the patient's heart.
`To be effective, the defibrillation shock must be delivered
`to the patient within minutes of the onset of ventricular
`fibrillation. Studies have shown that defibrillation shocks
`delivered within one minute after ventricular fibrillation
`begins achieve up to 100% survival rate. The survival rate
`falls to approximately 30% if 6 minutes elapse before the
`shock isadiitr. Beyond 12 minutes, the survival rate
`approaches zero.
`One way of delivering rapid defibrillation shocks is
`through the use of impatbe defibrillators. Implantable
`defibrill,ators, are surgically implanted in patients who have
`a high likelioo of needing electrotherapy in the future.
`Implanted defibrillators typically monitor the patient's heart
`activity and automatically supply electrotherapeutic: pulses
`directly to the patient's heart when indicated.. Thus,
`implanted defibrillators permit the patient to function in a
`somewhat normal fashion away from the watchful eye of
`medical personnel. Implantable defibrillators are expensive,
`however, and ar used on only a small fraction of the total
`population at risk for sudden cardiac death.
`External defibrillators send electrical 'pulses to the
`patient's heart through electrodes applied to the patient's
`torso. External defibrillators are useful in the emergency
`room, the operating room, emergency medical vehicles or
`other situations where there may be an unanticipated need to
`provide electrotherapy to a patient on short notice. The
`advantage of external defibrillators is that they may be used
`on a patient as needed, then subsequently moved to be used
`with another patient.
`However, because external defibrillators deliver their
`electrotherapeutic pulses to the patient' s heart indirectly (ie.,
`from the surface of the patients skin rather than directly to
`the heart), they must operate at higher energies, voltages
`and/or currents than implanted defibrMlators. These high
`energy, voltage and currentrequirements have made existing
`external defibrillators; large, heavy and expensive, particu-
`larly due to the large size of the cVapactors or other energy
`storage media required by these prior art devices. The size
`and weight of prior art external defibrillators have limited
`their utility for rapid response by emergency medical
`response teams.
`DefibriMaor waveforms, ie., time plots of the delivered
`current or voltage pulses, are characterized according to the
`shape, polarity, duration and number of pulse phases. Most
`current external defibrillators deliver monophasic current or
`5 voltage electrotherapeutic pulses. although some deliver
`biphasic sinusoidal pulses. Some prior art implantable
`defibrillators, on the other hand.,-use truncated exponential.
`biphasic waveforms. Examples of biphasic implantable
`defibrillators may be found in U.S. Pat. No. 4,821,723 to
`io Baker, Jr., et al.; U.S. Pat. No. 5,083,562 to de Coriolis et al.;
`U.S. Pat No. 4,800.883 to Winstrom.; U.S. Pat. No. 4,850,
`357 to Bach, Jr.; U.S. Pat. No. 4,953,551 to Mehra et al.; and
`U.S. Pat No. 5..230,336 to Fain et al.
`'Because each implanted defibrillator is dedicated to a
`15 Single patient, its operating parameters. such as electrical
`pulse amplitudes and total energy delivered, may be effec-
`tively titrated to the physiology of the patient to optimize the
`defibillator's effectiveness. Thus, for example, the initial
`voltage, first phase duration and total pulse duration may be
`20 set when the device is implanted to deliver the desired
`amount of energy or to achieve a desired start and end
`voltage differential (i.e., a constant tilt). Even when an
`implanted defibrillator has the ability to change its operating
`parameters to compensate for changes in the impedance of
`25 the defibrillators leads and/or the patient's heart (as dis-
`cussed in the Fain patent), the range of potential impedance
`changes for a single implantation in a single patient is
`relatively small.
`In contrast, because external defibrillator electrodes are
`30not in direct contact with the patient's heart, and because
`external defibrillators must be able to be used on a variety of
`patients having a variety of physiological differences, exter-
`nal defibrillators must operate according to pulse amplitude
`that will be effective in most
`35and duration parameters
`patients, no matter what the patient's physiology. For
`example, the impedance presented by the tissue between
`external defibrillator electrodes and the patient's heart varies
`from patient to.patient, thereby varying the intensity and
`40waveform shape of the shock actually delivered to the
`patient's heart for a given initial pulse amplitude and dura-
`tion. Pulse amplitudes and durations effective to treat low
`impedance patients do not necessarily deliver effective and
`energy efficient treatments to high impedance patients.
`45 External.defibrillators may be subjected to extreme load
`conditions which could potentially damage the waveform
`generator circuits. For example, improperly applied defibril-
`lator electrodes may create a very low impedance current
`path during the shock delivery. which could result in exces-
`50 sively high current within the waveform circuit. Thus, an
`external defibrillator has an additional design requirement to
`limit the peak current to safe levels in the waveform circuit,
`which is not normally a concern for implanted defibrillators.
`Prior art defibrillators have not fully addressed the patient
`55 variability problem. One prior art approach to this problem
`was to provide an external defibrillator with multiple energy
`settings that could be selected by the user. A common
`protocol for using such a defibrillator was to attempt
`defibrillation at an initial energy setting suitable for defibril-
`60 lating a patient of average impedance, then raise the energy
`setting for subsequent defibrillation attempts in the event
`that the initial setting failed. The repeated defibrillation
`attempts require additional energy and add to patient risk.
`Some prior art defibrillators measure the patient
`65 impedance, or a parameter related to patient impedance and
`alter the Shape of a subsequent defibrillation shock based on
`the earlier measurement. For example,
`the implanted


`defibrilator described in the Fain patent delivers a defibril-
`lation shock of predetermined'shape to the patient's heart in
`response to a detected arrhythmia. The Fain device measures
`the system impedance during delivery of that shock and uses
`the measured impedance to alter the shape of a subsequently
`delivered shock.
`Another example of the measurement and use of patient
`impedance information in prior art defibrMlators is described
`in an article written by IR.E. Kerber. et al., "Energy, current,
`and success in defibrillation and cardioversion,." Circulation
`(May 1988). The authors describe an external. defibrillator
`that administers a test pulse to the patient prior to adminis-
`tering the defibrillation shock. The test pulse is used to
`measure patient impedance; the defibrillator adjusts the
`amount of energy delivered by the shock in response to the
`measured patient impedance. The shape of the delivered
`waveform. is a damped sinusoid.
`This invention provides an external defibriflator and
`defibrillation method that automatically compensates for
`patient-to-patient imnpedance differences in the delivery of
`electrotherapeutic pulses for defibrillation and cardiover-
`sion. In a preferred embodiment, the defibrillator has an
`energy.source that may be discharged through electrodes on
`the patient to provide a b1phasic voltage or current pulse. In
`one aspect of the invention, the first and second phase
`duration and initial first phase amplitude are predetermined
`values. In a second aspect of the invention, the duration of
`the first phase of the pulse may be extended if the amplitude
`of the first phase of the pulse falls to fall to a threshold value
`by the end of the predetermined first phase duration, as
`might occur with a high impedance patient. In a third aspect
`of the invention, the first phase ends when the first phae
`amplitude drops below a threshold value or when the first
`phase duration reaches a threshold time value, whichever
`comes first, as might occur with a low to average impedance
`In yet another embodiment, the invention provides a
`method for delivering electrotherapy to a patient through
`electrodes connected to a plurality of capacitors, including
`the steps of discharging at least one of the capacitors across
`the electrodes to deliver electrical energy to the patient,
`monitoring a patient-dependent electrical parameter (such as
`voltage, current or charge) during the dischm&gig step, and
`adjusting energy delivered to the patient based on a value of
`the electrical. parameter. The adjusting step may indlude
`selecting a serial. or parallel arragement for the capacitors
`based on a value of the electrical parameter.
`In another embodiment, the invention provides a method
`for delivering electrotherapy to a patient through electrodes
`connectable to a plurality of capacitors including the steps of
`discharging at least one of the capacitors across the elec-
`trodes to deliver electrical energy to the patient in a wave-
`form having at least a first phase and a second phase,
`monitoring a patient-dependent electrical parameter (such as
`voltage, current or charge) during the discharging step, and
`modifying second phase initial voltage based on a value of
`the electrical parameter. The adjusting step may include
`selecting a serial or a parallel arrangement for the capacitors
`based on a value of the electrical parameter.
`The invention is described in more detail below with
`reference to the drawings.
`FIG. 1 is a schematic representation of a low-tilt biphasic
`electrotherapeutic waveform. according to a first aspect of
`this invention.
`FIG. 2 is a schematic representation of a high-tilt biphasic
`electrotherapeutic waveform, according to the first aspect of
`this invention.
`FIG. 3 is a flow chart demonstrating part of an electro-
`5 therapy method according to a second aspect of this inven-
`FIG. 4 is a schematic representation of a biphasic wave-
`form delivered according to the second aspect of this inven-
`FIG. 5 is a schematic representation of a biphasic wave-
`form delivered according to the second aspect of this inven-
`FIG. 6 is a flow chart demonstrating part of an electro-
`15 therapy method according to a third aspect of this invention.
`FIG. 7 is a schematic representation of a biphasic wave-
`form delivered according to the third aspect of this inven-
`FIG. 8 is a schematic representation of a biphasic wave-
`20 form delivered according to the third aspect of this inven-
`FIG. 9 is a flow chart demonstrating part of an electro-
`therapy method according to a combination of the second
`25and third aspects of this invention.
`FIG. 10 is a block diagram of a defibrillator system
`according to a preferred embodiment of this invention.
`FIG. 11 is a schematic circuit diagram of a defibrillator
`system according to a preferred embodiment of this inven-
`30 tion.
`FIG. 12 is a block diagram showing another embodiment
`of the external defibrillator system of this invention.
`FIG. 13 is a schematic diagram of a defibrillator system
`According to a preferred embodiment of this invention.
`35 FIG. 14 is a schematic diagram of yet another embodi-
`ment of this invention.
`FIG. 15 is a schematic representation of a biphasic
`waveform. delivered by the external defibrillator shown in
`FIG. 14.
`40 FIG. 16 is a schematic diagram of another, embodiment of
`this invention.
`FIG. 17 is a schematic diagram of yet another embodi-
`ment of this invention.
`FIGS. 1 and 2 ilustrate the patient-to-patient differences
`that an external defibrillator design must take into account.
`50 These figures are schematic representations' of truncated
`exponential biphasic waveforms. delivered to 'two different
`patients from an external defibrillator according' to the
`electrotherapy method of this invention for defibrillation or
`cardioversion. In these drawings, the vertical axis is voltage,
`55 and the horizontal axis is time. The principles discussed here
`are applicable to waveforms described in terms of current
`versus time as well, however.
`The waveform. shown in FIG. 1 is called a low-tilt
`waveform, and the waveform shown in FIG. 2 is called a
`60 high-tilt wavefo

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