`1630 Golden Ridge Drive The Villages, FL 32162
` 513/720-9781 / e-mail:
`Expert scientist/technologist for microbiological product development, risk assessment, establishment and
`maintenance of microbiological quality and building effective global R&D and manufacturing micro quality
`processes and systems. Successful in all microbiological aspects of consumer product/cosmetic/OTC drug
`development, manufacturing and claims from in-depth understanding of biological soils and skin flora to
`strategic problem solving. Unique ability to organize, communicate science effectively to managers, policy
`makers and regulators for technically-valid and effective industrial and public policy development.
`UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA, Department of Microbiology and Cell Science
`Instructor. MCS 4934
`Principal. Expert resource for global cosmetic, drug, consumer product microbiological quality 2011-present
`Section Head. Global Microbiology: Beauty; Pet Care, Snacks and Beverage: Fabric and Home Care
`Business Units 1991-2011. Environmental and State Regulatory Affairs: Beauty Business Unit 1991-2000.
`Organized and led global microbiology groups for preservation, manufacturing and claims support and research at
`8 geographically-remote facilities. Effectively managed budgets and relevant transitions of Richardson Vicks,
`Clairol, Wella and Gillette acquisitions. Expanded technical capabilities including molecular biology and rapid
`methods to support R&D, claims and product quality initiatives.
`Environmental assessment/marketing support of global initiatives. Managed federal and state regulatory affairs -
`lead negotiator for California innovative product exemption and repeal of regulation to ban aerosol antiperspirants.
`Managed solid waste regulatory and commercial issues for Beauty business and served as corporate spokesman.
`Regulatory Affairs Manager. Beauty Care Division: 1988-1991. Managed compliance to state and federal
`(FDA, EPA, ATF and DOT) regulations; focus on FDA compliance and IND preparation and submission.
`Group Leader. Hard Surface Cleaner Dpt.; Spic & Span/Comet Technical Brand Manager: 1986-1988.
`Led successful development and test market expansion of innovative, premium cleaning products - responsible for
`technical and consumer understanding, formulation, advertising design and marketing/manufacturing support.
`Staff Microbiologist and Group Leader. Microbiology, Bar Soap and Household Cleaning Product Division:
`1981-1986. Organized and led R&D group for internal and external for research of microbial ecology (mildew and
`toilet slime) and establishment of preservation and manufacturing quality for nationally-distributed household
`products. Generated and organized efficacy data for registration/marketing of household disinfectant products.
`THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS, Department of Microbiology, Austin TX
`Research Associate/Teaching Assistant. Field isolation and identification of hydrocarbon-degrading, marine
`fungi. Teaching asst. for undergraduate and graduate students in basic and medical microbiology and mycology.
`Quality Control Technician. Quality control in support of clinical microbiological media production.
`U.S. ARMY, Ft. Polk, LA; Brooke Army Hosp. Ft. Sam Houston TX; William
`Beaumont Army Hospital, Ft Bliss TX; 45th Field Hospital, APO New York 09221
`Medical Laboratory Specialist. Performed all operations of hospital laboratory services with primary focus on
`clinical microbiology. Established clinical micro capability for 45th Field Hospital. Final rank attained – E5.


`Page 2 – Curriculum Vitae of Philip A. Geis, Ph.D.
`1975 / 1981
`B.A. Microbiology / Ph.D. Microbiology and Mycology (McKinney Fellowship)
`MEDICAL FIELD SERVICE SCHOOL, U.S. ARMY – Brooke Army Hospital, San Antonio Texas
`Medical Laboratory Specialist
`Additional Specialized Courses:
`Graduate school internship Texas Department of Health Laboratory Services, 1975.
`Mycology, Mycobacteriology, Parasitology, Microscopy workshops/short courses, Texas Dpt Health, 1975-1976.
`Microbiology of Devices Drugs & Cosmetics, Disinfectant Development and Registration, ASM workshops, 1982.
`The Mechanics of Preparing IND Applications and NDA's, Inst Appl Pharma Sci 1988.
`Leadership, communications, innovation, diversity and management courses; The Procter & Gamble Company.
`REFERENCES: Available on request
`American Society for Microbiology - Emeritus member
` Vice President and later Executive Committee, Ohio Branch ASM: 2002-present
`Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology – Emeritus member
` Associate Editor, SIM News: 1985-1988: casual book and peer reviewer Journal of Industrial Microbiology
`Personal Care Products Council (PCPC formerly CTFA)
` Microbiology Committee - Preservation Subcommittee Chairman: 1985 to 1987
` Air Quality Task Force: 1990 to 2001
`Chemical Specialty Products Association
` Air Quality Committee: 1989 to 2001
` Microbiology Task Force (organizer and first chairman): 2008-2014
`Ohio Academy of Science (OAS) – elected Fellow
` Trustee and Chairman of the Science Policy Committee: 1997-2011
` Peer reviewer – The Ohio Journal of Science: 2007-present
` Microbiology judging chair – State Science Day 1999-2011
`Hamilton County Environmental Priorities Project: Facilitator, Air Working Group
`Hamilton County Solid Waste District Policy Committee: Waste Generator Rep.
`Ohio Kentucky Indiana (OKI) Regional Council of Governments: Land Use Comm.
`Assoc. Editor: Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Forum Newsletter (PMF Newsletter)
`Foreign Policy Leadership Council of Greater Cincinnati
`International Biodeterioration Biodegradation Society:
` Editorial board and Editor International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation
`American Water Works Association of the APHA. Standard Methods Committee
`International Standards Organization (ISO). Technical Advisory Group - Cosmetics
`Advanced Testing Laboratory Advisory Council.
`External Advisory Board: University of Florida STEM Talent Expansion Program


`Page 3 - Curriculum Vitae of Philip A. Geis, Ph.D.
`Phi Kappa Phi (national undergraduate honorary scholastic fraternity)
`Theta Xi (national social fraternity)
`US Army: National Defense Ribbon and Army Medal of Commendation for service to the 45th Field Hospital
`McKinney Fellowship at University of Texas Department of Microbiology Graduate School
`The Procter & Gamble Co.: 1st recipient/namesake award – “Dr. Philip Geis Excellence in Product Quality Award”
`Ohio Academy of Science – elected Fellow
`Certificate of Appreciation- 2012. Member of Standard Methods Committee/Joint Task Force for Development
`of Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater, 22nd Ed. AWWA, APA, WEF.
`Shaw DA, Brown BA, Rook, A, Geis PA, Ananth V. 2014. Critical Elements of Household Product
`Preservation: An Overview. Happi (Household and Personal Products Industry). March/April:79-86.
`Geis PA, Krowka JF. 2013. The microbiology of personal care and cosmetic products. Soc Indust Microbiol
`News. 63:197-201.
`Geis PA, Steinberg DC. 2013. Response to: Malik and Claoué - Transport and interaction of cosmetic product
`material within the ocular surface: Beauty and the beastly symptoms of toxic tears. Ante Eye Cont Lens
`CSPA Microbiological Quality Committee. 2013. Lead author for:
` MMG 001.1 Microbiological Examination of Household and Institutional Products: Microbial
`Enumeration Test. CSPA Technical Publication.
` MGG 002.1 Microbiological Quality of Finished Products.
` MGG 003.1 Microbiological Quality of Raw Materials.
`Brown BA, Geis PA, Rook A. 2012. Conventional Preservatives Versus “Natural” Alternatives: Practical
`Considerations. Happi. May/June: 59-74.
`Member of Standard Methods Committee. 2012. In: Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
`Wastewater 22nd Edition. Lead author for update of Section 9610. Detection of Fungi.
`Geis PA, Rook A. 2011. Microbiological quality of consumer and industrial household products. Happi
`May/June: 82-87.
`Member of Standard Methods Committee. 2010. In: Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
`Wastewater 22nd Edition. Lead author for update of Section 9250. Detection of Actinomycetes.
`Brannan DK, Geis PA. 2009. Cosmetic Microbiology. In: Encyclopedia of Microbiology (3rd Edition) Editor-
`in-Chief: M Schaechter. Elsevier Ltd., pp. 270-280.
`Geis PA, Schultz SL. 2009. Water activity and cosmetic product preservation. In: The Role of Water Activity
`in the Pharmaceutical Industry (ed’s. A Cundell and A Favero), pp. 127-152.
`Geis PA. 2007. Fundamental elements for microbiological quality of cosmetics and OTC drugs. Am Pharm Rev
`10:86-95. Reprinted in 2008 PMF Newsletter 14:2-8.
`Fujioka K, Geis PA, Saito M, Matsuoka H. 2007. Visualization of yeast single-cells on fabric surface with a
`fluorescent glucose and their isolation for culture. J Indust Microbiol Biotech 34: 685-688.
`Geis PA. 2006. Purpose of cosmetic preservation. PMF Newsletter 12: 6-8.
`Page 4 - Curriculum Vitae of Philip A. Geis, Ph.D.


`PUBLICATIONS – Technical (continued)
`Geis PA. (ed). 2006. Cosmetic Microbiology: A Practical Handbook 2nd Edition. Taylor & Francis, pp. 295.
`Curry J, Brannan DK, Geis PA. 2006. History of cosmetic microbiology. In: Cosmetic Microbiology: A Practical
`Handbook, 2nd Edition (ed. PA Geis), Taylor & Francis, pp. 3-17.
`Gei, PA. 2006. Preservation strategies. In: Cosmetic Microbiology: A Practical Handbook 2nd edition (ed. PA
`Geis). Taylor & Francis, pp. 163-180.
`Geis PA. 2006. Evolution of cosmetic microbiology beyond agar plating. In: Handbook of Cosmetic Microbiology.
`(ed. DS Orth). CRC Press, pp. 327-343.
`Geis PA. 1999. Epidemiology, etiology, clinical aspects and diagnosis of tinea versicolor (letter). Int J Dermatol 38:
`Geis PA, Hennessy RT. 1997. Evaluation of cosmetic preservative efficacy. In: Handbook of Cosmetic
`Microbiology. (ed. DK Brannan). CRC Press, pp. 143-163.
`Geis PA. 1996. Maltophila or maltophilia? (letter). J Appl Bacteriol 81: 223.
`Perry BF and Geis PA. 1996. Validation in the cosmetic microbiology laboratory. In: Microbiology of Food and
`Cosmetics in Europe. The European Union's Innovative Policy Against Food-Transmitted Diseases. (ed’s. G
`Marengo and F Pastoni). Joint Research Committee European Commission, pp. 108-124.
`Geis PA. 1988. Preservation of cosmetics and household products. Dev Indust Microbiol 29: 305-315.
`As chair of CTFA Microbiology Preservation Subcommittee and lead author: Determining the need for
`preservatives in cosmetics and toiletries (weighted-value technique). CTFA Microtopics. 1988: 83-99.
`AND Testing anhydrous products for preservative efficacy. CTFA Microtopics 1988: 99-111.
`Steadham JE, Geis PA, Simmank JL. 1986. Use of carbohydrate and nitrate assimilations in the identification of
`dematiaceous fungi. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 5: 71-75.
`Geis PA, Jacobs CW. 1985. Polymorphism of Wangiella dermatitidis. In: Fungal Dimorphism (ed. PJ Szaniszlo).
`Plenum Press, pp. 205-233.
`Geis PA, Szaniszlo PJ. 1984. Carotenoid pigments and photoresistance in Wangiella dermatitidis. Mycologia 76:
`Geis PA,Wheeler MH, Szaniszlo PJ. 1984. Pentaketide metabolites of melanin synthesis in the dematiaceous
`fungus Wangiella dermatitidis. Archiv Microbiol 137: 324-328.
`Szaniszlo, PJ,Geis PA, Jacobs CW, Cooper CR, Harris JL. 1983. Cell-wall changes associated with the yeast-to-
`multicellular form conversion in Wangiella dermatitidis. In: Microbiology 1983 (ed. D Schlessinger).
`American Society for Microbiology, pp. 239-244.
`Szaniszlo PJ, Jacobs CW, Geis PA. 1983. Candida albicans - Dimorphism: morphological and biochemical
`aspects. In: The Pathogenic Fungi: Biology, Pathogenicity and Detection (ed. D Howard). Marcel Dekker,
`Inc. pp. 323-436.
`Geis PA. 1981. Chemical composition of the yeast and sclerotic cell walls of Wangiella dermatitidis. with
`addendum Pigments of Wangiella dermatitidis. Ph.D. Dissertation, The University of Texas, pp. 1-183. and
`Abstract, American Society for Microbiology (ASM) annual meeting, Dallas, Texas, Spring, 1981.
`Geis PA, Szaniszlo PJ. 1980. Carotenoid pigments of a dematiaceous fungus. Texas J Sci 32:182.
`Szaniszlo PJ, Davenport RF, Geis PA, Hebert RL, Kennedy DJ. 1979. Environmental studies, South Texas outer
`continental shelf, biology and chemistry. In: Water Column and Benthic Microbiology-Mycology. University
`of Texas Marine Institute Final Report. AA550-CT7-11, pp. 1-67.
`Page 5 - Curriculum Vitae of Philip A. Geis, Ph.D.


`PUBLICATIONS – Science Policy
`Geis PA. 2010. Regulations Overshadow Science in Ohio’s Educational Standards. The Ohio J. Sci.110:2.
`Geis PA. 2009. Ohio’s Science Standards Humbled. The Ohio J. Sci. 109:42.
`Ohio Acad. Sci. 2009. Ohio Science and Technology Policy Issues. In Hannah and Gongwer news services.
`Geis PA. 2006. Belittlement and harassment of medical students. Remedial training—ethics and sensitivity
`Brit. Med. J. 333:809 (letter).
`As a member of the Land Use Commission, contributor to the 2005 “Where do we grow from here? Strategic
`Regional Policy Plan” of the OKI (Ohio Kentucky Indiana) Council of Governments.
`Geis PA. 2002. Science Technology Policy Issues of Concern to Ohio’s Leadership. Ohio J. Sci. 102:67-69.
`As waste generator rep. to Hamilton County Solid Waste District Policy Committee, participated in development of
`1999, Hamilton County Solid Waste Management Plan 2000-2014. Dept. Env. Serv., Hamilton Co., OH.
`Casual articles, op-ed, guest editorial columns: In-Fisherman, Microbiologics Inc. Magnitude newsletter, Journal
`Irreproducible Results, SIM News, Cincinnati Enquirer, Kentucky Enquirer, Columbus Business First,
`Masillon The Independent, Chillicothe Gazette. The Press – Toledo, bBET - CBS Interactive Business
`Network, Le Figaro, and MENSA regional publications - Mencincinnatian, Midtennsan and Chinook.
`PATENTS: Co-inventor for Multiple (17) US and International Patents. Available on Request
`Cosmetic Preservation: MI. Denver CO. North American Contact Dermatitis Group. March 2014.
`Formulating with Preservatives. PCPC Microbiology Symposium. Newark NJ. October, 2013.
`Lascaux Cave Mold Investigation. Lascaux Scientific Committee. Paris. June 2012.
`Natural Preservatives: A Practical Consideration. PCPC-sponsored technical webinar. May, 2012.
`Atypical Product Microbiological Quality. PCPC Microbiology Symposium. Newark NJ. October, 2011.
`AET Criteria and Relevancy vs. Consumer Use. Parenteral Drug Association Microbiology Symposium. Bethesda
`MD. October 2011.
`Organizer, Moderator and Presenter - Antimicrobial Effectiveness Test as Risk Assessment. The Pharmaceutical
`Microbiology Forum (PMF) Cosmetic Microbiology Conference. Philadelphia PA. Annually 2009-2011.
`Preservative Efficacy Testing. PCPC-sponsored technical webinar. June, 2011.
`Micro Data Deviations. PMF Investigating Microbial Data Deviations Conference. Philadelphia PA. June, 2010.
`Overview of Risk Analysis. PCPC 2009 Science Symposium: Cosmetic Microbiology. Newark NJ. Oct., 2009.
`Data Deviations and Investigations. PMF conference - Investigating Microbial Data Deviations. PMF. Philadelphia
`PA. June, 2009.
`Moderator and Presenter (History of Cosmetic Microbiology). PMF conference – Cosmetic Microbiology Forum.
`Newark NJ, Sept. 2008.
`Microbiological Quality of Water-Based Consumer Products. Center for Professional Advancement, New
`Brunswick NJ and Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Dr. Dan Brannan and I taught 2-day course 2002-2008.
`Preservative Effectiveness Test as Risk Assessment. PMF conference - Microbial Deviations. San Francisco CA.
`May, 2008.
`History: Antimicrobial Effectiveness Test. PMF conference - Cosmetic Microbiology. Newark NJ. Sept. 2007.
`Preservation of Personal Care Products. CTFA webinar for cosmetic industry. March, 2007.


`Page 4 - Curriculum vitae of Philip A. Geis, Ph.D.
`Opportunities for Innovation in Cosmetic Microbiology. Society for Industrial Microbiology (SIM). Anaheim,
`CA. July, 2004.
`Industrial Microbiology: Arcane Art and Science, April, 2003 and Microbiology Without a Net: Working in
`Industry, March, 2002. Both at Dept. Biology, Youngstown State University, Youngstown OH
`Cosmetic Preservation - Rationale and Application. Organized and led with J. Yablonski and S. Schnittger round
`table discussion. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Society, Washington, D.C. Aug., 1999.
`Rapid Methods in the Cosmetic Laboratory. Importance of Validation: joint meeting of Society of Cosmetic
`Chemistry (SCC) and CTFA, Seattle WA, May, 1998.
`HACCP and Cosmetic Microbiology. Introductory speech - HACCP in Cosmetic Microbiology, seminar: joint
`effort of SIM and CTFA, Morristown NJ, November, 1996.
`Validation in the Microbiology Laboratory. Keynote speech - Microbiology Validation, joint seminar SIM and
`CTFA, Morristown NJ, April, 1995.
`Preservation of Cosmetics. Preservative Efficacy Testing for the Cosmetic/Pharmaceutical Industries Workshop,
`ASM, Mt. Vernon PA, March, AND Preservation Symposium, SIM, Baltimore MD, August. 1987.
`Cell-Wall Composition and Pigments of Wangiella dermatitidis. Dept. Microbiology, Univ. Dayton, Dayton OH,
`October, 1983 and Dept. Biology, Miami Univ., Oxford OH, October, 1986.
`Pigments and Physiology of Black fungi. Black Fungus Workshop, Medical Mycology Society of America, Las
`Vegas NV, March, 1985.
`Melanin and Carotenoid Pigments of Wangiella dermatitidis. National Cotton Pathology Research Laboratory,
`College Station TX, November, 1981.
`Career Opportunities in Industry and the Federal Government AND (with Dr. Monika Oli, UF) Careers in
`Biomedical Science. Florida Undergraduate Research Council. Gainesville FL. February 2013.
`Cosmetic Industry Practices. Food and Drug Administration. Cosmetic Microbiological Safety Issues – Public
`Meeting. Docket FDA-2011-N-0770. Fed. Reg. 76: 67461. Bethesda MD. November, 2011.
`Opportunities in Commercial Microbiology. South Eastern Branch ASM. Gainesville FL, October 2011.
`Environmental Priorities and Citizen Participation. Department Technical Engineering, University of Cincinnati,
`Cincinnati OH, March, 1998.
`Future Regulation of Consumer Product VOC's. Market Incentives and Other Innovative Controls for Consumer
`Products. Air Resources Board, Sacramento, CA, September, 1994.
`Consumer Recyclables. Cosmetics-2001. Into the 21st Century. Annual Scientific Conference, CTFA, Washington,
`D.C., October, 1990.
`Recycling and Biodegradability: Roles in Solid Waste Control and Applicability to Consumer Product Packaging.
`10th Scientific Conference, Society for Cosmetic Chemists. Chicago IL, September, 1990.
`Solid Waste: Perspectives of a Consumer Product Manufacturer. Solid Waste Symposium, Michigan Grocers
`Association, Lansing MI, March, 1990.
`Multiple presentations to lay and company audiences, national marketers and professional organizations for FDA
`and DOT compliance, management, air quality and solid waste policies of The Procter & Gamble Company,
`microbiology, preservatives and preservation, biodeterioration and biodegradation.

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