`Reflectance and albedo differences between wet and
`dry surfaces
`Sean A. Twomey, Craig F. Bohren, and John L. Mergenthaler
`It is commonly observed that natural multiple-scattering media such as sand and soils become noticeably
`darker when wet. The primary reason for this is that changing the medium surrounding the particles from air
`to water decreases their relative refractive index, hence increases the average degree of forwardness of
`scattering as determined by the asymmetry parameter (mean cosine of the scattering angle). As a conse—
`quence, incident photons have to be scattered more times before reemerging from the medium and are,
`therefore, exposed to a greater probability of being absorbed. A simple theory incorporating this idea yields
`results that are in reasonable agreement with the few measurements available in the literature, although there
`are differences. Our measurements of the reflectance of sand wetted with various liquids are in reasonably
`good agreement with the simple theory. We suggest that the difference between reflectances of wet and dry
`surfaces may have implications for remote sensing.
`Everyone is familiar with the fact that sand, clay,
`and similar natural surfaces, as well as many other
`powdered materials, become darker when wet. One of
`the most dramatic modifications of regional reflec-
`tance that has been observed and recorded (other than
`snow and cloud cover) was obvious darkening of an
`extensive area of Texas seen in photographs transmit-
`ted by Gemini 4 and reproduced in the Bulletin of the
`American Meteorological Society (Ref. 1, Fig. 5; see
`also Ref. 2). We have been unable to find a convincing
`discussion of the physical mechanism responsible for
`this darkening, even though it is so familiar.
`In this paper we describe a mechanism for the dark-
`ening of surfaces on wetting and give a simple theoreti-
`cal analysis of this mechanism. We also give some
`results of simple experiments.
`(Albedo as used herein
`is equivalent to irradiance or flux reflectance:
`ratio of reflected irradiance to incident irradiance; in
`general, it depends on the direction of incidence. We
`reserve the term reflectance for what is often called
`bidirectional reflectance—a function of both direc-
`Sean A. Twomey is with University of Arizona, Institute of Atmo-
`spheric Physics, Tucson, Arizona 85721; C. F. Bohren is with Penn-
`sylvania State University, Meteorology Department, University
`Park, Pennsylvania 16802; and J. L. Mergenthaler is with Lockheed
`Palo Alto Research Laboratory, Palo Alto, California 94304.
`Received 16 September 1985.
`© 1986 Optical Society of America.
`tions of incidence and of reflection—and adopt a nor-
`malization in which a perfect Lambertian reflector has 7
`a reflectance of unity in all directions.)
`II. General Discussion
`When sand or soil is wetted thoroughly, interstitial
`air (refractive index m0 = 1.0) is replaced by water (mo
`= 1.33). For a given particle with refractive index m
`and diameter d, the optical effective size [(m —
`mo)/mo]d (see, e.g., Ref. 3, p. 176) is thereby reduced.
`At first sight this would seem to provide an explana-
`tion for the observed darkening, but in soils, sand, etc.
`the particles are much larger than the wavelengths of
`visible light, and size, therefore, does not greatly affect
`the scattering efficiency, which for all practical pur-
`poses has its asymptotic value of ~2. Thus an expla-
`nation based on effective size cannot be entertained.
`Basic physics dictates that discrete particles embed—
`ded in a continuous medium must be invisible (optical-
`ly undetectable) if the refractive indices of particle and
`medium are exactly equal. Christiansen filters and
`immersion methods for refractive-index determina-
`tion are straightforward applications of this principle,
`and they are not restricted to particles of any special
`size or shape.
`Light scattering theory shows that the asymptotic
`value for the radiant power removed by a sphere of
`radius r from an incident beam of irradiance F0 is
`27rr2F0. This value is obtained approximately if r ex-
`ceeds 10—20 wavelengths (see, e.g., Ref. 4, p. 297); the
`so-called extinction paradox refers to the presence of
`the factor 2, giving 27rr2 rather than just area 7W2.
`1February 1986 / Vol.25, No.3 / APPLIED OPTICS
`SCOTTS EX. 1012
`SCOTTS EX. 1012
`there is no absorption, the power 27rr2F0 is redistribut-
`ed as scattered radiation, and this asymptotic value is
`independent of refractive index. Thus there is an
`apparent conflict between these two fundamental re-
`sults, since one implies that scattering by a large parti-
`cle does not decrease as its refractive index approaches
`that of the surrounding medium, whereas the other
`dictates that there can be no scattering when the re-
`fractive indices are equal.
`This apparent paradox is resolved if we consider the
`angular distribution of the scattered light:
`it is more
`and more concentrated around the forward direction
`as the refractive indices tend to equality and exactly
`forward when they are equal (i.e., a nonevent—the
`scattered wave is indistinguishable from the incident
`wave). This effect is shown in a brief table reproduced
`by van de Hulst (Ref. 3, p. 226) from Debye’s thesis5
`and is confirmed by Mie computations (see, e.g., Fig. 12
`in Ref. 6). Figure 1 of the present paper shows the
`asymmetry parameter g (i.e., mean cosine of the scat—
`tering angle) as a function of the ratio of particle re—
`fractive index In to that of the surrounding medium
`mo. The increasing degree of forwardness as the re-
`fractive indices of particle and medium move closer
`together illustrates what will be the pivotal point in our
`discussion. '
`If we turn now to diffuse reflection by multiple-
`scattering from soil, sand, powders, etc., it is apparent
`that if such materials could be wetted with a liquid
`having a refractive index exactly equal to that of the
`solid particles (for the moment assumed uniform in
`optical properties and nonabsorbing), they would be
`invisible since no photons could be deflected from
`their original direction of travel. Real solid particles
`are, of course, nonuniform in composition, absorb to
`some extent, and usually possess higher real refractive
`indices than water and most liquids; when they are
`wetted the result is not total darkening, but the mecha-
`nism is the same:
`scattering becomes more forward,
`more scattering events are, therefore, needed to turn a
`photon around, and since each scattering involves a
`finite probability of absorption, fewer photons survive
`the greater number of scattering events so reflection is '
`As a simple example, consider a hypothetical medi-
`um that scatters all photons at 30° only, so that a
`minimum of four scattering events would be needed
`before a normally incident photon could escape.
`there is one chance in twenty of absorption in each
`event, reflected photons will be less than (0.95),4 or
`81.5%, of the incident stream. Now change the scat-
`tering angle to 10°; at least ten scattering events are
`needed, and no more than (0.95),10 or 60%, of the
`incident photons can emerge, which represents appre-
`ciable darkening even though the probability of ab-
`sorption remained exactly the same for each individual
`scattering event.
`ill. Derivation of Approximate Formulas
`Intuitively, it is obvious that a scattering event
`which deflects the average direction of propagation by,
`APPLIED OPTICS / Vol. 25, No. 3 /
`1 February 1986
`151.4 1.5
`Refractive Index of Liquid (for particle R115)
`—o— Geomeiric optics
`------.* x=250, mL=O.OOO1
` 1.0 .
`Ra1io of Refractive Indices
`Fig. 1. Dependence of the mean cosine of the angle of scattering by
`a sphere (asymmetry parameter) on the refractive index (real part)
`relative to that of the surrounding medium. These calculations
`were made using both Mie theory and geometrical optics. The size
`parameter x is the sphere circumference divided by the wavelength,
`and mg is the imaginary part of its refractive index.
`say, 10° must be less effective (for reflection by multi-
`ple scattering) than one which deflects it by 30°.
`photons were scattered in only the forward (0°) and
`backward (180°) directions, the probability of forward
`scattering being 1‘, then 1 — f would be the fraction of
`incident photons turned back in one scattering.
`defining optical path length 7, as customarily used, no
`distinction is made between scattering into small an-
`gles and scattering into large angles. Although
`exp(—r) gives the fraction of photons not scattered
`after traversal of an optical path length r, a more
`informative quantity (in this extreme case at least)
`would be exp[—(1 — f)~r], which gives the fraction of
`incident photons which are either unscattered or scat-
`tered through 0°.
`In reality, scattering distributes
`photons over all directions, and the asymmetry param-
`eter g = (cosfl), the cosine of the scattering angle
`averaged over many single-scattering events, indicates
`how forward-directed a scattering process is. This
`quantity can be computed for any scattering diagram,
`and for spherical particles can be obtained directly
`from the Mie coefficients. Generalizing from the ex-
`treme example of only forward and backward scatter-
`ing, one might reasonably expect a scaled optical thick-
`ness 7" = 7(1 - g) to be a better indicator of multiple-
`scattering properties than T alone. Numerical tests
`confirm this expectation:
`for example, computations
`show that two scattering layers have almost the same
`reflection and transmission if 1(1 — g) has the same
`value for each even though the separate values of r and
`g are different.
`Up to this point we have neglected absorption.
`Sand, soil, and similar natural finely divided materials
`are, however, far from perfectly white even though
`essentially of infinite optical depth. When absorption
`is present, the fraction of photons surviving an encoun—
`ter with a particle is wo rather_than unity, and ‘T is
`composed of a component (1 -_w0)'r due to absorption
`and a scattering component Two. The single-scatter-
`ing albedo 0.10 for many, but not all, common particu-
`late materials is close to unity; for such materials high
`orders of scattering occur and contribute substantially
`to reflection, since after n scatterings a fraction coo"
`remains unabsorbed [e.g., (0.99)20 is greater than 0.8,
`and (0.99)100 is 0.37].
`The asymmetry parameter clearly has no_direct rele-
`vance to absorption, so the group (1 — wo)r should
`remain unchanged_after scaling; Hence two layers
`with properties (7’, 000’, g’) and (7, Leo, g) are predicted to
`be similar in their overall multiple-scattering proper-
`ties (e.g., reflection, absorption, transmission) if
`(1 — {0007' = (1 — 5w,
`(l — g’)5)’0r — (1 — (3)5101.
`These scaling or similarity relationships, which were
`first used for multiple light scattering by van de Hulst
`and Grossman,7 have been amply validated by numeri-
`cal tests (see Ref. 8, p. 398 and elsewhere).
`It is note-
`worthy that, whereas with conservative scattering (no
`absorption) all infinitely deep_layers are similar what-
`ever the degree of asymmety (wo’ = 1 and -r’ -> Go as 7' -+
`30 for g = 1), this is not true in the ngnconservative case:
`wo’ is a function of asymmetry for we ¢ 1. By division,
`a scaling formula is obtained from Eq. (1) which does
`not contain optical thickness and so can be applied for
`any 7; this is further simplified if g’ is stipulated to be
`zero meaning that an optically deep layer with actual
`properties (mg, g) will be approximated by an isotropi-
`cally scattering deep layer with a single-scattering al—
`bedo wo’ given by
`1 ' f .
`1 — gwo
`Note that this scaled (or effective) single-scattering
`albedo depends strongly on the asymmetry parameter
`g and goes to zero as g goes to unity.
`If we = 0.9 and g =
`0.9_, for example, the scaled value for a layer with g’ = 0
`is wo’ = 0._47, substantially less than 0.9. The depen-
`dence of wo’ on g is shown in Fig. 2.
`It is notable that
`for a typical particle refractive index (~1.5), the
`change from a medium with me = 1.0 (air) to m0 = 1.33
`(water) increases the asymmetry parameter from
`around 0.8 to ~09? (see Fig. 1), which coincides with
`the region in Fig. 2 where 000’ changes rapidly with g.
`Wetting, therefore, reduces the scaled single-scatter-
`ing albedo although the actual single-scattering albedo
`is the same or almost the same.
`Scaledsingle-scatteringalbedo(:33) 0 (1|
`Asymmetry (9)
`Fig. 2. Scaled single-scattering albedo vs asymmetry parameter.
`Curves are labeled with the actual (unscaled) single-scattering albe-
`A one-to—one relationship exists between reflectance
`and single-scattering albedo for an infinitely deep iso-
`tropic layer, and fairly simple formulas have been de-
`rived for that case by ChandraSekhar.9 His treatment
`shows that a radiant flux (irradiance) F0 incident at
`zenith angle cos‘1 #0 gives rise to a (multiply scattered)
`reflected intensity (radiance)
`up) = 217; if; Hummer...
`where ,u is the cosine of the direction of the reflected
`intensity. The H functions are smooth and monoton-
`ic, being unity at argument zero for all coo and reaching
`a maximum between 1_and 3 at argument unity de-
`pending on the value of too; values of H(u) are tabulated
`in Ref. 9 (p. 125), and they can be computed readily by
`iteration on any small computer. The albedo (irradi-
`ance or flux reflectance) is obtained by integrating I(M)
`over all p. and can be shown to be (see, e.g., Ref. 10)
`R = 1 — \/1 — (30190.0).
`Equations (3) and (4) give reflectance and albedo as
`functions of single-scattering albedo for an infinitely
`deep layer of isotropic scatterers. Real particles do
`not scatter isotropically, so Eqs. (3) and (4) are not
`directly applicable, but by scaling we can find an iso-
`tropic layer Which is similar to (i.e., closely approxi-
`mates) the anisotropically scattering layer of interest;
`hence we can apply Eqs. (3) and (4) (as approxima-
`tions) to_ anisotropic scatterers but must use wo’ in
`place of we in these equations.
`Although the single-scattering albedo coo of particles
`in natural scattering layers is not known, the scaled
`single-scattering albedo wo’ is by Eq. (4) directly infer—
`able from the reflectance. We have plotted in Fig. 3
`the relationship between scaled single-scattering albe-
`do and both zenith reflectance [Eq. (3)] and albedo
`[Eq. (4)] for incident illumination at 41.4° from the
`zenith (#0 = 0.75).
`1 February 1986 / Vol. 25, No.3 / APPLIED OPTICS
`Reflectance towards zenith
`0 8
`----- -<>-- Albedo (llux reflectance)
`Fig. 3. Dependence of albedo and zenith reflectance (for incident
`light at 41.4" from zenith) on scaled single-scattering albedo wo’.
` 0
`(a) Scaled single-scattering albedos for an infinitely deep
`Fig. 4.
`scattering layer wet by a liquid with refractive index mg. The
`particles are much larger than the wavelength and have a refractive
`index of 1.5.
`(b) Inference of the reflectance produced by wetting.
`Quantitative tests of this were made by wetting vari-
`ous surfaces (sand, soil, concrete) with liquids of differ-
`ent refractive index—glycerol, benzene, carbon disul-
`fide, sugar solutions—in sunlit conditions and
`observing the change in the reading of a photometer
`viewing the test surfaces.
`(In most experiments, a
`r "
`Wetting a finely divided material increases the
`asymmetry parameter g and hence, according to Eq.
`(2), decreases the scaled single-scattering albedo wo’.
`For particles that are large compared with the wave-
`length, the asymmetry parameter is almost indepen-
`dent of size, being determined primarily by the ratio of
`particle refractive index to that of the surrounding
`medium (Fig. 1). Given the reflectance or the albedo
`of the dry surface, the value of wo’ is obtained from Fig.
`3. The value of wo’ when the surface is wet can then be
`obtained from the expression
`”Owet _
`erdI-y + 1 — dery
`which results from applying Eq. (2) for both wet and
`dry conditions. For weakly absorbing particles larger
`than the wavelength, the actual single-scattering albe-
`do wo is not substantially changed by wetting, whereas
`the scaled value 010’ is.
`As a numerical example, consider a surface which
`when dry has a reflectance of 0.3 for the illumination
`envisaged in Fig. 3; this figure shows the corresponding
`value of (90’ to be 0.825.
`If a particle with real refrac-
`tive index 1.5 (typical of sand and many common min-
`erals at visible wavelengths) is surrounded by water
`(m0 = 1.33) instead of air, the relative refractive index
`is reduced to 1.13, and from Fig. 1, the asymmetry
`parameter increases from ~0.83 to 0.96, giving for the
`ratio r in Eq. (5) the value 0.23. Thus wetting reduces
`wo’ from 0.825 to 0.52. According to Fig. 3, the corre—
`sponding reflectance is 0.12, less than half of the origi-
`nal reflectance. The procedure for determining wet
`from dry reflectances is outlined schematically in Fig.
`Predictions of the Effect of Wetting on Albedo and
`A. Wetting of Sand and Soil
`Natural surfaces are wetted on a large scale only by
`water; for a typical particle refractive index—few nat-
`urally occurring common materials differ markedly
`from 1.5—wet albedo can be predicted from dry albedo
`in a manner similar to that described in the previous
`section. Few data on albedos (or reflectances) of natu-
`ral surfaces in both wet and dry states could be found
`in the literature; what we have been able to find is
`shown in Fig. 5.
`The greatest relative change in albedo on wetting
`occurs for dry albedos around 0.3—0.6, which decrease
`by ~0.1.
`(An albedo of zero implies total absorption,
`whereas an albedo of unity implies no absorption
`whatsoever, so neither of these extreme values is
`changed by wetting.)
`B. Experiments Using Liquids of Different Refractive
`Figure 6 shows a photograph“ of sand that was wet
`with water and benzene.
`It is readily apparent that
`the liquid of higher refractive index (benzene) pro-
`duced a darker surface than the liquid of lower refrac-
`tive index (water), as argued in the preceding section.
`APPLIED OPTICS / Vol. 25, No. 3 /
`1 February 1986
`I Knndrmyev
`{-1 Sellers
`Dry Albedo
`Fig. 5. Wet vs dry albedos obtained by the method indicated in Fig.
`4. The wetting liquid is water (m0 = 1.33). The crosses are experi-
`mental data given by Sellers13 for natural surfaces; the circles are
`similar experimental data reported by Kondratyev.15
`Fig. 6. Sand wet by water and benzene (from Ref. 11).
`small fiber-optic pickup was used.) Before and after
`introduction of the test surface, a reference surface
`(white paper or an NBS-calibrated standard diffuser)
`was brought into the sensor field of View, enabling both
`relative and absolute reflectances to be inferred. No
`attempt was made to infer albedos since this requires
`integration over all directions. The theoretical ex-
`pressions given earlier had the single-scattering albedo
`too as a variable, which is not controllable but rather an
`externally prescribed unknown.
`(Absorption in these
`surfaces is a result of traces of impurities rather than
`an intrinsic property of either the bulk material or the
`surrounding medium.)
`(.00 would be varied
`and dry and wet reflectances measured for different
`wetting liquids, but _this is not possible in practice.
`One can only infer wo’ from one measurement (dry
`reflectance) and then compare the wet reflectance to
`the theoretical prediction.
`All our experiments gave similar results; rather than
`present all of them, we restrict ourselves to those ob-
`tained with Ottawa sand wetted by aqueous sugar solu—
`tions, the refractive index of which can be varied by
`changing the concentration,12 and a few results for
`benzene and glycerol. The results are plotted in Fig. 7;
`Refractive Index of Medium
`Fig. ’7. Computed curves of zenith reflectance for a range of values
`of (unsealed) single-scattering albedo. The dark circle shows the
`measured value for Ottawa sand before wetting. The crosses are
`experimental results for wetting by sugar solutions with refractive
`index ranging from 1.33 to 1.48. The open circles are for wetting by
`benzene and glycerol.
`the reflectance and liquid refractive index are the de-
`pendent and independent variables, respectively, di-
`rectly pertaining to the experiment. The sets of
`curves in this figure are for different values of the
`absorption coefficient of the particles, wh_ich is the
`most important parameter in calculations; we was cal-
`culated using Mie theory, strictly applicable only to
`spheres of uniform composition, which assuredly the
`experimental particles were not. The data points lie
`close to one of the theoretical curves but do not coin—
`cide exactly with any of them. Considering the non-
`uniformity of real materials, the degree of agreement
`seems satisfactory for sugar solutions, somewhat less
`than satisfactory for benzene and glycerol.
`C. Angular Distribution of Reflectance
`From the theory developed previously the angular
`distribution of reflectance and the dependence of albe-
`do on the direction of illumination are given by H
`functions [Eqs (3) and (4)]. When theoretical predic-
`tions are compared to some data from the literature
`(e.g., Ref. 13), the disagreement is serious:
`the com-
`puted variation of albedo with direction of incident
`illumination is much less than that given in this refer—
`ence. However, measurements obtained by hemi-
`spherical omnidirectional sensors are subject to con-
`siderable errors; albedos obtained by Kuhn and
`Suomi14 by integration of directional data showed only
`a slight variation with solar angle compared with a very
`1 February 1986 / Vol. 25, No.3 / APPLIED OPTICS
`physical reason for this is that refraction causes an
`incident bundle of rays to occupy a larger solid angle on
`transmission; although the amount of radiant energy
`has not changed, its disposition has. Thus, in proper
`circumstances, the radiance of an object under water
`may be less than above water by the factor 1/m02.
`This can be demonstrated easily enough with a few
`pans of water and a white plastic spoon. What is
`observed depends on the nature of the pan (white or
`dark) and even which side of the spoon one faces.
`If its
`bowl is partially submerged in water in a dark pan, the
`submerged part is noticeably darker than the part
`above water provided that one faces the convex side of
`the bowl one faces. But now turn the spoon over so
`that one faces the concave side one faces.
`In this case
`the submerged part will not be so noticeably darker
`than the part above water. Now repeat this experi-
`ment using a white pan filled with water. The darken-
`ing is hardly noticeable at all, regardless of the orienta-
`tion of the spoon.
`This geometrical mechanism for darkening of ob-
`jects under water, which does not entail a change in
`their reflecting properties, depends on the extent to
`which multiple reflections are important. A perfectly
`white object, infinite in lateral extent, will be no less
`bright under water than above water because under
`water it is illuminated not only directly but indirectly
`as the result of many multiple reflections between it
`and the water—air interface. Only in the limiting case
`of an object not illuminated by any multiply reflected
`light (either because it or its surroundings are black)
`will its reflectance be reduced by 1/me2 when it is under
`water. All other objects will suffer radiance reduc-
`tions lying between these two extremes. A white
`spoon, for example, suffers different amounts of
`brightness reduction when submerged depending on
`the extent to which it is illuminated indirectly as well
`as directly, which in turn depends on its orientation as
`well as the nature of its surroundings under water.
`What we have called the geometrical mechanism for
`the reduction of the albedo of ground on wetting was
`put forward by Angstrom.20 He recognized that the
`magnitude of the reduction depends on the albedo of
`the ground when dry, and he even gave an explicit
`expression for the dependence of wet albedo on dry
`albedo and the refractive index of the wetting liquid.
`But he also stated emphatically that the “diffuse re—
`flection power of the surface
`is assumed to be
`unaltered through the presence of the liquid.” We
`have argued the contrary: wetting changes the diffuse
`reflection power by making the scattering more for-
`ward. To determine which mechanism is dominant,
`recourse must be had to measurements.
`If measurements were made using only water as the
`wetting liquid, it would be very easy to conclude that
`the geometrical mechanism proposed by Angstrom is
`indeed responsible for the observed darkening.
`It is
`only when liquids with different refractive indices are
`used that the issue can be settled.
`If, for example, the
`geometrical darkening mechanism were dominant, the
`reduction in reflection in going from a wetting liquid
`P 1
`' Sellers, dry
`oSellers, wet
`A Kondratyev. stony-dry
`A Kondratyev. grey-green soil
`Fig. 8. Calculated dependence of albedo (for representative single-
`scattering albedos) on the direction of incident illumination [Eq. (4)]
`compared with data from Sellers13 and from Kondratyev.15
`strong variation obtained