IPR2013-00567, IPR2013-00568, IPR2014-00541
`April 21, 2014
`Conference Call
` Petitioner, |
` v. | Case IPR2013-00567
`TPK TOUCH SOLUTIONS | Patent 8,217,902
` Patent Owner. |
`______________________ |
` Petitioner, |
` v. | Case IPR2013-00568
`TPK TOUCH SOLUTIONS | Patent 8,217,902
` Patent Owner. |
` Petitioner, |
` v. | Case IPR2014-00541
`TPK TOUCH SOLUTIONS | Patent 8,217,902
` Patent Owner. |
`______________________ |
` Monday, April 21, 2014
` 2:29 p.m. EST
` Teleconference before the Patent Trial and
`Appeals Board, Judge Josiah C. Cocks presiding,
`the proceedings being recorded stenographically
`by Cynthia J. Conforti, Certified Shorthand
`Reporter, License No. 084-003064, and
`transcribed under her direction.
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.
`Wintek Exhibit 1016
`Wintek v. TPK
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`IPR2013-00567, IPR2013-00568, IPR2014-00541
`April 21, 2014
`Conference Call
` A P P E A R A N C E S O F C O U N S E L
` (All participants appearing by phone)
` On behalf of the Patent Trial and Appeal
` Board:
` JOSIAH C. COCKS, ESQ., Administrative
`Patent Judge, Presiding
` ADAM V. FLOYD, ESQ., Administrative
`Patent Judge
` RICHARD E. RICE, ESQ., Administrative
`Patent Judge
` On behalf of TPK Touch Solutions:
` Bryan Cave LLP
` 1290 Avenue of the Americas
` New York, New York 10104-3300
` 212.541.2000
`3 4
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.
`Wintek Exhibit 1016
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`IPR2013-00567, IPR2013-00568, IPR2014-00541
`April 21, 2014
`Conference Call
` A P P E A R A N C E S O F C O U N S E L
` (All participants appearing by phone)
` (Continued)
` On behalf of Wintek Corporation:
` Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett
` & Dunner LLP
` Two Freedom Square
` 11955 Freedom Drive
` Reston, Virginia 20190-5675
` 571.203.2700
` -and-
` Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett
` & Dunner, LLP
` 901 New York Avenue, N.W.
` Washington, D.C. 20005
` 202.408.4000
` Cynthia J. Conforti, Court Reporter
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.
`Wintek Exhibit 1016
`Wintek v. TPK
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`IPR2013-00567, IPR2013-00568, IPR2014-00541
`April 21, 2014
`Conference Call
` MR. PALYS: Hi, this is Joseph
`Palys and Naveen Modi from Finnegan.
` THE REPORTER: Hi, this is the
`court reporter, Cynthia Conforti, from
` JUDGE COCKS: Good afternoon.
`This is Judge Cocks. I have on the line Judges
`Rice and Floyd.
` May I ask who else is on the line
`beginning with the Petitioner?
` MR. PALYS: Good afternoon, your
`Honor. This is Joseph Palys and Naveen Modi
`from Finnegan for Petitioner.
` JUDGE COCKS: All right. Thank
`you. And for the Patent Owner?
` MR. RICHETTI: HI, your Honor.
`This is Joseph Richetti for TPK.
` JUDGE COCKS: Okay. All right.
`And I understand we have a court reporter on
`the line?
` THE REPORTER: Yes, your Honor,
`Cynthia Conforti with Henderson Legal Services.
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.
`Wintek Exhibit 1016
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`IPR2013-00567, IPR2013-00568, IPR2014-00541
`April 21, 2014
`Conference Call
` JUDGE COCKS: All right. Thank
`you. Very good.
` All right. This is a follow-up
`conference call, and the parties reviewed
`2014-00541 and related cases 2013-00567 and
` We had a conference call last week
`and discussed the two issues. The second of
`those issues, which was directed to Wintek's
`Motion For Joinder of the 2014-00541 case, to
`either one of both of the other cases, the
`Board would like to seek some clarification
`from the parties.
` We have considered the Ariosa
`case, I believe it's pronounced, that was
`referenced in the prior call, and we have
`considered also the Panel's approach in that
`case which dealt with a somewhat similar fact
`pattern as here.
` So we wanted to I guess clarify
`with both parties, and particularly the Patent
`Owner, what is their position as to expediting
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`IPR2013-00567, IPR2013-00568, IPR2014-00541
`April 21, 2014
`Conference Call
`a preliminary Patent Owner response in the 541
` I say that with the caveat that we
`appreciate the Patent Owner doesn't intend to
`oppose joinder and we'll presume to be filing
`opposition, but we would like to clarify the
`Patent Owner's view with respect to the plenary
`Patent Owner response period in the 541 case.
` MR. RICHETTI: Right. Thank you,
`your Honor.
` This is Joseph Richetti for the
`Patent Owner.
` The due dates of the preliminary
`response was July 4th, so when we were looking
`at the dates proposed and trying not to impact
`the schedule for the 567 and 568, where the due
`date for final response I believe is May 16th,
`we didn't see an opportunity to be able to
`shorten the date in a way that would allow not
`only the preliminary response to be filed, but
`that also for the Court to be able to rule on
`it in time and then not have that impact the
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`IPR2013-00567, IPR2013-00568, IPR2014-00541
`April 21, 2014
`Conference Call
`567 and 568 dates, which the Patent Owner does
`not want to move if at all possible.
` JUDGE COCKS: I understand. Well,
`the Board appreciates you taking the Board's
`finding into account.
` We'd like to make the following
`points though is that -- so we have not -- the
`Board has not yet decided whether to institute
`or to whether to grant joinder, if we do
`institute. However, we would like to be in a
`position to make those determinations sooner
`rather than later, and that is so because, in
`fact, and this is not yet briefed, but in the
`event that the Board does both institute and
`grant joinder there would be the possibility of
`impacting the scheduling in all three cases,
`but the 567 and 568 in particular.
` And from the March standpoint, if
`that result happens, we would rather be able to
`make a determination now, and to do that we
`need to know what the Patent Owner's approach
`will be in terms of its Patent Owner
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.
`Wintek Exhibit 1016
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`IPR2013-00567, IPR2013-00568, IPR2014-00541
`April 21, 2014
`Conference Call
`preliminary response, either if it's going to
`file or if it intends to waive or not file.
` It sounds like, Mr. Richetti, that
`you do not intend to waive the preliminary
`response; is that right?
` MR. RICHETTI: That is correct,
`your Honor.
` Excuse me. I'm sorry, your Honor.
`I guess one thing that in reading the Ariosa
`case, it seemed like the parties set forth a
`proposed schedule, and the one that we were
`provided, at least Petitioner only provided,
`you know, I think gave us two weeks to file a
`preliminary response.
` If the Board believes it would be
`helpful, Patent Owner would be more than happy
`to try to work together with Petitioner to come
`up with a different schedule for a preliminary
`response date that at least could afford Patent
`Owner the appropriate amount of time to
` But, also, you know, maybe it's
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.
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`IPR2013-00567, IPR2013-00568, IPR2014-00541
`April 21, 2014
`Conference Call
`not for three months, but it's some in-between
`date, but it clearly has to be much more than
`what Petitioner originally offered.
` JUDGE COCKS: Well, indeed, and
`that was the under -- that was part of the
` The understanding of the Board was
`that the Patent Owner objected to the drastic
`cut of two weeks, but we wanted to clarify
`whether there was a possibility of some
`expediting that the Patent Owner would be
`agreeable to.
` I say this also with the caveat
`that the parties are free to stipulate to
`different due dates for Days 1 through 3, and
`may do so without prior authorization from the
`Board, simply provide that to the Board in that
` So that does provide somehow the
`flexibility, certainly from the Patent Owner's
`standpoint, and then if the Petitioner can
`agree to a -- if the parties can agree to give
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.
`Wintek Exhibit 1016
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`IPR2013-00567, IPR2013-00568, IPR2014-00541
`April 21, 2014
`Conference Call
`more time for Due Date 1, perhaps not at the
`expense of Due Date 2, then we may be able to
`work out the most efficient time period for all
`three cases, in the event that we do institute
`and join, which has not yet been decided for
`the 541 case.
` The rationale behind it, we
`believe that in the event that those two events
`happen, it would be best to have the schedules
`as closely aligned as possible to what is
`currently in place, but without disadvantaging
`the parties.
` So, Mr. Richetti, not to be
`long-winded, but I believe what you suggested
`is that you would be willing to work with
`opposing counsel to perhaps come up with a
`mutually agreeable schedule, and we would very
`much appreciate that.
` MR. RICHETTI: Your Honor, we
`would be more than willing to do that.
` JUDGE COCKS: All right then.
` Mr. Palys, do you have any -- I
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`IPR2013-00567, IPR2013-00568, IPR2014-00541
`April 21, 2014
`Conference Call
`believe we understand the Petitioner's position
`here, but do you have any other comments?
` MR. PALYS: Not really, your
`Honor. This is Joseph Palys.
` Just wondering if we could have,
`and I'm not sure if the Patent Owner's prepared
`at this time, which is an idea of a date that
`they think for the preliminary response in the
`541 matter that might work with this schedule.
` And then the other point, your
`Honor, is just to be clear, as we work together
`to come up with these dates, you know, some
`massaging of the 567 and 568 schedules could
`accommodate some of these concerns that the
`Patent Owner has regarding making sure that
`certain issues are addressed in a timely
`fashion without affecting the Board's ability
`to meet its one-year statutory deadline.
` JUDGE COCKS: Indeed. Again, also
`thank you for that consideration. That is
`definitely on the forefront of the Board's
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.
`Wintek Exhibit 1016
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`IPR2013-00567, IPR2013-00568, IPR2014-00541
`April 21, 2014
`Conference Call
` So yes, we would be willing to
`discuss it now briefly if there's some
`potential dates to resolve. If it's too
`preliminary right now for this call, if the
`parties can get together and reach perhaps a
`tentative schedule for adjustment due the dates
`currently on the schedule with regard to the
`567 and 568 case to perhaps facilitate the
`decisions that the Board has to make with
`respect to the 541 case, that would be
` MR. RICHETTI: Your Honor, from
`the Patent Owner's standpoint, it's a little
`preliminary right now because I would need to
`consult with my client on a proposed schedule.
` But more than willing to, you
`know, engage in discussions with Petitioner's
`counsel and try to come up with a schedule that
`we can propose for the Board, mutually
`acceptable proposal for the Board's
` JUDGE COCKS: Well, then please do
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.
`Wintek Exhibit 1016
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`IPR2013-00567, IPR2013-00568, IPR2014-00541
`April 21, 2014
`Conference Call
` So if the parties can get together
`and are able to reach a proposed, albeit
`perhaps tentative schedule, that would be
`mutually agreeable and obviously -- well, in
`any event, if they could contact the Board via
`conference call and we could discuss it. If
`the parties cannot reach agreement, then also
`schedule a conference call with the Board, and
`we will discuss that as well.
` Does that sound agreeable to both
`parties at this time?
` MR. PALYS: This is Joseph Palys.
`That's agreeable, your Honor.
` MR. RICHETTI: This is Joseph
`Richetti for the Patent Owner. That's
`agreeable to Patent Owner as well, your Honor.
` JUDGE COCKS: All right then.
`Well, then we'll issue an order summarizing
`this, as well as the results of the prior
`conference call.
` As to the prior conference call,
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.
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`IPR2013-00567, IPR2013-00568, IPR2014-00541
`April 21, 2014
`Conference Call
`Mr. Palys, if you could ultimately file a copy
`of the transcription of today's call as an
` MR. PALYS: We will, your Honor.
` JUDGE COCKS: All right. Okay.
` Well, that was all the Board
`wanted to clarify with respect to these issues.
`We appreciate -- sounds like the parties are
`willing to work together, and the Board
`appreciates that in the spirit of camaraderie.
` So thank you, and we shall be in
`contact unless there's something else the
`parties would like to address.
` MR. PALYS: No, your Honor.
` MR. RICHETTI: No, your Honor.
` JUDGE COCKS: All right. Thank
`you then. Call is concluded then.
` MR. RICHETTI: Thank you.
` JUDGE COCKS: Thank you.
` (Conference call adjourned at
` 2:40 p.m.)
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.
`Wintek Exhibit 1016
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`IPR2013-00567, IPR2013-00568, IPR2014-00541
`April 21, 2014
`Conference Call
` I, Cynthia J. Conforti, Certified
`Shorthand Reporter, the officer before whom the
`proceedings were taken, do hereby certify that
`the foregoing transcript is a true and accurate
`record of these proceedings; that said
`proceedings were taken in Stenotype note by me
`on the 21st day of April, 2014, commencing at
`2:29 p.m. and ending at 2:40 p.m.
` I further certify that present on behalf
`of Party Wintek Corporation were Joseph Palys,
`Esq. and Naveen Modi, Esq. of Finnegan,
`Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP; on
`behalf of Party TPK Touch Solutions was Joseph
`J. Richetti, Esq. of Bryan Cave LLP.
` I further certify that I am not related
`to, nor associated with any of the parties or
`their attorneys, nor do I have any
`disqualifying interest, personal or financial
`in the actions within.
` Dated this 22nd day of April 2014, Cook
`County, Illinois.
` ______________________
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.
`Wintek Exhibit 1016
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`IPR2013-00567, IPR2013-00568, IPR2014-00541IPR2013-00567, IPR2013-00568, IPR2014-00541
`April 21, 2014April 21, 2014
`Conference CallConference Call
`ability 11:17
`able 6:18,21
`7:19 10:2 13:3
`account 7:5
`accurate 15:3
`actions 15:11
`ADAM 2:8
`address 14:13
`addressed 11:16
`adjustment 12:6
`afford 8:19
`afternoon 4:6
`agree 9:22,22
`agreeable 9:12
`10:17 13:5,11
`agreement 13:8
`albeit 13:3
`aligned 10:10
`allow 6:19
`Americas 2:16
`amount 8:20
`Appeal 1:1 2:4
`Appeals 1:17
`appearing 2:2
`appreciate 6:4
`10:18 14:8
`appreciates 7:4
`approach 5:17
`April 1:13 15:5
`Ariosa 5:14 8:9
`associated 15:9
`attorneys 15:10
`Avenue 2:16
`beginning 4:10
`behalf 2:4,13
`3:4 15:6,8
`believe 5:15
`6:17 10:8,14
`believes 8:15
`best 10:9
`Board 1:1,17
`2:5 5:12 7:4,8
`7:14 8:15 9:7
`9:17,17 12:9
`12:19 13:6,9
`Board's 7:4
`11:17,21 12:20
`briefed 7:13
`briefly 12:2
`Bryan 2:15 15:8
`C 1:17 2:1,1,6
`call 5:4,7,16
`12:4 13:7,9,21
`13:22 14:2,17
`case 1:3,6,9 5:10
`5:15,18 6:2,8
`8:10 10:6 12:8
`cases 5:5,11
`7:16 10:4
`Cave 2:15 15:8
`caveat 6:3 9:13
`certain 11:16
`certainly 9:20
`Certified 1:19
`certify 15:3,6,9
`5:12 9:6
`clarify 5:20 6:6
`9:9 14:7
`clear 11:11
`clearly 9:2
`client 12:15
`closely 10:10
`Cocks 1:17 2:6
`4:6,7,14,18 5:1
`7:3 9:4 10:21
`11:19 12:22
`13:18 14:5,16
`come 8:17 10:16
`11:12 12:18
`comments 11:2
`concerns 11:14
`concluded 14:17
`conference 5:4,7
`Conforti 1:19
`3:22 4:4,22
`11:20 12:21
`considered 5:14
`consult 12:15
`contact 13:6
`Continued 3:3
`Cook 15:11
`copy 14:1
`Corporation 1:2
`1:5,8 3:4 15:6
`correct 8:6
`counsel 10:16
`County 15:12
`court 3:22 4:4
`4:19 6:21
`currently 10:11
`cut 9:9
`Cynthia 1:19
`3:22 4:4,22
`D.C 3:17
`date 6:17,19
`8:19 9:2 10:1,2
`Dated 15:11
`dates 6:13,15
`7:1 9:15 11:12
`day 15:5,11
`Days 9:15
`deadline 11:18
`dealt 5:18
`decided 7:8 10:5
`decisions 12:9
`definitely 11:21
`desirable 12:11
`different 8:18
`directed 5:9
`direction 1:21
`discuss 12:2
`discussed 5:8
`drastic 9:8
`Drive 3:9
`due 6:13,16 9:15
`10:1,2 12:6
`Dunner 3:7,15
`E 2:1,1,1,10 3:1
`efficient 10:3
`either 5:11 8:1
`engage 12:17
`Esq 2:6,8,10,14
`3:5,13 15:7,7,8
`EST 1:14
`event 7:14 9:18
`10:4,8 13:6
`events 10:8
`Excuse 8:8
`exhibit 14:3
`expediting 5:22
`expense 10:2
`F 2:1 3:1
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.Henderson Legal Services, Inc.
`Wintek Exhibit 1016
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`IPR2013-00567, IPR2013-00568, IPR2014-00541
`April 21, 2014
`Conference Call
`facilitate 12:8
`fact 5:18 7:13
`Farabow 3:6,14
`fashion 11:17
`file 8:2,2,13 14:1
`filed 6:20
`filing 6:5
`final 6:17
`financial 15:10
`finding 7:5
`Finnegan 3:6,14
`4:2,13 15:7
`flexibility 9:20
`Floyd 2:8 4:8
`follow-up 5:3
`following 7:6
`forefront 11:21
`foregoing 15:3
`forth 8:10
`free 9:14
`Freedom 3:8,9
`further 15:6,9
`Garrett 3:6,14
`give 9:22
`going 8:1
`good 4:6,11 5:2
`grant 7:9,15
`guess 5:20 8:9
`happen 10:9
`happens 7:19
`happy 8:16
`helpful 8:16
`Henderson 3:6
`3:14 4:5,22
`Hi 4:1,3,16
`Honor 4:12,16
`4:21 6:10 8:7,8
`10:19 11:4,11
`12:12 13:14,17
`idea 11:7
`Illinois 15:12
`impact 6:15,22
`impacting 7:16
`in-between 9:1
`institute 7:8,10
`7:14 10:4
`intend 6:4 8:4
`intends 8:2
`interest 15:10
`issue 13:19
`issues 5:8,9
`11:16 14:7
`J 1:19 3:22 15:2
`join 10:5
`joinder 5:10 6:5
`Joseph 2:14 3:5
`4:1,12,17 6:11
`11:4 13:13,15
`Josiah 1:17 2:6
`Judge 1:17 2:7,9
`2:11 4:6,7,14
`4:18 5:1 7:3
`9:4 10:21
`11:19 12:22
`13:18 14:5,16
`Judges 4:7
`July 6:14
`know 7:21 8:13
`8:22 11:12
`L 2:1 3:1
`Legal 4:22
`License 1:20
`line 4:7,9,20
`little 12:13
`LLP 2:15 3:7,15
`looking 6:14
`making 11:15
`March 7:18
`matter 11:9
`meet 11:18
`mind 11:22
`Modi 3:13 4:2
`4:12 15:7
`Monday 1:13
`months 9:1
`Motion 5:10
`move 7:2
`mutually 10:17
`12:19 13:5
`N 2:1,1 3:1,1
`N.W 3:16
`Naveen 3:13 4:2
`4:12 15:7
`need 7:21 12:14
`New 2:17,17
`note 15:4
`O 2:1,1 3:1,1
`objected 9:8
`obviously 13:5
`offered 9:3
`officer 15:2
`Okay 4:18 14:5
`one-year 11:18
`oppose 6:5
`opposing 10:16
`opposition 6:6
`order 13:19
`originally 9:3
`Owner 1:4,7,10
`4:15 5:22 6:1,4
`6:8,12 7:1,22
`8:16,20 9:8,11
`11:15 13:16,17
`Owner's 6:7
`7:21 9:20 11:6
`P 2:1,1 3:1,1
`p.m 1:14 14:21
`Palys 3:5 4:1,2
`4:11,12 10:22
`11:3,4 13:13
`13:13 14:1,4
`14:14 15:6
`Panel's 5:17
`part 9:5
`participants 2:2
`particular 7:17
`parties 5:4,13
`5:21 8:10 9:14
`9:22 10:12
`12:5 13:2,8,12
`14:8,13 15:9
`Party 15:6,8
`Patent 1:1,1,4,4
`2:4,7,9,11 4:15
`5:21 6:1,4,7,8
`6:12 7:1,21,22
`8:16,19 9:8,11
`9:20 11:6,15
`12:13 13:16,17
`pattern 5:19
`period 6:8 10:3
`personal 15:10
`Petitioner 1:3,6
`1:9 4:10,13
`8:12,17 9:3,21
`Petitioner's 11:1
`phone 2:2 3:2
`place 10:11
`please 12:22
`plenary 6:7
`point 11:10
`points 7:7
`position 5:22
`7:11 11:1
`possibility 7:15
`possible 7:2
`potential 12:3
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`Wintek Exhibit 1016
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`IPR2013-00567, IPR2013-00568, IPR2014-00541
`April 21, 2014
`Conference Call
`willing 10:15,20
`12:1,16 14:9
`Wintek 1:2,5,8
`3:4 15:6
`Wintek's 5:9
`wondering 11:5
`work 8:17 10:3
`10:15 11:9,11
`X Y
`York 2:17,17
`Z 0
`00568 5:6
`084-003064 1:20
`1 9:15 10:1
`10104-3300 2:17
`11955 3:9
`1290 2:16
`16th 6:17
`2 10:2
`2:29 1:14 15:5
`2:40 14:21 15:5
`20005 3:17
`2013-00567 5:5
`2014 1:13 15:5
`2014-00541 5:5
`20190-5675 3:10
`21 1:13
`resolve 12:3
`respect 6:7
`12:10 14:7
`respond 8:21
`response 6:1,8
`6:14,17,20 8:1
`8:5,14,19 11:8
`Reston 3:10
`result 7:19
`results 13:20
`reviewed 5:4
`Rice 2:10 4:8
`Richetti 2:14
`4:16,17 6:9,11
`8:3,6 10:13,19
`12:12 13:15,16
`14:15,18 15:8
`right 4:14,18 5:1
`5:3 6:9 8:5
`10:21 12:4,14
`13:18 14:5,16
`rule 6:21
`S 2:1,1 3:1,1
`schedule 6:16
`8:11,18 10:17
`11:9 12:6,7,15
`12:18 13:4,9
`schedules 10:9
`scheduling 7:16
`second 5:8
`see 6:18
`seek 5:12
`Services 4:22
`set 8:10
`shorten 6:19
`Shorthand 1:19
`similar 5:18
`simply 9:17
`Solutions 1:4,7
`1:10 2:13 15:8
`somewhat 5:18
`sooner 7:11
`sorry 8:8
`sound 13:11
`sounds 8:3 14:8
`spirit 14:10
`Square 3:8
`standpoint 7:18
`9:21 12:13
`statutory 11:18
`Stenotype 15:4
`stipulate 9:14
`suggested 10:14
`sure 11:6,15
`taken 15:3,4
`tentative 12:6
`terms 7:22
`thank 4:14 5:1
`6:9 11:20
`thing 8:9
`think 8:13 11:8
`three 7:16 9:1
`time 6:22 8:20
`10:1,3 11:7
`timely 11:16
`today's 14:2
`Touch 1:4,7,10
`2:13 15:8
`TPK 1:4,7,10
`2:13 4:17 15:8
`transcript 15:3
`Trial 1:1,16 2:4
`true 15:3
`try 8:17 12:18
`trying 6:15
`two 3:8 5:8 8:13
`9:9 10:8
`U 2:1 3:1
`ultimately 14:1
`4:19 7:3 11:1
`v 1:3,6,9 2:8
`view 6:7
`Virginia 3:10
`waive 8:2,4
`want 7:2
`wanted 5:20 9:9
`way 6:19
`we'll 6:5 13:19
`week 5:7
`weeks 8:13 9:9
`preliminary 6:1
`6:13,20 8:1,4
`8:14,18 11:8
`prepared 11:6
`present 3:21
`presiding 1:17
`presume 6:5
`prior 5:16 9:16
`1:18 15:3,4,4
`proposal 12:20
`propose 12:19
`proposed 6:15
`8:11 12:15
`provide 9:17,19
`provided 8:12
`Q R
`R 2:1 3:1
`rationale 10:7
`reach 12:5 13:3
`reading 8:9
`really 11:3
`record 15:4
`recorded 1:18
`referenced 5:16
`regard 12:7
`regarding 11:15
`related 5:5 15:9
`reporter 1:20
`3:22 4:3,4,19
`4:21 15:1,2
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.
`Wintek Exhibit 1016
`Wintek v. TPK
`Page 18 of 19


`IPR2013-00567, IPR2013-00568, IPR2014-00541
`April 21, 2014
`Conference Call
`21st 15:5
`22nd 15:11
`3 9:15
`4th 6:14
`541 6:1,8 10:6
`11:9 12:10
`567 6:16 7:1,17
`11:13 12:8
`568 6:16 7:1,17
`11:13 12:8
`6 7 8
`8,217,902 1:4,7
`901 3:16
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.
`Wintek Exhibit 1016
`Wintek v. TPK
`Page 19 of 19

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