Case 2:03-cv-01322-JLR Document 119 Filed 10/25/05 Page 1 of 26
`CASE NO. C03-1322JLR
`This matter comes before the court on the parties’ request for construction of the
`claim terms at issue in this patent infringement action. At the court’s direction, the
`parties jointly chose a set of ten claim terms to comprise the “first round” of terms for
`the court to construe. The court has reviewed the parties’ briefing and supporting
`materials, and has heard oral argument from the parties at an October 11, 2005 Markman
`hearing. This order memorializes the court’s claim construction for these first ten terms.
`Plaintiff Koninklijke Philips Electronics NV (“Philips”) and Defendant Defibtech
`LLC (“Defibtech”) manufacture portable defibrillators. The devices at issue are
`automatic external defibrillators that people without medical training can use in
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`Philips Exhibit 2023
`Zoll Lifecor v. Philips

`Case 2:03-cv-01322-JLR Document 119 Filed 10/25/05 Page 2 of 26
`emergencies. Because their users are presumptively untrained, the defibrillators must be
`“smart” enough to deliver appropriate shocks to patients with a wide range of body
`characteristics without input from the user. Moreover, because portable defibrillators
`are rarely used, they must be able to remain functional through long periods of inactivity,
`and to signal any malfunctions to users. Heartstream, Inc. (“Heartstream”) began
`developing defibrillators with these characteristics in the early 1990s. Heartstream is
`now a wholly-owned division of Philips.
`Philips (or Heartstream) has been selling various portable defibrillators since
`1996, and has obtained at least thirteen patents covering its technology. The court has
`stayed consideration of four of those patents. The nine remaining patents cover “shock
`delivery” and “self-test” technology. The three self-test patents govern tests that a
`defibrillator performs on itself to ensure proper operation. Those patents are United
`States Patent Nos. 5,800,460 (the “‘460 Patent”), 5,879,374 (the “‘374 Patent”), and
`6,016,059 (the “‘059 Patent”). The six shock delivery patents address technology that
`adjusts the waveform of a defibrillator’s shock based on results from an electrical test
`that the defibrillator performs on the patient. The electrical test measures variances in
`patient impedance that arise from differences in weight, body fat, and other factors. The
`shock delivery patents are United States Patent Nos. 5,601,612 (the “‘612 Patent”),
`5,607,454 (the “‘454 Patent”), 5,735,879 (the “‘879 Patent”), 5,749,905 (the “‘905
`Patent”), 5,803,927 (the “‘927 Patent”), and 6,047,212 (the “‘212 Patent”). Philips
`contends that Defibtech infringes each of the self-test and shock delivery patents.
`Defibtech entered the automatic external defibrillator market in 2002. It admits to
`studying Heartstream defibrillators and other products when designing its defibrillators,
`but denies that it infringes any Philips patent.
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`In the first step toward deciding Philips’ infringement allegations, the court must
`now construe the meaning of the terms of the asserted patents.
`Almost ten years ago, the Supreme Court in Markman v. Westview Instruments,
`Inc. placed sole responsibility for construing patent claims on the court. 517 U.S. 370,
`372 (1996). Subsequent authority established that the court construes claims purely as a
`matter of law. Cybor Corp. v. FAS Tech., Inc., 138 F.3d 1448, 1456 (Fed. Cir. 1998)
`(applying de novo review to all claim construction issues, even “allegedly fact-based
`questions”). Executing the Markman mandate requires a court to rank the importance of
`various sources of evidence of claim term meaning and consider it accordingly.
`Intrinsic evidence, which includes the patent and its prosecution history, is the
`primary source from which to derive a claim’s meaning. Phillips v. AWH Corp., 415
`F.3d 1303, 1314 (Fed. Cir. 2005) (en banc). A patent is composed of three parts: (1) a
`“written description,” an often lengthy exposition of the background of the invention, at
`least one embodiment of the invention, and other written material that assists in
`understanding how to practice the invention; (2) (in most cases) a set of drawings that
`illustrates portions of the written description; and (3) the claims, which delimit the scope
`of the invention. General Foods Corp. v. Studiengesellschaft Kohle mbH, 972 F.2d
`1272, 1274 (Fed. Cir. 1992). Together, these three components make up the patent’s
`“specification.” Atmel Corp. v. Information Storage Devices, Inc., 198 F.3d 1374, 1384
`(Fed. Cir. 1999); 35 U.S.C. § 112. The prosecution history exists independently of the
`Although 35 U.S.C. § 112 includes the claims as part of a patent’s specification, many
`courts and practitioners use the term “specification” to refer to all portions of a patent except
`the claims. In most cases, the context of the discussion reveals what portion of the specification
`is at issue.
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`patent. It consists of the inventor’s application to the United States Patent and
`Trademark Office (“PTO”) and all correspondence between the PTO and the inventor
`documenting the invention’s progress from patent application to issued patent. Vitronics
`Corp. v. Conceptronic, Inc., 90 F.3d 1576, 1582 (Fed. Cir. 1996).
`In its review of intrinsic evidence, the court should begin with the language of
`both the asserted claim and other claims in the patent. Phillips, 415 F.3d at 1314; Biagro
`Western Sales, Inc. v. Grow More, Inc., 423 F.3d 1296, 1302 (Fed. Cir. 2005) (“It is
`elementary that claim construction begins with, and remains focused on, the language of
`the claims.”). The court’s task is to determine the “ordinary and customary meaning” of
`the terms of a claim through the eyes of a person of ordinary skill in the art on the filing
`date of the patent. Phillips, 415 F.3d at 1313 (quoting Vitronics, 90 F.3d at 1582).
`The court must read claim language, however, in light of the remainder of the
`specification. Id. at 1316 (“[T]he specification necessarily informs the proper
`construction of the claims.”). The specification acts as a “concordance” for claim terms,
`and is thus the best source beyond claim language for understanding claim terms. Id. at
`1315. The inventor is free to use the specification to define claim terms as she wishes,
`and the court must defer to an inventor’s definition, even if it is merely implicit in the
`specification. Id. at 1316 (“[T]he inventor’s lexicography governs.”), 1320-21 (noting
`that a court cannot ignore implicit definitions). The court should “rely heavily” on the
`specification in interpreting claim terms. Id. at 1317. In doing so, however, it must walk
`a tightrope between properly construing the claims in light of the written description and
`the “cardinal sin” of improperly importing limitations from the written description into
`the claims. Sci Med Life Sys., Inc. v. Advanced Cardiovascular Sys., Inc., 242 F.3d
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`1337, 1340 (Fed. Cir. 2001); Phillips, 415 F.3d at 1323 (citing Comark Communications,
`Inc. v. Harris Corp., 156 F.3d 1182, 1186-87 (Fed. Cir. 1998)).
`Although a patent’s prosecution history is also intrinsic evidence, it is “less useful
`for claim construction purposes,” because it usually “lacks the clarity of the
`specification.” Id. at 1317. The prosecution history is useful, however, in determining
`when an inventor has disavowed certain interpretations of his or her claim language. Id.
`Finally, the court can consider extrinsic evidence, “including expert and inventor
`testimony, dictionaries, and learned treatises.” Id. (citing Markman v. Westview
`Instruments, Inc., 52 F.3d 967, 980 (Fed. Cir. 1995)). Extrinsic evidence is usually “less
`reliable than the patent and its prosecution history” as a source for claim interpretation.
`Id. at 1318. The court thus need not admit extrinsic evidence, but may do so in its
`discretion if intrinsic evidence does not disclose the meaning of a claim term. Id. at
`1319; Vitronics, 90 F.3d at 1583 (“[W]here the public record unambiguously describes
`the scope of the patented invention, reliance on any extrinsic evidence is improper.”).
`In this case, court declines to rely on the sole extrinsic evidence the parties have
`put before it: dictionary definitions of the claim terms. For each disputed claim term,
`the court has begun with a view of its ordinary meaning formed from the undisputed
`portions of the parties’ proposed claim constructions. The court has then looked to the
`intrinsic evidence to elucidate that meaning. In each of these claim terms, the intrinsic
`evidence is sufficient to either confirm that the inventors used the term in its ordinary
`sense or to reveal the precise departure from ordinary meaning that the inventors had in
`mind. The court thus declines to discuss the dictionary definitions of these claim terms,
`consistent with the Phillips court’s recognition that it is not necessary to do so. 415 F.3d
`at 1318-1319.
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`With this general framework in mind, the court turns to the ten claims-in-suit.
`Seven terms are from the self-test patents. Three are from the shock delivery patents.
`Construing Terms in the Shock Delivery Patents
`The six shock delivery patents share a common genealogy. All six originated in
`the same abandoned patent application (Ser. No. 101,837). Four of them (the ‘612
`Patent, the ‘879 Patent, the ‘905 Patent, and the ‘212 Patent) are continuation
`applications or divisional applications from that application. This four-patent subgroup
`shares a common written description. The other subgroup contains the two remaining
`patents, which issued from a continuation-in-part of the original application. This
`subgroup shares a written description that expressly incorporates the written description
`of the other four shock delivery patents. When the court cites the written descriptions of
`these patents, it will generally cite only a single patent from each subgroup.
`“Adjusting” means “modifying.”
`The term “adjusting” appears in eight of the claims-in-suit, and in each, the
`surrounding language strongly supports Defibtech’s argument that the term simply
`means “modifying.” Philips proposes that the term means “correcting or modifying to
`reflect actual [patient] conditions.” Inserting Philips’ definition into the claims-in-suit
`demonstrates the flaws in its construction. For example, Claim 1 of the ‘612 patent
`covers a method that includes monitoring a “patient-dependent electrical parameter” and
`“adjusting a discharge parameter of a later phase of the multiphasic waveform as a
`function of a value of the electrical parameter during an earlier phase.” The claim
`language itself dictates precisely what type of “adjusting” the claim contemplates.
`Philips’ construction is surplusage, as the claim language dictates waveform adjustment
`according to a patient-dependant electrical parameter. Philips’ less specific “modifying
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`to reflect actual [patient] conditions” language would read out or needlessly broaden the
`specific language of the claim.
`The same contextual analysis applies to the remaining claims that use “adjusting.”
`Every “adjusting” claim contains specific language that informs the reader what type of
`adjusting falls within the invention. Claim 15 of the ‘454 Patent discloses “adjusting the
`title of the waveform based on the value of the monitored electrical parameter,” and
`Claim 53 covers “adjusting a waveform parameter based on a value of the monitored
`parameter.” Claims 1 and 13 of the ‘879 Patent address “adjusting a discharge
`parameter based on the measured patient impedance” and “adjusting waveform tilt based
`on a value of the monitored electrical parameter.” The remaining claims are similar in
`that they unambiguously disclose the parameter that will dictate the necessary
`“adjusting.” Philips’ proposed construction is inappropriate in light of this unvarying
`pattern of using the term “adjusting” followed by specific instructions. The parties agree
`that “adjusting” means “modifying,” but Philips insists that the term has qualifying
`language built into it. This proposal conflicts with the claim language, which contains
`its own qualifiers in every instance.
`The court finds nothing within the remainder of the patents’ specifications that is
`inconsistent with the meaning that the claim language dictates. Philips insists that a
`primary feature of the inventions claimed in the shock delivery patents is adjusting the
`shock waveform to reflect differing electrical parameters within patients. A review of
`the written descriptions supports Philips’ assertion, e.g., ‘879 Patent at 2:2-7; ‘454 Patent
`at 3:38-41, but the assertion is irrelevant. The language surrounding the term
`“adjusting” in each claim serves the purpose of delimiting how the defibrillator adjusts
`the waveform in response to those parameters. This is a case in which the patentee has
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`not merely acted as his own lexicographer, but has done so in the language of the claims.
`The court must defer to that lexicography, Digital Biometrics, Inc. v. Identix, Inc., 149
`F.3d 1335, 1344 (Fed. Cir. 1998), under which “adjusting” means no more than
`“Monitoring” means “measuring.”
`The court’s resolution of the small difference between the parties’ interpretations
`of “monitoring” presents a complicated question. The parties agree that “monitoring”
`means “measuring.” Defibtech, however, contends that its proposed definition, “taking
`more than one measurement over time,” properly reflects the patents’ disclosure of a
`monitoring step that takes place over time. Philips argues that even a single
`measurement qualifies as “monitoring.”
`Defibtech’s argument finds some support in the claim language. Each time the
`patents use “monitoring,” the accompanying language suggests that monitoring takes
`place over an interval of time. Claim 1 of the ‘612 Patent refers to “monitoring a
`patient-dependent electrical parameter during the discharging step,” and several other
`claims use substantially identical language. ‘879 Patent Claim 13; ‘454 Patent Claims 1,
`15, 53; ‘905 Patent Claims 1, 4, 9; ‘927 Patent Claims 1, 9, 11. Claim 16 of the ‘454
`Patent discloses “an electrical parameter monitored during the discharge step.” The
`language of the claims leaves no doubt that the “steps” they refer to are not single points
`in time, but rather intervals of time. The most compelling evidence for this proposition
`is that “monitoring” inevitably takes place “during” a step, suggesting that a step takes
`place over a period of time, whereas “monitoring” that took place “at” a step would
`Philips asserts that “monitoring” means “checking or measuring,” but never explains
`what the term “checking” adds to its definition. The court finds “checking” to be redundant of
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`suggest a step that is a single point in time. Moreover, the claimed steps “begin” and
`“end” according to the language of the claims. E.g., ‘454 Patent Claims 53, 54. This
`suggests that monitoring cannot be an instantaneous event, because intervals begin and
`end, whereas instants do not.
`Moreover, as Defibtech noted during oral argument, Philips used the term
`“measuring” in other portions of the shock delivery specifications, including other
`claims. For example, Claim 13 of the ‘879 Patent covers “monitoring a patient-
`dependent electrical parameter during the discharging step,” whereas Claim 1 discloses
`“measuring a patient impedance during the discharge step.” Defibtech argues that if
`“monitoring” and “measuring” had the same meaning, Philips would have used the same
`term consistently in the patents.
`The court finds the claim language insufficient to carry Defibtech’s argument.
`Although the use of “monitoring” in one claim and “measuring” in another raises an
`inference that the terms have different meaning, that inference is not determinative.
`Desper Prods., Inc. v. Qsound Labs, Inc., 157 F.3d 1325, 1337 n.3 (Fed. Cir. 1998). In
`addition, comparing the “measuring” and “monitoring” claims reveals that both take
`place “during the discharge step.” If both “measuring” and “monitoring” occur “during”
`periods of time, there is little reason to assume that one term excludes single
`measurements and one does not.
`Fortunately, the written descriptions provide answers that the claim language does
`not. Each description of the six shock delivery patents discloses an invention whose
`preferred embodiment has three “aspects.” ‘879 Patent at 2:39-52. The first is a
`The ‘454 Patent and the ‘927 Patent disclose the three aspects by incorporating the
`written description of the ‘879 Patent.
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`defibrillator that delivers a shock with a biphasic waveform that has predetermined
`values for the length of its two shock pulses. E.g., ‘879 Patent at 4:29-53. In this aspect,
`no “measuring” or “monitoring” takes place. In the second aspect, the initial phase of
`shock lasts for a minimum predetermined threshold time, but that time is extended if the
`voltage has not dropped below a threshold voltage at the end of the threshold time. ‘879
`Patent at 5:13-20. In the third aspect, the initial phase of shock ends at a predetermined
`threshold time or at the time that the voltage drops below a threshold value, whichever
`comes first. ‘879 Patent at 5:47-60.
`The disclosure of the second and third aspects of the preferred embodiments
`illuminates the meaning of “monitoring.” In the second aspect, there is no need to
`measure a voltage until the end of the threshold time. If, however, the voltage has
`dropped below a threshold at the end of the threshold time, the first phase of the shock
`terminates, and no further measurements are necessary. In the third aspect, the
`defibrillator necessarily measures voltage at least once before the threshold time, so that
`it can determine whether to terminate the initial shock phase before the threshold time
`expires. In either aspect, it is possible for a single measurement to suffice. Indeed, a
`single measurement will suffice in every instance in which the first measurement reveals
`a voltage below the threshold level.
`The court ultimately adopts “measuring” as the definition of “monitoring”
`because only this definition allows the patents to cover the invention’s preferred
`embodiment. The court recognizes that it is not necessary that every claim cover the
`preferred embodiment. In this case, however, unless Philips’ construction is correct,
`four of the six shock delivery patents would contain no claims covering the preferred
`embodiment. The asserted claims of the ‘612, ‘454, and ‘905 Patents use only the term
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`“monitoring,” and never the term “measuring.” If “monitoring” excludes single
`measurements, then none of the claims would cover the second and third aspects of the
`preferred embodiment, both of which admit the possibility that a single measurement
`would suffice. There is a heavy presumption against construing claims to read out a
`preferred embodiment. Vitronics, 90 F.3d at 1583 (noting that such a construction is
`“rarely, if ever, correct”).
`In addition, because each of the possibilities requiring a single measurement
`corresponds to a patient characteristic, Defibtech’s construction would not merely read
`out the preferred embodiment, it would exclude an entire class of patients from an
`invention whose purpose is to adjust shock delivery to fit any patient’s impedance
`parameters. In the second aspect of the invention, the single measurement scenario
`corresponds to a patient with low impedance. ‘879 Patent at 5:23-26. The single
`measurement scenario in the third aspect also corresponds to a patient with low
`impedance. ‘879 Patent at 5:57-60. The Patents thus teach that only a single
`measurement in the first phase of the shock waveform is necessary for patients with
`sufficiently low impedance. The court therefore cannot exclude single measurements
`from the definition of “monitoring” without implicitly holding that the shock delivery
`patents exclude low impedance patients. The court thus construes “monitoring” to mean
`“measuring,” and to include single measurements.
`“Discharging a single capacitor” means “releasing energy from a
`single capacitor.”
`Defibtech contends that the phrase “discharging a single capacitor” cannot have
`its plain meaning (“releasing energy from a single capacitor”), but rather must mean:
`delivering electrical energy from one capacitor to the electrodes and
`adjusting the shape of the waveform delivered to a patient in response to a
`patient-dependent electrical parameter measured during delivery of the
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`To derive this highly specific definition from the generic claim language, Defibtech
`turns to the written descriptions, which disclose that the primary advantage of the
`claimed invention is its ability to deliver a shock that is tailored to the electrical
`parameters of the patient. Because the capacitor discharge is the step that delivers the
`shock to the patient, Defibtech contends that the term “discharging a single capacitor”
`must be limited to the type of discharge that is the primary advantage of the invention.
`Defibtech’s argument fails for at least two reasons. First, there is no requirement
`that a patentee limit every claim to the primary feature of his or her invention. See
`Liebel- Flarsheim Co. v. Medrad, Inc., 358 F.3d 898, 908 (Fed. Cir. 2004) (holding that
`even where all embodiments in specification disclose a particular limitation, it is error to
`limit claims unless specification contains a “clear disavowal” of other embodiments); see
`also Phillips, 415 F.3d at 1327. Second, even if Defibtech correctly describes tailored
`shock delivery to the patient as the purpose of the invention, the invention has other
`purposes as well. It discloses, for example, that the invention can use discharged current
`to detect improperly placed electrode leads without shocking a patient. ‘927 Patent at
`Lastly, the doctrine of claim differentiation compels the court to accept Philips’
`construction. Under this doctrine, the court must construe an independent claim to avoid
`nullifying claims that depend from it, unless there is compelling evidence for a nullifying
`construction. Liebel-Flarsheim, 358 F.3d at 910 (“[T]he presence of a dependent claim
`that adds a particular limitation raises a presumption that the limitation in question is not
`found in the independent claim.”). “Discharging a single capacitor” appears only in
`independent Claim 8 of the ‘927 Patent. Claim 9 depends from it, and contains
`“monitoring” and “adjusting” limitations. If “discharging a single capacitor” has the
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`meaning that Defibtech urges, then the additional limitations in Claim 9 are surplusage.
`The limitations in Claim 9 reveal suggest that Claim 8 has broad scope. Nothing in the
`remainder of the specification disavows that scope. The court thus construes
`“discharging a single capacitor” to mean “releasing energy from a single capacitor.”
`Construing Terms in the Self-Test Patents
`Two of the three self-test patents, the ‘460 Patent and the ‘374 Patent, share a
`common written description. The ‘059 Patent issued from a separate application.
`In Some Claims, a “Test Signal” Is a Signal that Initiates a Test in the
`Defibrillator, Whereas In Other Claims It May Also Be A Signal Used
`to Perform Testing.
`Philips contends that a “test signal” is a signal “associated with testing,” including
`signals that initiate tests and those that perform tests. Defibtech seeks to limit the term
`to signals that initiate tests. As the court explains below, Philips’ construction of the
`term is correct, but the limitation that Defibtech seeks to impose exists in many of the
`“test signal” claims. 4
`Before explaining its construction, the court must specify which instances of “test
`signal” it is construing. The ‘374 Patent and the ‘460 Patent claim a “test signal” in a
`variety of contexts. The term sometimes appears in the phrase “test signal generator”
`(‘374 Patent Claims 1, 2, 6, 21, 22, 41), and sometimes stands on its own in a set of
`claims that the court will refer to as “bare” test signal claims. ‘374 Patent Claims 25, 26,
`42, 44, 65, 67-69; ‘460 Patent Claims 1, 3, 4. In response to the court’s order to choose
`For the term “test signal” (and for the parties’ later dispute over the phrase “prior to any
`attempted use”) the important issue is not precisely what the term means, but whether the claim
`in which it appears limits the term in the fashion one party proposes.
`Several other patent claims use the term “test signal” (e.g. ‘374 Patent Claims 45-50),
`but the parties have not asked the court to consider them. The court assumes that Philips has
`not asserted these claims in this action.
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`ten claims for this first round of construction, the parties asserted the bare “test signal”
`claims but not the “test signal generator” claims. There is no reason to construe these
`terms separately, however, because the analysis underlying the claims is identical, and
`because the court must assume, “unless otherwise compelled,” that the same claim term
`used in the same patent “carries the same construed meaning.” Omega Eng’g, Inc. v.
`Raytek Corp., 334 F.3d 1314, 1334 (Fed. Cir. 2003).
`The specification discloses a preferred embodiment that consists of, inter alia,
`two components. The first is a “system monitor” that sends signals to a test controller to
`initiate tests, and the second is a controller or CPU that works in conjunction with other
`components to actually perform the tests. E.g., ‘374 Patent at 4:60-6:19 (describing
`“system monitor”), 3:35-38, 6:19-13:48 (describing “controller” or “CPU”).
`Unfortunately, the specification’s terminology regarding the signals that each component
`generates is inconsistent. The written description of the system monitor sometimes
`refers to the signals it sends to the CPU as “test signals” (e.g., ‘374 Patent at 4:60-67),
`but at other times refers to “test initiation signals” it sends to the CPU. E.g., ‘374 Patent
`at 3:51-53, 5:21-33, 6:18-20. In all such references, however, the description leaves no
`doubt that the signal that the system monitor generates initiates other self-tests and does
`not perform them.
`The written description of the signals that the CPU uses to perform tests is
`similarly inconsistent. In one instance, a signal that the CPU indirectly uses in
`conducting tests is called a “test signal,” (e.g., ‘374 Patent at 8:56-9:3 (describing a “test
`signal injector” to verify the function of various elements)), but in all other instances, the
`The specification also notes the possibility that the system monitor and controller could
`be combined in the same component. ‘374 Patent at 3:27-29.
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`test signal has a more specific name that corresponds to a particular self-test. E.g., ‘374
`Patent at 8:52 (“artifact test signal”), 9:10 (“test current signal”).
`Despite these inconsistent uses of “test signal,” the claim language and the
`written description combined reveal that several claims contain limits on the “test
`signal.” In the bare “test signal” claims, all but two of the claims expressly disclose one
`or more self-tests performed “in response” to the test signal or other stimuli. ‘374 Patent
`Claims 42, 44, 65, 67-69; ‘460 Patent Claims 1, 3, 4. In these claims, therefore, the test
`signal is a signal that initiates a test, not one that performs it. In the remaining two bare
`“test signal” claims, the “test signal” is one that the “system monitor” generates, and is
`thus also a signal for initiating a self-test. ‘374 Patent Claims 25, 26.
`In all but one of the “test signal generator” claims, however, the claim language
`does not compel the court to limit the test signal to one that initiates testing. Claim 1 of
`the ‘374 Patent, for example, discloses a “test signal generator” and a “means for
`operating [it] prior to any attempted use of the defibrillator.” The claim language
`suggests that the “test signal generator” is the generator that sends signals used in
`testing, and the “means for operating [it]” is another generator that sends signals to
`initiate the claimed “test signal generator.” The written description supports this
`interpretation, as it discloses a “signal generator” used to perform “ECG front end tests”
`and a test signal generator that is different from the “system monitor” that generates
`initiating test signals. ‘374 Patent at 8:19-55. It similarly reveals that other “test signal
`generator” claims depending from Claim 1 use the term to refer to a generator that
`performs various self-tests. ‘374 Patent Claim 2 (adding a “functionality tester” to the
`test signal generator), Claim 6 (adding a “calibration verifier”), Claim 21 (adding a
`“battery condition tester”). Claim 41 is identical to Claim 1 except that it discloses a
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`“periodic” test signal generator, and thus it also uses “test signal” in the broad sense that
`Philips advocates. In Claim 22, however, the “test signal generator” is limited to the
`“system monitor” that the court has already discussed. Thus, the “test signal generator”
`of Claim 22 generates only signals used to initiate testing.
`To summarize, a “test signal” is a “signal associated with testing.” In several of
`the asserted claims, however, additional claim language limits the term to a “signal that
`initiates testing.” Those claims are all of the asserted bare “test signal” claims, as well
`as Claim 22 of the ‘374 Patent.
`“Through conductors” means “through any electrically conductive
`The phrase “through

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