`your player!
`Cool tools on
`Yamaha Corporation ofA erica
`Exhibit 1022 Page 1
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`Microsoft Press
` i i i
`A Division of Microsoft Corporation
`One Microsoft Way
`Redmond, Washington 98052-6399
`Copyright © 2000 by Microsoft Corporation
`All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by
`any means without the written permission of the publisher.
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`McEvoy, Seth.
`Microsoft Windows Media Player Handbook / Seth McEvoy.
`p. cm.
`Includes index.

`ISBN 0—7356-1178-5
`1. Interactivemultimedia.
`2. MicrosoftWindows (Computerfile).
`I. Title.
`QA76.76.IS9 M335
`Printed and bound in the United States of America.
`123456789' QWT 543210
`Distributed in Canada by Penguin Books Canada Limited.
`A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
`Microsoft Press books are available through booksellers and distributors worldwide. For further information
`about international editions, contact your local Microsoft Corporation office or contact Microsoft Press
`International directly at fax (425) 936~7329. Visit our Web site at mspressnricrosoftcom Send comments to ‘
`mspinput@microsoft. com.
`ActiveX, ClearType, JScript, Microsoft, MSDN, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Visual InterDev, Visual
`Studio, Windows, and Windows Media are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft
`Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Other product and company names mentioned
`. herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
`Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, people, and events depicted herein
`are fictitious. No association with any real company, organization, product, person, or event is intended or
`should be inferred.
`Acquisitions Editor: Casey Doyle
`Project Editors: Denise Bankaitis and Victoria Thulman
`Yamaha Corporation of America
`Exhibit 1022 Page 2
`Yamaha Corporation of America Exhibit 1022 Page 2


`Playing music and video on your computer will be better than ever with the new Microsoft
`Windows Media Player 7. The latest features of the Player will make it even easier to get the
`entertainment you want when you want it. You can still play audio and video files like you did
`with previous versions of Windows Media Player, but now you can do so much more. You’ll
`have more access to the Internet, more flexibility of files and formats, and you can even change
`the look and functionality of your Player. Here is a summary of the major new features in ver-
`sion 7:
`Media Library
`Windows Media Player now includes Media Library, which lets you create multiple
`playlists to organize all your audio and video files. You can also use it to search your
`computer or network drives for new audio and video to add to your collection.
`Media Guide
`The Player opens up a window to the Internet with its new Media Guide, which provides
`daily entertainment news, free downloads, and live, streaming audio and video.
`CD Audio
`The Player’s new CD Audio feature lets you copy tracks from a CD and convert them to
`compressed Windows Media files, turning your computer into a giant jukebox. You can
`also make new CDs from music on your computer with just a few easy steps.
`Windows Media Player‘s revolutionary new skin technology means that the user interface
`for the Player is now completely changeable. A skin is the Player’s new customizable user
`interface that can change not only how the Player looks, but how it operates. You can
`._ create your own skin designs or choose from those available on the Internet or on this
`. book’s companion CD.
` _
`,. we to every imaginable style of music. Plus, the tuner lets you search for stations by
`c' egory.
`The Player will now entertain you with visual images that dance along with the music. This
`new. feature is called visualizations, and their animated lights, colors, and shapes move in
`time to the tone and rhythm.
`Yamaha Corporation of America
`Exhibit 1022 Page 3
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` Windows Media Player 7 Handbook
`End user _
`Part 1 of this book is the only section the end user will need. It includes installation procedures
`and instructidns for using Windows Media Player 7. It also covers the concepts of digital audio
`and Video multimedia, so you can gain a greater understanding of what the Player does and
`This book explains how to design and build skins. Creating art for skins is very similar to creat—
`ing art for Web pages. You don’t need to know how to draw or paint, but you do need to be able
`to use an art program such as Adobe Photoshop. The programming technologies used in skin
`creation are XML, which is similar to HTML, and Microsoft JScript, which is similar to Perl and
`other scripting languages.
`If you want to use Windows Media Player to develop advanced applications, you’ll need expe—
`rience with Web programming technologies such as HTML, ActiveX , and JScript. In Part 3, you
`will find out how to make Web pages more interactive with Windows Media Player, and how to
`modify media files to include markers, URLs, and script commands. You will also learn how to
`create multimedia advertisements that can be packaged with audio and Video files to promote
`your Web site, music CD8, or other products. Finally, if you are a C++ programmer, you can
`learn how to create visualizations that you can use to enhance skins.
`Howthis book IS organized
`This book is divided into three parts. The first part covers how to install and use the Player. Cre~
`ating skins is the focus of the second part. The third part covers advanced programming topic
`such as Web page programming, creating advertisements, and visualizations. In addition, this
`book has a companion CD that contains a copy of Windows Media Player 7, sample skins and
`Visualizations, the Windows Media 7 SDK, and more.
`’ Chaptei
`menu it
`music a
`into pla
`create 3
`Player i
`and rec
`The 56‘
`tions th
`Chapter1 t
`user 1n:
`Yamaha Corporation of America
`Exhibit 1022 Page 4
`Portable Device
`The Portable Device feature makes it easy to download music to the Pocket PC computer
`and other portable music devices, enabling you to carry your own personal music
`selections anywhere.
`E Z Who is this book for?
`This book is designed for all levels of computer experience, from the novice to the expert pro—
`fessional, including end users, artists, designers, and developers. The three parts of this book
`are tailored for the different needs of each audience.
`Yamaha Corporation of America Exhibit 1022 Page 4


`Part 1: Using Windows Media Player
`The first part of this book has five chapters that cover what you need to know to use Windows
`Media Player, including explanations of all the features. Because it includes information on the
`many features that are new to Windows Media Player 7, this part is for all users. Here is what is
`in each chapter:
`Chapter 1 introduces the basic concepts of Windows Media Player. A complete guide to install-
`ing the Player is provided. This chapter also includes detailed information on installing skins
`and visualizations.
`Chapter 2 explains all the major features and how to use the Player. It covers every option,
`menu item, and task available to the user. You’ll learn how to use the Media Guide to find new
`music and how the Media Library can keep track of all your music and video and organize it
`into playlists. You’ll learn how to access Internet radio stations using the Radio 'lhner, down-
`load music to your portable computer or music player using the Portable Device feature, and
`copy music from music CDs to your computer using the CD Audio feature.
`Chapter 3 discusses the file formats that the Player can use, as well as information on how to
`create your own CDs. You’ll learn more about encoding music and be introduced to the world
`of codecs. Digital rights are important to users of Internet music, and you’ll learn how the
`Player addresscs this issue.
`Chapter 4 covers the Internet audio and Video revolution and shows you how to download files
`and receive live, streaming audio and video. Networking concepts are explained, as well as the
`.3‘ '-
`different ways that streaming media work to bring audio and video to your computer. This
`23%. y
`% :,
`chapter will compare the concepts of file downloading, progressive file downloading, and
`.' streaming.
`Chapter 5 tells you more about how to use the Portable Device feature to copy music to a
`' Pocket PC or portable music device. You will also learn how to use the Pocket PC version of
`Windows Media Player.
`Part 2: Creating Skins
`. ’e‘second part of this book is all about skins. It’s directed at the artists, designers, and devel-
`o tsp/ho want to create art and programming code for skins. Included are step-by-step instruc-
`'1 discusses the concepts ofskin design and suggests a process to follow. You’ll find
`rface'guidelines and a procedure for skin design that will help you fit together all the
`Yamaha Corporation of America
`Exhibit 1022 Page 5
` ,
`Yamaha Corporation of America Exhibit 1022 Page 5


`Windows Media Player 7 Handbook
`The .
` or vi
` Featured
`Skin C01
`An 3
`and ]
`Skins f0:
`Audio at
`Yamaha Corporation of America
`Exhibit 1022 Page 6
`Yamaha Corporation of America Exhibit 1022 Page 6


`Windows Media Player 7
`If you don’t have it and you don’t want to download it, get it here.
`Windows Media Player 7 SDK
`This contains tutorial and reference information on how to create skins, visualizations, and
`Web pages. It also includes the Visualization Wizard and more than a dozen working
`sample skins and Web pages.
`Windows Media Player for Palm-size and Pocket PC Skin Development Kit
`The Windows Media Player for Palm-size and Pocket PC skin Development Kit includes
`everything you need to create skins for a Palm-size or a Pocket PC.
`Windows Media Advanced Script Indexer
`This software tool can be used to insert markers, URLs, and script commands into an audio
`or video file, as well as change the title, author, and other text information that is
`embedded in the file.
`V Additional skins
`Several other skins available on the .Intemet are included so you won’t have to download
`1 Skin Construction Kit
`An assortment of buttons, sliders, and backgrounds is provided so you can use them in
`your own skins. The kit also includes samples of source code that you can cut and paste for
`your oWn use.
`ActiveSync for Palm-size and Pocket PCs
`This section includes instructions and files needed to use ActiveSync and the Skin Chooser
`tools. These tools are required to install skins for Windows Media Player for Pocket PCs
`nd Palm-size PCs.
`S as for Palm-size and Pocket PCs
`hese-skins let you personalize Windows Media Player for Pocket PC and Palm-size PC.
`at andVideo Content
`1though we know you will want to surf the Web and accumulate your own “library” of
`icdia'files to play through your Windows Media Player 7; we supplied some audio and
`do content for you.
`Windows Media Player 7 PowerToys
`The Microsoft Windows Media Player 7 team has put together a set of utilities called
`PowerToys. These are add-ons and other utilities that enhance Windows Media Player 7.
`PowerToys are not supported, so Microsoft Technical Support won't be able to answer any
`questions about them.
`Featured skins
`You can install additional skins that were created just for this book, such as Cubist,
`Goldfish Bowl, and Deco.
`Yamaha Corporation of America
`Exhibit 1022 Page 7
`Yamaha Corporation of America Exhibit 1022 Page 7


`Windows Media Player 7 Handbook
`Visualizations available on the Internet are included so you won’t have to download them.
`Tips & Tricks
`Several tips and tricks are included to teach you some of the lesser—known features of the
`Windows Media Player 7.
`The companion CD requires one of the following operating systems:
`0 Microsoft Windows 98 or Windows 98 Second Edition
`0 Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0 with Service Pack 6
`c Microsoft Windows NT Workstation version 4.0 with Service Pack 6
`0 Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional or Windows 2000 Server
`0 Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition

`In addition, the following is required for some portions of the companion CD:
`0 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later
`The information provided in this book is that which was available on the date of publication
`and may change.
`people. Their insight, enthusiasm, and hard work made it possible to put this book together in
`record time. I am extremely grateful to each and every person.
`I want to extend an extra-special thank you to the technical editonSteve Hug, for his Herculean
`effort and careful attention to detail. He literally worked around the clock, tirelessly combing
`garieral hell
`Pittman, Di
`Pruneda, M
`chapterS; '5
`rial help; a}
`ting this bc
` , Microsof-
`Every effo
`ion CD. M
`If you hav
`send them
`or via pos
`Please no
`Yamaha Corporation of America
`Exhibit 1022 Page 8
`Yamaha Corporation of America Exhibit 1022 Page 8


`test code; David Wrede for writing the documentation for Windows Media Advanced Script
`Indexer; Ned Cannon (of Ned Cannon Illustration & Design) for creating the artwork for the
`Skin Construction Kit, the Cubist, Deco, and Goldfish skins, and the futuristic Web page design
`in Chapter 11; Stephen Beecroft and John Shaw for writing the Ovoid tutorial and creating the
`code for the Skin Construction Kit; Matt Lichtenberg for writing the Radial tutorial; John
`Green, Henry Bale, Robert “Bob" Porter, and Come] Moiceanu for their testing, coding and
`general help to the CD effort; Come] also created the extended dance music on the CD; Kelly
`Pittman, David M. Nelson, Dagmar Shannon, Gail McClellan, John Shaw, Tricia Gill, Andrea
`Pruneda, Mark Galioto, Sharon Carroll, and Terrence Dorsey for general proofreading of the
`chapters; Terrence also did the indexing of the whole book; Donna Corey, Sue Glueck, Glenn
`Schroeder, and Laura Heisler for doing legal reviews of the chapters; Karen Strudwick for edito-
`rial help; and special thanks to Casey Doyle and Victoria Thulman at Microsoft Press for get—
`ting this book started.
`Microsoft Press support information
`Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the book and the contents of this compan—
`ion CD. Microsoft Press provides corrections for books through the World Wide Web at:
`If you have comments, questions, or ideas regarding the book or this companion CD, please
`send them to Microsoft Press via e—mail to:
`.or via postal mail to:
`Pleasenote that product support is not offered through the above addresses.
`Microsoft Press
`' Attn: Microsoft WindowsMedia Player 7 Handbook Editor
`One Microsoft Way
`Redmond, WA 98052-6399
`Yamaha Corporation of America
`Exhibit 1022 Page 9
`Yamaha Corporation of America Exhibit 1022 Page 9


`Getting Started
`This chapter will introduce you to the basic features of Microsoft Windows
`Media Player 7. Detailed explanations of all the installation procedures are
`also provided, including how to install two new types of enhancements to the
`Player, skins and visualizations. In later chapters, you’ll learn more about
`each feature, and how you can use them to customize the look and function-
`ality of the Player.
`What is Windows Media Player?
`One of the best places to learn about new music and videos is through the
`Internet. A world of entertainment and education is out there, and Windows
`Media Player can help you navigate the Web to find exactly what you want.
`Then you can use the-Player to download it, customize it, and play it on your
`computer or Pocket PC.
`You’re likely to have a CD-ROM drive in your computer. With it, Windows
`Media Player can play a music CD and let you choose your favorite songs.
`‘ThePlayer can also copy music from your CDs to your computer, so you can
`are. and play the music any way you want to.
`r_ copying or downloading your audio anti video files, you can keep
`9&an of what’s stored on your computer. Windows Media Player has a media
`that can help you organize all of your media selections. You can cre-
`ate” ‘pe ific playlists that combine your songs and movies however you like.
`'11 your classical music in one playlist and your jazz in another Or
`" to design your own entertainment experience Not only
`readan assortment of live and recorded media formats, but it
`nr‘files, search for specific kinds of audio and video, copy
`Yamaha Corporation of America
`Exhibit 1022 Page 10
`Yamaha Corporation of America Exhibit 1022 Page 10


` places thfi
`Windows Media Player 7 Handbook
`music to other devices, and enhance Web pages. In addition, you can create
`custom Visual elements with unique animated effects.
`Here are the main features of Windows Media Player 7:
`work. Th.
`skin artW
`load a me
`like bette
`Figures 1
`dows Me
`Yamaha Corporation of America
`Exhibit 1022
`Page 1 1
`Yamaha Corporation of America Exhibit 1022 Page 11


`Chapter 1: Getting Started
`burning. With the CD Audio feature, you can put music in a playlist, burn a
`new CD, and listen to it on any standard CD player.
`Skin Chooser: provides custom user interfaces
`Windows Media Player can now be customized with visual elements called
`skins. A skin is a graphical user interface on your computer screen that re—
`places the original buttons, sliders, and windows of the Player with new an-
`work. The new Skin Chooser feature makes it possible for you to apply new
`skin artwork to your player. If you don’t like the way the Player looks, down-
`load a new look, or create your own skin that has a user interface that you
`like better.
`Figures 1.1a, 1.1b, and 1.10 show some skins that are included with Win-
`dows Media Player.
`"'(1; n t l mi
`.;.. *quuw‘u.
`'mudc -in
`Figure 1.1b — Headspace skin.
`Yamaha Corporation of America
`Exhibit 1022 Page 12
`Yamaha Corporation of America Exhibit 1022 Page 12


`Windows Media Player 7 Handbook
`Stuff I like to listen to
`Figure 1.2
`If you’re watching a Video on Wind
`ows Media Player, you have a moving
`image to look at. But if you’re listenin
`g to music without a Video, the Player
`, called Visualizations. The new visualization fea—
`s that move in time to the music. This
`to the way that an oscilloscope reacts to sound waves.
`Figures 1.2a, 1.2b,
`and l.2c show some of the Visualizations that are in—
`cluded with the Player.
`ufH Ike to lislen to
`Figure 1.2a —
`Bars and Waves visualization with the Bars preset.
`Figure 1
`Computers (
`while you’re
`take music i
`player, such
`This proces:
`space is ava
`device if yo
`Yamaha Corporation of America
`Exhibit 1022 Page 13
`Yamaha Corporation of America Exhibit 1022 Page 13


`Chapter 1: Getting Started
`iéortable Device: copies music to your pocket
`9‘ Kpj‘uters don’t always fit in your pocket. If you want to listen to music
`hfle'you’re on the go, the new Portable Device feature of the Player can
`music from your computer and easily transfer it to a portable music
`‘ uch as the Pocket PC, the Creative NOMAD, the SB Rio, and others.
`recess takes only a few simple steps. You can also monitor how much
`. s available on your portable device, and remove audio files from your
`f you need more space.
`Yamaha Corporation of America
`Exhibit 1022 Page 14
`Yamaha Corporation of America Exhibit 1022 Page 14


` Windows Media Player 7 Handbook
`This dialog l
`mends that 3
`close any otl
`the Player In
`important to
`can look at t
`close. If you
`can probabl3
`but you don’
`the hardwarc
`If you can t
`installation (
`you can clos
`looks 111cc F1
`After you he
`g i
`0!: B-CD 8S 721SDE"O
`5(D’1 Fa“D)
`from around the globe. Whatever your taste in music or interest in current
`events, you can find a radio station that will suit your needs. The Station
`Finder helps you search by category, language, or location.
`Installing Windows Media Player
`sion of the Player at the Microsoft Windows
`You can always get the latest ver
`Media Web site:
`http://www. windowsmedia. com/
`Ifyou have a preVious versmn ofWindows Media Player you ll want to up—
`grade to the latest versmn because you won’t want to miss out on skins Visu-
`alizations, and the many other improvements that Windows Media Player 7
`Beglnnmg your installation
`When you install Windows Media Player 7, you are shown a series of dialog
`boxes and asked a few questions.
`One of the best features of the Player is
`that you can customize which co
`Yamaha Corporation of America
`Exhibit 1022 Page 15
`Yamaha Corporation of America Exhibit 1022 Page 15


`Chapter 1: Getting Started
`The dialog boxes will appear in the following sequence:
`Closing other applications
`When the installation begins, you will be shown a dialog box similar to Fig-
`ure 1.3.
`"‘11:33.221; iv. »’3‘?15"-1w}.
`. a
`Figure 1.3 — Windows Media Player 7 Setup dialog box.
`This dialog box welcomes you to the installation process and then recom—
`mends that you exit all other applications before continuing. You should
`., close any other applications that you don’t need to have running; otherwise
`’ the Player may not be able to complete the installation correctly. It is most
`important to close any other audio or video applications that are running. You
`can look at the task bar to see if anything is running that you might want to
`close. If. you have an application that should not be shut down, the Player
`can‘probably work around it. Windows Media Player is not easily confused,
`but'You don’t want to make it harder than necessary for the Player to detect
`e’lhardware and software on your computer.
`11' can’t close your other applications now, you can say no to the Player
`$fii‘stallation dialog box, and then start the installation again at a time when
`can close your other applications. .
`you-have closed other applications, the next dialog box you’ll see
`Figure 1.4.
`Yamaha Corporation of America
`Exhibit 1022 Page 16
`Yamaha Corporation of America Exhibit 1022 Page 16


`i E
`i i i
`Windows Media Player 7 Handbook
`Windows Media Player 7 s
`You can can
`Next button
`Reading '
`Before you .
`about the in:
`The dialog 1
`Yamaha Corporation of America
`Exhibit 1022 Page 17
`Yamaha Corporation of America Exhibit 1022 Page 17


`Chapter 1: Getting Started
` Figure 1.5 — Component setup.
`You can cancel the setup at this point, but if you want to continue, click the
`Next button.
`Reading the Privacy Statement
`Before you can begin component installation, you’ll be shown a statement
`about the information the Player can share on the Internet or over a network.
`Figure 1.7 — Privacy Statement. ll
`Yamaha Corporation of America
`Exhibit 1022 Page 18
`Yamaha Corporation of America Exhibit 1022 Page 18


`Windows Media Player 7 Handbook
`tion. If you want to change pri
`vac. o tions
`’ you mUSt Change them after the
`y P
`installation is complete. After
`selecting the check box, the Next button ap—
`pears. Click it to continue the installation.
`‘ You are next a
`,the dialog box
`You Will pIObE
`5 less you are lo
`component, cl:
`lower portion
`sayS, “This co
`you should ins
`Many of the
`want to insta
`to help the P?
`media file f0
`Player will a
`codecs now,
`be discussed
`Yamaha Corporation of America
`Exhibit 1022 Page 19
`Yamaha Corporation of America Exhibit 1022 Page 19


`Chapter 1: Getting Started
`When you’ve made your choice, click Next to continue. You can always
`click Cancel to quit the installation process, or Back if you suddenly realize
`you made a mistake on a previous dialog box.
`Choosing components
`You are next asked which components you want to install. Figure 1.9 shows
`the dialog box for making these choices.
`You will probably want to install all the components on your computer, un-
`less you are low on hard disk space. If you’re not sure about a particular
`component, click the text of each option and a paragraph will appear on the
`lower portion of the dialog box explaining what the option does. If an option
`sayS, “This component must be installed for the software to function,” then
`you should install it.
`6 Player play different formats of media files If you encounter a
`format for which you don’ t have the proper codec installed, the
`W111 ask you if you want to download the codec. By installing all the
`Yamaha Corporation of America
`Exhibit 1022 Page 20
`Yamaha Corporation of America Exhibit 1022 Page 20


`Windows Media Player 7 Handbook
`he file associz
`' Additional Wit
`The 1312?]:
`automa 1
`MPEG Lay?“
`Keep this 1
`default pla‘
`on the Inte
`Other forggtf
`.mng a
`file types 1
`Whether you ?
`back later and
`installed, go 0
`and select the
`cussed in grez
`Adding shr
`You can choc
`Launch tooli
`programs. Se
`dia Player. A
`can drag thel
`Click the Ne
`Getting rt
`Windows MI
`almost ready
`cel or to go
`Figure 1.11.
`You may not need the following components:
`RCA Lyra Service Provider for WMDM
`You won’t need this if you don’t have an RCA Lyra portable device.
`Adaptec CD Burning Plug-in
`If you don’t have a CD burner, you won’t need this plug—in
`Windows Media Player skins
`If you are running low on disk space, you can download skins later.
`After you’ve decided which components to install, you’re ready to move on.
`Click Next.
`Decrding when to launch Windows Media Player
`You Will now be asked which. file types you want the Player to play automati—
`cally. The dialog box looks like Figure 1.10. For more information about file
`associations, see Windows Help.
`Figure 1.10 ~ Specifying when to launch the Player.
`This dialog box is in two parts. The first part asks which file extensions you
`want to have associated with Windows Media Player. The second will add
`links to make it easy for you to launch the Player yourself.
`Choosing file associations
`By keeping the 'check boxes selected, you’re telling the Player when to start
`up and play a file of a particular format. This ability to associate a file name
`Yamaha Corporation of America
`Exhibit 1022 Page 21
`Yamaha Corporation of America Exhibit 1022 Page 21


`Chapter 1: Getting Started
`I l
`dows. You’ll want to leave these check boxes selected so that the Player can
`play all of these file types.
`The file association categories are:
`Additional Windows Media Formats (.wma, .wmv)
`The Player already knows about .an files, but needs to know that it can
`automatically play .wma and .wmv files.
`MPEG Layer 3 files (.mp3, .m3u)
`Keep this box selected if you want Windows Media Player to be the
`default player for MP3 files. These are the MP3 files that are very popular
`on the Internet for audio.
`Other formats (.avi, .wav, .mpeg, .mpg, and more)
`Keep this box selected to cover the rest of the bases. .avi, .mpg, and
`.mpeg are video files and .wav files are Windows audio files. The other
`file types include MIDI, AIFF, .ivf, and
`,Whether you leave these file associations selected or not, you can always go
`back later and change them. To change file associations after the Player is
`installed, go to the Tools menu and click Options; then click the Formats tab
`”nd select the formats you want. File associations and file types will be dis-
`sed in greater detail in Chapter 3.
`"ddin‘g shortcuts
`" can choose whether to add a shortcut to your desktop and to the Quick
`11 toolbar. Your choice will depend on your style of working with your
`programs. Selecting this option certainly makes it easy to find Windows Me-
`layer. And if you decide that later you don’ t want these shortcuts, you
`drag them to the Recycle Bin.
`th? Media Player now shows you a dialog box that tells you that you’re
`for the final installation. This gives you one last chance to can—
`Yamaha Corporation of America
`Exhibit 1022 Page 22
`Yamaha Corporation of America Exhibit 1022 Page 22


`' Almost clc
`There’s one 1
`music and V1
`' what to do lc
`Figure 1.11 — The last chance dialog box.
`You’re done setting up. Click the Next buttofifin to finish the installation.
`Installing the files
`The installation program Wlll now copy the files to their final locations, notify
`Windows where all the files are, and configure the Player.
`You will see a dialog box like Figure 1.12. Don’t click-Cancel unless you
`want to stop the installation.

`You must re:
`other applicz
`start from th
`you’re ready
`Using a
`After you’ve
`if you want
`ist. You may
`features that
`To set the fr
`grading, go
`You can chc
`Figure 1.12 — Watching the files fly by.
`Yamaha Corporation of America
`Exhibit 1022 Page 23
`Yamaha Corporation of America Exhibit 1022 Page 23


`Almost done!
`There’s one more thing that you need to do before you can begin enjoying
`music and videos on Windows Media Player. The dialog box that tells you
`what to do looks like Figure 1.13.
`:71 Windows Media rompmenl fictup
`Chapter 1: Getting Started
`may “want to say yes because newer versions may have exciting new
`‘ .gthat you’ll want to take advantage of.
`Yamaha Corporation of America
`Exhibit 1022 Page 24
`Yamaha Corporation of America Exhibit 1022 Page 24


`Windows Media Player 7 Handbook
`. Any tin
`L option«
`Skins c
`comes with several skins, and you can create or download more. For more
`infonnation about creating skins, see Part 2 of this book.
`Choosing Skins
`To see the skins that are currently loaded, click Skin Chooser in the full
`mode Player. It will look something like Figure 1.14.
`L In L
`is MdaePlayeI' j

`Autism Mlflf’SSGfl Corporation
`Yamaha Corporation of America
`Exhibit 1022 Page 25
`Yamaha Corporation of America Exhibit 1022 Page 25


`Chapter 1: Getting Started
`appear on your screen. The full mode of the Player will be replaced by the
`skin you selected.
`Note Not all skins support all functionality of the Player. The designer
`may have chosen not to implement certain options. For example,
`Graphic Equalizer sliders may not be included or a Mute button may
`not be provided.
`Any time you don’t like a skin, right-click it and then click the Full Mode
`option on the shortcut menu to return to full mode. Or right-click the anchor
`window to select a new skin.
`Skins come in many different styles. For example, you can select the classic
`Windows Media Player skin which looks like previous versions of the Player.
`Figure 1.15 shows the Classic skin.
`Figure 1.15 — Windows Media Player Classic skin.
`I you can have a skin that looks very different from a typical Windows pro—
`Figure 1.16 — Cubist skin.
`Yamaha Corporation of America
`Exhibit 1022 Page 26
`Yamaha Corporation of America Exhibit 1022 Page 26


`Windows Media Player 7 Handbook
`Downloading skins
`If you want to

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