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`provided in KSR International Co. v. Teleflex, Inc., 550 US. 398 (2007) and
`US. Patent No. 7,961,552 (“Boucher ’552”), RAY-1004;
`US. Patent No. 6,904,798 (“Boucher ’798”), RAY-1005;
`US. Patent No. 5,184,330 (“Adams”), RAY-1006;
`US. Patent No. 7,652,952 (“Betts”), RAY-1007;
`DeRoos, Bradley G. et al., Technical Survey and Evaluation of
`Underwater Sensors and Remotely Operated Vehicles, (May 1993)
`(“DeRoos”), RAY-1008.
`In forming the opinions expressed below, I have considered:
`The documents listed above,
`The relevant legal standards, including the standard for obviousness
`any additional authoritative documents as cited in the body of this
`declaration, and
`(3) My knowledge and experience based upon my work in this area as
`described below.
`Qualifications and Professional Experience
`My qualifications are set forth in my curriculum vitae, a copy of
`Page 2 of 166


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`from the University Of Glamorgan, and I have completed additional coursework in
`which is attached as an exhibit to this declaration. As set forth in my curriculum
`vitae, I have almost 30 years of experience in sonar engineering.
`I received an honours degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
`the study of sonar including Underwater Acoustics and Sonar Systems with the
`University Of Birmingham.
`I have worked with a variety of companies and institutions in the
`sonar industry, including Marconi, BA Systems, and Thales. I have held the roles
`of Acoustics Group Manager, Company Expert in Sonar (Elect), and Outboard
`System Design Authority with regard to a number of sonar systems developed for
`the Royal Navy. At Raymarine, I hold the position of Systems Architect (Sonar),
`and I serve as the technical authority for Raymarine’s sonar products. I develop
`sonar systems and transducers for an assortment of consumer and institutional
`uses, and I am tasked with advancing Raymarine’s sonar product portfolio. I am
`listed as sole or co-inventor on five patent applications in association with
`My experience covers many varied types of sonar systems, as set forth
`in my curriculum vitae, with key experience with the Thales Underwater Systems
`2076 sonar suite for the Royal Navy, where I was the Outboard System Design
`Authority for the Mine Detection And Avoidance, Intercept, Bow Active, and
`Page 3 of 166


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`(3) with engineers practicing in the field allowed me to become personally familiar
`Passive systems. I was also involved in many technical aspects of the other
`systems within the suite, including the Towed Array, Flank Array, and Fin Array
`systems. My substantial knowledge and experience in the field of sonar was
`officially recognized when I was elected to the role of Company Expert for Thales
`Underwater Systems. I also maintain a membership with the Institute of
`I am familiar with the knowledge and capabilities of one of ordinary
`skill in 2009 in the fields of sonar engineering and specifically linear transducer
`technology. Specifically, my experience (1) in the industry, (2) in academia, and
`with the level of skill of individuals and the general state of the art. Unless
`otherwise stated, my testimony below refers to the knowledge of one of ordinary
`skill in the field of sonar engineering and linear transducer technology during the
`2005 -2009 time period.
`In my opinion, the level of ordinary skill in the art needed to have the
`capability of understanding the scientific and engineering principles applicable to
`the ’840 Patent is a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering and several years of
`industry experience in sonar engineering.
`Relevant Legal Standards
`Page 4 of 166


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`prior art. It is my understanding that, to anticipate a claim under 35 U.S.C. § 102,
`I have been asked to provide my opinions regarding whether the
`claims of the ’840 Patent are anticipated or would have been obvious to a person
`having ordinary skill in the art at the time of the alleged invention, in light of the
`a reference must teach every element of the claim. Further, it is my understanding
`that a claimed invention is unpatentable under 35 U.S.C. § 103 if the differences
`between the invention and the prior art are such that the subject matter as a whole
`would have been obvious at the time the invention was made to a person having
`ordinary skill in the art to which the subject matter pertains. I also understand that
`the obviousness analysis takes into account factual inquiries including the level of
`ordinary skill in the art, the scope and content of the prior art, and the differences
`between the prior art and the claimed subject matter.
`It is my understanding that the Supreme Court has recognized several
`rationales for combining references or modifying a reference to show obviousness
`of claimed subject matter. Some of these rationales include the following:
`combining prior art elements according to known methods to yield predictable
`results; simple substitution of one known element for another to obtain predictable
`results; use of a known technique to improve a similar device (method, or product)
`in the same way; applying a known technique to a known device (method, or
`product) ready for improvement to yield predictable results; choosing from a finite
`Page 5 of 166


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`third independent claim (claim 73) recites a similar rectangular transducer element,
`wherein the linear downscan transducer element is positioned within
`the housing to project fan-shaped sonar beams in a direction
`substantially perpendicular to a plane corresponding to the surface
`of the body of water, said sonar beams being repeatedly emitted so
`as to sequentially insonify different fan-shaped regions of the
`underwater environment as the watercraft travels; and
`a sonar signal processor receiving signals representative of sonar
`returns resulting from each of the fan-shaped sonar beams and
`processing the signals to produce sonar image data for each fan-
`shaped region and to create an image of the underwater
`environment as a composite of images of the fan-shaped regions
`arranged in a progressive order corresponding to the travel of the
`The first two independent claims (claims 1 and 23) recite a single
`downward facing transducer element with a substantially rectangular shape
`positioned within a housing mountable to a watercraft as shown in FIG. 8B. The
`but without requiring the transducer element to be single or downward facing.
`EIQ £3.
`The downward facing rectangular transducer projects a fan-shaped
`sonar beam perpendicular to the plane of the surface of the body of water as shown
`in FIG. 9A (e.g., the middle one of the three transducers).
`Page 7 of 166


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`FIG, 12B
`Hg 3,5;
`The fan-shaped sonar beams are repeatedly emitted as the watercraft
`travels, and the sonar returns are processed by a sonar signal processor to create an
`image of the underwater environment from a composite of images arranged in the
`progressive order of the travelling watercraft. Although the ‘840 Patent does not
`use the term “composite of images” to describe creating an image using a single
`transducer element (c.f., “composite images” is used once in the description of the
`’840 Patent, at 15:59-60 to describe the combination of images from multiple
`composite image produced
`by down facing
`rectangular element with
`oldest sonar pings to the
`left and most recent sona1\A
`pings to the right
`transducers), one plausible example of an image is provided at FIG. 12B. In FIG.
`12B, “[b]oat position is represented by the numeral 0, or some other desirable icon,
`for the most recent sonar pings, and the oldest sonar pings are presented by the left
`side of the screen, presenting a scrolling image as the boat (and transducer) move
`Page 8 of 166


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`either the prior filed patent application that became the Boucher ’55 2 patent (RAY-
`across the water surface over time.”
`The ’840 Patent issued with 73 claims on November 6, 2012, from
`US. Patent Application No. 12/460,139 (“the ’ 139 application”) which was filed
`on July 14, 1999.
`I understand that during the prosecution of the ‘840 Patent, the
`original patent Examiner was presented with over 300 prior art references which
`the Examiner considered to be an “excessive number” subject to only “cursory
`review.” (RAY-1002, Final Rejection dated Dec. 20, 2011)
`I understand that during the prosecution of the ’840 Patent, the
`applicant for the ‘840 Patent (“Applicant”, or “Navico”) stated that “[a]s presently
`understood by Applicant, however, no prior art reference cited by Applicant or the
`Examiner has a linear transducer used for downscan as described in Applicant’s
`application.” (RAY-1002, Amendment dated Nov. 30, 2011, emphasis added)
`I further understand that the original Examiner was not made aware of
`the Hydrography textbook (RAY-1003) or any other basic references that would
`have demonstrated that directing a well-known linear/rectangular transducer in a
`downward direction was not new in sonar system engineering.
`I further understand that the original Examiner was not made aware of
`Page 9 of 166


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`assemblies, systems, and apparatus claimed in the ’ 840 Patent were well known to
`It is my understanding that in order to properly evaluate the ‘840
`Page 10 of 166
`1004), or the Boucher ’798 patent (RAY-1005). Individually, the Boucher ’552
`and ‘798 patents demonstrate that Airmar Technology Corporation had previously
`developed multiple products that included a linear transducer used for downward
`facing sonar and/or echo sounding, as illustrated in the Boucher ’552 and ‘798
`patents. Airmar has long been known as an industry leader in the design and
`development of sonar transducers in the industry and as a major developer and
`supplier of sonar transducers to manufacturers of sonar systems.
`In light of the information in these references, it is my opinion that the
`persons skilled in that art at the time the application for the ’840 Patent was filed.
`As will be described in extensive detail below, at the time the application for the
`’840 Patent was filed, there was nothing new about directing a linear transducer in
`a downward direction and processing the sonar returns to produce images, and
`there was nothing new about the various recited implementation and design
`choices for such a system, as claimed. For example, as noted in 1993 in DeRoos,
`side-scan, forward-scan, and down-looking or “downscan” sonar systems are all
`very similar to each other, except they are aimed in different directions (RAY-
`1008, p.129)
`Claim Construction


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`Patent, the terms of the claims must first be interpreted. It is my understanding that
`The specification provides the following description of a linear
`transducer: “each of the transducer elements 60 may be substantially rectangular
`in shape and made from a piezoelectric material such as a piezoelectric ceramic
`material, as is well known in the art and may include appropriate shielding (not
`shown) as is well known in the art. The piezoelectric material being disposed in a
`rectangular arrangement provides for an approximation of a linear array having
`beamwidth characteristics that are a function of the length and width of the
`rectangular face of the transducer elements and the frequency of operation.”
`(RAY-1001, 9:36-46) The specification further explains that a linear transducer
`may be “directed downward to receive high quality images relative to the water
`column and bottom features directly beneath the linear transducer and the vessel on
`Page 11 of 166
`the claims are to be given their broadest reasonable interpretation in light of the
`specification. It is my further understanding that claim terms are given their
`ordinary and accustomed meaning as would be understood by one of ordinary skill
`in the art, unless the inventor, as a lexicographer, has set forth a special meaning
`for a term.
`In order to construe the claims, I have reviewed the entirety of the
`’840 Patent, as well as its prosecution history.
`“single linear downscan transducer”


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`operation.” (RAY-1001, 9:44-46) As explained, a rectangular transducer produces
`“sequentially insonify different [an-shaged regions at the underwater
`The specification never uses the term “sequentially insonify” but
`provides the following indications of its meaning: “to ensonify (e.g., emit sonar
`Page 13 of 166
`the transducer: “beamwidth characteristics that are a function of the length and
`width of the rectangular face of the transducer elements and the frequency of
`a fan-shaped sonar beam: “the rectangular shape of the transducer elements 60
`provides for a narrow beamwidth in a direction substantially parallel to the
`centerline of the vessel and a wide beamwidth in a direction substantially
`perpendicular to the centerline of the vessel.” (RAY-1002, 10:21-25) Further,
`“the fan-shaped beams produced will have the wide beamwidth in a direction
`substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal length of the transducer elements 60
`and a narrow beamwidth in a direction substantially parallel to the longitudinal
`length of the transducer elements 60.” (RAY-1001, 10:28-32)
`It is my opinion that a person of ordinary skill in the art would
`understand the broadest reasonable interpretation of “fan-shaped sonar beam” in
`view of the specification to be: “a sonar beam with a relatively narrower
`beamwidth in one direction and a relatively wider beamwidth in the other
`perpendicular direction.”


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