`Unfied Patents Exhibit 1002
`Pg. 1
`I ngz/
`A11 Unit:
`Bharat Barot
`Customer No. 23910
`Commissioner for Patents
`Washington, DC 20231
`This RESPONSE is inreply no the Office Action mailed June 19, 2002. No fee is due for the addition
`of any new claims.
`Please amend the abovenidentified application as follows:
`Inthe main-is: /
`Please amend claims 1, 7, 11, 17, 21 and 27 as shown below. All pending claims are reproduced
`below, including those that remain unchanged Marked up copies of the amended claims illustrating the
`changes are shown in the Appendix to this Response.
`Ami-m Docket No; sum-010421150
`_ 1 -
`Unfied Patents Exhibit 1002
`Pg. 2
`0 0
`'1 Q?“ «a.
`‘1 9w “-
`Of”? Veal"? .
`Peter Dickinson
`SCJSei-iai No.: 033603.958
`Confirm. No: 9018
`May 3, 1999
`Title: Methods and Apparentses for File Synchronization and
`Updating Using a Signature List
`1 hereby certify that this correspondence is being deposited 111 the Umled States
`Puslll Service with lufficillt poslage as
`first class meal
`in II] envelope addressed.
`Cm‘n'uionerfcrr Patents, Washington. DC 20231, on November 14 2002 .
`A .‘fiafi ’7- W (NiameySignature)
`Idl'reylle‘i ,
`eg.N .
`Signature Date: November” 2992
`Unfied Patents Exhibit 1002
`Pg. 2
`(Twice Amended) A method for a server computer to generate an update file for transmission to
`a client computer that permits the client computer to generate a copy of a current version ofe subscription
`file comprised ofa first plurality of file segments from a copy ofan earlier version of the subscription file
`comprised ofa second plurality of file segments, such that each file segment corresponds toa portion ofits
`respective subscription file, the method comprising the steps of:
`for each segment of the current version of the subscription file,
`searching anearlierversion ofa signature list correspondingto an earlier version of
`the subscription file for an old segment signature which matches a new segment
`if step (it) results in a match, writing a command in the update file for the client
`signature correspondingtothesegment;
`computerto capy an old segment ofthe clientcomputer’s copy ofthe earlierversion
`ofthe subscription file into theclientcomputer’scop}r ofthecurrent version ofthe
`subscription file, wherein the old segment corresponds to the segment for which a
`match was detected in step (a); and
`ifstep (3) results in no match, writing a command in the update file for the client
`computer to insert a new segmentofthe current version ofthe subscription file into
`the client computer’s copy of the current version of the subscription file;
`' wherein the new segment ofthe current version of the subscription file is written into the
`update file and the unchanged segment is excluded from the update file; and
`wherein steps (a) through (c) are performed by the server computer, without interaction with
`the client computer, in response to the server computer detecting a change between the
`current version of the subscription file and the earlier version of the subscription file.
`. /~—
`2. / (Cancelled)
`3. / (Cancelled)
`(Once Amended) A me od as in claim 1,
`wherein the new segrn
`of the current version of the subscription file is compressed.
`Attorney magmss'm-omzvso
`Unfied Patents Exhibit 1002
`Pg. 3
`Unfied Patents Exhibit 1002
`Pg. 3
`(Once Amended) A me out as in claim 1,
`wherein the new segrne t ofthe current version of the subscription file is encrypted.
`(Once Amended) A m thod as in claim 1,
`wherein the new segm t of the current version ofthe subscription file is retrieved by the server
`computer from a network driv .
` _
`g/ (Twice Amended) A method as in claim 1, further comprising the step of:
`mail, wherein the executable attachment will cause the client computer to generate a copy ofthe current
`version oftne subscription file from the copy ofthe earlier version ofthe subscription file, in reSponse to the
`computer executing the attachment.
` A method as in claim 7, further co
`priorto step (a), performing a check
`the currentversion ofthe subscription file to determine ifthe
` subscription file has been altered since a
`ous check and continuing to perform the remaining steps only
`if the cheek determines that the current v
`ion of the subscription file has been altered,
`A method as in claim 8, wherein
`A method as in claim 8, wherei
`subscription file comprises checking a c
`nt time stamp of the current version of the Subscription file to
`determine whether it differs from an earli
`(Twise Amended) A computer readable storage medium, comprising:
`a step of performing a check is performed at periodic intervals
`the step of performing a check on the current version of the
`time stamp of the subscription file.
`computer readable program code embodied on said computer readable storage medium, said
`computerreadable program code forprogramming a computer to perform a method for a server computer
`to generate an update file for transmission to a client computer that permits the client computer to generate
`a copy ofa current version ofa subscription file comprised ofa first plurality offile segments from a copy
`Attorney Docket No.: SYMA-IJICHZUSD
`Unfied Patents Exhibit 1002
`Pg. 4
`Unfied Patents Exhibit 1002
`Pg. 4
`I ofan earlier version ofthe subscription file comprised ofa second plurality of file segments. such that each
`file segment corresponds to a portion ofits respective subscription file, the method comprising the steps of:
`for each segment of the current version ofthe subscription file,
`searching an earlier version ofa signature list corresponding to an earlier version of
`the subscription file for an old segment signature which matches a new segment
`signature corresponding to the segment;
`if step (21) results in a match, writing a command in the update file for the client
`computer to copy an old segment ofthe client computer‘s copy ofthe earlier version
`ofthe subscription file into the client computer’s copyr ofthe current version ofthe
`subscription file, wherein the old segment corresponds to the segnent for which a
`match was detected in stop (a); and
`ifstep (a) results in no match, writing a command in the update file for the client
`computer to insert a new segment ofthe current version ofthe subscription file into
`the client computer’s copy of the current version of the subscription file;
`wherein the new segment ofthe current version of the subscription file is written into the
`update file and the unchanged segment is excluded from the update file; and
`wherein steps (a) through (c) are performed by the server computer, without interaction with
`the client computer, in response to the server computer detecting a change between the
`current version of the subscription file and the earlier version of the subscription file.
`(OnceAmended) A comput
`wherein the new segment of
`readablestoragemedium as in claim 11,
`6 current version of the subscription file is compressed.
`(Once Amended) A comput
`readable storage medium as in claim 11,
`wherein the new segment of
`e current version of the subscription file is encrypted.
` Attorney Docket No.: SYMA-Dl MZUSO
`Unfied Patents Exhibit 1002
`Pg. 5
`Unfied Patents Exhibit 1002
`Pg. 5
`/ .-'
`(Once Amended) A comp ter readable storage medium as in claim 11,
`wherein the new segment f the current version of the subscription file is retrieved by the server
`computer from a network drive.
`M (Twice Amended) A computerreadable storage medium as in claimfl’, further comprising the step
`wherein the executable attachment will cause the client computer to generate a cop).r ofthe current version
`ofthe subscription file from the copy ofthe earlier version of the subscription file, in response to the client
`computer executing the attachment.
` 18.
` A computer readable storage medium as ' claim 17, the method further comprising the step of:
`priorto step (a), perfonning a check on the urrent version ofthe subscription file to determine ifthe
`subscription file hasbeen altered sinceapreviousc eck and continuingto perform the remaining steps only
`if the check determines that the current version o the subscription file has been altered.
`A computer readable storage medium as 11 claim 18, wherein the step of performing a check is
`performed at periodic intervals.
`A computer readable storage medium as i claim 18, wherein the step ofperforming a check on the
`current version ofthe subscription file comprises c
`subscription file to determine whether it differs m an earlier time stamp of the subscription file.
`king a currenttime stamp ofthe current version ofthe
`(Twice Amended) A computer system, comprising:
`a processor; and
`aprocessorreadable storage mediumhavingprocessorreadableprogramcodeembodiedonsaid
`5 processorreadable storagemedium, saidprocessorreadable program code forprogramminga computer to
`perform a method fora server computer to generate an update file for transmission to a client computer that
`permits the client computer to generate a copy ofa current version of a subscription file comprised ofa first
`plurality of file segments fiom a copy of an earlier version of the subscription file comprised of a second
`Ami-m mm; sm—mmzuao
`IKurinfSYWl M2US0.0AResp.\-pd
`Unfied Patents Exhibit 1002
`Pg. 6
`Unfied Patents Exhibit 1002
`Pg. 6
`plurality offile segments1 such that each file segmentcorresponds to a portion ofits respective subscription
`file, the method comprising the steps of:
`for each segment of the current version of the subscription file,
`searching an earlier version ofa signature list corresponding to an earlier version of
`the subscription file for an old segment signature which matches a new segment
`signature corresponding to the segment;
`if step (a) results in a match. writing a command in the update file for the client
`computerto copy an old segment ofthe client computer’s copy ofthe earlier version
`ofthe subscription file into the client computer’s copy ofthe current version ofthe
`subscription file, wherein the old segment corresponds to the segment for which a
`match was detected in step {a}; and
`if step (:1) results in no match, writing a command in the update file for the client
`computer to insert a new segmentofthe current version of the subscription file into
`the client computer’s copy of the current version of the subscription file;
`wherein the new segment ofthe current version of the subscription file is Written into the
`update file and the unchanged segment is excluded from the update filetnngt
`wherein steps (a) through (c) are performedby the server computer, without interaction with
`the client computer, in response to the server computer detecting a change between the
`. current version of the subscription file and the earlier version of the subscription file.
`(Once Amended) A mputer system as in claim 21,
`wherein the new se
`ent of the current version of the subscription file is compressed.
`(Once Amended) A omputer system as in claim 21,
`wherein the new se
`ent of the current version of the subscription file is encrypted
`Attorney Do'cket No.: SYMA—OIMZUSO
`Unfied Patents Exhibit 1002
`Pg. 7
`Unfied Patents Exhibit 1002
`Pg. 7
`(Once Am
`d) A computer system as in claim 21,
`wherein the ew segment of the current version of the subscription file is retrieved by the server
`computer from a ne
`ork drive.
` /7
`(Twice Amended} A computer system as in claimg‘lffurther comprising the step of:
`tansmitting the update file to the client computer as an executable attachment by electronic mail,
`3 whereintheexecutableattachmentwillcausetheclientcomputertogenerateacopyofthecurrentversion
`ofthe subscription file from the copy ofthe earlierversion ofthe subscription file, in response to the client
`computer executing the attachment.
`to determine whether it differs from an arlier time stamp of the subscription file.
`Attorney Docket No.: SYMA-U] MZUSO
`Unfied Patents Exhibit 1002
`Pg. 8
`Unfied Patents Exhibit 1002
`Pg. 8
`The above Amendments and these Remarks are in reply to the Office Action mailed June 19, 2002.
`No fee is due for the addition of any new claims.
`Claims 1, 4-11, 14-21 and 24-30'were pending in the Application prior to the outstanding Office
`Action. In the Office Action, claims 1,4-11, 14-21 and 24-30 were rejected. More specifically, claims I, l I
`and 21 were rejected under 35 U.S.C. § [02(e) as allegedly being anticipated by U.S. Patent No. 6,058,438
`to Wang et al. (Wang). Claims 4-6, 14-16 and 24-26 were rejected under 35 U.S.C. §103(a} as allegedly
`being unpatentable over Wang in view ch.S. PatentNo. 6,1 51,708 to Pedrizetti et al. (Pedrizetti). Claims
`7-10, 17-20 and 27-30 were rejected under35 U.S.C. §103(a) as allegedlybeing unpatentable over Wang in
`view of U.S. Patent No. 6,012,081 to Freivald et a1. (Freivald).
`The present Response amends claims I, 7, ll, 17, 21 and 27, leaving for the Examiner’s present
`consideration claims 1, 4-11, 14-21 and 24-30. Reconsideration and withdrawal of the rejections is
`respectfully requested.
`BriefSummary of Wang
`Waugis directed to methods and apparamscs for transferring digital information on a network. One
`of the methods is for enabling a client to upload an album of images to a server. Another method is for
`enabling a client to download an album of images from a server. Each of these is explained below.
`The method desoribed with reference to FIGS. 4A and 4B ofWang is for enabling a client to upload
`analbum of imagesonto aservcr. [1] Such uploading ofan album from the client onto the server is initiated
`by the client sending a post command to the server (see Wang, column 5, lines 35-40). In response to
`receiving the postconunand from the client, the server examines its database to determine whether the album
`already exists (see Wang, column 5, lines 63-65). [2] 1fthe album already exists in the server‘s database, the
`server sends a query to the client asking the user ofthe client whether the user wants to replace the existing
`album on the server’s database. [3] If the user selects the option ofreplacing the existing album. the client
`sends “album envelope data” to the server (see Wang, column 5, line 65 - column 6, line 2). The “album
`envelope data“ specifies the title ofthe album. the numberol'images in the album, the layout of the album,
`thehackground ofthe album and a “signature list" for the images in the album (see Wang, column I5, lines 2-
`6). The “signawre list” inciudes a signature for each image in the album, which can be a [6-32 byte
`Anorney Docket No.: SYMA-Ol MZUSD
`. g _
`Unfied Patents Exhibit 1002
`Pg. 9
`Unfied Patents Exhibit 1002
`Pg. 9
`identificationcode uniquelyidenfifying eachimage (see Wang, column 6, lines 6-9). Once the serverreceives
`the "signature list” from the client, the server determines which images are matched (i.e., already exist on
`the server) and which images are not matched (i.e.. do not already exist on the server) (see Wang, column
`6 lines 10-15).[4[ A list of the matching signauires is then sent from the server to the client (see Wang,
`column 6, lines 15-17) [5] The client then sends to the server the entire images that are not on the list of
`matchingsignamres,andtransformation informationforimages thatwereonthe list ofmatchmg 51gnatures
`(see Wang, column 6, lines 17-29). The serveruses this information received from the clientto update the
`Accordingly, Wang’s method explained in FIGS. 4A and 4B is for aprotocol that requires multiple
`commimications between the client and the server, in order for the client to replace or update an album
`already existing on the server. More specifically, five separate and distinct communications between the
`client and the server are required to update an album using the method of Wang. Each of these five
`communications is labeled above by a bolded bracketed number (i.e., [#1).
`The method described with reference to FIGS. SA and SE of Wang is for enabling a client to
`download an album ofimages from a server. [1] Such downloading ofan album to a client from a server is
`initiated by the client sending 11 GET conmiand to the server, and the client specifying the album to be
`retrieved (seeWang, column '1',lines23-34) [2] Inresponse, theserver retrieves theappropriate album from
`its database. and sends the clientthe album envelope data forthe album, including a signature list (see Wang,
`column 7, lines 34-36]. On the client, the signature list'15 received from the server and examined to determine
`which imagesare notstoredlocally ontheclientcomputer. [3] Theclient thenretrieves (i.e.,requests)from
`the server images that do not match (see Wang, column 7, lines 39-41). 141 The server retrieves the images
`from its database and sends the images over to the client (see Wang, column '1', lines 43-44).
`Accordingly, Wang’smethod explained inFIGS. 5Aand 53 is forapmtocolthatrequires multiple
`communications between the client and the server. in order for the client to replace or update an album
`alreadyexisfingonthe client. Morespecifically, four separate anddistinctconununicationsbetweenthe client
`the server are requiredto domfioad an album from a server to aclientusing the method ofWang. Each of
`these four communications is labeled above by a bolded bracketed number (i.e., [#1).
`AttorneyDocketNo: SYMA-OiD-tIUSIJ
`iKurina'SYMNl MZUSODARcspmpd
`Unfied Patents Exhibit 1002
`Pg. 10
`Unfied Patents Exhibit 1002
`Pg. 10
`BriefSummary ofApplicant’s Claimed Invention
`In contrast, Applicant’s invention provides “a mechanism by which a user can be automatically
`provided witha currentversion ofa file to which he subscribes." (See Applicant‘s specification, page 5, lines
`4-5.) An object ofthe invention is to “communicate the current version of the file in an efficient manner,
`According to the present invention, a server computer monitors network files and folders stored on the
`network for changes and
`generates an update file for transmission to a client computer that permits the
`client computer to generate a copy ofa curreutversion of a subscription file from a copy ofan earlier version
`of the subscription file.” (See Applicant‘s specification, page 5, lines 7-12.) In other words, Applicant‘s
`-invention provides a method by which a server generates an update file that is automatically sent to a client
`(when the server detects a change in a file that the server monitors). The update file permits the client
`receiving the update file to use the update file along with its stored earlier version of the subscription file to
`generate the current (i.e., latest) version ofthe subscription file. This is avery efficientmanner for enabling
`a client to update its files.
`JKtIrinl'SYMN lN2U30.DARB-€p.wpd
`In Applicant’s invention, the client computer informs the server computer ofwhich files and folders
`it wants to subscribe to, i.e., which files it wants the server computer to monitor for changes The server
`computer then acts as an “electronic assistant" by tracking files (e.g., documents) and folders (see
`Applicant’s specification, page 10, line 24- page 1 I, line 4). The actual monitoring for changes and the
`generation ofan update file, in response to detectinga change, are performed by the server computer-without
`interaction from the client computer. Claim 1 has been amended to make clear this distinction. Claim 1 as
`amended is shown below for the convenience ofthe Examiner, with the amended language being underlined.
`(Twice Amended) A method for a server computer to generate an update file for transmission to
`a client computer that permits the client computer to generate a copy of a current version ofa subscription
`file comprised ofa first plurality of file segments from a copy of an earlier version ofthe subscription file
`comprised ofa second plurality of file segments, such that each file segment corresponds to a portion ofits
`respective subscription file, the method comprising the steps of:
`for each segment of the current version of the subscription file,
`searching an earlier version ofa signature list corresponding to an earlier version of
`the subscription file for an old segment signature which matches a. new segment
`signature corresponding to the segment;
`if step (it) results in a match, writing a command in the update file for the client
`camputer to copy an old segment ofthe client computer’s copy ofthe earlier version
`ofthe subscription file into the client computer‘s copy ofthe current version of the
`Attorney Docket N11,: SYMA—Ol 042USO
`_ 10 -
`Unfied Patents Exhibit 1002
`Pg. 11
`Unfied Patents Exhibit 1002
`Pg. 11
`subscription file, wherein the old segment corresponds to the segment for which a
`match was detected in step (a); and
`if step (it) results in no match, writing a command in the update file for the client
`computerto insert anew segment ofthe current version ofthe subscription file into
`the client computer’s copy of the current version of the subscription file;
`wherein the new segment ofthe current version of the subscription file is written into the
`update file and the unchanged segment is excluded from the update file;_an_d_
`wheEin stpps l a) Mugh {c} are Manned by the server computer, withpntinteraction with
`the cliept computer in response to the smer computer detecting a change between the
`gurrent versipp ofthe sphscription file and the earlier versig of the subscription file.
`BriefSummary afDifl‘crenc-es benveen Applicant’s Claimed Invention and Wang
`As explained in detail above, Wang provides a. method for enabling a client to upload an album of
`images to a server, and a method for enabling a client to download an album to images from a server. Each
`ofthese methods ofWang is initiatedby the client and requires multiple interactions between the client and
`the server, as explained above.
`In contrast, Applicant‘s claimed invention enables a server computer to monitor network files and
`folders stored on a network for changes and to generate an update file fortransmission to a client computer,
`whereinthe update file permits the client computer to generate a copy ofa current version ofa subscription
`file from a copy ofan earlier version ofthe subscription file. As explained above, and as specified in the
`claims as amended, the steps for generating the update file “are performed by the server computer, without
`interaction with the client computer, in response to the server computer detecting a change between the
`current version of the subscription file and the earlier version of the subscription file."
`Discussion ofClaims
`A. Claims 1 and 4-10
`Independent claim 1, as amended, specifies that steps (a) through (c) of the method for a server
`computerto generate anupdate file “are performed by the server computer, withoutinteraction with the client
`computer, in response to the server computer detecting a change between the current version of the
`subscription file and the earlierversion ofthe subscription file." Accordingly, claim 1 describes a method by
`which a user can be automatically provided with a current version of a file to which he subscribes.
`contrast, the methods of Wang are initiatedbythe client and require multiple interactions between the client
`Attorney DockcINo.:SYMA-01042USD
`JKnrin'SY'lel MZUSODAResnwpd
`_ 11 .
`Unfied Patents Exhibit 1002
`Pg. 12
`Unfied Patents Exhibit 1002
`Pg. 12
`andthe computer, as explained in detail above. For at least this reason, Applicants assert that the method of
`claim 1 is clearly different than the methods taught in Wang. Accordingly, Applicant respectfiilly requests
`that the 35 U.S.C. §102(e) rejection of claim t be withdrawn.
`Claims 4-10 depend from and add additional features to claim 1. For at least the reasons discussed
`above, Applicants assert that these claims are patentahle over the applied references. Accordingly.
`'Applicarlts respectfully request that the 35 U.S.C. § 103(8) rejection of these claims he withdraw.
`Applicants also assert that these dependent claims are patentable for the specific features they add.
`some of which are discussed below.
`Dependent claim 7 adds the step of “transmitting the update file to the client computer as an
`executable attacl‘lmentby electronic mail, wherein the executable attachment will cause the client computer
`to generate a copy ol‘the current version ofthe subscription file from the copy of the earlier version of the
`subscription file, in response to the client computer executing the attachment." It was alleged in the Office
`Action that Freivald teaches transmitting an update file to the client computer as an executable attachment
`by electronic mail (see Office Action, item 14, pages 6-?). However, Freivald merely teaches notifying the
`user, by electronic email, when a change to a web page is detected. possibly along with a copy of the entire
`new file so that the user can review the changes (see Freivald, column 6, lines 22-2 5). Freidvald‘s sending
`a copy ofthe entire new file is quite different and much less efficient than Applicant’s sending an update file
`as an executable attachment that will cause the client to generate a current version from a previous version
`ofa file, as requiredby claim 7. For this additional reason, Applicantrespectfirlly requests that the 35 U.S.C.
`§ 103(a) rejection of claim 7 be withdrawn.
`Claims 11 and 14-20
`Independent claim 11 is directed to a computer readable storage medium comprising a computer
`readable program code for programinga computer to perform a method that includes steps substantially the
`same as those ofthe method of claim 1. Accordingly, Applicant asserts that claim 1 1, and its dependent
`ctaims 14-20, arepatentable forat least the same reasons discussed above with respect to claims 1 and 4-10.
`Applicant respectfully requests that the rejection of these claims be withdrawn.
`Attorney Docket No.: S Ym-OlD-IZUSO
`Unfied Patents Exhibit 1002
`Pg. 13
`Unfied Patents Exhibit 1002
`Pg. 13
`Claims 21 and 24-30
`Independent claim 21 is directed to a computer system comprising a processor and a processor
`readable storage medium having processor readable program code for programing a computer to perform a
`method that includes steps substantially the same as the steps of the method of claim 1. Accordingly,
`Applicant asserts that claim 21, and its dependent claims 24—30, are patentable for at least the same reasons
`discussed above with respect to claims 1 and 4-10. Applicant respectfully request that the rejection of these
`claims be withdrawn.
`The references cited by the Examiner but not relied upon have been reviewed, but are not believed
`to render the claims unpatenmble, either singly or in combination.
`In light ofthe above, it is respectfullysubmifled thatall ofthe claims now pending in the subject patent
`application should be allowable, and a Notice of Allowance is requested. The Examiner is respectfully
`requested to telephone the undersigned if he can assist in any way in expediting issuance of a patent,
`The Commissioner is authorized to charge any underpayment or credit any overpayment to Deposit
`AccountNo. 06-1325 forany matherin connection with this response, including any fee for extension oftime,
`which may be required.
`Respectfully submitted,
`fl r w
`, K 'n
`Reg. No. 41,132
`Date: Novemhg 15‘ goo;
`Four Embarcadero Center, Fourth Floor
`San Francisco, California 941 l 1-4156
`Telephone: (415) 3626800
`Attorney Docket No: SYMA—Ol MZUSO
`IKuriutSYth D42USODARespMpd
`Unfied Patents Exhibit 1002
`Pg. 14
`Unfied Patents Exhibit 1002
`Pg. 14
`In the Claims:
`(Twice Amended) A method for a server computer to generate an update file for transmission to
`a client computer that permits the client computer to generate a copy of a current version of a
`subscription file comprised of a first plurality of file segments from a copy of an earlier version of the
`subscription file comprised of a second plurality of file segments, such that each file segment corresponds
`to a portion of in; respective subscription file, the method comprising the steps of:
`for each segment of the current version of the subscription file,
`searching an earlier version of a signature list corresponding to an earlier version
`of the subscription file for an old segment signature which matches a new
`segment signature corresponding to the segment;
`if step (a) results in a match, writing a command in the update file for the client
`computer to copy an old segment of the client computer’s copy of the earlier
`version of the subscription file into the client computer’s copy of the current
`version of the subscription file. wherein the old segment corresponds to the
`segment for which a match was detected in step (a); and
`if strap (a) results in no match, writing a command in the update file for the client
`computer to insert a new segment of the current version of the subscription file
`into the client computer‘s copy of the current version of the subscription file;
`wherein the new segment of the current version of the subscription file is written into the
`update file and the unchanged segment is excluded from the update file; and
`wherein ms {at throggh 1c! are Momefi by the server computer without interaction
`e client co
`ter in re
`to the server om uter detectin a chart e between
`the current version of the snbscrifl‘on file and the earlier version of the subscription tile.
`(Twice Amended) A method as in claim 1, firrther comprising the step of:
`transmitting the update file to the client computer as an executable attachment by
`electronic mail, wherein the exfiutable attachment will cause the client computer to generate a copy of
`Attorney Dockd No.; awn-0104mm
`- 14 -
`i g0‘,
`Unfied Patents Exhibit 1002
`Pg. 15
`Unfied Patents Exhibit 1002
`Pg. 15
`' the gum gersion 9fthe subscription file from the copy of the earlier version of the subscription file, in
`li cmurecu'
`('I‘wice Amended) A computer readable storage medium, comprising:
`computer readable program code embodied on said computer readable storage medium, said
`computer readable program code for programing a computer to perform a method for a server
`computer to generate an update file for transmission to a client computer that permits the client computer
`to generate a copy of a current version of a subscription file comprised of a first plurality of file segments
`from a copy of an earlier version of the subscription file comprised of a second plurality of file segments,
`such that each file segment conceponds to a. portion of its respective subscription file, the method
`comprising the steps of:
`for each segment of the current version ofthe subscription file,
`searching an earlier version of a signature list corresponding to an earlier version
`of the subscription file for an old segment signature which matches a new
`segment signature corresponding to the segment;
`if step (a) results in a match, writing a command in the update file for the client
`computer to copy an old segment of the client computer’s copy of the earlier
`version of the subscription file into the client computer‘s copy of the current
`version of the subscription file, wherein the old segment com-esponds to the
`segment for which a match was detected in step (a); and
`if step (a) results in no match, writing a command in the update file for the client
`computer to insert a new segment of the current version of