` B E F O R E T H E P A T E N T T R I A L A N D A P P E A L B O A R D
`M E D T R O N I C , I N C . , )
` )
` P e t i t i o n e r , )
` ) C T - 0 1 5 7 9 - 0 1
` v s . )
` )
`N U V A S I V E , I N C . , )
` )
` P a t e n t o w n e r . )
`_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )
` V I D E O T A P E D D E P O S I T I O N O F S T E V E N D E R I D D E R
` T A K E N O N B E H A L F O F T H E N U V A S I V E , I N C .
` A P R I L 1 7 , 2 0 1 4
` ( S t a r t i n g t i m e o f t h e d e p o s i t i o n : 1 : 0 9 p . m . )
`C o u r t R e p o r t e r :
`B o b b i e J . H i b b l e r , L C R / C S R
`T e n n e s s e e L C R # 0 2 9
`C a l i f o r n i a C S R # 1 2 4 7 5
`J o b N o . 1 8 3 9 8 5 0 C
`P A G E S 1 - 6 0
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`3 4
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
`2 3
`2 4
`2 5
`Medtronic v. NuVasive

` BY MR. NELSON . . . . . . . . . . 6
` BY MR. SCHWARTZ . . . . . . . . . 57
`4 5 6 7 8
`(The original exhibits were retained by the
`court reporter to be attached to the original
`and copies of the transcript.)
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`Page 2

` )
` Petitioner, )
` ) CT-01579-01
` vs. )
` )
` )
` Patent owner. )
`produced, sworn and examined on April 17, 2014,
`between the hours of one o'clock and three
`o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the
`offices of Alpha Reporting Corporation, 236
`Adams Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee 38103, before
`Bobbie J. Hibbler, (TN), Licensed Certified
`Reporter, (CA), Certified Shorthand Reporter, in
`a certain cause now pending in the United States
`Patent and Trademark Office, Before the Patent
`Trial and Appeal Board, between MEDTRONIC, INC.,
`Petitioner, vs. NUVASIVE, INC., Patent Owner; on
`behalf of NuVasive, Inc.
`3 4
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`Page 3

` A P P E A R A N C E S
`F O R T H E P E T I T I O N E R :
` J E F F E . S C H W A R T Z , E S Q .
` F o x R o t h s c h i l d , L L P
` 1 0 3 0 1 5 t h S t r e e t , N W
` S u i t e 3 8 0 E a s t
` W a s h i n g t o n , D C 2 0 0 0 5
` 2 0 2 - 4 6 1 - 3 1 0 0
` j e s c h w a r t z @ f o x r o t h s c h i l d . c o m
`F O R T H E P A T E N T O W N E R :
` S T U A R T N E L S O N , E S Q .
` F i s h & R i c h a r d s o n , P . C .
` 3 2 0 0 R B C P l a z a
` 6 0 S o u t h S i x t h S t r e e t
` M i n n e a p o l i s , M i n n e s o t a 5 5 4 0 2
` 6 1 2 - 3 3 5 - 5 0 7 0
` s n e l s o n @ f r . c o m
`A l s o p r e s e n t :
` B l a i n e C o l e m a n , V i d e o g r a p h e r
`2 3
`7 8 9
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
`2 3
`2 4
`2 5
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`and between counsel for the Petitioner and 01:12
`counsel for the Patent Owner that this 01:12
`deposition may be taken in shorthand by Bobbie 01:12
`J. Hibbler, LCR/CSR, a Licensed Certified 01:12
`Reporter, Certified Shorthand Reporter, and 01:12
`afterwards transcribed into typewriting; and the 01:12
`signature of the witness is not expressly 01:12
`reserved. 01:12
` * * * * * 01:12
` (Starting time of the deposition: 1:09 p.m.) 01:12
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: We're on the record 01:12
`at 1:09 p.m., on April 17, 2014. This is the 01:14
`video recorded deposition of Steve DeRidder. 01:14
` My name is Blaine Coleman here with 01:14
`our court reporter, Bobbie Hibbler. We are here 01:14
`from Veritext Legal Solutions. 01:14
` And the deposition is being held at 01:14
`Alpha Reporting Corporation in Memphis, 01:14
`Tennessee. 01:14
` The caption of this case is 01:14
`Medtronic versus NuVasive. Case Number 01:14
`CT-01579-01. 01:14
` Would counsel please identify 01:14
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`themselves for the record. 01:14
` MR. NELSON: This is Stuart Nelson of 01:14
`Fish & Richardson representing the patent owner, 01:14
`NuVasive. 01:14
` MR. SCHWARTZ: Jeff Schwartz from Fox 01:14
`Rothschild representing Medtronic. And with me 01:14
`is Jason Piche. 01:14
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Would the court 01:14
`reporter please swear in the deponent. 01:14
`Having been first duly sworn, was examined and 01:14
`testified as follows: 01:14
`BY MR. NELSON: 01:14
` Q. Good afternoon. Could you please state 01:14
`your full name for the record? 01:15
` A. Steven Dale DeRidder. 01:15
` Q. Thank you, Mr. DeRidder. Do you know 01:15
`why you're here today? 01:15
` A. I do. 01:15
` Q. Why? 01:15
` A. To testify to my declaration. 01:15
` Q. Okay. And have you been part of a 01:15
`deposition before? 01:15
` A. I have. 01:15
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` Q. So you kind of know generally how it 01:15
`goes. I'll ask some questions. There may be 01:15
`some objections. And if the attorney tells you 01:15
`do not answer, you don't answer. But if he just 01:15
`objects, and if you understand the question you 01:15
`can still answer. 01:15
` A. I understand. 01:15
` Q. Is there any reason that you might not 01:15
`be able to give true and complete answers today? 01:15
` A. There is not. 01:15
` Q. You're not on any medication that might 01:15
`prevent you from being able to give true and 01:15
`complete answers? 01:15
` A. None -- no. 01:15
` Q. Do you understand that you're under 01:15
`oath? 01:15
` A. I do. 01:15
` Q. Do you know what that means? 01:15
` A. I do. 01:15
` Q. What does that mean? 01:15
` A. The result could be perjury, which is 01:15
`lying under oath. 01:16
` Q. Who do you work for? 01:16
` A. I work for Medtronic. 01:16
` Q. Are you here today as a representative 01:16
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`of Medtronic? 01:16
` A. I am. 01:16
` Q. Did you spend any time preparing for 01:16
`this deposition today? 01:16
` A. I did. 01:16
` Q. When did you do that? 01:16
` A. Yesterday. 01:16
` Q. How long did you spend? 01:16
` A. I would say just over -- between two 01:16
`and a half to three hours. 01:16
` Q. I'm guessing you met with counsel? 01:16
` A. I did. 01:16
` Q. Did you do anything to prepare for this 01:16
`deposition other than meet with counsel? 01:16
` A. No. 01:16
` Q. Where did you go to school? 01:16
` A. You're talking about college; right? 01:16
` Q. Yeah, college. 01:16
` A. Okay. I got my AA degree at Heald 01:16
`Institute of Technology in Santa Clara, 01:16
`California. 01:16
` Q. And you had some additional training 01:17
`after that; correct? 01:17
` A. I've had -- yeah, I would say extensive 01:17
`training for the job that I hold. But I have 01:17
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`been -- I have attended other schools as well. 01:17
` Q. Could you kind of give me the one 01:17
`minute version of that training and schools? 01:17
` MR. SCHWARTZ: Objection to form. 01:17
` A. I went one year to Travecca Nazarene 01:17
`College in Nashville, Tennessee. I went a 01:17
`couple of years to Evergreen Valley College in 01:17
`California just to take some -- what do you call 01:17
`those -- it's regular courses, like history. I 01:17
`can't think of what they're called. And then I 01:17
`also attended some time at San Jose Bible 01:17
`College, which is now -- changed its name. I 01:18
`can't remember the name of the college right 01:18
`now. It's -- it's someone's name. 01:18
`BY MR. NELSON: 01:18
` Q. Sure. 01:18
` A. That's the official colleges I went to. 01:18
` Q. Okay. What does it mean to be an 01:18
`expert in geometric dimensioning and 01:18
`tolerancing? 01:18
` MR. SCHWARTZ: Objection to form. 01:18
`Foundation. 01:18
` A. It means that through extensive study 01:18
`and meeting with board members they recognized 01:18
`me as a person who is capable of providing 01:18
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`expert -- expert interpretation of drawings, 01:18
`mechanical design drawings as well as 01:18
`application of the science of GD&T. I was 01:18
`actually invited to become part of the board. 01:19
`But you have to be sponsored by a company, and 01:19
`at the time my company was laying me off. 01:19
`BY MR. NELSON: 01:19
` Q. Not interested in sponsoring Ray Ban, 01:19
`huh? 01:19
` MR. SCHWARTZ: Objection to form. 01:19
`Relevance. 01:19
` MR. NELSON: Sorry? 01:19
` MR. SCHWARTZ: Relevance. 01:19
`BY MR. NELSON: 01:19
` Q. Are ordinary engineers experts in 01:19
`geometric tolerancing? 01:19
` A. No. 01:19
` Q. It's a higher skill level than just 01:19
`being an engineer; right? 01:19
` A. It is a desired skill but one in which 01:19
`very few engineers master. 01:19
` Q. Are ordinary surgeons typically experts 01:19
`in geometric dimensioning and tolerancing? 01:19
` MR. SCHWARTZ: Objection to the form -- 01:19
` A. Can you rephrase that. 01:19
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` MR. SCHWARTZ: Objection to form. 01:19
`Foundation. Relevance. 01:19
`BY MR. NELSON: 01:19
` Q. Are ordinary surgeons typically experts 01:19
`in geometric dimensioning and tolerancing? 01:19
` A. No. 01:20
` Q. Are you an expert in geometric 01:20
`dimensioning and tolerancing? 01:20
` A. Yes. 01:20
` Q. Could you describe your current 01:20
`position at Medtronic? 01:20
` A. Currently I work in a department called 01:20
`worldwide rapid innovation. And typically my 01:20
`job consist of fielding requests from our sales 01:20
`force that a surgeon has requested a special 01:20
`instrument for a procedure or a surgeon might 01:20
`have an idea. They bring it to the company. I 01:20
`might be brought in to help develop that idea 01:20
`and bring it to market, or I might just be part 01:20
`of a team that internally we develop new 01:20
`instruments and/or implants for spinal fusion 01:20
`and surgery. 01:21
` Q. What would be your role on the team for 01:21
`developing a new implant? 01:21
` MR. SCHWARTZ: Objection to form and 01:21
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`foundation. Mr. DeRidder, when I'm objecting 01:21
`you need to just pause and let me object. 01:21
` THE WITNESS: All right. 01:21
` MR. SCHWARTZ: Objection to form and 01:21
`foundation. 01:21
` A. I am mainly responsible for design. 01:21
`BY MR. NELSON: 01:21
` Q. Okay. Could you elaborate a little bit 01:21
`more on being responsible for design? 01:21
` MR. SCHWARTZ: Objection to form. 01:21
` A. I'm instrumental in establishing 01:21
`prototypes, so forming ideas, helping those 01:21
`ideas come to life, if you will, and then 01:21
`documenting those for the company. 01:21
`BY MR. NELSON: 01:21
` Q. The position that you have now is that 01:21
`the same position that you had in 1999 to 2001 01:21
`timeframe? 01:22
` A. It is not. 01:22
` Q. What was the position that you had 01:22
`then? 01:22
` A. I was a associate product development 01:22
`engineer. 01:22
` Q. Could you describe the difference 01:22
`between your current position and the position 01:22
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`you had then? 01:22
` A. The associate product development 01:22
`engineer works under the instruction of the 01:22
`senior level product development engineer. And 01:22
`they are primarily responsible for helping or 01:22
`assisting the senior level engineer design 01:22
`product and get them to market. The current 01:22
`position I'm in is not even a product 01:22
`development engineer. I have been specialized 01:22
`to focus strictly on design and to assist other 01:22
`engineers in their efforts as well, a mentoring 01:23
`position. 01:23
` Q. In the 1999 to 2001 timeframe was there 01:24
`an expert at Medtronic like you who helped you 01:24
`with your work at that time? 01:24
` MR. SCHWARTZ: Objection to form. 01:24
`Relevance. 01:24
` A. Not like me, no. 01:24
`BY MR. NELSON: 01:24
` Q. Why is that? 01:24
` A. Because I had a number of years of 01:24
`experience designing product but not in the 01:24
`medical industry. But my main focus on coming 01:24
`to the company was to be used as a designer and 01:24
`to bring products from ideas to market. 01:24
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` Q. Okay. Would you consider yourself an 01:24
`expert CAD designer? 01:24
` A. I would. 01:25
` Q. Would you consider yourself an expert 01:25
`designer of spinal fusion implants? 01:25
` A. I would say I'm highly knowledgeable of 01:25
`the subject. 01:25
` Q. Are ordinary engineers and surgeons 01:25
`expert CAD designers? 01:25
` MR. SCHWARTZ: Objection to form. 01:25
`Relevance -- 01:25
` A. No. 01:25
` MR. SCHWARTZ: When I'm speaking please 01:25
`just hold on. Objection to form. Relevance. 01:25
`Foundation. 01:25
`BY MR. NELSON: 01:25
` Q. I'm not sure we got the answer on the 01:25
`record so I will ask again. Are ordinary 01:25
`engineers and surgeons expert CAD designers? 01:25
` MR. SCHWARTZ: Same objection. 01:25
` A. No, they're not. 01:25
`BY MR. NELSON: 01:25
` Q. So I'd like to talk a little bit about 01:25
`some things in your declaration. Who asked you 01:25
`to consider what one of ordinary skill in the 01:25
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`art would have understood from the prior art to 01:25
`the 334 patent? 01:25
` A. Could I have a copy of my declaration 01:25
`so I could see what you're referring to? 01:26
` Q. I am comfortable with that. 01:26
` MR. NELSON: No reason to mark it as an 01:26
`exhibit, is there? 01:26
` MR. SCHWARTZ: No. Not unless you want 01:26
`it to be an exhibit. Actually I think it's 01:26
`already marked as an exhibit. 01:26
`BY MR. NELSON: 01:26
` Q. Sir, you've been handed what's been 01:26
`marked as MSD 1002. In Paragraph 5 there's a 01:26
`statement that you were asked to consider what 01:26
`one of ordinary skill in the art would have 01:26
`understood from the prior art to the 334 01:26
`patent. I was just wondering who asked you to 01:27
`consider that? 01:27
` A. My legal counsel. 01:27
` Q. Okay. What did you do to consider it? 01:27
` A. I reviewed the materials that they 01:27
`asked me to review. 01:27
` Q. What were those materials? 01:27
` A. Patents, and drawings, and graphics. 01:27
` Q. Did you talk to anyone? Did you talk 01:27
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`to anyone as part of your review? 01:27
` A. Other than my legal counsel, no. 01:27
` Q. Did you talk to George Frey? 01:27
` A. Not for this. 01:28
` Q. Maybe I should take a step back. Do 01:28
`you know George Frey? 01:28
` A. Pronounces "Fry". 01:28
` Q. Frey? 01:28
` A. I do know him, yes. 01:28
` Q. Who is George Frey? 01:28
` A. George Frey is a surgeon in Colorado 01:28
`that was used as a key opinion leader for some 01:28
`products that we put out with his help. 01:28
` Q. What do you mean by key opinion leader? 01:28
` A. Well being that he's a surgeon he's 01:28
`familiar with what the surgeon's needs are. We 01:28
`relied on him to give us guidance on every 01:28
`aspect of the design both implants and 01:28
`instruments. 01:29
` Q. So he was someone that you -- strike 01:29
`that. 01:29
` Dr. Frey was one of the inventors who 01:29
`worked on the Frey patent with you; is that 01:29
`correct? 01:29
` MR. SCHWARTZ: Objection to form. 01:29
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` A. He is one of the inventors, yes. 01:29
`BY MR. NELSON: 01:29
` Q. Did you talk to George Frey as part of 01:29
`your consideration of one of ordinary skill in 01:29
`the art would have understood from the prior art 01:29
`to the 334 patent? 01:29
` A. No, I did not. 01:29
` Q. Why not? 01:29
` A. I saw no reason to. 01:29
` Q. It sounded like you were saying that 01:29
`you did talk to him about something else; is 01:29
`that correct? 01:29
` MR. SCHWARTZ: Objection to form. 01:29
`Characterization. 01:29
` A. My communication with George Frey was 01:29
`back in the 2001 timeframe. 01:30
`BY MR. NELSON: 01:30
` Q. Quite a while back? 01:30
` A. Yes. 01:30
` Q. Is Dr. Frey someone who you respect the 01:30
`opinions of with respect to the subject matter 01:30
`of the Frey patent publication? 01:30
` MR. SCHWARTZ: Objection to form. 01:30
`Foundation. 01:30
` A. I have no opinion on that. 01:30
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`BY MR. NELSON: 01:30
` Q. You have no opinion on whether he's 01:30
`knowledgeable on subject matter of those 01:30
`implants? 01:30
` A. I was not involved directly as an 01:30
`associate with the conversation that took place 01:30
`between the senior product development engineers 01:30
`and Dr. Frey. So I have no opinion on his 01:30
`statements. 01:30
` Q. You're being handed a document that's 01:31
`been marked Exhibit MSD 1013. Do you recognize 01:31
`this document? 01:31
` A. I believe I recognize a picture on the 01:31
`document. 01:31
` Q. Do you know what this document is? 01:31
` A. Yes. 01:31
` Q. What is it? 01:31
` A. It's a patent. 01:31
` Q. Have you seen this patent before. 01:31
` A. I can't be sure. I may have seen an 01:32
`illustration from it. 01:32
` Q. In your declaration you refer to 01:32
`something as the 334 patent. Is this the 334 01:32
`patent? 01:32
` A. It appears so. Yes. 01:32
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` Q. When you consider what one of ordinary 01:32
`skill in the art would have understood from the 01:32
`prior art to the 334 patent did you actually 01:32
`review the prior -- did you actually review the 01:32
`334 patent? 01:32
` A. Not the entire patent. 01:32
` Q. Did you review it briefly? 01:32
` A. I was shown -- I recognize some of the 01:33
`illustrations in here. 01:33
` Q. Why did you review the 334 patent 01:33
`illustrations? 01:33
` MR. SCHWARTZ: Objection to form. 01:33
`Characterization. 01:33
` A. I was handed them or shown them by my 01:33
`counsel. 01:33
`BY MR. NELSON: 01:33
` Q. Okay. You've been handed a document 01:33
`that's been marked as Exhibit MSD 1013. 01:33
` A. Okay. 01:33
` Q. But you've also been handed more 01:33
`recently a newer document that's been marked as 01:34
`Exhibit MSD 1003. Do you know what Exhibit MSD 01:34
`1003 is? 01:34
` A. Not unless you tell me. There's two 01:34
`documents here. 01:34
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` Q. In Paragraph 5 of your declaration you 01:34
`reference U.S. Patent Application Publication 01:34
`Number 2002/0165550 to Frey. 01:34
` A. Yes. 01:34
` Q. Is this the same document that you're 01:34
`referencing? 01:34
` A. Yes. This is the patent in reference. 01:34
` Q. So do you know what this document MSD 01:34
`1003 is? 01:34
` A. This top document I do recognize it. 01:35
`Yes. 01:35
` Q. You're free to take the clip off if you 01:35
`want to. I think if you take a look you will 01:35
`see that it's a rather thick patent 01:35
`application. The first half is all the figures 01:35
`and the second half would be the text of the 01:35
`document. But if you wouldn't mind taking a 01:35
`quick look to see if you see anything that makes 01:35
`you think that that's not the case, please let 01:35
`me know. 01:35
` A. Okay. I think we're fine. 01:35
` Q. When you consider what one of ordinary 01:35
`skill in the art would have understood from the 01:35
`prior art to the 334 patent, did you review the 01:36
`Frey patent application? 01:36
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` A. I did review this patent, yes. 01:36
` Q. Why did you review it? 01:36
` A. I was asked to. 01:36
` Q. Okay. Did you -- strike that please. 01:36
` Was your review of this Frey patent 01:36
`application helpful? 01:36
` MR. SCHWARTZ: Objection to form. 01:36
` A. Not really. 01:36
`BY MR. NELSON: 01:36
` Q. Why not? 01:36
` A. I was familiar with it. 01:36
` Q. Why are you familiar with it? 01:36
` A. Because I'm a named inventor on it. 01:36
` Q. Did you spend a fair bit of time with 01:36
`this subject matter at some point?

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