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`improper fraction o inadequacy
`to the circumstances. design, or end (nu medicine) d : not in accord
`with propriety, modesty, good manners, or good taste
`syn see INDE-
`COROUS —- im-prop-er-ly adv — im-prop-er-ness n
`improper fraction as (1542) .: a fraction whose numerator is count to,
`larger than, or of equal or higher degree than the denominator
`improper integral r2 (ca. 1942) : a definite integral whose region of inte-
`gration is unbounded or includes a point at which the integrand is an-
`_deiined or tends to infinity
`fr. L inmropriemta improprietas, fr. L fmproprius] (1607)
`1 : anim-
`mare-priory \aim-ptrh-‘pri-o—ta n, N 410$ [F or LL; F improprie’ré,
`proper or indecorous act or remark; esp: an unacceptable use of a
`word or of language 2 : the quality or state of being improper
`improve \im—‘prfiv\ vb int-proved; im-prov-ing [AF emproarer to in-
`vest profitably, fr. 0? en- + pron advantage. fr. LL prode — more at
`PROUD] vi (ca. 31529)
`1 archaic : EMPLOY, USE 2 a : to enhance in vai-
`ue or quality : make better
`i; : to increase the value of (land or prop—
`erty) by making it more useful for humans (as by cultivation or the
`erection of buildings) c : to grade and drain (a road) and apply surfac-
`ing material other than pavement 3 : to use to good purpose ~ vi
`: to advance or make progress in what is desirable 2 : to make useful
`additions or amendments —— im-prov-ahil-i-ty \(.)im~.pri’l~va—'bi—la—té\
`n -— im-prov-ahle \u'prfi-va~bol\ adj w ins-prewar n -
`syn that’RGVB, BsTi‘EiR. HELP, AMELEORATE mean to make more new
`ceptabie or to bring nearer a standard. IMPROVE and amt! arc gen-
`eral and interchangeable and apply to what can be made better wheth-
`er it
`is good or bad {measures to further improve the quality of
`medicai care) (immigrants heping to better their lot). HELP implies a
`bettering that still leaves room for improvement-{a coat of paint
`would help that house). AMELIORATE implies making more tolerable
`or acceptable conditions that are hard to endure {tried to ameliorate
`the lives of people in the tenements).
`improvement \im-‘prfiv—mont\ 72 (ca. £550)
`1 : the act or process of
`improving 2 a : the state of being improved; esp : enhanced value or
`excellence b : an instance of such improvement : something that en-
`hances value or excelience
`tin-providence \(.)im-'préi-vo~dan(t)s, -.den{t)s\ 1»: (15¢) : the quality or
`state of being improvident
`irn-prov-i~dent \«dant, -.dent\ adj [LL improvident—, improvr’dem. fr. L
`in- + provident-, providens provident} (1624) : not
`rovident : not fore-
`seeing and providing for the future m im-provd- eutaly adv _
`int-p corpse-tron \(,)im-.pr5—va~'za-shan. .im-pra-va- also .im-prom(.)vi»\
`n (1786)
`1 : the act or art of improvising 2 : something (as a musical
`or dramatic composition) improvised __ \.3]1n3§_
`-sho«n°1\adj w im-prowiomtion-al-ly adv
`imrprovd-santor \im~'prd—vo-.zé—tar\ n (1795) : one that improvises —
`im-prov-i-savto-ri-ai \(u)irmprd-va-zo—‘tdr—E—ol, -'tor~\ calf —— ins-pro-
`vi-su-to-ry \lm~‘prfi-vo—zo-.tor-e, .im—pra-
`i—zo—, -.tor-\ adj
`im-pro-vi-saoto-ro \(.)im—.p.réi—va-zo-'torué,
`.irn»~pro-.vé-zo—l -'tor-\ n, p!
`404i \-‘t6r-e. —'tor-\ or dares {it
`(I765) : one that improvises {as verse) usu. cxtemporzmeously
`imopro-vise \'im—pro-.vi2 also ,izn-profl vb wised; «doing [F improvi-
`ser, fr. It improvvisare, fr. improvviso sudden, fr. L impromr, lit. up-
`foreseen, fr. I‘m + pravisus, pp. of prow'a‘ére to see ahead we more at
`PROVIDE} v: (32326)
`1 : to compose, recite, play. or sing cxtemporane-
`ously 2 : to make, invent, or arrange offhand 3 : to fabricate out of
`what is conveniently on hand ~ vi : to improvise something w im-
`pro-vlsner or im-prondosor \—.vi-zor. ~'vi~\ n .
`immrmdence \(riim-‘priiwd9n(t)s\ n (15c) 1 t the quality or state of be-
`ing imprudent
`2 : an im rudent act
`in- +
`im-pmcdent \‘d’nfi mi" SHE. in L imprudefltw, fmpmdens, fr.
`predate, prudens prudent} (14c) : not prudent : lacking discretion —
`m-prmdent-Iy ado
`ptt ent
`im-Eu-dence \‘im-pya—don(t)s\ 71 (Me) i the quality or state of being im-
`im-pu-dent \»dant\ calf 1MB, fr. L 1'mpudent—, impudens, fr. in— spurious»,
`pudem', prp. ofpudére to feel shame} (14c)
`labs : lacking modesty 2
`: marked by contemptuous or cocky boldness or disregard of others
`. : msoan’r m un-pu-dent-ly adv
`lulmu-dic-iuty \,im-pyt‘l-’di-sa-té\ n EMF impua‘iciié, fr. i. impudt‘cus im-
`modest. fr. in— + pudicus modest, fr. pudére} (1528) : lack of modesty
`Ina-pug!) \iin—‘pyiim v: [ME-2, to assail. fr. MF impugner, fr. L inpugnare,
`fr. in— + pugnare to fight w more at PUNGEN'X‘] (14C)
`1 : to assail by
`words or arguments : oppose or attack as false or lacking integrity 2
`obs a : ASSAIL b : RESIST - im-‘pugn-ahie \m‘pyu‘lmo-ban ad)“ — im-
`. pugnocr \-nsr\ r:
`s“n(t)s\ n {ME fr. MF, fr. in- + puisscnce puissance, power-I (15c)
`ins-puissant \«s’m, «sont\ adj [F] (i629) : WEAK. POWERLESS
`impu se to
`fins-pulse Vim-.pols, im—'\ vi impulses}; int-pulsing (1611) : to give an
`2int-pulse \‘irn-.pols\ 7: [L i'mpulms, fr. impellere t'o impel} (1647)
`l n
`: merinnrtou. MOTIVATXON b : a force so communicated as to pro—
`duce motion suddenly c : INCENTIVE 2 a : the act of driving onward
`with sudden force : IMPULSION b : motion produced by such an im«
`puision : iMPE‘i’tiS c : a wave of excitation transmitted through tissues
`and esp. nerve fibers and muscles that results in physiological activity
`or inhibition 3 a : a sudden spontaneous inclination or incitement to
`some usu. unpremeditated action I: : a propensity or natural tendency
`usu. other than rational 4 n : the product of the average value of a
`force and the time during which it acts : the change in momentum pro«
`duced by the {once b : PULSE 4a syn see Mom
`im-pulesion \im—‘pal-shon\ 71 (15c)
`1 a : the act of impelling : the state
`of being impelled b : an impelling force c : an onward tendency den
`rived from an impuision 2 : IMPULSE 3a 3 : COMPULSmN 2
`im-pui-sive \im-‘pol—siv\ acijr' (15c)
`1 : having the power of or actually
`driving or impelling 2 : actuated by or prone to act on im uise
`: acti momentarily syn see SPONTANEOUS — im-pul-sive- y adv ._
`im-pu fiche-noes n —— im-pul-siv-i-ty \m,pol~‘si-vo-tc\ n
`im‘pu-m-ty \im-‘pyfi-nadfi )1 [MP or L; MP impunité, fr, 3:. impunitar-,
`impum’ms, fr. impufle without punishment, is. in- + poem punishment
`w more at mm] (1532) : exemption or ireedom from punishment,
`harm, or loss
`Enigma-(2 \(.)irn-'pyur\ adj [M2, fr. M? & L; MF, fr. L irnpums
`poms pure] (15c) : not pure: as
`a : LEWB, UNCHASTE b : c5 infill.
`something unclean : FOUL <~ water)
`: ritually unaiean
`or impregnated with an extraneous and usn. unwa
`~ chemical) — impure-1y adv - im-pure-uess n
`im-pu-ri‘ty \f.)im«'pyur~a-té\ n, pl -ties (tic)
`1 : something In
`pure or makes something else impure 2 : the quality or State at '5
`immu-ta-titm \.§m-pyo-'tfi—shon\n (1581)
`I : the act of imlitllin .-
`: something imputed m im-pu-tndive \iin-‘pyii-tontm (Jrl'i __ 0N:
`ta-tivc-ly adv
`inlepute \im-'pyfit\ vi im-putocd; im-put-ing {ME inputen, fr L ;
`tare, in in“ “imam to consider] (140)
`l : to lay the ”Salons-inr-
`blame for often falsely or unjustly 2 : to credit to a person or finite
`: ATPRJIBUTE (our vices as well as our virtues have been 5," W115:
`bodily derangement -—-B. N. Cardozo)
`s I: See A$CRIBE may!“ ls
`sonny \-.pyii-ta—‘bi~lo—té\ n —— im—pumh e \n'pyéi-ta~bol\ adj with
`‘in \'in, an, °n\prcp EME, fr. OE; akin to CEO in in, Lin. Gk E,”
`12c) 1 a —— used as a Ennction word to indicate lnciusion. locarlw'
`position within limits <~ the lake) (wounded «4 the :39 <~ theme:
`mer) b : INTO 1 (went ~ the house) 2— used as a furmliomfsum‘
`indicate means, medium, -or
`instrumentality {written N Gide .
`(bound ~ leather)
`3 n «w used as a function word to indicaleg-Enfili)
`lion, qualification, or circumstance (alike ~ some respects) (legato
`hurry) b : INTO 2a (broke ~ pieces) 4 m used as a function WGN‘
`indicate purpose <said ~ repiy)
`5 —— used as a function Word to [d “9
`Gate the larger member of a ratio (one ~ six is eligible)
`1m \'in\ adv (bef. 12c)
`I a (1) : to or toward the inside esp. oia be
`other building (come ~) (2) : to or toward some destination
`01' my.
`ticular place {flew ~ on the first plane)
`(3) : at close Quflfiers
`(play close ~) 13 : so as to incorporate (mix ~ the flour) _.0
`nsttd in combination <built-in bookcases)
`c : to or at an appmm-
`place {fit a piece ~) 2 a : within a particular place; 23;;
`: Within 3:5
`customary place of residence or business {the doctor is m) 3, : in "1‘
`position of participant, insider, or officeholder »... often used wtm ‘5
`(me on the jokc> c (1) = on good terms
`(2) : in a specified reiazi0fi<fl
`bad with the boss)
`{3) : in a position of assured or def‘nitlve Sixteen
`tl : in vogue or season e ofan of! we]! : in production I : in one's PM
`ence. possession, or control {after the crops are ~) g = from a Candi.
`tion of indistinguishabllity to one of clarity (fade ~> -— in for: m,
`tain to experience (in for a rude awakening)
`1in \'in\ an)" (1599) 1 a t that is located inside or within (the w pifi)‘ l:
`: that is in position, operation, or power (the ~ party) c : INsma 2' 2
`: that is directed or bound inward : INCOMrNG (the ~ train) 33:2}-
`tremely fashionable (the ~ thing to do) b : keenly aware of and“,
`sponsive to what is new and smart {the ~ crowd)
`‘in \‘in\ n (1764)
`r : one who is in office or power or on the insidfié
`matter of no versus outs)
`2 : INFLUENCE, PULL {enjoyed some so:
`of ~ with the commandant —Henrielte Rocsenburg)
`1in- or 11- or 1111- or firm prefuc [ME fr. MF, fr. L; akin to OS un-] :an .
`: NON-, U'N- w usu. it- before I (illogical), im- before 2:, m, ozp (my;
`ancc) (immoral) (impractical), ir- before r (irreducible). and in- be?
`fore other sounds (inconclusive)
`2inn or il- or im— or ir- prefix [M5, £11 MP, Er. L, fr. in in, into} his
`: within : into : toward : on _.. use. I‘l- before! (ifluviation). im—beloxe'
`b, m, or p (imminglc), ir- before r <irradiance>. and in- before other
`sounds (infiltrate) 2 : IEN- (imbrute) (imperil) <inspiril)
`‘-i11 n suffix [F Joe, fr. L —ina, fern. of -inus of or belonging to —- moron
`1 a : neutral chemical compound (insulin)
`is : enzyme (pancre-
`c : antibiotic (penicillin)
`2 : LINE ia,b <cpinephrin) 3: ha:-
`,maceutical product (niacin)
`2-513 )1 combform [3
`n] : organized public protest by means of crisis .
`v0: of : demonstration <teach~in> (love~in)
`in-ahil-i-ty \.i~ho-'b la-te\ n [ME-Z inabiiire, ir. MF inhabited, fr. in +
`biiité ability} (150) : lack of sufficient power, resources. or cessati-
`(his N to do math)
`in ab-senrtia \,in~ab-‘sen(t)-sh(é«)a\ adv EL] (1886) : in absence (gar:
`him the award in absenn'a)
`imac-cesoible \.§-nik—‘seusoubol, (.)i-.nak-\ acii [M3, ir. M? or LL; ME
`fr. LL inaccessibiiis, fr. L in- + LL accessibilis accessible] (159)1110:
`cessible --- in~ac-ces-si~bil~i~ty \‘bz~llo«té\ n w in-ac-cfilsllbll'
`\- se—sa-blFA adv
`imao-cu-rawy \(.)i-'na-l<yo—ra—sé. -k(ov)ro«se\ n, pl -cies (ca. 1755)
`: the quaiity or state of being inaccurate 2 : MISTAKE, ERROR .
`iu-ac-eu-rate \—'a—itya—rot, —k{a-)rot\ ad} (1738) : not accurate : FAULTY
`— in-ac-cu-rate-ly \nkyanrotdé, -k(o-}rot—, —kyort-\ adv
`iu-acdlon \(,)l-'nak—shan\ r: (1703) : tack of action or activity : in
`in-acstiovote \(.}i-‘nai<—ta-.vit\ vi (1906) : to make inactive —- til-Be
`va-tion \-,nak~to«'vd~shon\ r:
`a (l) : would
`in-acotivo \(.)i-'nak-tiv\ adj (1664) : not active: as
`(2) : moomm‘, sweeten 13(1) : being out of use {2) : relaunle‘
`being members of the armed forces who are not performing or a}!
`able for military duties
`(3) oft: disease : QUIESCENT c (1] {Chem
`1y inert
`(2) : optically neutral in polarized light
`:1 : bioloslqailllflim
`esp. because of the loss of some quality (as infectivity or anngenm
`-— inactive-1y adv — in-ac-tiv-i-tl' \§c-‘ti-vo-te\ n
`syn iNnc‘rtva, IDLE,
`iNER’E‘. Passwn, 30::th mean not engaged
`work or activity. INAC'I‘WF. applies to anyone or anything not In «3".1
`or in operation or at work (on inactive status as an astronaut) ('ch
`rive accounts). IDLE applies to persons that are not busy 0? OWE”,
`or to their poWers or their implements (workers were idle is to-
`fields). INER‘I‘ as applied to things implies powerlessness to moves!
`affect other ti ’
`s; as applied to persons it suggests an inherent 0! of
`bitual indisp
`on to activity (inert ingredients in drugs) (ailin-
`citizenry). msswn implies immobility or lack of normalll’ 83???
`response to an external force or influence and often suggests d9!”
`ate submissivcness or selfucontrol (passive resistance). SUPENE 3??
`only to persons and commonly implies abjectness or lndoleucc (a
`pine willingness to piay the fool).
`in-nd-e-qun-cy \(.)i«'na-di-kwe-sé\ n, p! -cies (1787)
`l : the Q“
`state of being inadequate 2 : INSUFFECIENC‘Y, DEFICIENCY

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