`International Bureau
`WO 99/20789
`(43) International Publication Date:
` (11) International Publication Number:
`29 April 1999 (29.04.99)
`(51) International Patent Classification 6 :
`C12Q 1/00, 1/70, G01N 33/53, 33/536,
`33/532, 31/00, 21/62, C12P 19/34, C07H
`(21) International Application Number:
`(81) Designated States: AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR,
`BY, CA, CH, CN, CU, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, GE, GE,
`GH, HU, IL, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR,
`(22) International Filing Date:
`16 October 1998 (l6.10.98)
`LS, LT, LU, LV, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, NO, NZ,
`PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, TJ, TM, TR, TT,
`UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ARIPO patent (GH, GM, KE,
`LS, MW, SD, SZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian patent (AM, AZ, BY,
`KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European patent (AT, BE, CH,
`CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL,
`PT, SE), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN,
`GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): GENICON
`Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92121 (US).
` Published
`With international search report.
`Before the expiration of the time limit for amending the
`claims and to be republished in the event of the receipt of
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): YGUERABIDE, Juan
`[US/US]; 9505 Poole Street, La Jolla, CA 92037 (US).
`YGUERABIDE, Evangelina, E.
`9505 Poole
`Street, La Jolla, CA 92037 (US). KOHNE, David, E.
`[US/US]; 364 Nautilus Street, La Jolla, CA 92037 (US).
`JACKSON, Jeffrey, T.
`[US/US]; 12738 Casa Avenida,
`Poway, CA 92064 (US).
`(74) Agents: WARBURG, Richard, J. et al.; Lyon & Lyon LLP,
`Suite 4700, 633 West Fifth Street, Los Angeles, CA
`90071-2066 (US).
`(57) Abstract
`Method for specific detection of one or more analytes in a sample. The method includes specifically associating any one or more
`analytes in the sample with a scattered-light detectable particle, illuminating any particle associated with the analytes with light under
`conditions which produce scattered light from the particle and in which light scattered from one or more particles can be detected by
`a human eye with less than 500 times magnification and without electronic amplification. The method also includes detecting the light
`scattered by any such particles under those conditions as a measure of the presence of the analytes.
`Page 1
`(30) Priority Data:
`17 October 1997 (l7.10.97)
`Page 1

`Codes used to identify States party to the PCT on the front pages of pamphlets publishing international applications under the PCT.
`Bosnia and Herzegovina
`Burkina Faso
`Central African Republic
`Cote d’Ivoire
`Czech Republic
`Page 2
`United Kingdom
`Democratic People's
`Republic of Korea
`Republic of Korea
`Saint Lucia
`Sri Lanka
`Republic of Moldova
`The fonner Yugoslav
`Republic of Macedonia
`New Zealand
`Russian Federation
`Trinidad and Tobago
`United States of America
`Viet Nam
`Page 2

`WO 99/20789
`following is
`an outline of
`relevant existing
`detection methods. It is also a summary of relevant science
`to aid the reader
`in understanding the details of
`claimed invention.
`It should not be taken as an admission
`that any of the cited art is prior art to the claims. The
`cited art
`is hereby incorporated herein by reference so
`the general procedures and methods
`in that art
`are of use to practice of the present invention need not be
`rewritten herein.
`In particular,
`those sections related to general methods of “binding-pair”
`and methods
`for measurement
`scattering herein.
`Sensitive Analyte Assays
`(also known as ligand—receptor, molecular
`techniques play an
`recognition binding and
`important role in many applications of biomedical analysis
`and are gaining importance in the fields of environmental
`science, veterinary medicine, pharmaceutical research,
`and water quality control and the like. For
`the detection
`Page 3
`Page 3

`WO 99/20789
`low concentrations
`than about
`labels and detection methods are
`often used.
`For the detection of low concentrations of analytes in
`the field of diagnostics,
`the methods of
`and electrochemiluminescence are gaining wide—spread use.
`concentrations of analytes
`by amplifying the number of
`luminescent molecules or photon generating events many-
`the resulting “signal amplification" then allowing
`for detection of low concentration analytes.
`In addition,
`the method of Polymerase Chain Reaction
`(PCR) and other related techniques have gained wide use for
`amplifying the number of nucleic acid analytes
`in the
`sample. By the addition of appropriate enzymes,
`and temperature cycling methods,
`the number of nucleic acid
`analyte molecules are amplified such that
`be detected by most known detection means.
`the analyte can
`The high level
`of commercial activity in the development of
`new signal
`and the development of
`generation and detection systems,
`new types of test kits and instruments utilizing signal and
`analyte molecule amplification attests to the importance
`and need for sensitive detection methods.
`the above mentioned methods of
`analyte molecule amplification have associated limitations
`which makes
`the detection of analytes by these methods
`complicated, not easy to use,
`time consuming, and
`and multi-step
`Page 4
`Page 4

`WO 99/20789
`“homogeneous” (non—separation)
`formats, and the requirement
`of costly and sophisticated instrumentation are areas that
`those in the art are constantly trying to improve.
`tremendous need for easy to use,
`there is a
`quantitative, multi-analyte, and inexpensive procedures and
`test kits,
`and instruments would overcome the
`and limitations of
`the current methods of
`and analyte molecule amplification,
`and would be
`in research,
`individual point of care situations
`(doctor's office, emergency room, out
`in the field, etc.),
`and in high throughput testing applications.
`It is the object of the present invention to provide a
`new means
`to more easily detect one or more analytes in a
`sample to low concentrations than was previously possible.
`The present
`invention can detect
`low concentrations of
`analytes without
`the need for signal or analyte molecule
`The present
`invention provides a signal and detection
`system for the detection of analytes where the procedures
`can be simplified and the amount and types of steps and
`reagents reduced.
`The present
`invention provides for
`quantitative detection of single or multiple analytes in a
`sample. The present invention also provides for substantial
`reductions in the number of different tests and amounts of
`sample material
`that are analyzed.
`Such reduction in the
`number of individual tests leads to reduced cost and waste
`production, especially medically—related waste that must be
`disposed of.
`Light Scattering Detection Methods and Properties of Light
`Scattering Particles
`Page 5
`Page 5

`WO 99/20789
`There is a
`large body of
`information concerning the
`phenomenon of
`light scattering by particles,
`the use of
`particulate labels in diagnostic assays,
`and the use of
`light scattering methods in diagnostic assays which are now
`presented in the following discussion of relevant art none
`of which is admitted to be prior art to the pending claims.
`This art
`is provided as a background for understanding of
`the novelty and utility of the claimed invention.
`The general study of light scattering comprises a very
`large field. The phenomena of
`light scattering has been
`studied intensely for about
`the last one hundred or
`the applications
`knowledge of
`scattering to different aspects of human endeavor are wide
`and varied.
`The classical
`theory of
`light scattering by small,
`homogeneous, non light absorbing, spherical particles of a
`size of about 1/20 or
`less the wavelength of
`the incident
`radiation was
`initially developed by Rayleigh.
`more general phenomenological theory of light scattering by
`composition was developed by Mie. The Mie
`theory applies
`both to light absorbing and nonabsorbing particles. It has
`also been shown from Mie
`theory that
`the expressions of
`Rayleigh can easily be generalized so
`to apply to
`particles which absorb
`light as long as the particles are
`much smaller
`than the wavelength of
`diameter particles, Mie
`generalized Rayleigh theory give similar
`results. Light
`scattering (elastic)
`can be viewed from a classical or
`quantum mechanical point of view. An excellent quantitative
`description can be obtained through the classical point of
`A historical background as well as
`a description of
`Page 6
`Page 6

`WO 99120789
`radiation is provided in the
`references; Absorption and Scattering of Light By Small
`Particles (1983), C.F. Bohren, D.R. Huffman,
`John Wiley and
`Sons; The Scattering of Light
`and Other Electromagnetic
`Radiation (1969), M. Kerker, Academic Press.
`Further background information of
`the phenomenon of
`Zsigmondy, Colloids and the Ultramicroscope - A Manual
`of Colloid Chemistry and Ultramicroscopy,l914,
`John Wiley &
`is described various light scattering properties
`of gold particles and other types of particles.
`Hunter, Foundation of Colloid Science, Vol,
`and electron microscopes
`in observation
`of particles.
`Shaw et al.,
`Introduction to Colloid and Surface
`Chemistry, 2nd ed., 41, 1970, describe optical properties
`of colloids and the use of electron microscopy,
`and dark
`field microscopy §.g.,
`the ultramicroscope.
`SpringerTracts, Vol.
`resolve light scattering methodologies.
`Klein and Metz,
`5 Photographic Science and Engineering
`particles in gelatin.
`Eversole and Broida,
`15 Physical Review 1644-1654,
`shape effects
`scattering from various metal particles such as‘ silver,
`gold, and copper.
`231 Z. Physik 128-143,
`Kreibig and Zacharias,
`in small
`silver and gold particles.
`Page 7
`Page 7

`W0 99/20789
`Bloemer et al.,
`37 Physical Review 8015-8021,
`the optical properties
`silver needles and the use of such needles is described in
`Bloemer, U.S. Patent 5,l5l,956,where
`surface plasmon
`resonance of
`small particles of metal
`to polarize light
`propagating in a wave guide is described.
`136 Zeitschrift
`fur Physik, Bd.,
`1954, describes the color of colloidal silver and the use
`of-electron microscopy.
`Use of Particles, Light Scattering and Other Methods
`Detection of Analytes
`For about
`the last thirty—five years, metal particles
`including gold and silver have been used as both contrast
`agents or
`absorption labels
`in many
`different types of analytic and/or diagnostic applications.
`The great majority of
`these applications fall under
`category of
`cytoimmunochemistry studies which have used
`gold or silver enhanced gold particles as markers to study
`structural aspects of cellular,
`In these studies, metal particles are usually
`detected and localized by electron microscopy,
`(backscattered electron
`and BET
`take advantage of
`the electron
`imaging). These methods
`dense nature of metals or the high atomic number of metals
`to facilitate the detection of the gold particles by virtue
`and backscattered
`(see; Hayat,
`dense metal
`generated by
`Immunogold-silver staining reference Page 1 and Chapters 1,
`6, 15; and Hayat, Colloid Gold reference Chapters 1, 5,
`and others).
`There have been a few reports of
`the use of gold and
`Page 8
`Page 8

`WO 99/20789
`gold particles
`light microscopic
`studies. For example,
`in 1978 gold particles were used as
`an immunogold stain with detection by light microscopy. A
`review of
`the use of gold particles in light microscopy
`(See, Hayat,
`Immunogold—Silver Staining Reference Page 3)
`published in 1995 discusses this 1978 work and presents the
`following analysis:
`to use the
`(1978) were the first
`“Geoghehan et al.
`red or pink color of colloidal gold sols for
`using paraffin
`In semithin resin sections red color of
`light scattered from gold particles as small as 14 nm
`labeled antigens
`in the
`and Roth,
`in comparison with other
`former did not
`gain general acceptance;
`the pinkish color of
`gold deposit is difficult to visualize.”
`the light scattering properties of gold
`understanding of
`and other metal particles
`for diagnostic
`and analytic
`“In semithin
`studies. The paragraph specifically states
`resin sections
`red color
`from gold
`in organelles
`nm was
`containing high concentrations of
`labeled antigens in the
`light microscope.”
`However, with white light
`the scattered
`nm gold particles is predominantly green.
`from 14
`Since the particles appear red in the light microscope this
`interactions other
`than pure
`scattering are being detected. It is probable that
`the red
`color observed in the light microscope is predominantly
`transmitted light and not scattered light. When the gold
`particles accumulate sufficiently at
`the target site in
`tissue sections or some other surface the red color
`Page 9
`Page 9

`WO 99/20789
`due to transmitted light will be seen (see also;
`J. Roth
`Immunocytochemistry 2 p217; and Dewaele et al
`in Techniques in Immunochemistry Vol
`2 pl, Eds. Bullock and
`Petrusz, Academic Press).
`3 As mentioned in the above quote,
`it appears that
`sensitivity of
`immunogold staining in light microscopy was
`believed to be inferior to that of other methods,
`and the
`use of gold particles
`as markers
`light microscope
`detection did not gain general acceptance.
`In the 1995
`review book in Chapter 12,
`p198 by Gao and Gao
`is the
`following quote on the same subject.
`initially used only as a marker
`“Colloidal gold was
`for electron microscopy (EM), because of its electron
`dense nature and secondary electron emission feature
`colloidal gold in light microsc0PY (LM) was
`size of colloidal gold is
`too small
`to be
`detected at
`light microscope
`using highly concentrated immunogold cells may be
`stained red by this reagent
`(Geoghegan et al., 1978;
`Roth, 1982; Holgate et al., 1983.”
`As mentioned in both of
`the above,
`the sensitivity of
`detection of colloidal gold with light microscopy was
`believed to be low.
`The method of silver enhancement of
`gold particles was developed to overcome
`this perceived
`drawback. The
`following is another quote
`from the 1995
`review book.
`immunogold staining for
`real breakthrough for
`light microscopy
`came with
`introduction of
`silver-enhancement of colloidal gold particles (20nm)
`bound to immunoglobin in paraffin sections 5 microns
`(Holgate et al., 1983). This approach significantly
`enhanced the sensitivity, efficiency, and accuracy of
`antigen detectability in the light microscope. Using
`IGSS, gold particles as small as lnm in diameter can
`be visualized in the light microscope. Thin section
`subjected to IGSS can also be viewed with the light
`especially by using phase contrast or
`Page 10
`Page 10

`W0 99/20789
`PCT/US98/23160 .
`The method of silver enhancement of gold particles is
`widely used.
`The enhancement method transforms the marker
`gold _particle into a
`larger metal particle or
`larger structure which is microns or greater in dimensions.
`These structures are composed primarily of silver, and such
`enlarged particles can be more readily detected visually in
`the bright field optical microscope.
`Individual enlarged
`particles have been visualized by high resolution laser
`confocal and epipolarization light microscopy. ;g at 26 and
`even with the use of
`those in the art
`indicate that
`this will nod
`achieve the sensitivity and specificity of other methods.
`For example,
`in the publication of Vener, T.
`I. et. al.,
`the authors
`Analytical Biochemistry 198, p308-311
`discuss a new method of sensitive analyte detection called
`Latex Hybridization Assay (LHA).
`In the method they use
`large polymer particles of 1.8 microns in diameter that are
`filled with many highly fluorescent dye molecules as
`detecting the
`signal. The
`following excerpt
`from this
`LHA we have compared our
`“To assess the merits of
`indirect nonradioactive
`technique with
`two other
`techniques described in the
`The most
`gold method with
`enhancement of a hybridization signal, since this is
`technique. However,
`method is not very sensitive even with the additional
`step "of silver enhancement:
`8pg of k—phage ‘DNA is
`detected by this method as compared to 0.6 pg or 2 X
`10‘ molecules of K DNA detected by LHA on the nylon
`‘ membrane."
`92 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 6379-
`Stimpson et al.,
`6383, July 1995, a real time detection method for detection
`Page 11
`Page 11

`WO 99/20789
`PCT/US98/231 60
`of DNA hybridization is described.
`The authors describe
`use of a particulate label on a target DNA which acts as a
`illuminated by
`“light-scattering source when
`evanescent wave of the wave guide and only the label
`bound to the
`surface generates
`evanescent wave created by the wave guide is used to
`scatter light
`from a particulate label adsorbed at
`multiple DNA capture zones placed on the wave guide
`Since an evanescent wave only extends a few
`hundred nanometers
`from the wave guide surface,
`unbound/dissociated label does not scatter light and
`a wash step is not required.
`The signal intensity is
`allow measurement
`binding and desorption of
`the light—scattering label
`can be studied in real
`i.e., detection is not
`rate limiting.
`The hybridization pattern on the chip
`quantitative analysis by using a standard CCD camera
`with an 8-bit video frame grabber
`in 1/30 of
`Experiments were performed with 70 nanometer diameter gold
`particles and 200 nanometer diameter
`selenium particles.
`signals were
`observed with
`The authors indicate
`“A wave
`discrimination has been generated between 4 and 40 nm
`DNA and is,
`therefore, comparable to a
`signal system."
`In addition,
`the method is about as sensitive
`as current fluorescence-based detection systems. Particles
`of 70nm diameter and larger are said to be preferred.
`Schutt et al., U.S. Patent 5,017,009, describes
`system for detection of
`binding partners in a heterogenous format.
`The system is
`based upon detection of
`evanescent wave
`from an
`scattered light
`disturbed by the presence of a colloidal gold label
`Page 12
`Page 12

`WO 99/20789
`... Placement of
`the detector at
`a back
`the critical angle insures
`angle above
`signal-to-noise ratio.”
`the immunoassay system described
`The authors explain that
`propagation of evanescent waves. They indicate that
`presence of colloidal gold disrupts propagation of
`evanescent wave resulting in scattered light which may be
`detected by a photomultiplier or other
`location of the detector.
`“The detector is ideally placed at an angle greater
`than the critical angle and in a
`location whereby
`only light scattered backward toward the light source
`is detected.
`location thereby ideally avoids
`the detection of superior scattered light within the
`bulk liquid medium.”
`internal reflection of
`the incident beam is used to
`create the evanescent wave mode of
`illumination and the
`surface. The use of specialized apparatus is preferred.
`Leuvering, U.S. Patent 4,313,734, describes a method
`for detection of specific binding proteins by use of
`labeled component obtained by coupling particles “of
`aqueous dispersion of a metal, metal compound, or polymer
`nuclei coated with a metal or metal
`compound having a
`diameter of at
`5 nm.” The process
`is said to be
`components such as haptens, antigens and antibodies.
`metal particles are
`said to have already been used as
`contrast-enhancing labels in electron microscopy but
`use in immunoassays had apparently
`“not previously been reported and has surprisingly
`proved to be possible.
`Page 13
`Page 13

`WO 99/20789
`sol particle,
`The metal
`invention which has been
`according to the instant
`developed can be not only more sensitive than the
`known radio- and enzyme-immunotechniques, but renders
`determine more
`than one
`the same test medium simultaneously by utilizing sol
`of different
`of metals
`include platinum,
`copper or their salts.
`the physical properties and/or
`“The measurement of
`the metal and/or
`the concentration of
`metal containing agglomerate in a certain phase of
`the reaction mixture may take place using numerous
`techniques, which
`examples of
`these techniques there may be cited the
`colorimetric determination,
`in which use is made of
`dispersions which
`colour with
`the visual method, which is often already
`applicable to qualitative determinations in view of
`the above-noted fact
`that metal sols are coloured;
`spectrophotometric method
`simultaneous determination possible,
`and the highly sensitive method of flame-less atomic
`absorption spectrophotometry.”
`Two or more analytes in a sample are preferably detected by
`using flame emission spectrophotometry or another plasma-
`emission spectrophotometric method. The preferred method of
`detection for greatest sensitivity is by flame-less atomic
`absorption spectrophotometry.
`apparatus to measure scattered light by having the light
`source located to direct
`light at
`less than the critical
`angle toward the sample.
`The detector is located to detect
`scattered light outside the envelope of the critical angle.
`Craig et al.,
`Patent 4,480,042 describes use of
`high refractive index particle reagents in light scattering
`preferred particles
`Page 14
`Page 14

`WO 99/20789
`PCT/US98/231 60 .
`interest was determined by measuring the change
`in turbidity caused by particle agglutination or inhibition
`of agglutination. The preferred particles are of a diameter
`than approximately 0.1 p
`and greater
`than 0.03 p.
`“Shorter wavelengths,
`such as 340 nm, give larger signal
`differences than longer wavelengths, such as 400nm."
`Cohen et al., U.S. Patent 4,851,329 and Hansen, U.S.
`describe methods
`agglutinated particles
`by optical pulse particle size
`analysis or by use of an optical
`flow particle analyzer.
`Page 15
`for determination of_
`These systems are said to be useful
`concentrations. These methods
`antigen or
`sophisticated apparatus and specialized signal processing
`Preferred particle diameters are of about 0.1 to 1
`micron in diameter for the method of Cohen and about 0.5 to
`about 7.0 microns in diameter for the method of Hansen.
`Okano et al.,
`202 Analytical Biochemistry 120,
`a heterogenous
`sandwich immunoassay utilizing
`microparticles which
`counted with
`optical microscope.~
`The microparticles
`0.76 microns
`carboxylated microparticles made from acrylate.
`Other particle detection methods
`are described by
`5,274,431, Ford, Jr., U.S. Patent 5,305,073, Euruya, U.S.
`Patent 5,257,087,
`and by Taniguchi et al., U.S. Patent
`Geoghegan et al.,
`7 Immunological Communications 1-12,
`1978, describes use of colloidal gold to label rabbit anti-
`indirect detection of other antibodies.
`IgG for
`light and electron microscope were used to detect
`particles. The gold particles had an average size of 18-20
`Page 15

`WO 99/20789
`nanometers and bright field light microscopy was used. For
`electron microscopy, Araldite
`silver-gold thin sections
`were used.
`“Similar percentages of surface labeled cells
`were .noted by
`immunofluorescence and the colloidal gold
`field method.”
`1-5 particles per cell could be
`detected by electron microscopy but
`the authors state that:
`label were not detected by
`small quantities of
`fluorescence or by brightfield microscopy and may represent
`either non-specific and Fc
`receptor bound GAD and GAM,
`10 where a
`low level of surface immunoglobulin (S.Ig)
`on the
`GAD and GAM treated cells.”
`Hari et al., U.S. Patent 5,079,172, describes use of
`gold particles in antibody reactions and detection of those”
`particles using an electron microscope.
`15 nanometer gold
`particles were
`the preferred method,
`electron microscopy is used.
`DeMey et al., U.S. Patent 4,420,558, describes the use
`of a bright field light microscopic method for enumerating
`cells labeled with gold-labeled antibodies. The method uses
`light microscope in the bright
`field arrangement
`magnifications of 500 or greater with immersion oil
`are used to count gold-labeled peroxidase negative cells.
`The visualization of
`the labeled-surfaces is based on the
`aggregate properties of
`the gold particles, which, under
`the indicated circumstances,
`undergo extensive patching,
`these patches on the cell surface being resolvable with the
`method described.
`40 nanometer gold was
`found to give
`optimal results.
`De Mey et al., U.S. Patent 4,446,238, describes
`similar bright field light microscopic immunocytochemical
`red colored marker
`in histological
`sections. The method of
`Immuno Gold Staining (IGS)
`described by the authors
`Page 16
`Page 16

`WO 99/20789
`accumulation of
`large numbers of gold granules over
`antigen—containing areas,
`thus yielding the typical
`reddish colour of colloidal gold sols.”
`beBrabander et al., U.S. Patent 4,752,567 describes a
`for detecting individual metal particles
`diameter smaller than 200nm by use of bright field or epi-
`polarization microscopy and contrast
`enhancement with a
`video camera is described.
`The inventors state:
`in the above mentioned procedures,
`employed metal particles have
`a diameter of
`to about
`l00nm. This
`is well below the
`resolution limit of bright field microsc0PY. which is
`generally accepted to lie around 200
`therefore quite logical
`that all previously known
`visual light microscopic methods are limited in their
`aggregates of metal particles.
`Individual particles
`could be observed with ultramicroscopic techniques
`in particular with electron microscopy.
`It has
`now quite surprisingly been found that
`individual metal particles of a diameter smaller than
`200 nm can be made clearly visible by means of bright
`field light microscopy or epi-polarization microscopy
`in the visible spectrum, provided that
`the resulting
`In subsequent sections the authors state:
`“Compared with existing diagnostic methods based
`on sol particle immuno assays,
`the present method has
`a much greater sensitivity.
`Indeed, existing methods
`scattering by the bulk of absorbed or suspended metal
`particles. Obviously,
`the observation of colour, e.g.
`a blotting medium,
`the presence
`massive numbers of particles.
`In contrast therewith,
`the present method makes it possible to observe and
`single particles. Hence,
`the present
`will largely facilitate the development of diagnostic
`blots for applications where existing, e.g. visual or
`techniques are too less sensitive, e.g.
`for the detection of Hepatitis.”
`Schafer et al.,
`352 Nature 444-448,
`1991, describes
`Page 17
`Page 17

`WO 99/20789
`PCT/US98/231 60
`use of nanometer
`size particles of gold which could be
`video enhanced differential
`contrast microscopy.
`was used.
`A 40 nanometer d

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