`[11] Patent Number:
`Dev et al.
`[45] Date of Patent:
`May 6, 1997
`USOOS6278 19A
`................... 370/60.1
`5,357,503 10/1994 Le Boudec et a1.
`ll1996 Dobbins et a1.
`.......................... 370l60
`Inventors: Roger Dev, Durham. N.H.; Prasan
`Kaikini, Cambridge, Mass; Jason
`Jeifords, Dover; Wallace Matthews,
`North Hampstead. both of NH.
`0453128A2 10/1991 European Pat. Off.
`12/1991 European Fat. 011.
`W095/34158 12/1995 WIPO .
`[73] Assignee: Cabletron Systems, Inc., Del.
`[5 1]
`Appl. No.: 370,158
`Jan. 9, 1995
`Int. CL“ .............................. H04Q 1/24; H04L 12/56
`US. Cl. ........................... 370/250; 370/254; 370/411
`Field of Search ........................... 370/54, 58.1, 58.3,
`370/60, 62, 60.1, 17, 13, 94.1, 94.3; 364/550;
`379/94, 202, 206
`References Cited
`.. 370/62
`7/1990 Bartholomew et a1.
`5/1992 Tsuchiya et a1.
`3/1993 Bennett et a1.
`4/1994 Fornek et a1.
`5/1994 Phaal ......................................... 370/17
`JP,A,61 263350, 21 Nov. 1986, Patent Abstracts of Japan
`vol. 011, No. 117 (E—498) 11 Apr. 1987 (Hitachi Ltd).
`Primary Examiner—Douglas W. Olms
`Assistant Examiner—Chan T. Nguyen
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Wolf, Greenfield & Sacks, RC.
`Method and apparatus for providing a call—tapping point in
`a switched network with point-to—multipoint functionality.
`The tapping point is added as an additional destination for
`data being sent from a source'node to a first destination node.
`The tapping point is also added as a destination for data
`being sent from the first destination node to the source node.
`A merge operation is performed for finding and combining
`common segments of the paths between the source and
`destination, the source and tapping point. and the destination
`and tapping point.
`30 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
`US. Patent
`May 6, 1997
`Sheet 1 of 4
`TAP (P2)
` l7
`Flg. I
`1 104-2
`US. Patent
`May 6, 1997
`Sheet 2 of 4
`Fig. 2
`1 104-3
`US. Patent
`May 6, 1997
`Sheet 3 of 4
`1 104-4
`US. Patent
`May 6, 1997
`Sheet 4 of 4
`_______ _/_________..__
`Fig. 5
`1 104-5
`This invention relates to communication networks, and
`more particularly, to a method and apparatus for providing
`call-tapping functionality in a switched network environ-
`In a switched network environment, such as a telephone
`system, packet—switched data network. or asynchronous
`transfer mode (ATM) network, it is useful to be able to “tap”
`into calls in progress. In today’s telephone networks. tapping
`is used primarily for surveillance purposes in compliance
`with state or federal regulations. In a data network, however.
`there is another compelling use for a “tap” facility: the
`diagnosis of protocol problems between diiferent systems on
`the network. This has traditionally been done by applying a
`“probe” or “analyzer” to one of the links across which the
`conversation is occurring and filtering the data to expose the
`conversation of interest. The problem with this approach is
`that the “probe” as well as the expert who is interpreting the
`data, must be located at a tappable point on the-correct link.
`This requires the movement of equipment and personnel and
`is time consuming, expensive and impractical in many
`situations. It also requires special “tap—points” to be avail—
`able on the-link or disruption of the link to insert the probe.
`Many modern packet and cell-switches provide the capa-
`bility of programming multipoint connections, i.e., connec-
`tions for which data, when received by the switch, is sent out
`more than one port. These are used, for example, to create
`point—to-multipoint connections, such as described in the
`ATM-Forum UNI (User-Network—Interface) Specification.
`A point—to—multipoint connection has a single data source,
`but multiple receivers of the data.
`It would be desirable to provide a tapping function that
`was not limited to special “tap-points” on the network and
`which did not require the insertion of special equipment at
`a designated location. Ideally, it would be desirable to have
`the ability to monitor any conversation occurring on the
`network at any one of a number of difierent locations,
`without requiring the insertion of a probe or the presence of
`an expert technician at a specified location.
`It is an object of the present invention to provide a
`ubiquitous call tapping facility in a switched network which
`utilizes the network’s own multipoint connection services.
`The present invention is a new application of a multipoint
`connection service on a switched network environment for
`the purpose of providing a ubiquitous call tapping facility.
`More specifically,
`the invention provides a method for
`creating a tap point for monitoring a conversation occurring
`between any source node and any destination node in the
`network. The network includes switches having multipoint
`functionality and a connection services entity that provides
`a network path in response to a first node input and a second
`node input. The method includes the steps of invoking the
`connection services entity with the source node and the tap
`node as The first and second node inputs, to yield a source!
`tap path. In the next step, the network switches are config-
`ured to form a point-to-multipoint connection from the
`source node to the destination node and to the tap point.
`Then, the conversation from the source to the destination
`node can be monitored at the tap point. The tap point is
`independent of the source and destination nodes and can be
`any node on the network.
`In a preferred method, the source/tap path is “merged”
`with the existing path between the source and destination
`nodes. The merger operation finds one or more parts of the
`paths which are in common, as well as the parts which have
`to be added. In one embodiment, the merge function may
`find the longest existing path segment which is common
`with the source/tap path. The switches within the common
`portion do not need to be modified as they are already set to
`forward the data to that point, but new connection table
`entries mu st be created for all switches from the point where
`the two paths diverge. The first divergence switch will be
`configured to forward the data out multiple ports. Connec-
`tions are then added to all the remaining switches in the
`source/tap path to form the complete connections.
`Another important aspect of the present invention is the
`use of an “inverted merge” operation for monitoring the
`conversation back from the original destination node to the
`original source node. In this embodiment. tapping requires
`that the data from both ends of the target conversation are
`delivered to the tapping end point.
`More particularly, obtaining the data from the destination
`side of the conversation requires selecting a destination/tap
`path from the tapping end point to the destination end point
`and then performing an inverted merge of the paths. The
`inverted merge may find the longest common path segment
`starting from the original destination node of the path and
`working back towards the original source node. It then
`programs the uncommon portions of the path (since data is
`already present on the common portions). Thus, when data
`destined for the original source of the connection reaches the
`diverging switch, it is switched not only to the source, but
`also the tapping end point.
`Thus, the present invention is the first known application
`of multiple destination mapping for the purposes of estab-
`lishing a tap point. Second, it is a new use of the point-to-
`multipoint connection capability for forming the source side
`of the tap. Third, it is a new method, i.e., the inverted merge,
`for tapping into the destination to source traflic of a con-
`nection. Fourth, it presents a unified function, “tapping,”
`which\combines two separate connection operations into a
`single user level function. These and other functions and
`benefits of the present invention will be more fully described
`in the following detailed description.
`FIG. 1 is a schematic illustration of the establishment of
`a call-tapping endpoint for monitoring conversations
`between a source endpoint and a destination endpoint in a
`switched network in accordance with the present invention;
`FIG. 2 is a flow chart showing the steps of the merger
`operation for combining first and second network paths in
`accordance with the present invention;
`FIG. 3 is a schematic illustration of a specific embodiment
`of a network topology built with a plurality of fast packet
`switches, in which the present invention may be utilized;
`FIG. 4 is a schematic illustration of one fast packet switch
`and its host agent connected to a system management bus;
`FIG. 5 is a schematic illustration of the internal compo-
`nents of a fast packet switch.
`1 104-6
`The call-tapping operation of this invention can be
`installed onto an active connection in a switched network,
`where the switches support multipoint connections. The
`present invention allows a tap to be directed to any desti-
`nation within the network. This allows, for example, a
`protocol expert to direct the contents of a given conversation
`to a computer in his/her ofiice even though the oflice may be
`far removed from the end points or transit switches involved
`in the conversation. Thus. a conversation may be monitored
`from any point in the network without the need to install
`specialized equipment. The invention specifically covers the
`connection processing technique employed to perform the
`tap function as embodied by a Connection Services Entity.
`The call—tapping feature of the present invention will be
`described below in the context of the connection services
`and multipoint functionality of a secure fast packet switch-
`ing (SFPS) network described in copending and commonly
`owned U.S. Ser. No. 08/188,238 filed Jan. 28. 1994 by
`K.Dobbins et al.. entitled “Network Having Secure Fast
`Packet Switching And Guaranteed Quality Of Service,”
`which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.
`Those skilled in the art will appreciate that the invention
`described herein is applicable to other switched network
`systems having multipoint functionality. and that it is in no
`way limited to the SFPS network. The SFPS network is
`illustrated for description purposes only.
`A general description of the call—tapping operation will
`first be provided.
`A. Definitions
`The following definitions are used in describing the
`call-tapping operation:
`Connection Services—A software component which is
`responsible for accepting connection requests and setting the
`switches’ connection tables so as to form the requested
`Switch—A device which provides two or more ‘ports’ and
`accepts data (e.g.. voice, video. computer information) in
`certain ports and forwards it out one or more other ports
`based on the contents of its ‘Connection Table.’
`Connection Table—A logical table within a switch which
`can be set by a ‘Connection Services Entity’ and controls the
`behavior of the switch. The connection table contains a list
`of entries which describe individual connections. The
`canonical form for a connection table entry is: (in-port,
`in-header) maps to (out-port, out-header), though not all
`fields need to be supported in a given implementation and
`the actual structure may vary.
`Port—A logical or physical point of entry and/or exit of
`data to/fi'om a switch.
`B. Connection Services
`The Connection Services Entity (CSE) contains a model
`of the topological elements present in the network as well as
`their inter-connections. This topology consists of switches,
`endpoints and links (see e.g., FIG. 3) and may be auto-
`discovered, manually configured or derived from any com-
`bination of sources. Connection requests may originate from
`network user requests or may be requested by the network
`administrator. Requests from the network users are known
`as Signalled Requests while requests from the network
`administrator are known as Management Requests. When a
`request is received. an appropriate path is chosen through the
`topology from the connection source to the connection
`destination by analyzing the topological model within the
`CSE (see the following example under “Best Path
`Determination”). This path is composed of switch—port pairs
`organized as (in-port, out-port). Each of these port pairs is
`known as a path-node. Depending on the particular switch—
`ing technology employed, packet or cell headers may also be
`allocated for each port. The connection is formed by pro-
`gramming a connection table entry for each switch in the
`path such that data arriving at the in—port with the designated
`header will be forwarded to the out-port. By programming
`these entries for each of the nodes in the path. a connection
`is formed such that data injected at the source endpoint with
`the appropriate header will find its way to the destination
`endpoint. In a preferred embodiment described herein. the
`connection tables are actually programmed in both direc-
`tions such that data injected by the destination endpoint will
`also arrive at the source endpoint.
`By way of example only. a topology model of the network
`may be provided by a network management application such
`as the SpectrumTM advanced network management platform
`sold by Cabletron Systems. Inc. of Rochester, NH. and
`described in US. Pat. No. 5.261.044 to Dev et al. which
`issued Nov. 7. 1991. and is hereby incorporated by reference
`in its entirety.
`C. Creating A Source Tap
`Current switched networks have the ability to add desti—
`nations to a connection. These procedures are described for
`example within the ATM-Forum’s UNI 3.0 Specification.
`In accordance with this invention. tapping a connection
`requires that the data from at least one end of the target
`conversation be delivered to the tapping endpoint. Obtaining
`the data from the source side of the conversation is a fairly
`straight forward (although novel) application of the point-
`to—multipoint technology; by adding the tapping endpoint as
`a new destination. any data sent by the source will auto-
`matically be received at the tapping endpoint.
`In a preferred embodiment of this invention. adding
`destinations is achieved by selecting a path between the
`original source and a new destination (i.e.. the tap point) and
`then ‘merging’ that path with the existing path (i.e., between
`the original source and destination nodes) in order to find the
`parts of the paths which are in common as well as the parts
`which have to be added. The merge function finds a common
`initial path segment which is in common between the two
`paths. The switches within the common portion do not need
`to be modified as they are already set to forward the data to
`that point, but new connection table entries must be created
`for all switches from the point where the two paths diverge.
`The first divergent switch will be programmed to forward
`the data out multiple ports (i.e.. one in-port/in-header maps
`to multiple out-ports). Connections are then added to all the
`remaining switches in the new path to form the complete
`connection. At that point. any data sent by the source
`endpoint will be received by the new destination (tap point)
`as well as the original destination. As one or more destina—
`tions are added, a distribution tree is formed such that the
`data is transmitted over each common link once (as path
`segments are shared), and network resources are conserved.
`D. Creating A Destination Tap
`Obtaining the data from the destination side of the con-
`versation requires a new technique. The present invention
`does this by first selecting a path from the tapping endpoint
`to the destination endpoint and then performing an inverted
`merge of the paths. The inverted merge finds a path segment
`in common starting from the destination end of the original
`path (since data is already present on the cormnon portions).
`A new connection on the diverging switch is programmed to
`the tap point. Thus, when data destined for the original
`1 104-7
`source of the connection reaches the diverging switch, it is
`switched not only to the source, but also to the tapping
`endpoint. The same efiiciency characteristics that applied to
`the point-to-multipoint connections above also apply to the
`destination tapping connections.
`Adding a tap is thus a two-step process: first add the
`tapping user as a destination to the original call and then
`providing an additional connection from the destination of
`the original call to the tapping user.
`E. Call Tapping Example
`FIG. 1 illustrates an example of the call-tapping operation
`of this invention. More specifically, FIG. 1 shows a repre-
`sentative network having a source endpoint 11, a destination
`endpoint 12, and a tapping endpoint 13. The network further
`includes switches A, B, C, D (14—17), and links 20 con-
`necting the endpoints and switches.
`A source/destination connection (P1) is first determined
`by invoking the connection services for the purpose of
`setting up a point-to-multipoint call. and providing the initial
`source endpoint 11 and first destination endpoint 12 for the
`call. The connection services may utilize any of the known
`path determination algorithms, such as the Dijkstra
`algorithm, or the specific algorithm described in the later
`section entitled “Best Path Determination.” In the context of
`the specification, a “best path” is meant to include one or
`more alternative paths selected on the basis of one or more
`constraints, e.g., cost, number of hops, network trafiic, etc.
`Then. the connection service programs all of the switches in
`the first path P1, i.e.. switches C and D (16—17), thereby
`establishing a virtual circuit between the source endpoint 11
`and destination endpoint 12.
`Next, a second path P2 is determined fiom the source
`endpoint 11 to the tapping endpoint 13, again by involdng a
`connection service to determine the best path from 11 to 13.
`In this example, the second path P2 extends from source
`endpoint 11, through switch C(16), switchA (14), to tapping
`endpoint 13. In accordance with the merge operation, the
`initial common segment of the first path P1 and second path
`P2 is determined to be the first link 20a between source
`endpoint 11 and switch C (16). The point of divergence,
`switch C, is programmed to transmit the data received from
`source endpoint 11 out two ports, one onto link 20b which
`is transmitted to switch D and destination 12, and another
`out link 20c which is transmitted to switch A and tapping
`endpoint 13. The connection service also programs switch A
`to transmit the data received from link 200 out a port
`connected to link 20d and to the tapping endpoint 13.
`Now that a point-to-multipoint connection has been estab-
`lished from source endpoint 11 to destination endpoint 12
`and tapping endpoint 13, a user can monitor the data sent
`from source endpoint 11 intended for destination endpoint
`12. In order to monitor the data going back from destination
`endpoint 12 to source endpoint 11, a third destination tap
`path P3 must be added. Again, the connection services is
`invoked to provide a path between tapping endpoint 13 and
`destination endpoint 12. Then, that path is merged with the
`first path P1, starting at the destination endpoint 12. In this
`case, there is a common segment over link 20:2, and switch
`D (17) becomes fl're point of divergence. Switch D (17) is
`programmed to transmit the data from destination endpoint
`12 out of two ports, one onto link 20b which returns to
`source endpoint 11, and another out link 20f which is
`transmitted to switch A (14) and tapping endpoint 13.
`It should be understood that FIG. 1 shows only one
`example of a network topology and path determination.
`Many other types of network topologies and/or path deter-
`minations with relatively lesser or greater common path
`segments are intended to be covered by the present inven—
`F. Call-Tapping Algorithm To Merge Circuits
`FIG. 2 illustrates generally the steps followed in perform-
`ing the call-tapping operation as follows:
`1. The user indicates to the connection services an inten-
`tion of setting up a point-to-multipoint call. and pro-
`vides the initial source (S) and destination (D1) for the
`call (step 31).
`2. The connection services uses an algorithm to find the
`best physical path (P1)—a series of switches and
`links—between the source (S) and the destination (D 1)
`(step 32).
`3. The connection services programs all the switches in
`the path (P1),
`thereby establishing a virtual circuit
`between the source and destination (step 33).
`4. The user asks the connection services to add a new
`destination (D2) to the call (step 34).
`5. The connection services uses an algorithm to find the
`best physical path (P2) between the source (S) and the
`new destination (D2) (step 35).
`6. The connection services does a (forward) merge of the
`new path (P2), with the first path (P1)(step 36):
`a. it checks if a first switch is common between the 2
`b. if it is, it checks the next switch in the 2 paths, and
`so on;
`c. if the switch is not common between the 2 paths, the
`2 paths have diverged—the merge operation is
`7. The connection services program the switches in the
`new path (P2) from the point of divergence to the
`destination (D2), thereby establishing a new virtual
`circuit from the source S to the new destination (D2).
`This new circuit reuses the resources of the first circuit
`from the source to the point of divergence of P1 and P2
`(step 37).
`8. Optional step (not shown): If the user asks the connec—
`tion services to add a third destination (D3) to the call,
`the connection services again uses the algorithm to find
`the best physical path (P3) between the source (S) and
`the new destination (D3), and does a (forward) merge of
`P3 first with P1, and then with P2; the connection
`services then programs the switches from the farthest
`point of divergence to the destination (D3).
`G. Fast Packet Switching Network Example
`FIG. 3 shows arepresentative network topology built with
`six secure fast packet switches (SFPS) labeled 8] to S6; this
`example is in accordance with the description in US. Ser.
`No. 08/188,238, previously incorporated by reference. Each
`SFPS switch has, for example, four ports. Some ports are
`labeled A for access, and some are labeled N for network
`Access ports provide network access security and packet
`routing services. Network ports do not perform security
`services since this function has already been performed at
`the original entry access port. The end systems are labeled
`M; one of the end systems M10, comprises a network
`management server (NMS). The NMS may contain the
`connection services entity.
`Each SFPS includes a function known as a connection
`database lookup engine (CDLUE). The CDLUE’s job is to
`check the source and destination MAC lD’s of a packet
`received by the SFPS against its internal database, called a
`connection table. The CDLUE will forward (route) packets
`out one or more ports based on the results of the connection
`table look-up.
`1 104-8
`For example. suppose M11 transmits a packet destined for
`M99. Access switch SI receives this packet on inbound port
`Al. Sl looks up in its connection table to determine if a valid
`connection (M11 to M99) exists. If no connection is yet
`defined. S1 initiates a message exchange to the network
`server (M10). The switch 81 sends a message asking if M11
`can (is allowed) to talk to M99. At this point security. policy
`and administrative constraints may be applied. If the two
`stations are allowed to have a connection. then the server
`M10 will determine the path of the switches to be used to
`provide a logical connection between M11 and M99. Since
`M11 can reach M99 by more than one path. one “best” path
`is selected. “Best” is constrained by. for example. cost.
`bandwidth. policy. loss. and other metrics. An actual algo-
`rithm for determining a best path is described in the previ-
`ously identified Ser. No. 08/188238. and discussed in the
`following section. For present purposes. assume that the best
`path is chosen as traversing S1 to 53 To S5. The server M10
`will then “program” each of these switches to support this
`connection path. Thus. once all of the switches are
`programmed. through for example SNMP (Simple Network
`Management Protocol). a packet from M11 destined for
`M99 would be “switched” along the path as follows:
`Note than once the switches have these connections defined.
`the packets traverse M11 to M99 without any additional
`call—setup or network management interaction. This pro-
`vides the fast packet switching between the end systems.
`At each' switch. the switch looks up in the packet the
`source and destination MAC addresses and combines them
`with the inbound (source) port to form a connection iden—
`tifier. If this connection is in its table. the packets will be
`forwarded (switched) out the designated output port. All
`subsequent M11 to M99 packets will take the same path
`through the switches. Note that if a valid source-destination
`MAC pair arrives on a port other than the defined end port.
`it will be considered a security violation and will not be
`These “virtual connections” from the source to the des-
`tination exist until they are specifically removed by the
`network management systems. This could be due to time out
`(idle connection) or resource management.
`H. Fast Packet Switch Operation
`The internal operation of the SFPS and its host agent is
`illustrated in FIGS. 4—5. FIG. 4 illustrates a SFPS switch 41
`having a plurality of ports 42. A host port 43 connects the
`switch with a host CPU 40. which may be an i960 micro—
`processor sold by Intel Corporation. The host CPU 40 is
`connected to a system management bus (SMB) for receipt
`and transmission of discovery and other control messages.
`FIG. 5 illustrates the internal operation of the switch. The
`SFPS switch includes in—ports 50. out-ports 51. a connection
`database 52. a lookup engine 53. and a multilevel progra-
`mable arbiter MPA 54. When data arrives at a given port. the
`port signals to MPA 54 that it is ready to transfer data into
`the SFPS. The MPA is used to allow each port a “timeslice”
`on the packet data bus so that data may be transferred into
`the SFPS and stored into packet ram. When the input port
`receives an acknowledgment from the MPA 54. it signals a
`“start of frame” on a control bus which informs the lookup
`engine that the beginning of a data packet will be traversing
`the packet bus and that it should copy the destination and
`source fields so that it may proceed with the lookup opera-
`tion. The packet bus also indicates which port is transferring
`the data into the packet ram; this information is used by the
`lookup circuitry so that it may associate the destination/
`source data with a certain inbound port. The lookup circuitry
`is where the connection database table is maintained. It
`indicates for a particular destination/source pair on which
`port(s) the data shall be sent outbound. The table also
`provides a field that identifies the allowable inport 50 for this
`destination/source connection. The lookup process passes an
`information structure to a forwarding logic. and the forward-
`ing logic acts on this data to produce an “outmask.” This
`mask. which is as wide as the number of ports in the system.
`indicates the desire to forward the data packet out on
`specified ports.
`As illustrated in FIG. 5. the switch sends and receives
`messages from a host agent. which includes a management
`agent 57. a discovery agent 58. and a call processing agent
`The management agent 57 provides external control of the
`configuration and operation of the SFPS switch. through the
`management system. It also collects statistics regarding
`transmission through he switch and sends them to the system
`connection services.
`The discovery agent 58 provides a mapping of end
`systems to switching ports through a passive listening
`(snooping) capability and a registering of end system
`addresses and port locations of the host switch with an
`external directory located in the Connection Services Entity.
`Adjacent switches are also discovered and mapped. but this
`may be done with an explicit switch—to—switch protocol
`The call processor 59 provides a means for requesting
`connections to be established between two end systems.
`Once the destination MAC address is known. the call
`processor 59 makes a CALL-REQUEST on behalf of the
`source. The Connection Services Entity validates the call
`according to. e.g., policy. access control. quality of service,
`etc. It determines the path to connect the source and desti-
`nation and then programs each switch in the path with a
`valid connection. A connection is a combination of source
`port. source MAC. and destination MAC mapped to an
`outbound port. The Connection Services Entity may use
`SNMP and switch MlBs to do this; there is no signalling per
`se. The Connection Services Entity then returns a call
`accepted to the call processor. The call processor sends a
`response to the source end system. The source end system
`now has an updated cache and can send packets directly to
`the destination end system. These packets get switched
`through each switch along the path as programmed by the
`1. Best Path Determination
`A principal function of the Connection Services Entity is
`to determine a “best” path through the switches for a given
`set of metrics. This is important
`to ensuring “fast”
`transmissions. avoiding bottlenecks (excessive traffic on the
`back plane), and guaranteeing quality of service. Avariety of
`best path search methods are known. and can be used in this
`invention. A preferred search method is described in the
`copending US. Ser. No. 08/188,238. described above. and
`incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.
`The preferred search method can be described as a con—
`current breadth first path search through a mesh of nodes and
`arcs—see for example the network topology or mesh of FIG.
`3 wherein the switch S and end point systems M would be
`nodes, and the links L between nodes would be arcs.
`The problem to be solved is to find a path between any
`two points in the mesh that has the following properties. The
`path is optimal for one metric and passes a set of threshold
`tests for 11 other metrics. Mathematically the desired path Q.
`of all the paths Q0. .
`, Q: is the one whose value v is the
`1 104-9
`, n all pass threshold tests A,
`best and whose values a, .
`. , N. Secondarily, it must do this within a minimum time
`constraint T.
`The method assumes an initial set of values and accumu-
`lates additional values following the traversal of all nodes
`and arcs along a path until the path arrives at the destination
`or goal node. The method was developed to satisfy the
`requirements of ATM route determinatio