`Operation Manual
`Version 6
`display the Spot Rotation pop-up.
`This pop-up's LIST AREA displays the contents of the secondary playlist with the
`ROTATlON POINTER represented by the HIGHLIGHT BAR. By touching the
`desired cut, or by uSing the SCROLL ARROWS, SCROLL BOX or keyboard
`UplDown keys, you '?lay highlight any cut in the playlist, making it the ROTATlON
`CUT to be used next. Touch ACCEPT to make the change or touch CANCEL to
`return the pointer to its original position.
`E) Creating a Delay: Event
`The Delay Event inserts a user-specified time delay into a playlist. The delay timer
`is activated when the Delay Event is loaded into the PLAYBACK SLOT and
`·played." The Delay Event may be used in conjunction with all transition types,
`allowing a variety of sequencing options.
`Touch ADD or INSERT, and then DELAY. This displays a Set Value pop-up that
`allows the operator to enter a specified period to wait between the end of the
`preceding event and the start olthe following event. When played, a delay event
`will1ight the PLAY button and count down the delay interval.
`The' delay interval is set by entering a time from the
`keyboard or by touching the six + and - buttons
`within the Set Value pop-up. A maximum delay of 10
`minutes may be specified. Touch ACCEPT to
`confirm the time and enter this event into the playlist.
`Delay events appear as red text on a bright cyan
`background; the playlist entry reads "DELAY FOR:
`If the event preceding the Delay Event has AutoPiay
`or Segue transition status, the Delay Event will begin
`counting down automatically. Otherwise, the Delay
`Event will load into the PLAYBACK SLOT and remain
`dormant until a PLAY command is received.
`Figure 5.25
`Set Value Pop-up
`The Delay Event may be deleted or moved around the playlist by using the
`DELETE and MOVE buttons below the RIGHT LIST AREA.
`F) Creating a Comment Event
`The Comment Event allows the insertion
`of comments, directions, or other
`information aimed at assisting the
`Enter CoMMent
`~ThiS Is A Test =:l~~===~~
`Figure 5.26
`Enter Comment Pop-up
`RevA 30JUN95
`Version 6
`Operation Manual
`operator in his or her use of the playlis!. Comment Events may be Inserted
`anywhere in the playlist, and they have absolutely no effect on any other event in
`the playlis!. They are totally transparent to playlist operation, and therefore are not
`displayed in the PLAYBACK SLOT.
`Touch ADD or INSERT, and then COMMENT. This displays an Enter Comment
`pop-up that allows the operator to enter lines of comment text into the play/ist; up
`to 35 characters and spaces may be entered.
`Type the desired comment on the keyboard then press < Enter> to place the text
`into the playlist at the highlighted position. Comment event5appear as gray text
`on a white background.
`5.10 Modifying Control Events
`Any CONTROL EVENT may be added, moved or deleted at any time; however, no
`mechanism is provided to modify an existing control even!.
`Insteaa, the existing control
`event must be deleted and a new"event inserted in its place.
`5.11 Using the Playlist Modify Machine
`In some instances, ~ may be desirable to
`modify an active playlist in ·real time," that is,
`while the playlist is playing on aplayback
`machine. To do this using the PLAYBACK
`MODIFICATION screen is a cumbersome
`undertaking. A Playlist Modify machine is
`available within DAD, and can be placed on
`the MAIN screen next to an active main
`playback machine. This machine allows all
`important playllst modification functions to be
`executed from the MAIN screen, on the
`playlist loaded into the adjoining playback
`In addition to modifying existing
`plaYlists, the Playlist Modify machine can also
`be used to assemble new playllsts on an
`empty playback machine.
`To place a Playlist Modify machine on the
`MAIN screen, determine which of the two
`machines on the MAIN screen is to be
`replaced by the Playlist Modify machine.
`Touch the square box at the left end of the
`yellow MACHINE TITLE button, located at the top of the machine. The machine will be
`Figure 5.27
`Machine Icon Panel
`RevA 30JUN9S
`Operation Manual
`Version 6
`replaced by a Machine Icon Panel, representing Playback, Record, Mini-Array, Script,
`Quad Playback and Playlist Modify machines; touch the Playlist MOdifY icon to place this
`machine on the screen.
`NOTE: A playback machine must be present on one half of the MAIN screen for the
`Playlist Modify machine to appear.
`NOTE: You must go to the SETUP screen and touch a SAVE button if you wish to make
`this change to your setup file permanent; see Section 5. 14-A below.
`The functions represented on the Playlist Modify machine operate exactly as those on
`the PLAYLIST MODIFY screen, described in Sections 5.6 - 5.9 above. Omitted functions
`include setting the number of PLAYS, setting SEC and TER signals, and viewing
`PLAYLIST TIME and STOPSET TIME, all ofwhich must still be done from the PLAYLIST
`MODIFICATION screen. Playlists may be loaded into the playback machine normally,
`and played normally. The Playback Modify machine will automatically display a Library
`Group, and may be used to modify the playlist loaded in the adjacent playback machine
`at any time, whether the playback machine is playing, stopped or paused.
`If a new playlist is to be assembled, touch the PLAYLIST button on the playback
`machine, and choose UNLOAD from the Playlist pop-up window. This will clear the
`STACK AREA in preparation for assembling a new playlis!.
`When revising an existing playlist, changes
`are shown immediately in the STACK AREA of
`the playback machine, and will be effective as
`the playlist is played. To make the changes
`permanent, touch the SAVE button to save
`the changes made to the current playlist;
`overwrite confirmation will be requested.
`Alternatively, you may give the 'revised playlist
`a new name, and save it under the new name.
`If the changes are not saved, they will be
`discarded when a new playlist is loaded into
`the playback machine, or whenever the
`If you are
`playback machine is REFRESHed.
`creating a new playlist, follow the SAVE
`instructions given in Section 5.6-H.
`NOTE: Choosing the Segue Editor to set a
`segue should be done with care. The "scrub"
`function of the segue markers will be active,
`and may be mixed with the audio output of the
`playback machine, depending on how the
`_ Playl.ist "odify
`Figure 5.28
`Playlist Modify Machine
`RevA 30JUN95
`Version 6
`Operation Manual
`CHANNEL ASSIGNMENTS are set (see Section 8.6)
`5.12 PRIORITY PLAY Buttons
`PRIORITY PLAY (P-PLAY) buttons are located at the bottoJ)1 of every operation screen in
`the OAD486x (MAIN, LIBRARY, TIMED RECORDING, etc.). These buttons are active at
`all times (as playback channels and output configurations allow - see below) and allow
`instant access to and playback of high priority cuts in the Library.
`When a P-PLAY button is activated, it will turn into a red STOP button for the duration of
`the playback time; touching ij during this period will STOP playback. During P-PLAY
`playback, all other control
`options on the screen are locked
`out. Only one P-PLAY button
`may be active at a time;
`touching a second P-PLAY
`button while a P-PLAY event is
`playing will cause the first
`P-PLAY event to stop.
`In the FACTORY setup, P-PLAY
`is set to "not share!' audio boards
`with other devices: This m~ans
`that if another audio event is
`playing, the P-PLAY event will
`not be played. Even if sharing is
`enabled, a P-PLAY would not be
`playable during a Segue, as only
`two audio events may be played
`back at one time on an audio
`board. Any additional events
`(such as a p·PLAY) will be ignored. For a further information on assignment of channel,
`audio board and sharing status, see Section 8.
`P-PLAY button playback may also be activated using the DAD Command Language with
`Command Cuts, or with the optional General Purpose Intel1ace.
`NOTE: P-PLAY buttons can play back any cut in the Library, including Command Cuts.
`This means that in addition to playing back audio, a P-PLAY button can be used to start a
`sequence of events within the DAD486x system, such as starting a "hidden" playback or
`record machine. A P-PLAY Command Cut can also initiate an event extemal to the
`DAD486x, when it is equipped with the optional GPI or serial interfaces. See Section 11
`for more information on Command Cuts.
`RevA 30JUN95
`Operation Manual
`Version 6
`A) Programming P-PLAY Buttons
`P-PLAY buttons are blank when shipped from the factory, with the exception of the .
`left button, which activates a 1000 Hz test tone. Any cut from the system Library
`can be assigned to any P-PLAY button, and the display on the button may be
`From the MAIN screen,
`touch the SETUP button
`in the upper right hand
`corner of the screen. This
`brings up the SETUP
`return to the MAIN screen.
`Figure 5.30
`Program p . play Buttons pop-up
`From the SETUP screen,
`touch the PROGRAM
`button at the upper right.
`This will display the
`Priority Play Buttons
`pop-up window.
`Programming tools are
`provided for all six P-PLAY buttons. To program a P-PLAY button, you must first
`locate the cut you want in the Library, and then assign ij to the desired P-PLAY
`button. You may also designate a custom
`button label. Touch the desired NUMBER
`BUnON at the left of the screen
`(numbered one to six). This brings up the
`Priority AsSign pop-up window, displaying
`all cuts avaiiabl~ in the Library. You may
`now search the entire Library using the
`SCROLL BAR tools or keyboard arrow
`keys. Locate your selection in the
`place it in the CUT# and TITLE windows
`for the button you have selected.
`Figure 5.31
`Select Group pop-up
`Touch the LIBRARY GROUP button at the
`top of the pop-up if you wish to narrOw
`your search to a particular Group within the
`Library. This gives you access to the
`Seleel Group pop-up {you may return to
`RevA 30JUN95
`Version 6
`Operation Manual
`the entire Library by selecting All Library Cuts). Highlight the Group you want, and
`touch SELECT. You may now choose the desired cut and touch ASSIGN. Use the
`LIBRARY GROUP button 10 change from Group to Group at any time.
`You may also SEARCH for a particular cut oy touching the SEARCH button. This
`displays a pop·up enabling the operator to search the Library for cuts ttiat contain
`a particular character string (a name, title, phrase or any set of numbers or letters).
`The search string can be up to 31 characters long.
`The search can be set to match upper and
`lower case characters by touching CASE
`SENSITIVE, or to ignore character case by
`touching INSENSITIVE.
`It will search ALL
`GROUPS; 1he SELected GROUP button is
`not active. Any matches will be loaded into
`the Priority Assign pop·up, available for
`highlighting and assignment to a p·PLAY
`The COLOR button 'on this pop-up is not
`functional, as P-PLAY buttons default to
`black letters on a gray background unless
`changed by a SET COLOR P_PLAYn
`[color#] dcl.
`Figure 5.32 .
`Search Pop-Up
`After you have selected your Library cut and assigned it to the P-PLAY button, you
`will return to the Priority Play Buttoos pop-up window.
`Touch the BUTTON LABEL field, and type the label you want on the button, up to
`12 characters and spaces. Touch <Enter> on the keyboard to enter your label.
`II you wish to CLEAR a P-PLAY assignment, touch the NUMBER BUTTON for the
`button you wish to clear, and then touch CLEAR on the Priority Assign pop-up
`window. The CUT#, TITLE and BUTTON LABEL fields will be cleared.
`II your DAD486x is equipped with an optional GPI interface, you may wish to
`enable the SECondary or TERtiary cue signals on the cut being played. Touch
`the ON/OFF toggle switches for each P-PLAY button to enable or disable the cue
`signals for that button.
`B) Saving p·PLAY Assignments to the USER SETUP
`When programming of the P-PLAY buttons is complete, touch ACCEPT, which will
`return to the SETUP screen.
`If the changes just made are to be temporary, touch
`RevA 3OJUN95
`Operation Manual
`Vers;on 6
`ACCEPT AND RUN; the system will return to the MAIN screen, and the settings
`just made will be losiwhen leaving the program, or when a new USER SETUP is
`To save the changes, return to the sETup screen and touch SAVE AND RUN or
`In etther case,the.Save User Setup pop-up window will
`appear; the USER NAME
`field will display the name
`01 the USER SETUP'
`currently in effect.
`If this
`setup is to be modified
`with the changes just
`made, touch SAVE (the
`FACTORY setup cannot
`be modllied; a new USER
`SETUP must be specified
`or created to save the
`SOOt lWJ l!I.ll
`SfIl1[ ANIl SlAY
`If an existing setup fite is
`to be modified, type in the
`name of the setup file to
`be modified into the
`SETUP files can be .
`reviewed by using the
`RECALL USER SETUP FILE butlon on the SETUP screen; this will display all
`available setup files).
`Figure 5.33
`SETUP Screen
`Note: Selecting an existing USER NAME in this field will overwrite ALL settings for
`that user, not just the PRIORITY PLAY buttons.
`It a new USER SETUP is to be created, type the name of the new USER SETUP
`into the USER NAME field. Up to eight characters may be used (certain
`characters are prohibited, and will not be accepted from the keyboard). See
`Section 8 for more information on creating custom use setups.
`If SAVE AND RUN was initially selected, the
`Touch SAVE to save the new setup.
`MAIN screen will appear; if SAVE AND STAY was selected, the system will return
`to the SETUP screen.
`5.13 Using ARRAY Buttons
`The ARRAY screen of the DAD486x represents a new piayback machine concept in
`RevA 30JUN95
`Version 6
`Operation Manual
`which every cut loaded into the ARRAY machine has its own unique PLAY button. The
`resulting 'array" of bullons may be thought of as a full screen version of the P-PLAY
`BUTTONS. The only traditional "cart machine' features that are retained are the LEVEL·
`contains a LEVEL CONTROL
`BLOCK in the upper lett which
`functions the same as in the
`MAIN screen (see Section
`4.6-B). To the right of this is a
`LABEL AREA containing six data
`boxes which are used to display
`AGENCY information. The
`remainder of the WORK SPACE
`is filled with 48 "A-PLAY'
`(Array-PLAYback) bullons and
`Three such panels are available,
`providing access to 144 cuts by
`selecting bullons PANEL 1 (1 - 48), PANEL 2 (49 - 96) or PANEL 3 (97 -144). ASSIGN
`is used to enter (and exit) button programming mode. The STOP bullon will stop any
`and all playbacks from any and all panels. The EXIT bullon will return to the MAIN
`screen WHETHER OR NOT an Array bullon is playing (audio will not be affected).
`ARRAY operation is very straight forward: Each active A-PLAY bullon is labeled with a cut
`number, title and length. Touching an A-PLAY BUnON plays the cut listed in that
`bUllon. During playback, the· playing bullon blinks and the 'length" entry in the bullon
`becomes a count-down timer.
`In addition, a more detailed listing of the curs Library label
`data is displayed in the LABEL AREA. Any playback may be stopped by a second touch
`of its blinking bullon or by touching the STOP button. When playback stops, the blinking
`also stops and the cut's label data is blanked.
`It is not necessary for you to stop one playback in order to start another. Simpiy
`touching another button will instantly start the next.
`In the FACTORY setup, the
`ARRAY-PLAY bullons are operated in a PLAY/STOP toggle fashion, allowing multiple
`bullons to play simultaneously (depending on the number of audio channels available).
`In this case,
`The other option is to run the ARRAY-PLAY bullons in INTERRUPT mode.
`only one A-PLAY bullon will play at a time; touching any bullon will cause that bullon to
`play instantly, interrupting and stopping any other button that is playing. Repeated
`RevA 30JUN95
`Operation Manual
`Version 6
`touches on the same button will cause the cut to begin playing from the beginning each
`time the button is to'uched, even in the middle of the cut. This option can be chosen by
`setting the INTERRUPT array switch of the MiscelianeQus Defaults pop-up within the
`SETUP screen (see Section 8).
`The A-PLAY BUTTONS play their ass.ociated
`audio files from the start cue to the end cue
`stored with each cut.
`If a cut is edited and
`saved, the associated A-PLAY BUTTON will
`use the updated start and end cues (cuts
`are most easily accessed and edited from
`the LIBRARY screen - see Section 6 for
`editing information).
`A) Assigning ARRAY Buttons
`To use these buttons, a cut must first
`be ASSIGNed them. This process
`· also allows the operator to choose
`one of 112 colors for each button.
`· Any assignm~nts made are stored as
`a part of the USER SETUP file. This
`allows each and every user to create
`and save their own custom color
`coded ARRAY of 144 cuts.
`Touch ASSIGN to begin programming. This button label will change to FINISH,
`indicating repeated touches will enter and exit the assignment mode. Pick an
`· ARRAY button you wish to program and touch it; a blue highlight border will
`surround the ARRAY button that is being programmed (all other control buttons, .
`except the P-PLAY and LEVEL buttons, are inactive in ASSIGN mode). Touching
`· the array button displays the Array Assign pop-up window.
`Figure 5.35
`ARRAY Assign Pop-Up
`From this pop-up, you may SEARCH for a cut, choose a COLOR to fill the
`selected button, CLEAR the assignment and color of a button, ASSIGN the
`highlighted cut and selected color to the selected button, or CANCEL this pop-up
`to pick a different button.
`To aid in locating a specific cut, the Array Assign pop-up provides yOll with the
`same tools that were available while building playlists within the PLAYLIST screen:
`Touch the LIBRARY GROUP button to select and view specific groups
`within the Library from the Select Group pop-up;
`Version 6
`Operation Manual
`Touch the SEARCH button to access the Search pop-up window. Enter a
`"search string" of up to 31 characters and spaces, and touch SEARCH to
`search any or all Ubrary Groups for matching entries.
`Or simply scroll through the
`Ubrary entries using the scroll
`tools, the keyboard cursor
`keys and/or touch a cut to
`place it in the HIGHLIGHT
`BAR at the top of the pop-up.
`With the desired cut located
`and highlighted, and the
`proper color showing in the
`COLOR button, touch the
`ASSIGN button at the bottom
`of the Array Assign pop-up to
`make the assignment. The
`pop-up will disappear leaving
`the selected button colored as
`indicated and labeled with the
`title, but number and length of
`the chosen cut (the title will be word-wrapped and truncated to fit if
`Figure 5.36
`ARRAY Assign Pop-Up
`If you normally assign only one button
`at a time to an array, select ONE-SHOT to exit the ASSIGN mode
`automatically after assigning a single cut. To program banks of buttons at
`a time, select MULTIPLE.
`To program more buttons, repeat this process, once for each botton. Since
`ARRAY cuts will often be related, the Array Assign pop-up retains the
`settings (GROUP, SORT, SELECTED CUT and COLOR) from the previous
`ASSIGN operation. This makes programming a bank of associated cuts,
`like sound effects, much quicker.
`When through programming the desired A-PLAY buttons, touch FINISH.
`This will store these assignments in the current USER SETUP file and return
`to the playback mode, allowing immediate use of the buttons just
`If operating under the FACTORY setup, the changes will be lost when
`exiting the program, or when a new USER SETUP is loaded. A new USER
`RevA 30JUN95
`Operation Manual
`Version 6
`SETUP must be created to save the changes - see Section 5.14-A below for
`a brief description, or refer to Section 8. To end ARRAY operations and
`return to the MAIN screen, touch EXIT.
`· 5.14 Using the Mini-Array
`Two Mini-Arrays are provided 'in
`the DAD486x. Each Mini-Array
`allows the operator to devote
`· half of the MAIN screen for Array
`playback, and provides 72
`A-PLAY BUTTONS (in addition to
`the 144 A-PLAY BUTTONS ofthe
`full screen Array) that may be
`assigned and saved with all
`other parameters in the USER
`SETUP file.
`· W~h a standard playback
`machine on one half of the MAIN
`· screen, and a Mini-Array on the
`other, an operator can run a
`scheduled playlist, and use the
`Mini-Array to play SFX for
`morning show bits or for any
`other random access purpose.
`A) Placing a Mini-Array on the MAIN
`To place a Mini-Array on the MAIN
`screen, determine which of the two
`machines on the MAIN screen is to be
`replaced w~h a Mini-Array. Touch the
`square box at the left end of the yellow
`MACHINE TITLE bUllon, located at the
`top of the machine. The machine will
`be replaced by a Machine Icon Panel,
`representing Playback, Record,
`Mini-Array, Script, Quad Playback and
`Playlist Modify machines; touch
`Mini-Array 1 or Mini-Array 2 to place the
`Mini-Array on the screen. This method
`may be used to change the machine
`Figure 5,38
`Machine Icon Panel
`RevA 30JUN95
`Version 6
`Operation Manual
`displays at any time.
`NOTE: You must go to the SETUP screen and touch a SAVE button to make this
`change to your setup file permanent; see below...
`To save the changes, return to the SETUP screen and touch SAVE AND RUN or
`In e~her case,the Save User Setup pop-up window will
`appear; the USER NAME field will display the name of the USER SETUP currently
`in effect.
`If this setup is to be modified with the changes just made, touch SAVE (the
`FACTORY setup cannot be modified; a new USER SETUP must be specified or
`created to save the changes).
`If an existing setup file is to be modified, type in the name of the USER SETUP file
`to be modified into the USER NAME field (USER SETUP files can be reviewed by
`using the RECALL USER SETUP FILE button on the SETUP screen; this will
`display all available USER SETUP files).
`If a new USER SETUP is to be created, type the name of the new USER SET.UP
`into the USER NAME field. Up to eight characters may be used (certain
`ch.aracters are prohib~ed, and will not be accepted from the keyboard). See(cid:173)
`Section 8 for more jnformation on creating custom use s~tups.
`If SAVE AND RUN was initially selected, the
`Touch SAVE to save the new setup.
`MAIN screen will appear; if SAVE AND STAY was selected,the system will return
`to the SETUP screen.·
`B) Programming and Operating the Mini-Array
`Programming and operation of the Mini-Array machine is identical to operation of
`the full screen ARRAY, with the following exceptions:
`The Mini-Array machine does not provide LEVEL INDICATORS or a LABEL
`The ASSIGN button label changes to FINISH when in the ASSIGN mode.
`Other control buttons are active when the Mini-Array is in ASSIGN mode.
`The blue border on the button being programmed will disappear when an
`EXIT or CANCEL is chosen in another screen (ASSIGN mode will be
`retained, however).
`RevA 30JUN95
`Operation Manual
`Version 6
`See Section 5.13 above for details on ARRAY operation.
`5.15 Using the Quad Playback Machine
`Further flexibility in playback functions is
`provided by a Quad piayback Machine.
`When selected for use, this machine
`occupies one half of the MAIN screen,
`providing four individual PLAYBACK
`SLOTS. The concept is similar to the
`analog cart machine '1riple decker," which
`featured playback of one cart at a time.
`The Quad Playback Machine offers an
`intermediate level of playback, falling
`between the fUll-featured, playlist driven
`main playback machines, and the random
`access functionality of the ARRAY and
`Mini-Array machines.
`The ability to play back individual cuts frees
`the operator from the requirements of
`playlist based operation, while the
`PLAYBACK SLOTS are faster to load than
`the ARRAY and Mini-Array buttons.
`addition, extensive cut information is
`displayed in the LABEL AREA at all times,
`and a PACING INDICATOR display is provided.
`. .Quad ,PI ayback (1·1 1 1)D:
`........,,-- ---- --
`u..:.::.r:.iJ. ~ ......... 'U- <
`. =.
`. - .
`.-J ,'J.'
`iI~.:.!' :.~..
`.. ... . . . .. .
`.. ,>
`~-~;~;, :,:,:_,
`g~I;";".:: '~.:::';+:'~~' ~ ~
`f-:" -
`_.- --
`Figure 5.39
`Quad Playback Machine
`The Quad Playback machine is equipped with four PLAYBACK SLOTS; each slot features
`a single blue START/STOP button, which carries the PLAYBACK SLOT identification
`number, and a LOAD button.
`The Quad Playback machine may be loaded manually, as described below, or it may be
`loaded and played remotely through the use of a Command Cut played elsewhere in the
`DAD system, or by GPI or serial commands issued to DAD from an external source.
`See Section 10 for GPI/Serial information, and Section 11 for Command Cut information.
`A) Placing the Quad Playback Machine on the Screen
`To place a Quad Playback Machine on the MAIN screen, determine which of the
`two machines on the MAIN screen is to be replaced with a Quad Playback. Touch
`RevA 30JUN95
`Version 6
`Operation Manual
`the square box at the left end of the
`yellow MACHINE TITLE button, located
`at the top of the machine. The
`machine will be replaced by aMachine
`Icon Panel representing Playoack,
`Record, Mini-Array, Script, Quad
`Playback and Playlist Modify
`machines; touch the Quad Playback
`icon to place the machine on the
`screen. This method may be used to
`change the machine displays at any
`NOTE: You must go to the SETUP
`screen and touch a SAVE button to
`make this change to your setup file
`permanent. See Section 5. 14-A above.
`. Figure 5.40 .
`Machine Icon Panel
`To load a cut into anyone of the four
`button for that slot. This brings up the load Quad Playback pop-up window,
`displaying all cuts available in the Library. You may now view the entire Library
`using the SCROLL BAR tools or keyboard arrow keys. Locate your selection in
`the HIGHLIGHT BAR, and touch ASSIGN to place it in the CUT# and TiTlE
`windows for the button you have selected.
`Touch the LIBRARY GROUP button at the top of the pop-up if you wish to narrow
`your search to a particular Group within the Library. This gives you access to the
`Select Group pop-up (you may return to the entire Library by selecting All Library
`Cuts). Highlight the Group you want, and touch SELECT. You may now choose
`the desired cut and touch ASSIGN. Use the LIBRARY GROUP button to
`change from Group to Group at any time.
`You may also SEARCH for a particular cut by touching the SEARCH button. This
`displays a pop-up enabling the operator to search the Library for cuts that contain
`a particular character string (a name, title, phrase or any set of numbers or letters).
`The search string can be up to 31 characters long.
`The search can be set to match upper and lower case characters by touching
`CASE SENSITIVE, or to ignore character case by touching INSENSITIVE.
`It will
`search ALL GROUPS;
`the SELected GROUP button is not active. Any matches
`will be loaded into the Load Quad Playback pop-up, available for highlighting and
`RevA 30JUN95
`Operation Manual
`Version 6
`assignment to a PLAYBACK SLOT.
`Upon loading, the CUT #, LENGTH,
`USERDEF entries from the cut's
`information record are displayed in
`the LABEL AREA. Once a cut is
`loaded into a PLAYBACK SLOT, ij
`will remain there until a new cut is
`loaded 10 replace it, or the slot is
`unloaded using the UNLOAD
`button on the Load Quad Playback
`pop-up window.
`C) Playing Back a Cut
`More than one cut may be played at
`a time on the Quad Playback
`Machine. After loading a cut, touch
`the blue START button to begin
`playing the cut. Touch the blue
`button again to STOP playback,
`which will also re-cue the cut'to the
`beginning. No pause function is
`,Quad Playback J1 .1 .1 1)
`~~:~~t '.';'.~ 2. -. _.-:
`r-~_ _
`- _
`•. -" _
`.. -
`. .
`- .
`. ,.,.
`,.." ._ .
`.~i~_ '._-,,--,~
`. - -
`- - .-
`.:-:: :::;' ..i-.:.:.-__•'-': "
`. .
`·_. -
`'!..,;~ ..
`, ~
`....>;, .'~
`Figure 5.41
`Quad Playback Machine
`No elapsed time displays are provided; however, a countdown timer appears
`below the cut number and counts down from the cut's START CUE to ijs END
`CUE. The LOAD button becomes a PACING INDiCATOR which visuillly displays
`the cut's playback progress.
`Quad Playback Machine playback may also be activated using the DAD
`Command Language wijh Command Cuts, or with the optional General Purpose
`Interiace. See Section 10 for GPI/Serial information, and Section 11 for Command
`Cut information.
`5.16 Using the 4PLAY Machine
`The 4PLAY machine combines the sequential Playlist nature of the Playback Machine
`It is essentially an
`with the Quad Playback Machine's ablility to play cuts individually.
`enhanced Quad Playback Machine that automatically loads PLAYBACK SLOTS with the
`next (or SELECTed) cut in a standard PLAYLIST.
`Note: Unlike the Quad Play Machine, 4PLAY is a FULL SCREEN machine.
`RevA 30JUN95
`Version 6
`OperaUon Manual
`A) Manually Loading a PLAYBACK SLOT
`The 4PLAY Machine will automatically load cuts into the appropriate PLAYBACK
`SLOT$ as it is plays. but it may also be loaded manually with the next cut in the
`associated PLAYLlST, or with any cut from the LIBRARY.
`1) Loading the Next Cut in the PLAYLiST
`Touch the LOAD button for that slot. This loads the slot with the cut in the
`PLAYLiST HIGHLIGHT BAR and advances the PLAYLiST one event.
`2) Loaqing a cut from the
`To bypass the PLAYLIST
`and load any LIBRARY cut
`into any of the four
`anywhere inside the
`the LOAD button or
`START/STOP button. This
`brings up the Load 4PLAY
`pop-up window. You may
`now proceed in the exact
`same manner as you wquld
`loading a Quad Play Slot
`(see sec. 5.15B).
`. ..
`.,t ':....."
`B) Playing Back a Cut
`Playback of 4PLAY cuts is similar to the Quad Playback machine with one
`important exception: the user can select AUTO or MANUAL playback. When the
`AUTO/MANUAL button is set to AUTO, the 4PLAY machine uses the transition
`codes (Segue. Autoplay. Autoload. or Normal) from the loaded PLAYLIST. Any
`cut loaded in a PLAYBACK SLOT manually via the LOAD button will carry the
`RevA 30JUN95
`Operation Manual
`Version 6
`DEFAULTS. When the AUTO/MANUAL button is set to MANUAL, the 4PLAY
`Machine will play the cut, then load the next cut in the PLAYLiST and wait for
`operator intervention.
`5.17 ASPLAY Event Logging
`Event logging is easy wtlh the DAD486x. A daily record is kept of atl cuts issued from
`machines wtlh PROGRAM status assigned in CHANNEL ASSIGNMENT. For instance, if
`the events PLAYBACK, SEGUE PLAYBACK, and OVER PLAYBACK in PBK2 are assigned
`PROGRAM status, while the AUDITION event is given AUDITION status,
`then anything
`played in PBK2 will get logged to the ASPLAY log except anything you played by
`touching the AUDITION button. Likewise, if the LIBRARY is assigned AUDITION status,
`then nothing played from the LIBRARY will be logged.
`For information on creating and maintaining ASPLAY logs, please refer to Section
`5.18 Sending Text Information at Playback
`It is often desirable tohave information about a cut displayed automatically when.the cut
`is played. Such information may include trivia such as a brief artist bio, album .
`information, how many weeks the song was #1, etc.
`If your station is using RBDS/RDS
`digital subcarrier technology, tt1le & artist information could be displayed remotely. The
`DAD486x provides a convenient way to accomplish these tasks. The ES-SCPT and ES(cid:173)
`SAl options allow the user to create a text file associated wtlh each audio cut and send
`this text file to DAD's internal SCRIPT rnachine or to an extemal device via a serial port
`each time the cut is played. Follow these steps to associate a text file with an audio cut:
`First, the user must define where the text information is to be sent. There are four
`available text "channels": A, B, C, and D. These are assignable in the \DAD\FILES\
`[location].CFG files. To assign a text channel to a COM port