Q1'14 Quarterly Touch Panel
`Market Analysis
`April 2014
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`TPK 2020
`Wintek v. TPK Touch Solutions


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`Quarterly Touch Panel Market Analysis
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`Outline (1/2)
`Key Findings
`Report Changes
`Executive Summary
`2.0 Methodology and Definitions
`3.0 Overall Touch Panel Market Trends
`3.1 Market Trend Summary
`3.2 Overall Market and Forecast
`Touch Panel Market: 2014-2018 Forecast Analysis
`4.1 Forecast Analysis: Major Applications
`4.2 Forecast Analysis: Technology
`4.3 Forecast Analysis: Sensor Structures
`4.4 Forecast Analysis: ASP
`4.5 Forecast Analysis: Module Area
`4.6 Forecast Analysis: Other Applications
`Touch Panel Market: Historical Analysis
`5.1 Historical Analysis: Applications
`5.2 Historical Analysis: Technology
`5.3 Historical Analysis: Sensor Structures
`5.4 Historical Analysis: ASP
`5.5 Historical Analysis: Regions and Makers
`slide 5
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`slide 77
`slide 106
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`slide 123
`slide 126
`Quarterly Touch Panel Market Analysis
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`Outline (2/2)
`New Emerging Trends
`6.1 On-Cell Touch from Panel Makers
`6.2 Latest Cover Glass Trend
`6.3 Korean ITO and New Materials-Based Film Status
`Key Products Value Chain Update
`7.1 Mobile Phone
`7.2 Tablet PC
`7.3 Notebook PC
`7.4 All-in-One PC
`Regional News and Makers Update
`8.1 Taiwan
`8.2 China
`8.3 Korea
`8.4 Japan
`8.5 US, Europe, and ROW
`slide 129
`slide 130
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`slide 185
`Quarterly Touch Panel Market Analysis
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`Key Findings
` Shipment and revenue: 2013 should be the last year that the revenue Y/Y growth (27%) will
`be higher than shipment Y/Y growth (17%). This trend has lasted four years, from 2010 to
`2013. The positive results were due to projected capacitive replacing resistive. Also, the
`average touch module size in the tablet PC application increased. This year will bring lower
`revenue Y/Y growth because the notebook PC application cannot grow faster and the ASP will
`decline significantly.
` Technology: Projected capacitive has dominated from smartphone to all-in-one PCs. Its
`sufficient and aggressive supply chain has even started grabbing shipment share from
`resistive in commercial applications, but its sensor structures vary a lot.
` Add-on sensor structures: Film-based structures have been mainstream for smartphones and
`tablet PCs. Although OGS was proposed for glass-based structures, it looks as if its adoption is
`preferred on high-end models. The single layer GF1 structure is becoming critical due to the
`low-cost trend for smartphone and tablet PC entry and mid-range models.
` Embedded sensor structures: Panel makers are developing on-cell touch LCDs again due to its
`single-layer pattern. Its cannot compete with SITO and GFF on sensitivity or performance, but
`it can on cost (only one photo mask is needed). Shipment for smartphones should have
`remarkable growth in 2014, but bigger tablet PCs are less certain due to performance issues.
` New materials: The two major materials to replace ITO are metal mesh and nanowires. Some
`makers were already shipping them in 2012. TPK and O-film approach them as a high-level
`strategy. New materials have more of an advantage at 10" and above. However, the higher
`volumes of the smartphone and tablet markets make them targets from a business
` Optical bonding: It delivers much better optical performance than air bonding. Its only
`disadvantage is yield rate. Module makers lose profit from the lower yield rate, but optical
`bonding will still be critical. The new 5.5" Xiaomi Redmi Note is a low-cost model that adopts
`GFF and optical bonding, an improvement over the 2013 4.7" Redmi (OGS and air bonding).
`Quarterly Touch Panel Market Analysis
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`Report Changes
` Quarterly Version
` In 2013, we consolidated the annual and quarterly versions of this report into single one quarterly
`version. Touch industry has matured but the market is still dynamic, so the quarterly version will
`deliver more timely and accurate observations and analysis. Also, a quarterly report can track
`important topics and offer better insights into how they are influencing the market instead of
`offering just numbers.
` Content Notes
` Survey: The historical survey is in Q1 and the top makers survey is in Q3.
` Forecast: Forecasts are adjusted based on survey results and feedback from the supply chain.
` Cost: Projected capacitive touch module costs are updated in Q2 and Q4.
` Analysis: Report gives insights into the latest market and technology trends and future
` Supply chain: Report gives closer observations of makers and their relationships with customers.
`Major Content
`Shipment Survey
`Overall Makers’ Historical Shipments
`Top Makers’ 1H Historical Shipments
`Forecast Update
`Major Touch Applications
`Overall Applications
`Touch Module Cost
`Cost Modeling for Various Sizes
`Insight Analysis
`Touch Market Trend Summary
`Major Touch Applications
`Technology & Sensor Structures
`Emerging Tech & Market Trends
`Supply Chain Info
`Regional Makers Update
`Key Product Value Chain Update
`Quarterly Touch Panel Market Analysis
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`Executive Summary
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`Overall Shipment Forecast
` Application Trend
` IT/CE applications: Mobile phone and tablet PC have accounted for nearly 90% of
`shipments. Unfortunately, notebook PC demand is still slow and unclear. Tablet PC
`shipments surpassed notebook in 2013 to reach 250M but its future growth could be slower.
`The smart watch is starting and it is too early to estimate its popularity.
` Shipment Growth
` Positive factors: The mobile phone’s touch penetration comes from touch-enabled
`smartphones. Feature phone-based demand (e.g., Nokia’s Asha series) will decline in 2014.
`Smartphone’s percentage will be even closer to touch penetration. Tablet PC shipments will
`be near 300M in 2014 due to its affordability in emerging markets.
` Negative factors: Notebook and all-in-one PC lack convincing incentives to shape user
`behavior so their overall market growth will be limited.
`Grand Total
`Y/Y Growth
`Shipments (000s)
`Grand Total
`Y/Y Growth
`Quarterly Touch Panel Market Analysis
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`Overall Revenue Forecast
` Application Trend
` IT/CE applications: Mobile phone revenue grew 24% Y/Y in 2013 due to a larger average
`display size that increase the ASP, but the size trend will be remarkably slower in 2014,
`giving the decline in ASP more influence over revenues. Due to the slower growth for
`smartphone and tablet PC, larger-sized applications will be critical to increasing revenues.
` Revenue Growth
` Positive factors: The growth in demand and shipments for smartphone and tablet PC will still
`be helpful at offsetting falling ASPs. The dramatic decline in ASPs for tablet and notebook PC
`during 2013-2014 left fewer makers, which could stabilize the ASP.
` Negative factors: Notebook PC did not reach expectations and the ASP declined almost 50%
`Y/Y in Q1’14. Tablet PC’s revenue growth will continue to less than its shipment growth due
`to the low-cost trend and because 7-8" has become mainstream.
`Grand Total
`Y/Y Growth
`Revenues (US$000s)
`Grand Total
`Y/Y Growth
`Quarterly Touch Panel Market Analysis
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`Overall Application Forecast
` Positive Future
` Smartphone and tablet PC: Both applications will probably grow more than 10% Y/Y over
`the next three years and be a stable growth factor supporting the touch panel market.
` Smart watch: If Apple releases the iWatch in Q4’14 and it is popular then this application
`could experience dramatic growth in 2015.
` Uncertain Future
` Notebook and all-in-one PC: Both lack convincing scenarios to change user behavior. Also,
`they need to compete with smartphones and tablet PCs for a share of limited consumer
`budgets. The >10" detachable 2-in-1 form factor may help, but there are ASP concerns.
`Application (000s)
`All-in-one PC
`ATM Machine
`Automobile Monitor
`Casino Game
`Desktop Monitor
`Digital Still Camera
`EPD eReader
`Factory Equipment
`Medical Equipment
`Mobile Phone
`Notebook PC
`Point of Interest Display
`Portable Game Console
`Portable Media Player
`Portable Navigation Device
`Printer/Office Equipment
`Retail and POS/ECR
`Smart Watch
`Tablet PC
`Ticketing/Self Check-in
`Video Camera
`Grand Total
`2013 Y/Y
`2014 Y/Y
`2015 Y/Y
`2016 Y/Y
`2017 Y/Y
`2018 Y/Y
`Quarterly Touch Panel Market Analysis
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`Overall Technology Forecast
` Projected Capacitive
` IT/CE applications: The technology already accounts for over 70% due to the smartphone
`and tablet PC. If embedded types (capacitive in-cell and on-cell) are included, it reaches
`94.2%, with resistive at only 5.6% in 2013.
` Commercial applications: Due to sufficient supply sources, projected capacitive started to
`cannibalize share from other technologies, especially resistive. It was at 8.9% in 2012, but
`up to 15.4% in 2013. Automobile monitor will the next critical market.
` Embedded types: All existing types adopt projected capacitive but with different sensor
`structures or patterns. All embedded types come from panel makers. Since 2013, some
`panel makers have adopted single-layer patterns to increase the yield rate and approach the
`smartphone market, but they do not necessarily offer module bonding.
` Other Technologies
` Resistive: Despite a decline, it will soon have nearly 70% of commercial applications,
`especially factory, printer, and automobile monitors.
` Optical imaging: Due to a limited 20" IT/CE application market and the challenge from
`projected capacitive, its focus will be on 30" and above commercial applications.
`Technology (000s)
`Optical Imaging
`Projected Capacitive
`Surface Capacitive
`Grand Total
`2013 Y/Y
`2014 Y/Y
`2015 Y/Y
`2016 Y/Y
`2017 Y/Y
`2018 Y/Y
`Quarterly Touch Panel Market Analysis
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`Mobile Phone Sensor Structures
` Embedded Types
` On-cell: On-cell AMOLED will depend on Samsung’s smartphone growth. On-cell TFT LCD
`could have quite positive growth in 2014 due to more cost-effective quotations and sufficient
`panel sources.
` Add-On Types
` G1F: Looks to be a temporary solution to save ITO film cost and thickness, and the
`performance can be closer to GFF. Its manufacturing is not necessarily competitive.
` GF1: Suitable cost reduction solution for entry and mid-range models. Routing of traces and
`sensitivity for larger sizes are critical issues to solve.
` OGS: Will be adopted for high-end models for thickness and optical performance
` GF2: Depends on Apple’s in-cell yield rate. If Apple fails to drive the >5" iPhone model then
`GF2 could be the most likely backup solution. If not then GF2 will have less share.
` PFF/PF: Korean makers prefer a plastic cover lens to improve the finishing yield rate.
`Shipment (000s) Sensor Structure
`GF Metal Mesh
`GF Nanowires
`GF Triangle
`Grand Total
`Y/Y Growth
`Quarterly Touch Panel Market Analysis
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`0.0% 204%
`7.5% 12.5% 12.7% 11.7% 10.7% 10.0%
`12.0% 16.6% 18.2% 18.9% 19.1% 19.5% 20.0%
`-7% -11%
`1.6% 3586%
`395% 251% 101%
`2.7% -100%
`611% 454% 221% 118%
`-9% -13% -15% -32% -40%
`0.6% 186%
`8.9% 10.0% 11.1% 11.4% 11.4% 147%
`1.6% -100%
`30.7% 28.3% 28.8% 29.4% 28.9% 28.1% 27.3%
`0.0% -67% -87% -100%
`1.7% -27% -22% -18% -16% -16% -14%
`5.5% 10.4% 12.6% 13.8% 14.4% 14.3% 14.2% 116%
`-48% -40% -30% -100%
`0.6% -73% -11% -22% -26% -21% -28%
`0.0% -76% -12% -21% -100%
`100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%


`Tablet PC Sensor Structures
` Glass-Based
` GG: Depending on product positioning, makers adopt an etching/printing process to save on
`production costs or use SITO patterning to shrink the bezel width. The major disadvantage
`of GG is the weight and thickness (sensor glass at 0.4 mm). As for GG DITO, some share
`will come from Apple’s iPad. Apple chose to use GF2 on its iPads in 2013.
` OGS: The major makers are TPK and Wintek. TPK has both sheet and piece type (TOL).
`Wintek focuses on sheet type. There is a rumor that Apple will consider using TOL on the
`2015 iPad. Also, the Kindle Fire and Google Nexus are two other major products using this
` Film-Based
` GFF: We expect GFF to remain the mainstream. GFF has a more complicated structure and a
`higher BOM cost (two ITO films and one OCA inserted), but it offers better sensitivity and
`performance. Its cost reduction trend is inferior specifications.
` GF1: Still questionable due to poorer performance on 7" and above. However, due to heavy
`cost pressures, brands will probably adopt it despite a worse user experience. If GF1 is
`accepted, single-layer on-cell could grow.
` New materials: Depends on TPK and O-film’s actions.
`Shipment (000s) Sensor Structure
`GF Metal Mesh
`GF Nanowires
`Grand Total
`Y/Y Growth
`Quarterly Touch Panel Market Analysis
`Copyright © 2014 DisplaySearch. Authorized Users may not provide this report, or any part, to non-Authorized Users (internal or external) as stated in the Terms & Conditions.
`0.0% -92% 192%
`13% -54%
`0.0% -97%
`2.6% 170%
`4.7% 20.7% 28.0% 27.9% 27.4% 27.6% 27.4% 597%
`28.2% 46.0% 49.4% 48.8% 48.5% 48.2% 47.9% 159%
`37.6% 12.0%
`0.7% -49% -79% -41%
`1.1% -70% -23%
`9.0% 13.3% 12.0% 11.7% 11.3% 10.9% 10.8% 135%
`0.0% 310% -100%
`100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%


`Notebook PC Sensor Structures
` OGS-Based
` Most balanced: If touch-enabled notebook PC demand rises quickly then after considering
`performance, the Windows 8 requirements, capacity, and the ASP trend, the best option is
`still OGS. The major OGS base for notebook PC applications is in Taiwan. Makers include
`TPK (Cando), Wintek, and AUO.
` Cost trend: Sensor patterning is the major focus for driving cost reductions. The most
`popular sizes are Gen 4.5 (730 × 920 mm) or Gen 5 (1100 × 1300 mm). The cost depends
`on the economic cutting rate. Comparing to a simple glass sensor, OGS requires an
`additional black matrix, logo printing, and cover glass finishing, which increases its cost.
` SSG: AUO shipped nearly 70K/month of its eTP in Q1’14. Its customers included Toshiba,
`Acer, and Lenovo. Regular OGS ASPs fell significantly, and the brands’ strategy may be to
`adopt OGS instead of SSG on mainstream models and non-touch designs on entry models.
` New Materials
` O-film: Promoted GFF with one layer of ITO film and one layer of metal mesh in 2013. The
`line width will be 1.8 µm in 2014 (from 2.5 µm in 2013), and its metal mesh can be used on
`all sizes, eventually replacing its existing ITO film supply chain.
` TPK: Nanowires will be ready at the end of Q2’14, mostly for mainstream smartphones.
`While the supply chain matures, the company will apply them to notebook PCs.
`Shipment (000s) Sensor Structure
`GF Metal Mesh
`GF Nanowires
`Grand Total
`Y/Y Growth
`Quarterly Touch Panel Market Analysis
`Copyright © 2014 DisplaySearch. Authorized Users may not provide this report, or any part, to non-Authorized Users (internal or external) as stated in the Terms & Conditions.
`-2% -14% -23%
`0.3% -44%
`-2% -20% -30%
`0.6% 243%
`47% 130%
`8.9% 10.7% 21.0% 26.0% 29.1% 30.9%
`139% 568%
`2.2% 12.3% 21.2% 23.7% 25.9%
`4% -19% -24% -33%
`2.2% 202%
`0.0% 855% -100%
`77.8% 68.7% 70.0% 52.7% 46.3% 42.5% 40.2% 308%
`24% -11%
`-6% -15% -100%
`0.0% -100%
`100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%


`All-in-One PC Sensor Structures
` Sensor Structures Considerations
` Industrial design: Projected capacitive touch is expensive, so brands are saving by adopting
`optical imaging and infrared. However, both require sensors to be embedded (CIS cameras
`and LEDs) beneath the bezel and 0.4-0.5 mm thickness, so they cannot support an edge-to-
`edge cover glass design.
` ASP concern: The cost of 23" G1G (5-point touch) was $150 in Q1’13. It is currently $75-80,
`but the cost of the module results in a $150-200 product ASP gap. It is difficult to convince
`consumers to pay a premium for Windows 8 and touch.
` Materials management: The all-in-one PC market is only 18M, and touch penetration is less
`than 15%. Brands will try to concentrate models of the same size so that they share the
`same sensor parts for better materials management. This is also why OGS has been adopted
` Critical Sensor Structures
` GG (G1G): This was the most critical structure in 2013 due to TPK (MasTouch) and Lenovo.
`To save on costs, etching/printing will replace photolithography. It is quite suitable for all-in-
`one PCs.
` Metal mesh and nanowires: Both will be options if makers can be strategic and offer brands
`lower quotations. New materials on film are helpful with materials management, weight, and
`thickness. They also allow the cover glass to be free of touch sensors.
`Shipment (000s) Sensor Structure
`Optical Imaging
`GF Metal Mesh
`GF Nanowires
`Grand Total
`Y/Y Growth
`Quarterly Touch Panel Market Analysis
`Copyright © 2014 DisplaySearch. Authorized Users may not provide this report, or any part, to non-Authorized Users (internal or external) as stated in the Terms & Conditions.
`0.0% -100%
`3.5% 15.4% 13.8% 12.5% 11.2% 10.2%
`43.0% 29.7% 12.9%
`0.0% -24% -52% -29% -100%
`0.7% 33.1% 52.1% 58.5% 59.3% 60.1%
`25% 5423%
`4.8% 11.5% 19.0% 21.7% 22.8% 23.3% 605% 161%
`66% -60% -100%
`29.9% 50.8% 15.7%
`86% -66% -100%
`0.0% -87% -100%
`100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%


`Methodology and Definition
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`Projected Capacitive Touch Key Parts
` Sensor: Projected capacitive sensors can be in many patterns such as diamond or stripe
`shape. Sensor electrodes (so-called "patterns") can be on the substrate (glass, plastic, or
`even the cover glass) or embedded into the display module (in-cell or on-cell touch).
` Controller and FPC: FPC and sensors are bonded together with ACF. FPC converges traces for
`the controller. Controllers have ADC and MCU functions. The chips can be bonded onto the
`FPC or host system mainboard, which is called the COB (chip on board).
` Cover glass: Almost all projected capacitive touch screens have a cover glass design. Strictly
`speaking, except in the case of OGS, it is not a functional part of the touch module. The cover
`glass material can be glass (soda lime or aluminosilicate), plastic, or sapphire.
`sensor pattern (electrodes)
`SITO bridge with insulation beneath
`Y: Rx, sense
`air bonding
`cover glass and
`GF2 sensor
`X: Tx, drive
`iPad mini w/Retina Display
`controller IC
`Touch Sensor with the Display
`Touch Controller IC
`Host System
`Cover Glass
`Sensor on the Substrate(s)
`Driver IC
`& Graphic
`Note: sensor can be add-on type as a separate part or embedded into the display.
`Quarterly Touch Panel Market Analysis
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`Projected Capacitive Sensor Structures
` Naming rule for projected capacitive sensor structures: The first (G) refers to the cover glass
`(plastic or sapphire) and the other letters refer to details of the structure. Sensor structures
`are very complicated and have many conventional names.
` DITO and SITO: Double-sided or single-sided ITO describe the location of the X-Y ITO
`electrodes on a single sensor substrate. SITO usually means there is a (metal) bridge cross to
`insulate the X-Y electrodes (using a photolithography line).
` OGS: The one-glass solution was called sensor on cover. Because there is only one side left
`for sensor patterning, OGS usually adopts a SITO pattern.
` GF1 has a single film layer with multi-touch. It is also known as the caterpillar pattern.
` G1F has the electrodes separately located on the cover glass and film.
` GF∆ has a triangular pattern unit to support gesture touch.
`Also Known As
`Substrate #
`Material Glass/Glass
`Glass #1
`Y Electrode
`X Electrode
`Glass #2
`almost none
`Glass: top
`Glass: top
`SITO bridge
`for insulation
`OGS, G2
`DITO Glass
`Glass: bottom Glass: bottom
`Glass: top
`Glass: bottom Glass: bottom Film: top
`SITO bridge
`for insulation
`Film #1
`Film #2
`(G)F DITO (G)F Single
`DITO film
`Film: top
`Film: bottom
`Film: top
`Film: top
`Film: top
`Film: top
`no bridge,
`no insulation
`Cover Glass
`Y Lines
`X Lines
`Cover Glass
`X-Y Lines
`Cover Glass
`Y Lines
`X Lines
`Cover Glass
`X-Y Lines
`Note: SSG is similar to OGS but a simple sensor glass
`without cover glass finishing and shaping.
`Cover Glass
`Y Lines
`X Lines
`Cover Glass
`Y Lines
`X Lines
`Cover Glass
`Y Lines
`X Lines
`Cover Glass
`X-Y Lines
`Cover Glass
`Δ Pattern
`Quarterly Touch Panel Market Analysis
`Copyright © 2014 DisplaySearch. Authorized Users may not provide this report, or any part, to non-Authorized Users (internal or external) as stated in the Terms & Conditions.


`Related Terminology: Touch Module
` Touch module: Consists of a touch sensor, controller, and FPC. Strictly speaking

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