`   ___________________________________________________
`May 30, 2014
`   ___________________________________________________


`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 5/30/2014
`Page 1
` -------
` -------
` Petitioner
` vs.
` Patent Owner
` -------
` Case No. IPR2013-00593
` US Patent 8,045,952
` Case No. IPR2013-00594
` US Patent 8,050,652
` FRIDAY, MAY 30, 2014
`Certified Shorthand Reporter (CSR)
`Certified Real-Time Reporter (CRR)
`Registered Professional Reporter (RPR)
`Notary Public (CT, MA, RI)
`CSR No. 000133
`JOB NO.: 0124-249162


`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 5/30/2014
`Page 2
` May 30, 2014
` Video Deposition of V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR.,
`taken on behalf of the Patent Holder, at
`the law offices of PEPPER HAMILTON, LLP,
`125 High Street, Boston, Massachusetts, at
`10:00 A.M., Friday, May 30, 2014. Before
`Denise D. Harper-Forde, Certified Shorthand
`Reporter, Registered Professional Reporter,
`Certified Real-Time Reporter, and Notary
`Public of the State of Massachusetts.
`1 2 3 4 5 6
`7 8


`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 5/30/2014
`Page 3
` A P P E A R A N C E S
` 707 Wilshire Boulevard
` Los Angeles, California 90017-3543
` (213) 892-5683
` 125 High Street
` 19th Floor, High Street Tower
` Boston, Massachusetts 02110-2736
` (617) 204-5189
` (800) 682-1447 (Fax)


`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 5/30/2014
`Page 4
` I N D E X
` By Mr. Engellenner 9, 175
` By Mr. Fehrman 151
` Exhibit 1 -- Deposition Notice 10
` Exhibit 2 -- '593 Declaration of
` Dr. Bove 11
` Exhibit 3 -- '593 Patent 11
` Exhibit 4 -- Initial '593 Decision 12
` Exhibit 5 -- '952 Patent 12
` Exhibit 6 -- Deposition Notice 12
` Exhibit 7 -- '594 Declaration 13
` Exhibit 8 -- '594 Decision 13
` Exhibit 9 -- '594 Patent 13
` Exhibit 10 -- '652 Patent 14
` Exhibit 11 -- '986 Patent 14
` Exhibit 12 -- '194 Patent 15
` Exhibit 13 -- '353 Patent 15


`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 5/30/2014
`Page 5
` I N D E X (CONT'D)
` Exhibit 14 -- Qureshey PCT
` Application 15
` Exhibit 15 -- '947 Patent 16
` Exhibit 16 -- '127 Patent 16
` * * * * * *
` VIDEOGRAPHER: Gayle Ashton
` ALSO PRESENT: Alicia Palladino
` (Summer Associate)


`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 5/30/2014
`Page 6
` * * * * * *
` Boston, Massachusetts
` Friday, May 30, 2014
` 10:07 AM
` * * * * * *
` VIDEOGRAPHER: This is the video
` operator speaking, Gayle Ashton with
` Merrill Legal Solutions. Today's date is
` May 30th, 2014, and the time is 10:07 AM.
` We are here at the offices of
` Pepper Hamilton, located at 125 High
` Street, Boston, Massachusetts, to take the
` videotaped deposition of V. Michael Bove,
` Jr.
` This is a proceeding in the United
` States Patent and Trademark Office before
` The Patent Trial and Appeal Board. Yamaha
` Corporation of America, Petitioner versus
` Black Hills Media, LLC, patent owner. Case
` number IPR2013-00593, US Patent 8,045,952.
` And Case No. IPR2013-00594, US Patent
` 8,050,652.
` Will counsel please state their
` appearances.
` MR. ENGELLENNER: Tom Engellenner,


`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 5/30/2014
`Page 7
` Pepper Hamilton, attorney for the Black
` Hills Media, patent owner.
` MS. GLADSTEIN: Lana Gladstein of
` Pepper Hamilton, representing Black Hills
` Media.
` MR. SCHULTZ: Andrew Schultz of
` Pepper Hamilton, Black Hills Media.
` MR. YAP: If you can introduce --
` MR. ENGELLENNER: If you don't
` mind, I'd like to introduce our expert,
` Ivan Zackovich. And we have a second-year
` law student that's just sitting in for
` observation, if you don't mind.
` MR. YAP: No problem.
` MR. YAP: Alex Yap of Morrison &
` Foerster for Petitioner, Yamaha Corporation
` of America.
` MR. FEHRMAN: David Fehrman,
` Morrison & Foerster for the Yamaha
` Corporation of America.
` MR. YAP: So, Counsel, I think
` before the deposition started we reached a
` stipulation that for these four
` proceedings, depositions in these four


`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 5/30/2014
`Page 8
` proceedings, the witnesses would have the
` right to review and revise the transcript
` under the rules.
` MR. ENGELLENNER: And I believe we
` also stipulated that this deposition will
` be used in both the -- two enter parties
` review proceedings. 2014-593 and 2014 --
` '13, excuse me. 2013-593 and '594.
` MR. YAP: Yes.
` MR. ENGELLENNER: And hopefully we
` can just refer to these two proceedings as
` '593 and '594 throughout the day.
` I think we also stipulated that as
` to common issues, testimony that was given
` today and yesterday can be used
` interchangeably in the two cases.
` Is that your understanding?
` MR. FEHRMAN: I'm not sure we know
` what a common issue is necessarily. There
` is some overlapping references.
` MR. ENGELLENNER: Overlapping
` references and credentials. So that we
` don't need to go through a full --
` MR. FEHRMAN: Certainly with
` credentials.


`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 5/30/2014
`Page 9
` MR. ENGELLENNER: -- investigation
` of Dr. Bove's credentials.
` MR. YAP: Yeah. My understanding
` was the credentials from yesterday but I
` wasn't quite aware that there was an
` understanding regarding common issues.
` I guess it depends on what that
` common issue is.
` MR. YAP: And we can fight over
` that later.
` VIDEOGRAPHER: Will the Court
` Reporter please swear in the witness.
` * * * * * *
` V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR., hereinbefore
` named, being first duly cautioned and sworn
` or affirmed to tell the truth, the whole
` truth, and nothing but the truth, was
` examined and testified as follows:
` * * * * * *
` Q. Dr. Bove, I'd like to thank you for
` agreeing to sit through depositions two


`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 5/30/2014
`Page 10
` days in a row, and I know yesterday was a
` rather grueling day. And hopefully today
` will be shorter.
` A. Thank you.
` Q. And we'll follow the same procedure
` as yesterday. We'll break every hour. If
` you need a break, though, at any time, just
` please let me know. If you could just
` answer the question before you and allow me
` just any follow-up for that particular line
` of questioning, I would appreciate it and
` then we'll break.
` Is that okay with you?
` A. Yes. Thank you very much.
` Q. Great. And is there any reason why
` you cannot testify fully and accurately
` today?
` A. No.
` Q. Thank you. I'm going to show you a
` series of documents, and we're going to
` have them marked as exhibits, and then we
` can begin the deposition.
` (Whereupon, Exhibit No. 1,
` Deposition Notice, was marked for
` identification)


`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 5/30/2014
`Page 11
` MR. ENGELLENNER: The first Exhibit
` is the deposition notice from the '593
` proceeding.
` (Whereupon, Exhibit No. 2, '593
` Declaration of Dr. Bove, was
` marked for identification)
` MR. ENGELLENNER: The second
` Exhibit is, I believe it's your declaration
` from the '593 proceeding. I'd like you to
` look at it and just verify that.
` MR. YAP: Counsel, what exhibit
` number is this?
` MR. ENGELLENNER: That's Exhibit 2.
` MR. YAP: Okay.
` Q. And on the last page before the
` appendix, that is your signature;
` correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Thank you.
` (Whereupon, Exhibit No. 3, '593
` Petition, was marked for
` identification)
` MR. ENGELLENNER: The third exhibit
` is the petition that was filed by Yamaha in


`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 5/30/2014
`Page 12
` the '593 proceeding.
` (Whereupon, Exhibit No. 4, Initial
` '593 Decision, was marked for
` identification)
` MR. ENGELLENNER: The fourth
` exhibit I'd like to show you is the initial
` decision of the Patent Trial and Appeal
` Board to institute a proceeding that we're
` referring to throughout here as the '593
` proceeding.
` (Whereupon, Exhibit No. 5, '952
` Patent, was marked for
` identification)
` MR. ENGELLENNER: Finally, to round
` out this '593 proceeding, I'd like to show
` you a copy of the US Patent 8,045,952;
` which is the Patent at issue in this
` proceeding; is that correct?
` THE WITNESS: That's my
` understanding. Thank you.
` (Whereupon, Exhibit No. 6,
` Deposition Notice, was marked for
` identification)
` MR. ENGELLENNER: Okay. Just to
` get everything out of the way, I'd also


`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 5/30/2014
`Page 13
` like to show you the Deposition Notice from
` the second proceeding that we're going to
` be discussing about today, and that would
` be Exhibit Number 6.
` (Whereupon, Exhibit No. 7, '594
` Declaration, was marked for
` identification)
` MR. ENGELLENNER: And I'd like to
` show you Exhibit Number 7, which is, I
` believe, your declaration from the '594
` proceeding.
` And if you could just verify that
` that is indeed your signature on the last
` page before the appendix of that
` declaration as well, I'd appreciate it.
` (Whereupon, Exhibit No. 8, '594
` Petition, was marked for
` identification)
` MR. ENGELLENNER: Thank you. I'm
` going to show you Exhibit 8, which is the
` petition that was filed by Yamaha in
` connection with the '594 proceeding.
` (Whereupon, Exhibit No. 9, '594
` Decision, was marked for


`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 5/30/2014
`Page 14
` identification)
` MR. ENGELLENNER: And next Exhibit
` 9, which is the decision of the Patent
` Trial and Appeal Board to institute a
` review proceeding that we'll be referring
` to throughout as the '594 proceeding.
` (Whereupon, Exhibit No. 10, '652
` Patent, was marked for
` identification)
` MR. ENGELLENNER: And Exhibit 10 is
` US Patent 8,050,652, which is the Qureshey
` Patent, which is the subject matter of the
` '954 -- excuse me, the '594 proceeding.
` (Whereupon, Exhibit No. 11, '986
` Patent, was marked for
` identification)
` MR. ENGELLENNER: Exhibit 11 is US
` Patent 8,010,986, which I believe is a
` patent that names you as an inventor.
` And when you get a chance, if you
` could just review that and confirm that
` that is indeed a patent that you are an
` inventor of?
` THE WITNESS: Yes, it is.
` MR. ENGELLENNER: Thank you.


`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 5/30/2014
`Page 15
` (Whereupon, Exhibit No. 12, '194
` Patent, was marked for
` identification)
` MR. ENGELLENNER: Exhibit 12 is US
` Patent 6,502,194, issued to Berman, et al.
` And hopefully we'll be able to refer to
` this throughout the proceedings as the
` Berman Patent.
` (Whereupon, Exhibit No. 13, '353
` Patent, was marked for
` identification)
` MR. ENGELLENNER: Exhibit 13 is US
` Patent 7,472,353 issued to Wolff, et al.
` And we'll refer to this, if you don't mind,
` as the Wolff Patent.
` (Whereupon, Exhibit No. 14,
` Qureshey PCT Application, was
` marked for identification)
` MR. ENGELLENNER: Exhibit 14 is an
` International Patent Application,
` publication number WO-99/38266, filed by
` Qureshey.
` And if you don't mind, we'll refer
` to that throughout as the Qureshey Patent,
` or would you prefer the --


`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 5/30/2014
`Page 16
` THE WITNESS: That may cause a
` little bit of confusion, because it's not
` the only Qureshey document we're going to
` be discussing today.
` MR. ENGELLENNER: I understand. So
` maybe we can refer to it as the Qureshey --
` THE WITNESS: Application?
` MR. ENGELLENNER: PCT application.
` Okay?
` THE WITNESS: Or Qureshey PCT
` Application.
` (Whereupon, Exhibit No. 15, '947
` Patent, was marked for
` identification)
` MR. ENGELLENNER: Exhibit 15 is US
` Patent 7,187,947 issued to White, et al.
` And again, if you don't mind, we'll just
` refer to this as the White Patent.
` (Whereupon, Exhibit No. 16, '127
` Patent, was marked for
` identification)
` MR. ENGELLENNER: Exhibit 16 is US
` Patent 6,587,127, issued to Leeke,
` L-E-E-K-E, et al. And if you don't mind,
` we'll refer to this as the Leeke Patent.


`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 5/30/2014
`Page 17
` THE WITNESS: Might I just, since
` we're talking about what we're going to be
` calling various documents, in order to
` avoid confusion, I may be referring to the
` documents associated -- let's say the
` declaration, the petition, and the decision
` associated with the '652 Patent as the '652
` declaration, the '652 petition, and the
` '652 decision; rather than referring to the
` '594; and similarly for '952.
` MR. ENGELLENNER: That's fine.
` Q. Now, you were -- forgive me for
` asking some leading questions. I'm going
` to try and summarize the discussions and
` questioning from yesterday.
` You were retained by Yamaha or its
` counsel as an expert in both the '593 and
` the '594 proceedings?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that would be the proceedings
` on the Patents '652 and '952?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And I believe you testified
` yesterday that you served as an expert in


`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 5/30/2014
`Page 18
` patent proceedings before; is that
` correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And your C.V. lists over a dozen
` expert witness engagements in patent
` litigation going back to 1997; correct?
` A. Going back to the 1990s, yes.
` Q. Okay. And I believe you also
` testified that you've been deposed perhaps
` 20 times in the past in connection with
` your role in patent litigation?
` A. Somewhere around that many times.
` Q. Okay. And normally were you on one
` side or the other of patent disputes? Are
` you typically asked to serve as an expert
` by a Defendant in patent litigation, and
` seeking to have an opinion in validating
` the patent, or is it both ways?
` A. It's probably about 50/50 over the
` years.
` Q. Any examples of defending a patent
` that come to mind?
` A. Let me see if there are any
` examples in the C.V. attached to my
` declaration.


`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 5/30/2014
`Page 19
` A recent example would have been
` expert witness work I did on behalf of
` Funai at the International Trade
` Commission.
` Q. And so you were retained to assist
` the patent owner?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Thank you. And I believe
` you testified yesterday that you devoted
` 29.25 hours from August 6th through
` September 30th in preparing your expert
` reports on both of the proceedings we're
` talking about today, as well as the two
` proceedings that we talked about
` yesterday?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And so that's roughly seven and a
` half hours per case; correct?
` A. Well, some of the work that I did
` might have applied to more than one case at
` any given time. And the declarations are
` varying lengths.
` So I may have spent more time
` writing one declaration than another. If
` one wanted to compute an average, I suppose


`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 5/30/2014
`Page 20
` one could.
` Q. And in each of the proceedings, you
` reviewed the patent, certain prior art, you
` formulated opinions, and you wrote a
` report; correct?
` A. A declaration, yes.
` Q. Declaration. And you wrote these
` expert declarations yourself; correct?
` A. Except for the front matter.
` Q. The front matter?
` A. So in each of these declarations
` it's obviously a cover page that I didn't
` generate. I also have been -- I was
` provided information. I was provided
` language to put into things like the
` definitions and standards section of each.
` But the parts where I actually discuss my
` opinions, I authored.
` Q. I understand. Thank you. And I
` believe you testified yesterday that the
` prior art you considered in formulating
` your opinions as to the state of the art
` were essentially the patents that were
` referenced in your report, and your general
` knowledge; is that correct?


`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 5/30/2014
`Page 21
` MR. YAP: Objection.
` Mischaracterizes.
` THE WITNESS: I would say if we
` include all of the patents and all of the
` documents that were supplied as appendices
` to Yamaha's petitions among that as well.
` I certainly reviewed prior art that
` might not have made its way into any of
` these documents, but I did not rely on that
` prior art in formulating these opinions.
` Q. So do you have any recollection of
` this other contemporaneous or contemporary
` prior art?
` And by that I mean, you know, prior
` art that you looked at that was in the
` public domain before, say, 2000 that did
` not find its way into either the Yamaha
` petitions or your expert declarations?
` A. Well, the process involved the
` Yamaha's counsel doing a search, my doing a
` search. The result of that was a pool of
` references, which was larger than we could
` use.
` I don't have specific references


`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 5/30/2014
`Page 22
` that I can cite right now that came up in
` the search that are not somewhere cited in
` something, but I don't doubt that there are
` such references.
` Q. And I believe you testified
` yesterday that as part of your services as
` an expert, you reviewed the petitions that
` were drafted by Yamaha's attorneys in these
` four proceedings; is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you reviewed the claims charts
` that they drafted; correct?
` A. I reviewed --
` MR. YAP: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I reviewed the
` petitions, including the claim charts and
` the appendices.
` Q. And I believe you testified that
` you didn't recall making any changes to the
` claims charts?
` A. I don't recall suggesting any
` changes to the claims charts.
` Q. Just to be clear, the claim charts
` were drafted by Yamaha's attorneys?


`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 5/30/2014
`Page 23
` A. Yes.
` Q. And to the extent that your
` opinions or your expert declarations
` reference these claim charts, were you
` essentially adopting the attorneys'
` arguments as to the claim charts?
` A. Well, I had discussions with the
` attorneys prior to and presumably during
` the preparation of those claim charts. So
` we had discussions about various pieces of
` art.
` And it may be more correct to say
` that our opinions converged, and the result
` is what I provide opinions about in my
` declarations.
` Q. And so besides the references to
` the claim charts, your opinion's also
` amplified in some respects in the
` declarations; is that correct?
` A. Well, I provide opinions regarding
` the claim charts, and I provide opinions
` regarding things that are not in the claim
` charts. Which I believe Yamaha then
` references my declaration in their petition
` in support of those arguments.


`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 5/30/2014
`Page 24
` Q. Now, your C.V. suggests that you've
` been at MIT for virtually your entire adult
` life as a student, and as a teacher, and as
` a researcher.
` Is that a fair characterization?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you've never worked in industry
` full time?
` A. Well, I had summer jobs in
` industry, but -- I have been involved in
` industry throughout that period, but not --
` not full time.
` Q. And you've consulted on technical
` matters?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And have you ever consulted for a
` music company in the area of network
` media?
` A. Not that I recall.
` Q. And have you ever consulted
` specifically in the field of music file
` sharing?
` A. Not that I recall. Except to the
` degree, as I noted yesterday, that it's
` possible to do a form of music file sharing


`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 5/30/2014
`Page 25
` on the P.C. laptop; which I was involved
` in.
` Q. And I believe you testified
` yesterday the major -- one of the major
` areas of research, your research at MIT,
` has been the field of interactive TV; is
` that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Could you sort of just explain for
` me what interactive TV is?
` A. Well, it's a somewhat flexible
` definition. But one of the ways to think
` about it is that it's television
` programming that has degrees of freedom in
` it that respond to user inputs.
` And so while watching a television
` program, one might press a button on a
` remote control, or touch a touch-screen, or
` speak a voice command that performs some
` other action, and the result of that will
` be an augmentation or modification of how
` the material is presented or what material
` is presented.
` Q. I'm not an abstract thinker, so I'm
` trying to think about what this actually


`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 5/30/2014
`Page 26
` means.
` If I was watching, you know, the
` Fox channel, and I watched the Fox News,
` and then I watched Modern Family, and then
` a Bart Simpson rerun, what would
` interactive TV provide me?
` A. Well, I'll use two specific
` examples that we actually worked on. And
` one of them was a television program we did
` with Julia Child; who formerly resided in
` Cambridge, and with WGBH Television.
` Where it was a cooking program that
` was in the form of a dinner party hosted by
` Julia Child. And Julia would bring out
` each one of the dishes and serve them to
` the guests.
` The user, by means of a touch
` screen or another pointing device, could
` select a dish and then the program would
` expand to include Julia describing the
` preparation of the dish.
` Or an interview of the line, or
` some other piece of ancillary information
` so that one could, simply by touching or
` selecting items in the video, which were


`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 5/30/2014
`Page 27
` hyperlinks, change the presentation to
` include additional material of interest.
` Another example we did was a
` television soap opera where all of the
` clothing, all of the furnishings, all of
` the props were items from the JC Penney
` catalog.
` And the user while watching the
` program, could select any of the items,
` find out more information about them, and
` do a one-click purchase.
` Q. Okay. When you're showing this
` supplemental content, this recipe or
` something for Julia Child, what's happening
` to the TV program itself?
` A. Well, that particular example was
` not meant to work with a live stream. That
` would work with something that was either
` on demand or on a PVR, like a Tivo.
` So that there was recorded
` material, but different viewers might
` traverse the material differently, and some
` might see more of it, and some might see
` less of it.
` In other cases, it might simply be


`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 5/30/2014
`Page 28
` graphical overlays. So the JC Penney
` example was all done by putting graphic,
` still or video graphic, overlays on top of
` the action, while the action proceeded.
` Q. While the media proceeded. Okay.
` I'd like to just refer you to what
` we've marked as Exhibit 11, which I believe
` is your patent.
` Now, does this have to do with
` interactive TV also?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Could you sort of just give me a
` thumbnail sketch of what problem this
` patent is solving?
` A. This is one of a family of patents.
` So I want to read this to determine which
` one it is.
` Okay. This patent is associated
` with solving the problem of how to
` distribute interactive television content
` given existing distribution mechanisms for
` television, such as satellite and cable.
` And the problem that we faced --
` and this was work that was done at
` Watchpoint Media, a start-up company that


`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 5/30/2014
`Page 29
` spun out of my research group, the IP is
` now owned by Ericsson Television.
` The problem we were trying to solve
` is that an interactive television program
` has multiple pieces. So first of all,
` there was the video or the audio akin to a
` non-interactive television program.
` There was also the information that
` makes the program an interactive; which
` might be things like menus, graphics,
` additional videos, additional audio
` content. It might be metadata describing
` all of those elements. It might be
` synchronization information. It might even
` be pieces of computer software that are
` evaluated by the receiver in response to
` user actions.
` In order to allow a user sitting in
` front of a television or other device to
` interact with the television broadcast,
` both the standard content and the
` interactive information need to arrive.
` And ideally they need to arrive in
` relatively close synchronization.
` If the interaction information


`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 5/30/2014
`Page 30
` arrives too late, then one clicks the
` button and nothing happens because the
` information associated with that hasn't
` arrived yet.

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