`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`2 May 2002 (02-05-2002)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 02/35307 A2
`(51) International Patent Classification7:
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date: 23 October 2001 (23.10.2001)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`24 October 2000 (24.10.2000)
`(71) Applicant and
`(72) Inventor: VAANANEN, Mikko [PI/PI]; Laivanvarusta—
`jankatu 7B 13, FIN—00140 Helsinki (PI).
`CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH,
`GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC,
`LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW,
`MX, MZ, NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK,
`SL, TJ, TM, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA,
`(84) Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM,
`KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian
`patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European
`patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE,
`IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF,
`CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD,
`(81) Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU,
`AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU,
`without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report
`[Continued on next page]
`begin telephone
`begin recording
`conversation to a
`data file
`sign said datafile
`with identifying
`close data file
`stop telephone
`stop recording and
`(57) Abstract: The invention relates to a packet voice recording method and
`means. In particular the invention relates to a method for a packet switched
`voice recording with which telephone calls can be recorded and stored in a logi—
`cal and consistent way. A packet switched voice recording method, comprising
`at least one subscriber terminal and the telephony network and/or the Internet is
`characterised by the steps of, beginning telephone conversation (100), record—
`ing conversation to a data file in packet switched format (110), signing said
`data file with identifying information (120), stopping telephone conversation
`(120), stopping recording and closing data file (140). Recordings may be done
`on a server or on the subscriber terminal itself. Packet switched compatibility
`is thus ensured.
`WO 02/35307 A2
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the ”Guid-
`ance Notes on Codes andAbbreviations ” appearing at the begin-
`ning ofeach regular issue ofthe PCT Gazette.
`1 105-2
`WO 02/35307
`Voice Recording Method and Means
`The invention relates to a packet switched voice recording method and means. In
`particular the invention relates to a method for a packet switched voice recording with
`which telephone calls can be recorded and stored in a logical and consistent way.
`Prior art applications of recording telephone conversations are network oriented. The
`prior art is best illustrated in patent publications JP07283873A2, “Conversation
`Recording Service Method in Mobile Communication” and USOS995824, “Cellular
`Phone Voice Recorder.” In both ofthese applications the recording ofthe voice signal
`is done by the network by a circuit switched connection. and recorded to a voice
`storage device.
`The prior art has several disadvantages. A circuit switched connection is required for
`the recording. The network must be compatible with the recording signal of the
`mobile station. The mobile station must be compatible to implement the recording.
`Both ofthese disadvantages result to the prior art being incompatible with existing
`and future packet switched communication methods and means.
`The purpose ofthe invention is to remove the aforementioned disadvantages. The
`purpose of the invention is to introduce a method and means with which telephone
`conversations may be recorded in packet switched format. Recordings may be done on
`a server or on the subscriber terminal itself. Packet switched compatibility is thus
`ensured. In addition. a semipacket switched method and arrangement is introduced,
`which utilizes a smartcard or a SIM to establish the primary recording connection.
`Most or all ofthe aforementioned advantages ofthe invention are preferably
`implemented with a special exemplary embodiment ofthe invention, in which a
`telephone conversation is began from a subscriber terminal. The subscriber terminal
`may be a mobile station or a computer equipped with either a circuit switched or a
`packet switched telephony connection or both. A telephone conversation is begun and
`a packet switched recorder on the terminal device. like an MP3— or WAV~player will
`1 105-3
`WO 02/35307
`begin recording the phone call to a data file. The terminal device will name this file on
`the basis of all or some ofthe following information: caller, recipient, time, date,
`duration, or other relevant information obtainable from the settings of the subscriber
`terminal or from the user himself. The data file will subsequently be stored to a
`directory on the memory/storage space of the subscriber terminal. Alternatively, the
`data file may be automatically transmitted to a predefined address on the Internet or in
`the telephony network. In some cases the data file may be stored both on the
`subscriber terminal and be also transmitted to a predefined address on the Internet or
`in the telephony network.
`A packet switched voice recording method in accordance with the invention,
`comprising at least one subscriber terminal and the telephony network and/or the
`Internet is characterised by the steps of,
`begin telephone conversation,
`begin recording conversation to a data file in packet switched format,
`sign said data file with identifying information,
`stop telephone conversation,
`stop recording and close data file.
`A packet switched voice recording method in accordance with the invention,
`comprising at least one subscriber terminal and the telephony network and/or the
`Internet is characterised by the steps of,
`begin telephone conversation,
`begin recording conversation to a data file in packet switched format,
`sign said data file with identifying information,
`stop telephone conversation,
`stop recording and close data file,
`open Internet connection,
`transmit data file to a predefined address on the Internet,
`file data file to a database on the basis of the identifying information at the server
`associated with the said address.
`1 105-4
`WO 02/35307
`A packet switched voice recording method in accordance with the invention,
`comprising at least one subscriber terminal and the telephony network and/or the
`Internet is characterised by the steps of,
`begin telephone conversation,
`open communications connection to a server,
`begin recording telephone conversation in packet switched format to a data file on
`the server,
`sign said data file with identifying information,
`stop telephone conversation,
`stop recording and close data file.
`A packet switched voice recording means in accordance with the invention,
`comprising at least one audio/video devices, audio/video drivers and/or audio/video
`player, storage means, packet switched connection and/0r telephony network
`connection, is further characterised in that the audio/video player is arranged to record
`conversations and/or conferences conducted through the telephony network and/or
`packet switched connection with at least one third party to data files in packet
`switched format.
`The invention further relates to a voice recording method, comprising the telephony
`network, at least one mobile station, at least one server and at least one SIM, and is
`characterised in that, the said SIM comprises a computer program that establishes
`voice group call service between the caller at least one recipient and at least one server
`in order to record the conversation to the server.
`The invention further relates to a voice recording method, comprising the telephony
`network, at least one mobile station, at least one server and at least one SIM, and is
`characterised in that,
`—the said SIM comprises a computer program that establishes a phone call the server,
`—the SIM relays at least one recipient phone number to the server,
`~the server establishes further connections between the caller and at least one
`1 105-5
`WO 02/35307
`—the server listens in on at least one connection and records the conversation.
`In the following the invention will be described in greater detail with reference to
`exemplary embodiments in accordance with the accompanying drawings, in which
`Figure 1 presents a basic method in accordance with the invention as a flow diagram,
`Figure 2 presents a more developed method in accordance with the invention as a flow
`Figure 3 presents a more developed method in accordance with the invention as a flow
`Figure 4 presents a more developed bi—directional method in accordance with the
`invention as a flow diagram,
`Figure 5 presents a more developed method restricted to the telephony network in
`accordance with the invention as a flow diagram,
`Figure 6 presents a server oriented method in accordance with the invention as a flow
`Figure 7 presents a subscriber terminal in accordance with the inventive method.
`Some preferable embodiments may also be described in the dependent claims.
`In phase 100 of the figure 1 a telephone conversation is begun. The call is typically
`placed from a mobile station or a computer with audio devices. In some preferable
`embodiments the subscriber terminal is a PC computer, Apple Macintosh computer, a
`PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) or a UMTS—, GSM—, WAP—, Teldesic—, Inmarsat~,
`Iridium—, GPRS~, CDMA—. and/or WCDMA mobile station. Typically in some
`preferable embodiments, the subscriber terminal is a device using either the Microsoft
`1 105-6
`WO 02/35307
`Windows, Windows NT, Windows CE, Windows Pocket PC, GEOS, Palm OS or the
`Epoc operating system. In many preferable embodiments several default facilities of
`the operating system are used to realise the inventive method. In some preferable
`embodiments, the telephone conversation is conducted either through a packet
`switched network, like an IP (Internet Protocol)— network or through the normal
`telephony network. The telephone conversation may be a video conference, a simple
`voice call, or both in some preferable embodiments.
`In phase 110 the recording of the conversation is begun. The audio/video conversation
`is recorded in packet switched format. In some preferable embodiments, the recording
`is initiated from the subscriber terminal by pressing a button, a combination of
`buttons, once or several times. The recording can also be initiated before the
`conversation is begun in some preferable embodiments. The recording is done
`typically by a digital media player, like an MP3~ player and/or WAV— (Windows
`Wave)— player. The digital media player records the conversation, or parts of it, to a
`data file. In one preferable embodiment, where the subscriber terminal runs the Epoc
`operating system, Epoc Voice Notes is used to record the telephone conversation. In
`one preferable embodiment where the subscriber terminal runs the MS Windows or
`NT, Windows Sound Recorded is used to record the telephone conversation. In some
`preferable embodiments the user may stop the recording during the telephone
`conversation. In some preferable embodiments it is also possible to restart the
`recording, in which case the recording may be continued to the original data file, or a
`new data file may be allocated for the new recording, or in some embodiments both
`things are done.
`In phase 120 the data file is named or signed with identifying information related to
`the conversation. In some preferable embodiments, the user may name the data file if
`he so chooses. In some preferable embodiments it is also possible to sign and/or name
`the data file with the time of the conversation, date of the conversation, the telephone
`number or IP-address of the third party and/or multiparty. the name of the caller, the
`telephone number ofthe caller or the subscriber terminal, duration ofthe
`conversation, the name ofthe third party and/or third multiparty. In some preferable
`1 105-7
`WO 02/35307
`embodiments it is possible to associate the digital ID ofthe caller or the third party
`with the data file. The third party may transmit his digital ID to the caller for inclusion
`to the data file in some preferable embodiments. Different identifying information
`may bear different priority in some preferable embodiments. In some preferable
`embodiments it is possible to group and file data files to directories on the basis of the
`identifying information. In some preferable embodiments the data files are organized
`to an order of priority within a directory on the basis of, e.g. alphabetical order, time
`and date, duration or other identifying information or data file properties.
`In phase 130 the telephone conversation is terminated. After this, the recording is
`stopped and the data file is closed in phase 140. In some preferable embodiments this
`data file may be reopened, and telephone conversations may be added to the data file.
`In one exemplary embodiment all the conversations with a certain third party are
`recorded to the same data file, for example in chronological order, or in some other
`In many preferable embodiments the recording can be started and stopped before,
`during or after a call. For example, the recording of some short patches of dictation,
`like driving instructions or the like is a favourable embodiment.
`In many preferable embodiments the sequence of the steps 100, 110, 120, 130, 140 is
`permuted in accordance with the invention.
`In figure 2 the phases 200, 210, 220, 230 and 240 are essentially corresponding to the
`phases 100, l 10, 120, 130 and 140 of method 10. After the data file has been recorded
`an Internet connection is opened from the subscriber terminal. A copy of the data file
`is transmitted to a predefined address on the Internet in phase 260. In some preferable
`embodiments FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or email is used to transmit/upload the data
`file to a predefined address on the Internet. In one exemplary embodiment. data files
`are transmitted to a data storage server at the corporate headquarters automatically
`when the employees make and record calls from their subscriber terminals. In phase
`260 the data files have reached the predefined address on the Internet. In phase 270 the
`1 105-8
`WO 02/35307
`data files are filed to a database at the server or at some further remote location on the
`basis ofthe identifying information.
`In a certain inventive embodiment new recordings are queried by FTP, PING, SMS or
`other means. If new recordings are found, these recordings are downloaded from the
`subscriber terminal to the server automatically. To do this, an Internet connection can
`be set up by a method described in my patent application FIZOOO785, in some
`preferable embodiments.
`In many preferable embodiments the sequence of the steps 200, 210, 220, 230, 240,
`250, 260, 270 is permuted in accordance with the invention.
`In figure 3 the database containing the recording is realised on the subscriber terminal.
`This is an advantageous embodiment of the invention when the subscriber terminal
`has enough storage space. In phase 300 a telephone conversation is begun and
`recording to a data file is begun in phase 310. The data file is associated with
`identifying information, like a name and/or file properties in phase 320. Telephone
`conversation is stopped in phase 330, and the recording is stopped and the data file is
`closed in phase 340. In phase 350 of the method the data file is filed to a database on
`the basis of the identifying information. The database in accordance with the invention
`is typically on the hard drive, CD—ROM and/or disk drive of the subscriber terminal or
`on some other storage means associated with the subscriber terminal.
`In many preferable embodiments the sequence of the steps 300, 310, 320, 330, 340,
`350 is permuted in accordance with the invention.
`In figure 4 the telephone conversation is began in phase 400. Permission for recording
`the telephone conversation is requested in phase 410. This may be done by an
`exchange of words between the caller and the third party. However, in one preferable
`embodiment permission for recording the telephone call is asked automatically by an
`SMS—, FTP—, DTMF—, Ping or Caller ID signal. or a like signal. For example in one
`preferable embodiment it is stated in the Caller ID that the phone call about to be
`1 105-9
`WO 02/35307
`answered by the third party will be recorded. This will give an indication to the third
`party to record the conversation also to his records, or to ask for a copy of the
`conversation later. If permission is granted similar phases 420, 430, 440, 450. 460 to
`the phases 310, 320, 330, 340, 350 of method 30 will follow. lfpermission is not
`granted the conversation may be terminated or continued unrecorded. Any
`chronological permutation of the phases 400, 410, 420, 430. 440. 450, 460 is in
`accordance with the invention.
`Figure 5 presents a method where the recordings are stored to a server in the telephony
`network. In phase 500 telephone conversation is begun. Conversation recording is
`begun in phase 510. The data file of the recording is associated with identifying
`information in phase 520. The telephone conversation is terminated in phase 530. In
`phase 540 the conversation has been recorded to the data file. In phase 550 a
`telephony connection is established to a network server. In one preferable embodiment
`this is a data connection abiding to the UMTS—, GSM—, WAP—, Teldesic—, Inmarsat—,
`Iridium—, GPRS—, CDMA—, and/or WCDMA standards. In phase 560 the data file is
`transmitted to the network server. In one preferable embodiment, the network server is
`associated with the base stations of mobile subscriber terminals. In phase 561 the data
`file is filed to a database on the network server on the basis of the identifying
`information. The data file may later be retrieved from the server in phase 5 70.
`In some preferable embodiments the data files may be accessed and listened to by
`telephone by calling a certain number, like the number of the answering machine or
`the number of the voicemail box.
`In many preferable embodiments the sequence ofthe steps 500, 510, 520, 530, 540.
`550, 560, 561, 570 is permuted in accordance with the invention.
`Figure 6 presents a method where the recording takes place at the server. In phase 600
`a telephone conversation is begun. A communications connection is opened to a
`server in phase 610. The server may be either in the telephony network or on the
`Internet. In one preferable embodiment, where the subscriber terminal runs the Epoc
`WO 02/35307
`operating system, the server is realised with or in association with the Serial-Comms
`server, Telephony sewer, Sockets server and/or the Comms database server. In phase
`620 begin recording the telephone conversation in packet switched format to a data
`file. In phase 630 the data file is signed with identifying information. The identifying
`information may be associated with the filename, directory or directory name, or with
`the properties of the file or directory. In phase 640 the telephone conversation is
`ended. Recording is stopped and the data file is closed in phase 650. In this method no
`copies of the recording are formed to the subscriber terminal itself.
`With all of the embodiments it is also possible to convert the recordings to text by
`speech recognition software and devices. The recording may thus further be stored as
`text and distributed with emails, text files, and SMS messages in accordance with the
`Figure 7 presents a certain preferable embodiment of the subscriber terminal 700 in
`accordance with the invention. In some preferable embodiments the subscriber
`terminal is a PC computer, Apple Macintosh computer, a PDA (Personal Digital
`Assistant) or a UMTS—, GSM—, WAP—, Teldesic—, Inmarsat—, lridium—, GPRS-,
`CDMA—, and/or WCDMA mobile station. Typically in some preferable embodiments,
`the subscriber terminal is a device using either the Microsoft Windows, Windows NT,
`Windows CE, Windows Pocket PC, GEOS, Palm OS or the Epoc operating system.
`The subscriber terminal 700 may form a real time, audio and/or video
`communications connection to a third party by either using a telephony network
`connection 710, which is typically circuit switched in some embodiments, but not by
`necessity, or by using a packet switched connection, which is typically an IP—network
`connection 720.
`Audio and/or video drivers 740 usually control the use ofthe connections 710, 720 in
`some preferable embodiments. The audio/video player 730, which typically records
`the telephone conversation is typically an MP3- player like RealPlayer or Sonique or
`WAV— player like Windows Sound Recorder or Epoc Voice Notes or the like. In one
`preferable embodiment the player 730 is arranged to record both audio and video. The
`WO 02/35307
`file format ofthe recorded data file is typically MP3—, WAV~ or RealSystem Secure
`The inventive subscriber terminal 700 may be arranged to store the recorded data files
`to the storage means 760, which is typically a hard drive, C D—ROM, a disk drive, or
`any other electromagnetic or optic storage means. The recorded data files are typically
`grouped on the storage means on the basis of their identifying information. In some
`preferable embodiments there is a default directory “My Phone Calls” or the like, to
`which the recorded data files are grouped and named on the basis of the time of the
`conversation, date of the conversation, the telephone number or TIP—address of the third
`party and/or multiparty, the name of the caller, the telephone number of the caller or
`the subscriber terminal, duration of the conversation, the name of the third party
`and/or third multiparty. In some preferable embodiments, some of the identifying
`information is extracted from the subscriber terminal itself. For example, the time and
`duration may be extracted from the system clock, like the date as well. The names of
`third parties or multiparties may be extracted from the default electronic phone book
`or contact manager of the subscriber terminal, or the operating system of the said
`subscriber terminal. Telephone numbers and IP—addresses may be obtained from the
`network, the call manager software of the operating system or the default contact
`manager. The default file manager can be used to sort the data files to their respective
`directories in some embodiments. The file manager may also be used when a
`recording is continued to an existing data file in a certain embodiment of the
`In a certain advantageous embodiment the user does not enter any filenames to the
`recorded data files. All recording, naming and grouping to directories is done by one
`press of a button or a combination of buttons. The subscriber terminal may have a
`separate REC button to do this, or it may simply have a shortcut key for this function
`which can be entered from the keypad or keyboard of the subscriber terminal 700. The
`inventive method may also be operated by voice recognition in the inventive
`subscriber terminal under study. In one preferable embodiment the user may enter a
`tilename for the recording.
`WO 02/35307
`In some preferable embodiments the recorded data files are transmitted to a network
`server 770, or a predefined address on the Internet 780 automatically. Either
`connection 710, 720 or both can be used to transmit the data file. In some preferable
`embodiments the recorded data files are deleted from the storage means after they
`have been successfully transmitted.
`In some preferable embodiments the storage means 760 is realised on a network server
`770 or on the Internet 780 and the audio/video player streams the data file in packet
`switched format to the network server 770 and/or Internet address 780. The said
`packet stream is then stored in the aforementioned destinations in some preferable
`In one preferable embodiment of the invention the data BUS and/or the telephony
`BUS of the subscriber terminal is realised so that the audio/Video player 730 and/or
`the audio video drivers 740 are arranged to be connected to both the audio/Video
`devices of the packet switched connection 720 and/or the telephony network
`connection 710.
`In one semipacket switched voice recording method in accordance with the invention,
`a primary connection can be either packet switched or circuit switched. This
`embodiment of the invention is especially preferable in SIM (Subscriber Identity
`Module) equipped GSM, GPRS, CDMA, UMTS or the like mobile stations. In this
`embodiment, the SIM Application Toolkit (SAT) is used to realize a program on the
`SIM card that intercepts a dialed phone number. When the user wants the call to be
`recorded, he either presses a dedicated key, or gives a dedicated indication that
`recording is desired. Alternatively, a separate menu, for example “Secure Phone Call”,
`or “Recorded Phone Call” may be chosen from the mobile station menu. Once
`recording is indicated, the SAT establishes a connection to a server that starts listening
`on the line and establishes a forward connection to the recipient. In practice this is
`often done by the SAT and SIM establishing a phone call to the server and relaying
`the recipient phone number to the server by DTMF. SMS, USSD or the like signaling.
`WO 02/35307
`1 2
`The server then keeps the connection live, but dials the recipient number. The server
`may show the caller’s caller ID or “Recorded Call” or the like to the recipient, in order
`to show that the call about to be negaged in will be recorded. In some alternative
`embodiments the SAT and SIM establish VGCS (Voice Group Call Service) call,
`where one additional party to the caller and the recipient is the server that records the
`conversation. In some embodiments the server files the recorded conversations to data
`files and associates many or some attributes to the said files, such as time, date, phone
`numbers of parties etc. The server may be a part of a voicemail system, or it may
`forward the files to voicemail system, VPN, corporate voicemail system, Internet,
`database or the like.
`The invention has been explained above with reference to the aforementioned
`embodiments and several commercial and industrial advantages have been
`demonstrated. The method in accordance with the invention can be realised without
`necessarily intervening with the telephony network infrastructure. Recordings can be
`done on the subscriber terminal, and data files of packet switched format result to
`guarantee further compatibility.
`The invention has been explained above with reference to the aforementioned
`embodiments. However, it is clear that the invention is not only restricted to these
`embodiments, but comprises all possible embodiments within the spirit and scope of
`the inventive thought and the following patent claims.
`WO 02/35307
`l 3
`Patent claims
`1. A packet switched voice recording method, comprising at least one subscriber
`terminal and the telephony network and/or the Internet, characterised by the steps of,
`begin telephone conversation (100),
`begin recording conversation to a data file in packet switched format (1 10),
`sign said data file with identifying information (120),
`stop telephone conversation (130),
`stop recording and close data file (140).
`2. A packet switched voice recording method, comprising at least one subscriber
`terminal and the telephony network and/or the Internet, characterised by the steps of,
`begin telephone conversation (200),
`begin recording conversation to a data file in packet switched format (210),
`sign said data file with identifying information (220),
`stop telephone conversation (23 0),
`stop recording and close data file (240),
`open Internet connection (250),
`transmit data file to a predefined address on the Internet (260),
`file data file to a database on the basis of the identifying information at the server
`associated with the said address (270).
`3. A packet switched voice recording method, comprising at least one subscriber
`terminal and the telephony network and/or the Internet, characterised by the steps of,
`begin telephone conversation (600),
`open communications connection to a server (610),
`begin recording telephone conversation in packet switched format to a data file on
`the server (620),
`sign said data file with identifying information (630).
`stop telephone conversation (640),
`stop recording and close data file (650‘).
`WO 02/35307
`l 4
`4. A method as claimed in claims 1, 2 and/or 3, characterised in that, at least one of
`the said subscriber terminals is a PC computer, Apple Macintosh computer, a PDA
`(Personal Digital Assistant) and/or a UMTS—, GSM~, WAP—, Teldesic—, lnmarsat—,
`Iridium—, GPRS—, CDMA~, and/or WCDMA mobile station.
`5. A method as claimed in claims 1, 2 and/or 3, characterised in that, at least one of
`the said subscriber terminals comprises a Microsoft Windows, Windows NT,
`Windows CE, OS/2, Windows Pocket PC, GEOS, Palm OS and/0r Epoc operating
`system and/or a MP3— player and/or a WAV— player.
`6. A method as claimed in claims 1, 2 and/or 3, characterised in that, the identifying
`information comprises the time of the conversation, date of the conversation, the
`telephone number or lP—address of the third party and/or multiparty, the name of the
`caller, the telephone number of the caller or the subscriber terminal, duration of the
`conversation and/or the name of the third party and/or third multiparty.
`7. A method as claimed in claims 1, 2 and/or 3, characterised in that, the said data
`file is stored to a hard drive, CD—ROM and/or a disk drive on at least one subscriber
`terminal and/or at least one network server on the Internet and/or in the telephony
`8. A method as claimed in claims 1, 2 and/or 3, characterised in that, identifying
`information may be extracted from the operating system, from the operating system
`settings, from other applications on the subscriber terminal, from the Internet and/or
`the telephony network and/or from the user.
`9. A method as claimed in claims 1, 2 and/or 3, characterised in that, other software
`applications and/or facilities provided by the operating system of the subscriber
`terminal or other means are used to group the recorded data files to directories, and to
`orders of priority within the directories.
`WO 02/35307
`l 5
`10. A method as claimed in claims 1, 2 and/or 3, characterised in that, the said
`methods or any part of them is executed with a shortcut key or at least one press of a
`button from the said subscriber terminal during, before or after a conversation.
`1 1. A method as claimed in claims 1, 2 and/or 3, characterised in that, the temporal
`or other order ofthe phases 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250,
`260, 270, 600, 610, 620, 630, 64