Case 6:10-cv-00473-LED-KFG Document 341 Filed 03/08/13 Page 1 of 23 PageID #: 7574
`Civil Action No. 6:10-CV-473
`ERICSSON INC., et. al.,
` v.
`6,772,215, 6,330,435, 5,987,019, 6,466,568, and 5,790,516
`This claim construction opinion construes the disputed claim terms in U.S. Patent Nos.
`6,772,215, 6,330,435, 5,987,019, 6,466, 568, and 5,790,516 as asserted in the above captioned case.
`A Markman hearing was held on June 27, 2012, to construe the disputed terms of the various
`patents. For the reasons stated herein, the Court adopts the constructions set forth below.
`“It is a ‘bedrock principle’ of patent law that ‘the claims of a patent define the invention to
`which the patentee is entitled the right to exclude.” Phillips v. AWH Corp., 415 F.3d 1303, 1312
`(Fed. Cir. 2005)(quoting Innova/Pure Water, Inc. v. Safari Water Filtration Sys., Inc., 381 F.3d 111,
`115 (Fed. Cir. 2004)). The Court examines a patent’s intrinsic evidence to define the patented
`invention’s scope. Id. at 1313-1314; Bell Atl. Network Servs., Inc. v. Covad Commc’ns Group, Inc.,
`262 F.3d 1258, 1267 (Fed. Cir. 2001). Intrinsic evidence includes the claims, the rest of the
`specification and the prosecution history. Phillips, 415 F.3d at 1312-13; Bell Atl. Network Servs.,
`262 F.3d at 1267. The Court gives claim terms their ordinary and customary meaning as understood


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`by one of ordinary skill in the art at the time of the invention. Phillips, 415 F.3d at 1312-13; Alloc,
`Inc. v. Int’l Trade Comm’n, 342 F.3d 1361, 1368 (Fed. Cir. 2003).
`Claim language guides the Court’s construction of claim terms. Phillips, 145 F.3d at 1314.
`“[T]he context in which a term is used in the asserted claim can be highly instructive.” Id. Other
`claims, asserted and unasserted, can provide additional instruction because “terms are normally used
`consistently throughout the patent.” Id. Differences among claims, such as additional limitations
`in dependent claims, can provide further guidance. Id.
`“[C]laims ‘must be read in view of the specification, of which they are a part.’” Id. (quoting
`Markman v. Westview Instruments, Inc., 52 F.3d 967, 979 (Fed. Cir. 1995)). “[T]he specification
`‘is always highly relevant to the claim construction analysis. Usually it is dispositive; it is the single
`best guide to the meaning of a disputed term.’” Id. (quoting Vitronics Corp. v. Conceptronic, Inc.,
`90 F.3d 1576, 1582 (Fed. Cir. 1996)); Teleflex Inc. v. Ficosa N. Am. Corp., 299 F.3d 1313, 1325
`(Fed. Cir 2002). In the specification, a patentee may define his own terms, give a claim term a
`different meaning that it would otherwise possess, or disclaim or disavow some claim scope.
`Phillips, 415 F.3d at 1316. Although the Court generally presumes terms possess their ordinary
`meaning, this presumption can be overcome by statements of clear disclaimer. See Sci Med Life Sys.,
`Inc. v. Advanced Cardiovascular Sys., Inc., 242 F.3d 1337, 1343-44 (Fed. Cir. 2001). This
`presumption does not arise when the patentee acts as his own lexicographer. See Irdeto Access, Inc.
`v. EchoStar Satellite Corp., 383 F.3d 1295, 1301 (Fed. Cir. 2004).
`The specification may also resolve ambiguous claim terms “where the ordinary and
`accustomed meaning of the words used in the claims lack sufficient clarity to permit the scope of the
`claim to be ascertained from the words alone.” Teleflex, Inc., 299 F.3d at 1325. For example, “[a]


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`claim interpretation that excludes a preferred embodiment from the scope of the claim ‘is rarely, if
`ever, correct.” Globetrotter Software, Inc. v. Elam Computer Group, Inc., 362 F.3d 1367, 1381
`(Fed. Cir. 2004)(quoting Vitronics Corp., 90 F.3d at 1583). But, “[a]lthough the specification may
`aid the court in interpreting the meaning of disputed language in the claims, particular embodiments
`and examples appearing in the specification will not generally be read into the claims.” Constant
`v. Advanced Micro-Devices, Inc., 848 F.2d 1560, 1571 (Fed. Cir. 1988); see also Phillips, 415 F.3d
`at 1323.
`The prosecution history is another tool to supply the proper context for claim construction
`because a patentee may define a term during the prosecution of the patent. Home Diagnostics, Inc.
`v. LifeScan, Inc., 381 F.3d 1352, 1356 (Fed. Cir. 2004)(“As in the case of the specification, a patent
`applicant may define a term in prosecuting the patent.”). The well-established doctrine of
`prosecution disclaimer “preclud[es] patentees from recapturing through claim interpretation specific
`meanings disclaimed during prosecution.” Omega Eng’g Inc. v. Raytek Corp., 334 F.3d 1314 (Fed.
`Cir. 2003). The prosecution history must show that the patentee clearly and unambiguously
`disclaimed or disavowed the proposed interpretation during prosecution to obtain claim allowance.
`Middleton Inc. v. 3M Co., 164 F.3d 1372, 1378-79 (Fed. Cir. 1988)(quotations omitted). “As a
`basic principle of claim interpretation, prosecution disclaimer promotes the public notice function
`of the intrinsic evidence and protects the public’s reliance on definitive statements made during
`prosecution.” Omega Eng’g, Inc., 334 F.3d at 1324.
`Although, “less significant than the intrinsic record in determining the legally operative
`meaning of claim language, “the Court may rely on extrinsic evidence to “shed useful light on the
`relevant art.” Phillips, 415 F.3d at 1317 (quotation omitted). Technical dictionaries and treatises


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`may help the Court understand the underlying technology and the manner in which one skilled in the
`art might use claim terms, but such sources may also provide overly broad definitions or may not be
`indicative of how terms are used in the patent. Id. at 1318. Similarly, expert testimony may aid the
`Court in determining the particular meaning of a term in the pertinent field, but “conclusory,
`unsupported assertions by experts as to the definition of a claim term are not useful.” Id. Generally,
`extrinsic evidence is “less reliable than the patent and its prosecution history in determining how to
`read claim terms.” Id.
`Determining the claimed function and the corresponding structure of means-plus-function
`clauses are matters of claim construction. WMS Gaming Inc., v. Int’l Game Tech., 184 F.3d 1339,
`1347 (Fed. Cir. 1999). Claim construction of a means-plus-function limitation involves two steps.
`See Medical Instrumentation and Diagnostics v. Elekta, 344 F.3d 1205, 1210 (Fed. Cir. 2003). The
`court must first identify the particular claimed function, and then look to the specification and
`identify the corresponding structure for that function. Id. “Under this second step, ‘structure
`disclosed in the specification is corresponding structure only if the specification or prosecution
`history clearly links or associates that structure to the function recited in the claim.’” Id. (citations
`omitted). “While corresponding structure need not include all things necessary to enable the claimed
`invention to work, it must include all structure that actually performs the recited function.” Default
`Proof Credit Card System, Inc. v. Home Depot U.S.A., Inc., 412 F.3d 1291, 1298 (Fed. Cir. 2005).
`The ‘215 patent is entitled “Method for Minimizing Feedback Responses in ARQ Protocols”
`and the invention relates in general to the telecommunications field and, in particular, to a method
`for minimizing feedback responses in Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ) protocols. Data sent by a


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`transmitter (such as a wireless router) to a receiver (such as a computer) is broken into data packets
`(also called “Protocol Data Units” or “PDUs”) which have sequence numbers. ‘215 patent at 1:29-
`30. The receiver assembles the data packets back into the proper order using the sequence numbers.
`In a perfect world, the receiver would receive all the data packets in the proper order. However,
`frequently data packets get lost or corrupted during the transmission from the transmitter to the
`receiver and never make it to the receiver’s buffer. Certain algorithms are used to recover from the
`transmission of erroneous data and the loss of data on the transmission links between the nodes.
`‘215 patent at 1:21-23. An algorithm commonly used to recover from the transmission of erroneous
`data is referred to as an Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ) protocol. ‘215 patent at 1:23-25. The
`basic function of the ARQ protocol is to allow the receiver to request that the transmitter re-transmit
`those PDUs that were lost or contained errors during transmission. ‘215 patent at 1:34-37. The
`PDUs that are sent from the receiver back to the transmitter include control data needed for error
`control/recovery and are called “status PDUs” (S-PDUs).
`Two main methods are currently used for coding the sequence numbers of the lost or
`corrupted data within the S-PDUs sent from the transmitter back to the receiver. One method is to
`use a list of sequence numbers to be re-transmitted. The second method is to use a bitmap to
`represent the sequence numbers to be re-transmitted. ‘215 patent at 2:48-52. However, a significant
`problem with the existing ARQ protocols is that they are static in construction and, in certain
`situations, this may lead to a waste of bandwidth, because a great deal of information is transmitted
`unnecessarily in the S-PDUs. ‘215 patent at 3:46-50.
`Therefore, the inventors of the ‘215 patent recognized that a significant need existed for a
`method that can be used to minimize the size of S-PDUs in an ARQ protocol and for a method that


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`can be used to maximize the number of sequence numbers in an S-PDU with limited size, if it is not
`possible to fit all potential sequence numbers into a single S-PDU. ‘215 patent at 4:33-38. The
`inventors summarized the invention as “a method for minimizing feedback responses in an ARQ
`protocol ... whereby different mechanisms can be used to indicate erroneous D-PDUs and construct
`S-PDUs. In particular, these different mechanisms can be combined in a single S-PDU. The S-
`PDUs are constructed so as to optimize system performance in accordance with certain criteria. One
`such criterion used is to minimize the size of the S-PDUs. A second such criterion used is to
`maximize the number of [sequence numbers] in an S-PDU of limited size.” ‘215 patent at 4:44-53.
`Disputed terms of the ‘215 patent.
`The disputed terms and their proposed constructions are set forth below.
`“responsive to the receiving step, constructing a message field for a second data
`unit, said message field including a type identifier field” (claims 1, 15 and 25)
`Plaintiffs’ Proposed Construction
`responsive to the receiving step, generating a
`message field including a field that identifies
`the message type of the feedback response
`message from a number of different message
`Defendants’ Proposed Construction
`responsive to the receiving step, generating a
`message field including a field identifying the
`type of feedback response that is selected
`from multiple available feedback responses in
`order to minimize the size of number of
`feedback responses
`Plaintiffs acknowledge that the proposed constructions are nearly identical, but argue that
`Defendants’ proposed construction contains superfluous language and should be rejected. Plaintiffs’
`first objection to Defendants’ proposed construction is that it requires the type of feedback response
`to be actively “selected from multiple available feedback responses”, which, they argue, would
`import an entirely additional step (the step of selecting) into the claim, violating the canons of claim


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`Plaintiffs also object to Defendants’ requirement that the unclaimed “selecting” further
`accomplish the goal of “minimiz[ing] the size or number of feedback responses.” Plaintiffs argue
`that while minimizing the size of number of feedback responses may be the benefit of the invention,
`not every benefit flowing from an invention is a claim limitation, citing i4i, Ltd. Partnership v.
`Microsoft Corp., 598 F.3d 831, 843 (Fed. Cir. 2010), aff’d __U.S.__, 131 S. Ct. 2238, 180 L. Ed.
`2d 131. They contend Defendants’ construction adds only two, and not all, of the advantages set
`forth in the patent. According to Plaintiffs, Defendants do not point to any lexicography, disclaimer,
`or disavowal that allow the limitations to be included in the claims and, further, the patentee
`apparently chose to put “minimization of feedback responses” in the preamble where it is not a
`limitation. They further argue that the claims define the invention, and that those claims do not
`include Defendants’ proposed extraneous limitations.
`Defendants respond that their construction captures the actual inventive concept claimed to
`overcome the prior art problems identified in the specification. They further argue that the solution
`to the problem (the static use of a particular type of response) not addressed by the prior art is to
`“select” a feedback response to optimize system performance. ‘215 patent at 9:12-14. They contend
`that “selecting” or “minimizing” is already part of the claim as part of the element requiring the
`construction of a feedback response “in response to” incoming data units. Defendants argue that this
`is not merely some benefit of the invention, it is the invention and the claims should be construed
` Plaintiffs contend that Defendants have never before claimed in their briefing that the preamble is a limitation
`and are essentially trying to back-door it in as a limitation now. See Transcript of Claim Construction Hearing (doc.
`#255), p. 16.


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`to capture the scope of the actual invention, citing Retractable Techs., Inc. v. Becton, Dickinson and
`Co., 653 F.3d 1296 (Fed Cir. 2011) (citing Phillips v. AWH Corp., 415 F.3d 1303, 1323 (Fed. Cir.
`2005)(en banc)).
`This Court notes that there is currently a split among the judges on the Federal Circuit
`regarding the appropriate role of the specification in construing the claims of a patent. See
`Retractable Technologies, Inc. v. Becton, Dickinson and Company, 659 F.3d 1369 (Fed. Cir.
`2011)(denial of re-hearing en banc). As stated above, Defendants urge that the claims should be
`construed in order to capture the actual scope of the invention. Judge Lourie is of the view that the
`claims are limited by the “invention” described in the specification. Retractable, 653 F.3d at 1305
`(“In reviewing the intrinsic record to construe the claims, we strive to capture the scope of the actual
`invention, rather than strictly limit the scope of the claim to disclosed embodiments or allow claim
`language to become divorced from what the specification conveys is the invention.”). However,
`Judge Moore along with Chief Judge Rader take the view that the claims define the metes and
`bounds of the patented invention and, although the specification may shed light on the plain and
`ordinary meaning of a claim term, it cannot be used to narrow the claim term unless the inventor
`acted as his own lexicographer or intentionally disclaimed or disavowed claim scope. Retractable,
`659 F.3d at 1360-71.
`This Court is inclined toward Judge Moore’s and Chief Judge Radar’s view in Retractable.
`Defendants’ proposed construction seems to fall on the side of reading limitations into the claims
` Ericsson disagrees that the advantage of minimizing the feedback response is the crux of the invention. It
`contends that the invention is “the creation of a choice in the receiver of multiple different formats of messages to use
`and then also the creation of a type identifier field which allows the receiver to identify to the transmitter which it is
`choosing.” Transcript, p. 13.


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`rather than reading the claims in light of the specification. In addition, this Court agrees with
`Plaintiffs that Defendants’ construction adds only two, and not all, of the advantages set forth in the
`patent. “[T]he fact that a patent asserts that an invention achieves several objectives does not require
`that each of the claims be construed as limited to structures that are capable of achieving all of the
`objectives.” Phillips, 415 F.3d at 1327 (internal quotations omitted).
` Therefore, this Court finds that the term “responsive to the receiving step, constructing a
`message field for a second data unit, said message field including a type identifier field” means
`“responsive to the receiving step, generating a message field including a field that identifies the
`message type of the feedback response message from a number of different message types.”
`“means for receiving said plurality of first data units, and constructing one to
`several message fields for a second data unit, said one to several message fields
`including a type identifier field and at least one of a sequence number field, a
`length field, a content field, a plurality of erroneous sequence number fields,
`and a plurality of erroneous sequence number length fields, each of said
`plurality of erroneous sequence number fields associated with a respective one
`of said plurality of erroneous sequence number length fields” (claim 45)


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` Defendants’ Proposed Construction
`Recited Function: receiving the plurality of
`first data units and generating a message field
`including a field identifying the type of
`feedback response that is selected from
`multiple available feedback responses in
`order to minimize the size or number of
`feedback responses and at least one of a
`sequence number field, a length field, a
`content field, a plurality of erroneous
`sequence number fields, and a plurality of
`erroneous sequence number length fields,
`each of said plurality of erroneous sequence
`number fields associated with a respective
`one of said plurality of erroneous sequence
`number length fields
`Corresponding Structure: (a) Fig. 4, Fig. 5,
`Fig. 6, Table 1, 3:6-13, 36-42, 4:1-54, 5:50-
`6:49, 6:55-64, 7:28-51
`(b) Invalid under Section 112, paragraphs 2,6.
` Plaintiffs’ Proposed Construction
`Recited Function: receiving said plurality of
`first data units, and constructing one to
`several message fields for a second data unit,
`said one to several message fields including a
`type identifier field and at least one of a
`sequence number field, a length field, a
`content field, a plurality of erroneous
`sequence number fields, and a plurality of
`erroneous sequence number length fields,
`each of said plurality of erroneous sequence
`number fields associated with a respective
`one of said plurality of erroneous sequence
`number length fields
`Corresponding Structure: the receiver of a
`peer entity, see ‘215:2:29-30, whereby
`different mechanisms can be used to indicate
`erroneous data units so as to optimize
`performance, see ‘215::5:53-56, and the
`mechanisms refer to any of the methods
`described for constructing a bitmap feedback
`response message disclosed at ‘215::3:17-28
`and ‘215::6:8-48, any of the methods for
`constructing a compressed bitmap feedback
`response message disclosed at ‘215::6:49-54,
`any of the methods for constructing a list
`feedback response message disclosed at
`‘215::2:63-3:16 and ‘215::7:28-51, and/or the
`method for constructing a feedback response
`message combining the list and bitmap
`methods, and any equivalents thereof.
`Plaintiffs’ contend that their proposed function for this term is the function explicitly recited
`in the claim and that they have identified corresponding structure that “actually performs” the recited
`function. Plaintiffs argue that Defendants’ proposed recited function for this term is a different
`function and therefore is legally defective. Plaintiffs note that the substantive dispute regarding this


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`term is related to a previous argument as to whether minimization or optimization is a required part
`of the function. Plaintiffs argue that the structure set forth at 3:6-13 and 3:36-42 deal with the
`calculation of the size of the S-PDU and has nothing to do with the actual construction of the
`message. Likewise, they contend that Table 1 has nothing to do with constructing the feedback
`response message.
`Defendants agree that this debate is an extension of the initial debate, that is, what does this
`claim capture? Defendants again contend that the essence of the invention is that there be a
`minimization or optimization of the size or the number of the S-PDUs. Defendants argue that the
`claimed invention cannot be something that merely constructs a S-PDU to send back to the
`transmitter without the determination of which type of S-PDU (list, bitmap, etc.) would be optimal.
`According to defendants, this is all over the prior art.
`The Court finds that Plaintiffs have proposed the correct function for this means-plus-function
`term. Although Defendants argue that the Court is not restricted to the actual language used in the
`claim to define the function, the Federal Circuit has made it clear that “[t]he statute does not permit
`limitation of a means plus function claim by adopting a function different from that explicitly recited
`in the claim.” Micro Chemical, Inc. v. Great Plains Chemical Co., Inc., 194 F.3d 1250, 1258 (Fed.
`Cir. 1999). In addition, Plaintiffs have correctly identified the “corresponding structure” disclosed
`in the specification.
`In a related argument, Defendants contend that claim 45 is invalid because Ericsson’s
`proposals for corresponding structure do not include portions of the specification necessary to support
`their interpretation of the claimed function. See Motion for Summary Judgment [Clerk’s doc. # 224,
`p. 16]. In other words, they assert that Plaintiffs’ proposed structure is incomplete because it omits


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`portions of the specification relating to the claimed optimization. Therefore, they contend that
`Plaintiffs’ proposed structure is incomplete, and as such does not disclose an algorithm to support its
`construction of the “means for receiving . . .and constructing” element. During the hearing,
`Defendants “absolutely concede[d]” that there is adequate structure disclosed in the specification and
`that this issue is a claim construction issue and not a summary judgment indefiniteness issue. See
`Transcript, pp. 61-62.
`This Court agrees with Plaintiffs and finds that there is no “optimization” claimed in the
`recited function, and it would be error to import any function other than what is explicitly recited in
`the claim. See Micro Chem., 194 F.3d at 1258.
`This Court finds that the recited function is: “receiving said plurality of first data units, and
`constructing one to several message fields for a second data unit, said one to several message
`fields including a type identifier field and at least one of a sequence number field, a length field,
`a content field, a plurality of erroneous sequence number fields, and a plurality of erroneous
`sequence number length fields, each of said plurality of erroneous sequence number fields
`associated with a respective one of said plurality of erroneous sequence number length fields.”
`The corresponding structure is: the receiver of a peer entity, see ‘215::2:29-30, whereby
`different mechanisms can be used to indicate erroneous data units so as to optimize
`performance, see ‘215::5:53-56, and the mechanisms refer to any of the methods described for
`constructing a bitmap feedback response message disclosed at ‘215::3:17-28 and ‘215::6:8-48,
`any of the methods for constructing a compressed bitmap feedback response message disclosed
`at ‘215::6:49-54, any of the methods for constructing a list feedback response message disclosed
`at ‘215::2:63-3:16 and ‘215::7:28-51, and/or the method for constructing a feedback response


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`message combining the list and bitmap methods, and equivalents thereof.”
`The ‘435 patent builds on what happens after an ACK message is sent to the transmitter from
`the receiver. As shown in the ‘215 patent, a receiver may request that the transmitter resend data
`packets that it (the receiver) didn’t receive with an ACK message. The transmitter may continue to
`retransmit those data packets but it may be that the receiver still may not receive the data packets due
`to a continued corruption of the signal. The receiver may still wait on the data packets even though
`the data may be obsolete. The transmitter continues to store these data packets in the buffer because
`the receiver still has not acknowledged receipt of them. This causes the buffers of both the transmitter
`and the receiver to become full and the result is that the buffers cannot receive the next group of data
`packets. This causes unacceptable delay in real time applications such as streaming video and
`The ‘435 patent attempts to address this problem by using a “discard notification message.”
`The transmitter will hold a specified number of packets in its buffer until it receives and
`acknowledgment that the receiver got them. The receiver holds an incomplete set of packets in its
`buffer until the complete set is received. ACK messages are sent from the receiver to the transmitter
`and the transmitter keeps re-sending the data packets until a timer expires. The transmitter then sends
`a discard message to the receiver which tells the receiver that the transmitter deleted the old packets
`so they will not be resent. The receiver gets this message and then determines which packets have
`been discarded by the transmitter. It then removes these data packets from the list of those expected
`to be received from the transmitter. This allows the transmitter and receiver to transmit and receive
`other data packets without having to wait on the transmission of obsolete data packets.


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`Disputed terms of the ‘435 patent.
`“data packet discard notification message from the transmitter to the receiver
`indicating data packets the transmitter has discarded.” (claim 1)
`Plaintiffs’ Proposed Construction
`a control message in an Automatic Repeat
`Request Protocol that indicates data packets
`that the transmitter has discarded
`Defendants’ Proposed Construction
`message containing the identity of
`unacknowledged data packets the transmitter
`has discarded
`One dispute between the parties focuses on whether the discard message must actually contain
`the explicit identity of the discarded packets. Plaintiffs assert that it does not. Initially, Plaintiffs
`point out that Claim 1 requires that the receiver will compute “which data packets have been
`discarded by the transmitter based on the data packet discard notification message.” In addition,
`Plaintiffs argue that dependent Claim 6 specifically requires that the data packet discard notification
`message include a sequence number field for each data packet to be discarded by the receiver.
`Plaintiffs further note that dependent Claim 3 requires that the discard message include a sequence
`number to indicate the first data packet to be discarded and a length field to indicate a number of data
`packets immediately preceding the first data packet, that are to be discarded by the receiver.
`According to Plaintiffs, the use of a length field in this context shows that the message itself does not
`explicitly indicate each packet to be discarded. Rather, the message need contain only enough
`information for the receiver to derive, in its computing step, which packets should be discarded.
`Defendants initially responded that “identify” carries the same meaning as “indicate”. However,
`during the hearing, Defendants responded that they had no objection to the term “indicating”.
`“Indicating” and “identifying” are not used interchangeably in the ‘435 patent. Forms of
`“indicating” are used 29 times, always in the same context as the claim language. Forms of “identify”


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`were used 13 times, mostly in the context of sequence numbers “identifying” discarded cells. The
`plain language of Claim 1 and Claim 13 show that “identifying” and “indicating” are used differently
`in this patent. This Court agrees with Plaintiffs on this particular point. “Indicates” should be used
`instead of “containing the identity.”
`The second dispute focuses on whether the Defendant’s addition of the word
`“unacknowledged” in their construction is proper. Plaintiffs note that, in the present invention, the
`discard message is triggered by both an NACK (a negative acknowledgment from the receiver to the
`transmitter) and in a situation where the there is no acknowledgment from the receiver to the
`transmitter (unacknowledged). ‘435 patent at 1:14-22. The so-called NACK embodiment is
`illustrated at 4:53-67. Plaintiffs also argue that Defendant’s addition of the word “unacknowledged”
`in their construction reads out the preferred embodiment disclosed at 4:53-67.
`Defendants respond that “unacknowledged” packets and “negatively acknowledged data
`packets” refer to the same thing, that is, packets that have not been successfully received. In other
`words, according to Defendants, “negatively acknowledged packets” are “unacknowledged packets.”
`This Court agrees with Plaintiffs. At worst, Defendants’ construction does in fact exclude the
`preferred embodiment set forth at 4:53-67. “A claim interpretation that excludes a preferred
`embodiment from the scope of the claim is rarely, if ever, correct.” Globetrotter Software, Inc. v.
`Elan Computer Group, Inc., 362 F.3d 1367, 1381 (Fed. Cir. 2004). At best, inserting
`“unacknowledged” into the claim construction would be importing limitations into the claim which
`is improper.
`Finally, Defendants argue that “control message” and “Automatic Repeat Request” are
`improper limitations to import into the claim. The Court notes that the claim calls for a “message”


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`and not a “control message.” The Court also notes that it agrees with Defendants that “in an
`Automatic Repeat Request protocol” is not necessary language to be included in the construction or
`helpful to the jury because of its existence in the preamble.
`Therefore, this Court finds that the proper construction is: “a message that indicates data
`packets that the transmitter has discarded.”
`The ‘568 patent, which contains apparatus claims, is a division of the ‘019 patent, which
`contains method claims. Both patents contain the same specification and similar claim language.
`Both of these patents are entitled “Multi-Rate Radiocommunication Systems and Terminals” and
`describe ways to efficiently transmit a variety of different types of information. Different types of
`information often have different optimal transmission characteristics. For examples, users
`communicating by cellular telephone will desire rapid two-way communication and may not be
`concerned with minor transmission errors. On the other hand, a user downloading email will tolerate
`small delays

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