`.2.T .v7,fir.VT.


`COPYRIGHT © 1909. I9I3, I923, I924. 1926, I927. I930, l9”, I950, I953, I954, I957, I959
`BY O.
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` 1:!


`New Tntema‘tmnal
`Utilizing all the experience and resources of more than
`one hundred years of Merriam- Webster dictionaries
`G. & C. MERRIAM COMPANY, Publishers


`learning inlcrtser perhaps than any‘ before or since —Ellcry
`go of the person examined or his relative capacity to absorb in-teljii-pesdlve \2in(,)tem:pes_tiv\ adj [L iiifempasrlvus,
`SadiIck) (listened With P‘ attention)
`3 a obs :
`nlormntion and solve problems : a test_dc51gned to measure
`In— ‘in- + rem eslivus tempestive] : uNTiMELY,
`BENT, RESOLVED ~— used With upon or about b (ll : feeling
`.apacity to learn apart from actual achievement ~ compare
`in tempo adv or. adj) [It] : in time t a tempo ~— used as a
`deeply esp. by nature or temperament
`: exhibiting’or re:
`direction in music.
` \- jsns'é, -si\ n ~ES [L lurelllgentla —— more at
`\(')in-‘,terup(a)ral, an«'t-\ ad]
`[9111» + fem fleeting strong feeling or earnestness of
`urpose (my only
`mguggncg archaic : mmcuogucs
`poml] : transcendingltemporal relations :
`ELEss (a cruelly
`love, you are so «4 — S. V. Millny)
`so ~ in his moral
` \-nt\ ad} [L irirelllgant-, intelligeus, pros. part.
`ubstrgct and ~ trui
`--Claudri Vigée) —-— n-tem-po-ral-ly
`convictions -G.G.Coulto_n) (~ incverything he does -——Curv
`)[ inielllgere, lntellegere to perceive, understand, fr. Inlcr- +
`\.rale\ adv
`rent Blog.) (an ~ expresswn on his face) (2) : charged with
`cgere to choose, select, gather—more at LEGEND] 1 a : pps-
`iii-lotid \én-‘tcnd\ vb ~Eo/-iNo/-s falter.
`(influenced by L
`artistic emotion or intellectual excitement
`: possessmg the
`casing intelligence or intellect : haying the power of reflection
`ill- 3111:) of ME euleltdeli, fr. 0F entendre, fr. LL'inrendcre, fr.
`quality of artistic tension (his style is ~, eloquent, personal
`)r reason (assumes the existence of other worlds peopled by
`L, to intend, attend, stretch out, extend, fr. in- 1in- + tendera
`to himself ~H.O.Tsylor) (painted his most maturepnd ~
`U beings)
`I) : guided or directed by intelligence or intellect
`to streICh, stretch out -—- 'more at TEND] vi 1 a arc/mic : to
`work --Anierlca.r) (3) : deeply felt (a man of ~ convrctions)
`: RATlONAL (in the other kind of behavtor, often called ~,
`understand or construe in a certain manner : APPREHEND, —-iIi-t8_tiS}5-l¥ adein-tense-nessn
`he animal is able to benefit from its past experience —~Neiv
`b (i) : SlGNlFY, MEAN (what was Ned by that
`in-ten-Si-li-ca-tion \én-.ten(t)sofa'kii‘shan\ n -s :
`the act,
`Biology) 2 a : having or indicating a high or satisfactory
`by teleology is ~ed the purposefulness of nature)
`process, orvan instance of intensifying (an ~ of a process
`legree of intelligence and mental capacity or powers of
`ave in mind i have reference to : refer to (this
`that has already been long at work ——-Ba
`ara Ward)
`)erception, consideration, and correct decmon : not stupid
`tavern I think must have been the one ~ed .
`. in his novel
`in-ten-Si-fi-er \aa-‘ten(t)sa,fi(a)r\ n -s : one that intensifies:
`)r foolish (Puritanism presupposed an ~ clergy capable of —Noies & Queries)
`2 3. [ME lmcnden, cnrenden,
`fr. M?
`as a : a devxce (as a two-part cylinder with rigidly conneCted
`nterpretll‘lg Scripture —Amer. Guide Series: Mash).(though
`enteridre, fr. L inlendere] (l) :‘to have in mind as a design or
`gistons of different diameters) for stepping up fluid pressure
`the could not read both her face and conversation were
`purpose: PLAN (~s to do all in his power) ~ not to retrace
`: a photographic intensifying reagent
`0 : a gene that en-
`V~Willa Cnther)
`l) : well adapted to its purpose : being the
`the march. of occupation in detaih—Russcl Lord
`hanccs the normal effect of another nonallelic gene when
`groduct of intelligence of a high order : revealing or reflecting
`have in mind as an obiect to be gained or achieve
`(~r that
`both are present 6 : lNTENSl’VB words .
`. which have been
`good judgment or sound and comprehenswe thought : WISE,
`general opulence to which it gives occasion —Adam Smith)
`used emotively as ~s —-William m son)
`;KlLLFUL (an ~ denision). (N propaganda)
`(an ~ essay)
`~ed the advantagc‘of a great number of people TILE.
`in-ten-sj-iy \—,fi\ vb .gp/.mo/.s Intense + .ijy] v! 1 :
`3 a : marked by
`nick active perception and understanding
`cudder) (~s only'hls own advancement)
`b : to design for make intense or more intensive : STRENGTHEN,
`(an ~ person, loo trig out of his eyes and hearkenipg in his
`or destine to a specified purpose or future (the engravmgs are
`DEEPEN (are ~an our sales effort -——Wall Street Jam.) (~
`gars —-R.L.Stevenson) b arcligi'c : showmg or haying some
`not pied for sale ——Mary Zimmcr) (~ed him to be the next
`farming on a wrde scale ——Farmcr‘s Weekly (So. A/rlca))
`special knowledge, skill, or aptitude
`president) 3 archaic : to proceed on (one‘s course or way)
`2 a t to increase the density and contrast of (an image on a
`syn imowmo, BRlLLlANT, SMAiu', gator-rt, QUlCK-WmED.
`41MB integiden, enrenden,
`fr. L iliiendere] archaic
`a :
`photographic film or plate) by treating with any of various
`chan, ALERT:
`iN'rELLiGENr, limited in connotational range,
`direct the mind on : attend to : take care of (~r his brother‘s
`rea cats that not either by producing an additional deposit
`indicates mental capaCity and power. often to a high degree, Will—George Chapman) 1) : to direct (the eyes) toward some~
`y rendering the original deposit more opaque
`h z
`enabling one to perceive,
`learn, consider, and Judge (what
`thing 50b5:ASSERT, MAINTAIN: PRETEND 6 archaic: to stretch makemoreBeul525HARPEN ~stillmoretheresultantproblems
`should a mature and intelligent nation do in such 5 arms?
`out or forth : make tense : EXTEND, s‘rac‘rcu ~ vi 1 [ME
`or health and nutrition——R.
`.Steel) ~ vi: to become intense
`we ought to keep our heads .
`. be alert to really serious
`entenden fr. MF entendre] : to have an aim or end in mind
`or more intense: as a : to grow stronger : INCREASE, DEEPEN
`dan ers ~Elmer Davis) (it is fairly easy for any inielllgent
`(none of our first plans . .
`. could be carried out as we ~ed
`(within her own narrowed sphere her sympathies seemed to
`mot er to know when the baby is hungry ——Morris Fishbein) —R.L.Stevenson) ‘ 2 arclialc a [ME interidsn, entenden, fr. ~ ~McGlll News)
`l) : to grow sharper or more acute (the
`KNowmo may indicate ability .to know. onpossesswn of
`L Intendere] : to direct one’s course or way : PROCEED b : to
`drought has intensgled and spread —-K.S.Davis)
`special knowledge; it often applies to intimations of spectal
`start or set out : intend to go or set out
`among the three
`apartments . .
`is ~lng -—Newsweek)
`information or sophistication (the knowlng collectors of
`syn lNT_END,' MEAN, DESleN, ignores: and. PURPOSE can mean
`records —Saturday Rev.) (the two young officers exchanged
`to have in mind as .lln end, aim, or function.
`a cepening or strengthening until very noticeable or unusually
`knowlng glances ~W,M.Thackeray)
`the mind .lS directed to some definite accomplishment
`deep or stron (in the lustrous air all colors were interiri’ led
`uncommon, quick shining mental kecnness. capacity, achieve-
`or end, often will determination (intended 24 books, sketched
`fMary Webb? (the depression of the early thirties lni‘snsfled
`ment against difficulty (a shrewd sensible man, pnly not H, but. left only _four -——Gilbert.Highet)
`his dissatisfaction with the capitalist
`system -Granville
`(did not
`brilliant *George Mercilith)
`first revealed With bitter and
`annexation of Italian land —Hilaire Belloc) or that, in the Hicks) AOGRAVATE, often used in connection with the am
`brilliant incisiveness the cynica desperation of early postwar mind, one conceives a thing as in a particular occupation or
`pleasant or evil, applies to an increase in seriousness and de
`adolescents ——Amer. Guide Series: Minn.)
`SMAit'i' suggests
`function, serving a given
`urpose or carrying'a
`stand for attention (the external symptoms of decline have
`quickness in perceiving, in cannily calculating, or in successful meaning (the volume was mended for reading in t e public
`served to aggravate long existing internal
`tensions ———J.G.
`resourcefulness (he was top of the class, and the,master said
`schools—Agncs Eepplle? (wasintendedforthechurch—L,0.
`Cotton) (the din of its two small~rooms aggravated by the
`he was the smartest lad in the schpol ——D.l:I.Lawrence
`(for . Howard) (the five- on Six-yearfioursa are Intended for
`periphera racket that came from the kitchen ——Jean Stafford)
`hundreds of years the smartest bustnessmen in the worl have
`pupils likely to proceed to the univerSity —H..C.Dent)
`HEXGHTEN may suggest a lifting above the ordinary or ac-
`been coming in to the City of London —D.W.Brogan) meaning of the phrase was not what
`the writers lnrcn ed)
`customed (a painter discards many trivial points of exact—
`SMART may indicate facetious periness (smart retorts are also
`MEAN can come close to the sense of lNTEND though it carries
`in order to heighten the truthfulness of a few funda-
`cherished, especially by the young —L:J.Davidson) Baiqm a weaker implication of determination, often indicating little mentnls —-C.E.Montaguc) (a dramatic incident may heighten
`indicatesalively alert quickness In learning and understanding more than volition or decisxon (mean to pay back a debt)
`the po ular
`indignation that
`leads toward war ~Dexter
`(the teachers all knew he was bright as brass .
`. he took»
`(put something to u use for which it was not meant) (mean to
`ENHANCE suggcsts a lifting or strengthening above
`every last one of the prizes —Ellen Glasgow). (foreordained
`go to the movtes tonight) DESIGN usu. stresses forethought
`normal, 85K:
`in. attractiveness, desirability, or value
`that any brightperson ought tohaveseen itcoming—Harper's)
`in arrivmg at an intentionhoften implying contrivmg or
`charm of t
`is Wild land is enhanced by the presence of
`quick—wmenindicutes quickness in timing to an occasmn, in
`scheming (designs 'a companion volume _in which she Will
`and the famous forest ponies -S.P.B:Mais) (a blue serge
`perceiving and caping With problems or dangers (a quick;
`carry further her dismission —Marioric Nicolson) (plans we
`sort freshly[pressed which enhanced the im ression he gave of
`wilted debater hard to entangle or confuse) (making their
`bad deslgned to put
`into effect
`(putting a
`neatriess an cleanliness—Henry Miller) (t epolitical prestige
`way through enem territory under the quick-wilted leader— machinc to uses for which it was not designed)
`(have no
`of the C.I.O. was enhanced by the election —Collier's Yr. Bk.)
`ship of the captain
`CLEVER may suggest quick, apt facilitg
`protection against designing and dishonest peogle)
`Intensitying screen :1
`ii fluorescent screen placed usu. on
`at improvising, finding ex edicuts. contnvmg to cope Wit
`implies a clear setting forth, in the mind or
`cfore others
`each _Side of an X-ray
`hotographic film so as to augment
`problems (clever boys an
`girls like to test their minds on
`of one‘s intention, connoting clear definition or open avowal
`the direct effect of the
`rays between two such screens
`difficulties ——Bertrand Russell) (he was a clever lawyer .
`. .
`(pro used to live as if the golden age had come again ——Van
`in-ten-sion \an-‘tenchan\ n -s [L lnrcnslon-,
`intensio, fr. ln~
`and had the jury eating out of his hand ~Dorothy Sayers) Wyc Brooks) (proposes to give a summary of titles at the
`tensus (past part. of inlandere to stretch forth) ~l- Jam, -lo -ion
`ALERT indicates ii wide-awake care about and concern with
`end of the work -—H.O.Taylor) (gropased to carry out
`—~ more at iNrENo] 1 archaic : an act of straining, stretching,
`any emergent development that might have been unnoticed
`Eregosterous plan —Lamp) (the p an turned out better than
`or bending : TENSION 2 a : degree or marked degree (as of
`(alert and wary, making off at the first alarm-—Jamcs Steven-
`ad proposed at the committee meeting)
`PURPOSE differs
`in quality)
`: msusrrv b :
`increase of power or energy
`son-Hamilton) (alert to this need. Congress authorized five
`little frompsorossexcept in implying a strongerdetermination
`: iN'rENsiEICA-rioN c : strong or energetic exerCise (as of the
`military highways --Amer. Guide Series: Mich.)
`syn see
`or clearer intent (purpose staying there aboutnmonth ~Mary mind)
`in addition MENTAL
`W. Shelley) épurpase to arrange a typical program in this
`(the ~ of “triangle." implies or includes that of “plane
`“intelligent \"\ n -s 1 ob: :a person who conveys information
`chapter —-W.
`.Brown b.1903) (purpose to write a history of
`figure") — contrasted with extension
`: SPY 2 : an intelligent being
`England —T.B.Macaulay)
`in-ten-sionoal \-chan°l, -chnal\ ad] : of, relating to, or marked
`\an-Itelafienchal\_ 9d]
`: of,
`relating m-tend-ance \an-'tendcn(t)s\ n ’s [F, fr. MP, fr.
`by intension; Specif : coqurArivc (literature works by ~
`to, or hnvmg intelligence : cxercismg or implymg undcr-
`+ -ance] 1 : the care. control. or management of an office, means .
`. by the manipulation of the informative and af-
`(the existential and the ~ elements —-—Heinricb
`department, or otherpublicbusmess:surEam'rENDENcE 2:911
`fective connotations of words —-S.I.I-Iayakawa) —- m-ten-
`administrative department esp. of an army; specl] : an army
`\—°lE, «ole, -i\ adv
`indel-li-gent-iy adv_: in an intelligent manner (delivered an
`su ply serVIce in some countries (as France)
`in-len-Si- om-e-ter \an~.teu(t)sa'tllmsda(r)\ n [intensito— (fr.
`~reasoned summation)
`in- end~an-cy also indend-en-cy \-donse, ~si\
`Intensity) + mister] : an instrument for measuring the in-
`m-tel-ll-gen-tsia also ln-tel-Ii-gen-‘tzia \(,)in-.tela'jents’éc,
`tendancy prob. fr. F lntendance + E —y:‘ lnrendency prob. fr.
`tensrty of X rays
`{an-,tel- also -'3ench(‘é)a or -'gentses\ n -5 [Russ lntelllgenislya, MF lniendance + E ~ericy] 1 : the office, function, or em-
`in-ten-sl-ty\an-‘ten(t)sad-e’,-at'é, -i\n-Es[iniense + dry] 1: the
`in L Inteillgcnfia intelligence :- more at
`ployment of an intendant; also : a body of intendants 2 usu
`quality or state of being intense: as
`: extreme or very
`1 a :.a class of well-educated articulate persons constituting
`integidency [Sp lnisndencla. fr. intendenre] : a district under
`high degree : extreme strength, forcehor energy (the ~ of the
`n distinct, recn nized, and self-conscious socml stratum Within
`an intendant
`sun‘s rays) (the ~ and accuracy of this fire-—S.L.A.Marshsll
`a nation and c aiming or assuming ‘for itself the guiding role
`in-tend-ant \cnfltendanm n -s [F, fr. MP, fr. L intendent-,
`(strikingly signslizes the ~ of the hope ——~Bernard De Voto
`Of all
`intellectual, social, or political vanguard (the basic
`lnlendens-, pres. part. of lnicndere to intend, attend— more at
`rains of unparalleled ~ —-W.E.Swinton) b : extreme depth
`inaction of the Encyclopedists and of all later ~s . ,
`. includes
`[NTEND] : a person who has the charge, direction, or manage-
`of feeling :
`assionate quality : extreme sensibility (her ~,
`both the iconoclastic and the pedagogic, the destructive and meat of some public business: as
`n. : an administrator of a which woul
`leave no emotion on a normal plane -—D.H.
`the constructive element -Arthur Koestler)
`(an inferior
`French province under the centralized system introduced by
`Lawrence) (the most striking feature ., .
`is the ~ of his
`. helot people without any national consciousness, without
`Richelieu b : an administrative officer next to the governor
`nature —-—R.A.Hall b.1911) (instinctively kept to ~, knowing
`, m1l”"-,-Q.D.Tol15chus) (it has a restless, unstable, rebellious,
`in Canada under French rule c ; an official in charge of the
`that.without pnssion'no art can live -— Bogan) ‘c : the
`.and brilliant ~ ~R.H,Ma_rkhnm)
`b : a class of
`colonial treasury sometimes huvmg the governorship of the
`quality of aesthetic or intellectual emotion or exaltement
`devoted to matters of_the mind and es . to the arts an letters
`provtncc in various Spanish and Portuguese colonies d : a
`: compactness of artistic statement or expression : artistic
`.a class of persons given to study, ref ection, and speculation
`chief administrative official
`(as governor of a district or
`tension (lacks the ~ and the profundity that
`the greatest
`$33K- conceruing large, profound, or abstract issues (a cafe mayor of a city) esp. in some S anish-American countries
`poetry has —-R.A.Hall b.1911) (with~ the 903m may survive
`11 ere the local~ gathered) (a trifling comedy scorned by the
`lintended ad} fir. past psrt. o intend} 1 a : PROPOSED (the
`iinything —— even archaic language —-J.P.Bishop) (compressed
`, 5e ). 2 - a class of
`ersons engaged 1n actiVity requiring pre~
`first volume of an N series); speclf : BE'rRorI-ieo, AFFIANCED
`into poetic ~ .
`. instead of sprawling forth slopéay, formless,
`igmmntly the use‘o the intellect : a class of persons engaged
`(his ~ bride)
`ii : XNTENTlONAL (an ~ insult) 2 ob: : Ex-
`and diffuse ~Peter Viereck> (a painting of
`‘. Rental as distinguished from manual labor (best opinion
`'rENDEp, S'mAiNED - in-tend-ed-iy adv -— in-tend-ed-ness
`(impress their poetry \vith deostty and ~, cutting out
`am is country accords to professmnal men and women the
`9 -Es
`relevanciesandlqng-windedncss~Mary,M.Colum) d’: depth
`4935135" —M.L.Cooke) ’
`Rintendpd n -s : up affianced
`arson : BETRDTHED (went to
`of animation (his veice was hoarse With the N of his belief
`ualil -El-bil-iuty \(')alc.c_|a'l?é. date. —i\ n ~23 1 : the
`the residence of his ~ ~D.D. artin)
`——IrWin Shaw)
`e : strenuousness of effort or application
`Mm, Y 01' state of being intelligible : ansri-v, UNDERSTAND- m-tend-enco \aa-‘tendan(t)s\ n -s [intend + -ence] : AT-
`: ENpRGY (the campaign was waged with great ~ byboth
`», g” (the immediate ~_of the prose -—-Richard Eberhart)
`1ENoANCE, trunnion
`parties) 2 : thedegree or amount of a quality or condition:
`im:ie‘l"i‘f‘hlug 11m! 15 Intelligible
`moten-den-cia \,ifl(.)len'deii_(t)55’e\,n -s (Sp. fr. intendenre]
`as a z the relative loudness or softness of a tone or a tonal
`' ~gl-ble \an-'tel93abal\ adj [M5, fr. L intelligibllfs, fr.
`: the house, office, or administrative area of an intendant
`effect b : the energy With which air is propelled through the
`$25185 to perceive, understand + ~lblllr —able — more at
`in a country of Spani_sh or Portuguese speech
`vocal tract in articulating : Loooness c g a specified measure
`de'rszonéfl 1 ob:
`2 : capable of being ln-ten-den- e \-'dentc\ n -s. [Sp, fr. F lnlendani] : an in-
`of the effect of certain phySical agenct 5 expressed as the
`or comprehended (an ~ description) (~ pro-
`tendant in a country of Spanish orPortuguese‘speech
`magnitude of force or energy per unit (as of surface, charge,
`bnce ta“1) 3 a : apprehensible by the intellect only : W’FIK mntendcer \an-‘tenda(r)\ n -5 z a person who intends
`or mass) —— see ELECIRIC iN'i'ENsrrv, GRAVI'IATIONAL lN-
`lliinklp a
`(the classmal conception, according to whic
`lntendimentn -5 [ML iniendlmentum meaning, interpretation,
`. mflfii‘s the iDSivectiOn of ~_ objects —Norman Malcolm)
`hidden purpose, fr. L intendere to intend, attend + ~menmm
`Nsi'aLa 1ng to something that is beyond perception : supgx-
`-ment ~ more at [NTEND] obs : lNTENTlON; also :. ArrEN-riou
`srrY. RADIANr-rtux ochrrv d : SATURATIONfla ega measure
`Dim of UPRASENsuoos (made the ~ world , , , the starting intending ad] : PROSPEcrivs, ASPlRlNG (the ~ solicitor has a
`the magnitude of an earthquake
`intensive quality
`19.1“,” Q13" Speculations —Frank Thilly) —- in-lel-li-glw
`long and expensive training ~T.G.Lund) (~ students)
`INTENSIVENESS (carried on agriculture with varying degrees
`tonight-m» n "E5 " in’KEI-li-gl-bly \-blE,-hli\ adv
`m-tend-ment \an-‘tcn(d)mant\ n -s falter. (influenced by E
`of~—A.C.Parker) g: the vivacity or strength of a sensation
`ham“, _c e \. \ '1 ~5: anobiect of the intellect (the intcllect's
`Intend) of ME entendemeni, fr. MF, fr. OF, fr. cntendre to
`(his shame reached a high degree of ~)
`it : pultural Vigor
`V llglblngmy for the intuition of ~s —-L.J.Thro)
`intend + -menf - more at iNrEND] 1 :
`esp. of a primitive
`eople as expressed in quantity of cultural
`an Dectes .n, Tliomlsm : an object as apprehended
`PURPQSE voted for it . . . because its ~s were good —A.J.
`content and compexity and interrelations of cultural pat-
`{bespeclflc‘ of intellectual cognition — contrasted with
`2 3, : MEANING, SIGNIFICANcg (acqmred further
`terps (a contrast in the .
`. ~ of cultural systems :~E.H.
`~ as later men discerned a broader symbolism in them —-H.O.
`3 : an instance of
`intense quality, condition, or
`265:3“ \5n-'iema.r5t,
`-,r:§t\ adj [L Inlemeratus, “fr.
`‘0 :
`the true meaning, understanding, or intention
`experience (the intensities, the moments of feeling and depths
`”memf'“. PBS! part. of temerare to violate, defile,
`of a law or other
`instrument —— compare COMMON
`of experience that constitute the fundamental part of livmg
`”’5 “Shh. by chance —- more at smear-rs] : lNVlOLATE,
`—Leon Edel)
`E. UN
`intends pres 3d sIn
`intensity modulation :1 : modulation in which the brightness
`nerantia [
`ight displayed on a cathode-ray tube varies With the
`Itineraries \(')in. an+\ :1
`[ME lntemperaunce,
`fr. L in-tencer-ate \an-tena,r§t\ vt -Eo/-iNG/-s [zin- + L later
`of the
`l'lfemperanl-, Intemperans intempcratc (fr.
`soft, tender + E are — more at TENDER] : to make tender or
`intensity of the Signal
`intensity 0! light : LUMINOUS‘FLUX DENSITY
`-‘Emperauf-, [enlfel‘ans temperate, fr. pres. part. of
`sensitive : SOFTEN (contrives to ~ the granite ~R.W.Emerson)
`c meal)???“ {ecu ate) + 4:: -y — more at TEMPER]
`intensity at magnetization : MAGNEHZATION
`—- in-ten-er-adion \an..tena'rashan\ n -s
`anemic“ in “Verity 68p. of weather 2 a : excess or lack
`intensuy of radiation : ingiANT-ELU} DENSlTY
`intens abbr intenswe
`lin-ten-sive \(' inuiten t)siv, an-‘t-, -sev also -sav\ adj [prob.
`a“ fiction (much ~ of statement in the cur-
`in-ten-sate \anr‘ten,sit\
`-ED/-lNG/-S [intense + -aie]
`Effigy?” of our education —F.N.Robinso,n) and
`fr. MF lnienri,
`L intenslvus,
`fr. L lntenrus intense,
`in: drinkfifnni‘f’Pime. 0|“ PBSSIon; speqif : habitual or
`iii-tense \an.'icn(t)s\ adj, som_ellmes -ER/-Es’r [ME, fr. MF,
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