Short Course S-4:
`Fundamentals of Touch Technologies
`and Applications
`Geoff Walker
`Principal Analyst
`IMS Research
`TPK 2004
`Wintek v. TPK Touch Solutions

`S4: Fundamentals of
`Touch Technologies
`and Applications
`Geoff Walker
`Principal Analyst
`IMS Research
`May 15, 2011
`File Download:
`© Copyright 2010 IMS Research

`Agenda: Part 1
` Admin [3]
` Introduction [7]
` Multi-Touch [9]
` Mainstream Touch Technologies
` Analog Resistive [7]
` Projected Capacitive (Pro-Cap) [14]
` Surface Capacitive [6]
` Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) [7]
` Traditional Infrared (IR) [7]
` Significant Emerging Touch Technologies
` Embedded (In-Cell, On-Cell & Out-Cell) [19]
` Camera-Based Optical [6]
` Multi-Touch Resistive [9]
`[ ] = Number of content slides in each section

`Agenda: Part 2
` Other Emerging Technologies
` Acoustic Pulse Recognition (APR by Elo) [5]
` Dispersive Signal Technology (DST by 3M) [4]
` Waveguide Infrared (by RPO) [5]
` Vision-Based [5]
` Force-Sensing [4]
` Electromagnetic Resonance (EMR) Pen Digitizer [4]
` Comparing Touch Technologies [4]
` Conclusions [3]
`[Total = 128]

`About IMS Research
` IMS Research
` A leading independent supplier of market research and
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`Displays & Touch
`Factory Automation
` Offices in UK (HQ), USA, China, Taiwan, Korea & Japan
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`Key Customers
` 9 of the top 10 semiconductor companies
` 8 of the top 10 automotive-electronics suppliers
` 8 of the top 10 telecomm-equipment providers
` 7 of the top 10 power-supply companies
` All of the top 10 industrial-automation companies
` 7 of the top 10 set-top-box manufacturers
` All of the top 10 video-surveillance companies

`Source: Elo TouchSystems
`© Copyright 2010 IMS Research

`Two Basic Categories of Touch
` Opaque touch
` Dominated by the controller chip suppliers
`● Atmel, Cypress, Synaptics, etc.
`● One technology (projected capacitive)
`● Sensor is typically developed by the device OEM
` Notebook touchpads are the highest-revenue application
`● Synaptics ~60% share; Alps ~30% share; Elan ~10% share
`● Sensors are all two-layer projected capacitive
` There is no further discussion of opaque touch in this course
` Transparent touch on top of a display
` Dominated by the touch module manufacturers
`(100+ worldwide)
` 13 technologies

`2010 Touchscreen Market by
`Size and Type of Technology
`Projected Capacitive
`Surface Capacitive
`Acoustic (SAW & BW)
`Small-Med (<10”)
`Large-Area (>10”)
`Units Revenue
`Units Revenue
` $646M 229M $263M 7.1M $908M 236M
` $2,853M 273M $287M 6.2M $3,140M 279M
` $0M 0M
` $162M 1.3M $162M 1.3M
` $0M 0M $159M 2.6M $159M 2.6M
` $0M 0M $9.9M 0.3M $9.9M 0.3M
`Mainstream $3,499M 502M $881M 18M $4,379M 519M
` $63M 0.1M $259M 1.8M $321M 1.8M
`TOTAL $3,562M 502M $1,140M 20M $4,700M 521M
` 96%
` 76%
` 99%
` 93%
` 4%
` 24%
` 1%
` 7%
` 100%
` 100%
` 100%
` 100%
`Market size estimates are based on DisplaySearch’s “Touch-Panel Market Analysis 2010 4Q Update Report” (January 2011)

`2010 Touchscreen Market
`by Technology
`Projected Capacitive
`Analog Resistive (all forms)
`Optical (all forms, including vision-based)
`Surface Capacitive
`Acoustic (SAW, APR & DST)
`LCD In-Cell & On-Cell (all forms)
`Infrared (all forms)
` 67%
` 19%
` 100%
` 100%
` $4,701M
`Market size estimates are based on DisplaySearch’s “Touch-Panel Market Analysis 2010 4Q Update Report” (January 2011)

`Touch Market Forecast 2010-2016
`DisplaySearch 2010 Touch Market Analysis
`Optical Imaging
`Surface Capacitive
`Projected Capacitive
`Revenue ($B)
`Forecast is from DisplaySearch’s “Touch-Panel Market Analysis 2010 Annual Report” (June 2010)

`Touch Technologies
`by Size & Application
`( >30”)
`(17” – 30”)
`(10” – 30”)
`(2” – 17”)
`Touch Technology
`Analog Resistive
`Analog Multi-Touch Resistive (AMR)
`Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW)
`Traditional Infrared (IR)
`Waveguide Infrared (from RPO)
`Surface Capacitive
`Projected Capacitive (P-Cap) (ITO)
`Projected Capacitive (P-Cap) (wires on film)
`Camera-Based Optical
`Acoustic Pulse Recognition (APR from Elo)
`Dispersive Signal Technology (DST from 3M)
`Embedded (in-cell & on-cell)
`Vision-Based (like Microsoft Surface)
`Force Sensing
`M = Mainstream L = Low-volume E = Emerging

`Touch Technologies
`by Materials & Process
`Touch Technology
`Conductor (ITO)
`No Transparent
`Edge Conductors
`No Edge
`Analog resistive
`Surface capacitive
`(In-cell &
`= Mainstream
`= Emerging
`Acoustic Pulse
`Recognition (APR)
`Dispersive Signal
`Technology (DST)
`Traditional infrared (IR)
`Waveguide infrared
`Surface acoustic wave (SAW)
`Force sensing

`Touch Is An Indirect Measurement
`Time delay
`Change in capacitance
`One Reason Why There Are So Many Technologies…
`Touch Technology
`What’s Being Measured
`Resistive (all forms) &
`Embedded (voltage-sensing)
`Surface capacitive
`Surface acoustic wave
`Projected capacitive,
`Embedded (charge-sensing)
`Optical & Infrared (all forms),
`Embedded (light-sensing) in high ambient
`Embedded (light-sensing) in low ambient
`Acoustic Pulse Recognition (APR) &
`Dispersive Signal Technology (DST)
`Force sensing
`The ideal method of detecting touch
`has yet to be invented!
`Absence of light
`Presence of light
`Bending waves

`Sources: Engadget, Do Device
`and Good Times & Happy Days
`© Copyright 2010 IMS Research

` Multi-touch is defined as the ability to recognize
`two or more simultaneous touch points
` Multi-touch was invented in 1982 at the
`University of Toronto (not by Apple in 2007!)
` “Pinching” gestures were first defined in 1983
`(not by Apple in 2007!)
` Windows 7 (released 10/22/09) supports multi-touch
`throughout the OS and is structured to support an
`“unlimited” number (~100) of simultaneous touch points
` Android, iOS and Linux currently support 4-5 touches

`Multi-Touch Architecture
`Capable of decoding multiple
`streams of moving points and
`taking actions in response
`Operating System
`Capable of forwarding multiple
`streams of moving points (and
`acting on a defined subset of them)
`Controller & Driver
`Capable of delivering sets of
`simultaneous points to the OS
`Touchscreen Sensor
`Capable of sensing multiple
`simultaneous points

`Multi-Touch Technologies
`Touch Technology
`Projected Capacitive
`Capable? (#)
`Yes (unlimited*)
`Win-7 Logo
`Analog Multi-Touch
`Resistive (AMR)
`LCD In/On-Cell (all forms)
`Surface Acoustic Wave
`(Elo TouchSystems)
`Waveguide Infrared
`Traditional Infrared
`Acoustic Pulse Recognition
`(APR - Elo)
`Bending Wave
`(DST – 3M)
`Analog Resistive
`Surface Capacitive
`Yes (unlimited*)
`Yes (unlimited*)
`Yes (unlimited*)
`Yes (2+)
`Yes (2)
`Yes (2)
`Yes (2)
`Future (2)
`Future (2)
`* Controller-dependent, not sensor-dependent
`Commercial MT
`Product Example
`Apple iPhone;
`Dell Latitude XT
`Gateway ZX6910
`Samsung Camera
`Microsoft Surface
`HP TouchSmart
`Lenovo A700
`LG Display 13.3”
`Notebook (SID)
`Nexio 42” Monitor
`Technology under
`Technology under

`Windows-7 Logo
` A set of touch performance standards designed
`to ensure a high-quality user experience
` Test 1: Sampling Rate
` Test 2: Single-Touch Taps in 4 Corners
` Test 2: Single-Touch Taps in 5 Other Locations
` Test 3: Single-Touch Press-and-Hold
` Test 4: Double Taps
` Test 5: Multi-Touch Points
` Test 6: Press and Tap
` Test 7: Straight-Line Accuracy
` Test 8: Maximum Touch Lines
` Test 9: Multi-Touch Straight Lines
` Test 10: Line Accuracy Velocity
` Test 11: Single-Touch Arcs
` Test 12: Pivot
` Test 13: Multi-Touch Arcs
` Test 14: Ghost Point Test

`Some Reasons Why Multi-Touch Has
`Become So Important
` Apple
` Apple established multi-touch as a “must-have” for coolness.
`The result is that people of all ages expect every display they
`see to be touchable with multiple fingers
` Gaming
` Gaming is a natural for multi-touch. Try playing air hockey
`without multi-touch…
` Multi-user collaboration
` When two people want to collaborate on a large screen (e.g.,
`a student and teacher on an interactive whiteboard display),
`multi-touch is essential. Identifying which touch belongs to
`which user is still an unsolved problem, however.

`More Reasons Why Multi-Touch Has
`Become So Important
` Unintended touches
` One of the major values of multi-touch is to allow the system
`to ignore unintended touches (palm rejection, grip suppression,
`etc.). As desktop screens become more horizontal (recline)
`this will become even more important.

`How Many Touches Are Enough?
` Why multi-touch will expand beyond two touches
` Most research on multi-touch is being done with vision-based
`hardware because it’s easy to develop the hardware yourself
`● Vision-based touch supports an unlimited number of touches
`● All other multi-touch-capable technologies are difficult to build & buy
` Projected capacitive (which will shortly be the #2 touch
`technology) also supports an unlimited number of touches
` Number of touches is one way for a touch technology
`vendor to differentiate themselves
` Recognizing and ignoring more than two touches is a
`very useful capability
` ISVs are creative; they’ll find ways to use more touches (games)
`(“If you build it, they will come”)

`An Anomaly: Multi-Touch Gestures
`on Non-Multi-Touch Screens
` Elo TouchSystems: “Resistive Gestures”
` Capable of sensing two-finger gestures on
`standard analog resistive touch-screens
` Fingers must be moving to sense two
`points; two static touches don’t work
` 3M: “Multi-Touch Gestures on DST”
` Same capability & restriction as above on Dispersive Signal
`Technology (DST) touch-screens
` It’s not true multi-touch, but is it good enough?
` Gestures are HOT, so device manufacturers want them
` Today, multi-touch is mostly used to enable two-finger gestures
` For mobile devices, pro-cap is ~3X the cost of analog resistive,
`so enabling gestures on analog resistive is attractive
`Source: Elo TouchSystems

`#1 Reference On Multi-Touch
` “Multi-Touch Systems that
`I Have Known and Loved”
`“If you can only manipulate one
`point … you are restricted to the
`gestural vocabulary of a fruit fly.
`We were given multiple limbs
`for a reason. It is nice to be
`able to take advantage of them.”
`Bill Buxton, 2008
`Principal Researcher,
`Microsoft Research

`Touch Technologies
` Analog Resistive
` Projected Capacitive (Pro-Cap)
` Surface Capacitive
` Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW)
` Traditional Infrared (IR)
`© Copyright 2010 IMS Research

`Source: Engadget
`© Copyright 2010 IMS Research

`Analog Resistive…1
`Source: Elo TouchSystems
`Source: Bergquist

`Analog Resistive…2
`4-Wire Construction
`Equivalent circuit
`measured on
`on glass

`Analog Resistive…3
`5-Wire Construction
`Equivalent circuit
`Contact point
`on coversheet is
`a voltage probe
`Contact point
`on coversheet is
`a voltage probe

`Analog Resistive…4
` Types
` 4-wire (low cost, short life) is common in mobile devices
` 5-wire (higher cost, long life) is common in stationary devices
` Constructions
` Film (PET) + glass (previous illustration) is the most common
` Film + film (used in some cellphones) can be made flexible
` Glass + glass is the most durable; automotive is the primary use
` Film + film + glass, others…
` Options
` Surface treatments (AG, AR, AS, AP, AM),
`rugged substrate, dual-force touch,
`high-transmissivity, surface armoring,
`many others…
`(50-uM glass) Source: Schott

`Analog Resistive…5
` Size range
` 1” to ~24” (>20” is rare)
` Controllers
` Many sources
` Single chip, embedded in chipset/CPU,
`or “universal” controller board
` Advantages
` Works with finger, stylus or any non-sharp object
` Lowest-cost touch technology
` Widely available (it’s a commodity)
` Easily sealable to IP65 or NEMA-4
` Resistant to screen contaminants
` Low power consumption
`Source: Liyitec
`Source: Hampshire

`Analog Resistive…6
` Disadvantages
` Not durable (PET top surface is easily damaged)
` Poor optical quality (10%-20% light loss)
` No multi-touch
` Applications
` Mobile devices
` Point of sale (POS) terminals
` Wherever cost is #1
` Market share
`Revenue 19%
`1st time < 50%

`Analog Resistive…7
` Suppliers
` Nissha, Young Fast, J-Touch, Gunze, Truly Semi, Fujitsu, EELY,
`Elo TouchSystems, SMK, Swenc/TPO, eTurboTouch…
` 60+ suppliers
` Market trends
` Analog resistive has lost the #1 revenue position to projected
`● First time in ~40 years!
` Analog resistive is still important in mobile phones in Asia
`● It supports a stylus; projected capacitive doesn’t (yet!)

`Source: Apple
`© Copyright 2010 IMS Research

`Projected Capacitive…1
` Types
` Self capacitance
`● Controller measures capacitance of single electrode to ground
` Mutual capacitance
`● Controller measures capacitance between two electrodes
`Self capacitance
`Mutual capacitance

`Projected Capacitive…2
`Self Capacitance
`Older technology, but still used
`Limited to 1 or 2 touches with ghosting
`Lower immunity to LCD noise
`Lower touch accuracy
`Sensor is usually diamond pattern
`Harder to maximize SNR
`Simpler, lower cost controller
`Usually a single-layer sensor
`Mutual Capacitance
`Newer technology
`Two or more unambiguous touches
`Higher immunity to LCD noise
`Higher touch accuracy
`Allows more flexibility in pattern design
`Easier to maximize SNR
`More complex, higher-cost controller
`Always a two-layer sensor (may change)

`Projected Capacitive…3
`Self-capacitance notebook touchpad (before Apple iPhone)
` X-axis and
`then Y-axis
`are scanned
`looking for
`point of
`to ground
` Ghost points
`are a problem
`with 2 touches
`ITO transparent conductors

`Projected Capacitive…4
`Mutual capacitance touchscreen (Apple iPhone)
` Output is
`an array of
`values for
`each X-Y

`Projected Capacitive…5
`Raw data including noise
`Filtered data
`Gradient data
`Touch region coordinates
`and gradient data
`Touch regions
`Source: Apple Patent Application #2006/0097991
`“10 fingers,
`2 palms
`3 others”

`Projected Capacitive…6
`Why “Projected”?
` A finger “steals charge” from the X-electrode,
`changing the capacitance between the electrodes
` Electric-field lines are “projected” beyond the touch
`surface when a finger is present

`Projected Capacitive…7
` Constructions & locations
` Bottom side of cover glass (“lens”)
`● Not common yet, but industry is heading this way (“one glass”)
`● Good place for sensor with largest sensing area
` Discrete glass or film substrate(s) between cover glass & LCD
`● Industry standard
`● Many different layer arrangements & configurations
`● Sometimes requires a shield layer
` On top side of color filter (CF) glass
`● This is “on cell”  allows integration with display
`● Requires two-sided CF processing, which reduces yield
` Fully embedded in display
`● This is “in-cell”  most difficult integration
`● This isn’t actually projected capacitive

`Projected Capacitive…8
` Options (ITO-based )
` Top surface treatment (AR, AG, AF, AC, AB…)
` Degree of indexing matching on ITO (invisibility)
` Number of electrodes per inch (resolution)
` Electrode patterns
` One more variation: Wires vs. ITO
` Wires (10 microns): Visible, acceptable for intermittent use
` ITO: Invisible, needed for continuous use
` Wire-based uses slightly different concept (IP)
` ITO-based pro-cap directly measures a change in capacitance
` Wire-based pro-cap measures a change in RF signal frequency
`caused by a change in capacitance

`Projected Capacitive…9
` Size range
` 2” to 100”+
`● ITO up to 32”; wires up to 100”+
` Controllers
` Key variable is number of electrodes
`(matrix size)
`● Larger screens generally require multiple
`(ganged) controller chips
` High signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is a key
`characteristic  enables stylus use
` Lots of innovation still happening, such
`as synchronization with LCD timing
`● Three years from now pro-cap controllers
`will be a commodity mostly supplied from Asia
`LG-Prada mobile phone with Synaptics’
`projected-capacitive touch-screen;
`launched 3 months before iPhone

`Projected Capacitive…10
` Advantages
` Very durable (protected sensor)
` High optical quality (ITO)
` Unlimited multi-touch
` Unaffected by debris or contamination
` Enables “zero-bezel” industrial design
` Works with curved substrates (on PET)
` Disadvantages
` Finger or tethered pen only (changing now!)
` High cost (dropping as usage increases)
` Challenging to integrate due to noise sensitivity

`Projected Capacitive…11
` Applications
` Consumer devices
`● Mobile phones
`● Tablets, netbooks, notebooks, AiOs
`● Almost any consumer device
` Vertical-market devices
`● Signature-capture & other POS terminals
`● “Through-glass” interactive retail signage
` Market share
`Revenue 67%
`(CES 2010)
`Source: Mildex
`Source: Verifone

`Projected Capacitive…12
` Business models
` Sensor company buys controller, sells module
`● Example = TPK
` Controller company buys sensor, sells module
`● Example = Synaptics
` Module company buys sensor and controller, sells module
`● Example = ?
` Display manufacturer builds sensor into display, buys controller,
`and sells touch-display
`● Example = AUO

`Projected Capacitive…13
` Suppliers
` Sensors (only)
`● Cando (part of AUO Group), Sintek Photronics, other former
`color-filter manufacturers, former STN LCD manufacturers
`(total number = ?)
` Controllers (only)
`● Atmel, Cypress, Maxim, Avago, Pixcir, Sitronix, EETI, SIS,
`Melfas, Broadcom, Texas Instruments, and >5 more…
` Modules
`● TPK (biggest), Wintek, Synaptics, Nissha, Panjit, Digitech, CMI,
`Young Fast, Touch International, and >20 more
` Supplier countries
` Taiwan, USA, China, Japan, Korea, UK, Israel, New Zealand…

`Projected Capacitive…14
` Market trends
` Device OEMs’ desire for multi-touch is a key driving force,
`along with durability and high optical performance
` Extremely rapid sales growth worldwide
` Rapidly increasing number of suppliers
` Rapidly dropping prices
` Massive capacity expansion (Apple is using 60% today)
` TPK’s amazing growth may change structure of industry
` Applications broadening beyond consumer electronics (verticals)
` Starting to see a few small-order suppliers
` Pro-cap has overtaken analog resistive, ending a 40-year reign
` Continued maturation – name has changed to just “capacitive”

`Source: 3M
`© Copyright 2010 IMS Research

`Surface Capacitive…1
`top coat
`Hard coat with AG
`Electrode pattern
`Conductive coating
`(ATO, ITO or TO)
`Optional bottom
`shield (not shown)
`Source: 3M
`Source: Elo TouchSystems

`Surface Capacitive…2
` Variations
` Rugged substrate
` Size range
` 6.4” to 32”
` Controllers
` 3M, Hampshire, eGalax,
`Digitech and Billabs (ISI)
` Advantages
` Excellent drag performance with extremely smooth surface
` Much more durable than analog resistive
` Resistant to contamination
` Highly sensitive
`Source: 3M
`Source: Billabs

`Surface Capacitive…3
` Disadvantages
` Finger-only (or tethered pen)
` Calibration drift
` Susceptible to EMI (no mobile use)
` Moderate optical quality
`(85% - 90% transmissivity)
` Applications
` Regulated (casino) gaming
` Kiosks
` ATMs
` Market share
`Source: 3M

`Surface Capacitive…4
` Suppliers
` 3M, DanoTech, Elo TouchSystems, EELY, DigiTech, eTurbo,
`Optera, Touch International, Higgstec…
` 16+ suppliers (dominated by 3M)
` Market trends
` Surface capacitive isn’t growing with the touch market
`● No multi-touch capability; other significant disadvantages
`● Casinos (major market) are starting to experiment with
`other touch technologies
` Price is dropping due to Taiwanese and Chinese suppliers
`who entered the market after 3M’s key patent expired

`A New Spin: Wacom’s RRFC
`Surface Capacitive Technology
` How it works
` AC voltage on 2 adjacent corners;
`DC voltage on the other 2 corners
` Creates a linear voltage AND a ramp-
`shaped electrostatic field on surface
` Controller switches signals around all
`4 corners, creating 4 ramp fields vs.
`single flat field in standard capacitive
` Current flow is measured in each case
` Resulting signal representing touch
`event is independent of all capacitance
`effects except those due to finger touch
` Controller does additional digital signal
`processing to compensate for factors
`that affect accuracy and drift
`Source: Wacom
`(Trademark = CapPLUS)
` RRFC = Reversing Ramped
`Field Capacitive

`Wacom’s RRFC Technology…2
` Advantages
` Solves all the problems of traditional surface capacitive
`● Works in mobile & stationary devices (10” to 32” now; 46” capable)
`● Unaffected by grounding changes, EMI, variations in skin dryness
`& finger size, temperature, humidity, metal bezels, etc.
`● Works through latex or polypropylene gloves
`● Allows 4X thicker hardcoat for improved durability
`● Screen works outdoors in rain and snow
` Uses same ASIC as Wacom’s EMR pen digitizer, so dual-mode
`input is lower cost & more efficient (e.g., in Tablet PC)
` Disadvantages
` No multi-touch
` Sole-source supplier

`Source: Kodak
`© Copyright 2010 IMS Research

`Surface Acoustic Wave…1
`Glass substrate
`Source: A-Touch
`Rayleigh wave
`Source: Onetouch

`Surface Acoustic Wave…2
`Source: Elo TouchSystems

`Surface Acoustic Wave…3
` Variations
` Ruggedization, dust-proofing, surface treatments, etc.
` Size range
` 6” to 52” (but some integrators won’t use it above 32”)
` Controllers
` Proprietary
` Advantages
` Clear substrate (high optical performance)
` Very durable
` Can be vandal-proofed with tempered or CS glass
` Finger, gloved hand & soft-stylus activation

`Surface Acoustic Wave…4
` Disadvantages
` Very sensitive to any surface contamination, including water
` Requires “soft” (sound-absorbing) touch object
` Can be challenging to seal
` Relatively high activation force (80g typical)
` Projects slightly above touch surface (1 mm) so can’t be flush
` Applications
` Kiosks
` Gaming
` Market share
`Source: Euro Kiosks Network

`Surface Acoustic Wave…5
` Suppliers
` Elo TouchSystems, General Touch, Shenzhen Top-Touch,
`Leading Touch, Shenzhen KeeTouch…
` 10+ suppliers
` Market trends
` Multi-touch SAW is now available from two suppliers
` SAW price is dropping due to Taiwanese and Chinese
`suppliers who entered the market after Elo TouchSystem’s
`key patent expired
` SAW’s growth is matching the market

`Surface Acoustic Wave…6
` Multi-touch SAW from Elo/Tyco Electronics
` Shipping in the 23” Lenovo A700 all-in-one desktop
`Source: Lenovo
`Source: Photos by author
`“There is no perfect touch technology”

`Surface Acoustic Wave…7
` How two touches are supported by SAW
`Diagonal reflectors
`for “third axis” data
`Source: US Patent Application 2010/0117993
`X & Y reflectors

`© Copyright 2010 IMS Research

`Traditional Infrared…1
`Source: Elo TouchSystems

`Traditional Infrared…2
` Variations
` Bare PCA vs. enclosed frame; frame width & profile height;
`enhanced sunlight immunity; force-sensing
` Size range
` 8” to 150”
` Controllers
` Mostly proprietary, except IRTouch
` Advantages
` Scalable to very large sizes
` Multi-touch capable (2 touches, but with “ghost” points)
` Can be activated with any IR-opaque object
` High durability, optical performance and sealability
` Doesn’t require a substrate

`Traditional Infrared…3
` Multi-touch in traditional infrared
` 2+ touches
` “Ghost” points are the problem, and there’s no good solution
`Source: Author

`Traditional Infrared…4
` Disadvantages
` Profile height (IR transceivers project above touch surface)
` Bezel must be designed to include IR-transparent window
` Sunlight immunity can be a problem in extreme environments
` Surface obstruction or hover can cause a false touch
` Low resolution
` High cost
` Applications
` POS
` Kiosks
` Large displays (digital signage)
` Market share

`Traditional Infrared…5
` Selected suppliers
` Elo TouchSystems, IRTouch, Minato, Nexio…
` 10+ suppliers
` Market trends
` Interest in IR is re-awakening
`as Asian vendors bring down
`prices, large displays
`become more common, and
`digital signage becomes
`more affordable
` IR is growing, but isn’t keeping
`up with the market
`50” plasma display with infrared touch-screen from Netrax

`Traditional Infrared…6
`Elo’s “XYU”
`version first
`shown in
`2008; launch
`expected in

`Traditional Infrared…7
` Special Case: Neonode mobile
`phone implemented with
`traditional IR touch (2009)
` Same battery life as iPhone
` Low profile height (~1.7mm)
` Finger-only
` No multi-touch
` Neonode couldn’t
`compete in the
`phone market and
`went bankrupt; the
`technology survived
`and is in Sony’s eReader
`Neonode &
`Pen Computing
`Sony e-book
`readers (2010)
`Source: PC World

`Significant Emerging
`Touch Technologies
` Embedded (In-Cell, On-Cell & Out-Cell)
` Camera-Based Optical
` Multi-Touch Resistive
`© Copyright 2010 IMS Research

`On-Cell &
`Source: TMD
`© Copyright 2010 IMS Research

`Three Different Physical Integration
`Methods Used In Embedded Touch
`Integration Method
`Touch sensor is physically inside the LCD cell
`Touch sensor can be:
`• Light-sensing elements (light-sensing)
`• Micro-switches (voltage-sensing)
`• Capacitive electrodes (charge-sensing)
`On-Cell Touch sensor is an array of ITO conductors
`on the top surface of the color filter substrate
`• Capacitive (charge-sensing)
`• Analog resistive (voltage-sensing)
`Out-Cell Standard touchscreen laminated directly on top of
`the LCD during manufacture
`• Key difference: An additional piece of glass
`• Typically only pro-cap or analog resistive
`• New term coined by AUO – Some LCD
`manufacturers still refer to this configuration
`as “on-cell”
`Fab Method
`to TFT
`Addition to
`color filter
`Addition to

`Four Different Technologies
`Used In Embedded Touch
` Light-sensing or “optical”
` Addition of a photo-sensing element into some or all pixels
` Voltage-sensing or “switch-sensing”
` Addition of micro-switches for X & Y into some or all pixels
` Charge-sensing or “capacitive-sensing”
` Addition of electrodes in-cell or on-cell for capacitive sensing
` Analog resistive
` Uses color filter glass as substrate for standard touch-screen

`Who’s Working On What
`(January 2010)
`LCD Manufacturer
`Chi Mei Innolux
`LG Display
`(in-cell or on-cell)
`= Primary = Secondary
`Bold = Most significant efforts
`Hybrid Charge
`& Voltage (in-cell)

`In-Cell Light-Sensing
`Source: DisplaySearch
` Principle
` Photo-sensor in each pixel or group of pixels
`● Visible-light sensor sees shadow of finger in bright light or
`reflection of backlight on finger in dim light
`● Infrared-light sensor sees reflection of backlight
` Works with finger or light-pen; can work as a scanner
` Adding a cover-glass to protect the surface of the LCD reduces
`touch sensitivity because the finger is further away

`In-Cell Voltage-Sensing
`Source: Samsung
` Principle
` Pressing LCD surface closes micro-switches in each pixel
`● Similar principle as emerging multi-touch resistive
` Requires touching the LCD surface (cannot add a cover glass)
` Works with any touch object within damage limits of polarizer

`In-Cell Charge-Sensing
`Source: LG Display
` Principle
` Pressing the LCD changes the dielectric constant of the liquid
`crystal, which changes the capacitance between the electrodes
` Works with finger or stylus; human body capacitance isn’t a factor
` Requires touching the LCD surface (cannot add a cover glass)

`Hybrid In-Cell Voltage & Charge-
`Sensing (Samsung hTSP)
` Principle
` Pressing the LCD…
`2 sets
`per pixel
`or group
`of pixels
`(1) Closes the column-
`spacer contacts, which
`activates the circuit
`that measures a
`change in capacitance
`(2) Changes the
`dielectric constant of
`the liquid crystal,
`which changes the
`capacitance between
`the pixel electrodes
`Sensor signal line switch (X,Y)
`Source: Samsung
`Blue pixel
`Source: Author

`On-Cell Charge-Sensing
`Source: Author
` Principle
` Projected-capacitive X-Y electrode array added
`on top of the color filter glass, under the top polarizer
`● Same function as standard projected-capacitive
` Works only with finger; human body capacitance changes
`mutual capacitance between electrodes
` Cover-glass (0.5 mm) can be added on top of polarizer
`to protect LCD surface

`On-Cell Analog Resistive
`Source: Author
` Principle
` Analog resistive touch-screen added on top of the color filter
`glass, under the top polarizer
`● Same function as standard analog resistive
` Works with any touch object within damage limits of polarizer
` Adding cover-glass (0.5 mm) on top of polarizer to protect
`LCD surface works but reduces touch-screen performance

`Early Products with
`Embedded Touch…1
` Samsung ST10 camera with 3-inch 480x320 (192 ppi)
`transflective TFT with hybrid in-cell touch (4/09)
` First use of any in-cell touch
`in a commercial product
` Works with finger or stylus,
`but with visible pooling
` Surface hardness = low
` Touch-screen includes
`electrostatic haptic feedback
` Camera includes MP3,
`PMP & text-viewer functions

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