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` Petitioner, : IPR2013-00567
`v. : IPR2013-00568
` Patent Owner. :
` 10:45 A.M.
`Ref. No. 83865
`Pages 1-27
`Reported by: Linda S. Kinkade, RDR, CRR, RMR, CSR
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`Wintek Exhibit 1017


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`On Behalf of Petitioner:
` Paul Hastings
` 875 15th Street, N.W.
` Washington, DC 20005
` By: Joseph Palys
` By: Naveen Modi
`On Behalf of Patent Owner:
` Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan
` 50 California Street
` San Francisco, California 94111
` By: Derek Tang
` The following is the transcript of the
`teleconference proceedings reported at the offices of:
` Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan
` 50 California Street
` San Francisco, California 94111
` Reported pursuant to applicable Rules of Civil
`Procedure, before Linda S. Kinkade, Registered
`Diplomate Reporter, Certified Realtime Reporter,
`Registered Professional Reporter, Registered Merit
`Reporter and Certified Shorthand Reporter, as licensed
`by the State of California.
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` P R O C E E D I N G S
` (Conference call in session at 10:45 a.m.)
` MR. PALYS: Hello, Your Honor. This is
`Joseph Palys, counsel for Wintek, and I have with me
`Derek Tang, counsel for TPK. And, Your Honors, I
`don't know if you got the emails that we sent, the
`court reporter that was going to take the deposition,
`she's here and she's recording, if that's okay with
`fine. We did get your email. Thank you.
` This is Judge Cocks, and I have Judge Rice with
`me on the line. All right. Mr. Palys, I believe you
`scheduled the call --
` MR. PALYS: Right. I appreciate it.
`First, let me apologize for interrupting the day for
`everyone, but we have an issue regarding this
` So TPK filed a declaration of a Mr. Tsai, a TPK
`employee, with his response to the petitioner's
`petition. The declaration of Mr. Tsai was in English,
`and, in preparation for this reply, Your Honors, we
`were asking TPK's counsel for the availability of
`Mr. Tsai so we can take his deposition and we inquired
`APPEARANCES (continued):
`On Behalf of Patent Owner:
` Bryan Cave
` 1290 Avenue of the Americas
` New York, New York 10104
` By: Joseph Richetti
`Also Present:
` Bingbing Jiang
` Mandarin Interpreter, Chinese Translator
` Josiah C. Cocks,
` Administrative Patent Judge
` Richard E. Rice,
` Administrative Patent Judge
` Toni R. Scheiner,
` Administrative Patent Judge
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`back on July 31st when we sent an email out to TPK's
` And in between that, those dates, throughout
`the next weeks and days we continued to ask for dates.
`And then once we got the date confirmed, which was
`today, we asked for the location, which, on August
`20th, we were finally told where the location would
` We served our notice for Mr. Tsai on August
`24th, but the point here, Your Honors, is that at no
`time during the entire communications regarding this
`deposition did TPK mention or hint that Mr. Tsai would
`require an interpreter. His declaration was in
`English. We had many conversations with TPK about
`actually Mr. Tsai's declaration.
` You may recall that there was an issue with an
`Exhibit 2019, which was related to Mr. Tsai's
`declaration, but at no time were we in any
`understanding that there would be a requirement for an
`interpreter. And we believe that this is in violation
`of Rule 4253(e) and the interpretation of that rule
`and the Ariosa decision, IPR2012 matter 22.
` And, in particular, Rule 4253(e) requires that,
`if an interpreter is going to be used during a
`deposition, it says the party calling the witness must
`Page 8
`going to be a deposition that would not be in English,
`and so, therefore, we started our discussions with
` We believe at this point, Your Honors, it's
`highly prejudicial for Wintek to proceed with this
`deposition without Wintek having its own interpreter
`present. If TPK's here with its own interpreter, I
`don't know if anyone else on TPK's side speaks or
`understands Chinese, including its counsel -- I
`certainly don't -- and we believe that it's in
`violation of this rule. We think it's highly
`prejudicial to proceed.
` And we tried to discuss alternate dates with
`TPK's counsel, and what I've been told is that
`Mr. Tsai is not available at all in the entire month
`of September. And so they wanted to proceed today
`with this deposition, and they were trying to offer to
`go look for interpreters for us, which, obviously, we
`think is still prejudicial. We should be given the
`opportunity to provide our own interpreter and have
`them present here.
` It's now almost 11:00, Your Honor. We were
`supposed to start at 9:00. This is on Pacific time.
`I had scheduled my day, my schedule, for an English
`deposition. As you know, a translated deposition is
`Page 7
`initiate a conference call with the Board at least
`five business days before the deposition -- that would
`be us. But if you read the Ariosa decision, Your
`Honors, you will see that there is also a
`requirement -- obviously we have to know that there is
`going to be a requirement for an interpreter, and if
`you look at how the Ariosa decision interpreted this
`rule -- there was some guidance by Judge Green in that
`decision -- and some relevance -- some of the aspects
`relevant here is that at least five business days
`before the cross-examination of the deposition the
`parties shall provide to the opponent the name,
`address, business telephone number, email address and
`resume of the person --
` (Clarification by reporter.)
` MR. PALYS: -- basically give the contact
`information about the interpreter, which we were never
`given. It also allows us to provide a cross-check
`interpreter, and within five days we would have to
`provide -- five days from the deposition -- provide
`that information and serve that on TPK.
` The fact of the matter is, Your Honors, when I
`arrived today I was surprised to hear the request,
`like, do you have your own interpreter. TPK showed up
`with its own interpreter. I had no idea that this was
`Page 9
`going to be much longer. In fact, I have some
`meetings that I have to be in back in DC for tomorrow
`and even overnight. I have a meeting scheduled with a
`client in the middle of the night. And right now, I
`even checked with my travel agent, and there's no
`return flights direct to -- back to Dulles, and I'm
`sitting here trying to scramble, trying to find
`additional flights to see if I can't make my
`originally scheduled flight that I was supposed to
` So, at the end of the day, I think you get the
`crux of our position, Your Honors -- I'm happy to
`answer any questions -- but we think at this point
`it's extremely prejudicial for Wintek to proceed
`without its opportunity to follow the rules, get its
`own interpreter, and be able to cross-check how this
`deposition proceeds.
`understand your position. I'll have Mr. Richetti
`speak in just a minute. I have one question.
` So I believe you mentioned that Mr. Tsai's
`declaration was in English and there was no indication
`that it was a result of -- with the aid of an
`interpreter. Is that what you said?
` MR. PALYS: That's correct. There's
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`nothing in the declaration indicating whether he
`reads, writes or doesn't understand English or
`anything like that. It was completely in English.
`what, just to be clear, what are you asking now --
`what relief are you seeking?
` MR. PALYS: Well, the relief is that we
`postpone this deposition so that Wintek has an
`opportunity, now that we know there is a need for an
`interpreter -- I've just received this morning the
`credentials of TPK's interpreter, and so we would like
`the opportunity to go and look for our own interpreter
`and reschedule this deposition.
` And, of course, given that this issue was
`raised by TPK's lack of following, in our
`interpretation, the rules, that an order be granted to
`compensate Wintek for the reasonable costs of my
`travel to come out here today.
` Mr. Richetti, do you have comments?
` MR. RICHETTI: Yes, Your Honor. I do
`believe, while Mr. Palys is correct that many
`discussions were had over a long period of time about
`these depositions, some were discussions about having
`the deposition in Taiwan instead of the U.S., and the
`Page 12
`acknowledge that, you know, that communication didn't
`happen and it should have. That's definitely not in
`dispute. In taking into consideration the witness's
`schedule and all the parties to try to mitigate it,
`the situation, we're trying to come up with
`alternative solutions, and one was to have a second
`interpreter come in that would give Wintek the ability
`to have their own interpreter to, you know, to
`understand if there is any issues.
` The second, you know, we appreciate that these
`depositions do take longer, but the witness is willing
`to stay late and accommodate in any way we can just to
`avoid having to have the deposition rescheduled and
`the expense associated with that, and would appreciate
`any guidance the Board would have for us.
`Mr. Palys. I believe you said that this second
`interpreter, that is not acceptable? Is that --
` MR. PALYS: There's a couple issues with
`that. Again, and, to be honest with you, Your Honor,
`we're being forced on the spot to another interpreter
`that's being selected by TPK. Wintek has not been
`given the opportunity to do its own work to look for
`its own interpreter.
` And also, I'll just reiterate again, I know
`Page 11
`parties couldn't reach an agreement. There were many
`discussions. And the details of the deposition in
`particular came together, you know, shortly, you know,
`in the last week or so when everything was finalized,
`you know, between the parties, including, as Mr. Palys
`mentioned, the notice of deposition was filed just a
`couple of days ago without, obviously, any objection
`from TPK because the parties were working together to
`try to arrange these depositions in a way that was
`mutually acceptable to both parties.
` It is true that, you know, in rushing to have
`these depositions scheduled, the idea of an
`interpreter being here for the witness was not
`mentioned, and that, we acknowledge, is our fault.
` What we were hoping to do, because the witness
`is from Taiwan and flew in from Taiwan and does have a
`very hectic work schedule, you know, flying to
`different countries, we were hoping that the
`deposition would go forward today but yet still
`mitigate any potential prejudice to Wintek. And
`that's why we offered -- and I believe my co-counsel,
`Mr. Tang, could elaborate -- but we believe we have
`secured a second interpreter to be able to come to the
`deposition by 1:00 p m. or right after lunch.
` So our hope was that, you know -- we
`Page 13
`we're considering the schedule of the witness, and, of
`course, we always try to accommodate that, but this
`issue has affected my schedule. I mean, as I
`mentioned, I have meetings that I have to be in DC
`tomorrow and including tonight, and I've scheduled my
`day accordingly based on an English-based deposition.
` Having -- waiting until 1:00 to proceed with a
`translated deposition is -- clearly, I'm not going to
`make my flight home, and in fact there's no direct
`return flights available at all other than the one
`that I'm on. Now we're looking at some other indirect
`flight, and it's probably going to be a red eye, which
`means I'm going to miss this meeting that I've
`scheduled with a foreign client in the middle of the
`night and then hopefully still make my meetings
`tomorrow. So I think there's other issues at play
`understand. But moving to the interpreter issue, yes,
`we agree that you should be able to select an
`interpreter. If this interpreter is not acceptable,
`then there is an issue.
` Mr. Richetti, I believe Mr. Palys suggested
`they would like to reschedule this deposition at a
`later date, and that Mr. Tsai is not available at any
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`time in the month of September? Is that the case?
` MR. RICHETTI: If I could, Your Honor, my
`co-counsel, Mr. Tang, will be in the best position to
`answer that question.
`Okay. Mr. Tang?
` MR. TANG: Thank you, Your Honor. This is
`Derek Tang, and thanks for your time.
` You know, the negotiations we've had so far was
`Mr. Palys told us that a day that he would be
`available to come back and take the deposition -- the
`day he offered was September 17th -- and that, you
`know, that specific date and actually that whole
`specific time frame is, unfortunately, not doable for
`our witness.
`you: What is the time frame? What time frame are you
`referring to?
` MR. TANG: I think, you know, we did
`grant -- we did grant Wintek an extension to, you
`know, to file their response, so that's due in the
`month. So that's the time frame we're talking about.
` Unfortunately, Mr. Tsai's operations are in
`Taiwan, and he's traveling back and forth between
`Taiwan and Japan and China throughout that time
`Page 16
` So, with that in mind, Your Honor, we are
`trying our absolute best to try to mitigate the
`prejudice to all parties involved, including opposing
`counsel, given that we are all here today. We have
`been contacting agencies this morning and we have
`gotten at least one -- so far -- interpreter who is
`available. These are all neutral sources. And we
`believe that the best way to just mitigate the
`prejudice on everybody on having to return again,
`having to set up another time -- which may or may not
`even be possible -- would be to proceed with the
`deposition today, if at all possible.
` So, you know, we believe we're doing everything
`in our power to make that happen, you know, we --
`we're providing the resume of the interpreter to
`Mr. Palys. And, you know, we're happy to do whatever
`it takes to make sure that if there are issues that
`they haven't been able to select their own
`interpreter --
`appear to be an issue. Let me ask you: When will
`Mr. Tsai be available again in the United States for
`deposition? Mr. Tang?
` MR. TANG: Your Honor, we haven't discussed
`Page 15
` One other thing that we had talked about was,
`you know, the location of the deposition. Mr. Palys
`had mentioned that we had previously discussed
`potentially holding the deposition in Taiwan because
`of the difficulties of Mr. Tsai's schedule and
`allowing him to come to the U.S. at the end of the
`day, as an accommodation. We agreed to bring Mr. Tsai
`to the U.S., and he took several days out of his
`schedule to fly in specifically for the purpose of
`this deposition.
` Unfortunately, given his job requirements, he
`won't be able to do that again within the time period.
`He won't be able to come to the United States. You
`know, I don't know --
`the other side's position is they were not aware and
`it was never made clear to them that Mr. Tsai did not
`speak English and would therefore need an interpreter
`for a deposition. That seems like a fairly sizeable
` MR. TANG: Yes, Your Honor. We apologize
`if there was a miscommunication. We were discussing
`all the aspects of the deposition, and, if that wasn't
`conveyed, you know, then obviously there was a
`Page 17
`dates too far out, so we would have to get back and
`discuss that with counsel.
`anticipate that there would be a date at some point
`where Mr. Tsai would be available in the United
`States? I understand it's a slightly speculative
`question, but we're trying to see if we can reach a
`mutually agreeable resolution to this issue.
` MR. TANG: No, we completely understand.
`Unfortunately, in the United States right now it does
`not look like there's any availability.
` MR. RICHETTI: Your Honor, this is
`Mr. Richetti for TPK. Was your question, after the
`respondent's fee, whether there would be any
`availability or, you know, within the dates for Wintek
`to reply?
`certainly within the date for Wintek to reply.
` MR. PALYS: Your Honor, this is Joseph
`Palys. If I may, Mr. -- is it Tsai or Tsai? I'm
`sorry. I don't want to mispronounce ...
` MR. TANG: Tsai.
` MR. PALYS: He's here today. We could ask
`him, right. He's available with his schedule. It's
`not like he's not here. We can ask him when he's
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`available. I thought that conversation had already
`taken place when we were negotiating with TPK when
`they told me that he wasn't available at all the
`entire month of September.
`Mr. Richetti, Mr. Tang, is that the case? Then
`perhaps take a few minutes to determine on the call if
`Mr. Tsai is available at some other time such that the
`deposition can be rescheduled at a time or when
`Mr. Palys or Wintek can schedule their own
`interpreter? Is that -- can you have that
`conversation now?
` MR. TANG: Yes, Your Honor, we can go --
`let us go speak with the client. And would you
`like --
`don't we -- if you can speak with your client, and
`let's meet again in five minutes' time. I will put
`you on mute.
` MR. TANG: Okay.
`five minutes.
` MR. TANG: Thanks very much.
` MR. PALYS: We're going to go on mute too.
` (Proceedings interrupted at 11:02 a m.)
`Page 20
`will already be there. It will be the least
`prejudicial to everybody. And that's the only window
`that would work.
`generally, you were required to make the witness
`available in the United States, and unless Mr. Palys
`is amenable --
` Mr. Palys?
` MR. PALYS: Well, Your Honor, I'm checking
`my schedule too because obviously now that's a
`requirement on our end to travel.
` MR. PALYS: Right. So one thing we just
`want to be clear, though, on top of the cost for
`today, if we're required to go to Taiwan, we would
`expect TPK to cover at least the reasonable cost for
`us to go, at least from here in California to Taiwan
`and back, for those expenses, if that's where they are
`going to be putting up Mr. Tsai.
`Mr. Richetti or Mr. Tang. Is that going to be an
`issue, the cost aspect?
` MR. TANG: Your Honor, this is Derek. We
`don't believe that should be a serious issue, but we
`Page 19
` (In session at 11:09 a m.)
` MR. TANG: Hello, Your Honor. This is
`Mr. Tang. Sorry about that.
`This is Judge Cocks. We have on the line Judge Rice
`and I believe Judge Scheiner has joined us.
` What is the outcome?
` MR. TANG: Your Honors, we did just go back
`and check Mr. Tsai's schedule again, which was covered
`with meetings. Unfortunately, there was not a period
`in his calendar within the next month with which he
`would be able to have the time to fly to the U.S.,
`take a deposition, and then return to Taiwan, because
`that would be a three-day period.
` He does have, however, a potential availability
`in Taiwan, if he cancels some meetings, in the week of
`September 10th -- actually on September 10th. And we
`also understand that in a parallel litigation Wintek
`already has scheduled depositions of TPK in Taiwan for
`that week.
` So, you know, our first -- obviously we would
`love the deposition to proceed today, if at all
`possible, but, you know, if Wintek really needs to
`reschedule, our thought, you know, as an
`accommodation, we could offer him in Taiwan. Wintek
`Page 21
`do want to make sure we understand the basis for the
`costs or, you know, we want to make sure what we're
`talking about are incremental because, again, as we
`understand, Wintek already has scheduled for and is
`taking the deposition of TPK's witnesses that week.
`So if there's any overlap in resources for people
`there, there may not be significant additional costs
`at all to Wintek.
` So maybe that's a discussion we can have
`between ourselves, but, you know, one of the reasons
`why that seems like an attractive time for us is
`because Wintek's counsel will already be in Taiwan at
`that time.
`We would hope the parties would be able to work -- if
`this is the outcome.
` Mr. Tang, we would like to let you know that
`the panel finds it somewhat troubling that somehow the
`necessity of an interpreter never came up prior to the
`deposition. So we are somewhat -- we find it
` So, that being said --
` MR. MODI: Your Honor, this is Naveen Modi.
`Maybe what I can suggest -- we've taken more than
`enough of the panel's time, and we apologize for
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`that -- perhaps we can take it offline and see if the
`parties are able to reach an agreement. Obviously the
`deposition won't happen today.
` Maybe, you know, let the parties meet and
`confer outside of the panel's presence, and,
`hopefully, we'll be able to reach an agreement. If
`not, we'll come back to you and seek your guidance.
`That's just a suggestion because we hate to take more
`of your time.
` MR. RICHETTI: Your Honor, if I may, this
`is Joe Richetti for Patent Alert. If I could suggest
`just one proposed solution that may solve everyone's,
`you know, needs and open it to the board's suggestion
`and guidance, would be that the deposition go forward
`today. The deposition can be taped. Wintek can have
`their own interpreter that they suggest, you know, we
`can have a second interpreter at the deposition at a
`certain point in time, but it can go forward now. It
`can be taped. That tape can be reviewed by Wintek's
`interpreter of choice, and, if there's any objections,
`they can be made. And this way the deposition can go
`forward, they can choose their interpreter and have it
`done, you know, in a time period that's acceptable,
`and allow them to get their reply on file. And this
`might be a way, you know -- Mr. Tsai's declaration is
`Page 24
`still think it would be prejudicial.
`You find it unacceptable.
` MR. PALYS: Yeah.
`understanding you do not want to continue with the
`deposition at this time today, is that --
` MR. PALYS: That's correct, Your Honor.
`given the circumstance, I don't necessarily see a
`reason to compel the deposition to go today,
`Mr. Richetti, particularly given Mr. Palys' objection
`and given the somewhat odd underlying nature of this
`call and the reasons for it.
` So I believe Mr. Modi, I believe, suggested
`that the parties meet and confer and reach resolution,
`and, if not, we will convene again to see what we can
`do in this case. I'm not sure what other option we
`have right now. I guess there's a possibility of
`taking the deposition in Taiwan. It sounded like
`maybe Mr. Palys is maybe amenable to that. To the
`extent there's a cost issue, we will resolve that at a
`later date.
` Is that -- are the parties -- can they work in
`concert at this point to try and reach resolution in
`Page 23
`a, you know, five- to six-page declaration, so, you
`know, we would believe there's still sufficient time
`today to have the deposition go forward and, you know,
`have all the questions asked, have it on the record.
`And I just throw that out as maybe one way that the
`parties could work through this.
` MR. PALYS: Your Honor, this is Joseph
`Palys. If I can respond?
` MR. PALYS: There are a couple issues with
`that. One, it's -- number one, it doesn't provide us
`the opportunity to on the fly or dynamically during
`the cross-examination of just our questions based on
`our interpreter's interpretation, we're talking about
`something that happens after the record has already
`been set, which I think would be prejudicial to us,
`and then it still doesn't address the fact of the
`scheduling issues that we raised beforehand. And, to
`be honest with you, there's no videographer here
`either, so there's more delay in waiting for a
`videographer to show up because all we have is a court
` So while I appreciate Mr. Richetti's offer, I
`don't think it gets us where we need to go and we
`Page 25
`terms of taking the deposition?
` MR. PALYS: This is -- sorry, Your Honor.
`This is Joseph Palys. Yes, of course, we like to play
`nice with the other side, if you will. So, yeah,
`we'll work --
`encourage that.
` MR. PALYS: Yes, of course you do. We'll
`certainly work with them. I just want to make clear
`that it doesn't necessarily mean that the Taiwan
`deposition is going to happen, but we'll work with
`understand, Mr. Palys. The panel understands.
` MR. PALYS: Okay. And the other point I
`just want to make sure that it doesn't get lost was
`the costs of today, that -- the reasonable costs for
`travel and hotel for today, given that I'm going to
`have to go do this again somewhere else.
`Mr. Palys, again, I understand. May I suggest, if
`resolution can be reached and you have an issue with
`costs, that you file your request via a motion.
` MR. PALYS: Okay.
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`Page 27
` C E R T I F I C A T E
` I, Linda S. Kinkade, RDR, CRR, RMR, Certified
`Shorthand Reporter, License No. 2612, in and for the
`State of California, do hereby certify:
` That the foregoing is a true and correct
`transcript of the proceedings had in the
`within-entitled action; that I reported the same in
`stenotype, to the best of my ability, and thereafter
`transcribed the same into typewriting through
`computer-aided transcription.
`DATED: September 9, 2014
`Linda S. Kinkade, RDR, CRR, RMR
`authorized to request, if you cannot reach -- a
`request related to costs in the form of a motion.
` MR. PALYS: Thank you, Your Honor.
`there anything else that we can handle on this call?
`Either side?
` MR. PALYS: No, Your Honor. This is Joseph
`Mr. Tang?
` Okay. Well, then, try and work together to
`resolve this issue. If not, I guess we will speak
` MR. PALYS: Thank you, Your Honor.
` MR. RICHETTI: Thank you, Your Honor.
` MR. TANG: Thank you.
`are adjourned.
` (Proceedings concluded at 11:18 a m.)
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`19:12 21:15 22:2,6
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`acceptable (4)
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`11:1 22:2,6
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`allows (1)
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`alternative (1)
`amenable (2)
`20:7 24:21
`Americas (1)
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`9:13 14:4
`anticipate (1)
`apologize (3)
`5:17 15:22 21:25
`appear (1)
`3:1 4:1
`applicable (1)
`appreciate (4)
`5:16 12:10,14 23:24
`Ariosa (3)
`6:22 7:3,7
`arrange (1)
`arrived (1)
`asked (2)
`6:6 23:4
`asking (2)
`5:24 10:5
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`7:9 15:24
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`1:15 6:6,9
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`5:24 17:11,15 19:15
`available (12)
`8:15 13:10,25 14:11
`16:8,23 17:5,24
`18:1,3,8 20:6
`Avenue (1)
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`aware (1)
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`6:1 9:2,6 14:11,24
`17:1 19:8 20:19
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`13:6 23:14
`basically (1)
`basis (1)
`Behalf (3)
`3:3,16 4:3
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`5:14 6:20 8:4,10 9:21
`10:22 11:21,22
`12:17 13:23 16:9,14
`19:6 20:25 23:2
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`14:3 16:3,9 27:10
`Bingbing (1)
`Board (3)
`1:2 7:1 12:15
`board's (1)
`bring (1)
`Bryan (1)
`business (3)
`C (4)
`4:19 5:1 27:1,1
`calendar (1)
`California (8)
`1:14 2:9,10,19 3:18
`3:19 20:18 27:6
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`5:3,15 7:1 18:7 24:14
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`case (4)
`1:5 14:1 18:6 24:18
`Cave (1)
`certain (1)
`certainly (3)
`8:10 17:18 25:9
`Certified (3)
`2:16,18 27:4
`certify (1)
`check (1)
`checked (1)
`checking (1)
`China (1)
`Chinese (2)
`4:13 8:9
`choice (1)
`choose (1)
`circumstance (1)
`Civil (1)
`Clarification (1)
`clear (4)
`10:5 15:18 20:15 25:9
`clearly (1)
`client (4)
`9:4 13:14 18:14,17
`co-counsel (2)
`11:21 14:3

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