Case 2:13-cv-06054-SJO-PJW Document 3 Filed 09/12/12 Page 1 of 14 Page ID #:193
`Civil Action No. 1:i2~cv—00635
`Piaintiff Black Hilis Media, LLC (“Black Hiils” or “P1aintift"), for its First Amended
`Complaint against Yamaha Corporation of America (“Defendant”), states and alleges as follows:
`?1aintiff Black Hills Media, LLC, is a Delaware limited liability company having
`its principal place of business at 1000 N. West St, Suite 1200, Wiimington, Delaware 19801.
`Upon information and belief, Defendant Yamaha Corporation of America is a
`California corporation with its principal piece of business at 6600 Orangethorpe Avenue, Buena
`Park, California 90620.
`This is an action for patent infringement under the patent laws of the United
`States, Title 35, United States Code, specifically §§ 271 and 28i—28S. This Court has subject
`matter jurisdiction under Title 28 United States Code §§ 1331 and i338(a).
`Personal jurisdiction over Defendant cornport with the United States Constitution
`and 10 Del. C. § 3104 of the Deiaware Code because Defendant has committed and continues to

`Case 2:13-cv-06054-SJO-PJW Document 3 Filed 09/12/12 Page 2 of 14 Page ID #:194
`commit acts of patent infringement in this district as aileged in this Compiaint.
`Venue is properly within the district under Title 28 United States Code §§
`139i(b) and (c) and l400(b).
`Black Hills owns ali of the rights and interests in United States Patent Nos.
`8,045,952 (“the ‘952 Patent”); 8,050,652 (“the ‘652 Patent”); 6,985,694 (“the ‘694 Patent”);
`' 6,108,686 (“the ‘686 Patent”); 8,230,099 (“the ‘099 Patent”); and 8,214,873 (“the ‘873 Patent”)
`(eollectiveiy, the “Patents in Suit”).
`The ‘952 Patent entitled “Method and Device for Obtaining Playiist Content Over
`a Network” was duly and iegaliy issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office on
`October 25, 2011, after fuil and fair examination. A copy of the ‘952 Patent is attached as
`Exhibit A.
`The ‘652 Patent entitieci “Method and Device for an Internet Radio Capable of
`Obtaining a Playiist Content From a Content Server” was duly and iegally issued by the United
`States Patent and Trademark Office on November 1, 2011, after full and fair examination. A
`copy of the ‘652 Patent is attached as Exhibit B.
`The ‘694 Patent entitied “Method and System for Providing an Audio Element
`Cache in 3 Customized Personal Radio Broadcast” was duiy and legally issued by the United
`States Patent and Trademark Office on January 10, 2006, after full and fair examination. A copy
`of the ‘694 Patent is attached as Exhibit C.
`The ‘686 Patent entitled “Agent-Based On~Li11e Infcrrnation Retrieval and
`Viewing System” was duly and legaliy issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office
`on August 22, 2000. A copy of the ‘686 Patent is attached as Exhibit D.

`Case 2:13-cv-06054-SJO-PJW Document 3 Filed 09/12/12 Page 3 of 14 Page ID #:195
`The ‘099 Patent entitled “System and Method for Sharing Playlists” was duly and
`iegally issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office on July 24, 2012. A copy of the
`‘O99 Patent is attached as Exhibit E.
`The ‘873 Patent entitled “Method, System, and Cornputer—Readabie Medium for
`Employing a First Device to Direct a Networked Audio Device to Render a Piaylist” was duly
`and legally issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office on July 3, 2012. A copy of
`the ‘S73 Patent is attached as Exhibit F.
`Defendant sells and distributes, including upon information and belief within the
`District of Delaware, at least the foliowing ‘AV receivers, networked Blu—ray piayers, Bin-ray
`home systems, and home theater systems: RX-A3020, RX-A2020, RX—/K1020, RX-A820, RX~
`A720, RXN871, RX~V67i, RXN867, RX—A3010, RX—A2€)l0, RX~A10l0, RX-A810, RX-
`A710, RX-A3000, RX—A200€}, RX—Al000, RX—\/673, RX—VS73, RXN473, RX-V2065, RX-
`V3900, RX»-Z7, HTR~7065, HTR—4065, RX-V773WA, BD—S67l, li’»D—Al010, BD~A1000, BD~
`S673, BD—S473, BD-A1010, BDX-610, BRX—6l0, YHT-897, YHT—797, YHT-697, YHT-597,
`NP»-S2000, and YMC—700 (the “accused products”).
`Plaintiff incorporates each of the preceding paragraphs 1 ~ 13 as if fully set forth
`Defendant is directly or indirectly infringing at least ciairn 9. of the ‘952 Patent
`literally, or under the doctrine of equivalents, by importing into the United States, and/or making,
`using, selling, or offering for sale in the United States,
`including the District of Deiaware,
`products embodying the patented inventions claimed in the ‘952 Patent without authority,

`Case 2:13-cv-06054-SJO-PJW Document 3 Filed 09/12/12 Page 4 of 14 Page ID #:196
`including but not limited to the products identified in preceding paragraph 13, or by contributing
`to or inducing infringement of the ‘9S2 Patent by a third party.
`Upon information and belief, after becoming aware of the ‘952 Patent and its
`infringement thereof, Defendant is knowingiy inducing third party infringement of the ‘952
`Defendantsinducement of infringement of the ‘952 Patent inciudes, but is not
`limited to, actively encouraging and instructing third parties to use Defendant’s products in ways
`that infringe the ‘952 Patent. Defendant ships the accused products with preloaded streaming
`services (inciuding Enternet subscription services) and/or provides detailed instructions to third
`parties on how to download streaming services to the accused products.
`Examples of such instructions can be found in the following links to the
`Defendant’s website and the attached Exhibit C}:
`httg://usayamaha.ggrrgprcducts/audio-visuai/aventage/rx-a1000 black
`(select the “Technoiogy” tab)
`m&category idm16622&product id=l07l837
`Defendant knew or should have known that its encouragement and instructions to
`third parties results in infringement of the ‘952 Patent. Defendant is thus liable for inducing
`infringement of the ‘9S2 Patent pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 27l(b).
`Upon information and belief, since the filing of the First Complaint in which the
`‘952 Patent was inciuded Defendant has wiilfuily infringed, directiy and/or indirectly, the ‘952
`Patent by having deliberately engaged in its infringing conduct in knowing disregard of the ‘952

`Case 2:13-cv-06054-SJO-PJW Document 3 Filed 09/12/12 Page 5 of 14 Page ID #:197
`Patent and has acted objectively and subjectively reckless in implementing technology in its
`products that it knew or should have reasonably known would infringe the ‘952 Patent.
`The infringernent by the Defendant of the ‘952 Patent has injured Black Hills and
`will cause Black Hills added irreparable injury and damage in the future unless Defendant is
`enjoined from infringing the ‘952 Patent.
`Plaintiff incorporates each of the preceding paragraphs 1 — 21 as if fully set forth
`Defendant is directly or indirectly infringing at least claims l, 21, and 42 of the
`‘652 Patent literally, or under the doctrine of equivalents, by importing into the United States,
`and/or making, using, seiling, or offering for saie in the United States, including the District of
`Delaware, products embodying the patented inventions claimed in the ‘652 Patent without
`authority, including but not limited to the products identified in preceding paragraph 13, or by
`contributing to or inducing infringement of the ‘652 Patent by a third party.
`Upon information and belief, after becoming aware of the ‘6S2 Patent and its
`infringement thereof, Defendant is knowingly inducing third party infringement of the ‘652
`Defendant’s inducement of infringement of the ‘652 Patent includes, but is not
`limited to, actively encouraging and instructing third parties to use Defendant’s products in ways
`that infringe the ‘652 Patent. Defendant ships the accused products with pre-loaded streaming
`services (inciuding Internet subscription services) and/or provides detaiied instructions to third
`parties on how to download streaming services to the accused products.

`Case 2:13-cv-06054-SJO-PJW Document 3 Filed 09/12/12 Page 6 of 14 Page ID #:198
`Examples of such instructions can be found in the following links to the
`Defendant’s website and the attached Exhibit G:
`http://usayamaha.coin/products/audio-visual/aventage/rx«a1000 black
`(seiect the “Technology” tab)
`rn&category id=l6622&product idmlO7l837
`Defendant knew or should haye known that its encouragement and instructions to
`third parties results in infringement of the ‘652 Patent. Defendant is thus liable for inducing
`infringement of the ‘6S2 Patent pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 27103).
`Upon information and belief, since the filing of the First Complaint in which the
`‘6S2 Patent was included Defendant has willfully infringed, directly and/or indirectly, the ‘652
`Patent by having cieliberateiy engaged in its infringing conduct in knowing disregard of the ‘652
`Patent and has acted objectively and subjectively reckiess in irnplernenting technology in its
`products that it knew or shouid have reasonably known would infringe the ‘652 Patent.
`The infringernent by the Defendant of the ‘652 Patent has injured Black Hills and
`wiil cause Black Hills added irreparable injury and damage in the future unless Defendant is
`enjoined from infringing the ‘652 Patent.
`Plaintiff incorporates each of the preceding paragraphs 1 ~ 29 as if fuily set forth
`Defendant is directly or indirectly infringing at least claim 1 of the ‘694 Patent

`Case 2:13-cv-06054-SJO-PJW Document 3 Filed 09/12/12 Page 7 of 14 Page ID #:199
`iiteraily, or under the doctrine of equivaients, by importing into the United States, and/or making,
`using, selling, or offering for sale in the United States, including the District of Delaware,
`products embodying the patented inventions claimed in the ‘694 Patent without authority,
`including but not limited to the products identified in preceding paragraph 13, or by contributing
`to or inducing infringement of the ‘694 Patent by a third party.
`Upon information and belief, after becoming aware of the ‘694 Patent and its
`infringement thereof, Defendant is knowingly inducing third party infringement of the ‘694
`Defendant’s inducement of infringement of the ‘694 Patent includes, but is not
`limited to, actively encouraging and instructing third parties to use Defendant’s products in ways
`that infringe the ‘694 Patent. Defendant ships the accused products with preloaded streaming
`services (inciuding Internet subscription services) and/or provides detaiied instructions to third
`parties on how to download streaming services to the accused products.
`Examples of such instructions can be found in the following links to the
`Defendant’s website and the attached Exhibit G:
`httg://usa.yaniaha.corn/products/audio—visual/aventage/rx~aI.000 biack
`(select the “Technology” tab)
`0 Lttp://dovvnlggdgyamaha.corn/search/_g;g)duct/?iangua,g<~§en&siteeusa.y§.r;
`rn&category id"~=16622&product
`id"“—" 1 O7 1 837
`Defendant knew or should have known that its encouragement and instructions to
`third parties results in infringement of the ‘694 Patent. Defendant is thus liable for inducing
`infringement of the ‘694 Patent pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 271(b).

`Case 2:13-cv-06054-SJO-PJW Document 3 Filed 09/12/12 Page 8 of 14 Page ID #:200
`Upon information and belief, since the filing of the First Complaint in which the
`‘694 Patent was included Defendant has willfully infringed, directly and/or indirectly, the ‘694
`Patent by having deliberately engaged in its infringing conduct in knowing disregard of the ‘694
`Patent and has acted objectively and subjectively reckless in implementing technology in its
`products that it knew or should have reasonably known would infringe the ‘694 Patent.
`The infringement by the Defendant of the ‘694 Patent has injured Black Hills and
`will cause Black Hills added irreparable injury and damage in the future unless Defendant is
`enjoined from infringing the ‘694 Patent.
`Plaintiff incorporates each of the preceding paragraphs 1 — 37 as if fully set forth
`Defendant is directiy or indirectly infringing at least claims 1, 20, and 29 of the
`‘686 Patent literally, or under the doctrine of equivalents, by irnporting into the United States,
`and/or making, using, selling, or offering for sale in the United States, including the District of
`Delaware, products embodying the patented inventions claimed in the ‘686 Patent without
`authority, including but not limited to the products identified in preceding paragraph 13, or by
`contributing to or inducing infringement of the ‘686 Patent by a third party.
`At least upon the filing of this First Amended Complaint, Defendant is aware of
`the ‘686 Patent and its infringement, including third party infringement, thereof.
`Defendanfs inducement of infringement of the ‘686 Patent includes, but is not
`limited to, actively encouraging and instructing third parties to use Defendant’s products in ways
`that infringe the ‘686 Patent. Defendant ships the accused products with preloaded streaming

`Case 2:13-cv-06054-SJO-PJW Document 3 Filed 09/12/12 Page 9 of 14 Page ID #:201
`services (including Internet subscription services) and/or provides detailed instructions to third
`parties on how to download streaming services to the accused products.
`Examples of such instructions can be found in the following links to the
`Defendant’s website and the attached Exhibit G:
`(select the “Technology” tab)
`rn&category id~=i 6622&Qi:oduct
`id= I 071 837
`Defendant knew or should have known that its encouragement and instructions to
`third parties results in infringement of the ‘686 Patent. Defendant is thus liable for inducing
`infringement of the ‘686 Patent pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 2”/’l(b).
`Upon information and belief, with the filing of this First Amended Complaint,
`Defendant has learned about the ‘686 Patent and is willfully infringing, directly and/or indirectly,
`the ‘686 Patent by deliberately engaging in its infringing conduct in knowing disregard of the
`‘686 Patent and is acting objectiveiy and subjectively reckless in implementing technology in its
`products that it lcnew or should have reasonably known wouid infringe the ‘686 Patent.
`The infringement by the Defendant of the ‘686 Patent has injured Black Hills and
`will cause Black Hills added irreparable injury and damage in the future unless Defendant is
`enjoined from infringing the ‘686 Patent.

`Case 2:13-cv-06054-SJO-PJW Document 3 Filed 09/12/12 Page 10 of 14 Page ID #2202
`Plaintiff incorporates each of the preceding paragraphs 1 — 45 as if fully set forth
`Defendant is directly or indirectly infringing at least claims El and 12 of the ‘O99
`Patent iiteraily, or under the doctrine of equivalents, by importing into the United States, and/or
`making, using, selling, or offering for sale in the United States,
`including the District of
`Delaware, products embodying the patented inventions ciairned in the ‘099 Patent without
`authority, inciuding but not iirnited to the products identified in preceding paragraph 13, or by
`contributing to or inducing infringement of the ‘099 Patent by a third party.
`At least upon the fiiing of this First Amended Complaint, Defendant is aware of
`the ‘U99 Patent and its infringement, including third party infringement, thereof.
`Defendant’s inducement of infringement of the ‘D99 Patent includes, but is not
`limited. to, actively encouraging and instructing third parties to use Defendant’s products in ways
`that infringe the ‘G99 Patent. Defendant ships the accused products with preloaded streaming
`services (including Internet subscription services) and/or provides detailed instructions to third
`parties on how to downioad streaming services to the accused products.
`Examples of such instructions can be found in the following links to the
`Defendant’s website and the attached Exhibit G:
`(select the “Technology” tab)
`ni&category id:16622&product__i_c_i“=l€i71 837

`Case 2:13-cv-06054-SJO-PJW Document 3 Filed 09/12/12 Page 11 of 14 Page ID #2203
` ://itunesa
`Defendant knew or should have known that its encouragement and instructions to
`third parties results in infringement of the ‘099 Patent. Defendant is thus liable for inducing
`inlfringernent of the ‘099 ?atent pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 2’/‘l(b).
`Upon information and belief, with the tiling of this First Amended Complaint,
`Defendant has learned about the ‘099 Patent and is wiilfuliy infringing, directly and/or indirectiy,
`the ‘099 Patent by deliberately engaging in its infringing conduct in knowing disregard of the
`‘099 Patent and is acting objectively and subjectively reckless in implementing technology in its
`products that it knew or should have reasonably known would infringe the ‘099 Patent.
`The infringement by the Defendant of the ‘099 Patent has injured Black Hilts and
`will cause Black Hilis added irreparable injury and damage in the future unless Defendant is
`enjoined from infringing the ‘099 Patent.
`Plaintiff incorporates each of the preceding paragraphs 1 — 53 as if fully set forth
`Defendant is directly or indirectly infringing at ieast claim 1 of the ‘873 Patent
`literaliy, or under the doctrine of equivalents, by importing into the United States, and/or making,
`using, selling, or offering for sale in the United States, inchiding the District of Deiaware,
`products embodying the patented inventions ciairned in the ‘S73 Patent without authority,
`including but not limited to the products identified in preceding paragraph 13, or by contributing
`to or inducing infringement of the ‘873 Patent by a third party.
`At least upon the filing of this First Amended Complaint, Defendant is aware of

`Case 2:13-cv-06054-SJO-PJW Document 3 Filed 09/12/12 Page 12 of 14 Page ID #2204
`the ‘ 873 Patent and its infringement, including third party infringement, thereof.
`Defendant's inducement of infringement of the ‘873 Patent includes, but is not
`limited to, actively encouraging and instructing third parties to use Defendant’s products in ways
`that infringe the ‘873 Patent. Defendant ships the accused products with pre-loaded streaming
`services (including Internet subscription services) and/or provides detailed instructions to third
`parties on how to download streaming services to the accused products.
`Exainpies of such instructions can be found in the following links to the
`Defendant’s website and the attached Exhibit G:
`(select the “Technology” tab)
`://download. roduc
`t/‘?lan ua e*en&site“"—=usa. arnahaco
`rn&category id==16622&produ.ct id=i071837
`Defendant knew or should have known that its encouragement and instructions to
`third parties results in infringement of the ‘873 Patent. Defendant is thus liable for inducing
`infringement of the ‘S73 Patent pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 27i(b).
`Upon information and belief, with the filing of this First Amended Complaint,
`Defendant has learned about the ‘873 Patent and is willfully infringing, directly and/or indirectly,
`the ‘S73 Patent by deliberately engaging in its infringing conduct in knowing disregard of the
`‘S73 Patent and is acting objectively and subjectively reckiess in implementing technology in its
`products that it knew or should have reasonably known would infringe the ‘873 Patent.
`The infringement by the Defendant of the ‘873 Patent has injured Black Hills and
`will cause Black Hills added irreparable injury and damage in the future unless Defendant is

`Case 2:13-cv-06054-SJO-PJW Document 3 Filed 09/12/12 Page 13 of 14 Page ID #2205
`enjoined from infringing the ‘S73 Patent.
`WHBREFORE, Black Hills respectfully requests that judgment be entered in its favor
`and against Defendant as foilows:
`That Defendant has directiy and/or indirectly infringed the ‘952, ‘652, ‘694, ‘686,
`‘099, and ‘873 Patents;
`That Defendanfs direct and/or indirect infringement of the ‘952, ‘652, ‘694, ‘686,
`‘099, and ‘873 Patents has been willful;
`That Defendant and their
`respective agents,
`servants, officers, directors,
`employees, and all persons acting in concert with them, directly or indirectly, be temporarily and
`permanently enjoined from infringement of the ‘952, ‘652, ‘694, ‘686, ‘099, and ‘873 Patents;
`That Defendant be ordered to account for and pay to Black Hills the damages to
`which Biack Hills is entitled as a consequence of the infringement of the ‘952, ‘652, ‘694, ‘686,
`‘099, and ‘873 Patents, together with pre—judgrnent interest and costs;
`That a postjudgment equitable accounting of damages be ordered for the period
`of infringement of the ‘952, ‘652, ‘694, ‘686, ‘099, and ‘873 Patents;
`That all other damages permitted by Title 35 United States Code § 284, including
`increased damages up to three times the amount of compensatory damages found be awarded;
`That Black Hills be awarded its costs and attorneys’ fees; and
`That Black Hills be awarded such other and further relief as the Court may deem
`just and equitaioie.

`Case 2:13-cv-06054-SJO-PJW Document 3 Filed 09/12/12 Page 14 of 14 Page ID #2206
`Black Hills respectfully demands a trial by jury pursuant to Rule 38 of the Federal Rules
`of Civil Procedure on any and all issues so triable.
`Dated: September 12, 2012
`Of Counsel:
`R. Terrance Rader
`Glenn E. Forbis
`39533 Woodward Avenue
`Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304
`Tel: (248) 594-0600
`Fax: (248) 594-0610
`onigle (DE 3126)
`Ice (DE 4096)
`222 Delaware Avenue, Suite 1500
`P. O. Box 68
`Wilmington, DE E9899
`(302) 888~0600

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